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Sex With A Stranger Ch. 2

"AJ pays Olivia back for their night of passion."

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It had been two weeks since AJ and Olivia’s night together, and AJ still couldn’t get the memories out of her mind. Most nights she went to sleep after bringing herself to a climax as she relived their passionate night together. AJ had tried to get Olivia to agree to another night, secretly, of course. But Olivia stayed stern that there was no way that they could risk it again.

She had dropped enough hints that AJ knew that Olivia wanted it as much as she did. Olivia had even let AJ know about a basement window that had some problem and was no longer linked to her security system. She had stated that she was concerned that someone might break in before she got it fixed the following Monday.

So, Saturday night, AJ slipped through the darkness and made her way to the low window. She tested it and found it unlocked. She lifted it up, slid her bag through first, and then slipped through the window. She slid the window down and quietly made her way upstairs to the bedroom that had just went dark.

Olivia laid in the dark and listened for any abnormal sounds. AJ hadn’t said she would be here tonight, but Olivia had dropped enough hints that AJ should’ve known that she had tonight or Sunday night to get in without any problems. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about AJ all day. The fact that she could sneak in without Olivia even knowing made her even more excited. She stayed as busy as she could through the day to try to keep her mind occupied. But now, she lay in the dark, and there was nothing that could keep her mind away from AJ.

Olivia had never been with any other women but AJ. It had been one time after a night out drinking that AJ had made the moves on her. She had been nervous, but AJ made it easy to make love to her. It had been the best night of sex ever for Olivia, until two weeks ago.

Olivia had never been an aggressive woman, an aggressive cop, yes, but never an aggressive woman. She had numerous experiences with men and a failed marriage. She had never found anyone that could match what she had felt with AJ that one night. When she found out she had been accepted in Richmond, Virginia, she knew what she was going to do. She had to have one more night with AJ.

AJ made her way to Olivia’s bedroom door without making a sound. She saw that the door was ajar and knew she would not have any trouble getting in silently. She stopped down from the door, quietly removed all of her clothes, and placed them in her bag. AJ got the blindfold and handcuffs from the side pocket, pulled her bag over her shoulder, and walked closer to Olivia’s bedroom. She heard soft music playing as she pushed open the door and slipped into the room. She kept herself against the wall just inside the door as she looked over at Olivia.

If she had heard AJ come in, she wasn’t acting like it. AJ stayed right where she was until she saw Olivia draw her legs up under the sheet. AJ saw movement and then heard Olivia’s response as her hands evidently came down between her legs. AJ stayed quiet and moved to the empty side of the bed. She sat her bag down out of the way, gripped the blindfold in her hand, and slid across the bed. As Olivia started to turn toward her and lean up off the bed, AJ wrapped a hand around her mouth and slid behind her back.

“Not a sound,” AJ whispered as she pulled Olivia’s bare back against her chest. She slid both hands up and pulled the blindfold over Olivia’s head and down over her eyes. AJ picked up the handcuffs, placed one side around Olivia’s left wrist, and then pulled her arm up to the headboard. She looped the cuffs around a rail, and then pulled Olivia’s right arm up and secured that wrist as well.

“If you stay quiet, I won’t gag you. Understand?” AJ asked as she placed another pillow behind Olivia’s shoulders.

“Yes,” Olivia’s shaky voice answered. She knew this had to be AJ, but it didn’t sound like her. And the scent that always let Olivia know when AJ was nearby, it wasn’t here. What Olivia smelled was an all knew aroma that she would never associate with AJ. Not that it was bad, it just wasn’t AJ. Olivia felt the sheet being pulled down leaving her naked body exposed to the cool night air. Her nipples tightened even more from being exposed and from the excitement of the situation.

“Look at you. You are all ready for me aren’t you? Your nipples are so hard. I bet they could cut glass. What about your pussy? I’m guessing you are so wet that I could fist you with no problem. Would that be true Olivia?” AJ brought one finger down and slipped it through Olivia’s folds.

Olivia didn’t say a word, nod her head or anything. The only thing she did was respond immediately to the finger that was teasing between her legs. Her hips pressed against the light touch and tried to encourage the act. But the finger pulled away, and Olivia heard lips sucking cleaning her juices off of the finger.

AJ reached into her bag and pulled out the collapsible whip. She leaned against the wall and slowly connected piece after piece until the whip was fully extended. AJ stayed against the wall as she stretched her arm out and teased the whip up the inside of Olivia’s leg. It reacted right away to the light touch and pulled away. AJ moved further up and let the tip barely graze across Olivia’s thigh. Muscles flinched and tightened as she teased her way up. When she reached the top of her thigh, she slid the shortened leather strap up the side of Olivia’s mound, across the strip of hair, and back down the other side.

AJ looked up and saw Olivia’s chest rise with every ragged breath. Her body was clenched from the teasing, yet awaiting every touch. AJ pulled the whip away from Olivia’s legs and up toward her breasts. She laid the leather strap across a breast and slid it down her nipple. She teased underneath each breast before pulling the strap back up and across her other nipple.

Olivia had no idea what she was being touched with but it had her entire body tight. Every touch made her clench even tighter. Her breathing was so chaotic that she was afraid she might pass out. Olivia heard a soft sound and then felt AJ’s weight on the bed. A strong but gentle hand massaged up both legs until Olivia’s body was once again relaxed.

She felt movement again and felt a body brush against hers as AJ settled beside her. Fingers teased her neck as a hand lowered down to her chest. Light touches made Olivia even more aware of the cool air. Her flesh as well as her nipples responded to more of the gentle teasing. Olivia thought she was in for more light torture when she felt a tongue lick across her nipple.

AJ surrounded the nipple and areola as Olivia’s back arched up toward her lips. A satisfying moan sounded as Olivia finally released her held in breaths. As AJ sucked on one breast, her fingers teased and pinched the other until both were straining from excitement. AJ had never seen anyone’s nipples get as big as Olivia’s when she was turned on. She sucked each nipple until they both were so large that AJ thought they had to be hurting.

She pulled herself off the bed, reached into a pocket on her bag, and pulled out two clothes pins. She had used them on herself in the past. While they did hurt, there was never any permanent damage, and when you got passed the initial shock, the pain easily turned into pleasure. She had even made sure that both were not too tight on her own nipples before she had come over to Olivia’s tonight.

AJ sat back on the bed and lowered the first clothes pin around Olivia’s nipple and then slowly released it. She did it slow enough that Olivia had time to prepare for the full pressure. AJ saw her cringe, but she barely made a sound when AJ finally pulled her hand away. She got the second one and secured it on Olivia’s other nipple before sitting back and looking at Olivia’s face. A mix of pain and pleasure crossed her face as she tried to take in every sensation.

AJ sat up in the bed and reached back in her bag for her next item. She pulled up the butterfly stimulator and slid Olivia’s legs through each side. She pulled it up as far as she could and had Olivia raise her hips so she could get it into place. Once she made sure that the straps were tight and everything was where it should be, she had Olivia lower herself back down. AJ pulled herself back to the end of the bed and turned the butterfly on low.

“Fuck,” Olivia groaned as the pulses started against her clit. Her body was already in high gear from all the teasing and torturing. Having a vibrator attached to her clit was just another way to string her along without her ever reaching her goal.

The vibrations weren’t strong enough to send her over the edge, but they were enough to keep her clit pulsing. The fact that it was still on low gave Olivia slight hope that maybe she would cum before long. Olivia tried to adjust her hips to get more pressure on her clit, but with her hands cuffed above her head, she couldn’t move very far.

After watching Olivia’s pleasant torture for a while, AJ slid up the bed, laid the remote just out of the way and gently removed the first clothespin that she had placed on Olivia. She took the nipple between her lips right away and gently circled her tongue around it as feeling started coming back. Olivia’s breathing let AJ know that she was enjoying every second of the sweet torture. As AJ moved toward Olivia’s other nipple, she reached over and turned the vibrator up one notch. She quickly pulled the second clothes pin off and sucked the nipple into her mouth.

“Yes, god yes,” Olivia shouted as her body started reacting to every sensation. Her nipples hurt but the pain was a good pain, and every time AJ sucked on her nipple, a shock went through her body and built up between her legs. The vibrator was up just high enough to have her right on the edge but not quite enough to send her over. She pushed her chest against AJ’s sucking lips and clamped her legs together and moved her hips against nothing.

AJ released Olivia’s nipple and pulled her lips away. She reached for the remote and turned the vibrator off. She heard Olivia’s whine at the loss of sensation, but she never said a word. AJ laid the clothes pins on the bedside table and picked up the handcuff key that she had placed there. She reached up and started unlocking Olivia’s hands.

“I will remove the cuffs for now. If you make one move to remove your mask, I will leave and this will never be finished. You can touch me when I say you can touch me. Otherwise, keep your hands above your head or on the headboard. Agreed?” When Olivia nodded to her, AJ released one hand and then the other. Olivia rubbed her wrists, shook her arms a bit to wake them up, and then laid them above her head.

AJ laid the key back on the table and crawled up beside Olivia. She linked one hand with Olivia’s as she pulled her head around and kissed her for the first time. The kiss filled AJ in a way that she felt herself moan against Olivia’s lips. She didn’t remember a kiss ever making her feel so complete and turned on at the same time. The kiss made her feel like she had just found the last piece to a puzzle that she had left unfinished for years. Yet, at the same time, her body immediately tensed up as she wanted more of the wonderful sensation.

Olivia kept her arms above her head but she turned over on her side and pushed against AJ’s lips. Her tongue was welcomed by parted lips, and she felt AJ’s tongue dance alongside of hers as they moved together. AJ’s mouth was occupied but Olivia felt one of her arms move up and pull one of her hands around her side. Olivia’s hands came down quickly and held AJ as she turned back over on her back and pulled AJ on top of her.

Her hands couldn’t decide where they wanted to be. They pressed AJ’s hips down as Olivia grinded up against her. But then they slid up and captured her breasts and immediately started their own game of torture. They barely teased against each nipple and then would pinch a hold of both and twist them between fingers. The only thing that would make it complete for Olivia is if she could pull them up to her mouth.

AJ pulled away breathless and sat up over Olivia trapping her hands against her breasts as she did. She encircled each wrist and made sure Olivia’s hands stayed right where they were. AJ slid her hips back until she felt the butterfly stimulator beneath her. She kept her hips there and started grinding down against Olivia. Olivia’s legs moved up behind AJ’s back, and she tilted her hips up and met AJ’s movements with her own.

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When AJ felt the vibrator slide up between them, she reached over and clicked it back on.

“Yes,” AJ and Olivia voiced together as they pressed into each other. AJ released Olivia’s wrists and captured her nipples in both hands. She clamped on and pulled on Olivia’s nipples as they both pressed against the stimulation between their pussies. AJ knew Olivia had been close before, but she was surprised to find herself just as close to cumming as Olivia had been.

She reached down for the remote and turned it off. She dropped it on the bed and caught Olivia’s wrists and pulled her arms back over her head. AJ pulled herself up off of Olivia and reached down to remove the stimulator. She threw it on her bag and pulled Olivia down further in the bed. AJ placed her knees on either side of Olivia’s head and brought her hands down by Olivia’s hips.

“Touch me,” AJ whispered. Olivia’s hands came up and pulled her pussy down on her lips. AJ let out a shaky breath and lowered herself down and licked all the way down Olivia’s slit. AJ tongued her opening and pushed inside of her. She raised and lowered her head as she fucked Olivia with her tongue. She could feel vibrations against her clit as Olivia moaned with each thrust. AJ pulled her mouth away, slid two fingers through Olivia’s folds and pushed them inside of her pussy. She heard a muffled scream and felt Olivia’s mouth suck harder on her clit. AJ lowered her mouth, flicked her tongue across her waiting clit and finally pulled it in her mouth. She kept slamming her fingers into Olivia as she sucked and pulled on her clit.

Olivia was so close to cumming, but she wouldn’t let herself go until she was sure AJ would be cummng with her. She brought a finger up and slid it inside of AJ and got it covered in her cum juice. She pulled her finger out and slid it up to AJ’s asshole. She did this a couple of times to make sure that AJ was plenty lubed up before her next move. Olivia circled her finger around and around and moved in closer to the tight opening of AJ’s ass. When the puckered hole gaped slightly, she gently pushed inside. Her finger slid in easily and Olivia continued moving in slowly.

“Oh my God, Liv” AJ panted when she had to pull away from Olivia’s pussy to catch her breath. No one had ever done this to her before, but Olivia did it with such ease that there was very little pain.

As she started pumping her finger in and out, AJ felt an all new sensation building in her groin. She quickly went back down on Olivia, started ramming her fingers into her and sucked her clit hard. Olivia met every thrust with a thrust of her own. AJ could hear the muffled screams from Olivia every time she rammed her fingers inside of her. And AJ was doing the exact same thing. Olivia’s finger rammed into her ass over and over again and sucked on her clit so hard that AJ knew any moment now she would be thrust over the edge and flying higher than she ever had. AJ humped her hips against Olivia’s mouth and kept ramming her clit into her teeth.

Olivia brought her other hand up, wet two fingers and slid them in AJ’s pussy. After just a few thrusts, AJ screamed and her hips went wild against Olivia’s face. Scream after scream came from AJ as she rammed her fingers all the way in Olivia.

AJ was fucking Olivia hard and sucking her clit quickly. Her actions sent Olivia over the edge as well, and she humped AJ’s face over and over as the climax continued coursing through her body. When they both eased down, fingers were gentle and sucking had changed to licking as the both tried to clean as much as they could of each other. With her fingers finally removed, AJ pulled herself off of Olivia and turned around and lay down on her shoulder. Arms surrounded her and held her close as they both continued to come down from their climax.

“That was fucking amazing,” Olivia said softly. She felt AJ turn and nuzzle her neck. Olivia brought a hand up and held AJ to her as she kissed and sucked on her neck. “Can I please take my mask off now? I want to see you honey.”

“I’m not your honey, Olivia.” AJ stayed where she was, but she also had the urge to flee. “You will leave your mask on until I am long gone.”

“AJ, please let me explain,” Olivia tried to say, but she was quickly pushed onto her back and her arms were pulled back up over her head. They weren’t handcuffed, but they didn’t have to be. Olivia didn’t want tonight to end. So she kept her hands secured around the headboard.

AJ pulled herself off the bed, got her next toy out of her bag, and sat down next to Olivia. “Hold out your hands.”

Olivia did as requested and held her hands out over her stomach. When she felt hard rubber land in both hands, she wrapped her hands around the object and quickly figured out what it was. The dildo was removed from her hands, and one end was placed back in her hand.

“Place it inside of you,” AJ said as she kneeled by Olivia’s side.

Olivia placed the shorter curved side between her legs and slid it inside. With one hand she held the dildo inside of her while the other hand stroked up and down her silicone cock. AJ took her hand, held it open, and squirted lube onto her palm. Olivia ran her hand up and down the stiff cock and spread the lube down the shaft. Olivia pulled her hands away when she felt AJ climbing over the top of her.

AJ wrapped her hands in Olivia’s as she slowly lowered herself down. She started moving up and down the shaft until she could finally take it all in. AJ pulled her hands away and brought them back on Olivia’s thighs as she pulled up and then rammed herself down on the hard cock. Olivia’s hands came to her hips and pushed her down even harder.

“Fuck me, Liv,” AJ said as she started riding Olivia. “Fuck me until I scream.”

Olivia pulled her legs up behind AJ and thrust her hips up as AJ lowered herself back down. Every time AJ rammed down on the stiff shaft, Olivia’s end would press up into her g-spot. As AJ picked up speed, the quicker Olivia rose to meet her. Every thrust brought her closer and closer to an orgasm that Olivia could already tell was going to be very different from all the others she had ever had.

AJ had never felt as filled as she did right then. She continued to thrust her hips down harder and harder until she felt the stirrings of her orgasm. She lowered one hand between her legs where she started pinching her clit between her fingers. Her other hand was wrapped around her breast where it kept pinching and pulling on her nipple. The hand between her legs was pushed aside and Olivia’s hand took over. She pinched AJ’s clit between two fingers and used her forefinger to tease across the top. AJ brought her hand up to her other breast and began pinching her nipple.

“Anna,” Olivia moaned as the heat in her groin hit a high, “I’m gonna cum baby.”

“Liv,” AJ managed to get out before a scream erupted from her lips. She kept ramming herself down as she rode her orgasm. She heard Olivia scream and continue grunting as AJ rode on top of her. It seemed to go on forever for both of them, but eventually, AJ collapsed down on Olivia’s chest with the dildo still inside of her.

Olivia pulled AJ up and kissed her softly before she wrapped her arms around her back and held her close. She could feel the damp sheet under her ass and knew that she had just ejaculated during her orgasm. Olivia had managed to get herself to squirt in the past, but no one had ever made her do it during sex. This was another first for her, and she couldn’t imagine giving it up.

“AJ,” Olivia started to say, but a hand come down over her mouth and stopped her from speaking further.

AJ couldn’t let Olivia speak. She was having enough trouble on her own trying to keep this a casual thing. If she’d heard Olivia’s words, it would have made things even tougher for her. Olivia calling her Anna made it tough enough. Very few people knew what AJ stood for. Those that did knew better than to call her anything but AJ. Olivia was the only that had ever had the nerve to call her Anna. AJ admitted to herself a long time ago that she loved the way Olivia said her name.

AJ pulled herself up enough to pull the dildo from between her legs. She dropped it on her bag, lay down on the bed, and pulled Olivia around her back. An arm wrapped around her waist as lips kissed the side of her neck.

Olivia knew that AJ didn’t want to hear what she had to say. But so many emotions were flooding through her, and she had no idea how to handle any of them. For once in her life, she had found the perfect sexual partner. Someone who not only made her cum but also made her discover all sorts of knew things about herself. Not only that, but Olivia loved the conversations she and AJ had. They agreed on most things, and what they didn’t agree on, they at least tried to see the other’s point of view. If Olivia didn’t know better, she’d have thought she was in love with AJ.

AJ heard the breath that Olivia had just taken. It almost sounded like a breath of surprise, like Olivia had just realized something important. AJ closed her eyes and told herself she would never be that lucky. Olivia was here to do a job, not fall in love and make her life even more difficult. AJ sat up in the bed and pulled the quilt up over them. She turned around and buried her face in Olivia’s neck. She took a deep breath of the woman that she had fallen in love with. Even though they could never be together, AJ would always remember their nights together.

Almost an hour later, AJ lay there still awake. Olivia had fallen asleep some time ago, but AJ wanted to make sure she was good and asleep before she slipped out of bed. AJ pulled Olivia’s arm up and laid it gently on her hip. She slid backwards and brought her feet down to the floor. She quickly gathered all of her things and slid them back in one side of the bag. Once she was sure she had everything gathered up, she picked up her bag and looked at Olivia who was still wearing the sleeping mask that AJ had put on her.

Her beautiful, peaceful face made AJ want to just crawl back in bed with her. But she didn’t want to be here when Olivia woke in the morning. If she didn’t leave before sunrise, then it was possible that she could be spotted, and she wasn’t going to risk her or Olivia’s job.

AJ quietly went out into the hall where she quickly got dressed. She made her way back down to the basement where she let herself out through the same window that she had come in. She ran the two blocks to her car and headed home alone.

Monday morning AJ was sitting at her desk, and Olivia was already in her office. Neither one of them had said anything besides the normal good morning, but AJ could see the questions on Olivia’s face. AJ had given her a normal smile before turning away and heading to her desk. AJ looked up and saw her partner Jim heading into the squad room.

“Hey AJ, how’s that hangover feeling from Saturday night? Do you even know who won the game?” Jim sat a coffee in front of AJ and put the box of donuts between them. He took his seat and looked over at his partner. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he could guess. He’d seen AJ around their new Captain, and she was a totally different person with Captain Miller.

“Jim, you know I don’t have a clue who won the game. I was so drunk when it started, I barely even remember you singing the National Anthem, badly at that. Thanks for letting me crash over there, Jim. I appreciate it.” AJ took a bite of her donut and turned her chair around. She let her eyes linger just a moment at Olivia who was standing in her doorway listening to their conversation. “Do I owe you, or do you owe me?”

“You owe me a fifty. You’re team got their asses beat. It’s probably a good thing you were passed out, or we would have had to listen to you scream at the TV all night.” Jim took the fifty that AJ slapped down in front of him and slipped into his pocket.

“I’ll get that back from you next weekend. You don’t have a chance in hell of winning with the team you chose.” AJ gave him a wink and turned her chair back around to her desk.

She saw the confused look on Olivia’s face as she continued to stand there and listen to her and Jim. AJ wasn’t sure why, but it gave her a bit of pleasure to see that troubled look on Olivia’s face. Maybe if she’d had a say in all of it from the beginning, maybe AJ could accept what they had. But the fact that it all seemed to be a game to Olivia left her feeling a bit hurt and confused. If nothing else, she had a place where she was Saturday night if anyone ever bothered to ask her. She picked up a file and her coffee and headed out to start her day.

Written by leahharvey1821
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