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Second Chance

"We found love the second time around, and it's even better than before."

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I had been visiting the nursing home ever since Dad was moved into it from his marital home, and it's been tragic watching a strong and vibrant personality, with a terrific sense of humour, slowly fade away in front of my eyes. In a twisted sort of a way, it reminded me of my own marriage and widowhood. You see my husband had died of cancer. Prostate cancer.

They reckon all men will get it if they live long enough, but he hadn't. He was only fifty-six when he died. I nursed him at home for the last three months, till his body could fight no more. Then his spirit was released from its broken prison, to live in the ether around me, and comfort me in my time of loss. It broke my heart, and the pieces fell onto the bed alongside his shattered body as I pulled the sheet up over his head when the last breath had sighed from his lifeless lips.

That was over ten years ago, and I miss him to this day, but life goes on. Well, mine did anyway, but it was empty. There was no reason for me as a person to want to go on living. Yes, I know the kids and grandchildren needed me, but living no longer held any great joy for me, just for them. However, I am still here, so I've had to make the most of it. That's where this story begins.

My frequent visits to the nursing home had been as much to heal my aching soul as to watch over my dad as his life slowly broke into little pieces that were lost by the day. By trying to help and comfort him I was really trying to exorcise my own demons of loss and anger at Luke's passing. I don't think it did really, but I tried to spend as much time with Dad as I could before his inevitable demise.

During the year he'd been there, his character had regressed almost to that of a newborn baby. It's an absolute tragedy that the onset of that terrible disease we call Alzheimer's had robbed him of his life's memories so that he no longer recognised any of his children, and he'd completely forgotten that he and Mum were married for nearly forty years.

Despite my wish to nurse my dad, I was rapidly losing my will to live. Not that I had much of one anyway, and my tears each time I walked away from his chair have stained the flooring in his room and probably all along the corridor to the main entrance of this grand old building. It used to be a stately home. It belonged to the fifth Marquess of something or other, before he had to sell up to pay death duties back in the 60's.

It was as I was sobbing my way out of the building one day that you came over and put your arm around my shoulder.

"There, there," you said, "I know it's bad, I've been going through the same with my mum since she came in."

I'd seen you before, of course, your mum was in the next room to my dad, and we'd often bumped into each other as we either arrived or left the respective rooms. We'd even exchanged pleasantries in an effort to lighten the mood as we passed like ships in the night. The night of despair for the both of us. It was a cruel irony for the pair of us that our meeting should be one initiated by tragedy, but that's how life goes, as one door closes another door opens, or so they say.

After our first cuddle in the corridor, you tried to comfort me every time you saw me. I was happy for you to do it, and I know you didn't need to. Your mum died over three months before my dad went, yet you still visited the home every day in the hope that I'd be there too. As you know, I visited nearly every day, right up till last week, when dad finally succumbed to his illness.

It is my fervent hope that he and Mum are together now in their afterlife, and I hope that they're as happy there as they were in this one.

As to our cuddling. That soon turned into canoodling, and after a month of meeting you in the corridor, then going out for a cuddle and a snog in the car, I remember I said, "We can't go on meeting like this, people will talk!"

You laughed out loud at that old chestnut, I liked your reply, though.

Quick as a flash you said, "Okay sexy, you know this place ain't big enough for the both of us, so what's it to be, your place or mine?" in a very dodgy Humphrey Bogart accent.

Well, we both know it turned out to be your place AND mine. You're just like a naughty little boy with a brand new toy really, and I know you wanted to do more than just wipe my tears each time you held me to you, I could feel your need pressing on me, on my hip, or my stomach, and once or twice I managed to brush against it with my hand.

I must admit it wasn't always completely accidentally when that happened, and it was very flattering to find that I could still have such an effect on a man. I don't suppose I'd have cared for it if it had been anyone else, but for you, it meant something very special to me.

In just over a week it went from sitting in the car and telling each other jokes, to kissing with tongues down each other's throats. Then opening shirts and blouses and feeling each other's chests. Oooh! I'd forgotten what it was like to have someone caressing my breasts and tweaking my nipples.

I don't think they'd been hard like that since Luke died, but now I found them responding to you as though you were their rightful owner. It got me all hot under the collar feeling the electricity of sensation that spread out from each one as you played with it and kissed it, and I started feeling other twinges where I hadn't felt twinges since Luke's passing.

At first I felt guilty about it, because I still thought of myself as Luke's wife, but after the second time it happened I sat myself down and had a long hard talk to myself about my life, or lack of, and realised that Luke was gone, and he would never come back to hold me, to kiss me, or to touch me ever again. I cried buckets of tears that night, but in the morning I woke up feeling more relaxed and happy than I'd felt for a decade.  

I came to the conclusion that if he could speak to me now he'd probably be saying, "Go for it, love! Second chances don't come round that often, so grab it with both hands if one's offered, and make the most of it!"

I could even hear his voice saying it in my head, and I thought about it over and over again to see if I'd change my mind. After I'd given myself a headache and another very sleepless night over it, I finally came round to accepting that Luke hadn't rejected me by dying. He couldn't help getting cancer, and I'm sure he still loves me as much as I'll always love him, but I was now a single woman, who has needs that haven't been satisfied for a very long time. So long in fact that I thought they'd never be satisfied again.

I now made the conscious decision to see if I could ever feel the longing for something like the heat of bodily lust again, and when you and I did meet again we moved on to the next level, so to speak.

That was a revelation in itself as well, the feel of a man's hand snaking slowly down from my waist to my pubic mound, inside my underwear, tickling my skin and sending shocks of pleasure through me like a live wire. It made my nipples even more sensitive, and your hand and mouth soothing and sucking on my nipple, while you slowly moved your other hand southwards made me damp inside and outside between my legs so much that I thought I'd peed myself.

I was honestly surprised at how wanton my body was becoming. How much I craved the touch of your hand on my pulsing clitoris. How much I desired the feel of you exploring my vaginal opening with your fingers. How I needed to feel your penis rising up and filling my inner void with warmth and strength.

All these things went through my mind as we sat on your sofa that evening and snogged each other. I felt like a teenager again, excited to explore this brave new world of sex and the delights it held for whoever ventured in.

I loosened my skirt to let you get your hand in more easily, and as it went down to gently touch my little button, I opened my legs as wide as I could, and when I felt my skirt restricting them I pulled it up out of the way. I was now yours for the taking, but I felt that you knew that anyway, and you were just making sure of it before we connected fully.

So I helped you loosen your belt and opened your trousers so that I could touch you in the way you were touching me. Wow, what a surprise! I knew you could be hard, I'd felt it before, and I'd even helped it get hard before by brushing against it accidentally on purpose, but to feel it now, thick and strong, and in the flesh instead of through layers of cloth was very different.

It was mighty, it was magnificent, and it was letting me know that I had your full attention for as long as I wanted it. Such power is very uplifting for a person's confidence, and I nibbled your ear and gently blew into it as I took hold of your massive member for the first time.

I remember you cried out a little as I gripped the shaft and slowly pulled your skin up and down along it. I then looked down to see how it was reacting and found that your foreskin was peeling itself back off the enormous bulb. The pink and purple flesh now exposed was throbbing and shiny with your juices as you responded to my movements. Meanwhile, you reached my clitoris with your fingers and began to swirl them around and gently press on it then lift off every second or so.

The feeling made my face go red from the heat in my head. I could feel it as my cheeks blushed, but I couldn't stop myself from moving my hips to push against your fingers. You now started to move further on down with your hand, and while you cupped my clit in your palm, you explored along between my inner lips till you found my vaginal mouth.

Here, you twirled your fingers around to make sure they were soaked with my juices, then you hesitantly pushed one finger inside my opening. I couldn't help but give out a soft moan when you did that, and I gripped your penis tightly as the shudders of delight swept through my body.

This set you off and I could feel your hips trying to push up and move your penis in my gripping hand. I'm a little rusty at all this, but it didn't take long to remember what to do next, so I stopped kissing your lips, then leant forward so that my mouth was directly above the bulbous end of your pulsing penis. I let some drool drop onto the end, wiped it all around with my fingers, then started stroking you up and down in rhythm with the movements of your fingers in my sex.

We then went back to kissing with our mouths again, so that we could explore each other's palates and cheeks with our questing tongues.

I guess it must have been a long time since you'd had anyone else touch you like that, and I suddenly felt you go rigid. Then you uttered little, "Ooh," noises one after the other, as I felt the pulses of your orgasm and watched your lovely sperm gush in long spurts out of your penis and all over my hand, your belly, and the bottom of your shirt.

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You begged me to stop almost immediately because you were now getting so sensitive it was starting to hurt, so I just held it there and enjoyed the feel of warm sperm sliding across the back of my hand once more. I can tell you it was a very long time since that had last happened to me, so it was lovely to see and feel the power of a man once more as I held and controlled him in such an intimate way.

Things weren't over yet though, because my innards were literally crying tears of frustration at not being filled by you. So you ignored your own mess, and dropped to your knees in front of me. You pushed my skirt up to my waist, and pulled my tights and pants all the way down to my feet, then pulled me forward to the front of the sofa, and put your head where your hand had been only a few seconds before.

I was starting to float in a warm cocoon of sexual bliss. It was a kind of euphoria I hadn't experienced since Luke had stopped having sex with me due to his cancer. Then I quickly found myself pulling your head harder and harder on to my lips and clitoris, while your tongue flicked in and out, and all around my opening. I could feel the rising heat of orgasm as my instincts took over and made me throw my hips backwards and forwards against your soaked and slippery cheeks and chin.

My orgasm hit and took me with it as it overwhelmed my senses, lifting me and transporting me to sensations I'd forgotten how to experience. My eyes went dark as they turned up in my head, my stomach hunched at the inner kicks of my cervix spasming against the wall of my vagina. It sent shivers of ecstasy blasting out like the shock waves of an exploding bomb.

I moaned, I bucked, I heaved, I screamed, I pulled so hard I pulled hair from your head as I went through the exhilaration of the highest rush of my orgasmic climax. After what seemed like an age it started to subside, so I just laid back and trembled from the aftershocks of the hysteria you brought out of me.

I was spent, but I still hadn't had all of you, only your hand and tongue. Now I wanted the rest of you as well.

It took around half an hour for you to fully recover from your orgasm and mine, and during that time we moved from your sofa to your bed, so that we could enjoy each other properly at last. We visited the bathroom to clean ourselves of the already spilt liquids, then stripped off completely so that we could feel as much of each other's skin as possible. And I remember your penis starting to rise as I removed the last of my clothing and stood facing you with nothing between us but air.

My insides stirred again as I looked at your body. The hairs on my neck stood on end from the excitement of seeing you like this, and I felt some wetness leaking from my vagina as we stood and looked each other up and down, both fully naked for the first time.

Your eyes roved over my breasts and took in the hardness of my nipples. Then you moved your gaze down to see the scars on my tummy from the caesareans I'd had to endure for the births of both my babies. After that, your gaze went lower still to the soft hairs of my pubic mound, and my inner labial lips as they protruded from between my puffy outer labia.

In return, I started with your broad shoulders, your well-developed biceps, your thick strong arms that grew hairy from elbow to wrist. Your large hands, with soft palms that had caressed me only a few minutes before. From there my eyes took in your nipples, now hard like mine, but much smaller of course, then down to your lightly furred stomach, and from there I followed the dark line of hair down to your pubic area. From your soft dark fuzz your huge erect penis stared straight at me with its one small unblinking eye, and below it, your balls hung neatly in a slightly wrinkled sac that was also covered in dark downy fur.

With us both mentally and physically salivating from our visual appraisal of each other's living selves, we climbed under the duvet and cuddled up as close as your erection would allow. With our bodies now touching skin to skin I could feel your heat, and your touch was like an electric current flowing along my arms and legs as we entwined in our lustful embrace. It was so comforting to feel you pressing your body against mine, and my senses began to feel again as I'd felt when I first slept with a boy all those years ago.

I was a teenage girl once more, feeling my new boyfriend for the first time, as we explored each other's every bump and crevice, and I felt the incredible heat of desire rising through all of me once more as we began to touch each other's genitals. You played with my breasts and nipples while you rubbed the mound of my vulva with your thigh. I ran my fingers up and down your back, then when I could feel you getting goosebumps from the sensations I was creating, I reached down to find your penis and began rubbing gently along the side of your hard, proud erection.

We continued like this for a while, and all the time I could feel my vagina craving the touch of your hard erect penis thrusting into it. I wanted it filled with your very essence. I wanted the void in my life replaced with you, and all of you, every last inch of you.

Finally, you rolled me onto my back. I spread my legs wide, and held my labia wide open for you to enter me. And enter me you did. I could feel the size and smooth hardness of your swollen head as you slowly thrust your way forward into my very depths of desire. It was sublime, and my vagina responded instantly by releasing lots of warm lubricating fluid to ease your passage into mine.

Then I felt your pubic bone pressing on my clitoris and I knew you'd reached home. A place you'd never leave again if my vagina had her way. We sighed in unison now that our connection was complete.

My clitoris started sending shivers through me as you ground your pubis against mine, and it was just divine to feel the two lower centres of pleasure both being massaged by you at once. Your penis warming my vaginal walls with your slow but steady thrusts, and your pubis squashing and releasing my clitoris each time you moved.

You didn't neglect my other two pleasure centres either, and while your penis and pubis ground around my sex, you played with one of my nipples while you sucked the other with your lips. There you nibbled gently on it till the electric shocks of pleasure joined with those from my groin to fill me with the wanton heat of pure lust.

As well as the purely physical pleasure, I knew you were really making love to me, not just fucking me. I was making love to you too, with all of my body and spirit, and when I looked deep into your eyes as you continued to please my body, I could see straight into your soul. You didn't just want me, you needed me, and I realised that I needed you just as much.

This was truly making love into a physical thing we could both touch and hold. To experience together and enjoy as one. A whole being made up of two separate parts, joined together in ecstasy as we moved in rhythm, to reach that total fulfilment we all strive for.

That wasn't long in arriving either. We'd both been starved of physical affection for a long time, and now our bodies were making up for lost time as quickly as they could. We both began to orgasm, and as my moans grew louder so did yours. Then my orgasm took hold of my rag doll body once more and threw me around as I lost control.

My orgasm this time was even more intense than the last one. Hardly surprising given that you now had me full of you, instead of just feeling my outsides. My senses were pushed to the limit and beyond as your movements inside me and against me caused my body to take over from my mind.

My emotions ran riot with my senses, and as I bucked and fucked, I knew my body was doing something for me that I could only hope for in my dreams. My whole being was telling you in its own language that we were one, that we were inseparable, that we were meant to own each other this way.

My mind gave up as your thrusts continued harder and faster than ever, and the ecstasy of feeling so alive was truly enlightening. I knew this was right. I knew this was what we were meant to be doing. I knew we had to keep doing this from now on, so that we could share this new vision of living as a single entity. We were now held together by invisible bonds that meant we could never be separated again.

My lust for you was overwhelming, my love for you was deepening by the second, and my feelings for you were just so strong that I had to hold you to me as close as I could while my body shouted my love at you in actions rather than words.

I know you went through something similar, and I felt your body arching on its own, while your eyes took on a manic hue as your penis thrust into me harder and faster than you could control. I could see the animal force of your movements as you let go of your senses too. I watched as you grunted and panted and made low guttural noises, dragged from your depths by the force within you.

Your orgasm this time was wonderful. You bucked, you swayed, you pumped, you swore, and I felt the long bursts of hot thick liquid propel themselves into my waiting, wanting, craving cavity, to mingle with my loving juices every time your hips thrust forward till you could thrust no more. Your movements slowed till your hips stopped moving altogether, and your hot exhausted body, soaked in sweat, collapsed onto my equally hot and heaving chest.

We held each other then, in the heat and the sweat, as our bodies absorbed the juices we'd liberated, and savoured the magical moments we'd just created together. This new world of joy was bound to our bodies as our hearts beat in our breasts like those of a single being. The heavenly moment of fulfilment had arrived for us both, and we couldn't let go of such a wonderful new awareness in our perceptions. This was truly love as we'd both imagined and wanted it all our lives. Yet it had taken till now, after a lifetime for each of us, to discover this new level of all-consuming love and passion.

I thought I could never love another man when Luke died, but now I realise that although I'll always love him, I love you just as much, if not more than I'd ever loved even him. Your body and mine are just so... perfectly matched in all our ways and senses, and I can't let go of you. I shan't let go of you, till death pulls our bodies apart for the last time. But that won't be for a while yet, so we must make what we can of our years together, and never look back at the sorrows of our past.

So here's to you, my new and wonderful lover. The man I feel I was born for, and for whom I now know I could, and would do anything you ask. So ask, my love, and I'll happily turn all your dreams to reality, just as you've brought all my dreams to life for me.

Written by BJintheUK
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