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A Massage for Renate

"Renate Braun, a married German business woman, succumbs to Mark McGill during an erotic massage."

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Working for the escort agency gave me a new lease of life. At 26 years of age I was looking for something different having become a little stale working as the manager of a retail outlet. I have always taken pride in my appearance and workout at the Gym on a regular basis. I know I am very attractive to women; I have been blessed with classic good looks, I am tall, my hair is black and my body is trim. I possess those chiselled looks that women value so much. Women often reinforce the fact that I am "good looking and know it" by telling me so. I work hard to keep fit and look fit.

After a workout I would sometimes go for a massage and became interested in the techniques of massage, studying the subject and practicing whenever the opportunity arose and it arose often.

I got plenty of female attention and many offers. I could pick and choose and took the good opportunities that came my way. Once I built up a good relationship with a woman I would suggest that she let me give her an erotic massage. Erotic massages had become a specialty of mine and would lead to fantastic sex. I had been fortunate enough to meet an old guru who knew all the techniques. He was at the time I met him well in his 60s but we talked endlessly about massage technique and he was only too pleased to pass on all his knowledge to me. "It is all in the fingers," he would say, "Women love a man who knows just how to use his fingers."

I am an unselfish lover and whilst I get enormous pleasure from having sex with a beautiful woman it is giving pleasure that pleasures me most. I think there is no greater complement than when women have multiple orgasms for me -- and they do. That is something else my old guru taught me.

I should say right now that I get a massive power rush if the woman I am with is another man’s wife. I suppose it is feeling of power, of being the alpha male, invading and conquering the other guy’s territory. Well that is the kick I get from it anyway.

"You must always pleasure your woman to pleasure yourself, not the other way around. Her body is sacred like a temple, treat her like a goddess and she will give you double in return" my old guru would say..

It was as a result of working out at the gym that the chance came along for a career change when I was approached by one of the women that used the gym regularly and asked me if I fancied doing some agency escort work. I thought why not? It also gave me the opportunity to indulge my fetish when the clients were other men’s wives mostly high-flying business women, working away from home. There were single women too looking for a stress relieving massage and more knowing the services provided were absolutely confidential.

At first it was just spare time work, always in London, the agency would call me and ask if I was available when they had a client and if I was I would do it. Slowly I built up a clientele of women who would ask for me specifically and very soon my ability to perform a very good massage also became well known. The agency used a website to advertise their male and female escorts where clients could search through the available escorts and choose the one they wanted for themselves.

As my fame for giving a good massage grew the agency asked if they could add it to my profile on their website. I agreed and negotiated an increased payment whenever a massage was involved and made it absolutely clear that I would only give a massage to female clients.

Work started coming in faster and faster and I realized that I could easily leave my job as a retail manager and take up escort and massage work full-time. It was also much more lucrative and far more enjoyable with good tips from wealthier clients on top of my normal fee from the agency.

Many of the clients were business women, even solicitors and lawyers, the times having changed with more and more women working rather than just being happy to be housewives and in the process carving out successful careers for themselves. They also travelled from various parts of world but mainly Europe. There were single and married women among my clients. Some just wanted an escort for the evening, others wanted a massage and there were those that wanted the full erotic massage. Some would start with the basic massage and it would develop into an erotic massage. If I really fancied the client I would move imperceptibly from the one to the other increasing the erotic pleasure in stages.

I continued working hard to perfect my massage techniques and my pièce de résistance became the Yoni massage. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as "sacred space" or "Sacred Temple." In Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a perspective of love and respect. The massage when expertly done is the most relaxing experience for a woman and at the same time extremely therapeutic and erotic.

I must make it clear at this stage that I did not perform a Yoni massage in a totally unselfish way as is taught in Tantra. I am not a therapist more of an opportunist especially if the woman is attractive and wearing a wedding ring I would get extremely horny.

The women who requested a massage on the phone would be spoken to by a receptionist and those who ordered a massage by email were given the opportunity to leave a telephone number so that they could be contacted by the agency to verify the customer was genuine. They were always contacted by a female telephonist who was trained to gain as much information about the client as possible which would be done by entering into a bit of small talk and chit-chat. The clients would often slip into telling their life stories. Then a brief would be prepared for me and this gave me an advantage when meeting a client for the first time. This I always found extremely useful. This is how I first met Renate Braun.

Renate was a German business woman and what is often referred to as a "high flyer" she had arrived in London and had been to a high level business meeting telling the agency telephonist that she had had a very busy few days, was feeling stressed out and would like a massage at her hotel. She was told that unfortunately the agency only had one masseur and he was male. Renate had replied it didn't matter as long as he was good at his job.

She was assured that the masseur was very good everything the agency did was very discreet and the time was fixed for seven o'clock that evening. I was given the brief about Renate and saw that much more information had been gleaned about her. She was 32 years old and had her own import/export business. She was married to Dieter Braun an economist who worked for the German government. Her travels took her all over Europe and she and her husband had extremely busy lives, they had no children. The clear impression gained was that she wanted a normal massage, plain and simple and with no sexual content.

I phoned her after I had read the brief and introduced myself telling her my name was Mark McGill and that I would be arriving at her hotel room at about six-thirty if that was alright. I ask her for her room number which she provided. I suggested that she take a shower before I arrived to help to relax and to open her pores in preparation for the massage and also suggested she wear a large enough bath towel for modesty purposes. She said she would and we ended the phone conversation.

I knew from the sound of her voice that this was to be a very business-like massage for a very business-like woman. Although I hadn't seen her yet I knew it was going to be very difficult to get beyond the basics. If she was anywhere near as gorgeous as she sounded I would be pulling out all the stops to thoroughly please her in every way that was for sure but I was under illusions, Renate was not the cheating type. The challenge excited me.

I arrived at the hotel and made my way directly to her room knocking on the door.

"Hello, whose there?" The voice was softly feminine.

"Mark McGill." I replied, "Your masseur Madam."

"Oh just a moment," She said in what was now clearly a soft German accent and I heard the key turn in the lock and the door opened.

In front of me stood this absolutely gorgeous creature, red hair and a stunningly beautiful face.

She had a large bath towel wrapped around her and as she turned to walk into her room with me following I could see that underneath that towel was a fabulous figure. The towel was sort of tucked into her breasts holding it up and it reached down to about half way up her very smooth looking thighs. Her arse moved tantalizingly inside the towel as she walked.

Dieter Braun is a very lucky man to have such a beautiful wife I thought. It passed through my mind just how much I would love to make a cuckold of poor Dieter before the evening was over.

"I am afraid there is no massage table," she said turning to look at me properly for the first time, "Will the bed do?"

I saw her look me up and down and I noticed that look I often get from women. I know that apart from my other qualities my dark brown eyes often catch a woman's attention. I knew that at least her first impression was good and encouraging for me.

"The bed will do fine," I said, "but is there somewhere I can relieve myself of these cumbersome clothes, pointing to my suit and tie, "A good massage can be hard work."

"Oh of course, you can put them in there," Pointing to the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom and stripped down to a tight fitting white T/Shirt that amply showed off my physique as it clung to my firm stomach muscles and the sleeves wrapped tight around my biceps.

Underneath my trousers, which I also removed I was wearing a pair of tight fitting Lycra bike shorts and under those a G string the pouch which was just able to contain my prick and balls.

I just draped my clothes over the bath and when I emerged I saw the look on Renate's face and her mouth fell ever so slightly open.

"You look great but is that really necessary?" She asked.

"Absolutely," I replied smiling, "As I have said massage is hard work if done properly and I take pride in my work, I will probably work up quite a sweat."

"OK fine, that's fine," She said still unable to take her eyes of my body and allowing herself the sneaky glance at the bulge in my Lycra shorts.

"Perhaps you would like to just sit on the bed while I set things up." I suggested.

She sat primly on the edge of the bed with her feet dangling over the side watching me while I took some candles out of my briefcase and placed them strategically around the room and lit them. Next I took out a cassette recorder and placed a Shostakovich DVD in it ready to play. The music is wonderful for helping to relax clients and it would play enough times over to cover the duration of the massage however long it took.

Shostakovich is also great to fuck to in case things got that far.

Next I took some oils from my briefcase and placed them on the small table at the side of the bed.

As I was going through my preparation we indulged in a little small talk before I turned to her smiling and asked her if she was ready for her massage.

"I ought to tell you that I have never had a massage before and I am only doing so now because a friend suggested it might be a good idea if I felt really stressed out." She informed me and her face became rather serious as she added, "I want to make it clear to you that I want a straight forward massage and please keep strictly within my limits."

"I am a professional madam and will behave in a professional manner at all times. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or want the massage to stop just say so. Now do you feel really stressed out?" I asked.

"Well, after the rigors of the past few days yes I do, very stressed out."

"Well that's why I am here and it's my job to de-stress you completely," I said. "Now it is important for you to become as relaxed as you possibly can."

Inwardly I smiled to myself, Pretty Renate was in more danger than she imagined and her absent husband might have another man between his wife’s thighs in the next hour or so if I get my way.

I asked her to lie on the bed face down with her elbows bent outwards and with her hands and palms face down under her forehead. This placed her elbows at right angles to her neck.

"I will have to lower the towel slightly to massage your back." I said as I took the towel it came away from underneath her and I folded it down so it was just above her buttocks exposing the whole of her back which looked utterly fabulous right down to the little brown mole just below her left shoulder blade. As she lay flat down on her breasts I notice them push out to the sides of her body as her weight was placed on them. She was not wearing a bra.

I sat at her right hand side putting some oil on my hands and rubbing it on her back spreading it fairly liberally, then leaning over her I started with her neck, placing my hands over it with my thumbs in the middle and my fingers wrapped gently round it I softly massaged her neck. She rolled her head helping to relieve the tension and I heard a slight crack at the top of her spine as the pent up tension released. Slowly I felt the tense muscles of her neck gradually soften and become more relaxed to my touch.

"That's lovely, you are becoming so relax now, just let all the tension go." I said slowly and softly deepening my voice one or two decibels to bring out the soothing husky texture.

Moving my hands along her shoulders and out to the end of her elbows and back again, kneading the nape of her neck very gently with my thumbs running them down until they were between her shoulder blades before returning all the way out to her elbows feeling all the stress of her day slowly melting away.

"How does that feel," I asked "is it nice?

"Mmmm, wonderful." she respond, "You really do have magic hands."

Her head was turned to one side and I could see that her eyes were closed and the muscles of her face had become a little more relaxed.

Reaching with both hands across her back I pushed the flesh away from me to her left hand side and drew it back again, I knew this would send lovely feelings soaring through her body and I could see the little goose pimples that confirmed this for me. I worked on this part of her back for a while before moving to her left hand side and working on her back from the opposite direction doing exactly the same for her right hand side as for the left.

Moving to the bottom of the bed and putting a little oil on my hands I started to work on her toes and feet.

"Oh that feels fantastic," she sighed, "That is really great."

"And so it should, but the best is yet to come," I assured her. "Now just keep your eyes closed and completely relax."

Bending her knee so her foot was pointing upwards I moved on to her right calf massaging the muscle at the back from her ankle up to the back of her knee and back again wrapping my hands around her foot massaging it a little firmer before returning down along her calf with both hands wrapped around it and my thumbs running up the centre of the muscle. After six or seven times I used my hands to roll her calf muscle from side-to-side to ensure that it was floppy and relaxed before doing the same to her left foot and left calf. I could sense Renate relaxing more and more all the time.

“Oh that is so nice.” Renate whispered as she exhaled a deep intake of breath.

"Shhhhh, just relax and let it all go. You should be feeling very relaxed now, very calm and peaceful." I whispered to re-enforce her feelings of relaxation.

"Mmmmm," she sighed, "That is soooo nice,"

Straddling over her hovering just above her ankles I started to work on the backs of her thighs which were closed tight together I placed my hands around her right thigh and began to massage it, stretching from her knee all the way to the towel with its bottom edge about three inches from the top of her thighs. I just let my fingers touch the towel very gently before retreating back down her thigh to her knee and then returning again. I knew she could feel the slightest touch of my groin sliding along her heels as I rocked to and fro with each movement along her thigh and as I stretched with my fingers they just ran slightly under the towel a little further each time until my fingers disappeared a good inch under the towel before retreating again. Renate made no objection. What was she wearing under that towel if anything?

"If you find this uncomfortable in any way please let me know and I will adjust what I am doing." I assured her.

"Don't worry I will," she relied almost in a whisper but with a firmness that indicted that she had her limits and I had not conquered her resistance in case I was getting the wrong idea. Her breathing became much more relaxed as tension seemed to drift away from her body.

Moving to her left thigh I repeat the process feeling her thigh relax in my hands as I massaged the soft, smooth, feminine flesh until it was floppy in my hands as she relaxed more and more.

"That's good Renate, relaxing nicely now just drift deeper into the feeling of letting the tension slip away," I said soothingly instilling more of a sense of floating into a relaxed state. I was using my voice as my old guru had taught me, deepening it to acquire and husky resonating quality to relax her mind with seductive masculine tones. "Massage her mind as well as her body." The old master would say with a devilish look on his face.

As I worked on the left thigh I gently, subtly allowed my genitals to touch her heels a little more but not too much, but I knew she could feel my bulge occasionally pressing against her and again she made no complaint.

"So far so good," I said in a low voice, I am sure she thought I was alluding to the massage but I was also happy with my progress in every way. I could feel her body responding to my touch, those almost imperceptible little nuances I have come to detect were slowly developing. I was actually thinking at this stage that I might be in with a chance of a fuck as long as I didn't rush it and took my time using my erotic massage skills to seduce my sweet, petite, German client.

As I looked at her body beneath me with her long red hair flowing to the side onto the pillow under her head I couldn't help but think just how beautiful she was. I knew I had already massaged some very beautiful women in my new job but Renate was more than beautiful, she was exquisite in every detail. 

Moving to sit on her calves I started to massage her back, placing both hands either side of her spine with my thumbs together in the middle meeting on her vertebra. 

Then using long strokes all the way up her back until I reached her neck before lifting my hands clear and replacing them just above the towel, the top of which was just above her buttocks and then doing the same again, I felt more and more tension melting away from her and heard the soft little moans that told me she was sinking deeper and deep into the realms of exotic massage.

With each forward stroke my lower stomach rubbed against her buttocks, very slightly at first but with increasing levels of contact sitting back on her heels with my backward movements so she could feel my balls and cock for certain. If she was going to complain now was when she would do so but she didn't. To confirm this I asked her if she was comfortable and enjoying the massage.

"I will stop if you are not enjoying any part of this." I said tying to keep her reassured that she was ultimately in control but of course control was slowly slipping away from her to me.

"No, no please it is very nice and relaxing." She replied.

The ordinary business-like massage was gradually moving into the erotic massage territory and as long as I didn't rush things and continued with my softly, softly approach I felt I was on course to fuck Renate but it would take time and application. I wanted to dispel the business-like persona that had become her normal everyday demeanour and bring out her rich naturally submissive femininity.

Each time I thrust forward the towel moved a little higher up her thighs.

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I moved to her left hand side to start work on her thighs again and noticed that the towel had moved to reveal the lower cheeks of her arse and the pretty little pink thong she was wearing. I placed my hands on her right thigh reaching across the muscles and rolling them outwards and back again continuing this motion to exercise her thigh muscles and keep them relaxed, moving up along the back of her thigh and a little more under the towel.

"Just relax, let all the tension drift and float away, just float into a peaceful sense of calm." I was saying, using my deep masculine tones, as the massage progressed to the soft strains of Shostakovich, "That's nice, now you are feeling lovely and very relaxed, just drift deeper and deeper into this wonderful relaxation as I massage you."

Now I was thinking how therapeutic a thick length of manly cock, sinking all the way into her softness, would be for her but time was on my side and I was not going to rush this.

As my soothing massage continued my hands reached the very top of Renate's thighs and they parted just the slightest bit giving me a little glimpse between her legs to the pouch of her thong wrapped around her little pussy. Whether she knew I could see this or not I did not know. Moving over to her left hand side I repeated the process for her right thigh and saw that her legs had parted a little more I allowed my fingers to appear to accidentally and momentarily touch her pussy lips through her thong for the first time. I noticed as I did this that my finger caught a little bit of pussy juice before my hands again moved back down her thigh again to the back of her knee. I looked again at her stretched out on the bed face down and couldn't help the devilish smile that invaded my face and the wicked thoughts that passed through my mind.

"Right I need to turn you over so I can massage the front of your thighs," I said lifting the towel and re-adjusting it on her thighs and waiting for her to replace it in its original position and turn over.

She turned over onto her back with the towel now covering her breasts. Now her beautiful body was stretched out before me and I continued to massage the tops of her thighs in equal measure.

"Does that feel nice?" I asked softly.

"Wonderful," she answered "Absolutely wonderful."

"Just relax and let the feeling of calm wash over your body." I whispered again.

"Do you mind if I remove my T-shirt," I asked. "It is getting a bit warm."

"No not at all," she relied.

Standing and looking down at her I removed my T-shirt and straddle her lower legs and placed my hands on her thighs, pressing down and pushing them all the way to the top with my fingers stretching out along the top with my thumbs on the inside of her thighs. As I rocked backwards and forwards my groin rubbed on her calves and I could feel her move her legs against my cock and balls as she rolled her eyes over my naked torso with its firm muscles the product of long hours of gym work.

With each upward stroke I let my thumbs open her thighs just enough to let me see her lovely pussy juices glistening through her thong. Her sighs and gentle groans told me that she was becoming extremely aroused. She slowly becoming the very naughty girl I wanted her to be.

I couldn't help the feeling of satisfaction I was a master at my trade and everything that was happening was confirming this. Things were going nicely, I was on course for a fuck and I knew it.

The next time my hands moved to the top of her thighs I moved my index fingers to touch the hood of her clit through her thong, slightly touching her pussy lips before again moving back down and along her thighs. My knees were stopping her thighs from opening any further and I could feel the pressure against my knees as she tried impulsively to open her thighs a little more. Also as my fingers again reached the top of her thighs, she raised her buttocks ever so slightly to meet my fingers as they again opened her thighs just a little more and revealed the damp pouch of her thong. This time I heard a distinct moan as she exhaled and her eyes were closed and there was a look of unmistakable ecstasy on her face.

I knew now that I had her where I want her and it was time to get even bolder.

"Have you ever had a breast massage?" I asked in a matter of fact way hoping not to alarm her.

"No never, why?" she said

"Well, it can be extremely de-stressing and very beneficial" I assured her maintaining my professional voice.

"Really?" she said looking into my eyes. 

I know that my eyes are one of my strong points and I smiled back at her endearingly, looking deep into her soul, I am going to drill your pussy, I was thinking and tried to transmit the thought as it raced through my brain.

"Oh I don't, I don't really....." her voice trailed away as I slipped the towel down over her breasts. Her nipples were firm and erect as I suspected they would be by now, I noticed her eyes were really glazed over as they slowly closed and her mouth, with her beautifully shaped lips, was opened to make way for an exotic intake of air as my hands cupped and lifted her breasts.

I moved further up and sat on her thighs but carrying my weight mainly on my knees, placing my hands on her stomach. Pushing my hands up her stomach I slid forward until my groin made contact with her Venus mound and my hands reached and lifted her breasts. I intensified these sliding movements along her body with my groin moving all the time along her thighs and at the end of each stroke firmly pressing against her pussy with my groin and let my hands press between her breasts.

After thoroughly massaging her abdomen and breasts I moved further up her body sitting on her hips with her Venus mound pressing up against the underside of my balls and with both hands I started to massage her breasts again drawing them up towards me and watching her nipples become erect. Her head was rolling from side to side, her breathing had become shallower and her moans were deeper and more guttural with the ecstasy I was inducing. As I brought my hands to the middle of her breasts I lift her nipples between my fingers and thumbs causing them to become more erect and her breathing to become a little more erratic. All the time I was using my thigh muscles to lift and lower and gently rock my groin backwards and forwards in a slow exotic rotating, simulated fuck movement.

"Oh my God, Jesus, jeeeesus," she was saying as I moved the towel away to the sides of her body. Now all she had covering her was her little, pink thong. Her hands were firmly gripping the outsides of my thighs helping to pull me backwards and forwards. Moving again to the side of the bed I removed my Lycra shorts. I saw that she glanced at the bulge in the pouch of my G string. I reposition myself kneeling over her protruding mound and as I slowly lowered myself she lifted her vulva towards me.

My cock, fully erect, was stretching from the top of her pussy towards her navel, sliding back and forth with each slow forward and backward thrust as she placed her hands on my hips helping the rocking movement. I had brought this woman who, only an hour before, was being very business-like and very reserved to a state of magically induced eroticism. Beneath me she was simulating being fucked to soft, seductive strains of Shostakovich. Here brain had been invaded by my thoughts and suggestive movements. Now I was driving her crazy.

I could now clearly see the ecstasy on her face as her hips tilted pressing her Venus mound into the area between my balls and my arse. My hands had returned to massaging her breasts lifting them from underneath and gently stroking the soft, rounded flesh with my thumbs as they slipped all the way to take each nipple between my fore-finger and thumb tweaking and rolling them into a perfectly erect state.

As I intensified these movements I could hear Renate whimpering beneath me and judged the time was right to get rid of that thong. 

"Would you like a Yoni massage?" I asked very seductively looking deeply into her eyes

"Oh God, yes, whatever it is, pleeese yeeees, do whatever you like"

I could see that I had worked her into a trance-like state from which she could more easily enter a state of high arousal and experience great pleasure from her Yoni. 

My goal now was simply to pleasure and massage her Yoni extracting multiple orgasms which as they occurred should be more expanded, more intense and more satisfying than she had ever experienced before. It is also important for me not to expect anything in return at this stage, but simply allow her to enjoy the massage and to relax into herself.

I place pillows under her head so she can look down at her Yoni and see what I do. I placed a pillow, covered with the towel, under her hips. If I get this right she will squirt through her thong and all over the towel. I spread her legs apart with her knees slightly bent and placed pillows under her cute little arse. 

With my fingers I gently massage her forehead whispering "I want you to go deeper and deeper into relaxation as I prepare to give your Yoni a massage."

"Just completely relax and just close your eyes and listen to my voice."

Touching her face I was able to check her state of relaxation and I knew that she had fallen into a lovely feeling of calmness but her nipples were remained erected and pointed.

Having her calm and relaxed should allow me full access to her Yoni and other parts of her body. Gently I massaged her legs, abdomen, thighs and breasts again to encourage her to relax even more and to prepare her for when I touched her Yoni. I poured a small quantity of high-quality oil on my hand rubbing it in to warm it up.

Gently massaging her stomach I let my fingers drift so that my fingernails ran just under the pouch of her thong and for the first time I touched some pubic hairs.

"Is that nice?" I ask.

"Oh it's lovely, lovely,"

Again, making sure my voice is deep, husky and level. I said "You are good girl. You are behaving very well, just relax and let this happen."

The dominant business woman was no more. The woman now surrendering to me was totally submissive and very feminine. Any resistance she might attempt to mount had completely dissolved.

Still massaging her stomach I let my fingers slide a little further under the pouch of her thong until my middle finger was touching the top of her pussy slit and I heard a sudden, sharp gasp.

"Are you OK, do you want me stop?"

"Stop? Oh no please don't it feels so relaxing." She breathed.

My forefinger and index finger slid down along each side of her sweet, little Yoni before gently closing Yoni lips together squeezing her pussy lips between them. With the palm of my hand firmly on her Venus mound I ran my index finger down along the slit of her soaked pussy, then using both fingers again I probed for her inner labia, spreading them outwards as her cute little clit seemed to jump onto my fingers.

"Just open your legs a bit wider Renate and keep them wide open," I said needing more room for my fingers to properly get at her Yoni.

"Ohhhhh," was all I heard as her legs opened wider and her smooth, round knees spread outwards.

Now I was supremely confident that I could do and say whatever I wished.

Looking into her glazed eyes I said, “Lovely, lovely, what a naughty little girl you are Renate, your pussy is absolute dripping wet.” And I stretched my finger all along her Yoni and pressed it between the lips of her crack.

I told her to relax and enjoy what should be the best pussy massage she would ever have. 

Next I squeezed the outer Yoni lips between my thumb and index finger, and slid up and down the entire length of each lip. I did the same to the inner lips of her vagina, still taking my time. As I did this I made eye contact as much as possible and I could watch as glazed her eyes slowly roll with the wonderful sensations she was feeling. 

"Oh a little bit faster, not too much." She moaned still looking into my eyes as I focused on what my fingers were doing to her lovely little Yoni, heightening her pleasure bit by bit.

With my fingers I found her crown jewel, her lovely clitoris, using clockwise and anti-clockwise circles, gently squeezing it between my thumb and index finger to ensure a thorough all over pussy massage. The sweet noises coming from her mouth as she licked her lips told me that she was more than extremely aroused and I continued to talk softly to her as I looked into her eyes saying, "relax, spread her legs a little wider now, and let me massage your little yoni Renate that's a goooood girl. You are very gooood girl."

At this stage I knew that I could fuck her whenever I wanted but I wanted to tease her just a little more first. I was going to relish her with both my eyes and my fingers. Her cunt was mine and I watched it twitch and gently thrust at my probing fingers.

Slowly and with great care as her thighs fell further apart for me, I insert the middle finger of my right hand into her pussy and very gently I explored and massaged the inside of femininity. Slowly but very gently again I felt up, down and sideways, varying the depth, speed and pressure all the time nurturing her and relaxing the beautiful little Yoni that was opening up to my touch I kept massaging her clit with my thumb. I had access to her most sacred place and wanted to treat it with total respect and soon I saw the hood of clit start to twitch.

Turning my palm facing up, and the middle finger inside her pussy, I moved it in a "come here" gesture crooking back towards my palm. I managed to contact a spongy area of tissue just under her pubic bone, behind her clitoris, I know this place so well and I know what it will do to her. Having found this sacred spot I notice that her eyes have now have opened wide and are glazed over and on her face there is a countenance of pure ecstasy cupled with agony.

"Oh Mark, Mark" She was near screaming my name dementedly.

Looking down I watched my fingers vigorously at work and placing one hand under her knee I spread her thighs out as far as they would go and withdrawing my fingers I grasped her pussy lips and gave them a little squeeze before inserting my finger again and re-locating her G spot and again hooking my finger and massaging her G spot thoroughly as her body writhed and fucked at my fingers. All the time I could see my hand doing its work with her thong pulled down and her gorgeous little twat pumping at my fingers.

Varying the pressure, speed and pattern of movement caused her to squeal with delight. Now I was moving side to side, back and forth and in circles with my middle finger, then inserting my index finger and she easily took both enjoying the increased stimulation from two fingers. I saw her body start to convulse and her pussy lips swell and redden, then a sudden throbbing inside her Yoni tells me she is cumming.

"That's lovely just let it go, let everything go, just have an orgasm for me, that's a good girl. Let all the stress out, mmmmm your are a good girl."

"Christ, oh Jesus Christ, fuck... fucking .... Ahhhhhhhhh"

"Wonderful, there's a good girl, come on, come on shoot your pussy cum."

As I was saying this my fingers were drenched in a lovely flood of juices from deep inside her pussy and then I felt them squirt out into the palm of my hand and all over the towel beneath her.

Kissing her gently I rubbed her pussy with the palm of my hand spreading her cum juice all around her soft Yoni in a caressingly lovely way slowly taking my time until her vulva was ready again.

Once again I inserted my fingers and found her G spot slowly giving it another deep, thorough, Yoni, massage all the time feeling for the changes and listening for the noises that tell me she is going to shoot another orgasm. As her body responds and moves again into an orgasmic trance I bring her to the point of orgasm telling her all the time how lovely her cute, little pussy feels.

Moving to the bottom of the bed I reached for her thong and slowly slide it over her hips, along her thighs and legs and dispense with it. 

Quickly positioning myself between her legs I prepared to remove my G string but before I could she pulled on the bow releasing it so that my cock and balls were freed from any constraints. My cock sprang into rigid erectness.

Reaching behind me I tugged on the G String pulling it from behind I threw it to the side of the bed.

Taking hold of her thighs I spread them out in front of me looking at the red mot of pubic hair protecting her pussy hole.

Preparing to fuck her pussy I held my erect cock in my hand and brought my bulb-shaped head quickly to separate her labia. My cock was so hard as it entered her pussy filling her slowly as her erect clitoris slid along the top of my muscular shaft. As my hips ever so slowly slid my cock into her the therapeutic effect of at last feeling some thick cock filling her up caused her to flood out another orgasm, drenching my cock and balls in flush of warm orgasmic pussy juice and squirting it onto the towel beneath us. 

Her cries told me that she was experiencing the full therapeutic effect of having my cock deep inside her. Slowly sliding in and out I urged her with my words to orgasm again.

"That's lovely, that's marvellous," and as I felt her juices lubricating my cock, "Oh that is fantastic."

Now she was urging me on as the wonderful feelings invaded her body yet again, "Faster, faster, fuck me faster,"

I respond and we entered a frenzied state of fucking together and I felt those sensations deep inside her that always tell me when a woman is about to orgasm for me. My pubic bone was butting up to hers with each forward thrust and as our groins ground together I held the full eight inches of thick cock deep inside her before withdrawing it again, the thickness of my cock spreading the inner walls of her delightfully wicked, little Yoni as it clung exotically to my rugged, muscular shaft and my pubic bone crushed hard against her clitoris. I was getting an immense sense of sexual power, fucking Renate and making a cuckold of her husband.

Three more deep thrusts into her and she again shot cum juices all over my cock in a flurry of wild hip movements as her deep, guttural sounds echoed around the bedroom and I felt the warm female fluid wash onto my balls.

The little muscle at the back of my balls started to pump jaggedly and filled my cock with a thick, white, pasty spunk causing my swollen cock head to swell to bursting point and become subjected to wicked exotic stinging sensations in the sensitive nerve ends of my cock before ejecting gushes of my cum deep into her, flooding the depths of her vagina as I thoroughly creamed it for her with three, spasmodic, pumping jerks.

We stayed locked together until I had finished spunking allowing the last few drops to drain from me. Looking down as I slowly I withdrew my slackening cock I saw a thick, white globule of spunk emerge and trickle down from Renate’s crack onto the soft, feminine cheeks of her buttocks.

I rolled to her side. We lay together while we recovered slowly as I held her and kissed her softly.

In my head I could here my wise old guru: "Hold her and caress her in the afterglow of sex, spend time with her, love her in your arms. Every woman is special. Let her feel your heart beat. It is all part of the unique experience she will never forget. After-Sex is just as important to a woman as foreplay." 

We stayed in each others arms for more than an hour.

Before leaving I gave her my email address in case she was ever in England again. I didn't decline the heavy tip she gave before I left. 

I am so pleased that she is now a fairly regular client of mine. Strangely she always starts by saying, "This time keep it simple and professional will you," but she doesn’t mean it, we end up fucking every time. I could almost feel sorry for poor Dieter, but who fucking cares, a rampantly standing cock has no conscience.

Written by SirDuction
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