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Renewing The First Love

"In an unplanned event, Ted and Betty are together for the first time since high school."

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Competition Entry: Spring Forward

It was 4:30 in the afternoon when Ted Newsom stood at the front doors to his old high school. He hadn’t seen the school since he graduated and left for college. A few people were milling around, but no one noticed him as he reminisced. “It’s been twenty-six years and the place still looks the same,” he thought.

The front doors were open because it was spring and the temperatures mild. Ted couldn’t resist the urge to step inside, knowing that the school trophy case would be right there. Stepping through the double doors, his nose reminded him of his school days. The place even smelled the same.

Standing in front of the trophy case, Ted smiled as he saw the state high school trophy for baseball still held its place of honor. He recalled the day that he and his teammates put that prize inside. Because it was the centerpiece of all the trophies, Ted guessed that the school had not won another state title since his time. The faces of the members of his team flashed through his mind. He remembered his girlfriend jumping and screaming as he rounded third base after hitting the title-winning homerun.

He could still hear Betty as she hugged his neck when the fans mobbed the field. Then, with her mouth beside his ear, she whispered, “You will get so laid tonight, Teddy. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t breathe.”

Ted was bending over trying to read the inscription on the trophy when a voice behind him said, “Excuse me, sir. May I help you? We don’t allow visitors in the school unless they’ve been approved by the office.”

Ted saw a stern-faced woman with her hands on her hips.

“I’m terribly sorry. I haven’t been back in the school for a long time and I just wanted to see the baseball trophy,” he explained.

The woman squinted at him before she smiled. “You’re Teddy Newsom. It’s been a very long time, but you haven’t changed that much.”

Ted was quite surprised to be recognized but could not remember this attractive woman. Something about her was familiar, but he couldn’t place her.

She stepped forward and put her hands on his arms. “I know you don’t remember me. I’m Amber. Betty’s little sister. I used to have such a crush on you.”

“Of course,” Ted said in relief. “Twenty-six years is a long time. I guess the last time we were together, you were what? Fifteen?”

“I had just had my fifteenth birthday. I remember you coming by the house to say goodbye to Betty.”

“And now you work here at our old high school?”

“Yeah. I work in the office. A friend of mine told me about the opening. I’ve been here for sixteen years now.” Amber was beaming. “It’s so good to see you, Teddy. Come in the office and I’ll get you a pass.”

“Oh, I don’t need to do that, Amber. I’ll be going. I just wanted to see if the trophy was still up.”

“You’ll have to do as I say, Mr. Newsom. I have something to show you, but I can’t take you into the building without a pass.”

Stepping inside the office, Amber called out, “Mrs. Winslow, can you come here a minute.”

A gray-haired woman stepped around the corning with a look of annoyance on her face. “What is it, Amber? I’m busy.”

Still smiling, Amber said, “I just wanted to see if you remember this ex-student of our school. It’s been a long time.”

The older woman stared up at Teddy for a minute before her mouth fell open. “Why, you’re Teddy Newsom. The greatest baseball player this school ever had.”

Ted remembered thinking that Mrs. Winslow was old when he was a student. He was shocked she remembered him. “That’s right,” he said, extending his hand. “How are you, Mrs. Winslow?”

The old woman accepted his hand, saying, “It’s so nice to see you again. Are you still playing ball?”

“Oh, gosh no,” he laughed. “I’m much too old for that kid’s game anymore. After college, I played pro ball for Atlanta for five years before retiring and found honest work.”

“Well, it’s good to see you again, Teddy,” she said before turning to Amber. “Are you going to give him a little tour of the building before the janitors lock everything up?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Amber said and she pulled out a visitor’s badge and put it on Ted’s shirt. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Amber led Ted back into the hallway. “Mrs. Winslow still thinks of me as a child. Now come with me. I have something you need to see.”

Leaving the office, Amber led Ted around a corner and up a flight of stairs. At the top, they turned left and walked down a long, empty hallway.

“When I was here,” Ted offered, “this was the English Department.”

“And it still is,” Amber said with a grin. “Why change perfection?”

She stopped at a classroom door and motioned Ted to go in with her. Once inside, he saw a woman with her back to them arranging a stack of papers on a table. Ted couldn’t help but think the woman had a nice ass.

“Mrs. Grayson,” Amber said. “I have someone here to see you.”

The teacher turned and stared at Ted. After several seconds Ted could see the shock on her face.

“Teddy!” the woman cried out as she ran across the room, throwing her arms around his neck. “Oh, my God!” she said and began to sob.

It took Ted a minute to put things together. He put his arms around the woman and said, “How are you, Betty?”

The woman released her tight grip on Ted’s neck to kiss him. The kiss filled Ted’s heart with sweet memories of his days and nights with his one and only high school sweetheart. Her lips took him back twenty-eight years to their first kiss. “Hi, baby,” he whispered when she let go of him.

“Oh, my God, Ted. You look so good. I never thought I’d see you again.

Standing behind them, Amber coughed. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to the office. Just drop your visitor’s tag in the office when you leave.” Then, seeing that they were paying no attention to her, Amber retreated to the hallway, closing the classroom door.

His hands still on her arms, Ted said, “So, you’re teaching high school English now. Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“Amber’s been here longer than me,” Betty replied as she wiped a tear from her eye. I moved back here after my husband died and applied to teach here.”

“Your husband died?” Ted said in surprise. “Wasn’t he a little young for that?”

“Perhaps I should say that he was killed. Steve was a Captain in the Army and was killed in Afghanistan during his second tour there.”

“I am so sorry, Betty,” he said as he pulled her into a hug.

“He was doing what he loved,” she sniffed. “The truth is, he lived longer than I expected. He was always doing heroic kinds of things. He had three Purple Hearts and a chest full of medals.”

Holding this woman felt so utterly natural to Ted. He would have been happy to continue holding her for hours but remembered he was in her workplace.

“I’m sorry to break in on you,” he said, letting her go. “Since I didn’t know you were here, it wasn’t my plan. Amber spotted me outside the office and brought me up.”

“It’s a wonderful surprise, Teddy. I’m just so thrilled to see you. What brings you back home?”

“My grandfather passed away. So I took some time off work to come back and take care of a few things for the family. My parents moved to Colorado about ten years ago and weren’t up to make the trip.”

“Was that the man you called Pops?” Betty asked with a smile. “I remember him. He was a sweet man that loved women. He pinched my butt more than once.”

“He was a great guy,” Ted told her. “Of course, now I’m sorry I didn’t spend more time with him.”

“That’s always the case when they’re gone,” Betty told him. “If you’re going to be in town a while, why don’t you join me for dinner?” Then, after a pause, she added, “You can bring your wife.”

“You’ll have to accept me on my own, Betty. I haven’t been married in about fifteen years. When I retired from baseball, my wife left me. She had grown accustomed to being married to a man that made five million a year.”

“I can’t say that I’m sorry to hear that. Do you remember where I lived back in high school?” she asked.

“Sure. I was there enough to know where it is. Are you living there now?”

“I am,” she replied, putting her hand on his chest and looking up at him. “When I moved back here, I lived in an apartment. A few years later, Daddy passed away. You may remember that he was ten years older than my mother. Shortly after his passing, my Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and I moved back home to help her. When she was moved to assisted living, I stayed in the house. Amber and I keep an eye on her, but she doesn’t know who we are anymore.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Ted said softly. “I’m sure it’s a burden on you both.”

“We manage,” Betty said with a soft smile. “So, how about coming by for dinner tonight? I’m not much of a cook, but I’d love to catch up with you.”

“Sure. I’d love to,” Ted said as he pulled her back for a hug. “I’ve thought about you 10,000 times. It would be wonderful to spend some time renewing my image of your beautiful face.”

“Wonderful! I’ll expect you around 6:30. Then, we can do something we’ve never done before.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“We’ll drink adult beverages. We’ve never been together as adults. Do you drink bourbon?”

“Indeed I do,” he laughed. “I’ll see you at 6:30.”


With an hour and a half to kill, Ted went to a local grocery to buy some flowers, picked up a couple of bottles of wine and stopped at a liquor store to buy a good bottle of bourbon. Good bourbon, meaning not Jack Daniels. He found Woodford’s Reserve Double Oaked and determined it would fit his needs.

While sitting in his car, Ted wondered what he and Betty would talk about. “No doubt she’ll want to know what I’ve been doing for the past twenty-six years and I’ll ask the same of her,” he thought. His mind drifted back to the night he took her virginity on the floor of her parent’s den. He recalled they were both too nervous to enjoy it and admitted it to each other. They decided to try it again the following weekend when no one was around. The second mating experience had made them an inseparable team until he moved away.

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Ted had these thoughts hundreds of times through the years, wondering how life would have been different if he had stayed with Betty. He had scholarship offers from schools closer to their hometown. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to turn down the proposal for a free ride at Arizona State. Even at eighteen, Ted knew that the ASU program would give him the chance to play in the College World Series. That would elevate him to the professional level and open the door to big-time money.

On the way to Betty’s house, he passed the park where they would go after football games. He grinned, thinking of times they had been in his car, kissing until the windows fogged. Spotting her street, Ted wondered how many times he had made this turn. He pulled into her driveway, still smiling.

Ted’s hands were full, but he managed to ring the doorbell.

Betty opened the door and began laughing. “My lord, Teddy. What did you bring?”

Ted just stood there as she opened the door for him. Betty was dressed in white slacks that fit her like a glove. She wore a matching top that displayed a fair amount of cleavage and her bare midsection. He smiled and held out the flowers, saying, “The last time I gave you flowers was just before our high school prom. I hope you like these.”

“They’re beautiful, Teddy. Now come in here and show me what else you have.”

Stepping inside her home did not bring back memories of old times. On the contrary, the place was quite different from all those years ago. “You’ve made changes,” he said, casting his eyes around the room.

“Yes,” she said. “Once Mom was gone, I started redecorating. I promise you, this room looked the same as the last time you were here until she left for the retirement home. I’ve put my own stamp on it now and I’m pleased with how it turned out.”

“You’ve done a great job,” he said. “Oh, and here are a couple bottles of wine and some bourbon. I don’t want to drink up your supply.”

“Thank you, Teddy,” Betty said, taking the gifts and giving him a little kiss on the cheek. Their eyes held each other for a long moment before she turned and went to the kitchen.

“Would you rather have wine or bourbon?” she called from the kitchen.

“Bourbon with a splash of water over ice, please.”

Shortly Betty returned from the kitchen with two mixed drinks. She handed one to Ted, “Come sit on the sofa with me. I have something in the oven that will need another forty-five minutes. I’m sure you want me to tell you how I ended up with Captain America.”

Sitting just a few inches away from her, Ted replied, “I was sort of wondering.”

“I’ll try to make a long story short,” she said with a soft smile. “Steve reminded me of you. I didn’t date anyone after you left for school the first year. In fact, I stayed here and attended junior college, hoping you might come home. I enrolled at Tech the second year but still didn’t date. I just couldn’t get over you. Then at the beginning of my junior year, I met Steve. From across the room, I thought he was you. He turned out to have your wit. His laugh even sounded like yours. And, as I found out, he even kissed like you.”

“I don’t recall that I was a remarkable kisser,” Ted laughed.

“Maybe I never told you, but you were the world’s best kisser,” she smiled as she gently touched his cheek. “I’m sure you remember how easy it was to get my clothes off. One of your kisses and I would do anything for you. Do you remember driving out to our favorite parking spot and telling me to get naked for you?”

Ted certainly did remember it. He had replayed those moments hundreds of times in his mind. Ted set his drink down and took Betty’s hand. “I’ve wanted to call you a hundred times to apologize for being such a lousy lover. I was thirty before I realized what a jerk I was and how I wasn’t giving equal enjoyment to my partner.”

“No, Ted,” she said, squeezing his hand. “You were the lover I needed at the time. You were bold and adventurous. I never knew what you’d do next and that excited me. Whenever we were together, I knew that when you were gone, I’d have wet panties.”

“I can’t believe that we haven’t seen each other in over twenty years and we’re talking about sex after five minutes,” he told her. “You must think I have a one-track mind.”

“It’s the same track as my mind, Teddy. How could I possibly see you and not be reminded of all the time we spent together naked? I loved you so much and I know you loved me. I followed your baseball at ASU and even saw you playing in the College World Series on television. I kept up with you when you played for Atlanta but lost your trail when you retired. I never stopped hoping you’d come home.”

Betty set her drink down and put her arms around Ted’s neck. “I’m hoping you still want to kiss me.”

Ted didn’t answer her in words. Instead, he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. Within seconds, they were both breathing hard and sliding back in time. Then, when he thought it had been just yesterday they’d been together, Betty broke the kiss.

“I need to check on things in the kitchen,” she told him. “Don’t you move. I’ll be right back.”

Ted picked up his drink and took a big swallow. “That was an incredible kiss,” he thought and took another sip. As he was about to take another drink, Betty returned to the room. She stood in front of him wearing only lacy white panties and a matching bra.

“I thought that if we were going to continue kissing, I should wear something more appropriate for the activity,” she told him with a wicked grin.

Ted sat frozen, unable to move or speak. He watched her slowly turn around. Finally, when she stopped, he managed to say, “How is it possible for you to be even sexier now?”

“I’ve put on almost twenty pounds since last I saw you.”

“Then you’ve put those pounds in the right places,” he said with a smile. “I used to think you had the sexiest ass in town, but now it’s even better.”

Smiling, Betty moved in front of him before she straddled his legs. When she sat down on him, his erection was obvious. “Do you remember the first time we were in this position?”

“Sure,” he grinned. “We were in my car behind the football stadium. And if I remember correctly, you had your first orgasm in this position.”

“And after that night, I could never get enough,” she whispered in his ear before she sucked on his ear lobe.

His hands slipped up her bare back to unhook her bra as he had many times. Once unfastened, he tossed the frilly garment across the room.

“You always liked my tits,” Betty said quietly as she pushed one of her breasts into his mouth. Then, after Ted had enjoyed it, she put the other one in his mouth. As he licked and sucked, Betty began to rock herself over the lump in his trousers.

“Does this mean you’re planning on taking me to your bed?” he asked.

“No, it doesn’t,” she whispered with her lips touching his. “I don’t want to wait that long. I plan to take you right here… right now.”

Betty got up and quickly removed his pants and boxers. Holding her breasts in her hands, she gazed at his stiff rod. “Hello, my old friend,” she said softly. “It’s good to see you again.” Betty removed her panties and tossed them over her shoulder. Getting back into position over his erection, she kissed him again while slowly moving down to cover his cock. “Yes,” Betty hissed as he entered her. “I’ve waited such a long time for this.”

Betty’s movements were slow at first while she continued kissing Ted.

Ted’s mind flashed back twenty-six years. He was eighteen again and being taken by his beautiful girlfriend. This was the way it always happened.

It didn’t take long for Betty’s body to become frenzied. She was grinding herself on his cock and groaning. Finally, with her hands on his shoulders, she shouted, “I’m cumming, Teddy. Oh, Jesus, I’m cumming!” Her body clinched before it shook. She dug her nails into his flesh and gasped.

“My turn now,” he said as he grabbed her ass cheeks and began to move her. He could feel her juices running down her thighs and covering his balls, just as it had happened so many times before.

With her face resting on his shoulder, Betty whispered, “Fuck me, Teddy. I want to be yours again. Oh, Teddy,” she moaned. “I want you so much. I’ve never stopped wanting you. Never.”

After Ted’s orgasm, they lay beside each other on the couch. They gazed into the other’s eyes without speaking.

Ted finally let his hand slide over her skin until he reached her sex. Running his hand over it, he asked, “What happened to your bush?”

“I knew you never liked it,” she answered with a grin. “About six months after you left, I shaved it off and have kept it that way. I always thought that someday you’d come back to me and I wanted you to be pleased.”

“I’m very pleased,” he told her. “I still love you, baby,” Ted said as he gently touched her cheek. “You were my first love and my one true love. I’m sorry about Captain Steve, but I’m not sorry you are here for me now.”

“I am here for you,” she whispered while lightly kissing his lips.

Ted found his shirt and removed his cell phone from its pocket. Then, still nose to nose with Betty, he dialed a number and waited.

Betty was close enough to hear that his call was being answered by a machine. When she heard the beep, Ted began to speak.

“Hey, boss. It’s Ted. Listen, something’s come up and I’m going to need another week to take care of things. So I’ll just call it a vacation and be back as soon as possible.” Putting his phone down, Ted pulled Betty’s naked body against his. “How about we take a week to see if we can renew what we once had?”

“Will I need to get dressed?” she asked with a grin. “Should I call in sick?”

“No,” he said, grinning. “You call in scared. You tell them, ‘I’m afraid I can’t make it in today.’ That’s what I would recommend.”

They were both like teenagers when the week passed, filled with love and lust. The years away from each other had disappeared.

Ted packed his bag to return to his home in Arizona but with promises to return very soon. Betty threw her arms around his neck with tears in her eyes. “I couldn’t stand to lose you again, Teddy. I belong to you and you belong with me.”

“Never fear, my love,” he said, holding her face in his hands. “I’ll be back in a week and we’ll start making plans for our future.”

Despite the tears, she giggled. “Maybe we should plan on a bigger bed.”

Ted looked down at the rumpled mess they had left of the bed and laughed. He picked up his bag and put an arm around Betty’s waist. “Have you ever had phone sex?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Then you’re about to learn something new,” he told her. “Your Teddy is still adventurous and I can’t go a week without seeing your luscious body.”

She waved goodbye as he pulled out of her driveway. “Come back to me,” she whispered. “Come back.”

Written by JefferyB
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