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Always Faithful - Chapter Twenty

"Mrs Patron is teacher, Dan is student, sensuality is course material"

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Chapter Twenty - Dan and Mrs. Patron’ s Lessons

“Daniel, would you come for me at seven-thirty Friday; we are due to meet Interior Decorator at the country club at eight?”

Dan assured his friend he would be on time and returned attention immediately to his desk. The week had been a bear at work. When he reviewed his calendar Monday, his first thought was thanks that Laura was in San Francisco. My thought then, and still is, I would have sent her to Greg after seeing my schedule. He still had many items on his to-do list and it was already Wednesday afternoon. Laura had called on her lunch break to let him know she would not telephone tonight. Girl’s night out with Liaison, she said.

“My don’t you look gorgeous tonight; I am glad I wore one of my new suits or I would look slumming next to you.”

“You’re early, Daniel, but you still get a kiss for being so complimentary.”

“I decided to ask for a drink here before going out rather than stopping somewhere. I need one after the week I have had at work.”

“Have one in the den while I finish my makeup, only one Daniel.”

At precisely eight they were seated in a booth in the lounge next to the dining room; Dan knew his friend appreciated strict punctuality. Interior Decorator was waiting to join them when the floor manager returned to his post. Their discussion was lively through social hour and during dinner. Dan forgot completely the stress of his work week. The only time work came up at all was when Interior Decorator asked if Dan would intercede with the CEO to sponsor a local art project for school aged children.

Their after dinner drinks were served shortly past eleven. The older woman decided discretion required the country club limousine take them to her home. “We can get your car tomorrow; you know they will keep it safe.” She suggested showers and changing into night clothes immediately on arrival. As she and Dan returned from her master bath, his friend revealed her plan for the weekend.

“I want to continue the social education we began over New Years. Don’t get apprehensive; trust me and follow my lead.”

“Don’t my two gentleman friends look nice tonight in silk pajamas? I hope this nightgown LeeAnne gave as a Christmas gift suits your artistic eyes.”

She accepted compliments due.

“Daniel, would you kiss me while Rupert pours brandy?”

Dan held his friend and kissed with increasing ardor as he often had in the past. In some part of his mind, he tried to filter the request for kissing with her words of a few moments back.

“Thank you, Rupert,” and then, “Daniel, you kiss well. I have always liked the way you kiss me. I want you to learn some new ways of kissing that we both might enjoy. Later you can extend what you learn beyond kissing.”

Dan was confused; he was sure his face showed his confusion.

“Think about how I accept your kisses, Daniel. I want to teach you tonight how to accept a kiss.”

Even when Laura initiates kissing, I kiss her. What is my friend talking about? Suddenly her face was there, lips on his almost demanding, and Dan responded to the demand. His lips worked forward, seeking, almost taking; tongue probed between four lips on autopilot.

“If I were a teenage girl again, I would swoon. Tonight I am teacher and must give an F for failure to pay attention.”

Dan grinned and apologized to his teacher.

“Relax for a moment; drink your brandy and then we will try again.”

They shared off topic conversation to include an amused Interior Decorator.

“Are you ready for more kisses, darling Daniel?”

“That was better; you held your aggression in check longer. When you take the kiss away from me, you show your possessive side. Learn to enjoy me without owning me. It is an important lesson for life.”

They shared another kiss.

“You were all too passive. Receiving my kiss is more than letting it hit you in the face. I want you to get it right this time before you can move on to the next lesson.”

Dan nodded his head.

“I want you to think on what I am teaching you; when you are sure this next time will be perfect, blink your eyes.”

Dan blinked and then waited for his friends lips. His lips quivered as he felt her touch, but he resisted reaching out. Somehow Dan managed to roll his lower lip down to increase availability without attacking. Suddenly he felt excitement being kissed. He gave his upper body in offering without muscling into her warmth. A tongue knocked and Dan opened the door of his lips just a crack; he invited tongue in and made it welcome. All air rushed from his lungs; this kiss was so new, so different from any other with any woman.


“That was it my darling Daniel; you have learned the first lesson.”

Dan looked Interior Decorator in the eye reading his reaction; amused, but inscrutable. Turning to his friend he saw a confident look and approving smile.

“I was teaching you more than a way to kiss, Daniel; I was and am teaching you new ways to deal with people. There is a time for bold aggressive action, and you are often delightedly bold and aggressive. There is also a time to let others express their boldness as you accept what they are offering.”

Dan only thought he understood tonight’s lesson.

“Once you have mastered both kisses; mastered receiving as well as giving, you must know when to employ each kiss. When and with whom.”

“I think I am coming to your point.”

“Good, let’s finish these brandies, and then you can watch Rupert and I kiss.”

Dan was surprised but gave no show. All three were wordless for a full five minutes as they drank from their snifters.

“Are you ready, Rupert dear?”

“Come to me my friend.”

Dan watched fascinated as the odd couple kissed. For the first minute he saw only his older lady friend kissing a decidedly gay man, and he was confused. Gradually, he transcended that narrow look. She was kissing Interior Decorator; kissing and touching him conveying feelings. The drama shifted to scene two; Interior Decorator began drawing his kiss partner into his web with kisses and touching. Gay though he was, he could be as sexually aggressive with his kisses as Dan. A lesson learned. Suddenly scene three, his friend became aggressor. Dan lost track of time and absorbed the learning experience.

Dan poured and served more brandy; he looked directly at Interior Decorator. “I think I just saw gayness, if that is a word, with a completely new eye.”

Lips brushed his cheek, hers, “I knew I was not in the least bit deceived; you have brilliance in you.”

“What you saw Dan, was humanity. We should reflect as we have this drink. We have all of the time we need to get to know about each other.”

Interior Decorator thought he knew the next lesson, and he was sure Dan did not know.

“It is time for you and Rupert to kiss while I watch.”


“Both Rupert and I know you are not gay, or even bisexual; if you stumble on those thoughts you will miss the lesson. Go to him as I did; he will receive you.”

Dan was sure, there could be no doubt; he had never been in a situation like the one in front of him. He had never even dreamed of a time like tonight. He stood, stopped, looked at his friend, and the words trust her formed in his mind. He took a single step forward.

Dan kissed Interior Decorator as though he was a girl, and Decorator was feminine to him. Dan transformed, melted in her arms and the woman he kissed returned to being Interior Decorator. Dan gave himself as woman to Interior Decorator. They kissed as woman kissing man. They kissed as men kissing each other; and then both transformed into women kissing each other. Time stopped counting and the clock no longer ticked. Interior Decorator allowed Dan time for every permutation. Dan didn’t realize this lesson was complete until he felt his friend beside him with all three glasses in hand.

“You did well, let us finish our brandy and all go to bed.”

“Daniel, this last lesson tonight is the most difficult. Let me repeat what I said earlier, both Rupert and I know you are not gay. This is not a lesson to challenge that principle; it is another learning lesson.”

“I trusted you with kissing; I will trust you.”

Dan felt his pajama buttons slipping loose as the older lady kissed him. Interior Decorator lay beside them in her king size bed.

“I want you to stimulate Rupert and allow him to stimulate you; use your hands on each other’s genitals. Just your hands if that is all you feel comfortable with, do you understand, my Daniel?”

He hesitated and then, “Yes.”

The older woman limited the coming activity by emphasizing that Dan and Interior Decorator would not have sex tonight. The stakes in this game were already high, and the woman wanted the atmosphere to match the stakes.

“Use your hands Daniel; you can use the kissing you have learned if the urge strikes, nothing more than that.”

His friend guided his hand to Decorators bare hip, Feel his skin texture.”

She moved his hand again, “Hold his testicles softly.”

Dan held tentatively for a moment and then looked to the woman.

“Explore and learn him at your pace.

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Focus on him only; I am here if you need me.”

The warmth of the cock and balls Dan held did nothing to still his shivers. Hand must move. Interior Decorator’s hip was a safer place for Dan’s hand. If I stay safe, I can’t learn her lesson. I will disappoint my friend. Dan’s right hand stayed with the hip; his left moved now palm flat on Decorator’s stomach. Dan ignored the feel of cock covering the back of his left hand. Learn how this feels.

So totally focused on his own hands, Dan wasn’t aware of another hand. When he felt the sensation of fingers motions came the question, whose hand; Interior Decorator or my friend? He looked in her eyes, and her eyes led Dan to Interior Decorator’s eyes. Accept his fingers, accept, enjoy, respond. Dan rolled his left hand palm up and covered with his right. He moved closer to watch what he was doing; he saw a twitch and he felt himself twitch.

Once again time vanished. Dan body surfed waves of tactile sensation. Caught up, his head moved closer; Dan wanted a richer part in this play. His lips pursed; Dan blew an air kiss Interior Decorator could feel. There was the twitch again for both. Dan looked at his friend again and she nodded. Experiment; his next air kiss was lower, on Interior Decorator’s scrotum – no, on his balls. I want to try a real kiss. I can kiss, but away from the tip; I can kiss low on his shaft. Dan kissed Interior Decorator low.

I feel lips on my cheek, who? Dan recognized her kiss and understood the kiss represented approval. I am ready. His lips walked up Interior Decorator’s shaft. What moisture accumulated there transferred to Dan’s lips. My friend is still kissing my cheek; the lips on my cock belong to Interior Decorator. Dan let his tongue flick out, and then just as suddenly pull back. He sat up and kissed the woman.

“I think it is time to sleep, don’t you Daniel?”

> > > > - -

At the country club to retrieve Dan’s car, Interior Decorator suggested a drink.

“Don’t get any hang ups about last night. Mrs. Patron was right; you aren’t gay or even bi. No matter what you might think now or in the future, we didn’t have sex. Believe me, I know sex.”

“Yeah, just a learning experience.”

“Exactly that, my friend, a learning experience. She is the best teacher I know. You are fortunate.”

Interior Decorator continued to make his real point.

“Most important, don’t let the learning experience come between us. We have business to conduct together. I also like you as a good guy.”

“You are the first gay guy I even thought of in a friendly way.”

“I am not alone in being a good guy and also being gay. There are some gay assholes in the world, straight assholes too.”

“Yes, I have met a few straight assholes in my travels. Want to hear a secret?”

“Sure, tell me your secret.”

“My wife’s lover is a pretty good guy too; the times I have met him we get along well. I am supposed to think he is an asshole for fucking my wife, and I don’t.”

“You are learning her lessons; go spend the next few days with her until your wife returns home.”

> > > > - -

Mrs. Patron insisted Dan call Laura to let her know his whereabouts until she returned from San Francisco.

“Use the speaker phone if you don’t need privacy.”

“Yes ma’am”, Dan dialed the number and his call answered on the fourth ring with a sleepy hello.

Husband and wife exchanged wake up pleasantries thousands of miles apart.

Do you have a few minutes to talk?

. . .

Of course Baby, it’s Saturday on the West coast too.

. . .

Ha, yes it is. I am with my friend, in her den. We are on her speaker phone.

. . .

Good, you know I don’t like you lonely. Is she there with you?

. . .

Yes, sharing a glass of wine and conversation. She insisted I call.

Laura wanted to express her appreciation directly to her Baby’s hostess.

Hello Mrs. Patron, Good Morning from here and Good Afternoon to you there.

. . .

Thank you my dear.

. . .

I appreciate you looking after my husband for me while I am away on business.

. . .

That is quite all right dear; I intend to keep him here with me until you return if you have no objection.

. . .

Gratitude, not objection, I must have you to lunch one day when I get home to thank you. I will be traveling frequently in my new job; I hope you don’t tire of Dan.

. . .

I doubt that I will tire of him soon. I look forward to spending time with him.

. . .

You are just the right one to keep him in line.

Hi again Baby; Mrs. Patron is refilling our glasses. Have you worn your new nightgowns for Legal Counsel yet?

. . .

Oh yes, I am wearing the pink now.

. . .

And how did he like seeing you wearing pink?

. . .

He loves the pink; I am still holding out on the cream colored one.

. . .

Does loves mean he is beside you?

. . .

In the bathroom.

. . .

Are you still wearing the pink panties that go with the gown?

. . .

I put them back on last night and haven’t had a reason to take them off today.

. . .

You can join him in the shower when I hang up. I will be here until you return; call my cell if you need me.

. . .

Will do, I love you Baby. Bye, bye.

. . .

Love you too Baby.

Laura stripped and stretched on the bed waiting for her boy toy. I want a fuck before I send him packing, she thought to herself. He would love to spend all day fucking me, but that is not in the cards.

“Your job right now Stud is to fuck me. Fuck me until you are sure I can’t do without you, and then get dressed and walk away leaving me panting for more.”

Stud fucked for half an hour. Laura admitted to herself he was good, but told him he was better than good. An hour after talking with Dan, Laura dialed Greg for some private phone sex time.

“Your voice and my fingers will have to do until I get back. God I need you so much more than that.”

> > > > - -

Words rushed out of Laura’s mouth when she ran to her husband in the airport.

“Baby I am so glad I am home. I’ve missed you so much.”

At home they talked.

“Are you starved for sex, or do you want to hear about my trip first.”

“I’ve been with my friend, I’m okay to talk, how about you?”

Dan wasn’t at all surprised that most of their conversation focused on their work weeks.

“Now I am ready for bed, but not to sleep. You get me tonight and I hope we have to crawl out of bed in the morning. Greg get’s tomorrow night; I need him too. Let’s go Baby.”

Laura next shared bed with her husband Saturday night. Sunday morning found them in front of the fireplace once more.

“Greg needed you as much as you needed him. I have never seen your cunt that swollen, or your tits.”

“He chewed on my clit for at least an hour Saturday afternoon; I’m not exaggerating one minute.”

Dan just looked at his wife and shook his head.

“Greg can’t possibly have any skin on his back. His back was as bloody as my clit. All that happened before we fucked three times. He was ferocious, good ferocious. He sealed three loads of cum in my pussy; Greg’s teeth sealed me tight. Now do you understand why I am so swollen down there? You had to fight your way in last night. I’m glad you did.”

“Did I hurt you?”

“Yes, you were wonderful.” Dan kissed Laura. “Before he let me leave, he fucked my ass twice; that’s why I let you have me there too. On the seventh day, we rest; no sex tonight unless you rape me.”

“I would never do that Baby, you know I wouldn’t.”

“Greg might, the way he was about having me back home, he just might have.”

Written by BobNbobbi
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