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Author's Notes

"Had a bit of writer's block, trying to get Makennah involved without writing the original liaison (Maria) out of the serial entirely. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Promise they will have so much more sex in the next chapter."

Makennah breezed into the kitchen wearing her red one-piece lifeguard swimsuit, with mirrored cop shades pushed up over her auburn hair, which was pulled back into a fierce ponytail. She wore her whistle on a lanyard and a pair of white USC basketball shorts over the bottom, along with a pair of thick filp-flops with multicolored soles. Yellow Zinka had already been applied to her nose and under her eyes. It was Saturday morning, and the sunshine poured in through the window over the sink facing the front yard.

Maria was sitting in the breakfast nook wearing her favorite silk, white, mid-thigh morning robe, reading the editorial page of The Springfield Sentinel, and enjoying her coffee, loaded up with cream and Equal sweetener. Makennah poured herself a glass of Crystal Light lemonade and sat down across from her mother, reaching for the sports section. Maria was reading the editorial page in the A section.

Maria folded down one corner of her section and eyed Makennah. There were two strange … bumps? on her daughter’s chest, poking through the spandex of Makennah’s lifeguard swimsuit. OK, Maria just had to ask.

“Makennah?” she said, grinning and stifling a giggle, “Honey, did you get your tits pierced?”

“Mm-hm,” Makennah said, still looking over the sports section. Detroit closed out Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls to set up an NBA Finals rematch with the Lakers.

“Well!” Maria said, “Let me see them, honey!”

“OK,” Makennah said nonchalantly. She put down the sports section, slid the straps of her one-piece swimsuit down each shoulder before peeling the whole thing down to her waist to show Maria the firm double D-cups that Maria’s ex-husband had bought for their daughter’s high school graduation.

Both nipples were pierced with matching ornaments, a small, heart-shaped ring secured by a barbell. “Well, I think your boobies are super cute, darling,” Maria said. “Are they sore? Are you keeping them sanitary?”

“The guy did a really good job,” Makennah said, pulling her swimsuit back up over her boobs. “He gave me this moisturizer that keeps them nice and soft, sting-free."

"And did he throw in the boobie bling?" Maria said with a saucy shoulder shimmy, "Or did you buy those."

Makennah suddenly looked to the side. "No, uh, a friend picked them out ... I also got my tongue done," she said, quickly changing the subject. "Wanna see?"

Makennah stuck out her pink kitty-cat tongue to reveal a small, stainless steel rosebud about two centimeters from the tip.

“This is really cute and sexy!" Maria said. "When did you have all this done?” She rested her chin in the heel of her palm and looked at her pretty daughter, remembering what it was like to be a young, beautiful woman in the flower of her sexuality.

“Back in February, a studio off Figueroa Street,” Makennah said. “A lot of athletes go there, I followed a guy in from the basketball team for a feature story and the tat artist said he’d do some work for free after I told him I’d be mentioning the place in The Trojan. The tongue piercing I paid for.”

“Well, look at you, my little tomboy, all grown up into a sexy young woman now,” Maria said, playfully swatting Makennah on her wrist.

“Mommmmm,” Makennah groaned, but half-jokingly. It was about 7:15. She’d be leaving soon for the Nine Cedars Country Club, starting there at 8 a.m. to have the pool ready to open at 9. Maria glanced at the clock nervously. It was time to put her plan into action.

“Honey, I was wondering if you could do a favor for the neighbor boy,” Maria said. She’d never made a request like this before, and it caught Makennah a little off-guard.

“OK?” Makennah replied. “Which neighbor boy?”

“Allen,” Maria said. “He needs a ride up to the pool.”

“Why?” Makennah said. She wasn’t opposed to giving him a ride, but, “he can drive, he has a car.”

“Well,” Maria said. “He got in a little trouble and his parents grounded him, and took away his driver’s license and keys.”

“Can’t he just use our pool?” Makennah said.

“All of his friends are up at the Cedars,” Maria said. “Honey, it’s a Friday, he’s bored, he really would like to see the guys. Plus you’ll be home before either of his parents. He’s a sweet boy, just about to go to college. I think he’s interested in journalism, like you. He’ll be good conversation.”

“OK,” Makennah shrugged. Seemed a bit unusual that her Mom was doing a solid for a seventeen-year-old boy next door, but it was no skin off Makennah’s back. Hell, Allen could even help strain the pool and pull in the underwater vacuum before it opened.

“Thanks, darling,” Maria said. She got up, rinsed off her coffee mug in the sink, and started for her bedroom in the back. There she quietly picked up the phone and called Allen.

“OK, she’s taking you to the Cedars,” Maria murmured. “You’ll be with her for an hour before the pool opens.”

“Jesus Christ,” Allen said, almost fearfully. “OK …”

“Trust me, this will work, just do everything that I told you to do. Be confident, like you are with me, and she will jump your bones in the poolhouse, I guarantee it. Just trust me. I know my daughter.”

“OK,” Allen stammered. He was absolutely thrilled and yet borderline terrified. He was being fixed up to fuck the hot college cheerleader next door — by her own mother.

“You have the warming oil?” Maria asked.

“Yes, and this … mood enhancer stuff,” Allen said, shaking a Ziploc baggie with two pills and a small sample-size portion of rich, golden lube.

“OK, don’t wait for her to ask you to put suntan oil on her. Put the warming oil on yourself, then start putting it on her,” Maria said. “You gotta beg forgiveness, not ask permission. Now, I gotta go.” Before hanging up on Allen, she said, “Oh, and get over here, pronto.” It was 7:20 a.m.

About five minutes later there was a rapping noise on the storm door at the front. Maria skittered to the door, still in her robe. Makennah was in the sunroom finishing the sports section and watching CNN Headline News. Maria opened the door and greeted Allen. He was in his board shorts and flip flops, with a loose tank top revealing just enough of his toned chest and lats. Maria remembered raking that boy’s hairless chest and back with her Lee press-on nails while he fucked her good two days ago.

God almighty, Allen, looked ridiculously hot, enough that Maria had the slightest of second thoughts about encouraging him to fuck her daughter instead of keeping him all for herself. Allen had put Sun-In in his light brown hair, turning it surfer-boy blond. He was wearing Wayfarers, like Tom Cruise in Risky Business, and he peeked down over the top of the glasses to throw a solicitous glare at Maria.

Maria giggled. Making sure the coast was clear, she opened her bathrobe, revealing her gorgeous, toned, nude body and huge, swaying tits. She cocked a leg, model style and tucked her chin into her shoulder, batting her eyes at Allen, before quickly closing her robe and inviting him inside. “Makennah, Allen is here,” she called out.

Makennah glanced at her purple Swatch watch irritatedly. “Why? I don’t have to be at work for half an hour,” she said. Allen had offered his hand, which she politely shook without even looking at him.

“Makennah, don’t be rude,” Maria said, forcing the issue. “You two can be there in plenty of time, Allen probably wants to talk about college.”

“Are you going to SC?” Makennah asked rhetorically. Of course not; Allen was neither rich nor smart.

“Colorado, I hope, or Arizona State,” he replied. Makennah snorted.

“You two should be going, I have a personal trainer coming over,” Maria said, somewhat insistently. Allen kept his mouth shut. He knew he was in a situation where the less he said, the better things would go. He walked out of the sunroom and to the right, to the carport that was off of the den. That struck Makennah as a little odd, like Allen was familiar with the home’s layout. Makennah turned to Maria and mouthed, “What the fuck, Mom?”

“Go!” Maria mouthed back, making a shooing gesture.

“Are you fixing me up?” Makennah mouthed, pointing at herself and then in Allen’s direction, eyes blazing. Maria set her jaw and glared at Makennah sternly before turning on her bedroom slipper for the kitchen phone, the one with a mile-long cord mounted by the pantry door. Makennah tossed up her hands in a “whatever” motion, met Allen waiting by the carport door, and the two got in her black 1986 Corvette.

After Makennah and Allen left, Maria dialed up Jillian. “OK, come on over, the house is ours,” Maria sighed.

• • •

“Wow, this is like fucking Knight Rider,” Allen joked as Makennah accelerated down the ramp and onto the freeway toward the Nine Cedars Country Club and Golf Course. “Shit, this thing will move!” He held onto the top of his head for comical effect, which lightened the mood and made Makennah giggle.

“My Dad gave it to me when I went off to college,” Makennah said. “He manages a string of dealerships, they just couldn't get this one off the lot so he wrote it off. What do you drive?”’

“I have a Nissan Maxima,” Allen chuckled. “Get this, it’s a ‘turbo.’” He made air quotes.

“Oh, fuck off,” Makennah snickered. “A turbo? What are you talking about?”

“Some asshole took the ‘KOMPRESSOR’ badge off a Mercedes and glued it to the trunk lid before we bought it used,” Allen snickered. “The dial only goes up to 80.”

“That is a fucking riot,” Makennah giggled, “Total shit teenager car.”

“The best,” Allen said. “You can’t run the tape deck and the cruise control at the same time, it’ll blow a fuse that kills the starter.”

Makennah was now stifling a laugh into the back of her left wrist. “Christ, you drive a shitmobile like that no wonder you’re asking everyone for a ride.”

“My Mom took it away, I’m like, ‘Hey, lady, that’s a favor, not a punishment,’” Allen said, Rodney Dangerfield style. Now Makennah was laughing. “That’s funny as shit!” she snorted. Allen let the punchline hang. He was loosening her up! This was going super great.

Makennah moved her hand off the gear shifter and actually rested it on Allen’s thigh now. She patted it lightly. “You’re pretty alright, man,” she said. “You’re not too bad for a wastoid about to go to ASU.”

“Oh, I’ll be lucky to get into ASU,” Allen groaned, and he was actually serious about that. Makennah returned her hand to the stick shift as she peeled off the freeway toward the exit for the Nine Cedars.

• • •

“Push and two … three … four! C’mon keep going … three, four!” Jillian was coaching Maria through a set of hip thrust exercises, holding the heel of her palm steady in midair, the height she wanted Maria to hit with her pussy mound. After 16 reps, Maria’s thighs were burning with lactic acid. She kicked her legs out and collapsed, chest heaving, on the workout mat. Jillian smoothed her palm over Maria’s taut tummy bound in the neon pink spandex of her workout leotard.

“I think that’s enough, love,” Jillian said. “You gave me a great effort today.”

Maria slid her hands up under her headband, removed it, and shook out her sweaty hair. “Thanks,” she sighed. Jillian leaned in for a kiss, which Maria returned with a pleasurable “mmmmmm,” sound.

Jillian rested on her elbow as she traced a finger over her lover/client’s tummy, then gently worked her fingertips down to Maria’s crotch before cupping her pussy through the spandex leotard.

“What happened to that boy who got you so revved up?” Jillian asked out of the blue.

Maria played dumb. “What boy?” she said.

“The boy you told me about, who would go on the roof in the mornings and masturbate,” Jillian said. “You haven’t mentioned him lately.”

“Oh, the neighbor boy,” Maria said. “I don’t know, I guess he’s doing something else now, maybe he went to summer camp.”

Jillian looked at Maria for a long moment. She could tell when her intimate friend wasn’t exactly being forthcoming.

“You fucked him,” Jillian said slyly. Oh she knew, all right. The disturbance the day before when she was in the shower was easy to piece together, especially hearing Maria having a whispered argument with someone, before going outside to talk on her cordless phone.

Maria was a terrible liar and wouldn’t even try with Jillian. “Yeah,” she sighed, “I fucked him.”

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Jillian broke into a broad smile. “You dog! Go girl!” she playfully swatted Maria on the shoulder. “So, dish! Was he good? What’s he like?”

“Oh my God, he is pure energy,” Maria said, almost swooning. “And an absolute natural. It was like fucking in a porno.”

“Does he eat pussy?” Jillian said.

“Yes!” Maria said, sitting up and holding Jillian’s hands, like it was a sleepover gabfest. “I didn’t even have to ask or tell him what to do, and I didn’t have to suck his dick first, he was very good about foreplay and sensing what I want.”

“Wow,” Jillian said. “What positions have you done?”

“Just missionary,” Maria said. “I took his cherry, so we had to keep it pretty basic.”

“Nice!” Jillian said. “How long did he last?!”

Maria was enjoying the candor with her lover, but starting to get a little annoyed at the continual interrogation. “It’s not like he fucked me for 30 minutes or something, but he also didn’t nut in 90 seconds,” she said.”I think we went a good seven minutes. Jill, when he cums, it just shoots all over everywhere. I’d totally forgotten what young men his age are like. It’s just a fountain of … youth.” She threw up her hands for effect.

“That is so hot,” Jillian said. “God, I want to fuck him!”

Maria was now getting a little uncomfortable. While a threesome with Allen and Jillian would indeed be hot, and blow Allen’s mind even more, it might make him more attached to Maria. And just handing him to Jillian would be a mistake, because she didn’t like the idea of losing him to her bisexual lover.

“I really want him to fuck my daughter and those two can start screwing and dating,” Maria said. “I’m trying to think of a way to stick the landing here. This was supposed to be a few fucks and then he goes and puts his dick in a girl his age. But Christ, I think he’s ready to propose marriage to me.”

“Well, you can fuck him all you want,” Jillian said, now holding Maria’s hand and starting to kiss along her neck. “But you know I’m always first in line with you.”

“I know, love,” Maria cooed, raking Jillian’s hair and returning the kisses.

“‘Cause this pussy is mine,” Jillian giggled through clenched teeth, harshly gripping Maria’s crotch. Maria squirmed and laughed. “Now let’s hit the showers. And the two lovers tippy-toed off to Maria’s master bathroom to fill the house with steam, splashes, and the sounds of their passion.

• • •

The pool at the Nine Cedars was gated by a central pool house where guests could get towels, take a shower, or use the toilet. It was a large, L-shaped pool whose longest axis was Olympic-sized. The short end of the L was the shallow part where little kids and their moms, typically, would splash around. There were two diving boards, one a dangerous looking-high dive that all the teenage members would use for belly-flops, back-flips, cannonballs and other dangerous-looking shit. It was a lot for a single lifeguard to manage, but Makennah had been doing it since high school, and when an internship opportunity with the Orange County Register fell apart, she came back home to her old summer job.

Makennah pulled her Corvette up in the lot just outside the pool house, unlocked it, and let Allen in, locking the door back behind him. It was now about 7:45 a.m. Allen went to the men’s side of the pool house to stow his things. He pulled the Ziploc baggie from the small duffel he carried and dumped both pills into a Gatorade bottle. Maria had suggested slipping one in Makennah’s water bottle, but that just seemed really dangerous, and if he got caught, it would absolutely shatter the good mood they shared on the drive over. Then he went into one of the restroom stalls, shot his board shorts to his ankles and kicked them off, and started jerking off with the warming oil.

Holy shit, that feels good, Allen thought, rolling his left wrist and watching his cock slither in and out of his palm. He had shaven all of his pubic hair the night before. Maria didn’t ask him to do that, he thought of it all on his own, using some of his mother’s shaving gel and one of her leg razors to get it nice and baby smooth. Allen continued to work his dick, massaging the warm oil into his soft pubic skin. Then …

Oh, Jesus fuck, oh fuck … the warm sensation got warmer, and warmer, and now HOT, red fucking hot.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, what have I done to myself, Allen thought. His mind started pinwheeling. All of that oil was going into his freshly shorn scrotum and the tender mound above his cock. It was not relenting. It was only getting hotter. Now it was goddamn scorching and scalding.

“Fuck!” Allen gasped. He thought for a second he was going to burn his dick all the way off. He had gruesome visions of dried-up exploded hot dogs in a microwave oven. Utterly panicked now, he bolted from the restroom for the only thing he knew that might provide relief: The pool.

Allen came running out of the pool house at a dead sprint, past Makennah, who was standing by the door with a skimmer net, waiting to hand it to Allen to ask him to help with getting the pool ready. Instead, this naked jackass, cupping his dick and balls with both hands, blew past her like an all-American running back and took a flying Tarzan dive from the lip along the right side of the shallow end, over the plastic barrier that marked the deep end. He dove all the way to the twelve-foot bottom of the pool and stayed there for a good ten or fifteen seconds, exhaling huge bubbles of pure pain. Finally he surfaced with his back to Makennah, who was absolutely stunned speechless and motionless.

Allen floated on his back, chest heaving. The cold pool water had washed the warming oil off, and was a welcome counterweight to the burning sensation it had delivered to his genitals. God that was so fucking stupid, Allen thought to himself. Jesus Fucking Christ.

But then he looked down, and despite all that he had done with that dumb warming oil on his freshly-shorn cock, the “mood enhancer” had kicked in, and his dick was pointing straight up, huge and proud, feeling bigger, harder, and hornier than ever before. Suddenly he realized he was floating naked in the country club pool, just him and the ultra-sexy USC cheerleader-who-is-also-the-lifeguard-and-my-nextdoor-neighbor there in the cool morning air. And not only was he hard and big, a sexual urge unlike any he had ever felt washed over him.

“Get. The fuck. Out. Of my pool.” Makennah said from behind, biting off the words.

Allen turned over and slowly swam to the deep end ladder, unaffected by Makennah's anger. He gripped the handles with both arms and made a big show of pulling himself out of the water, throwing waves and dripping it off his nude body. He was basically a male bimbo imitating Phoebe Cates’ infamous pool scene in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Except his cock, all seven thick inches of it, purple as an eggplant, bobbed up and down, dripping water off its tip before steadying itself at a nearly 75-degree angle upright.

Makennah’s pupils dilated as she took in Allen’s completely unexpected, beautiful, pornstar-size and pornstar-smooth dick. She had grabbed a towel from a table by the pool to throw it over Allen; now she absent-mindedly dropped it. Allen sauntered over to her, as if he was in fact clothed, his cock waggling this way and that. He bent down in front of Makennah, who was still standing there in utter shock, now reeling from the surprise of her own sexual desire. Allen picked up the towel but only wiped his face and dried his hair with it; then he threw it into a deck chair and stood in front of Makennah, totally nude, cock still ramrod hard, and placed his hands on his hips.

“Well, that was exciting,” Allen said.

Makennah’s eyes blazed with fury and desire. She reached down and grabbed Allen by the cock. Christ, she thought, realizing how big Allen was inside her hand. Makennah turned on the balls of her feet and marched Allen back along the concrete deck, by his dick, to the ladies’ room side of the pool house.

“You are so fucking lucky you are so fucking hot,” Makennah growled as she started peeling down the front of her lifeguard swimsuit, releasing her huge boobs. Now it was Allen’s eyes turn to widen as he gazed upon Makennah’s pornstar-class assets, especially those super-aggressive, ultrasexy nipple piercings.

“Otherwise you wouldn’t just be kicked out of my pool, your whole fucking family would lose its membership,” Makennah said. “Maybe your fucking father would have to write about your arrest in his fucking newspaper, too.”

Makennah grabbed Allen by the back of the head and pulled him into her mouth. Her tongue slithered inside of his, then she withdrew and began kissing and sucking along his neck while she still held that huge, delicious, sexy cock, loosening her grip slightly so she could feel its length and tumescence. They continued kissing and panting while Makennah stroked Allen, as if he could get any fucking harder than he already was.

“You,” kiss “are in,” kiss, smack “so fucking much” slurp “trouble, you stupid fuck,” Makennah panted, sucking out Allen’s lower lip. “God damn you that was such a stupid stunt you just pulled.”

Allen tried to mumble an excuse, “I, uh, had an accident with the, uh, suntan oil,” he said.

“Fucking idiot,” Makennah said. “Now we're both gonna have to wait all day for you to fuck me.” She looked at her Swatch watch. It was 10 past 8 a.m. The guys who worked the pro shop next to the pool were already showing up and the groundskeepers were likely coming back in from mowing the course, too. Shit. All of them had keys to the pool house and sometimes got it ready if they thought Makennah was going to be coming in late. She couldn’t risk being caught fucking Allen in the ladies’ room.

Makennah pushed Allen back on a bench next to a row of lockers and got on her knees. Maybe they couldn’t fuck but she was absolutely going to suck his dick and give him the greatest blowjob of his life. Allen lay back on it lengthwise as Makenna crouched over him. She started urgently pumping his shaft as she sucked on Allen’s huge, beautiful mushroom head, swirling her tongue around it and then making torturous sweeps along the shaft and up over its pee slit with her rosebud tongue piercing.

Makennah looked at her watch. All she needed was another 30 seconds to make Allen blow his load.

Makennah’s huge, billowing, filly mane of black hair splashed over Allen’s crotch as her head bobbed up and down, sucking and stroking off Allen. She smoothed her hair from her eyes and fixed him with a smoldering gaze.

“I want your cum,” Makennah said. “Give me your cum.”

That’s all Allen needed. Makennah took his cock out of her pulsating mouth and began frantically pumping his shaft like she was ringing a dinner bell. She pulled back as Allen started groaning like a wounded Godzilla, and jerked four hot, thick shoelaces of horny teenage cum high into the air, where they gently settled back over her wrist and Allen’s stomach and chest.

Makennah stood up and wiped cum off her watch. Yep, thirty seconds. She thought. Pulling the straps of her swimsuit back over her shoulders, she grabbed some paper towels from the restroom sink and wiped the rest of Allen’s cum off her wrist and arm. Allen still lay on the bench, reeling from his orgasm, his legs bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet against the concrete floor. Makennah dropped a stack of paper towels on Allen’s face as she straightened up the changing area, spraying air freshener in case the chlorine air didn’t mask the scent of their urgent encounter by itself.

“Get up and go put your pants back on,” Makennah said, finger-combing her hair in the mirror. “You do not fucking tell your friends, you do not brag to anyone, you do not say anything to anyone about this. You keep your mouth shut the rest of today, no stupid stuff, and I’ll drive you home, and we can pick up from there, OK?”

“Deal,” Allen croaked. And to his everlasting credit, he lived up to it. He did not cause any problems. When Allen’s friends showed up, he let them do their dumb stunt dives and big splashes while he lounged around in the shallow end. At lunchtime, Allen even went over to the snack bar and brought Makennah back a double cheeseburger with crinkle fries. It took a long time for the intensity of their encounter to wear off, and for the anticipation to start building for what would happen next.

Her mirrored lifeguard sunglasses kept everyone from seeing how she stared at Allen with utter lust and anticipation for the rest of the day. She was going to get some world-class dick when her shift was over, she was sure of that.

Makennah crossed her legs, and twirled her whistle, feeling her pussy dampness along the insides of her thighs. She looked down. Oh Christ. There was a huge dark spot over her pussy. Makennah simply stood up, took off her sunglasses, left the whistle in her chair, and dove into the deep end from the platform, as was her prerogative. Now her entire swimsuit was wet, not just her pussy. Case closed. For now.

Written by sexobjex
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