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New Horizons For Finn pt. 3: Dani's Decision

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Author's Notes

"This is a work of fiction. Probably."

Dani pulled into the driveway, her body still buzzing from the adventures of the evening. She always found herself tingling after a trip to the gloryholes, and usually spent the rest of her night just enjoying the vibrations running through her body. She usually didn’t even masturbate, just relaxed into the afterglow. But occasionally, she called up one of her guy friends to get some satisfaction. And fuck, did she need some satisfaction right about now! Tonight, though, she felt like she needed to be here, at home, to keep an eye on Finn.

Because she was a little worried. Finn had been surprisingly silent on the nearly hour-long drive home. He’d answered her when she talked to him, it wasn’t like he was catatonic or anything, but she’d kind of expected him to be either totally fucked up by what they’d done, or totally ecstatic and talking a mile a minute. Instead, he’d spent most of his time staring out the passenger window. As he was right now, unmoving. Dani unbuckled her seat belt, but Finn just… sat there.

“We’re home, Bubby,” she said, touching his shoulder. He started and turned toward her. The look in his eyes was… strange.

“Oh! Yeah, okay.” He unbuckled and got out of the car, and she followed. They entered the house, and Finn headed straight for the stairs.

“Hey, Finn,” she called, and he stopped. “Are you okay?”


“You’ve just been quiet on the drive home. I’m a little worried. Are you… I mean… are you having regrets?”

He looked at her like she was crazy, and then his mouth spread into a grin.

“Regrets?” He laughed. “Why would you think I have regrets? This has been the most amazing night of my life!”

Dani sighed in relief. “Thank God! You just sat there staring out the window the whole way home, I thought maybe I’d scarred you for life!”

He laughed again, and blushed. “I wasn’t staring out the window,” he said. “Dani, look at me! I’ve got cum in my hair, on my earlobe. There’s cum on my chin. I was looking at my reflection!”

“I don’t-” she began.

“It’s fucking hot, Dani!” He laughed. “I was looking at my reflection in the window. Seeing stranger’s cum all over me. Thinking about what I did. What WE did. That last guy… Jesus, Dani, I’m still rock hard! Sucking a cock with you, it was incredible!”

It was Dani’s turn to blush. It HAD been hot. And her body was still revved up from the experience. If she hadn’t been so worried about his reaction, his silence, she’d have spent the whole ride home reliving it in her mind! “It… it really was,” she said.

Finn rushed forward and took her in his arms, picking her tiny body up off the floor in a bear hug. They both laughed.

“You’re amazing,” he said. “Thank you for showing me a whole new world.” He set her back on her feet, and looked down at her with a huge grin. He puckered his lips and leaned forward, giving her a brotherly kiss on the lips.

And her body tingled even more sharply. Fuck, she was worked up, if her brother giving her a peck could make her pussy twitch! She looked up at him, and a sudden urge took her. She put her hand behind his head and pulled his face down and kissed him, stepping into him and pressing her body against his. Her tongue slid into his mouth, and she felt his body become stiff. But she also felt his cock pressed against her belly, and shivered. She broke the kiss.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Don’t know why I did that!” She bit her lips and blushed harder.

“I… uh… fuck!” Finn shook his head, flustered. “That was… okay, that was weird, but fuck, Dani. We had our tongues wrapped around a huge cock together less than an hour ago. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little kiss!” He stepped back. “But, uh… listen, Mom and Dad will be home any time, and I’m standing in the foyer covered with cum.” He blushed as red as her. “And I’m horny as hell. I’m going to go take a shower, and… take care of things. After… come hang out in my room. I want to talk about tonight! And when we can do it again!” He leaned down and kissed her again, and then turned toward the stairs.

“Finn!” she called. “Take your shower, but don’t, uh… take care of things. Trust me. Just enjoy the tingle. You can take care of things tomorrow, and believe me, there’s something to be said for delayed gratification.”

He looked at her for a long moment, and then shrugged. “You’re the one with the experience,” he said. “Still, though, come hang in my room after I’m out of the shower? I really, really wanna talk about tonight!”

“I’m getting into my PJs and getting into bed. Come to my room to talk instead.”

Just then, the glare of headlights pulling into the driveway shone through the window.

“Shit,” Dani said. “Mom and Dad are home. Hurry up, get in the shower, we’ll talk after!”


Lauren pulled the car into the driveway as Mike snored in the passenger seat. He was pretty much always like this after one of their swing nights, and Tina had put him through his paces. She’d put Lauren through her paces, too, but Mike didn’t need to know anything about that. At least, not yet.

“Wake up, honey, we’re home,” she said and shook his shoulder. He snorted, his eyes opening, and looked around groggily.

“Okay, babe,” he said around a huge yawn. “Jesus, I’m wiped tonight. Think I’ll be going straight to bed.”

She rolled her eyes. “You always go straight to bed,” she said with a chuckle. She turned off the car and looked up just in time to see light come on in Dani’s window. “No reason tonight should be any different.” She paused. “I think I’m going to stay up for a bit. I’m still a little wired. And it looks like Dani’s home, I want to go talk to her about school.”

Mike unbuckled and opened the door, still yawning. “Okay, hon,” he said as he got out. She climbed out of the car and took him by the arm, steering him toward the front door. “You go talk to Dani, and I’m going to bed. If you wanna molest me in my sleep, feel free, but I can’t promise the junk’s gonna work.”

Once they made it inside, Mike gave Lauren a quick peck and walked down the hall toward the first-floor master bedroom. “Night, babe,” he said around another yawn. “Tonight was amazing.”

“It was,” she agreed. And meant it.

She looked at the stairs, suddenly nervous. She definitely needed to talk to Dani. But should she wait till tomorrow? Wait until she wasn’t quite so keyed up?

Wait until the mental image of Dani sucking her own father’s cock at the gloryhole wasn’t burning through her brain and sending lightning… well, places it shouldn’t go when thinking about your daughter?

She decided to put it off. She was definitely too keyed up to sleep yet, but she wasn’t ready to have this talk. Luckily, she happened to know there was a sink full of dirty dishes. Is it weird to wash dishes at three in the morning on a Saturday night? Probably. But it was all she could think to do at that moment.

As she ran the sink full of dishwater, her mind drifted toward Tina and Eric. Tina’s bold confession. Tina licking Eric’s cum, her own brother’s cum, out of Lauren’s pussy. Telling her about their father, and the things they’d all done together. Tina had even called Eric into the bathroom with them, kissed him deeply and grasped his thick cock, calling him Baby Brother.

Eric had confirmed it. All of it. Tina fucking their father. Eric sucking their father’s cock. Their father fucking Eric’s ass. Tina and Eric sharing a bedroom, and a bed, with all that entails, until they both graduated college. And every word had excited Lauren. Had put images into her head of Mike bending Dani over the kitchen counter and fucking her from behind. Of Dani joining her in sucking Mike’s cock. Dirty, forbidden thoughts that she would never act on, but that made her pussy throb in ways it never had before. Made her whole body throb.

Water splashing to the floor brought her out of her reverie, and she cursed as she turned off the faucet. She sighed, realizing she wouldn’t be able to do anything until she had this conversation with Dani. She left the kitchen and walked slowly up the stairs. Resigned, Lauren raised her hand to knock on the door, firm in her resolve to tell Dani she knew she’d been at the gloryhole. Confess that she and Mike had been there as well. Tell her that she wouldn’t stop her from going, but that they needed to arrange their schedules so as not to run into each other in the future.

The sound of voices made her pause. The door was cracked slightly, and she gently pushed it a little further open, peeking inside.

Finn sat on the floor next to Dani’s bed, a towel wrapped around his waist. Dani sat on the bed, a blanket over her crossed legs, wearing a tight cami top.

“It was fucking amazing, Dani,” Finn was saying quietly. “I mean, I knew I liked sucking off Mr. Sealy, but it was never this satisfying.”

Dani laughed. “The joys of sucking off strangers and never seeing their faces,” she said. “I remember the first time I went. I reacted about like you are right now.”

“And that last one, damn… I liked that last one.” Finn shivered.

So did Lauren, as realization dawned. It was Finn. The other… well, clearly not girl… the other mouth at the gloryhole hadn’t been one of Dani’s girlfriends. It had been Finn.

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Mike’s cock had been sucked by not just his daughter, but his seventeen-year-old son.

His son who had apparently also been sucking the assistant track coach.

Lauren wanted to run away, wanted to pretend she hadn’t heard this. But she was frozen there. And now there was a new image in her head, one she couldn’t shake. Finn’s mouth wrapped around his father’s cock. Finn stroking Mike until he came all over the boy’s face.

And despite herself, the image wasn’t unwelcome.

She couldn’t have this conversation. Not now. Not until she processed this information. She turned and slowly walked back down the stairs.


Finn sighed, almost wistfully.

“I just kind of wish I’d…” He trailed off.

“Wish you’d what?”

“I just… okay, listen, I’m still really keyed up. I’m hard as a rock, I have been since we left the bookstore. And I loved every minute. I’d have sucked a hundred cocks if they’d come through that little hole in the wall. But… well, I’ve never…”

“Never what?”

“Never had my cock sucked.” He sighed. “I liked the stuff I did with Mr. Sealy, but part of me wanted to change places every once in a while. Have him suck me. And I kind of wanted to fuck him. His butt, I mean.”

Dani pursed her lips. “Fuck, Finn, I wish you’d told me! I could have made sure there was a girl in the booth next to us at some point!”

“I wish you had!” He laughed.

“You don’t have to sit on the floor,” Dani said. “I don’t bite.”

“I didn’t want to invade your space,” Finn replied. “Besides, I’m still… well, hard,” he said.

Dani laughed. “Quit being ridiculous. We sucked a cock together. Sitting next to me on the bed isn’t invading my space.”

Finn stood, and Dani’s eyes widened. The towel he was wearing did nothing to hide a sizable bulge.

“Jesus, Finn,” she said. “You weren’t kidding!”

Finn blushed, and started to sit back down on the floor.

“Get up here, you dumbass,” Dani said, laughing quietly. “It’s only as weird as we make it. You’re hard, I’m wet, we sucked cock together tonight. We can sit next to each other and it not be weird.”

Finn thought for a moment, then sat down on the bed.

“So, you’ve really never gotten a blowjob?”

“Not even once,” Finn said.

“What about Johanna?”

Finn grimaced. “We had sex. No oral. It was kind of mechanical. She was just going through the motions, I think. And that… well, it was just once.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Dani said, and put her hand on Finn’s knee in a comforting gesture. The bulge in the towel twitched. Dani saw it, and grinned as Finn blushed.

“Okay, I have no control over that,” he said, laughing and turning five shades of red.

“I know, I know,” laughed Dani. “It’s just funny. You’re so horny your dick jerks when your sister touches your knee!” She moved her hand just above his knee, and the bulge twitched again. She laughed again, and he blushed and started to pull away.

“Okay, okay, I know!” Finally, Finn laughed too. “It’s got a mind of its own when I’m this horny. You’re the one that told me to enjoy the afterglow. Well, for guys, this is the afterglow!”

“So any little thing sets you off?” Dani grinned mischievously. “Like, when we kissed downstairs, and I could feel your hard cock against me?”

Finn blushed again. “Yes.”

Dani moved her hand slightly higher on his thigh.

“And this?”

Finn pulled his leg out from under her hand and stood. His towel fell to the floor when he did, and he froze, looking at Dani, aghast.

“Jesus fuck,” said Dani. “Wow.”

“I-I-I’m sorry,” stammered Finn. “I-I-It was an accident!”

“A happy accident,” said Dani. “Christ, little brother. That’s… you have a very nice cock.”

“I… what?”

Dani shook herself, then looked up at her brother. “I was just teasing you,” she said. “I really wasn’t trying to get you so worked up. But… yeah, damn, Bubby, you have a nice cock.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“If you weren’t my brother, I’d…”

“You’d what?” Finn sounded nervous.

Dani stood up and looked in her brother’s eyes for a moment and then stepped toward him.

“I’d ask if I could touch it.”

“I… I… uh…” Finn grew more flustered with every second. He cleared his throat. “Quit screwing with me,” he said. “You don’t want to touch my cock. I’m your brother.”

She grinned her mischievous grin. “I said if you weren’t my brother.” She laughed and sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her palms. Finn could see her hard nipples through the thin material of her cami, and his cock twitched again. She laughed.

Finn blushed again, and decided two could play this game.

“Well, fine, if you weren’t my sister, I’d say you’ve seen mine, it’s only fair I get to see yours.”

She laughed. “I don’t have a cock.”

“Your tits,” he said. “If you weren’t my sister, I’d say you should take your shirt off and show me your tits.”

Dani seemed to consider a moment, and then to Finn’s utter shock, she stripped her cami off over her head, baring her small breasts to his view. Somehow, his cock grew even harder.

“Oh, my god,” she said. “That certainly got a reaction.” Her laughter was almost musical. “Jesus, Finn, I’m not kidding. If you weren’t my brother…” She bit her lip seductively.

“Okay, fuck, that’s enough,” said Finn, bending down to retrieve the towel. “Tonight was amazing, the teasing is fun, but I’m going to be up all night with blue balls as it is. I’m going to my room, and I’m going to… take care of things.” He wrapped the towel back around his waist and started for the door.


He stopped and turned toward her. “What?”

“Can I touch it?”

He looked her up and down. Her small breasts moved as she breathed. Her nipples looked hard enough to cut glass. He could see a patch of wetness in the thin material of her pajama bottoms, between her legs.

He let the towel drop to the floor, and his cock sprang into view again.

“If… if you want,” he replied.

Dani’s hand moved slowly, reaching toward him. She extended one finger, touching the tip of his penis, which sprang even higher as he gasped. It was practically pointing at the ceiling now. She trailed that finger along the length of his shaft, looking in his eyes all the while.

“Dani… I…”

She wrapped her hand around his cock and slowly stroked down the length of the thick shaft.

“It’s very big, little brother,” she said. “It’s bigger than the one we sucked together.”

“I know,” he said, embarrassed. “God, that feels good.”

“It feels good in my hand,” she said. “Like it belongs there.” She tightened her grip, and he gasped again.

“Dani, what are we doing?”

She shrugged. “Not what I planned,” she said, moving closer to him, her hand still slowly stroking his shaft. “But I keep getting these crazy compulsions tonight, it seems. I’m guessing it has something to do with how fucking hot it was to have our tongues twining together around a stranger’s cock. After that… well, I guess anything goes. This is stupid, and we shouldn’t be doing it, but...” She dropped to her knees, and in one smooth motion, guided the head of his cock into her mouth.

Finn gasped, his knees almost buckling.

“Fuck, Dani,” he said, as she slid more of him into her mouth. Halfway down the shaft, he could feel the head of his cock impact the back of her throat. But she didn’t stop, and he felt the head pass by that tighter spot and deep into her throat. She held it there for a moment, then slowly pulled back till just the head was between her lips, and then back down, all the way, deep-throating her brother’s cock.

It took only a minute of this before he started to feel his cock throb and his balls tighten.

“Dani…. Uh… fuck, Dani, I’m about to cum,” he said.

She shoved her face forward, taking all of him, her lips pressing against his balls, as he started to cum deep in her throat. Now she did gag, but only slightly, as he filled her mouth and throat, pulsing over and over until he was drained dry. She...

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Written by naughtydad73
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