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She was only the Landlord's Daughter

"All my best holidays and birthdays rolled into one"

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

As we get older, birthdays seem less important and, in fact, are something to try and ignore. And presents are often embarrassing, particularly when it comes to saying thank-you.

Not always.

Last summer, my wife Trish and I set off for a week’s holiday to a little village on the coast of Cornwall. It had been booked months before and although we had planned it to coincide with my birthday, we both forgot and just looked forward to some downtime, relaxation, and I for one was hoping to up our time in bed together. Trish is often randier on holiday, so my hopes were high. The weather was set to be fine, so sun, sea, sand and sex seemed very much on the cards.

As we drove the long haul down to the West Country, Trish suddenly shrieked that she had only just remembered my birthday and would have to do something memorable in recompense. I played it down, not really wanting another book that would stay on the side until it was polite to shelve it.

Arriving at our holiday cottage, we unpacked and, exhausted, fell into bed with only the energy to spoon together while I relished the feeling of my erection nestled between the warm, round cheeks of her arse.

The next day, we took a long walk along the coast finishing up, just as the sun was going down, in a little pub on the headland overlooking the beach near our cottage.

The pub was alive with holidaymakers and locals, all out to enjoy themselves and we settled in the corner with our drinks and watched the locals chatting and laughing. Trish got up to get more drinks and I noticed her talking earnestly to an extremely pretty girl at the bar. Cursing that I hadn’t gone to the bar myself, I took my time taking in every detail of this stunning vision. She was beautiful, that was obvious, but had the sort of body that made your heart not know if it should beat faster or stop altogether.

As an arse man, I spent some time analysing why hers was one to die for, but words failed me as it was too perfect to describe. Her boobs were another great asset with stunningly displayed cleavage – a man could die in there, but what a way to go. All in all, she was delicious.

“Hello, base to mothership.” Trish’s voice brought me rapidly back to earth.

“Sorry, I was just thinking about tomorrow’s walk and whether we should head along the coast path in the other direction.”

“No you weren’t, you were analysing the merits of Jen’s arse; I know you,” Trish retorted.


“Well, you have to admit …”

“As a completely straight girl, I am in no position to judge, but yes, my god she is divine.” It was clear that my faithful wife had astonished herself with that reply.

Looking back at the bar, my vision had disappeared but while Trish went off to the Ladies, I spotted an older woman with similar attributes to the girl Trish had been chatting to. I love this holiday, I thought, taking in the second most gorgeous woman in the pub. My mind drifted, imagining this woman, naked, standing and looking out of a window, across a courtyard, deep in thought, while I took in her curves and her beautiful bum, lit perfectly by the light from outside.

“You’re at it again,” the voice of my wife, again catching me salivating over a woman other than her.

“I can’t deny it,” I said, following her earlier confession and hoping to get away with it.

“She and that man over there are landlords of the pub, and Jen is their daughter. And,” she went on, “Jen is coming over to join us as we rather hit it off, chatting at the bar.”

All of a sudden, I got nervous, as I tend to do when in the company of a beautiful woman. Trish is in that league, and I thank the Lord every day that she agreed to marry me, taking the pressure off my nerves when in her presence.

“Oh … good … what should we talk about?” I stuttered.

“Relax, she’s really easy,” and little did I know how true this would turn out to be.

Eventually, Jen came over and sat down with us and we started talking about the hot summer, our holiday, her pub, the coast and the walks nearby; all easy stuff. When we got to talk about us and why we were on holiday out of the main season, Trish mentioned it was my birthday and she was planning something special as she had forgotten all about it.

Jen’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, maybe I can help; what had you in mind?”

Trish looked worried. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned it,” she said rather quietly, “I was planning on giving him a special treat; you know …”

Clearly, Jen was not phased by this and leaving us both open-mouthed, she said, “ah yes, birthday treats are either blowjobs that you never give, or taking it up the arse. Which is it to be?”

Time stood still. If we hadn’t been in a crowded pub, I’m sure we would have listened to the gentle ticking of a grandfather clock while we each tried to formulate a reply. I was reluctant to say anything, hoping against hope that Trish would pick one or the other.

“I …” she muttered.

“Well?” said Jen, “you don’t need to be shy with me.”

Like a rabbit in the headlights, Trish replied that she couldn’t possibly say, but that it was indeed one of those. As we often give oral pleasure to each other, I was able to deduce that my moment had come and that I was to take her anal cherry. My heart nearly leapt out of my ribcage as I processed this thought. I leant across and kissed Trish as Jen watched the two of us, suddenly oblivious to her presence.

“I love crossing boundaries,” Jen interrupted, “and anal sex can be just wonderful if done carefully.” She had seen through Trish’s reply and knew exactly where this was going. “How about crossing another boundary, or perhaps you already have?”

“I wasn’t expecting this sort of conversation,” I said firmly, trying to appear somewhat shocked by the whole thing, but inside dancing a jig.

“Hold on,” said Trish to my amazement, “what are you getting at Jen?”

“Oh, nothing,” she said at first, “but crossing boundaries is one of the most exciting things you can do in the bedroom, and the upside is that once you’ve crossed, it’s open house from then on, like losing your virginity!”

Trish was not going to give up. “What boundaries?” she asked, rather sternly I thought.

“Oh, you know, the usual stuff. Girl-girl while hubby watches, a three-way with the birthday boy getting to fuck two girls, and if he has the stamina, he could fuck two arses while he’s at it. Easy stuff!”

“I think this has gone far enough,” I said, knowing that Trish would be appalled and would be grateful for my stepping in, but shit no, I could see her breathing getting heavy and she could barely get out the words, “all well and good, but who with?”

“Don’t be thick,” Jen retorted, “there’s only one girl here who could fit the job description, and she’s as horny as a field full of highland cattle. Where’s your cottage?”

We gave her details almost in silence and she gave us her phone number in case we talked it over and changed our minds, or at least Trish’s mind as I was definitely up for this. I was immediately into thinking about how this was probably beyond my wildest fantasies but tempered with anxiety about keeping two gorgeous women satisfied and not running out of steam. Nothing ventured, as they say.

Trish and I set off for the cottage and at first, nothing was said. After a while, my lovely wife broke the silence, “I did promise you something special, and she IS something special, and I’m like a bitch on heat, and for the first time I really want to taste pussy and have someone do the same for me, and I brought lube if we try anal, and I really love you …

“My love,” I interrupted her stunning ramblings, “there’s only one thing to do with a bitch on heat, and I’m your man. I’m as nervous as hell and I can see you are too, but provided there’s no jealousy after seeing me sink my cock into her as well as you, then let’s do it.” I made the last statement so that she would realise the full implications of what she was asking for.

She picked up her phone. Oh, fuck, no, I thought, I’ve put her off and she’s cancelling.

“Hi Jen, it’s Trish. No, no, everything’s fine, but I had to make sure you would come and join us, I’m so wound up I don’t think I could cope with a no-show. Thank goodness, thank you, we’ll see you soon, thank you, thank you.” I had never seen my wife in this state before.

We arrived back at the cottage and didn’t know where to put ourselves. Should we strip or wait? Was the place tidy enough? Should we get out the sex toys or was that too forward? In the end, we decided to shower after our long walk and make ourselves more pleasant for Jen. Slipping on the flannel bathrobes supplied with the cottage, we sat and waited, barely able to look at each other.

Finally came the knock on the door and there stood our date for the night.

“Ah, all ready I see, any chance of a glass of wine before we get started?”

Tripping over myself, I stumbled into the kitchen to open a bottle and pour three glasses. Returning to join the girls, I realised that this had been a ruse as Jen was already straddling my wife, kissing her deeply, as her hands slipped into the gown and stroked my wife’s sensitive boobs before squeezing her nipples.

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Trish’s eyes were closed as she revelled in this confident approach, and shrugging off the top of the gown, she exposed her top-half to the ministrations of the clearly excited landlord’s daughter. My thoughts sprang to that old limerick, “she was only the landlord’s daughter, but she could …”

I couldn’t remember the ending, but watching Jen with my wife made me realise that “but she could” was probably the most fitting description of her.

Sitting down in a chair, my robe fell open and my erection was free at last as I took in the glorious sight before me. They stood up and my wife’s robe slipped to the floor as Jen gasped with delight at what she saw. Trish slowly peeled off Jen’s clothes, her top revealing a pretty see-through bra, and her skirt revealing a more than see-through pair of knickers, made more transparent by the large damp patch at the front.

This is going well, I thought, rather irreverently. Once naked, Jen took my wife’s hand and walked through to the bedroom, my cock following closely behind with me in hot pursuit. Pushing Trish onto the bed on her back, with her legs hanging over the edge, Jen pushed Trish’s legs apart and dropped between her thighs. An amazing expulsion of air came out my wife’s lungs as she wallowed in the sensations that followed.

A relentless working of Jen’s tongue around Trish’s labia, the occasional plundering of her pussy and gentle nibbles on her clit had Trish all over the place. I had never seen her like it and I was learning a lot just watching.

Jen moved from a crouching position and raised the most glorious arse I had ever seen (sorry Trish) up to kneeling height.

“Can he?” she said, to which Trish gave a garbled response that sounded like, “anything as long as you don’t fucking stop doing that!”

Not wanting to wait for a change of mind, I positioned myself behind Jen, marvelling at the sight before me and after kissing and stroking that most wonderful of gifts, her arse, I slipped my cock straight into her tight but sopping wet entrance. My first new pussy since we were married.

The wet noises coming from Jen’s mouth and the incoherent noises from my wife were almost too much for me to handle so I slowed right down as I thrust in and out of heaven’s gate, panting and talking nonsense as I did.

Suddenly I saw Trish take a handful of bedding in each hand and shrieked, “oh my god, I’m coming like never before, this is just …” and with that, she panted like a lunatic and came hard, her thrashing and moaning pushing me over the edge as I filled Jen’s pussy with jet after jet of hot cum.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, I shouldn’t have come inside you.”

“Relax,” replied the angel in front of me, “I love being filled with cum and it was quite clear this is a first for you both, so I knew you would be clean. Now just sit back and relax and watch as your wife does the same for me, with a bonus of your cum as she licks me to climax.”

I flopped into a chair as instructed, my limp, wet cock lying dormant between my legs. NO chance of a recovery I thought. Shit.

“I’m not sure what to do,” my wife said, still quivering from the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced.

“Just do what you wish he would do if only he knew how,” Jen replied, rather rudely I thought.

They swapped places and I was now able to transfer my gaze between my wife’s edible arse, and her head between Jen’s legs, and watched as Jen tweaked her own nipples and gripped her tits as Trish went to work.

Jen’s eyes were closed as if she was focussing on one thing, and I found myself ignoring all the usual hotspots and just looked at her pretty face which was changing from a serene and happy, “I’ve just made someone come” look, to a more intense concentration on what my wife seemed to be doing so successfully, until finally that beautiful agony of an intense orgasm overwhelmed her as Jen came, accompanied by a gushing from her pussy, taking Trish by surprise.

I was aware that my cock had decided to join the game again and was as hard as Brighton rock. They say men are visual creatures, and the visuals don’t get better than this.

“Don’t forget it’s my birthday,” I said rather quietly, and the two girls laughed.

Jen once again took control. “Right,” she said, “we’ve all come once so we’re all square. I’ve been fucked but Trish hasn’t so we need to put that right and you were promised some anal. I’ve detected that you are an arse man, so how about Trish and I kneel on the bed with our bottoms in the air, and you can then fuck Trish followed by taking each one of us in the bum.”

“I can’t tell you how exciting that would be,” I replied, “but how does Trish feel about me doing that, and is there a protocol of where I finish? Trish and I have to live with the consequences of tonight and I don’t want to fuck up my marriage.”

“Don’t worry love,” Trish said, looking me in the eye and smiling, “this is the most thrilling thing that’s ever happened to me too, so just go with the flow, if you know what I mean.” She giggled at her pun. “You should fill Jen’s bottom with your cum as I rather suspect you’ll be doing the same to me as often as you like in future.” Another smile. Dirty talk like this was something new for my wife and I was revelling in hearing her talk like that.

The next few minutes will be forever printed in my memory. Two of the most delicious arses in the history of human bottoms were staring up at me as I got the lube Trish had bought and worked my fingers inside each of them to loosen them in preparation.

“I think you are both very dirty girls and should be punished first,” I barked, “what do you think?”

Giggles and nods confirmed that my dirtiest dreams were to come true.

Thwack. Thwack. Followed by six more, two per cheek. With my right hand now stinging, their perfect arses had become sublimely pink with wonderful handprints, and the noise of the girls shrieking at the bitter-sweet thrill of pain and pleasure ensured I was more than ready to get the job done.

Trish first. Pussy first. It is rare for me to be able to go full-length into Trish straight off without hurting her, but tonight all the rules had changed. I slid in like a well-oiled piston and pounded her for several minutes while she worked her clit, her hand a blur.

“That’s it, don’t stop,” she yelled, and I could feel the muscles clamping around my cock as she came. I stopped straightaway as I know how sensitive she is when she has just come, and also to stop me orgasming too soon.

“Do it now,” she said, “stick that cock of yours into my backside before I can change my mind. I’m so turned on that now is the time, or it may never happen.”

Adding lube to my dick to supplement what was already around her pink ring, I started the delicate process of easing myself between her cheeks.

“Oh … my … god … that is tight … slowly … please … good … that’s it … now you can …” and I took that as the instruction that I could now, for the first time, plunder her arse, the tightness being quite incredible.

Bit by bit I was able to increase speed until it was just like screwing the tightest little puss you can imagine – sheer heaven. I noticed that Trish was thrusting into her pussy with two fingers and burbling that she was coming again. Once again, I felt the muscles contract and heard a squeal from Trish as she came hard. I withdrew, standing proud as my cock waved triumphantly before me.

Trish rolled over and looked at the two of us. “Just do it,” she said, “fuck that beautiful arse and fill it with your cum while I recover.”

Jen was clearly an old hand at anal sex as she was able to relax into it much faster than Trish. Mind you, even she had a tight arse and had such muscle-control that I guess gave her even more pleasure but would undoubtedly limit the time I could keep going.

She talked dirty to me as well which didn’t help. “Fuck that arse,” she said, “fill it up with your hot cum, spank me, do what you like.”

As I built up speed, I did what she asked and added to the red handprints on those perfect round cheeks, although the ‘do what you like’ caught me out as fucking her arse and a bit of spanking was doing what I liked, and in the blur, I could think of nothing more wonderful than exactly that.

Amazingly, Trish seemed to have recovered somewhat and, lying close to the action, she rubbed her clit furiously as she watched, and a true multi-tasker, her other hand did the same for Jen. You may think it unlikely, but I can assure you that the sounds, the smells and the actions in that room were enough to drive us all over the edge at the same time.

I will never forget the moment as I gripped Jen’s hips and pulled her into me, so I could shoot my sperm as deep as I could while her muscles contracted around me, all the while maintaining eye contact with my beautiful wife as she too twisted her face in orgasm.

It was a big bed and we all just about managed to crawl under the somewhat damp duvet, falling asleep, spooning each other with me in the middle.

Trish and I woke in the morning to find Jen just leaving the cottage. Damn, I thought, a missed opportunity.

“Thank you,” Jen said looking at each of, “how long did you say you were holidaying here, it’s my birthday on Thursday?”


Written by literot
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