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Martha and Paula

"Paula enters service..."

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Martha Sinclair surveyed the party.  It was the office end of year party for the company her sister Deborah Sinclair owned.  Martha was a striking woman, five-feet-seven-inches tall and very curvy.  She had red hair which flowed down across her shoulders and green eyes.  She also had a very ample bosom. 

Tonight she wore a dark green pencil skirt and a cashmere sweater, also green.  No bra, it was hard not to look at her beautiful breasts.  Martha wandered over to the bar to get a glass of champagne.  There was someone Martha wanted to meet standing shyly alone near the bar.  Martha got her champagne and walked over to the person of interest.

“Hello”, she said.  “You must be Pauli.”  She held out her hand. 

Pauli kept his eyes downcast and said, “Yes Miss”.  He took her hand gently in his.  

“I’m the owner’s sister Miss Sinclair.  My, I see you have clear polish on your nails and such a good manicure.” She keeps his hand and looked at it.  “Who does your nails, Pauli?”

 Pauli blushed and stammered out, “I em,  I do Miss.”  He kept his eyes averted. 

Martha moved in close to him. “How wonderful.  Do you think you might do mine sometime?”  She asked coyly.  

 “If you like Miss." he said shyly. 

“Paula, I so love good manners.  You were certainly brought up well.  And I love how you keep your eyes averted and down cast.  It really suits you.”

Pauli blushed, at the attention and hearing Miss call him Paula.  “Thank you Miss.”

“But, I did see you trying to look at my breasts didn’t I Paula?”

Pauli blushed further and said, "No Miss.  I mean Yes Miss for a second I did.  I’m sorry I couldn’t help it.  Please forgive me Miss.”

Martha let Paula stew for a minute.  “All right young man, but you must be more careful in the future.”

“Yes Miss.”

"I understand you want to see my breasts.  They are magnificent.  You do want to see them don’t you?"

“UMMm Yes Miss, if it pleases you.”

“We will see.  I would love to have you see my naked breasts.  But you have to earn that privilege.  Do you understand?"

“Oh Yes Miss.  I will do whatever you want.  Thank you Miss.”

“MMM. Are you enjoying the party Pauline?”

“I like to see everyone having a good time Miss.”

“Look at all those young people dancing, hoping to get lucky and take someone home.  I’m guessing there is no one special in your life right now Pauline.”

“No Miss.” He blushes again.

Martha leans up close to Paula, “You’re not afraid of women are you Pauline?” she whispered in his ear.

“Um just nervous Miss.  I don’t think women will like me.”

“But why? Pauline you are very attractive you know.”  She bit his earlobe playfully.

“Thank you, Miss.”

Martha took another sip.  “Yes, I’m not really looking for what’s out there dancing either.  Mind you Kevin, do you know him?  Well, he is a fuck machine.  I can barely walk after a night with him.  My sister tells me you are very helpful at the office. A very helpful person”

Pauline still red in the face. “Thank you Miss.”

"Why don’t you grab a bottle of champagne, and we can go somewhere quieter."  Martha said, more of a command than a question.

“Yes, Miss.”  Pauli grabed a bottle form the ice and a towel and hurried to catch up with Martha who was walking toward the elevator. When they got to the elevator, Martha stood there waiting.  Pauli hesitated for a second and then moved forward to press the button. The doors opened and he waited as Martha entered. 

“Top floor Pauline.”

Paula pushed the button for the penthouse.  He knew that Miss Sinclair’s sister lives up there.  When the door opened into the penthouse foyer, Martha stepped out and headed for the living room wich had a great view of the city below them.  Paula followed. Martha opened a sliding door onto a small patio.  There was one chair. 

“Pauline,  make sure that chair is clean please.” 

“Yes Miss.” he moved to the chair and wiped it down carefully with the towel he brought.

Martha sat down and pointed to her now empty glass.  Paula opened the bubbly and carefully filled Martha’s glass.

“Have you made any New year’s resolutions Pauline?”

“Well Miss, really my only resolution is to find a place to live.”

“Oh well, that shouldn’t be too hard, should it?”

“I hope not Miss.”

"But I'm speaking more of dreams and hopes and shaping your future.  That kind of thing.  Do you follow, Pauline?"

"Yes Miss." Paula said quietly.

“Well, my resolution is to find someone to confide in.  A real soul mate.  You know what I mean?  Someone I can tell my darkest secrets to.  Do you have anyone like that Pauline?”

“No Miss.  It sounds wonderful!”

“Yes I think so too.  You know Pauline, maybe we could become confidants.  Would you like that?”

“Oh Yes Miss.  It would be an honor.”

“Yes it would.  Pauline I think we should have a couple of rules don’t you?”

“Yes Miss.”

“Good. Rule #1: we will always tell the truth.  No matter how embarrassing, or hard.

Rule #2:    We will be proud of who we are, even if some would scorn or laugh at us.  Everyone has something that they know is true in their core, and I believe they have a companion waiting to meet them.

Rule #3:   We won't make promises we won’t keep.

Can you abide by these rules Pauline?  They can be tough.”

“Yes Miss. I agree. Thank you."

"In that spirit, I feel that I must tell you Pauline more of what I am looking for."

"Thank you Miss."

"I am a very controlling person, Paulette.  When I say I am looking for a soul mate, I am actually lookimng for someone that wants to be controlled by me.  I mean in every way.  from what they wear, what they eat, everything.  This person will to put it bluntly be my slave.  Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes Miss.  I understand." 

"Good.  You also need to understand that I tend to be a sadist.  I enjoy using my cane on a girls bum.  Bringing tears to her eyes.  So, dear Paulette, knowing how I am,  do you still wish to proceed?"

"Oh Yes Miss!  I would consider it a great honor to continue with you."  Paulette trembled a bit obvioously excited.

“Okay my sweet confidant, pour me some more champagne.”

“Yes Miss.”  Pauline poured more bubbly.

“This is nice isn’t it Pauline.  Me sitting here enjoying the view and wine, and you standing here ready to serve.”

“Oh yes Miss.  This is perfect.”  she almost gushed.

“When my sister said you were very helpful, I got curious and came by to see you and I’m glad I did. You're going to be a great help to me aren't you Paulette?"

“Yes Miss.  I will do my best.  Thank you Miss.”

“I know you will.”

“Pauline do you also do your toenails?”

“Oh yes Miss.”

“Let me see.”

Paula took off his nicely polished loafers and socks.  He stood with eyes downcast.

“Oh how lovely.  I’m glad you used some color.”  His toe nails were painted pink.

It was a lovely night with a warm breeze.  “Pauline my feet are a little sore from these heels.  Would you rub them for me?”

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“Yes Miss.” 

He refilled her glass again and sets the bottle on the floor.  As he was about to sit at her feet, she said: “Pauline, you should remove your pants so they don’t get dirty from this patio floor.  I can see it hasn’t been swept lately."  Pauline undid his tailored slacks and removed and folded them carefully.  Martha watched with a smile.  Pauline put the pants inside on a table and came and stood before Martha.

“Oh My pink really does suit you Paulette.  Come closer.”  He moved closer, his face bright red.

Martha reached out and touched his pink panties running her nail across the front.  Paula was nervous and shaking. When Martha’s finger grazed his tiny bulge a drop appears. 

“Oh my, aren’t we naughty?  Pauline, please go get the ruler out of the desk inside and bring it here.”

“Yes Miss.”  Paula scurried inside and got the ruler.  He tried to dry the wet spot but it was no use.

He hurried back with the ruler.  “Thank you Paulette.  Now go put your shirt inside too.”

“Yes Miss Sinclair.”   He took off his shirt and hung it neatly on the chair. He had a pink cami on and panties.  He walked back out.

“Oh Yes! Paulette.  That’s it, stand proud honey.  You are so beautiful with your matching undies and your downcast eyes.  Ummmmm.  Now stand in front of me and put your hands on top of your head.”

Paula complies.  Martha slowly lowered Paula’s panties.  “Oh goodness.  No wonder you don’t want most women to see you.  Paula’s penis was as big as it ever was going to get.  Martha took the ruler and measured the penis.  "Not quite 2 inches!"  she says incredulously.  Definitely the smallest I’ve ever seen.  You should be proud Paulette."   Paula turned red all over.

“Don’t be embarrassed Paulette.  Remember our rules. Be proud of what you are.  I had one of my greatest orgasms from dealing with a small prick.  Not as small as yours of course.  That’s the smallest I’ve ever seen or heard of.  Paulette, there is some pink ribbon in the desk, I think.   Fetch about 12 inches of it.”

“Yes Miss.”  Paulette again scurried into the room and found the ribbon.  She took a scissor and cut off about a foot of it and returned to Martha.  He presented it to her and stood at attention.  Martha took the ribbon and tied it tightly around Paulettes tiny penis and balls.  She tied it in a bow. 

“That is just lovely” she beams.    "Believe me Paulette, the world needs small dicked sissies, and they need to be appreciated and used.” Will you keep this on for me?"

“Yes Miss. Thank you Miss.”  Paulette curtsied.

“Oh dear thing!” Martha exclaimed “I may fall in love with you.”   “You look so lovely in your pink bow and cami.   Now my feet.  Sit cross legged on the floor and face away from the chair."  Paulette did as instructed.  Martha hiked up her skirt a little so she could spread her legs and draped them over Paulette's shoulders.  She leaned back in the chair with her wine. 

"Get busy sweetheart.”

“Yes Miss.” She took one foot and began to massage it working at the places she knew would be tight.  Martha purred.  She leaned forward her breasts pushing into Paulette's back.   "Do you mind if I just touch your nipples Paulette?" She whispered?

Paulette shivered,"No Miss”

Martha snaked her hand down Paulette's cami and lifted the top a little so she could see her nipples.

“Don’t stop rubbing my feet!”

”Yes Miss.”

Martha’s nails traced around the nipples making them hard.   “You have beautiful budding girl’s breasts and nipples Paulette.  I think we shouldn’t hide them.”

“Yes Miss.   Thank you Miss.”

Martha pinched the nipples making Paula gasp.  Martha smiled.  "Paulette, Have you ever felt the crop on your nipples?” she asked tweaking Paula’s nipple.

Paulette almost jumps.  “No Miss.” he stammered out. 

“Have you ever thought about it?”

“Yes Miss.”

“Tell me about it sissy; tell me thinking about the crop on your nipples.”

“Well Miss, sometimes when I pinch my nipples I wonder how it feel to have someone spank them.”

“Hard or soft, sissy?”

“Hard Miss, hard enough to make me cry.”

“And to leave marks?”

“Yes Miss.”

Martha smiled and leaned back enjoying her foot rub.   “Paulette?  Would you mind if I touch my pussy while you rub my feet?”

“No Miss.”  she whispered.

Martha parted her panties, god was she wet.  She started playing with her clit.   “You have gotten me very wet Paulette.”   Have you ever watched a woman masturbate?”

“No, Miss.” again softly spoken

“Well maybe someday you will be able to. Won’t that be special?”

“Yes Miss.  Oh thank you, Miss.”

“Again, something to be earned.  Correct?”

“Oh Yes Miss.  I so hope to earn that privilege.”

“I hope you can too sissy.”

“Sissy, how do you make yourself cum?”  Paulette turned even redder if that was possible

“I usually just squeeze my legs together tightly and pinch my nipples Miss.  And then  my panties get wet.”

“That’s so special sissy!”

“The best days are laundry days, Miss.”

“Oh do tell.”

“Well Miss, I have been living with my auntie and her two daughters.  I am in charge of doing laundry, and...”

“Stop let me guess.  You sort the laundry.  You put all the panties aside, and then you go through them don’t you sissy?”

“Yes Miss”

“You sniff the panties don’t you cunt?  Sniff the dirty panties?”

“Yes Miss”

“Tell me sissy cunt, whose panties are your favorites to sniff?  Hm?”

“My aunties Miss”  “

“I would think so.  And I bet you put the stained part in your mouth don’t you cunt?”

“Yes Miss.”

Martha groans a little as she climaxed.

“Tell Me cunt, does your auntie have a lover?”

“Yes Miss.”

“So part of that good flavor probably has some nice thick semen mixed up in it.”

“Yes Miss.”

“You may kiss my feet if you wish Paulette.”

“Oh Thank You Miss!” she brings the feet to her mouth and kisses them fervently.

“Paulette, I want you to crawl inside and stand up at the desk.  Lean over the desk on your elbows and pinch each nipple in the opposite hand  Understand?”

“Yes Miss Sinclair”

She crawied inside and took position at the desk bending over and pinching her nipples.

Martha slipped off her sodden panties and picking up the ruler walked over behind Paulette.  She places the ruler on the desk and then slipped her panties over Paulette’s head, making sure the wetness was in front of her nose.

“There you go sissy. Sniff my panties.  You like that?"  Paulette was in a haze.  She pinched her nipples and smelled the wonderful panties. 

"Yes Thank you Miss!"

Martha picked up the ruler and standing behind Paulette, grabbed her tiny sac and drew it back. Holding it tight she started tap, tap, tapping lightly on the sac.  Paulette cried out and floods her panties, right into Martha’s hand.

“There’s a good little sissy.”  She brings her hand up and sliding her fingers under the panties on Paulette’s head, bringing the cream to its lips.  “This should make you feel at home sissy.”

“Thank you Miss.”  Martha listens to the sucking and slurping of her new sissy.

  "Keep the panties on your head and the bow on your pathetic penis until I see you again. Understood?"

"Yes Miss.  Thank you so much."

 "I'm leaving my number on the desk.  Call me at noon tomorrow to discuss your future.  Now clean yourself up.  I have to go.  Oh here’s Kevin now.  Call me sissy.”  

“Yes Miss.”

Martha walked over to Kevin and walked out leaving sissy behind to clean up her mess.


End of chapter one

Written by tinypauline
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