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Innocent Part VI

"Love and Lust collide and the truth is revealed"

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It was possible that if it had been sixty seconds earlier, Mel wouldn’t have heard the familiar cackle/laugh of Vanessa through the open window. She had been somewhat distracted! She let the curtain fall closed and wondered. She hadn’t actually seen Vanessa but she had seen her daughter, Michaela dragging Paul up along the path next door.

It also hadn’t slipped her attention that her daughter had borrowed one of her dresses and, guessing, the three of them had been to the Barn. She shook her head yet smiled remembering she had been just the same all those years ago. Except, of course, her Grandma didn’t possess little black ‘cum-fuck-me’ dresses. In her mind’s eyes, she pictured Michaela and Paul once again on the path. There was definitely something in the body language.

She reached down and pressed the slick button on the side of the toy and the distracting vibrations stopped. She turned away from the curtain and surveyed the scene on the bed.

Allie had collapsed on top of her husband, still wearing her stockings and heels and nothing else. Mel’s eyes of course went to their conjoined crotches just in time to see Michael’s cock slip from his wife’s cunt followed by a stream of his seed. Her eyes flicked to Allie’s pucker watching it finally close up after the pounding it had received from the buzzing strap-on cinched around Mel’s waist.

Previously at this point, she would’ve been on her knees cleaning up the mess she had helped create. But? There was what she had just seen.

“Maybe… we were wrong,” she said, “Maybe we should have told them.”

It took Allie a second to push herself up and twist about to look at her and her husband’s lover of almost twenty years. “Maybe?” she answered offering her hand to Mel, “But, when?”

Michael raised himself wearily up on his elbows, “When? What?” he asked baffled.

Mel and Allie looked at each other and rolled their eyeballs both sharing the same thought. Michael, smart and sharp as a knife in many areas of life but sometimes, oh so slow too!


I was coming down from a small orgasm when I heard Kay cry out from her bedroom, “Oh, fuck, yes you bastard!” I reflexively jammed my two fingers deep into my cunt, fingers pressed upon my g-spot and my heel grinding down onto my clit. The effect was instantaneous as my back arched off the couch and my juices squeezed out of my spasming quim to drench my knickers. Only that I had my hand balled into a fist and my teeth biting down on my knuckles I would have cried out loud enough for the lovers to hear.

After half a minute I collapsed back down exhausted from the hard orgasm I had just experienced. I pulled my fingers from my still trembling pussy and held them up in front of my face. My eyes flicked to the left I heard muffled sounds echoing through the house and wondered whether the two of them had left the door ajar. I slowly and tentatively began to lick my fingers clean.

History and decisions had a funny way of making things happen. I knew I had played no small part in what was unfolding in my ‘little’ sister’s bedroom.

I couldn’t remember precisely when Mel’s grandmother, I might’ve been six, had died but I could clearly remember how upset I was and it broke my heart to see the ‘big’ sister I adored in so much pain and grief. I knew it wasn’t long after, a few months maybe, when Mel moved away ostensibly to live with relatives. Again, I was upset and missed Mel so much.

What I did remember clearly was when she returned. It was just after my ninth birthday and my parents had announced to me and my brother on our birthday that Mel would be returning to the house next door shortly. Our dad had picked up my, much-missed, ‘big’ sister and the rest of the family had been waiting in Mel’s garden for her to arrive.

As soon as Mel had stepped out of the car, I had almost knocked my idol off her feet as I ran headlong into her embrace. My head was buried in my idol’s chest when I heard my mother say “Welcome home,” and my brother simply saying ‘Hi.”

Mel actually had to peel my young self from her body and knelt down, taking my tear-streaked face in my hands and said, “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, Ness.” I remember being bewildered as my father came around the car carrying a small child. “This is Michaela, Ness… you’re ‘little’ sister.”

In the present day as I cleaned the last of my juices from my fingers, I could remember the feeling at the time that it was the best day ever. I’d got my best friend back and had a brand-new sister for me to love and spoil.

Truly halcyon days.

In hindsight, it was only three years later, aged twelve that something literally didn’t add up. Michaela I was sure had skipped a birthday! I’d been sure she was only eighteen months old when she had arrived back in Midwich and yet less than three years later she was going to Infant’s school. It was odd and I assumed that I must’ve been mistaken when I was nine but the doubt still niggled that the second birthday, they quietly celebrated had been Michaela’s third.

Time went on and the irregularity of my ‘little’ sister’s age faded against the love I had for her. I was actually the youngest of the twins by three minutes but at no time had I ever felt any jealousy that I had been replaced as the baby of the family. The truth was as I got older, I saw the very same look of love and adoration in Michaela’s eyes that I figured had been in my own eyes when I had looked into Mel’s.

Unlike my brother, I had remained close to home for my Nurse training and it would be a rarity that I didn’t spend every other weekend there. Even though Mel had used a practical and no-nonsense approach to her daughter’s upbringing it was often the case that Michaela, or Kay now, would often ‘clarify’ things with me. Sex was a particular subject that Kay wanted explained in depth.

We had no idea we were repeating ‘educational’ history, when just after her sixteenth birthday. the three parents had a weekend away when I was at home alone with her. It was to be Kay’s first visit to the Barn after much badgering of me, her ‘big’ sister.

I laid down ground rules that included no drinking and always remaining with me. The first hurdle Kay had to pass though was an inspection that she could pass for eighteen. I had hoped that Kay, only just coming out of a grunge phase, would fail this and I would have a genuine excuse that wasn’t mine, as to why Kay couldn’t go. After an hour’s preparation, my ‘little’ sister stood in front of the full-length mirror affixed to her cupboard. She’d chosen a royal blue dress of her mother’s and with a little padding as her breasts were just a B-cup filled it perfectly.

“I think the boots make it!” Kay declared.

I laughed loudly realising that my ‘little’ sister had no heels and decided to go with her red Doctor Martens.

I nodded my acquiescence.

Kay got into the Barn with ease, both of the bouncers on the door nodding approval at her choice of footwear.

I followed my own ground rules and remained tee-total and the two of us danced and laughed while being hit upon by numerous wannabe lotharios. Both male and female!

It was when we got back to the house that the night took a wholly different direction. Kay was buzzing with excitement and that wonderful teenage energy. I recognised it from my own teen years; that incredible horniness one feels when one knows for sure that others find you attractive and want to fuck you. I knew without a doubt that her virgin quim was wet.

It was only at that point that I looked inwards and realised I was also horny. And also, that I wanted my ‘little’ sister too. The thought or suspicion that had been growing in the back of my mind for years pushed its way to the front. She’s your half-sister, Nessie I thought to myself, it’d be incest!

“Only half… I don’t care,” I thought and only realised I had said it out loud from the curious look on Kay’s face.

“What half don’t you care about, Ness?” she asked. I looked into those eyes and wasn’t sure what I was seeing. The innocence was there, but there was also something else too.

I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter,” I answered.

She smiled and seemed to accept my reply as she leaned down and unlaced her boots. “That was great tonight, Ness, thank you,” she said looking up into my eyes.

“It was fun,” I agreed.

“Did you see, Martin Turner?” I raised a questioning eyebrow, she continued, “Tall… lovely blue eyes, wearing the red tie.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I think I know who you mean.”

“He’s the year above me… couldn’t take his eyes off us!” she grinned as she slipped off her second boot. “He wanted one of us!”

“Or both of us?” I suggested.

“Mmmm…” she grinned, “That’d be something.”

“Kay!” I exclaimed with fake indignity.

Again, that look appeared that I couldn’t quite fathom as she rose and padded across in front of me before kneeling down at my feet. “Oh, come on, Ness,” she asked looking at me with a pair of pleading eyes, “I know you do boys and girls… and it’s not as if we’re blood,” she stated as her hands rested upon my knees. “And I trust you,” she added.

Oh, Kay… our parents have been a thrupple since I can remember, if we aren’t half-sisters, it would be a miracle, I thought, but I said, “You want me to take your lesbian cherry?”

“Tell me you’re not as horny as I am, Ness?” she asked.

I leaned forward, the rational part of my mind screaming, and looked sternly into her eyes, “Dripping,” I stated and my lips met hers. Oh fuck, I’m damned, I thought as my tongue slipped into her mouth.

Having been given permission, Kay was ravenous! Her hands slipped up beneath my skirt, laddering my stocking as they did, making a bee-line straight for my honey pot. I heard the fabric of my lacy panties tear and her fingers slide in between my damp outer lips. Her body followed, pressing me back initially into the couch before I slid to one side and she ended up on top of me.

There was no subtlety or finesse to her motions except within our mouths. I groaned deeply around her tongue as a long finger penetrated my slit and began to pump in earnest. Her pure and clumsy animal ferocity was wonderful as I managed to slide down the zipper on her dress and unclip her bra. I drove my hips against that eager finger feeling my orgasm building with a speed I had never known.

My hands wormed beneath her dress and pushing away the extra padding we had inserted I grasped her hard nipples and squeezed them hard. Kay broke the kiss and yelped in pleasure and pain but that finger never stopped. “That’s it, little sister… finger-fuck your big sister!” I cried out.

My own words were enough to trigger my orgasm. Simply no apostrophes around little and big and the full acceptance that I was letting my half-sister have her way with me had my back arching off the couch and my juices flooding over her hand. I squeezed her nipples even harder and felt the stockinged leg that was trapped between her thighs dampen. “Oh fuck, sis…. Give me more!” I pleaded, “I can take more!”

Her inexperience showed as she took a couple of moments to insert a second finger and then a couple more when I panted, “Make it three!”

I drove my hips against her hand as her fingers stretched my drenched cunt and was again rewarded with another hard orgasm. Once she found her rhythm, I felt like I was inside ‘bliss’ as I experienced my first ever multiple orgasm, wave after wave of pleasure emanating from my quim, seemingly radiating throughout my entire body. The new wave pulsed out just as the last left.

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I had no idea how long I rode that rollercoaster but I knew I’d never forget it.

When Kay’s hand got tired, I reluctantly pulled her hand from my abused cunt and kissed her softly on the lips. “Bed, now,” I simply said and led her to the bedroom,

She was a wonderful student and that night and all the following nights and afternoons and mornings and strolls in the local woods she willingly experienced and learnt all that I could teach about the giving and receiving of pleasure. It was all wrong and I knew it and I also knew it was something that, if it was only down to me, I would never give up.

Later that very night I saw the birthmark just near her left hip shaped like a shamrock that for some reason looked familiar. It was to be the next summer in the recently installed swimming pool behind our house that I saw the top half of something similar.

Just above the waistband of my father’s shorts.

When she took my full brother to her bedroom and I realised the door was ajar, I knew that I would watch. I also knew, having been guilty of ‘half-incest’ for the past sixteen months, that I would happily clean my brother’s cock of my half-sister’s juices and (hopefully) vice-versa. I had no doubt that my little sister had been the one who had left the door ajar and also wanted the both of us in all possible ways!


It might have been my imagination or just carnal hope but I was sure I actually felt Paul flood my womb with his seed as my orgasm subsided. I sat atop of him and ground my crotch against his as I squeezed my cunt muscles, greedy for all that his testes could give me.

There was only one thing that could make it better!

I looked at the door, which was now fully open and saw Ness standing there, her skirt hitched up and no sign of underwear beneath as she drove her fingers (three, I smiled, she always liked three) into her glistening cunt.

Our eyes locked and I wondered if all three of us had orgasmed simultaneously.

I wondered how all this, and hopefully what was to come, had happened.

The sins of the father? And the mothers too?

I’d known from an early age that I lived in a strange family. I wasn’t a single child of a single parent. We were a family of six! Two daughters, a brother, a father and two mothers. I’d looked at other children, my friends, in more conventional families and had felt blessed. There would always be a parent who had time for you and two elder ‘siblings’ who loved and protected you. I was sure that I was never spoiled by material things, there was a work ethic from an early age, but I was spoiled by the attention I was given!

And when I was old enough, in hindsight, there was only one lie my birth mother ever told me. Admittedly it was a big one.

I might’ve been six when I realised, we weren’t the norm by the simple fact we lived in two separate houses, even though they were next door to each other. That was when the question of my birth father was raised.

 A brief fling and the news of my arrival occurred after they had gone their separate ways.

That was the single lie!

There were lots of other details that were definitely true but that one piece of context skewed my vision. I was in my early teens when I began to wonder. For such a brief affair she described so much and with an obvious love for my absent father.

For one, his name was Micky and hence I was called Michaela.

She loved him.

Did he love her? “Yes!” she had answered emphatically.

He was married.

He had kids.

My mother was still grieving the loss of her mother when I was conceived.

Had she tried to get in contact with him? My mother answered, “Yes.” And shrugged her shoulders.

If he was here now? “I’d fall into his arms.”

In my mid-teens, I fully realised that my mother and the Carters were a thrupple. They attempted to keep the obvious tactile signs to a minimum and succeeded in public, but not so much at home. My only thoughts had been Go, Mom. The realisation simply confirmed my family of six. I knew that Nessie, by the way she smiled when our parents, all three of them, brushed hands and such, had already known and that Paul didn’t have a clue.

And then, a mere two days before my sixteenth birthday, home alone and trying on some of my mothers’ clothes (or searching for presents) I found the Fire-box in the bottom of her cupboard. Of course, I knew what it was having been told it contained valuable documents, like deeds, her Will and insurance and whatnot to preserve them from fire and would be necessary in whatever disaster might befall the house. “Or me!” she had added.

Curiosity got the better of me and I went and fetched my house keys. There was the little key that opened the box. There wasn’t any point if I didn’t have one! I opened the box and looked inside.

There was the Will, the insurances and the deeds. I pulled out a photo album and flicked through it. initially, there were photos of my grandmother and then scan photos of myself. Then there I was in the arms of my mother and then Michael and Allie.

Something niggled!

The rest of the photos I recognised...

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Written by TonyNon
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