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$650/month, plus 1/4 utilities. Room for rent in four bedroom, two bath home shared by three female students. Applicants must be clean, chill, and responsible. First and last month in advance, plus security deposit. Call to see the house and interview. Female preferred but all applicants considered.


"Uh, hi. I'm here about the ad for subletting the room?" I said, adjusting my glasses.

"Oh... yeah... um..." the pretty blonde girl standing in front of me said in a doubtful tone.

She was maybe five-seven, wearing an over-sized hockey jersey (The Montreal Canadiens), and not much else from the look of it. The bottom over the jersey covered her own round bottom, and a pair of shapely legs stuck out the bottom. Shyly, I tried not to make my admiration too obvious.

She, on the other hand, had no qualms about conspicuously looking me up and down. I was tall and lanky, wearing an old pair of jeans, cheap running shoes, and a Japanese Super Mario t-shirt that didn't fit perfectly. My hair was shaggy, and never looked quite right, no matter how I combed it. I'm pretty sure the first word that came to her head was 'nerd.' And let's be honest, that's who I was. I'd gotten past the point of trying to deny it. I was unashamedly nerdy.

This girl didn't look like she really associated with people like me. She was pretty and confident. She probably belonged to a sorority and went to dance clubs where guys who were cooler and better looking than me bought her drinks and stuff.

"Um... can I see it?" I asked after an awkward moment had passed.

"Hang on," the girl said. Then she called back into the house, "Hey Mel? There's a guy here about the room."

"What's his name?" another girl's voice shouted back.

"What's your name?" the blonde girl repeated.

"Uh, Bill."

"He says his name is Bill," she relayed.

"I don't know any Bill," the second voice answered. "Did he call?"

"Yeah, I, uh- I called earlier," I explained before the blonde could repeat what the other girl had clearly said. "I talked to someone named Kristin?"

"Kris!" the girl called into the house. There was no answer, so she tried again, louder. "Kris!"

A second girl, this one skinnier than the blonde with wavy chestnut brown hair, suddenly appeared from around a corner. She was wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts and a Guns and Roses t-shirt.

"I think Kris is at work," she informed the girl at the door.

"Shit! She's always doing that," the first girl complained. "She makes all these arrangements and then she just takes off without telling anyone."

"So, what does this mean?" I asked. "Should I come back later, or something?"

"I mean, it would be better if Kris was here," said the first girl, looking insincerely apologetic.

"But don't worry about it. It's fine," the second girl said. "We can at least show you the place."

The blonde shot the other a look.

"What?" the brown-haired girl asked defensively. "It's almost June. Barely anyone responded to the ad. Do you want to get stuck another month paying extra rent?"

"But he's a guy," the blonde said in a whisper that was more than loud enough for me to overhear.

"I can see that," her friend said. "But I'm sure he's fine. Anyway, all we're doing is showing him around. If he's interested, we can talk about it."

"Listen," I said, feeling really awkward. "If it's a problem - I mean, I don't want to cause trouble or anything. I can go. I'll just go, okay? Thanks, sorry."

I started to turn around to leave. The girl with the brown hair grabbed the sleeve of my t-shirt.

"No, don't go," she said. "Bri is just being..." The girls exchanged irritable looks with each other. "It's just that we're all girls, and we were kind of hoping for another girl to move in. We weren't expecting a guy."

"But the ad said, you preferred females but you would consider anyone," I reminded them. "I mean, if it's a problem, I'll go. But that's what the ad said."

"I don't think it'll be a problem," the brown haired girl rushed to say before the blonde could open her mouth. "We just kinda need to get to know you a bit first. Make sure you're okay. But in the meantime, we can show you around. I mean if you don't like the place, then it won't really matter anyway, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I agreed.

 "I'm Melissa, by the way," the girl introduced herself, offering her hand to shake. "Mel, actually. And this is Brianna," she added, referring to the blonde girl.

 "Just Bri," the blonde corrected.

 "Bill," I repeated, shaking the hand of the blonde, who was still looking at me with suspicion.

 "Why don't you come in?" Mel invited.

She took me on a tour of the house, while Bri trailed quietly behind us. It was an old two-story place, not too far from Clinton State campus. I could walk to school, where I was a graduate student and research assistant in the Communications department. There were four bedrooms (one on the ground floor and three upstairs) and two bathrooms, including one in the master bedroom. Apparently there had been a fourth roommate who wasn't dependable, and created a lot of drama with the other three girls. They had to kick her out, which was why the room had opened up.

Mel speculated that if I was willing to pay a little more in rent, they could potentially rearrange rooms so I could have the master, and not have to share a bathroom with all the girls. Bri, the current occupant of the room scowled at Mel. But Mel said that they could at least talk about it with Kris later when she got home. They didn't have to decide anything right now. She was just looking at different options.

The girls weren't super-clean. There were clothes strewn around the house, a few dirty dishes in the living room, and it looked like it had been a while since the floors were mopped. But I'd lived in worse conditions. Besides, I figured, I'd spend most of my time in my room, anyway.

I didn't socialize much with people in real life, which is why I was subletting a single room, instead of sharing rent with my own friends. I didn't really have any... at least not in Clinton City. I was part of a pretty tight guild online, though.

Bri seemed like kind of a bitch, but I was used to pretty girls looking down on me. I don't want to sound like an asshole, but in my experience, women looked for certain things in a guy: Good-looking, strong, well-dressed, confident, kind of a bad-ass, etc. I had none of those qualities. I was nerdy, and had no muscles or fashion sense. I was shy and awkward, especially around women. And even though I could be kind of a bad-ass in online role playing games, in real life I was always scared of getting caught and having to suffer the consequences.

I liked Mel, though. She seemed nice. She explained the rules of the house: Pick up after myself, split all bills including groceries, and so on. They tried to eat together three to four nights a week. Kris could cook, and Bri knew how to make a few things as well. Mel confessed to being pretty hopeless in the kitchen, (and therefore not very good wife-material, she added jokingly). I told them I could cook, too, and didn't mind pitching in.

I also told them that I was pretty good with computers and networking, so I could probably fix any of their laptops if they had problems. I think the thing that really worked in my favor, though, was my car. It wasn't much of a car; an old White Mercedes that I bought at a police auction. However I noticed when I pulled in, that the driveway was empty. It would be nice to have someone in the house who could drive, Mel said, so they didn't have to beg rides from boyfriends or whoever.

As we toured, I told them a little more about myself, and Mel told me about the girls. All three were undergrads in their junior year. Mel was majoring in education, Bri in psychology, and Kris was getting her degree in business. Mel and Bri currently had boyfriends, but apparently Kris did not. The fourth girl - the one they kicked out - had apparently been the cause of this recent status change, stealing Kris' boyfriend. I joked that at least that wouldn't be a danger with me. Mel laughed politely. Bri just looked at me blankly. We carried on.

All in all, I thought the house was acceptable. It wasn't a palace by any means, but for student housing it seemed to be in pretty good shape. At the end of the tour, Mel told me again that all three girls would have to talk it over, but she didn't think there would be a problem. I seemed alright. Bri was stonily silent on the subject. They'd let me know in a day or two.


Three days later, I got a call from Kris.

"Hey are you still interested in the room?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Well, we talked, and we decided that you don't really give off a 'rape-y' vibe, so you're probably alright."

"That's good to know," I said sarcastically. "I usually try not to rape people I'm meeting for the first time."


"Sorry, it was a joke."

"Oh..." Her voice sounded uncertain. "Anyway, as we said earlier, rent for the room is six-fifty per month, plus utilities. We just split the bills evenly four-ways between us."

"Am I going to get the master bedroom?" I asked.

"No. Sorry," Kris said. "Bri refused to give it up. She really loves that room."

"Yeah, okay," I said. I was kind of disappointed since it was really the most logical arrangement with me being the only male, but I didn't want to start a big argument before I even moved in.

"You can have one of the other rooms. You know, the one on the ground floor by the kitchen? Is that alright?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said. The room was fine, but I wasn't looking forward to sharing one washroom with two girls. They'd probably take forever getting ready in the mornings, and leave their make-up and stuff all over the counter.

"Alright," Kristin said, "You can come by tonight and sign the lease. Bring first and last month's rent, and the deposit. After that you can move in any time."

"Thanks," I said. "I'll see you tonight."

I moved in that weekend. Bri spent the weekend with her boyfriend, but Mel and Kris were still around, and helped me with the boxes. Kris, as it turned out was Indian - or her parents were from India, to be more precise. Kris herself was raised in the US. But she still had that exotic brown skin. She was the smallest and skinniest of the three girls, but she was still quite beautiful, with long shiny black hair and green eyes.

The two girls hung around and chatted (mostly with each other), while I unpacked and set things up. They were very impressed by the size of the TV I mounted on the wall (and the fact that I possessed both the tools and skill to actually hang things on a wall). They jokingly threatened to break into my room in the middle of the night, and climb into my bed to watch chick-flicks. I'm not great at flirting. I didn't know how to respond, so I just smiled awkwardly at them. Eventually, I think they got bored. They left me alone in my new room.


Over the next couple of weeks I had minimal contact with the girls. That suited me fine. I spent a lot of time at school, and when I was home, I mostly secluded myself in my room. Online, a new member had joined the guild - a female member. MagdaOrcbane3232: Paladin, chaotic-good. We hit it off instantly. Soon, I was spending a lot of my nights just chatting to her about stuff; mostly quests and other in-game things. After awhile our conversations started to extend to our real lives.

She was a nurse in Wisconsin. She said she was just getting back into gaming after a long time away, as stress release. When we were online, she'd tell me about her day, maybe the way some doctor had said something funny to her, or how much of an asshole one of her patients was (or vice versa - a doctor who was being an asshole, and a patient she adored). We didn't exchange real names, though. There were boundaries to the online relationship that we respected.

It was the middle-of-the-afternoon Saturday of the second week, when there was a knock on my door. I was in the middle of playing through a Japanese-language role-playing game on my Playstation, that I was working to translate into English. It was kind of a hobby of mine. I paused the game, and went to the door. On the other side was Mel. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a light blue top.

"Hey, Bill," Mel started.

"Hi," I answered back.

"I just thought I'd check on you, and see how you're doing, you know?"

"I'm doing good," I said, wondering where this conversation was going.

"Cool, cool. So... whatcha up to?"

"Not much."

"Ah," Mel said. She walked past me, and sat on the edge of my bed without being invited. She looked at the TV, where the game had paused in the middle of a cut-scene showing an anime girl in a school-girl outfit tied to a wooden cross. Her outfit was torn and tattered, revealing an ample amount of side-boob, and a tiny glimpse of white frilly panties beneath her skirt. Mel looked back at me with eyebrows raised.

"It's a game," I explained, feeling my face flush with embarrassment. "It's called Ningyo No Rakuin. That means 'Mark of the Mermaid.' You see, you're supposed to rescue this girl - her name is Mizuki - before this cult turns her into a mermaid."

"It looks weird," Mel observed.

"Well, it's Japanese. I'm trying to translate it to English."

"You know Japanese?"

"Well... yeah... I mean I'm not totally fluent or anything, but I'm learning it." With each word I spoke, I could see my nerdiness quotient rising in her blue eyes. It was clear we inhabited two completely different worlds.

"Wow, that's, um... cool," Mel said. I doubted her sincerity, but appreciated the effort. "Can I watch for a bit?"

"Uh... sure. I mean, it's not really that interesting."

"Let's see."

I unpaused the game. The cut scene lingered on the girl a few seconds longer, and then resolved to the field screen. I ran around talking to various figures, who responded in Japanese Kanji. Then I'd pause again to make a note of what they were saying. If there was a word that I didn't know, I'd write it in Kanji so I could translate it later. All this work would go into recreating an English version of the game, which could be distributed for free online by a network of pirate gamers.

"I feel kinda like we don't really know you well," Mel said after a few minutes. "You're not really around much."

"Yeah," I answered. "I've been really busy."

"I know. It's just that, you know, the girls were kind of like 'we never see this guy.' We didn't know if you were upset with us, or hated us for some reason."

"What?" I asked, pausing the game again so I could look at Mel. The conversation felt like I was being put on the spot, and it was awkward. "No, I don't hate you. Why would I hate you?"

"Are you avoiding us?" Mel persisted.

"Not really. It's just... I mean..." I was trying to find some kind of excuse. Finally I settled on the truth. "I'm sorry. I guess you could say I'm not very social. I'm kind of shy, you know. So it takes me awhile to warm up to people."

"But is it something we did. Or is there something we can do?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I mean, look:" I gestured towards the TV. "This is what I like doing, you know? I like RPGs, and Manga, and Monty Python, and Terry Pratchett. Do you even know what any of those are?"

Mel shook her head, frowning.

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"See? It's not that I'm avoiding you, we just don't have any interests in common. It's okay. I know I'm into weird stuff that no one else likes. And I doubt I'd be into the kinds of things you're into either."

"How do you know, though?" Mel asked. "Have you even tried to get to know us? You don't even know what we're into, so how do you know you wouldn't like it?"

"I mean, girls like you..."

"Girls like me?" Mel repeated angrily, standing up. "You know, I've been judged my whole life by what girls like me are supposed to be. You know, I could just as easily make assumptions about you by the way you dress, and all your video games and Mangas and things. But I thought I'd try to actually get to know you since we're going to be living together for like a whole year. I thought it would be nice if maybe we could give each other a fair chance. My mistake."

She stormed towards the door.

"Mel, I'm sorry..." I said.

"Whatever, Bill. Just do what you want. I won't bother you anymore."

She left, slamming the door behind her. I felt like an asshole. This was why I didn't socialize with people. It always got weird and awkward. I reviewed the conversation in my mind, trying to figure out where it had gone wrong. I mean, maybe I'd made assumptions about the girls, but wasn't it on them to prove me wrong? As much as I thought it through logically, I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow Mel was right, and that I had screwed up, even though I didn't actually do anything.

Unable to concentrate on Ningyo No Rakuin anymore, I switched off the game. I put on my shoes, grabbed my wallet from the dresser, and walked out to the living room where the girls were sitting around watching TV. Mel was sitting on the far side of the sofa, looking sulky. Bri was sitting nearer to the entry, texting someone - probably her boyfriend. Kris was in a rocking chair in the corner of the room, rocking gently with her legs folded beneath her.

"Um, I'm going to go out to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner," I announced timidly. All three girls looked up at me simultaneously. "If anyone wants to come along, I can drive."

Bri and Kris looked to Mel.

"Okay," she said, nodding. "Just give us a few minutes."

The girls got up and scattered around the house, assembling various items for the outing, purses, shoes, applying make-up, and so forth. It was another twenty minutes before we were all seated in my car.

At the grocery store, I pushed the buggy, while the girls roamed the aisles picking out various food items. We decided to make spaghetti for dinner. Bri wanted a Caesar salad, and Kris insisted that we should have garlic bread to go with it. At one point, while the other two were comparing different jars of tomato sauce, Mel gently hip-checked me. I looked down at her, and she gave me a friendly smile.

"Thanks," she said.

"It's no big deal," I said. "I was going to go to the store anyway."

"I know. But thanks for making the effort." She gave me another smile, and then went to arbitrate between Bri who wanted four-cheese sauce, and Kris who was arguing for sausage and basil.


When we got home, the girls sat at the kitchen table, while I prepared dinner. I think they were expecting me to just dump a jar of sauce over some browned ground beef. When I cut up vegetables, they were awed by my skill with a knife. And when I added herbs and spices to flavor the sauce, they enthused about how wonderful it smelled. Apparently my cooking impressed them, though I didn't think it was anything special.

As I worked on the spaghetti, Bri chopped ingredients for the salad, stopping every minute or two to answer text messages on her phone. The other two girls were teasing her about her boyfriend, some guy named Mick who played rugby for the university. Apparently he wasn't too bright, but Bri defended that he had 'other talents.' This set the girls to endless giggling. I have to admit, I was kind of enjoying listening to their banter, even if I didn't have much to contribute to it.

"So, Bill," Kris asked. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Um... yeah... kind of..."

"How do you 'kind of' have a girlfriend?" Bri asked.

"Well... she doesn't live here," I explained, feeling uneasy. I knew this line of questioning would lead to an embarrassing disclosure, but I didn't know how to stop it tactfully, and I didn't want to risk pissing off any of the girls again now that things seemed to be going better.

"Oh, where is she?" Kris asked.

"Wisconsin," I answered.

"The long distance thing, huh?" Mel said. "That sucks. When's the last time you saw her?"

"Last night," I answered.

"Last night?" Bri repeated skeptically.

"Well, we play this game online - Fantasy of Armageddon. It's a role playing game. We've been chatting almost every night."

"Oh," said Kris. "But when's the last time you were actually together."

"You mean, like in real life?" I asked, trying to stall the inevitable.

"Yeah," Kris pushed. "You must miss her. When's the last time you saw her in person."

"Um.... never..." I mumbled toward the pot of boiling water.

"What?!" Bri shouted.

"We haven't met yet in real life," I said, feeling embarrassed. The girls were exchanging bemused looks with each other. "We talked about it, though... a bit."

I opened the package of noodles and dropped them in.

"Okay, so this is just an online thing, in your game?" Bri continued to probe.

"I wouldn't say it's just an online thing," I defended. "I mean, we talk a lot, you know. Privately. And we've gotten pretty close now."

"But what if it's a dude?" Bri asked, smirking at Kris.

"Bri!" Mel scolded her friend.

"She sent me a pic," I said. "I'm pretty sure she's not a guy."

"But anyone can send a pic of anything," Bri countered.

"Bri, come on, let it go," Mel said. "Really, I think it's kind of a good thing - gentlemanly. Like, they have to get to know each other, and build a connection before they have sex. You know? He's not just like 'Hey, nice ass. Wanna fuck?' I mean, I know that works for you, but-"

"One time!" Bri protested. The other girls laughed. "And you can't hold me responsible for that. I was wasted."

"Alright," Kris said to me. "So what about before this girl on the internet? What was your last girlfriend in real life like? Tell us about her."

"Well, uh...." I said, trailing off as if I were trying to remember her.

"You've had a girlfriend before, haven't you?" Bri asked.


"Holy shit!" she exclaimed. "Are you... a virgin?"

"Bri! Jesus!" Mel swore. "That's none of your business. You don't have to answer that, Bill"

I nodded helplessly. Not answering would be just as much of an admittance. It was true. I was twenty-six years old, and I'd never had physical sex with another person. I looked at each of the girls in turn. They were five or six years younger than me, but probably had already had way more sex than I'd have in my entire life. It was pathetic. I felt ashamed. But I wasn't going to be one of those guys who lies about screwing some fictional girl only to conveniently have her move to Europe, or die in a car accident. I could be above that, at least.

"Oh my fucking God, he is a virgin!" Bri cried out, laughing.

"You're being a real bitch right now, you know?" Mel shouted at her friend.

"Is it for like religious reasons or something?" Kris asked.

"No," I answered. "It's just... the opportunity never really presented itself."

"Aww... " Kris fawned, and somehow that pitying sound was worse than all of Bri's barbed interrogation. "It's alright. I'm sure it'll happen sometime."

"Me, too," I agreed, draining the pasta, and hoping to drop the subject. Kris set out plates on the table.

"Really, it's not that big a deal," Mel explained. "I mean it kind of seems that way before you lose your virginity, but that's just because you've built it up in your mind to be like this big amazing ordeal, you know? It's not though. It does feel great, but there's more to life."

"Yeah, I know," I said.

The way they were talking to me was annoying, as if I was totally clueless about everything. I wasn't ignorant. I'd read about it, and I'd seen more than my share of porn. I'd even done it online a few times with some female gamers on Fantasy of Armageddon. Magda3232 hadn't got that far in our relationship, but soon... probably.

Fortunately, dinner was served, and the conversation veered away from my non-existent sex life to other subjects.


Mel, Kris, and I created a shower schedule for the mornings. Mel had the bathroom reserved between 8:30 and 9:00. Then I got it from 9:00 to 9:30, and Kris went after me. I was in the middle, since I was a guy, and they didn't think I needed as long in there. Mel could wake up earlier if she needed. As for Kris, with everyone else showered, she could take as long as she wanted. Bri, of course, had her own private bathroom - not that it mattered. She never got up before ten-thirty, anyway. All of her classes were scheduled for afternoons and evenings.

It was 8:40 in the morning, about a week and a half after the girls had dragged it out of me that I was still a virgin. Mel still wasn't out of the bathroom. I knocked impatiently on the door to hurry her up.

"I know, I know," Mel shouted from the other side. "I'm sorry. I'm running late."

"I'm running late, too, now," I complained. "I thought we had a schedule."

The door opened. Mel stepped out with her towel wrapped low around her chest, exposing quite a bit of cleavage.

"We do," she said. "I'm sorry. It's all yours now. Gotta go."

She jogged back to her bedroom, leaving me to watch her little behind bouncing beneath her towel. When she'd disappeared into her bedroom, I stepped into the humidity left over from her shower. Her scent still hung thick in the air. Condensation clung to every surface. I closed the door, stripped out of my pajamas, and turned on the shower.

Most people have a normal morning ritual. Some people drink coffee. I jerked off in the shower. It was a invigorating and relaxing way to begin the day. As I closed the curtain around me, I was feeling irritable that I would now going to have to miss my morning orgasm because there wasn't enough time before I had to had to leave the bathroom for Kris. I only had long enough to massage shampoo into my hair, lather up my body with soap, and then rinse it all off. I tried not to spend an excessive time around my cock and balls, as much as they ached for attention. I didn't want them to get the wrong idea. As I was scrubbing my armpits, I heard a quick knock, and then the bathroom door opened.

"Hey, I'm in here," I called out.

I heard the sound of shuffling on the other side of the shower curtain. I could see a vague shadow moving through the curtain.

"Sorry, Bill, I really need to use the shower now. Like right now." It was Kris. "I have an interview this morning for a promotion at work, and I totally totally forgot about it."

"But I'm in here!" I repeated. "I'm using it."

Suddenly, the curtain pulled back. Instinctively, I covered my crotch with my hands. Kris was standing there completely naked. I could see all of her: Smooth cinnamon brown skin, smallish breasts with beautiful little Hershey's Kiss nipples, the neatly groomed triangle of black hair pointing down to the mysterious between her thighs. Her shiny black hair was piled up into a loose bun on top of her head. Before I could register what was happening, she climbed into the shower with me.

"What the hell?!" I shouted half-heartedly. It seemed like I should be angry, but I was too stunned. I'd never actually seen a woman naked in real life before - just a ton of videos and pictures online. Now, here was a gorgeous brown specimen literally inches from my own naked body. I was shocked, completely without any kind of protocol to dictate my reaction to this strange situation.

"I'll be quick. I promise," she said.

Kris elbowed me out of the way, and reached for the scented body wash. She poured some onto a loofa sponge, and began to scrub her body. I watched mesmerized as the sponge passed over her breasts, and then beneath them, lifting them, and letting them fall. It moved in quick soapy circles across the small sexy contours of her belly, and then down further between her legs.

Then she turned, scrubbing the small of her back. I was fixated on the way that the water cascaded from the curve of her perfectly compact ass. The cheeks were beautifully small and round. I wished I could just grab one in each hand, and give them a squeeze. She turned around again, really noticing me for the first time it seemed.

"Bill, Geez!" she shouted. "Put that away!"

I looked down at myself. I'd become hard as a rock, and it was pointing straight at her. I felt totally embarrassed by my unconscious physical reaction. I awkwardly tried to hide my erection behind my hands.

"Shit! I'm sorry. I can't help it," I apologized with a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and horniness. I launched into a rant: "I mean, I was in the shower, and you just came bursting in here without any clothes. I was here first! You can't just come in here like that, and expect nothing to happen. It's human nature. It's your fault. You're naked, and you look amazing. What do you expect? I was here first!"

Kris sighed, and then turned off the shower.

"Okay," she said. "You can't tell the other girls about this, alright?"

"About what?" I asked.

In response, Kris dropped to her knees. She pulled my hands away from my erection. Her fingers circled around the base of my cock. Her mouth opened, and closed around the head. It felt so amazing. I mean I'd fantasized about something like this, but I couldn't anticipate what a blow job really felt like. It was a sensation my hand just couldn't produce. Kris's mouth was so soft and wet and warm. I felt her tongue massaging the underside of my penis, as she gently sucked it. Her head bobbed back and forth quickly, and she provided maximum stimulation to every sensitive part of my cock.

I only lasted about two or three minutes in her mouth. Maybe less. Kris didn't hold back or drag it out. She wanted to get me off as quickly and efficiently as possible. When I came, she took my pulsing cock deep down her throat. I could feel her swallowing every drop that shot out of me, and it was fucking amazing. I had to steady myself against the shower wall. As my orgasm subsided, Kris stood up again so we were face to face.

"Congratulations," she said impatiently, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. "I just took your V-card. Now please, let me finish showering so I can get out of here. Okay?"

I didn't have words, so just I nodded. Kris turned the water back on, and continued showering. I stood back and just watched her in stunned silence, barely able to believe what had just happened. Several minutes later, she was done.

"Thanks, Bill," she said.

She gave me a little kiss on the cheek. Then she stepped out of the shower, and pulled the curtain shut again behind her.

Unsure of what else to say, but feeling like I should say something, I called out, "Good luck with your interview."

"Thanks," she said.

I heard the bathroom door open and close. And then I was alone again in the shower. I rinsed the partially dried shampoo out of my hair.

Written by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
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