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The Gift

"Nothing motivates or defines mankind more than his sexuality."

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Competition Entry: Some Like it Hot

Reflecting back on my life, I now realize the games we play with real lives have no do-overs, and might lead to dire consequences. You can spend a life-time shaping your character and establishing a reputation, to only watch it burst like a soap bubble because of an impulsive action. I've always considered myself to be an intelligent, self-controlled rational man and think we might be on the cusp of a really bad decision.

Here we are, driving in the snow, on our way to meet our long-time acquaintance Gary, at the encouragement of my lovely wife Anne. Oh, I know it is suppose to be a Christmas party, but that is just a ruse. If Anne gets her way, Gary will get to give her a present that she would not unwrap, but unzip.

It seems nothing in my life is usual anymore, since we adopted this new open lifestyle. It has been a real revelation to watch her embrace this hot wife role so enthusiastically, maybe a little too enthusiastically. Even though I am questioning the wisdom of this decision, I really can't blame Anne for any apprehension I might have, because it was me that initially brought up this fantasy. 

Gary lost his wife over a year ago to cancer, and it has devastated him. It wasn't just her dying, but the manner of her death that traumatized him so. He was her only caregiver throughout the ordeal, and he had to face her dying a little bit each day. Anne had developed genuine concern for his state of mind and his general withdrawal from our social circle. After seeing him moping around at the Thanksgiving party, and finding out he has not dated in a year, Anne concocted this plan to cure his funk and getting him back in the saddle, so to speak. 

A week ago, I had just returned from the store when Anne approached me with a slip of paper.

"What's this?" I asked, setting the groceries on the counter.

"It's Gary Lawson's number. Gary is alone this Christmas since he lost Alma. You must have noticed how sad he was at our thanksgiving party. I want you to give him a call and tell him we want to bring him something special for Christmas. Something guaranteed to cheer him up."

"Hun, we know him, but we don't know him all that well. He's always been kind of aloof. I mean we've known him for how long? About ten years? Do you really know anything about him, and how could you possibly know what would cheer him up?"

"Trust me, I know exactly what he wants and needs. He's a man. The last time I saw Alma, before she got really sick, she was extremely distraught over the thought of Gary being alone. Alma wanted him to remarry, but knew he would withdraw, exactly like he had done. The grapevine says he has not dated for over a year. So I want you to call him. Can you do that for me?"

"Are you talking about what I think you are talking about?"

"Maybe..." She grinned.

"Anne, you're presupposing a lot here. If he refuses, our reputation will be shot to hell. How do you even know if he would want that? Plus, I wouldn't think he is your type. I mean look at him. He's out of shape, balding, and kinda nerdy."

"Do you really think he will refuse me?" She laughed, squeezing her tits together and then added."You're right he's not very hot, but he's also been without sex in over year, and there is a certain amount of charm in that by itself."

"You're sooo bad! I thought after Steve, you were reevaluating this whole swinging scenario. What exactly is it you would like me to say to Gary?"

"Alan, you're clever, you will figure something out, but I want to clarify something. This is different than Steve. Steve was for me, and that will probably never be repeated. This is for Gary, not for me."

"Don't you think a mercy fuck is carrying the tradition of self sacrifice to a whole new level?"

I pulled out my iPhone. At her insistence I punched in his number. Anne watched intently as I pushed send. After four rings, he picked up.

"This is Gary. Please leave a message at the tone, and I will get back to you as soon as possible," the answering machine replied, and Anne looked disappointed.

"Hey Gary! This is Alan Anderson. Pick up if you're there."

After a pause, I heard a rustling of the phone and a breathless reply, "Hi Alan. I'm here."

"Gary, Anne and I thought we would stop by Christmas Eve if you're not busy. Anne has something special she wants to give you."

"Hi Alan. That's really nice of you, but I don't want to put Anne out."

"Don't worry about that. Anne loves to put out." I chuckled.

"Thanks, but I wasn't planning on doing much this Christmas, particularly since Alma passed."

"Gary, I think Anne has just what you need to cheer you up. How's six on Christmas Eve? We will bring everything."

"Six is fine, but I feel bad that I don't have anything to give."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Anne will figure out something. See you at six tomorrow."

"Be carful, it is suppose to snow here in the mountains on Christmas Eve. You'll probably need chains."

"Yeah I remember how to get to your place. I have some chains in the garage. Thanks for suggesting it. See Ya around six."

I looked at Anne and asked, "How's that?"

She slugged me in the shoulder and replied, "She likes to put out? You ass!"

"Hey, I couldn't resist it." I laughed and slapped her butt.


I pulled up in Gary's driveway at about ten till six. It was snowing hard and increasing by the minute. We were greeted by Gary standing in the frosted window, dressed in a Santa hat and waving at us. How corny can you get, I thought to myself. Kinda funny though, because Anne was dressed as an elf. I just sat there contemplating what was going to happen next.

"Alan, when we go inside, let me do the talking and follow my lead. Okay?"

"Sure I understand. I'll bring in the food and wine, and you bring... well... the dessert." I winked and she grinned.

"Anne, this whole scenario seems a bit off to me."

"How so?"

"Well, to start with is your sudden concern for Gary's wellbeing. It was not long ago that you couldn't care less about him. Why the change of heart?"

"You're going to laugh at me... but when I saw how devastated he was after Alma died, I thought how I would feel if I lost you. I'd be crushed, like him, walking around in a fog. I have no idea what will happen, but I'm hoping that showing a little compassion is the right thing to. After all, this is Christmas... Let's go in. I'm freezing my bare ass off out here."

As I opened the car door, the icy cold blasted me like Jack Frost was lurking outside, just waiting. The wind and cold stung my cheeks. The snow crunched with every step of Anne's Neiman Marcus designer boots. She should have worn long pants and leggings. As soon as we managed our way to the top step, Gary opened the door and took Anne by the hand, pulling her in.

"Merry Christmas! Welcome, come on in. I have a fire started and hot cider waiting."

"Merry Christmas!" We both said in unison.

"I was worried that you might get stuck in the blizzard. You will have to pardon my lack of decorations, but I did manage to put up the tree. I wasn't planning on company," Gary said sadly. Then he asked, "Can I take your coats?"

I handed him my hooded parka, and Anne slowly unbuttoned her's. I hadn't seen her whole elf outfit yet, and I was waiting with the same anticipation Gary showed. It was a very alluring outfit. All red, trimmed with white fur, with a skirt halfway up her thigh, and her top exposing a maximum amount of cleavage. The high-heel boots added to her otherwise short stature, accentuating her lovely legs.

"Wow! My hot little elf!" I wolf-whistled her, but Gary just stood there gawking.

I carried the box of food into his kitchen. Gary led Anne into the adjacent room, and they sat by the fire and drank cider, while I prepared the Swedish meat balls. I watched Anne showing him her undivided attention as he talked. She was giving him full eye contact, and was touching his arm as a gesture while they talked. Anne was in full flirt mode. I noticed she was fiddling with the back of his Santa hat and then stroked the back of his neck. Anne is like a maestro with men, composing the situation like a score sheet.

I stayed busy fixing my special meatballs and brazing the garlic bread. After a while I looked up and she was whispering in his ear. I think she must have revealed what his gift was as he jerked his head around looking at me with an almost panicked stare, then he looked back at Anne and then back at me. I gave him a nod and thumbs up.

Looking around his house was pleasant and decorated nicely. The high beam ceilings gave it a feel of spaciousness and the traditional style of furniture was warm and inviting. I finished the dinner in the double oven, while watching Anne engage Gary in conversation. I knew her seductive mannerisms well. The way she flipped her hair and bent forward, giving a good view of her ample cleavage could draw any straight man's attention. I had no idea what her plans were, but right now it appeared she was testing the waters.

"I'm going to break open the wine. Who wants a glass?" I asked, pulling out the cork. I handed a glass to each of them. They were both sitting on the floor, leaning against big pillows propped against the couch. He looked at me nervously.

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"Let me put on some Christmas music. Where are your CD's?"

"They're in the cabinet under the window... Here, I'll get them," Gary offered.

"No! You just sit there and keep my wife company." I walked over and opened the credenza doors displaying neatly organized and labeled pullout shelves. Perfectly sorted, unlike my random, eclectic stacks of music. I found a Bing Crosby White Christmas CD, and put it on. The wine was starting to loosen Gary up a bit, laughing a lot as Anne charmed him. The 'ding' sounded on the oven.

"Dinner is ready! Just stay where you are; I'll make you each a plate. How'd you like a refill?" I said, walking over with the bottle of wine. Gary jerked his hand away from inside Anne's unbuttoned top as soon as I rounded the couch. Her right breast was exposed. He looked at me with a blushing face, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I just smiled.

"You two enjoy each other. I'm going into the den to watch the Bowl game. By the way, from the look of the blizzard outside, we're probably going to have to spend the night."

"The guest room is at the end of the hall. There are fresh sheets on the bed. Make yourself at home," Gary offered.

I settled into the recliner and found the game I wanted. Looking around, his house was immaculate in every detail. He certainly didn't live like most bachelors I've known. I thought how lonely he must be in this big five-bedroom house. 

It was hard to concentrate on the game, with the main event going on in the other room. I lowered the sound on the television and could hear Bing Crosby crooning, "Chestnuts roasting on the open fire..." I chuckled, as I pictured Gary's nuts roasting, while bouncing by the open fire. As much as my curiosity was urging me to peek, I just sat and watched this meaningless bowl game. After almost an hour, I did need to get a drink. Anne's outfit was draped over the back of the couch, and heard a moan or two above the music. I knew Gary must be enjoying his gift now that he had unwrapped it.

It was halftime when Anne walked into the den, completely nude, with Gary in hand. He was wearing his boxers sporting an erection. He was staring at the floor, not looking at me. Anne's nipples were red and hard, like they would get after I pinched them. She turned, pulling Gary with her.

"Hun, we are going to bed now. I'll talk with you later."

"Okay, enjoy," I replied, blowing her a kiss.


The guest room was very quaint, with colonial furniture and Tiffany lamps on the night stands. It was right next to the master, but it was surprisingly quiet. I found a laptop on the corner desk and checked my emails. Then I heard the bed squeaking in a rhythm, and Anne crying out, "Oh God! That's it! Don't stop! Ahhhh!"

"I know I should have felt jealous, hearing a man fucking my wife, but I was surprisingly turned on, sporting a rock-hard erection. It was so hot, I was on fire, hearing the muffled conversations and sounds of sex. I crawled into bed with my mind filled with lustful visions dancing in my head. After it quieted down, I drifted off to sleep.

I was suddenly awakened with a crack of light flooding the room from the open door. Anne's lithe, naked figure was silhouetted as she walked into the room. She was the vision of an angel, with the background light highlighting her hair like a halo.

"You awake?" She whispered.

"Yeah," I replied, pulling back the covers for her to join me.

She crawled onto the bed like a cat, with her image becoming clearer as she got closer. Those luscious breasts were swaying as she crawled up to me. I brushed back her hair, and welcomed my love with a kiss. We rolled in our embrace, her warm, inviting body pressed to mine. Our lips collided and tongues sought each other. I could tell Anne was in search of something. Maybe she was seeking my welcoming embrace, confirming my love for her after being with him. Nothing could ever take away my love for her.

"Come on baby, make me happy," Anne panted in my ear, biting my earlobe.

"Didn't you have fun?" I whispered as I rolled her on her back.

"He did... Now make love to me!"

I looked deep into her beautiful eyes as I stroked the head of my engorged cock at the entrance of her opening. Her gaze was almost begging for relief. She thrust up her hips to engulf my hardness. I slid in easily into her cum-loaded cavity. I could feel his seed squeezing out, as I was thrusting deeply. Feeling another man's cum in my beloved wife should have enraged me, but it did the opposite, bringing my excitement to a level I never knew existed.

"Oh Alan, I love you so much. Take back what's yours. Ohhh, that's it. Fuck me. Fuck me hard!" She moaned breathlessly.

Our bodies, soaked in sweat, moved in unison. Anne wrapped her legs around my waist as I pummeled her with more quickening strokes. The bed was groaning and the legs were thumping on the floor. Our love-making was at a level I never dreamed of. Then I pulled her over until she was on top. The moonlight was cascading through the window, and was highlighting her large, milky white breasts, that were bouncing as she moved back and forth like an arobic workout. This sight would be etched into my mind forever. As I lay there, I was so taken by her beauty that she seemed almost heavenly, too beautiful to be true. I reached up, cupping her breasts that couldn't be contained in my meager hands. Her nipples felt like hard buttons in my palms.

"You're so beautiful, my love," I panted.

Again, she said, "I love you," and continued to rock her hips.

The sound of our skin slapping, and the squishing of my shaft, pistoning in her cum-loaded pussy, added to the ambiance of the moment. It was forgotten that just a short time ago another man was where I am now, that he was experiencing the same immense pleasure this angel could bring. Then, a feeling of possessiveness flowed over me like a wave. I wanted to own her, not share her. Every nook and cranny of her exquisite body belonging to me.

With that, I pushed her to the side and knelt behind her, pulling her up by the hips. I positioned myself behind her. I grabbed hold of my rock-hard erection and plunged into her sloppy cunt. I fucked her hard. I knew this was her favorite position. Grabbing a handful of her hair I reined her back toward me. Then I slapped her gorgeous ass with a smack. Her hanging tits seemed even larger with her on her knees, and swayed with each pounding thrust.

"Yes! That's it! Fuck me like a bitch! Ahhhhh, sooo good! Don't stop! I'm gonna cum. Ohhhh," she squealed her pleasure, and her spasms constricted around my shaft. I felt my pleasure building to a crescendo. There was no holding it back. It starts like a ripple, and crashes through me like waves, one explosion after another, gushing into her like a flood. Two, three, four times I emptied my hours of build-up into her. Then, we collapsed on the bed, panting like two athletes.

After a few moments of silence, with the only sound our heavy breathing, Anne said, "Oh my god Alan, that was incredible! That was the best sex of my life."

"Yeah, me too. I think it was more than sex. It was almost spiritual." I kissed her.

"I felt that too. It was like our very souls were connected." Anne scooted against me and I cuddled her.

"I know this is probably not the time to ask, but how did it go with Gary?"

"It's okay. I knew you would ask... He's a real mess. When we were down stairs, he called me Alma, and then did it several more times in bed. He came the first time by the fire, when I kissed him and he held my tit. It had been a year for him, and I kinda thought that might happen. When we got into the bedroom, he froze up, and I had to convince him you were good with it."

"Sooo, how did he do?"

"You men are all the same. Always comparing yourselves to other guys. You will be happy to know he is not like you. He has a belly, a little weenie, and could never in a thousand years get me off. So there, are you happy? Sweetheart, I love only you. You knew that when we started this little adventure. Gary was, as you said, a mercy fuck. I wanted to pull him out of his depression, and I think it helped. He promised me that he will date. Sooo, you wanted a hot wife. So how do you feel about it now?"

"Tonight I had a smorgasbord of feelings. I felt excited, jealous, envious, and love all at one. However, it confirmed what we both know already. I'm not like most men. Most like their wives exclusive, like a possession, but like me, some like it hot! Let's go to sleep. We've got to drive home in the morning on icy roads." I pulled her tight to me and squeezed her breast.

"What are you thinking?"

"Hmmm, what am I thinking? I'm thinking... There's still one more to go," she chuckled.

"You're impossible! Night, my love."

"Night, stud."

To be continued.



Written by ChuckEPoo
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