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A Change in Direction - Part 5

"After extensive planning and preparation, Evan and Laura step into life changing events"

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After meeting with Josh and Ann, Evan and Laura went to their office space to clean things up before they left the building. Evan instructed Laura to write letters of resignation for both of them, to print them on official company letterhead stationery and to date them effective on Thursday.

Evan was bristling with excitement. Now that he knew that his employer was going to try to change the agreement that he had put together, his mind was spinning at new speeds, working out the changes that needed to be made. It made things easier for him knowing what he would face on Friday. Now he could prepare knowing what was ahead. He knew that he needed to be in complete control of the meeting and now he just needed to see it clearly in his mind and work out the dialogue.

As his mind raced through the possibilities, he took his pictures off of his office walls and stacked them by the doorway. There was no doubt in his mind that when he walked out of this building on Friday morning, he would never walk through the doorway again. It would be a break that company management would not ever have expected, but with every passing second he was more positive that it was the right thing to do.

He was sitting at his desk going through his mental checklist when Laura walked in the door. “I’ve printed the letters and have envelopes to put them in,” she told him.

Evan looked up and saw her standing there holding the papers in her hand. “Are you certain that you want to take this ride with me, Laura? It could be very dangerous.”

“I would go to Hell with you, if you asked me to go,” she said in a soft and sincere voice. “I trust you more than anyone I’ve ever known and I have no doubt that you will make this work for all of us.” She paused, walked to the front of his desk and said, “When you walk out the door, I’ll be beside you.”

He stood, walked around the desk and put his arms around her. “That’s what I needed to hear,” he said before he kissed her. “Is there anything else we need to do before we leave this fire trap?”

After a few seconds her face broke into a smile. The simple smile turned into a sexy smile and her eyes twinkled. “What are you thinking?” he asked with a laugh.

“You asked what we needed to do before we left,” she answered him. “Do you know how many fantasies I’ve had in the years I’ve worked here, of you bending me over your desk and taking me from behind?”

“If you had asked me that question before your birthday, my answer would have been zero,” he told her. “But right now, I’m guessing that it was more than once.”

“Oh yeah,” she said in a very soft and sexy voice. “I think you might be shocked to know how many times I’ve pleasured myself thinking of just that.”

He let go of her, walked to the office door and closed it. Making certain that she was watching, he locked the door saying, “It would certainly be wrong for us to leave this building with unresolved issues.”

Laura walked around his desk, pulled her skirt up to her waist and replied, “You are such a thoughtful boss to consider the needs and welfare of your employees.”

Walking behind her, he put his hand between her shoulders and pushed her down on his desk until her face was touching the surface and her bare ass was waiting for his attention.

“We certainly don’t want to leave here with regrets,” he said as he unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall down around his ankles.

“No,” she said, as she spread her legs apart, opening her sex to him. “We would not want to do that.”

As he stepped up behind her she could feel the head of his cock touching her wet and waiting pussy. As it began to find its passage to her deepest parts he said, “Let’s make certain that we never have any of these lingering fantasies hindering us in our new business.” When he was as deeply inside her as he could be, he said, “From now on we are living boldly, Laura. We do what we want. We take it to the edge.”

As his member began to slide through her wetness, he heard her say, “Fuck Yes!”

Once they had packed the things they wanted from their offices into Evan’s car, he started the engine, looked at Laura and said, “For some reason, I’m as hungry as a bear.”

“I think I know the reason,” she replied with a laugh. “We have had some serious exercise in the last several hours.”

Patting her leg he said, “We have indeed. How would you feel about stopping at Dominic’s for a thick steak?”

“I’ve never been there,” Laura answered, “But I would love to go. I’ve heard that it’s excellent, but not in my price range.”

“I’ll ask you about your price range in six months,” he told her. “I’m guessing that your attitude will have changed.”

“Why would you say that?” she asked him seriously.

The traffic light changed and he stopped the car. “You haven’t been keeping up with things too well have you?”

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“Darlin’, you are not going to be my assistant in this new company.”

“What do you mean by that? Why wouldn’t I be your assistant?” she said with a raised voice.

The light changed and Evan looked forward again as his car pulled away from the light. He glanced over and saw the scowl on her face. “You aren’t going to be my assistant because you are going to be a partner. Just like Ann and Josh. The four of us will be partners in this new business. You will have to hire an assistant to work for you.”

When he pulled his car into Dominic’s parking lot Laura was still looking at him with her eyes wide and her mouth opened, but in a stunned silence. When he cut the engine and turned to her she finally said one word, “Partner?”

With some effort, he got her out of the car, inside the restaurant and into a booth. She still looked shocked. “Would you like to have wine or a cocktail?” he asked, still smiling at her condition.

Another one word answer, “Wine.”

A waiter appeared at the table. “Mr. Sanders,” he said with a broad smile. “How very nice to see you again. What could I get you and the lady to drink?”

“Bring us a bottle of the cab … I forget the name of it. Do you remember the one I like, James?” Evan said.

“If I remember correctly, the last two times you were here you ordered the Josh Cellars Cabernet,” the waiter answered.

“Yes, that’s it,” Evan smiled. “Your memory is better than mine. That would be perfect.”

When he turned back to Laura, Evan almost laughed. She still had that amazed look on her face. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’ll have some wine for you in just a second. You look like you need it quickly.”

Finally she managed to speak, “What do you mean by partner?”

Evan leaned over and took one of her hands in his. “I thought that you understood what I was doing. Obviously I’ve understood it all without explaining everything to you.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, giving her another big smile. “You see, Laura, I can’t run this business on my own. I don’t understand all of the moving parts. I don’t know the operations end of the business nor do I begin to understand the financial end. So I have people that know those things and I’m going to make it worth their while to work with me. Not for me, but rather with me.”

“You’re talking about Ann and Josh?” she asked.

“Yes,” he responded. “The two of them and you.”

“And me?” she said as a question.

“Yes, Laura. And you. You are my brains and my support. I couldn’t begin to operate without you beside me. You and I are a team.”

“And I will be hiring an assistant to work with me?” she asked.

“Yes, you will,” he answered. “Pick anyone you want. Pick someone you’ve worked with at Sinclair or someone else you know. Whomever you pick will work for both of us, but mostly for you. Ann will have an assistant, as will Josh.”

The waiter reappeared, opened the bottle and served two glasses.

After he left, they touched their glasses together in a toast and sipped. Laura seemed to have reached a semi-normal level as she complimented the wine. She took another sip and said, “It really is excellent.”

“You should get used to excellent,” he told her. “In the next few months we are all going to be working very, very hard, but the rewards are going to be amazing.”

“When you say rewards,” she said and paused. “What do you mean?”

“Financial rewards,” he answered. “There is a hell of a lot of money to be made with this Braxton contract. We will do the work and share the profits.”

Her eyes were still quite wide and her glass was already empty. Evan refilled her glass and chuckled. “Assuming that we don’t have a train wreck, at the end of three years we will all be financially secure.”

“Secure for how long?” she asked almost in a whisper.

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “For life.”

Laura and Evan sat in the booth, eating and drinking as he filled in the gaps of his business plans for her. They had been there over two hours when the waiter asked if they needed anything else. Evan produced a credit card, thanking the waiter for allowing them time to visit. Turning back to Laura he asked, “So, do you feel better about what I have planned?”

“Of course, I do,” she answered. “It is still all swirling around in my head, but I understand the general plan. I see how it fits together and how you’ve positioned everything. What I don’t understand is why you are willing to give so much of the earnings away to a group of partners when you could simply hire them at a good salary level and take fifty times more for yourself.”

“I won’t give anything away,” he said quite seriously. “My partners will earn every penny they collect. But in my plan I believe that everyone involved will be working at an extremely high level because they will be fairly compensated for their work. Not a meager salary and a small bonus, but the opportunity to cash in for superior performance.”

Evan signed the check and thanked the waiter. Turning to Laura he said, “I think we should go back to your place and finally open that bottle of champagne.”

“Before we leave, I have one more question,” Laura said. “Does all of this mean that we will be spending more time together?”

Grinning, Evan asked, “Do you mean time together outside the office?”

“Yes,” she answered softly. “Because if it means that we continue to work together, but don’t have private time, then I’d like to go back to being an assistant.”

“I have plans for lots of private time,” he said as he helped her slide out of the booth. “Once we are free of Sinclair, there are many wonderful things waiting for us.”

As they were driving to Laura’s apartment, Evan said, “Let’s spend tonight at your place and then tomorrow pack up and move to my house.”

Laura was a little surprised at his suggestion, but said, “Pack up for how long?”

“For the weekend,” he answered.

Now she was even more surprised. She had thought that they were going to have a one night celebration, and now he was talking about the weekend. While she was thrilled at the idea, she decided that she needed a little more information. “Are you asking me to spend the weekend with you?”

“Yes,” he said shaking his head. “I’m sorry. Once again I’m planning things out and not filling in the blanks for you. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow to get ready for our Friday meeting with Sinclair. Since I have an office set up in my home it will just make it easier.”

While what he said made sense, it was still a little disappointing to her because his thoughts were strictly business related.

He spoke again, “And besides, my bed is larger than yours and my shower holds two quite easily. If we are going to spend our time running around naked, let’s use my place where we’ll have more room.”

“That’s a good idea,” she said out loud, while inside she was screaming, “YES!” “Do you plan on spending time naked this weekend?”

Evan put his hand on the inside of her thigh, slowly moving it upward. “Sweetie,” he said, “In the future I plan for us to spend a lot of time naked.”

Laura smiled and opened her legs for him.

Once back at her apartment, the top came off of the champagne bottle and the clothes came off their bodies. Their celebration lasted until they were exhausted and fell asleep.

Evan was awakened on Thursday morning as he felt Laura’s finger slipping through the hair on his bare chest. He opened his eyes and saw her smiling brightly and handing him a cup of steaming coffee. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead,” she teased. “It’s 10:00 and I thought you wanted to get an early start.”

He sipped his coffee before saying, “Why do you have clothes on?”

She laughed, saying, “All I have on is a tee shirt.” She lifted it to show her body. “All of the parts that you said you loved last night are still here and available when you want them.” She took the shirt off and dropped it on the bed. “Is this better?”

“Much better,” he said with a broad smile. “I’m trying to figure out how we can arrange for you to work like that.”

“You probably are,” she said with a giggle, but inwardly she was glowing with happiness knowing that his affection and lust for her was real and not just for one night.

He sat up, took another sip of coffee and said, “One of the rules for the office is going to be a ‘closed door’ rule, meaning that when an office door is closed no one is to knock or walk in. One of the things that always drove me crazy at Sinclair was that people would come stand in your doorway and start talking. Sometimes they would do it when you were talking on the phone. At the new office a closed door means that you do not choose to be disturbed.”

“I think that sounds like a good rule,” Laura responded.

“Damn right,” he said. “Then when I decide that I need to touch those beautiful breasts of yours, I can do it without being concerned that someone might walk in on us.”

“And that means that if I was just needing to put that beautiful cock of yours in my mouth, I could,” she said as she pointed to the tent pole between his legs that was pushing up the sheets. “I hope that you will always be that excited by my body,” she said quite seriously.

His face became equally serious as he told her, “I can’t envision ever not being excited about your body, Laura. You are as close to perfection as I can imagine.”

There was a long pause as he admired her naked body and she studied the tent pole. Finally, without taking her eyes off of the sheet she said, “I have something in the kitchen for us to eat.” She paused again and finally made eye contact. “I’m guessing that if today is similar to yesterday, we’ll both need to have some nourishment.”

After breakfast, Laura packed a bag with some help from Evan. He approved each thing that she put into her bag. When she pulled panties and bras from her drawers he quickly declined them saying that they were totally unnecessary. Outwardly she protested. Inwardly she rejoiced, but managed to slip one set into her case when he looked away.

Once she had everything she needed for the Friday meeting and the remainder of the weekend, Evan carried her bag to his car as she locked her apartment. As she followed him, Laura looked to the skies and said, “Dear Lord, just give me one weekend in his bed and I’ll die a happy woman.”

When the door came down behind his car after they pulled into his garage, Laura was completely elated. Having never been invited into his home she was overjoyed to be there. While she couldn’t wait to see his place, she was equally excited to simply be inside it, knowing that she was going to spend several days there alone with him. For her, this was a dream come true.

Once inside, he gave her the grand tour. He took her upstairs to see his guest bedroom and office, outside to see his back porch and hot tub, inside again to see the kitchen and eating area and his large family room. The tour ended in his bedroom. “And this is my bedroom. I bought this place because of the bedroom and bathroom. I liked that it was on the same level as the kitchen and family room,” he told her.

“It’s a great bedroom, Evan,” she told him as she looked around. “It looks like you. It’s very masculine.”

He opened the door to his walk-in closet and she walked inside. “Wow,” she said showing how impressed she was. “It’s huge.”

“Yes it is,” he agreed. “After I moved in I had it remodeled to fit my taste and needs. I added the shelves and really could store everything in here. Most of the drawers in my dresser are empty because I keep it all in here.”

He took her to the door to his bathroom and said, “What do you think of this room?”

Laura stepped inside and whistled. “Oh this is just too much for a single man,” she said as she took in the room. “You have a walk-in shower and a massive tub with water jets. Do you ever use the tub?”

“Only when I have company,” he said with a smile.

“It looks to me like you could have company in that shower too,” she said as she looked inside it.

“Let’s just say that it holds two very comfortably,” he told her.

She laughed and replied, “It looks to me like it could hold six, but I’d prefer that you keep it to two while I’m here.”

Stepping out of the bathroom she stood and looked at his king sized bed. “I could get lost in that bed.”

“If you get lost, I’ll find you,” he told her as he rubbed his hand on her bottom.

Turning around she looked up into his blue eyes and said, “I’ll hold you to that.”

He put his arms around her, pulling her close so that her breasts pressed against his chest. “Now let me get you something to wear while you’re here.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” she asked.

“What’s wrong is that there is too much of it,” he said. “When you are in my place I’d prefer that you were completely naked.

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But I’m guessing that you would object to being naked all the time. So, I have something for you to wear.”

He went into his closet and was back out in just a few seconds, holding a soft, blue dress shirt. Handing it to her he said, “I think this will work quite well. Lose the pants, top and the lingerie and wear just this. When I want to get to your girlie parts I don’t want to be slowed down by unnecessary clothing.”

“What if I want to get to your manly parts?” she asked as she took the shirt from him.

“I’m gonna bet that you won’t find that a problem,” he answered. “Now you get changed and meet me in the kitchen.”

Five minutes later she walked into his kitchen and spun around to give him a view of her in his shirt with the cuffs rolled up. “Is this the look you were wanting?”

He gave her a big smile. “That is exactly what I wanted. You are a vision of loveliness.”

“I’d rather be a vision of sexiness,” she said offering him a knowing look.

“You’ll have to trust me on this one, Laura. You are incredibly sexy wearing just that shirt. And knowing that you have nothing on under it is making my blood pressure rise.”

She stepped up to him, put her arms around his middle and said, “Then maybe we should get into that big bed and have you rest a bit.”

“When I get you into that big bed, there won’t be a lot of resting,” he told her.

“Good,” she said as she hugged him and pressed the side of her face against his chest. Staying in that position so that he couldn’t see her face she said, “Yesterday afternoon when we were in my bed, at one point you got behind me. Do you remember that?”

“Yes I do,” he answered.

Still hiding her face she continued, “While you were fucking me, you put a finger in my ass.”

“Yes I did,” he said softly.

“I liked it,” she said.

“Did you?” he asked.

She knew that she was blushing. She could feel how hot her face was against his chest. “Yes, I did. Are you going to do it again?”

“I am if you liked it.”

“I really did,” she said. “It was erotic and sexy. And I came so hard I thought I might pass out.”

He ran a hand through her long red hair and asked, “Have you had anal sex?”

“I did once when I was in college, but the truth is that I was drunk, and I don’t really remember much about it. My roommate was there and she said that I seemed to like it.” She hesitated a little and told him, “I just wanted to make certain that you knew that I’m ready for anything you want to do. I completely trust you, Evan, and I know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”

“We’ll work on that a little later,” he said before he kissed her. “But first we’ll get something to eat and sit at my kitchen table and do some work.”

“I’d rather have sex,” she told him softly.

“I would too,” he said as he squeezed the cheeks of her ass. “As soon as we have tomorrow’s meeting planned out, I promise that you’ll get all of the sex that you want.”

“Promise?” she said as she looked up at him.

He lifted his right hand into the air and smiled. “Promise!”

For the next three hours they worked on their plan for the meeting with Sinclair. They discussed how things would probably happen and how they should respond. As they discussed and rehearsed he was reminded once again how smart Laura was and how quickly she grasped different concepts. One thing was certain; she understood people. She had a great take on Sinclair and offered her ideas of what he might say and do. Together they put together a good plan, set up everything they thought might be needed in Evan’s briefcase and practiced how it would be used.

Once his briefcase was closed Laura asked, “Are you comfortable with it all now?”

He smiled saying, “Yes I am. In fact, I’m anxious to get into it.”

She stood, unbuttoned the shirt and held it open so that he could see her naked body. “And I’m anxious for you to get into my girlie parts.”

Evan stood and pulled her into his arms. “Oh little girl, I’m going to be all over your girlie parts.” He kissed her long and hard, making her head spin a little when he finally released her. When she looked up at him he gave her a crooked grin. “Now we’ll go into my bedroom and I’ll introduce you to a toy I have for you. It’s called a butt plug. It’s made for that sexy ass of yours and I think you’re going to like it.”

At 8:30 Friday morning, Evan’s alarm went off. He turned it off and rolled over to find Laura awake and smiling at him. “How do you feel?” he asked.

“Honestly,” she answered, “I feel fantastic.” She put her hands on his face and said, “You were an animal last night. I think I even heard you growl a couple of times. And before you ask, I’ll tell you. I loved everything we did. Everything.”

“So then I can assume that you would be ready to do it all again?” he asked.

“Let’s just say that I have a new appreciation for older men,” she told him with a smile. “You took your time to introduce me to some delicious things. I’m hoping that we’ll have a chance to do it all over again.”

He pulled her to him as he rolled over on top of her. “In case you missed some information, you’ll be spending the weekend here with me. We will replay everything more than once before Monday shows its face. And I’m guessing that you’ll find a few more tricks up the old man’s sleeve.”

Laura kissed him and said, “I have no doubt about that. Now let’s go try out that six person shower of yours so that we can go kick some Sinclair ass.”

He smiled and said, “The only ass I’m interested in is the one attached to you, but I’ll let yours rest until we’ve cut Sinclair off at the knees.”

“Promise?” she asked.


At 10:45 Evan’s cell phone rang. Before he picked it up he told Laura, “That will be Sinclair’s assistant wanting to delay our meeting.” He picked up the phone and answered, “This is Evan.”

Laura watched and listened as he held a short conversation and ended the call.

“Like I said, that was Mrs. Rogers. She said that Sinclair had an important meeting this morning and would like to move our meeting back to 2:00.”

Laura laughed. “And you told her that your meeting was scheduled for noon and if he wasn’t there we would leave?”

“Exactly,” he answered with a chuckle. “He’s trying to make us think that the meeting with us is unimportant in his busy day. The truth is that the greedy bastard is about to cream in his jeans at the idea of picking up Braxton and $10 million.”

“You don’t think that he’ll accept your terms?” she asked.

“Not a chance,” Evan replied. “He’s too fucking stupid to understand that he isn’t commander of the universe. He’ll play his cards early and we’ll slap him down. He’ll threaten to sue us if we don’t agree to his terms and that‘s when we slam the door in his face.”

“You don’t think there is any possibility that when we walk in he’ll say that he’s decided to accept your offer?”

“The possibility of that is zero,” Evan told her with 100% confidence. “That’s why we have to nail him down in our meeting. We have everything we need in that briefcase,” he said pointing to his case beside the kitchen table. “We’ll take that information and stuff it up his ass.”

“And then what?” Laura asked.

He walked over to her, grabbed her by her butt cheeks and lifted her up on her toes. “Then we’ll light up the phones and let everyone know what happened. When that is done we’ll come back here and resume what we started last night.”

“And that’s what we’ll do for the rest of the weekend?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” was his response.

“Evan,” she said with a smile, “I like the way you think.”

At three minutes before noon, Evan and Laura walked through the front door on Sinclair’s building. Before he could say anything, the receptionist told them that Mr. Sinclair was waiting for them in the executive conference room.

“Thanks, Chrissy,” Evan said to the woman he had known for several years. “Have they been there long?”

“Oh, I think for maybe an hour,” she answered.

Evan looked at Laura and smiled. “Just as we expected,” he whispered.

They went through the entry way, turned the corner and entered the conference room. Evan was not surprised to find Sinclair sitting at the table waiting for him. Sitting on either side of him was his vice president, John Edwards and on the other side, his attorney Burt Trinket. Evan had never been formally introduced to the attorney, but he knew who he was.

Evan and Laura entered the room and took places at the table opposite Sinclair and his men. Evan set his briefcase on the table in front of where Laura was sitting. “I seem to remember that I suggested that I did not care to work with John Edwards,” Evan said to Sinclair. “You are starting off on the wrong foot with me.”

Edwards stood and snarled, “You arrogant son of a bitch. I should have fired you years ago.”

Turning to Edwards, Evan gave a look of disgust saying, “Yes, John, you probably should have.” Then turning to the attorney he said, “Mr. Trinket, perhaps you’d like to inform Mr. Edwards that his language could be considered harassment and grounds for a law suit. I believe that I’ve heard that you are familiar with harassment filings.”

The lawyer turned to Richard. Speaking softly he said, “Mr. Sanders is quite correct. That kind of language with witnesses present is certainly actionable. I think you should have him leave the room.”

Sinclair turned to his vice president saying, “I think you should leave us, John.”

Edwards’ face turned red. Pointing at Evan he shouted, “Why would you do anything that worthless piece of shit demanded. I’ll be happy to throw his stupid ass out the front door!”

Evan calmly turned back to the lawyer. “I believe that my case has been strengthened. I might add that my assistant here is recording this meeting. So I not only have a witness, I have what I believe you attorneys call evidence.”

All three men looked at Laura and saw her hold up a small recording device. The lawyer made a loud sigh and again suggested that Edwards leave the room.

“I’ve put up with that same rude and un-businesslike behavior for ten years,” Evan said to Sinclair. “Today it stops once and for all. He leaves the room or we walk out the door now. Am I clear?”

Sinclair shook his head and said, “Get out, John. Now!”

After Edwards stormed out the door, Evan sat down, looked across the table and said, “Thank you, Richard. If we decide to stay here I’ll expect him to be fired.” Sinclair looked startled at the remark, so Evan looked to the lawyer saying, “I assume that you’ve looked over the contract that I gave Richard.”

Trinket looked at the papers in front of him. “I have indeed. I’m going to guess that you had an attorney draw this up, but I can tell you that it is poorly written and the lawyer could not be very good.”

“Really?” Evan said with a broad smile. “I’ll let him know that you didn’t approve of his work.”

The lawyer continued, “I would, of course, never let Richard sign such a contract. It will need to be rewritten and changes made. Substantial changes.”

“I’m wondering, Mr. Trinket, if Richard mentioned to you that if you so much as changed one comma in that contract, that our deal was off?” Evan said.

Laura looked up at Evan because she had never heard him use that tone of voice. There was steeliness in his voice that made his words bite.

The lawyer seemed a little shaken, but answered, “He did mention it, but this contract is just not acceptable.”

Evan turned to Richard. “Then I guess that we can leave now. My terms were not subject to change.”

“Now just a minute,” Sinclair said. “You can’t possibly think that you could run this business on your own. Certainly you are smart enough to know that you simply don’t have the capital to open and run such a business.”

“You are correct on one thing, Richard,” Evan said. “I am quite aware that new businesses are most likely to fail due to being under funded, but I don’t think we will have that problem.” Evan held his hand out to Laura while keeping his eyes on Sinclair. She put a piece of paper in his hand and he held it out for Sinclair to see.

“You see,” Evan said, “that we have backers for our business. I believe that you can see that this is a personal check made out to Sanders and Associates in the amount of $250,000. I think that will cover our needs, but if it isn’t enough, our attorney, whom Mr. Trinket thinks is unskilled, is willing to pitch in money of his own. So, I think we have that covered.

Trinket spoke again, “Assuming that you were foolish enough to try it on your own, I would have to advise Mr. Sinclair to sue you. You see, you contracted this business on Sinclair company time. For you to take the business outside this company would violate state business statutes.”

Evan laughed. “You know, Mr. Trinket, my attorney suggested that you would have just that attitude. He told me that your solution to everything is a law suit. He said that your one skill was billing as many hours to your client as possible and seldom solving a problem. I think the term that he used to describe you was ‘hack lawyer’ and he appears to be on target.”

“Burt has quite a reputation,” Sinclair insisted.

“That’s exactly what my lawyer said,” Evan offered. “But the reputation isn’t a good one.”

“Who is this lawyer of yours?” Trinket demanded.

Again Evan held his hand out to Laura. She placed a business card in his hand. Evan glanced down at it before tossing it across the table as if he was dealing cards at the poker table. He saw Trinket’s eyes widen when he read the card.

“Your lawyer is Lanny Larkin?” he asked in a stunned voice.

“Yes sir, Mr. Larkin would be my attorney and the man that drew up that contract you said was worthless,” Evan said with a sneer. “You see, I did not win the Braxton business while on Sinclair company time. I met Mr. Ford, Braxton’s CEO, on the golf course. We played in a charity event together. He invited me to join him at his club where he introduced me to his personal attorney, Mr. Larkin. We played together for about eight weeks before Mr. Ford brought up the idea of me managing his business. A subject he brought up in Mr. Larkin’s presence.”

“How could you possibly afford to pay Larkin’s fees? He is easily the most costly lawyer in this city,” Trinket hissed.

Evan held up his hands, palms up as if puzzled. “I’m not very smart, Mr. Trinket, but I think the answer to your question is pro bono. Is that the correct term?”

“Why would an attorney of Larkin’s stature take you pro bono?” Trinket asked.

“You know,” Evan said, “I asked the same question. He said that he had held a long grudge against you because you are such a hack. It also seems that he had a run-in with Richard once and doesn’t have much use for him either. And then, he is a close friend of Malcom Ford and wanted to help him.”

Evan smiled at Laura as she handed him a piece of paper. “This is my vacation schedule,” Evan continued. “If you check it you’ll find that on the three occasions that I went into the Braxton offices, I was on personal vacation time and not on Sinclair work time. You might also be interested to know that I did it that way at Mr. Larkin’s suggestion.”

Trinket wasn’t ready to give up. He didn’t like the idea of being belittled in front of his client, Richard Sinclair. “You no doubt used Sinclair company equipment to prepare information and presentations for Braxton.”

“You could try to prove that, Mr. Trinket, but I assure you it would be a waste of time,” Evan said as he continued to grind the lawyer down. “You see, your client, Mr. Sinclair, is exceptionally cheap and he supplies his employees with cheap equipment. The computer I use is my own. I don’t use Sinclair junk. And the car I used to visit Braxton is also my own.” He paused a moment, gave Trinket a tight smile and asked, “Would you like to try a different angle? My attorney said that he hoped that you would sue me so that he could personally mop up the courtroom floor with you and prove what a hack you are.” Evan put emphasis on the word “hack.”

Trinket was starting to sweat when he turned to Richard and said, “Perhaps this agreement is acceptable since you agreed to Mr. Sanders’ time constraints.”

Evan waited until Richard looked up and made eye contact. “I made you a fair offer, Richard. Most men would have jumped at the chance to add several million dollars to their bottom line. But because you are stupid and greedy you wanted more than you deserved and it would not have bothered you one bit to cheat me out of something I deserved. So now I am withdrawing my offer.”

“Wait,” Sinclair insisted. “I think we can work something out here.”

Evan turned to Laura and said, “Do you want to work something out?”

Laura reached into the briefcase and pulled out two envelopes. She handed them both to Evan saying, “Not a chance.”

He gave her a big smile saying, “Good choice.” He pitched the two envelopes to Richard. “You’ll find them both addressed to you. They contain our resignations. You owe us both one week’s pay and unused vacation time. You can mail the checks to our home addresses.”

Evan stood and held out his hand to Laura. She handed him the recorder. He held it close to his mouth and said, “This meeting ended at 12:43 PM.” He clicked the recorder to off and said to Laura. “You ready, partner?”

As they walked out the front door Evan took out his phone and called Josh. As soon as Josh answered Evan said, “We are out the door and ready to start our new business. Would you please tell Ann?”

Once they were in the car and leaving the Sinclair parking lot Laura finally gushed, “Oh my God, Evan. You were magnificent. I’m so turned on that my panties are soaking wet.”

Before he pulled out onto the street, Evan stopped the car and turned to her. “Why are you wearing panties? You’ve already broken the new rule.”

“I’m sorry,” she said giving him a big smile. She pulled her skirt up to her waist and quickly pulled her panties off and handed them to him. “That won’t happen again.”

He took the panties from her and put them into his pocket without failing to notice that they were indeed quite wet. He pulled the car out into traffic before he said, “I should hope it won’t happen again. I would hate to have to take you home and give you a spanking.”

Laura took his right hand and placed it between her legs. “A spanking, huh? I never thought of you as kinky.”

“You’re calling me kinky,” he said with a laugh. “Seems to me that I’m not the one that insisted on having a butt plug in her ass this morning.”

Laura pulled his hand harder into her wetness before she said, “Maybe when we get home I’ll let you take it out of me.”

“I’ll take it out and replace it with something else,” he told her.

She put her head back and closed her eyes. “I may have said this before, Evan, but I like the way you think.”

Written by JefferyB
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