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A Fairy's Tale, Chapter 2

"She had found a way to fix her problem, but would he accept the new her?"

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"Taren?" came a familiar voice. Taren stilled, shocked into motionlessness.

"G-Gaeldess?" he stammered, walking closer. It was indeed his beloved, only the teeny tiny fairy was gone. Replaced by this tall, beautiful woman. "What happened?"

"I had to do it, my love," Gaeldess said caressing his cheek. "Now I can please you as you please me."

"But how did this come about?"

"The the sorcerer Merticai, who lives atop Mout Kreios," she said.

"But Gaeldess, he asks a price. Always."

"Do not worry, my love. It is a price we can pay," she said, soothing his worries. She rose up on tip toe and kissed him fully for the first time. Their tongues melded as their lips met. Fire shot through Taren's body as he tasted her tongue, running his in and around her mouth. He pulled her against him, loving the feel of her curvy body in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing as close to him as she could. The feel of her firm breasts pressed against his chest nearly tore him apart. He pulled back, slipping his hands beneath the robe she wore. She let her head fall back as he squeezed and caressed her full ripe breasts. His fingers found her nipples and she gasped, pleasure she never experienced shooting over her nerve endings with every pinch and tug. He slowly pushed her robe from her shoulders, exposing her to his gaze. He stepped back, admiring his love as he had never seen her before.

"You are just as beautiful as ever," he whispered, running his hands over her shoulders. "I love you Gaeldess." He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and lightly nipping at it. "But if you ever run off again," he said, moving to the other nipple. "I will hunt you down and tie you to the bed!" he kissed up to her face, sliding a hand down over her curly mound. "Understood?" he asked against her mouth. She nodded breathlessly as he slipped a finger inside her wet hole. He kissed her with heated passion as he rubbed the palm of his hand against her clit, thrusting his finger in and out. He added another finger and pulled her close against him, his other hand cupping her round bottom. She gripped his shoulders, moving against his hand as the pleasure began to spike. She began to breath harder, little whimpers escaping. Taren wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her against his chest as he moved his hand harder and faster, kissing her neck with sharp, quick bites. "Come for me baby." he said against her ear, slamming his fingers into her tight little opening. "let it go..." he smiled as he felt her begin to quiver, her juices spilling over his hand. The hot liquid dripped down his arm as he continued to move, the wet squishing sound arousing him beyond all reason. "It's time," he said, taking her by the hand. "I will be gentle, if this is what you want."

"You know it is," she said, laying down in the grass. "I have wanted this from the day I first saw you. And now I want it more than ever." She watched as she stepped over her and knelt between her widespread legs. She was tall enough now to still see his face even as his raging cock pushed against her tender flesh. She reached down and guided him to her eager center, tensing at the slight pressure.

"I know you are a virgin, Gaeldess. It will hurt, but I will be as gentle as I can be."

"I know," she said, as she ran her hands up his sides, to his stomach as he pushed into her. The head of his cock opened her flower and she moaned softly as she was penetrated for the first time in her life by something more than her fingers. He pushed a bit further into her and the head of his cock popped past her opening. He rested there for a moment, making sure she was used to his size. Taren was a big man, in more ways than one. Once she was comfortable, he pressed further into her tunnel. He slid gently but firmly until he came to resistance then he stopped. He looked at his beautiful lover and she looked into his eyes as well, flicking back and forth as if searching for something.

"Are you ready, my love?" Taren asked. Gaeldess nodded her head, biting her lip. She pulled him to her wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. He gave her a moment to prepare then he pushed through, tearing her hymen and entering her virginal territory. Gaeldess let out a small whimper but she didn't stop him. Taren pressed on slipping deeper and deeper into her.

"Ohh, Taren!" Gaeldess moaned and clutched at him as his hardness plowed deeper into her. She wrapped her long legs around his waist as he sank into her. The pain was still there, but fading now. The pleasure of having him inside her overshadowed the discomfort. She arched up to bring more of him in. "I want all of you, Taren. Now." He groaned and with one final thrust pushed himself fully inside her, filling her completely.

He stilled, looking down at her. Her face shone as she smiled up at him. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

"You feel so good," he managed to say through gritted teeth. "I may not last."

"I don't care," she said, kissing him tenderly. "I want you to take me fast and hard... please." She threw her head back as he pulled out, just to plunge in again. He bent, resting his hands on the ground on either side of her as he pounded into her. The pleasure in her face feeding the flames of his passion. He moved faster and faster, loving the feel of her slick, warm walls. He felt her tense beneath him, arching her back off the ground as her wet pussy began to pulse around his erection. She cried out, causing him to lose control. He slammed into her one last time, his orgasm gripping him in complete satisfaction.

Gaeldess smiled as she felt his warm seed fill her to the brim, dripping out even as he pushed further into her. It had never been that wonderful before. She looked up into his hooded eyes as he pulled away, pulling out of her completely. "I love you, Taren. I can't say it enough."

"And I love you as well, my darling," he said, kissing her. He had never felt anything that intense in his life. He laid down in the grass next to her, holding her in his arms as they both calmed themselves.

"Can we... um..." Gaeldess started after a few minutes of rest.


Gaeldess looked a little sheepish as she blushed. "Can we... try the other hole?" she asked, looking down shyly.

"The other?" he asked, his cock grew hard instantly as he realized what she meant. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I've always wanted to try it," she said, rolling over and climbing on top of him. It was her turn to be in control now. She leaned down and brought her lips to his throbbing cock, licking the tip. She could taste her juices still clinging to his member. She opened her mouth and took as much of him in as she could, sucking and nipping. He let his head fall back as she continued to pleasure him with her mouth. He moaned his approval of what she was doing as Gaeldess bobbed her head up and down on his shaft. He pulled her around to a better position, running a hand down her back. He slid his hand down to her ass, rubbing a finger between her cheeks. Still licking and sucking him, she raised her ass to his touch. Taren pushed two fingers into her wet pussy. He moved in and out, coating his fingers with her juices before rubbing against her tight virgin asshole. He pressed gently, easing the tips of his fingers into the tight hole. She moaned softly, the sound vibrating against his sensitive tip. She pushed against his fingers, bringing him deeper into her. He closed his eyes, loving the feel of her lips on him. He pushed his fingers fully into her anus, moving back and forth, preparing her for what was to come. He rubbed his fingers around the opening, stretching it, relaxing it, hoping to erase as much pain as he could. She pushed against him with every thrust, licking into his hole. He growled, pulling her up to a kiss.

"I can't wait any more baby," he said, kissing her ear. "I need to be inside you." He laid her on her stomach, lifting her open ass to him. He moved over top of her, gently probing with his swollen member. He moved as slow as he could, the pleasure almost too much to bear. She moaned, pushing against him, trying to fill herself with him. He grabbed her hips and plunged deep into her tight anus. The warm, wet walls instantly molding to his cock as he stilled, all the way inside her. "Ohh baby!" he said.

"I know," she whimpered, rubbing against him, "It feels so good." She raised to her knees and pushed against him, rocking back and forth. "Fuck me hard, baby. Hard as you can." She closed her eyes as he moved, the feel of his large cock reaming her ass sending shivers of ecstasy throughout her body. She reached down, rubbing her clit as he rammed her, pleasure taking her suddenly. She cried out, gripping the ground as he moved harder and faster. "Fuck me!" she cried into the air. "Fuck me baby... oh yes!" a second orgasm ripped through her, nearly causing her to fall over. Taren gripped her waist as she slipped to the side. He pulled her up, holding her in the air as he pummeled her rear fiercely. He groaned loud and long as he shoved into her a final time, filling her ass with his juice. They collapsed onto the ground and lay there, completely sated, for a couple hours, just enjoying being with each other for the first time as true lovers.

"So what was his price?" Taren asked as they got dressed again and began heading for home.

"Nothing we have to worry about now," Gaeldess said as they walked hand in hand through the meadows. They came to a small brook and rested a moment, drinking from the clear, clean waters.

"So what is the price?" he asked again, refusing to let her side step again.

"I am to give him a child," she said quickly.

"What?" Taren said surprised. He stood up and pulled her up to him. "What do you mean you are to give him a child? What child?"

"The deal we made was that he would make me full size and get rid of my annoying sparkles, but I am to return in a year's time and lay with him and bear a child for him. He said he needs a son to carry on his sorcerers ways," Gaeldess explained.

"I don't like it. What if you don't return?" he asked.

"Then Merticai said he will find us and kill you and any children we may have. I couldn't bear to lose you, but I also couldn't bear to be small and not be able to be yours as I have now. Please understand, Taren... I did this for us," she said, getting scared of his reaction.

"But you will be giving yourself to another..." he said.

"Only as part of the deal. It is only my body - my heart and my love is always yours. Laying with him is only fulfilling a contract, nothing more, I swear!" she said, her voice quivering.

"Let's not think about it right now. We can worry about it when the time comes," Taren said, tucking her hair behind her ear. "For now, let us just enjoy each other." he kissed her softly before they resumed their journey back home.

After a few more days of travel, they finally returned to the fairy village and Taren sent for Gaeldess's parents. When Lalel and Adasser came out, they noticed that Taren was with another full-size woman.

"Taren, did you find our Gaeldess?" Lalel asked.

"Yes, and who might this be who is with you?" Adasser added.

"It is me mother and father, Gaeldess!" she said happily. Lalel and Adasser were shocked to see their tiny fairy daughter had become a full-size human woman.

"What is the meaning of this?" Adasser roared.

"Father, I did this because I love Taren and he loves me. But as a tiny fairy, I could not please him in the way a woman should please her man. So I went to see the sorcerer Merticai who lives atop Mount Kreios, and he changed me into a woman suitable for Taren," Gaeldess explained.

"Adasser, the girl is in love and she is happy. It is obvious to me that Taren loves her too - for pity's sake, he saved her from Maalik in the first place! And he did go after her when she left. I, for one, am glad these two have each other. So quit your puffing up and trying to act all indignant - you know that they belong together too!" Lalele said laughing and poking her husband in the shoulder. With that the two left Gaeldess and Taren alone to be together in private.

Taren made them a quick camp, using the things he had brought from his home when he left to return Gaeldess to the fairy village. He made a suitable raincover and inside he laid out a blanket on the ground for them to lay on. It was a rough woodsman camp, but it would keep the weather off them, afford them some privacy, and it was comfortable enough for two young lovers who were more interested in each other than in their own comfort!

As soon as the camp was set up, they entered their shelter and Taren laid her down on the blanket. "You little vixen," he said, kissing her softly,"You think I wasn't going crazy knowing you wore only a robe with nothing underneath it? You enjoyed my building lust for you the whole way back didn't you!" he said laughing.

"Me?" Gaeldess said, feigning innocence and spreading her legs as he leaned down to lick her dripping slit. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back, surrendering to the sensations he was producing in her as he sucked her clit into his mouth. He licked and sucked her, darting his tongue in and out of her wet hole as he massaged her breasts. She moaned as he licked up from her anus to her clit, pinching her nipples between his fingers and thumbs. She lifted her legs and spread them as wide as she could, wanting him to lick deeper.

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He moved up to suck her clit as he slid two fingers into her hot wet pussy. She arched her back slightly, pushing up against his mouth as she groaned loudly. He smiled, feeling as she got closer and closer to completion. He slowly slipped his other two fingers into her rosebud, sucking hard on her clit. She cried out in ecstasy as she covered him in her hot juices. He kissed his way up to her face, licking and sucking her nipples on the way.

"You are too much honey," he said, slipping his cock deep inside her slowly. "I love you more every time I see you." He pushed in and out of her in a slow, steady rhythm. She rubbed his chest as he moved, pushing up against him. He grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head as he kissed her. "I'm glad he made you this tall," he said between kisses. "So I can reach your face as I please you." She pulled against his hands, wanting to pull him closer to herself. He wouldn't release her, only kissing her deeply, with such love and care it brought tears to her eyes. "Let me show you how much I love you," he whispered, kissing her neck as he moved in and out. She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him deeper. They moved and rocked together for a while, their pleasure building slowly. Gaeldess closed her eyes, tears dripping from them as she felt her orgasm rip through her, the soft intenseness of it astounding her. She smiled as Taren soon followed, filling her again with his seed. She knew this union was the one to create their first child.

"You are my whole world, Taren," she said to him as she kissed him deeply before drifting off to sleep, holding his hand.

* * * * *

"Taren has returned home... and he is with a new woman. One his own size," Lavanor said.

"I see. And where is Gaeldess, my fairy?" Maalik asked his crow spy.

"I do not know. Perhaps she was inside - I didn't get an opportunity to check inside the hut," Lavanor said.

"Well I shall go there tomorrow to find out where my fairy is. She is mine and I want her back," Maalik said.

The next day Maalik did go to the woodcutters hut. Gaeldess was outside tending to some flowers she had planted and Maalik used the opportunity to slip in through the partially open door. He began rummaging around, looking for the tiny fairy he had once captured. Not finding anything, he came out to confront the woman planting flowers.

"Where is she?" he said, "Where is the fairy? She is my property and I have come to take her back."

"It is I, Gaeldess. Why are you here, Maalik?"

"Gaeldess?" he said astonished. "You're not a little fairy anymore."

"No, I'm not," she said, "I became grown so I could bear my Taren's children," she stepped towards Maalik. "Why are you here?"

"To take back what is rightfully mine."

"I have nothing of yours," she said.

"You are mine."

"I am not," she said. "I belong to Taren. You stole me away from my home and my family. But now I have a new home and a new family."

"Not for long!" Maalik said flippantly. "You are coming with me." Maalik lunged for her, but crashed to the floor as she stepped aside. She headed for the hut, trying to get safely inside, but Maalik grabbed her ankle. She fell, twisting to her side so she didn't land on her belly.

"Leave me be!" she cried, scurrying away from him. He leapt up, grabbing her hair as she reached for the door. He pulled her back, trying to tie her hands with a bit of rope.

"TAREN!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, "HELP, TAREN!!"

Taren heard her cries for help as he was not far off. He came running as fast as his legs could carry him and found the troll Maalik wrestling with Gaeldess. He came upon them and grabbed the troll by the collar, ripping him off her in one powerful move and tossing him bodily a few yards away. Maalik got to his feet and charged Taren only to be kocked to his feet once more. But this time, he happened to land near a pitchfork that Taren used to feed his animals. Maalik picked up the pitchfork and, with murder in his eyes, charged Taren again.

"Watch out Taren!" Gaeldess screamed. Taren whirled around to see Maalik coming at him with the pitchfork.

Just then the air was split with the thunderous clap of lightning and from the middle of the flashing bolt emerged a figure.

"Halt!" a booming voice said. "I will have no bloodshed in my forest today!"

"Merticai!" Gaeldess cried, "Thank heavens you are here!"

"I only wish for my property to be returned," Maalik said to the sorcerer.

"I am NOT your property!" Gaeldess said once more. "I belong to Taren. I carry his child and I have pledged my love to him. I do not love you Maalik. You stole me from my family and my home."

"You are my property and I will have you!" Maalik said, furious now.

"You will leave her alone and go away. Never return to bother us again!" Taren said, just as furious.

With that, Maalik lost his mind and charged Taren once more with the pitchfork at the ready. "I will run you through!" he screamed.

Merticai instantly reacted and threw a spell onto Maalik, turning him into a boulder where he stood. Taren and Gaeldess stood awestruck, neither saying anything as Merticai walked slowly towards them.

"Are you hurt, dear?" he asked Gaeldess.

"No, he knocked me down, but I'm not hurt," she said.

"Thank goodness for that. Well he won't be able to hurt you anymore. And he won't be bothering you anymore either."

"Thank you, Merticai, for helping us," Gaeldess said, kissing his cheek.

"You are welcome, my dear. Anytime you need me, you need only call for me. I see and hear everything that goes on in my forest from the loudest roar to the smallest squeak," he said. And with that he began walking across the clearing, slowly fading away until he was gone completely.

Taren turned to Gaeldess and took her into his arms. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, my love, I am fine. And now even better because Maalik is no longer a threat to us,"she said. They both went into the hut after that to relax and Gaeldess fixed diner for them both.

Time passed as time does and before long Gaeldess was to deliver her first child.

"Is my baby okay?" Gaeldess asked the midwife as she felt the little life inside her kick again.

"Yes, my darling. Everything is as it should be," she said with a smile. She held her ear to Gaeldess's growing belly. "He is an active one."

"You are certain it is a he?"

"That's what the indications are," the midwife said. "I have run all the old tests and they all point to your child being a boy."

"Is it... human?" she asked, hesitantly.

"Yes my dear, your child is going to be human. You may have a fairy child next time - you are, after all, a fairy still - albeit a very large one. But your firstborn will be a human male child," the midwife said. Gaeldess looked over to Taren and smiled at him. Taren was beaming. He was going to have a son!

"Come Taren. Feel your offspring move," she directed Taren to cradle Gaeldess's stomach in his hand. He smiled as he felt his son adjust inside his wife. "It won't be long now," the midwife said, packing her things into her bag. She slung the sack over her shoulder and headed for the door.

"We should go to the birthing hut now," the midwife said. Taren helped Gaeldess up off the table and led her to the sacred hut, following the midwife who prepped the hut for the arrival of the new baby.

"I know you would like to see this, but it is safer for you to be outside," the midwife said as Taren resisted. "It is known that in the old times, before this tradition, one unfortunate father passed out from all the excitement and hit his head on a misplaced stone, killing him before he had a chance to see his own child. We do not wish for this to reoccur, so it is now the custom for the father to wait outside," Taren looked back at Gaeldess one last time as he allowed the midwife to lead him out. "She will be fine, my son," she said. "She is in good hands."

"He's coming!" Gaeldess shrieked as pain ripped through her again.

"It is all right child," she said to Gaeldess, patting her hand and she lay on the blanket. "just relax, breath and let nature take its course."

Gaeldess breathed deeply, hoping the pain would ease. She could feel her baby moving a lot inside her, as if preparing to come out. "You are ready," the midwife said from between her legs. "On three, I want you to lean up, and push as hard as you can. One....two....three."

Gaeldess grunted as she pushed, her insides burning as they stretched to make way for her baby. She lay back panting, gripping the blanket beneath her as she heard the midwife count again. She leaned up, pushing again. She let out a final cry as she felt her baby slip out of her, heard the wet slap as it hit the floor. She lay gasping for breath as the midwife tended the baby, cleaning it off and clearing the airways. The first sound of his little cry brought Taren in, tears gleaming in his eyes. He knelt by Gaeldess, gathering her into his arms. "You did it baby," he said. "Look at him."

"He's beautiful," she said as the midwife lifted their son to her. He was strong and beautiful like his father, with blond hair and little blue eyes like his mother. Gaeldess held him close to her side and he immediately sought her breast. She slit her robe aside to allow him access and he fed hungrily.

"I will leave you to your happiness," the midwife said after she had cleaned up the afterbirth. She walked out, silently closing the door so they could have their privacy.

The year passed by quickly and soon it became time for Gaeldess to fulfill her end of the bargain. While Taren wasn't too thrilled with the prospect of her laying with the sorcerer and giving her body to him, he also knew not to cross the powerful sorcerer - he had seen what happens when you do!

"Taren it will be okay. I love you and always will. This will not change that. There is no love with Merticai. I am providing a service. This was a deal I made so that you and I could be happy. Now I must hold up my end," she said trying to soothe him. "But I would feel a lot better about it if I had your blessings, my love."

"I understand Gaeldess. I don't like it, but I understand. And of course you have my blessings. Just please be careful and come back to me quickly. I need you and so does Amaron," Taren said, kissing her on the forehead sweetly. He took her hand and led her outside to the place where Maalik's boulder still stood. He stepped back a few paces as Gaeldess prepared herself.

With a deep breath she called out "Sorcerer Merticai, I am ready!" Suddenly a cloud of white smoke began to grow from the ground around her feet slowly enveloping her completely. When the smoke cleared, Gaeldess was gone!

"Hello, my dear," Merticai said when she appeared before him in his hut.

"Hello Merticai. I am here to fulfill my end of our bargain," she said.

"Good. I am glad. I know that you have had a son and it would have been a shame to have cut of his young life as well as that of your Taren," he said.

"So how is this going to work?" she asked.

"Well that is what I want to talk to you about. You see I do not need your 'services' after all. This was a test to see if you would fulfill your commitment. I never needed a progeny - I am a sorcerer and as such, I will live on forever. I have no need to pass on my skills to anyone. I just wanted to make sure you loved your Taren enough to make this sacrifice to be happy with him. And to see his willingness to allow you to do it as well. You have both passed my test easily."

"Really?" she said, dumbfounded.

"Yes, my dear. And now I will return you to your Taren and wish you all the very best in your lives. And remember, I am always watching and am just a call away." With that the smoke returned to her feet and she was whisked back home to the field again.

"Taren! I am home!" she said running into the house.

"Huh? What happened? Why are you back so quickly?" he said confused.

"My beloved, it was all a test!" she said. She explained what Merticai had said and after she finished, he took her in his arms kissing her.

"Oh I am so glad! I would have let you, but I am so glad you didn't have to!" he said.

A few weeks after her visit with Merticai, Taren and Gaeldess were married in a simple ceremony in front of her fairy village. Lalele and Adasser couldn't be happier for the couple. Even though Gaeldess was not thier 'little fairy girl' like she once was, they could see that she was truly happy now. And Taren promised that they would come by the fairy village often for visits. They even built a small hut in the field outside of the village to stay in when they visited.

They lived long and happy, producing child after child. They had six in all, each one loved as much as the first. After Amaron came Ludmilla, a human girl. Then came Eleazar, another boy. Ariacella surprised them all, as no one could tell Gaeldess was pregnant. Not even Gaeldess, until one day she sneezed and a teeny little glowing dot fell from her loins. On closer inspection she realized she had given birth to her first fairy child. Orinoco, her first fairy son, arrived next. Lastly but certainly not least was Melisande, another human girl. The love and happiness was evident to all as they lived out their lives together, happily ever after.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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