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Hypno-Submission Pt. 07

"College girls stumble on an erotic hypnosis video on YouTube"

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Author's Notes

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“I still don’t understand?” Kyle said, desperation creeping into his voice. “What did I do wrong?”

“You didn't do anything wrong,” Brenda told him. "I hate to be cliché, but it's not you, it's me. Really. I just realized things about myself, things I know you can’t handle.”

“What do you mean?" asked Kyle.

Brenda put a hand up to Kyle's cheek. “I care about you a lot, Kyle, but what I need right now, you can't give me. It's one of the reasons I got together with you in the first place. I know I'm not making a lot of sense, but when I'm with you I'm denying who I am, and I've decided to stop denying that.”


“No,” Brenda insisted. “There's nothing you can say that will change my mind, and I hate to hurt you like this, but if I continue in a relationship with you now, it wouldn't be fair to either of us. Please just go.”

Kyle opened his mouth to speak again, and shut it. The sadness, confusion, and helplessness on his face hurt Brenda far more than she expected. She knew this was the right move, though. She could've had a secret relationship with Master Boratus, but that's not what she wanted. She wanted to tell Kyle she was now a hypno-slut in service of her master. She wanted to tell the world, but it wasn't time yet. There was still Katie, and there was so much fun to be had with Katie before she fully became Brenda's sister slut.

Kyle turned and left. Brenda was pretty sure he’d cry about this. He was sensitive like that. It was one of the reasons she got together with him in the first place. She let out a deep breath, and then went to meet her friends. With every step, her sadness for Kyle evaporated until only happy thoughts of serving her master filled her head when she saw her friend.

Cynthia looked a bit tired when Brenda arrived at the bench they usually met at.

“Late night?” Brenda asked.

Cynthia shook her head. “Not really. I just haven't been sleeping well lately."

“Bad dreams?” asked Brenda.

Again Cynthia shook her head, but this time the blonde could see her black friend remembering the dreams.

Oh, she had some good dreams. Dreams of Master, perhaps? Lucky girl. I wonder how far along she is. Master said she's different from Katie and me. Said I shouldn't play with her like Katie. He needs to work with her a different way.

“I… I don't remember my dreams,” Cynthia lied.

“Well, maybe a sleeping pill will help,” Brenda suggested. Then a mass of brown locks caught her attention. She turned to see Katie approaching. “There’s our good girl,” she said.

Katie’s walk faltered.

Heh. That was me yesterday.

Cynthia sent Brenda a curious look, her dark brown eyes intense. “What?”

“Private joke from last night,” Brenda covered.

Cynthia didn’t look impressed.

I wonder if the trigger is affecting Cynthia too.

After a moment of silence, Cynthia sucked her teeth and said, “Whatever. Are we meeting for lunch? I have a one o’clock break.”

“I’m free,” said Katie.

“Works for me,” said Brenda. “Katie, you coming by tonight?”

“Yeah,” she replied. “If you’re not fucking Kyle,” she added playfully.

Brenda shook her head happily. “Nope. Broke up.”

“Come again?” said Cynthia.

“That’s part of the reason,” Brenda replied. “He couldn’t make me.” She laughed.

“Ouch,” Katie said.

“I mean, he’s a great guy,” Brenda said. “But a girl has needs.”

“And this is college,” Cynthia added. “Needs can be easily met here.”

“True dat,” Brenda said, bumping fists with Cynthia.

Katie rolled her eyes. Brenda didn’t miss it.

You have no idea what's in store for you, slut.

The three separated for class. Brenda wondered how she was going to get through the day. Her thoughts were full of her master. When she stepped into her first class, however, it was as if he didn't exist. She was able to focus on the class more powerfully than ever before. When the bell sounded, her master popped back into her mind.

Holy crap! He’s programmed me to forget him and focus on my studies! He wants me to do really well in school. Master is so caring, but does school even matter anymore? My purpose is to serve and please my master.

The thought further increased her focus in class. Now that she knew he wanted her to do well, she was determined to do well to please her master.

The morning flew by, and the next thing she knew, she was sitting with Katie at lunch.

“Cynthia’s not feeling well. She’s gone home, I think.” Katie said.

Brenda nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Katie raised her eyebrows. “She told you?”

“Right before you arrived this morning. I was surprised she suggested lunch.”


“You got enough sleep though, didn’t you, you good girl?”

“You start that shit again and I’m leaving,” Katie said angrily, although her face flushed from either arousal or embarrassment. Brenda was happy with either.

“Okay, okay,” the blonde said with a giggle. She pushed a straight, silky lock behind her ear. “Man, that trigger really gets you, doesn’t it?”

“Trigger?” said Katie. “You said the video didn’t have any triggers.”

“I didn’t remember it having any triggers,” Brenda corrected. “But I was dipping in and out of trance, so I was missing things. ‘Good girl’ is obviously a trigger.”

Katie shuddered. “Yeah, that explains a lot. Does it affect you too? Good girl. Good girl.”

Brenda didn't hide the pleasure she was feeling. “Mmmmm, yes. Fuck, that makes me feel good.”

“You just go with it?”

“Sure, why not? It’s pleasure.”

“Brenda?” Katie said, worry setting in. “How many times have you watched that video?”

“A few times,” Brenda replied smugly.

“Did you contact Master Boratus?”

“Was I supposed to?” Brenda asked.

“I think so,” Katie said, realizing what had happened for the first time. “I felt compelled to. It must be in the video.”

“Only parts of the video stuck with me, remember? Wait. You contacted him?”

Katie turned red. “Uh… yeah.”

“You chatted with him?”


“Did he make you do anything?”

“He… uh… he made me feel things.”

Brenda leaned forward. “Feel things?”

“Erotic sensations. All over my body. Until I came.”

“Oh wow.”

“But I’m not sure it’s a good thing. I mean, I love what he makes me feel, but I’m worried he’s taking too much control too fast.”

“Are you his hypno-slave now?”

“No… I… Well… I don’t think so.”

“Do you want to be?”

Say yes. Just give in, slut.

“No… I don’t know.” Katie shifted uncomfortably. “Do you remember any more of the video now?” she asked.

“Less, actually.”

It was true. Brenda hadn't actually lied to Katie during their conversation. She’d just been leaving details out. Important details.

“I think you should stop watching it,” Katie warned. “The deeper you go, the less you remember.”

“How many times have you watched it?” Brenda asked.

“Just twice.”

“And you don’t remember anything?”

“Just feeling amazing while I was under.”

“Yeah. It feels so fucking good. I wake up wet every time.”

“Wait. What if we watch it together tonight?” Katie asked.

“Didn’t you just tell me not to watch it?” asked Brenda.

“I mean, not together,” Katie explained. “You put the headphones on and watch the screen while I watch you. Then we swap. That way, we can each see what the other does in trance. We may both be doing things we’re not aware of. This’ll help us see more of what’s happening.”

“I like it.” Brenda said. “After we work on the project tonight?”

“That’s what I was thinking.”




Brenda informed her master of Katie's plan soon as she got home.

MB: Don't worry, pet

MB: Just make sure you watch first

BW: Why Master?

MB: I’m going to call and program you.


MB: You’ll follow a different set of instructions than in the video

BW: Yes Master

A moment later, her phone rang. Hitting 'accept' was the last thing she remembered until ten minutes later. Master Boratus did allow her to remember the feeling of her trance, the floating bliss. She wanted more, needed more.

“Please put me under again, Master,” she begged. “Please control me, use me.”

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Master Boratus chuckled. “I have a little bit of time.”

Brenda sank into a trance again. A half-hour later, she found herself naked in bed, a wet vibrator lying next to her, and her body in a post-orgasm euphoria. She enjoyed sensations, and the mystery of everything that may have happened to her. But then, the memories of everything she did, and how obediently she behaved as she fucked herself to multiple orgasms at her master’s command, flowed into her brain. She smiled as she played with her nipples.

Remembering her master, she quickly looked for her phone. He’d hung up —she didn't know how long ago— but he’d left her a text.

MB: you're welcome




Katie and Brenda managed to get a good chunk of their assignment done before they decided to watch each other watch the video.

Brenda, of course, volunteered to watch first. Katie sat next to the laptop so she couldn’t see the screen and watched her friend closely. Brenda started the video. She watched the screen for a while, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Katie’s expression change. Her friend’s eyes went blank. When that happened, Brenda pulled the headphones out of the jack on the laptop.

When Master Boratus’ words hit Katie, she moaned with pleasure. Her eyes closed as a smile grew on her face.

Brenda texted her Master, who called. She paused the video when he answered, his voice dropping her from her half trance into a fully relaxed state.

“Are you relaxed?”

“Yes, Master,” the girls said in unison.

“Are you mine?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.”

“Ohhhhh,” the girls moaned.

“No matter what you think when you’re awake, you obey me when you’re in trance. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“No matter what you consciously feel about me when you’re awake, you will trance at my words or my texts. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“No matter how you feel about me, you’ll take time each day to watch one of my videos. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“When the video ends, Katie will stay in trance until Brenda shakes her. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girls.”

Both girls moaned again.

“Continue the video.”

Boratus hung up and Brenda unpaused the video.

A moment later, or what seemed a moment later, Brenda woke. She smiled at her tranced friend.  As she reached out to her, a thought crossed her mind.

“Katie will stay in trance until Brenda shakes her,” Master said. When I shake her.

Cautiously, she brought her hands to Katie’s tits. She bit her lip as her hands touched her friend, looking for any sign that she was waking. When Katie sat with her eyes closed, Brenda squeezed.

Damn, these are nice. I wish I could get them out and touch them, but that’ll have to wait. Soon, hon.

Moving her hands to Katie’s shoulders, Brenda shook her. Katie’s eyes opened.

“Girl, you were supposed to watch me, not zone out,” Brenda admonished.

“Wha?” asked Katie. “I was… Wait. How long was I out?”

“The video just ended, sleepyhead.”

“Are you serious?” Katie asked. “You mean I’ve just been sitting here, zoned out for twenty-three minutes?”

“Looks that way,” Brenda replied. “How did you even manage to trance with no sound or video?”

“Your eyes,” Katie said. “When I saw them glaze over, it was like you pulled me into the trance with you.”

Brenda sighed. “Well, I guess we won’t be trying that again.”

“So how do we find out what’s on the video?”

“We need to get someone who’s never seen it to watch it bit by bit, I think. But better than how we did it.”

Katie rolled her eyes. “Who would volunteer for that?”

“Maybe my sis,” Brenda suggested. “She’ll be in town for summer break in a few weeks.”

Though by then you’ll probably be Master’s hypno-slut like me, but you don’t need to know that.

“A few weeks!” Katie exclaimed.

Brenda shrugged. “You got any suggestions? I don’t want to just ask someone we can’t trust. What if they can use the triggers on this video on us?”

“Okay, okay,” Katie resigned. “We’ll wait. I’ll just avoid the video and Master Boratus until then.”



The next morning, Boratus video-called.

“Tonight I will be claiming, Katie,” he said.

“Yes, Master,” Brenda replied. “So I won’t be seeing you?”

“You’ll be helping. I know you want to fuck her.”

“Thank you, Master!” she squealed. She quickly sent some pics to him.

“What’s this?” he asked as his phone beeped.

“A preview,” she replied. “I snapped a few pics of Katie while she was in trance.”

“Good girl.”


She sent a few more. “And these are for you. I think I look pretty in these. I wanted you to have them.”

Boratus nodded. “Not pretty. Beautiful. And sexy.”

Brenda blushed. “Thank you, Master.”

“You’re sure you're okay having a sister slave?”

She nodded. “Yes, Master. I'm happy to help you create more obedient slaves. You deserve to have sexy slaves serve you.”

Boratus chuckled. “That’s true. I do deserve that. I am pleased you want to help. Good girl.”

Although she could hear the humour in his voice, her mind took it as a fact.

Master deserves sexy slaves. Master loves that I’m helping to make slaves for him!


“What did she say when she woke?”

“She wants to use someone else to see what the video does to us. I suggested my sister because she won't be here for several weeks, so you'll have plenty of time to make her yours before that happens.”

“I didn't know you had a sister.”

Brenda sent a pic to her Master. Her sister had the same straight blonde hair, but B-cups to Brenda’s As. She stood 5’6” and had the air of a tomboy. Her pretty face sported dimpled cheeks with a bit of remaining baby fat and bright blue eyes. Her nose upturned just a bit like Brenda’s and her ears tapered near the top, putting them on the verge of being pointed. She looked like an elf in her tennis outfit that matched Brenda’s.

“This is you and her?” Boratus asked. “And who's the third woman?”

“That's my mom, Carol. My sister’s name is Rose.”

Brenda’s mom, another blonde, had tits like Rose but the strong cheekbones of a mature woman. Her firm body, like those of her girls, didn’t have an inch of fat; in fact, her muscles bordered on those of a bodybuilder. The sleeveless top she wore showed off her biceps, and her healthy lifestyle made her look like an older sister to Brenda.

“Damn, your family is full of sexy women.”

Again, a statement, though just meant as a comment, triggered a series of thoughts.

My family is full of sexy women.

Master deserves sexy slaves.

Master is pleased that I'm helping to make slaves for him.

My purpose is to serve and please my master.

The thoughts led to an obvious conclusion to Brenda.

I have to turn my mom and sister into sexy slaves for Master. Master will be so proud.

“I’m going to send you directions to my place,” Boratus continued, oblivious to her new program. “I’ll text you when I bring her home. You’ll head over when you get the text.”

“Yes, Master.”

“See you tonight.”

“Looking forward to it, Master.”

She hung up.

Rose will be easy. She'll watch whatever I send her. She won't even question it. Mom will be a bit tricky though, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

She went downstairs and had breakfast with her parents. She couldn't help but stare at her mom.

My family is full of sexy women. Mom is sexy.

Master deserves sexy slaves.

My purpose is to serve and please my master.

Brenda had known she was bi for some time. She could appreciate a sexy woman, but she never looked at her mom that way before. If her mom was going to be a slave to her master, she had to entertain the idea that she and her mom would serve her master together, that her master may make them play together.

Brenda's mom stood as tall as her daughter. Whereas Brenda had long blonde locks, her mom kept hers short and spiky. She and Brenda played tennis weekly. And, while Brenda preferred training in the pool, her mom loved her CrossFit and Pilates classes.

Brenda glanced over to her dad.

How is he going to handle this? When Master claims us both, will I lose my dad? Or is there a way for Dad to serve Master as well?

She felt a little sad at the possibility of her mom losing her husband in favour of her master, but had no doubts that she, herself, could leave her life to serve her master forever.

“Your Aunt Carol called,” her mom said.

“Did she?” said Brenda. “What's up with Aunty Carol?”

“She and the twins wanted to know if you wanted to spend next weekend with them. They're going up to their cottage.”

My family is full of sexy women.

Master deserves sexy slaves.

Master is pleased that I'm helping to make slaves for him.

My purpose is to serve and please my master.

A large grin grew on Brenda's face. “I'd love to.”



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Written by Boratus
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