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A Different Kind of Love (Part Two)

"I've never been attached, not until now."

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“Hey,” Xavier’s hands are in his pockets and his eyes areglued to the ground. The word barely leaves his lips.

“What are you doing here?” I demand. I avoided talking to him after the filming and I went home, I didn’t plan on seeing him again.

“I need to talk to you,” Xavier says.

“Come in,” I open the door wider and let him into my house. Sure we fucked, but he’s still a complete stranger. He might be a stranger to me, but not to my thoughts.

Xavier sits down at the bar in the kitchen. I stand on the other side waiting for him to speak first.

“Why are you here?” I say finally, Xavier didn’t offer anything up.

“I think we need to talk,” Xavier breathes.

“Do you always harass your sexual partners after filming?”

“No, this is definitely a first time thing,” Xavier says, squirming nervously in his seat.

I should be glad he’s here, especially since I haven’t stopped thinking about him since the shoot, but something in me is telling me no.

“Look,” Xavier runs a hand through his hair. “Did you fake any of it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, my walls going up.

“Bullshit,” He immediately looks at me, his eyes burning with passion. “You told me before we shot that you faked your orgasms. I felt you underneath me, you couldn’t have faked that.” His voice is barely a whisper when he reaches the end of his statement.

“No,” I say. “No, Xavier, I didn’t fake anything.”

Xavier slowly stars to move around the bar. I back further into the kitchen, not sure what to do.

“So you felt it too?” Xavier whispers.

“Xavier,” I whisper. I want to stop him, but I know I won’t be able to, I feel a growing pressure between my legs. I want him. I’ve wanted him since I left that room.

“Did you feel it?” Xavier asks me again, taking a step closer. I take a step back, but I’m already pressed against the refrigerator.

“Even if I did you know we can’t do this,” I whisper. I look into his eyes. “We can’t do this Xavier, I barely know you. We’re in the wrong line of work.”

I rack my brain for every possible excuse, but he’s close to me now. I can feel his breath on my neck.

“Tell me you didn’t feel it,” Xavier whispers, his words crawling across my skin. I press my legs together trying to ignore the fact that my pussy is dripping.

I look up at him and I find his lips just a hair away from mine.

“Xavier,” the words leave my mouth and when my lips move they brush against his.

His hand touches my leg and slowly moves up. I press my legs together harder. Fuck.

“Do you really want me to stop?” Xavier asks me.

“No,” I whisper the words and in moments my lips are on his.

He pushes me up against the fridge. I release myself and he lifts me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. I moan into the kiss, our tongues wrestling with each other. “Fuck,” Xavier says as he breaks the kiss. I only let him stop for a moment before I pull his lips back to mine. Kissing never felt so good. His lips are so smooth.

“I need you,” I say as I gasp for breath. “I need you.”

A smile flashes onto Xavier’s lips. He kisses me and slowly lets me down, his hands running down my body.

The phone rings.

“Hello,” I say, still gasping for breath.

“Is this a good time?” Barns’ voice comes from the other end. Shit.

“Um,” I raise a finger to my lips to tell Xavier not to speak. “Yeah, everything is fine. What’s up?”

“I turned in the video and everybody loved it. The buyer who offered the most said he would pay to have it redone, and still offer the same price. He had a few things he wanted changed though.” My mouth drops open.

“Um,” I don’t know what to say.

“I already talked to Xavier, he agreed to do it,” Barns’ sounds excited.

“Of course he did,” I reply. “Yeah, we can redo it I guess.”

“Great, can you come in tomorrow?” Barns says it more of as a statement then a question.

“Tomorrow,” I reply.


“Out,” I tell Xavier, pointing to the door.

“When the fuck were you going to tell me we had to redo the scene?” I scream.

“I was working on it,” Xavier replies.

“Right,” I say. “Was that going to be before or after you used me for sex.”

Xavier doesn’t move.

“You kissed me,” Xavier says. “I came to talk.”

“Bull-fucking-shit,” I say.

“They loved our chemistry, they wanted to make the tape longer,” Xavier shrugs.

I roll my eyes. “I don’t think you get it,” I say. “I can’t do the tape with you, not again.”

“Why not?” Xavier’s face falls.

I say nothing.

“You have to tell me Emily,” he whispers, his body close to mine again. “Otherwise I’ll never understand.”

“I can’t get attached,” I whisper. “If I do another film with you, I will get attached and I can’t do that. I’ve been here before.”

“Think of it as a job,” Xavier says. “Just like you always do.”

“I can’t do that,” I yell. “Not with you.”

“I’m sorry,” Xavier says. “I shouldn’t have come. It would have made this easier.”

“Why did you come,” I ask.

“I had to know if you felt the same way I did. I wanted to know whether or not last time I saw you left you hanging too. I wanted to know if it was as good for you as it was for me.”

Xavier’s eyes immediately drop to the floor. Neither of us says a word for a long time.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Xavier whispers as he walks out the door.


“We need to talk,” Xavier slips noiselessly into my room. I turn around, my silk robe covering nothing. The lingerie they put me in accentuates all of my curves and my natural skin tone. Xavier is left breathless.

“I don’t think right now is the time,” I whisper as I head to the couch. Xavier sits down next to me.

“I know you don’t want to do this,” Xavier says, his lips parted, but barely moving.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen,” I say, my eyes searching his. “I can’t get attached.”

“You won’t,” Xavier says. “If you still feel attached after the film, we’ll go back to your place and I will make sure you no longer feel attached.”

I inhale sharply.

“I’ve seen your other films Emily,” Xavier looks away. “I know how to fake not caring.”

Xavier doesn’t say anything more and we sit in silence for what seems like ages. Mr. Barns comes in a few minutes later and hands me a dress, Xavier is fully clothed already.

“The buyer wants more foreplay but other than that he wants it to stay about the same. Make sure to take your time, at twenty minutes I’ll warn you, the cameras won’t pick up my voice. From there you two can finish it however you want. Take your time or end it when I warn you, it’s your decision. Remember one word: Chemistry.”

Mr. Barns leaves and there will be a lady to collect us. Regardless of what I would like, I avoid making a stop at the restroom.



“Leave your emotions at the door, it’s a job,” Xavier breathes the words on my neck and I’m immediately aroused. Fuck. How does he do this to me?

I nod my head and we enter the room. There’s a click when the door closes and we begin.

Take your time…

I walk to the bottom bed, not letting go of Xavier’s hands. My breathing has become unstable, and my heart is racing. Xavier approaches me slowly, taking both my hands. He gazes into my eyes before bringing my lips to his. I pull my hands from his grasp and slowly move them up his chest and behind his neck.

Xavier deepens the kiss, pulling me to him from the small of my back. I moan softly, a deep sensation gathering within me. I pull away, breaking his kiss. I look into his eyes, burning with want. I nod ever so slightly and his lips are on mine again. His hand slips to the zipper at the back of my dress and it pools on the floor at my feet.

Xavier pushes me towards the bed and I fall back at the foot of it. I scoot myself towards the front of the bed and watch as Xavier pulls his white shirt over his head.

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His abs quiver as he does. His hands go to my heels and he slips them off. The clatter to the ground.

My breathing quickens as Xavier crawls up to me. He lingers above me, his lips brushing mine. I kiss him hungrily. My panties are soaked and the burning want in my body is staring to take over.

God. I have it bad.

I pull him to me, kissing him and running my hands through his hair. Xavier reaches underneath me and finds the buckle to my bra. He unhooks it and pulls my bra off of me. He pushes it off of the bed in one swift motion.

As soon as my bra disappears off the bed, his mouth is on my nipples. My hands trail down my sides as he takes each of my breasts in his mouth. He licks them and nibbles at them, drawing me to a peak. Xavier looks up at me wickedly as he trails kisses down the center of my torso. He stops at the thin band around my waist, holding up a small lacey thong. He pulls it off of me and it too disappears off the edge of the bed.

Xavier’s fingers explore the soft outer portion of my pussy. I’m soaking wet and his fingers become slick with my juices. When Xavier’s gaze meets mine there isn’t shock, but he has a look of victory in his eyes. He removes his finger from me and his mouth is immediately on my opening. His tongue explores the folds of my pussy as he licks and sucks at me. I moan softly and I tilt myself towards him. He takes it slowly, inserting one finger into me as his tongue slowly plays around my entrance.

I close my eyes and my hand finds its way to his head. I run my fingers through his hair as he goes down on me. He slowly removes his finger and his tongue slips its way all the way inside me. My hips buckle towards him. I feel his smile against me as he continues licking me. He kisses my pussy softly and then comes back to me.

“Taste yourself,” he growls into my ear. Moments later his lips are on mine. His tongue collides with mine and I do, I taste myself on his lips.

Xavier gives me a soft tug and I end up straddling him, my lips still on his. I break the kiss and slowly kiss my way down to his erection. I take the bottom of it in my hand and I take the tip in my mouth. I swirl my tongue along the tip of it, savoring the taste of his precum in my mouth. I come off of him and slowly lick up and down his shaft. He quivers under my touch.

Xavier groans. I take his tip in my mouth and slowly lower myself down his shaft. I manage to get myself all the way down, and my nose touches where his pubic hair would be if he wasn’t waxed. I clench myself around him before slowly taking my mouth from his cock.

The wetness between my legs is only getting worse. I want him. I lick down his shaft again and then take each of his balls in my mouth. When I’m done I come back and kiss him. Xavier flips me over and positions himself between my legs and my heart begins to race. This is what I’ve wanted since I walked out of this door a week or so ago.

Xavier grasps his hard cock and slowly moves it up and down my entrance, lubricating himself with my juices.

“Please,” I moan with anticipation. “Please.”

Xavier looks into my eyes and releases himself, the tip of his cock just barely inside me. He leans down and kisses me. He lowers his hips and he slowly slides into me. I tilt my hips towards him, letting him go deeper. He continues to push into me until I can feel his balls against my ass.

I inhale sharply. His eyes pierce into mine as he slowly starts to pull out of me. He moves easily because of my wetness. I close my eyes as he reaches his end and then thrusts back into me in one fluid motion. “Fuck,” I breathe, his pace starting to quicken.

I feel him hit my end each time he pushes into me. The pressure against it is rapid but it sets off tingles through my body. I try to suppress my moans. He picks up is pace, taking me faster and faster with each thrust. He’s stretching me, his huge cock pressing into me is only growing as his erection becomes firmer.

Xavier leans down and kisses me without losing his rhythm. His lips press hard against mine. My hands slide to his hips and I feel them shiver underneath me. I move my hands up his sides and grip at his shoulders. As Xavier fucks me and I start to lose control of myself my grip on his shoulders tightens.

I dig my fingers into his back and as he picks up his pace, my fingernails scrape down his back, leaving long red lines. “Fuck,” Xavier breathes as he pulls out of me and lies down at my side. He turns me so I’m facing away from him. I feel his hand underneath my arm as he grips me firmly and pulls himself towards me, my back crushing into his chest. His hand gropes my breasts and his other guides his cock back into me.

Xavier slips into me easily and his hand slips to my leg. He brings my top knee up as he pushes fully into me. As he pushes, I feel the tip of his cock brush my most sensitive spot. He slowly starts to thrust in and out of me, hitting my g-spot with every movement. My moans start to fill the room. He tightens his grip on me and his lips go to my neck.

“Shit,” It’s all I can manage to say between moans. He fucks me harder pulling my leg up further towards me, getting deeper and deeper inside of me.

“Fuck baby,” I whisper, his lips still on my neck. “It’s so deep,” I gasp, more to myself than anyone else. Moments later he pulls away from my neck. I twist my head back and my lips meet his. I moan into the kiss as he picks up his pace. I break the kiss. “I want to come,” I breathe. “Please.”

Xavier looks at me and his eyes glimmer with excitement. He fucks me faster, his hips slapping against my ass. That’s when I feel it. My world starts to shatter. I grab his hand off of my leg and I hold it in mine. Xavier’s lips go back to my neck and he bites softly at it.

“Give it to me,” he whispers so only I can hear. At his words my body gives in and my world explodes into a million pieces. My screams fill the room and I can feel my own cum spilling out over his cock and onto the bed sheets. My back arches away from him, but his firm grip at my chest pulls me back. His teeth nibble at my neck as I slowly start to come down from my orgasm. His cock is still moving in and out of me, except now at a much slower rate. He pulls almost all the way out of me before pushing back in.

Xavier pulls out of me. I lay there; my endurance for this emotional shit is not nearly as good as my endurance for the kinky fuckery. The voice comes on over the speakers telling us we can finish it whenever we want. Xavier gets on top of me, kissing me. His hands work their way down my body as his tongue explores my mouth.

He breaks the kiss and I slowly get to my hands and knees. He leans over and slowly licks down my clit. The sensation only lasts a moment before I feel his tip at my entrance again. I expect him to go slow, but he doesn’t he slams into me, drawing something between a moan and a scream from my lips. He leans over, pushing deeper inside me as he plants a soft kiss at the center of my back.

Xavier pulls out, his hands at my hips as he begins to thrust into me. My moans start again and I arch my back, allowing him to go deeper. He thrusts in and out of me faster and faster pushing against the deepest part of me. His hips slap against my ass as he fucks me drowning out the sounds of my moans. I push against him, trying to match his strides.

I throw my head back exposing my neck. Xavier leans over and kisses me. “Big finale,” he whispers to me softly so the cameras don’t pick up on his words. He tugs on my earlobe with his lips as he picks up his pace. He angles downwards pushing on the front of me. He sensations running through my body get more intense. I scream as a familiar feeling starts to stir within me. I close my eyes.

“I’m going to come,” I whisper and that’s when it happens. My hips buckle and I sink to my elbows, my head pressing into the bed. I scream as my entire body convulses under me. My leg starts to straighten and shiver and I find myself only being supported by Xavier. I scream, and right before I start to come down from my climax Xavier slaps my ass. He slaps me hard, twice. I collapse underneath him, twitching, moaning, my cum dripping from me.

Xavier pulls me back and rides me, fucking me more for his pleasure than mine. His rapid strokes cause me to lose myself again. I close my eyes and clench my inner muscles around his cock. His groans start then and I know he’s close.

“Inside me,” I whisper and that’s his undoing. His strokes become longer and slower as hot jets of cum fill me. I can feel it, just barely as he fills me. He pulls out after what seems like forever. He pulls me up to him and he kisses me gently three or four times before opening his eyes. He looks into my eyes and kisses me on the forehead. A lady enters the room and lays two robes on the bed, like before and walks out.

It’s done. It’s over, and now I am more attached than ever. 

Written by LacedUp
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