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Author's Notes

"She liked it the first time, but needs to try again to be sure!"

Chapter 1 - Getting To Know Her

Part 2 – Again, Please?

I began to doubt that conclusion when more than two weeks passed without hearing from her. I thought of trying to call her but wasn’t comfortable calling her at the dentist’s office, and I had no other number for her. I just had to wait, but the longer it took, the less likely she’d call. I know she really liked it, but my spanking may have just given her the courage to ask someone else to spank her. Why would a cute woman like Susie want to hang around with a mid-fifties relic like me? I had all but given up hope when she finally called me from the dentist’s office at lunchtime.


“Hello, Mark?”


“It’s Susie … from Dr. Harrison’s office?”

“Ohh! I’m delighted to hear from you!”

“Are you really?” she asked with just a hint of doubt.

“Yes, really!”

“I’m so glad because I was going to ask you if … if maybe you’d like to, you know, do what we did again? I’m sorry it took so long to call, but I was trying to figure out how to make it work. So, would you like to do it again?”

“I would love to, Susie! I’ve thought about you a lot these past three weeks!”

“Really?” she replied without reciprocating my ‘thinking about you’ statement. “Okay, so I can’t make an appointment for you to come in without a valid reason. Then I realized it didn’t have to be during normal working hours. It could work if I could figure out a way for you to get here after everyone’s left. I had to pick the right day so the others wouldn’t want to stay with me, and my last appointment would need to be the right patient.”

“Okay, so what do I do?” I was about to suggest we go to one of our homes, but I’d always felt I had to be careful inviting a woman I didn’t know to my house and figured she probably had the same problem.

“First, is this Wednesday okay?”

“Day after tomorrow? Yes.”

“Okay, so you’ll come here, but park across the street in the condo parking lot where you can see who comes and goes here. Be there a little before five, so you see the others leave. There will be two or three leaving together. Then, when you see an older woman in a business suit come out, it’ll probably be five or ten minutes after the others, you can walk or drive over, and the door will be open.”

“Okay, but what if something goes wrong? How will I know?”

“I thought of that. You’ll see me leave with the older woman. Okay?” She did seem to have given it enough thought. “When you come in, go to the doctor’s office. It's right across from my station; sit in the doctor’s chair and call me into ‘your’ office to tell me about something I’ve done wrong. Okay?”

“I think I’ve got it. Can I call you on this phone if I need to?”

“Yes, it’s my cellphone. Mark, I’m sorry this all sounds so sneaky, but I couldn’t come up with any other plan.”

“It’s fine, Susie. I look forward to seeing you and your naughty bottom again!”

“Ooo, are you gonna give me a spanking?” she said with a pouty face I couldn’t see.

“Yes, Susie. I will spank you on your bare bottom again, but I’m afraid it will be considerably harder than last time,” I warned, hoping that wasn’t a problem.

“Oh, sir!! You spanked me so hard last time; I couldn’t even touch my bottom for days!”

“Well, you should have thought of that before you were so naughty!”

“Oh, Mark! I’d love to continue this, but I have to be somewhere soon. I’d love to do this again, too?”

“Me too! See you Wednesday!”

“I can’t wait!” she said with genuine enthusiasm. “Bye, Mark!”

Now, I had to take care of the hard-on developing from that little bit of phone sex. I was so happy. Something was different with Susie. Innocence, maybe?

Looking forward to Wednesday, I realized the next two days would likely pass so slowly.

Finally! I was on my way to see Susie. Her plan was a bit convoluted, and I was genuinely afraid of something going wrong. Not that either of us would be harmed in any way, but I’d so looked forward to spanking her again! I pulled into the condo parking lot and found a space where I could see the front entrance to the dentist’s office. Fortunately, no other cars were around, so I wasn’t worried about someone challenging my being there.

The time moved painfully slowly, but at last, it was five o’clock, and just a few minutes later, two office girls and another hygienist came out and left in their cars. I waited to see her patient leave. That was taking a lot longer than I was expecting. Almost fifteen minutes later, she finally came out. The door closed behind her, and she was looking directly at me! Not that she could see me, but she stared in my exact direction as she walked across the parking lot to her car. Thankfully, she drove away without incident.

I decided to walk over to avoid the possibility of someone seeing my car outside at a time when it shouldn’t be there. I crossed the six-lane divided road and headed for the front door. The handle turned, and I was in! I quickly found the office Susie referred to and sat behind ‘my’ desk. I took stock of the room, seeing it more or less neat, with no stacks of paper on the desk we might inadvertently knock off or knickknacks we might break. Two armless chairs were in front of the desk, perfect for our intended purpose.

Okay, it's time!


“Yes, sir?” she yelled, and the scene was set in motion.

“I’d like to see you in my office!” I called out and added a few seconds later, “Now!” My beautiful little bad girl appeared in the doorway dressed exactly like last time, as expected. The sight of her made me happy.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” she asked with an innocent face as she stepped just inside the doorway.

“Yes, Susie. It’s personal, so you should close the door and sit down.” She did so and managed to keep up the innocent appearance. I wondered if she wanted to skip the role-playing and jump right on my lap for her spanking as much as I wanted her to!? “We’ve had some patient complaints about how you treat them.”

“What? I’m always very professional and courteous to our …”

“If you’d let me finish, I’ll give you the details.” I paused to see that she’d stopped talking. “It has nothing to do with the quality of your work. They feel you’re not friendly, somewhat distant, and always in a bad mood. If I’d had this complaint from a single person, I would be ignoring it, but as it's several patients, I thought it best to discuss it with you.” I worried my accusation was too close to home as she tended to be this way.

“Who said these things about me?” she asked defensively.

“I don’t think it matters who is saying it. The important thing is that you do something about it.”

“I think it’s bullshit! I don’t …”

“Do you really want to take that tone with me, Susie?”

“It’s not fair! I do my job and have to listen to these people trying to carry on a whole conversation with me while their mouths are stuffed with suction hoses and cotton! And I’m supposed to be all friendly? ‘Oh, you don’t say Mrs. Oldfart!’ I’m sick of them!”

“Susie, I had hoped that you’d take a more positive approach to this problem, but you’re being downright nasty about it, and there’s no place in my practice for such attitudes.”

“What!? Are you firing me?”

“Maybe? I’m sure you remember our last encounter. Hm?”

“Yes, sir!” she said, rubbing her bottom.

“Well, that did seem to take care of that problem. Perhaps it would be effective here as well?”

“You’re gonna spank me again?”

“The choice is yours, Susie. You can walk out the door now or take another spanking to help you see another way, hopefully.”

“Ohhh, I’ll take the spanking,” she said resignedly after pretending to think about it, though inside, I’m sure she was saying to herself, ‘Finally, we’re gonna get to the spanking!’ “Are you gonna put me over your knee again?” she said, getting up to come around the desk.

“Yes, but stay where you are. We’ll use the chairs you were sitting in.”

“And I suppose my pants have to come down too?”

“Yes, Susie. We won’t start on your bare bottom but will finish there.” She pulled the drawstring loose, let her pants drop to the floor, and stepped out of them. I had to smile at seeing her wearing tight, white cotton panties.

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“What are you smiling about?”

“I see that you did what I suggested during your last spanking,” I said as I came around the desk to sit in the chair she’d just vacated. “Wearing more appropriate underwear. I’m encouraged that the spanking was successful in another way.”

“Yeah, I got them. They’re actually very comfortable,” she said, disappointed at having to admit I was right.

“Now, I want you to ask me nicely to give you this spanking.”

“Ohh, do I have to?” she whined.

“Yes, you have to! It shows that you accept that you need to be punished.”

“Okay. Please, sir, give me a spanking so that I may learn better behavior.”

“Very good. Come over my knee.”

She came to my side and allowed me to guide her down over my lap. The only similarity to her prior panties was that they were both tight enough to reveal sexy shapes, but the white ones were better because they didn’t hide anything with fancy lace and patterns. The back was as enticing as the front as they hugged the curves of her cute, little bottom to the point of even dipping into the cleft between her perfect cheeks. I had to resist the temptation to pull her panties down and bury my face between her thighs.

After a few caresses of her round cheeks, I began spanking. It was a harder start than last time, but still not as hard as I would with an experienced Spankee. Alternating cheeks, it was not long before she was squirming just a bit with an occasional ‘Oh!’, ‘Ah!’ or ‘Ow!’ A couple of times, I glimpsed a smile on her face, followed by a grimace at a well-placed smack. Something different about Susie added to my enjoyment and left me hoping there would be many more occasions like this.

Maybe she was ready, or perhaps I was just impatient, but I quickly got to the point where I wanted her panties down.

“I think we need these to come down now, Susie,” I said, pulling the waistband up and snapping it against her body.

“Do you have to, sir? My bottom already hurts a lot! Can’t you just keep spanking me on my panties?”

“I think you know from last time that you don’t fully benefit from a spanking unless it’s on your bare bottom. I am going to take your panties down!”

“Oh, okay, I guess,” she said dejectedly.

I hooked a finger into the waistband of her panties, and as tight as they were, the elastic scraped along the top of her beautiful, pink globes. She stiffened at this stimulus, liking, as most girls do, the feeling of her panties being pulled down, with added arousal coming from the anticipated spanking on the bare. Sliding them down her thighs, I left them just above her knees to keep her legs together. I let my hands slide back up her thighs, careful not to get between them as much as I wanted to. My left hand grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me while my right rubbed her pinkish cheeks softly when I thought I heard the softest of moans.

“Alright. This will be considerably harder and longer than last time, Susie. That’s the natural progression when your behavior earns you multiple punishments.”

I didn’t start any harder than last time, wanting to be careful of going too far too fast. I watched her reaction to determine how she was taking it. Within the first thirty or so, I increased intensity to about the point we’d left off last time. She was squirming more than before, raising her bottom to meet my hand again, a clear indication of enjoyment more than pain. I paused before continuing to about fifty.

“Am I getting through to you, young lady?”

“Owww! Yes, sir. I suppose you’re happy that my bottom really hurts!”

“In a way, I am Susie. A certain amount of pain, much more than you’re feeling now, must be felt for the spanking to be effective!” I resumed spanking, ratcheting up the intensity again within the first twenty or so, and continued non-stop to fifty. Her reaction told me she was definitely feeling the sting, but her face and body told me she was still loving it. I usually enjoy seeing a rookie enjoy their first spankings, but with Susie, that joy was greater somehow. She mattered more in some unexplained way.

“This is going to be harder and longer. Prepare yourself,” I warned as I resumed spanking her quickly reddening bottom.

I didn’t go too much harder, but she got five spanks on each cheek before moving to the other, and I continued the pattern till I reached eighty. The squirming was more animated and a lot more pained exclamations. When I stopped, she exhaled loudly.

“Oh wow! Sir, it really hurts, but I know it’s good for me, so please continue to the end next time!”

“As you wish. You’ve got sixty more to come,” I said, randomly picking a number. “Ready?”

“Yes, sir!”

The spanking began again with more of a random pattern. She never knew what was coming next, and with sixty spanks to go, I’m sure the pain was building very quickly now. She was practically writhing on my lap as we neared the end. I had kept the intensity about the same as the last series, but the final ten were much harder, counting them off as Susie let loose with a continuous string of ‘Ows.’

When I stopped, I rested my hand on the outside of her right thigh, letting the heat rise, so to speak, and then caressed her very red bottom lovingly. There were so many other things I’d like to do right now, but this was only her second spanking. Since she had given me no indication that she wanted to progress to anything sexual, the gentleman that I am, I limited my enjoyment to feeling her beautiful, round buns. Once she’d caught her breath, she stood up, her hands immediately rubbing her sore bottom. I will never tire of that sight. Seeing her feeling, rubbing, squeezing, and spreading her hot, stinging bottom was arousing for me.

“Thank you for spanking me, sir. I will try very hard to change my attitude because I don’t want to get another spanking!” she said with her cute face in a precious pout.

“I’m sure you will, Susie. You can go put yourself back together.”

She pulled her panties up a little, picked up her pants, and went out the door silently. A minute or so later, she came rushing into the room, throwing her arms around me in a great big hug.

“I take it you liked it?” I said, stating the obvious as she released her grip on me.

“No, Mark, I loved it! That was so amazing! Mmm, my butt hurts, but it feels so good at the same time! Was that like the hardest spanking you give someone?” I laughed.

“No, Susie, not even close, but I’m sure you’ll quickly progress to that point.”

“Oh my God!! A lot harder than that? Thank you! That was really good!”

“It was my pleasure,” I said, and I never meant it more than I did now. “So, your plan worked the way you expected, right?”

“Nearly. My last patient, the older woman, Mrs. Dillon? She’s been coming here for as long as I’ve been here, so she knows me pretty well. All during her cleaning, I was nervous and clumsy, dropping tools, pausing for no reason, etc., and she kept asking me what was wrong, but obviously, I couldn’t tell her.

“I was down to flossing and polishing when the girls called out that it was time to go, and I said, ‘Go ahead. I’m almost finished. I’ll lock up.’ Then they left, and as soon as the door was closed, she said, ‘Aha! You’re all nervous because you’ve got a man coming here, don’t you!?’ I’m a terrible liar, so I admitted it to her, leaving out the spanking!”

“That explains why she was staring right at me the whole walk from the door to her car!”

“Did she!? That’s funny. She knew you were waiting across the street.” A silence set in for a few moments. I smiled, seeing her still rubbing her bottom, though not quite as frantically as before. “Well, I’d better close up and go home.” She led the way to the door and paused, standing directly before me. I think she may have wanted a kiss, but my caution about respecting women won out. Time and time again, I’ve missed out on something good because I didn’t want to seem too eager, but I hope the respect I get in return makes up for it.

“Goodbye, naughty girl,” I said with a smile.

“Goodbye, sir! And thank you again!” I went out the door but looked back through the side window like last time, hoping to see another reaction to our play. This time, I saw Susie’s face watching me go with a slight wave, ‘goodbye.’

I enjoyed this time with Susie and more than I can remember with anyone else; I wanted so badly for it to continue, but I didn’t know if I could call her cellphone when she wasn’t expecting it.


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Written by 2bespanked
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