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Carolyn Makes Her Way (part 3)

"Business is booming and so is his hand on her ass!"

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Once I dragged my tenderized ass out of bed, tender because Mike had used a cane on me last night, I dressed in pantyhose, a navy blue, loose skirt, a cream colored satin blouse, black pumps with four inch heels, and a bra. After applying my makeup I took a look at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked good enough to conduct an interview at the leather goods store we were opening in just a few days. I decided I looked business like enough.

My first order of business today was a stop at the realtor's office to sign on the house I'd just agreed to sell and sign the required papers. I made certain I had all the documents showing my recent name change so there would be no hassle. I arrived there at the appointed time, talked with the realtor for a while, and signed the required papers. Once everything was legal she presented me with a check and I was on my way.

My next stop was at my bank where I opened an account in the name of our business, “The Dark Side”, deposited the check, got a signature card for Mike, and then walked out. Now I felt like more than just a worker, I felt like a boss. I just hoped that our business took off and all the hard work we'd put into it hadn't been in vain, not to mention the money we'd spent.

When I arrived at the store I was early but the girl I was supposed to meet was sitting in her little car. She stepped out of her car in very appropriate dress, not jeans or shorts, but much more professionally.

“You're early,” I said with a smile when I recognized her.

“I wanted to impress the boss,” she beamed.

“You did,” I laughed, unlocking the door and leading the way inside, locking it behind us so we wouldn't be disturbed.

“I'm sorry, what was your name again?”

“Judy. Judy Warren,” she replied.

“Okay, Judy, this is a very informal type interview, mainly because I don't like all the formalities of big business. As you can see we're not a big business, in fact, we're just a little thing just getting started. So let me be upfront and tell you, we may fold instead of taking off.”

“Oh, I hope not. I'd like to see you make a good living at this, and me along with you,” Judy interjected.

“Good answer. One point on your side,” I laughed. “How do you feel about working for a woman?”

“Not a problem. In fact, women understand a lot of things so much better than men. Like my boyfriend just doesn't get it that there are certain times of the month when I don't want him to even touch me even though the day before I was all over him.”

“I know exactly what you mean, although I don't have that sort of problem,” I smiled and went on, “Do you like leather? I mean the way it feels against you when you wear it?”

“Oh, I love leather! The way it smells, the way it feels on me, and I mean really on me, you know, and the way it looks.”

“Great! You do know that the majority of our business is aimed at the BDSM and adult oriented community? Not that we'd turn away anyone else. We do carry several items that you won't find in any other store, even around here.”

“Yes, I gathered that much,” Judy answered.

“Are you into that sort of thing?”

“Well, my boyfriend and I have done a little experimenting, you know, role playing, and to be quite honest, I think I like it more than him. He's more vanilla than I expected but he doesn't mind going along because of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” she replied, blushing slightly.

“Isn't it amazing what men will do just to get into your pants?”

“I know!” Judy laughed.

“Don't think I'm prying into your sex life or anything, but I'd like to know your level when you role play. Are you okay with that?”

“Sure. When we play, I like to be the bottom, you know, let him do things to me.”

“Have you ever been spanked? Not a playful little patting, but a real over the knee spanking for the purpose of turning one or both of you on?”

“Um, yes, I really like it when he does that, you know, pull me over his knee and give it to me hard.”

“Excellent, so do I,” I giggled. “In fact, last night he tied me to an “X” frame and caned my bottom. Man, it was humiliating and made me cry but afterward it was worth it.”

“A cane? I've never done that but it sounds interesting.”

“Not what I'd call for the weak of heart, it really hurts. I'll have marks on my butt for a few days.”


“So how would you feel about wearing leather to work every day, kind of showing off the products, as a type of uniform?”

“Sounds good to me,” Judy giggled. “Um, just how risque do you want me to be?”

“Well, I wouldn't ask you to do anything either one of us might get in trouble for, so I'd say if you can do it in public without fear of getting busted, then you can do it here. So I guess I'm saying that you can do some teasing like wearing a vest without anything under it, just don't take it off.”

“Gotcha! Give the customers a little tease,” Judy replied and smiled.

“Exactly. Now for the nitty gritty. When can you start?”

“Right now if you need me.”

“Okay then,” I smiled. I really liked this girl's enthusiasm, she seemed to know how to please the customers, at least that's the impression I got. “First things first, get acquainted with the merchandise, know it all and how it's used. I'm sure we'll get some beginners and you'll need to be able to answer any questions they have.”

“Sure thing, Carolyn. Oh, since I don't have any leather clothing that would be appropriate to wear to work, can I try on a few things and you can tell me if they're okay?”

“That's fine, Judy. Oh yea, there's another girl coming in for an interview so when she get's here please don't disturb us.”

“I'll be as quiet as a mouse,” she giggled.

“Good. If I hire her I can show both of you how I want things done as far as sales goes.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

No matter how many times I hear it, being referred to with a feminine pronoun always pleases me, whether they know I'm a female or not.

The second girl, another blonde, entered the store on time. Like her predecessor, she was dressed nicely, wearing a modest length gray skirt with a pastel pink blouse, and knee high boots.

“You called and said to come down for an interview?”

“That I did,” I answered with a smile.

“My name is Becky. Becky Fry.”

“I'm Carolyn.”

“Yes ma'am, I remember.”

After asking all the routine interview questions I was fairly certain she'd work out but I needed to know what she thought about BDSM and the leather merchandise in general.

“I'm not trying to get into your personal life but how do you feel about working in a place whose main clientele will be those interested or actively participating in the BDSM lifestyle?”

“I think I can converse with them on pretty equal footing. I'm into the lifestyle somewhat, myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a sniveling submissive who begs to worship at your feet or anything. I'm more the dominant type and I know how to please my little subs.”

“Really? Okay, my boyfriend is like that,” I added, “and he really knows how to keep me in line and very happy, so I guess I'm one of those sniveling submissive types.”

“Now just so you don't get the wrong idea, my personal life, especially my involvement in the lifestyle, will in no way affect how I perform my job. Yes, I'm self motivated but I can also follow directions,” Becky told me.

“That's very good to know. So how would you feel about wearing our leather clothing as a sort of uniform and a way of displaying our merchandise. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should prance around here half naked or anything. Just show enough to get the customer's attention. So some of the stereotypical Mistress wear might be too much to wear at work.”

“I understand what you're saying, Don't get me wrong,” Becky smiled, “I can can dress to impress with the best of them and show enough skin to keep attention focused on me. Hell, if you said I should work stark naked I wouldn't have a problem with that either.” She finished her statement with a laugh.

We talked a bit longer, discussing pay and benefits and the like, just as Judy and I had done earlier. Finally I sent her to get familiar with the merchandise and try on some clothes. I looked out across the store and found Judy wearing a vest held together only by vest extenders and a very short leather skirt. I'm sure Mike would approve of how she looked in them.

“I see you met our neighbor,” I said as I approached Judy.

“Yea, I went over there to see if they carried any shoes in my size,” she replied and pointed down at the five inch black stilettos she was now wearing.

“Very nice,” I said, complimenting her choice. “You look really sexy in that outfit.”

She blushed and smiled, “Thanks. I hope it's not too revealing.”

“As long as you don't bend over too far and you keep those extenders on.”

“Oh, I'm wearing panties, kind of.”

“Kind of?”

“Well, I'm wearing a g-string.”

“Oooo, I just love those tiny things,” I laughed, “but really, I don't care if you have on panties or not as long as you don't intentionally show off your goodies,” I told her, emphasizing the word intentionally.

Judy smiled brightly, “Understood, boss.”

“Oh, and Judy, this is Becky,” I said, introducing them.

Becky had found a pair of skin tight leather shorts as well as a fringed vest, which she wore open but with extenders, like Judy. The boots Becky was wearing really set off the entire ensemble, emphasizing the creamy whiteness of her skin.

“Okay, I see how it is,” I laughed and picked up a vest of my own and disappeared into the office. When I came out I was wearing only the vest and the pair of leather pants Mike had made especially for me and, of course, my heels.

“I suppose I should get name tags for us,” I laughed.

“I like this,” Judy remarked. “We look good and professional but in a sexy way and it lets the customers see what the merchandise looks like on a real woman. And I just love the soft feel of this leather against my skin.”

“You should try the shorts,” Becky chimed in. “They're soft enough and tight enough to make me feel like I'm about to cream my panties. Oh wait, I don't have any on!”

“Okay girls, let me show you how to ring up a sale. Get the customers name, address and email so we can inform them of sales, close outs or specials. If they don't want to do that just get their name, any name, and if they still balk, just enter John or Jane Doe. Then put in the the item and the price will automatically fill in. This is mainly to keep track of inventory and let me know if there's anything we need to order or back off stocking. The computer will track the day, date and time of sale so we can adjust our hours if necessary. Any questions?”

“Looks easy enough,” Becky said after a moment of studying the screen.

“Every day I want the trash carried out and the floor vacuumed. I'm really a neat freak, so don't forget. And when anyone takes clothes into the changing room, count the items they're taking in and count them when they come out.”

I let them practice ringing up sales, with me as the customer, sometimes compliant and sometimes belligerent.

By mid afternoon we decided to break for lunch. The sight of the three of us, dressed all in leather, walking down the block to the restaurant was something to behold and definitely stirred up some publicity.

On the way back to the shop Judy remarked, “That store next door, did you know their main clientele was crossdressers? I think it's pretty cool that guys dress like women and go shopping. I've tried to talk my boyfriend into wearing panties sometimes.”

“It's not for everyone,” I said.

“I think it's erotic,” Becky laughed. “I really like to see a man dressed like a woman and sucking another man. Of course, the guys I hang with don't really look like women, but I use my imagination. I really doubt a guy could ever dress like a woman and fool anyone.”

“Oh really? I know a couple that could fool just about anyone, especially if they weren't looking for a man dressing like that.”

Becky just shook her head, “I don't think they could fool me.”

“Yea, men just don't act like women well enough to pull off anything like that.”

“I'll tell you what,” I said, “Friday during our grand opening, and before lunch, I'll have someone come into the shop and we'll see if you can spot them. When you think you know, come tell me and we'll write it down. But just in case another crossdresser comes in, I'll have her name written on a piece of paper and sealed in an envelope as well as what she's wearing. If you spot her, I'll give you a hundred dollars.”

I had been planning on telling them about me, but now it was more of a challenge. And then the challenge became even greater when I hired Steve. He wasn't homophobic in any way, quite the opposite, but he was extremely confident that he could spot a crossdresser a mile away so I felt it only natural to include him in the bonus.

Steve caught on quickly and figured out what each item in the store was used for although he wasn't involved in the BDSM lifestyle. And honestly, when he picked out which leather to wear, it looked very nice on him, like he'd worn leather in the past. Later I'd find out that he was indeed familiar with wearing tight leather, more especially in gay bars that catered to clientele wearing that sort of garb though usually chaps were more in order. But it would be a couple of weeks before he told me.

When I told Mike what was going on, and what they'd said, he laughed until his sides hurt and then tickled me until all I could do was laugh uncontrollably. However, in less than an hour he was all business.

At some point, I don't remember exactly when, my leather pants came off followed shortly by my vest. Not only was I horny, I was on fire. Mike pushed me down on the couch and climbed between my legs, which opened easily for him.

“You're so fucking hot in that leather!” Mike gasped, pressing steadily into me.

My asshole opened easily to accept his girth and he filled me so nicely. Before he began moving inside me my legs encircled him, my ankles locking behind his back. When Mike began moving in and out, slowly at first, I moaned, gasped and whimpered with every slow stroke of his long cock.

“Oooohhhh, baby, take me! Take, I'm yours! Oooohhhh, fuck me, Mike. I love you! I love you!” I declared as my arms wrapped around him.

Mike was soon diving in and out of me, faster and faster, harder and harder, and I was gasping louder and louder. Nothing in the world was as important to me as satisfying my man. I felt that it was my duty to satisfy his every need, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where.

“You're just too fucking hot, babe,” he grunted.

Mike was kissing me passionately when he began cumming and to me it was the most wonderful feeling, surrendering my ass for his use. While I didn't cum, I did feel extremely satisfied being so full of his hot sperm. When he collapsed on me I held him even tighter, holding him inside me until his dick shrank and slipped out along with a river of cum.

After I cleaned up the puddle of cum on the couch we watched a movie and ate leftovers before going to bed where Mike sent me into orbit with his long strokes and long lasting second coming. This time we did it in the doggie position. I loved looking back and seeing my titties swaying in time with his strokes.

Banging me hard, Mike reached around me and grabbed my little dick, jacking me while he fucked me harder.

“Oooohhhh! Oooohhhh, baby, baby! Oooohhhh fuck yyyesss! Yyyesss!” I moaned, my entire body trembling as my fluids sprayed out of my cock and onto the sheet.

While I was busy shooting my load, Mike was filling me once again and there was no comparison to the volume of seed. The longer he shot into me, the more I came and the harder my body shook. I collapsed onto the bed and pulled him down with me, using my ass muscles to hold him inside and massage his pulsating shaft.

“Oooohhhh! You're killing me woman!” Mike shouted playfully and slapped my ass.

Rolling over to face him, I smiled and kissed him. “You make me feel so good, Mike, even when we're not having sex, though that's a definite plus. I really do love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” he replied and held me close as we both drifted off to sleep.

Grand opening day came and it was definitely a day for all hands on deck, even Mike was on hand to oversee everything and stay at the check out counter and also take any orders for custom leather products. I introduced him to everyone, explaining that he was not only my boss but my boyfriend as well. I showed everyone the envelope and placed it on my desk before we opened the doors.

At first we were very slow and then a customer drifted in, and then another and then another until we were crowded. Becky was helping a couple with whips and it was very obvious that the woman was the dominant of the couple. Judy was with a woman who was trying on a leather skirt and bra. Steve was talking to a man about a pair of cuffs, showing him how they worked and explaining their relationship to the “X” frame or the punishment sawhorse. I was busy with a man, explaining how the fucking machine worked and guaranteeing him that, from personal experience, how could drive his partner totally wild with it, especially if the partner was bound and unable to get away. The machine was very expensive but well worth the price.

I was more than a little surprised when the man purchased the fucking machine, as well as a male chastity device. When I had to call Steve away to help the man carry the machine out to his car, I was shocked that Steve knew the man and even asked about his partner, Mark. Sales soared through the roof, especially with the grand opening discounts we were giving. People weren't accustomed to being able to actually touch the items and have them explained since they were used to buying them online.

Around three in the afternoon the crowd had dwindled down to just a few people, mainly looking, so we had a chance to catch our collective breath. Even Mike had taken some orders for a few things, one most notably from Melanie. She had ordered a custom made leather corset with six garters attached and strong boning to enhance her figure.

We took advantage of the lull to send Mike out to get everyone a burger and when he returned we ate like we hadn't seen food in a month.

“Next time we order pizza or something to be delivered,” Mike laughed.

“Oh yea, Carolyn, I guess your friend couldn't make it today,” Becky said between bites.

“She was here,” I answered, “in full dress and makeup.

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Hell, she handled almost everything in the store and each of you talked to her.”


“You're kidding!”

“I guess I was too busy to spot her.”

“Not only was she here, but another transvestite was here as well. So that's two in here and none of you noticed.”

“Hey, wait a minute! How do we know you're not just saying this to get out of paying the bonus you bragged about.”

“Judy, go look on my desk and bring the envelope out here. We'll open it in front of everyone and prove what I said.”

Judy went to get the envelope and returned it to me.

Opening it and removing the folded paper from inside, I began reading, “Let's see, it says she was here wearing a leather skirt. Hmm, that could even apply to any of us. She was also wearing a leather vest. Again, any of us fits the bill. Are you sure it not either of you two? Oh, never mind, she's not a blonde. It says here that she's a redhead and her name is … Carolyn.”

They looked at me and then at one another, totally perplexed.

“I didn't talk to anyone named Carolyn, except you, boss,” Judy said, still not catching on.

“Me neither,” Judy said but I could see the light slowly flickering on.

“You, boss lady?” Steve blurted. “Yea right! You expect us to believe that you're a crossdresser? Come on!”

“I used to be a crossdresser but now I guess you'd say I'm a transsexual.”

“You? A she male? Uh-uh, no way!” Judy laughed.

“Yea, how do you explain your boobs, if you're not a real woman?” Judy asked. “And your figure?”

“Two years of hormones,” I said simply.

“There's an easy way to prove it,” Steve said. “Just show us your dick.”

“I can do that, but not out here in the show room. If that's the only way I can prove it to you, let's go to my office.”

“You're joking, right?” Judy exclaimed.

“Am I?” I replied, standing and walking toward my office.

“I've got to see this,” Judy said and followed me.

“Yea. I've got to see it with my own eyes,” Becky agreed.

“You're not leaving me out,” Steve laughed.

“I've seen it already,” Mike said and kept on eating.

In the office, with all three of them watching, I pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties, revealing my small dick to all of them.

“Told you so,” I laughed and put my clothes back in place.

“You certainly had me fooled,” Becky conceded.

“So did the other girls like me that came through here today,” I laughed.

“There were others in here?” Steve asked in shock.

“I should have known. I mean the store next to us, The Woman Within, they cater to crossdressers,” Judy laughed.

Suddenly we were busy again and from the looks of the people in this crowd, it was the members of the BDSM club a couple of blocks away. With them there was no doubt about who was the dominant and who was the submissive. A few of them looked to be pretty heavy in the lifestyle, leading one or two slaves on leashes, and there was no discrimination as far as sexual preference, gays, straights, lesbians and transgendered all mingled together.

It was a few minutes after eleven when we finally locked the doors. Once the BDSM couples left we had other people, not really into the scene, coming in, buying an item, looking at others. All and all our grand opening day had to be termed a success. Steve and Becky took out the trash while Judy vacuumed and I straightened up everything that people had handled and replaced incorrectly.

Even without looking at the computer's print out I could tell that we needed to order several items like handcuffs, vests, leather skirts and even leather panties and bras. There were also a few items we had requests for which I hadn't even thought about such as bondage hoods, fingerless gloves like bikers wore, and a fucking machine to take care of both holes in a woman. Mike had displayed some of his ornate leather goods, taken orders for several customized items, mainly collars, and sold all the rest.

“Damn, I'm tired,” I said to no one in particular.

“Okay guys, if your leather is too dirty to wear again tomorrow, try to find something else from the racks in here,” I told everyone before letting them go home. “In fact, go ahead and grab something else anyway.”

“And since it's our idea for everyone to wear leather, when you have to take it to the cleaners bring us the receipt for reimbursement. Eventually, when I get the time to make them, you'll all have enough to last you a week, but for now let's try and get by on what we've got. If you want them to fit skin tight, I'll have to take exact measurements. Sorry, ladies, but the measuring has to be done while you're naked and yes, I'll see you and yes, I'll do a little feeling as well, it's just the way things work out.”

“I don't have a problem with that,” Judy giggled.

“Get out of line and I'll have to spank you, Mike,” Becky laughed. “But seriously, I don't have a problem with it either.”

“How about me?” Steve asked.

“How about you? Get in line, Steve, and I'll measure you as well,” Mike replied.


After the employees left for the night I sat down and started doing the bookwork. I knew we'd been busy but I never imagined how much money we'd grossed and it scared me to think of that amount of money and this late at night.

“How did we do?” Mike asked as he sat down across from me.

“I can tell we'll need to order a lot more things and I'm talking about in the next few days,” I said, my voice trembling slightly.

“That good?”

“We grossed over twenty-two thousand dollars, I'm not sure how much of that is profit yet. I'll need to run a different schedule on the computer.”

“Twenty-two thousand? Holy shit! This is a cause for celebration!”

“I'm certainly not too tired for that!”

In nothing flat Mike had me in his strong arms, kissing me, feeling me, stripping me, making me burn with lust. I've got to hand it to Mike, he had me naked and on fire in record time. With only my heels on, Mike had me bent over the desk and begging for his hard cock.

“Oh yea, baby, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you,” he growled and then slapped my still very tender ass.

“OW! Oh yea! Do it! Do it, baby! Fuck me like you stole me!” I mewed and shook my ass at him. I heard his pants lower and then felt his steely hard dick pressing against me. I groaned loudly as he pushed inside, spreading me open easily. “Oooo yea! Mmm, yyyesss! Fuck me, Mike, fuck me!”

“You're so fucking hot! Damn, I love you!” Mike grunted when his cock made it all the way inside, impaling me. He wasted no time building a rapid head of steam and was soon pounding me unmercifully.

“Oh yea! Oh yea! So good! So fucking good!” I moaned over and over as if I hadn't had sex in years.

His urgency spread to me and I knew I was close. “Oooohhhh! Oooohhhh! I'm gonna cum, baby, I'm gonna cum!” I squealed just seconds before I felt my dick begin pulsating as it spewed thin stream of my juices all down the side of my desk.

Mike wasn't very far behind me, maybe five minutes as he fucked me with wild abandon. “Oh shit, I love fucking you! Oh damn! Oh damn!”

I could feel the heat of his seed boiling deep inside me but then he pulled out and spent the rest of his load on my ass and back. Just feeling him splashing on me was so damn erotic, I shivered and shook until he finished.

Laying face down on my desk, breathing heavily, I could feel Mike smearing his cum on my ass and back. I remained sprawled on the desk until I heard his pants going back up.

I spent the next thirty minutes walking throughout the store in only a pair of heels, allowing the cum time to air dry and knowing I was getting Mike's engine running again. Fairly certain that he would want to make use of my ass again when we got home, I slipped on my skirt and vest, put my panties in my purse, gathered the receipts and walked out the door with my arm hooked lovingly through his.

“You're something else, Carolyn,” Mike chuckled as he opened the car door for me.

“Oh really? What am I?” I asked after he got behind the wheel.

“You're the sexiest, most lovable, wonderful woman I've ever known. You drive me totally nuts no matter what you're doing. And you're pretty damn kinky.”

“Kinky? Me?” I laughed.

“Before you came along I never realized how hot spanking a woman could get me. But you, you present me with that glorious ass of your and willingly submit to whatever I want to do to it. Yea, you're kinky.”

“Well before you came along I never would have thought that I'd let, much less want, a man to spank me. And piss on me? Forget about that nonsense. Now I like being spanked, by you anyway, and I even like the taste of your pee. And I want you to know, for the record, that I will do anything you want. I'm all yours, lover.”

“Damn! An excellent cook, great housekeeper, a whore in bed or wherever, the perfect woman. Marry me, Carolyn.”

“Is that all? You're so easy to please,” I laughed and then added. “I'd love to be your wife, Mike, but we can't get married. Hell, they won't give us a license and you already know that.”

“I know, I know,” he mumbled and drove steadily toward the house.

After we were inside and getting ready for bed Mike looked at me and said, “How about this, you get your last name changed to mine and we'll wear wedding bands?”

“Really? You really want me to have your name? Wedding bands? Hey, how about an engagement ring big guy?”

“I was wondering if you catch that,” he laughed and reached into a drawer.

His hand came out with a small box and slowly opened it. Inside was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen, a pear shaped diamond surrounded by twelve smaller diamonds, all set in yellow gold.

Mike took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger, “Carolyn, you've just made me the happiest man in the world.”

Tears of joy formed in my eyes so badly I could barely see but I didn't have to show my appreciation and undying love for him. I jumped into his arms and we kissed like never before. That is, until we fell on the bed and began making love.

When Mike's big cock entered me in the missionary position, I felt very special, and clung to him tightly as he rode me for what seemed like years. He exploded into me and remained inside while I trembling, shook, shivered and thoroughly enjoyed the best orgasms of my life.

“I love you, Mike, forever and ever!”

“I love you too, sweetness.”

The next day, while getting dressed for work, I had to look at my finger every few minutes to believe I was engaged. When I got to work Judy noticed my ring almost immediately.

“Wow! Look who'd got a new rock garden,” she cried, drawing the attention of both Steve and Becky.

“Yea, he said I charged too much so now he gets it for free,” I laughed, letting everyone take a look at my ring.

After we opened and got busy, not like yesterday, the excitement soon diminished. There were a lot of people just checking us out, some buying small things, some nothing at all, and some practically foaming at the mouth. Business was brisk and before the end of the day we actually did sell quite a few items.

Since both Becky and Judy knew Mike was taken, and he was at least bisexual, they had no problem going into the office with him and stripping completely naked so he could take their measurements. Steve, on the other hand, had a problem of keeping his dick from becoming erect. He had to keep apologizing to Mike who told him it was no big deal, he'd seen hard dicks before. He took the measurements at the end of the day so no one would be disturbing them and I could be a witness, which was how I found out that Judy keeps her pussy shaved completely and Becky only has a landing strip. And of course, that's when I was pretty sure that Steve was gay.

As time progressed and I could see definite patterns to the business it became easier to schedule help when it was more appropriate. Then, I finally decided that I couldn't work everyday from open until close and make some of the leather goods in my spare time. Talking with the owner of the building through the managing agent was a pain in the ass but I finally got permission to have a safe with a timer installed. I still had to go in regularly and do paperwork and my share of hands on working, but the load lightened up. I gave each employee that would either open or close a key and a separate alarm code.

Mike did a lot of custom work for the shop and that drew in quite a lot of business for the more experienced Masters and Mistresses. The girls became very good at showing plenty of skin, especially when they modeled an item for a customer.

Judy really liked giving a live, though fully clothed, demonstration of how to use the different punishment devices, although a few times her skirt would ride up and show more of her than necessary, but Becky or Steve or the new girl, Amber, were always on hand to quickly cover her but only after the customer got a good look. Before long, however, she began wearing a leather thong so she could remove her skirt altogether before a demonstration.

Becky was very good at showing a submissive customer how the sawhorse or “X” frame should be used. She was very adept at using the flogging tools and just about any other pain inflicting device we came up with. Gradually she began wearing more and more of her Mistress attire to work so there would be no doubt about who demonstrated what. When asked by an unknowing customer to demonstrate her ability to take a sound ass whipping she flatly refused and offered Judy or Amber in her place.

Steve, however, was the one who really got a workout, wearing his chaps and a pair of brightly colored, skin tight, bikinis. He'd spread the news about the shop, by word of mouth, and we had really picked up a lot of new customers from leather bars. There was more than one day that he demonstrated how to accept a flogging or caning and his ass was really lit up, and on those days he would have a wet spot in the front of his underwear, where they'd become soaked with his precum which he displayed proudly. By now he had become comfortable enough around us to openly admit he was gay and even started wearing a small amount of eye shadow and mascara to work.

Even Amber, a submissive crossdresser like me, was only too glad to let men or women give her a spanking. She'd made it very clear to the rest of the crew that she was very bisexual as well as a complete pain whore who loved to be humiliated. This was made very obvious when she would cum while giving a demonstration and had to apologize to everyone. While everyone with the exception of Becky willingly submitted for punishment demonstrations, Amber was anxious to have her ass set on fire.

The store was rapidly gaining the reputation of being very customer friendly, carrying the highest quality merchandise at reasonable prices, which drew in people from surrounding cities, which made us even more successful.

The other stores in our area also noticed an increase in business. Everyone from the small restaurant to The Woman Within to the BDSM club and even the adult stores were affected by the steady increase in foot traffic. Two other business sprung up around us, a tattoo parlor and a store that carried other BDSM clothing and lingerie. At Mike's insistence I got a small yellow rose tattooed on my breast.

The weekends, of course, were our busiest days, from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon, we were almost always crowded, and it was very difficult to schedule anyone off. But I knew this had to be done because they all had personal lives and the weekends were for partying. On Monday and Tuesday, we were practically doing nothing so I decided to close on these days and didn't notice any sudden drop of sales.

I used the two off days to place my orders, do the grocery shopping, clean house from top to bottom, and serve Mike like he was a king and I was his servant girl. On Sunday nights Mike would beat my ass until I was crying and then fuck my battered ass pussy so hard I could barely breathe.

When he began using a small leather whip, or flogger on my ass, I really screamed in pain but never once did I feel the need to resort to using the safe word. Of course, during my punishment times the only things I wore were cuffs and a collar. After the whipping he would attach a leash and lead me around the house and back yard, sometimes walking, sometimes crawling. And even though we were both extremely busy and constantly exhausted from our work schedules, our passion continued to grow and grow.

“Carolyn, we need to do something for our employees,” Mike said after filling my bottom with hot cum.

“Oh? What do you have in mind?”

“Let's close one Sunday and throw a party. Invite them and their significant others over, have a cook out, swim, use the hot tub, and open up our little dungeon for their use as well. Of course, clothing is totally optional except in the hot tub and that's nude only. Well, clothing isn't optional for you babe, you will be naked all day. I've got a couple of surprises in store for you.”

“A party is a great idea, Mike. At least it won't take me long to get dressed for the party,” I added and giggled. I wasn't sure how I felt about being naked in front of the employees but that's what Mike wanted, so I knew it would be like that.

“We'll need some time to get the place ready for company and I'd like to enhance the dungeon a little, you know, make it where more than one person can be used and abused.”

“Okay, then when do you want to plan this party? We'll need time to let the customers know we'll be closed on that day, and to let our employees know about it so they can make plans. And I'd like to invite Melanie and her lover over, she's been so helpful and supportive.”

“Yea, she certainly has been. Okay invite her and be sure she knows about the clothing optional thing as well. In fact, I kind of hope she does come over and get into the hot tub. She's pretty and I'd like to see her naked.”

“Um, is this going to turn into a swinger party?”

“It could but it's not a mandatory kind of thing. Well, since you're the hostess, I think you should consider it as a possibility. So anyone that wants to use you, anally, orally, or any other way, is welcome to do so. On that day you can be the biggest, sexiest, easiest slut in the world.”

“Are you sure? I mean, before we got together I was very active with quite a few men, sometimes several at the same time.”

“I know you were, babe, but I want you to experience it one more time before we get married and I want to see you in action. After all, you're so fucking sexy and everything, I feel a little guilty keeping you all to myself.”

“Just so you know, Master, you're more than enough man to keep me from even thinking about straying.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” he replied with a smile. “But since I'm the master and you're the slave, I'll decide who and when you can be fucked by or spanked by or whatever.”

“Yes, sir. I'll do whatever pleases you.”

“I know you will. You always do, and I really love you for that.”

I smiled and gave Mike a kiss while he played with both my nipples and before very long I had my mouth full of his very hard dick. He lay back on the bed and let me do all the work. I loved the way his cock felt in my mouth and especially loved the thick and creamy reward he would soon be pumping into me.

Written by tvk3983
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