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Just submitted my first story... Eek!

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Quote by DirtyMartini

If I remember correctly, I submitted 32 stories here the first day I joined...a little over six years ago...damn, is it really that long ago?


(Did you REALLY do that??? That's hysterical! They'd NEVER let you do that NOW!)

I'm coming up on SIX YEARS on Jan, 1st, 2016!!! (Doesn't seem like that long!!!) I do remember THE EXCITEMENT of posting my first story series. It was REALLY well received and I thought it would always be THAT easy!!! (It WASN'T!!) I still LIKE that story series, but when I read it now it's like it was written by someone else! I still get excited when I post new stuff though!

Somebody above posted that reader comments can really help a writer, (in addition to the suggestions the Story Mods make) and I wholeheartedly agree. I write quite a bit of poetry/song and some of the Reader Comments really open my eyes. Readers often SEE THINGS in the piece that the writer wasn't aware they had put in there! I can't really compare LS to other story sites since I've never written on-line anywhere else, BUT, I DO THINK that we have some SERIOUSLY astute readers on site. (Some of my readers are MUCH FUCKING SMARTER than I am!!!)

Sample Reader Comment: "I love how it's obvious here that he means the exact oppostite of what he's saying..."

Me: "Ah, yes... You picked up on that..." (While ACTUALLY thinking, 'WHAT? Did I DO THAT??? WTF???')

(But OF COURSE I'd NEVER admit to THAT in PUBLIC!!!)

xx SF

Nicola: "You still don't quite get how The Forum works, Hun, do you?"
God Empress of Lush
Ah, nostalgia! It's 4 and a half years since I submitted my first story to Lush. That's why I came here - I'd written it, and was looking for somewhere to post it. I looked at a few story sites, and liked the look of Lush best.

Amazingly, it looks as if I submitted on 8 June 2011, the day I joined, and it seems to have gone online the same day. I got lots of really nice comments, which were very encouraging to a new writer. And I've been here ever since!

I think my writing has improved over the years, although one thing I learnt is that some stories just turn out better than others. You can't write a masterpiece every time!

Good luck with your future stories!

Annie x

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Quote by naughtyannie
Ah, nostalgia! It's 4 and a half years since I submitted my first story to Lush. That's why I came here - I'd written it, and was looking for somewhere to post it. I looked at a few story sites, and liked the look of Lush best.

Amazingly, it looks as if I submitted on 8 June 2011, the day I joined, and it seems to have gone online the same day. I got lots of really nice comments, which were very encouraging to a new writer. And I've been here ever since!

I think my writing has improved over the years, although one thing I learnt is that some stories just turn out better than others. You can't write a masterpiece every time!

Good luck with your future stories!

Annie x

SCENE: Int. Steph's Office. (NIGHT) It's ULTRA MODERN and VERY STARK. Behind a smoked glass topped desk the size of WYOMING is a LARGE high-backed leather swing-chair. A figure seated therein, BACK TO CAMERA, gazing through SLATTED window blinds at a high-rise CITY-SCAPE.


A very attractive woman is standing before the desk. She is dressed in smart business attire, her skirt PERHAPS a little too short. She FIGETS nervously, unsuccessfully attempting to pull her skirt lower.



Naughtie Annie: "You asked to see me, Mr Steph?"

Steph (Still seated, BACK TO CAM) Whispers: "Yessss... Yessssssss I did..."

Chair spins to front to REVEAL. STEPH, an ungodly handsome 42 year old man dressed in an Italian cut charcoal grey suit. Everything about this man SCREAMS sex, menace, danger, power and sex. And sex. He is stroking a tiny Siberian White Tiger cub.

Steph: "I... I keep an occasional eye on Forum Posts, you know, Annie..."

Naughty Annie (VERY NERVOUS) : "Yes, St... MR STEPH..."

Steph: "... On Forum people... People, SOMETIMES say things that... That cause me CONCERN... YOU WOULD NOT WISH TO CAUSE ME CONCERN, WOULD YOU YOUNG LADY?"

Naughty Annie: "No..."

Steph: "I'm sorry?"

Naughty Annie: "No, SIR!"

Steph: "So when you say, 'you can't write a masterpiece every time' you are referring to WHO exactly?"

Naughty Annie: "Oh! Well, everybody, SIR! I meant that not everyone can write a masterpiece every single time. Sir."

Steph: "Any EXCEPTIONS to that little erect pinchable pink nipple of wisdom, Annie. Think carefully, Missy..."

Naughty Annie (now visibly nervous): "Only YOU, SIR!"

Steph: "Very well. You may go. Take your knickers off and leave them on the desk."


Cut Scene.

xx SF
God Empress of Lush
You mean I was actually wearing panties? Whatever was I thinking of?

22 February 2024 - How about a quick plug for one of my filthiest recent stories? It's all in the title - Naked Pool Party Swingers | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by stephanie


(Did you REALLY do that??? That's hysterical! They'd NEVER let you do that NOW!)

Yes I most certainly did...I started writing on another site back in April, I already had something like 41 stories and poems already written...I didn't submit them all for various reasons...a couple I didn't think were good enough, for my first story...but ended up submitting it later...

But yeah, back then the site was smaller...most of those 32 stories were verified by Nicola, Susan, and Chef Kathleen as I recall...the only thing I didn't count on when I submitted them all at once was they weren't always approved in the order I submitted them...and some of my stories build on previous ones, so I had to do a bit of shuffling real big deal...

Yeah, I started on another fairly small writing forum or anything...and it really didn't take much effort to read all the stories submitted that was nice in certain had a very small town atmosphere, and everyone kinda knew each other...I have to admit, although I sincerely think that Lush is the nicest erotic story site on the has no equal as far as features, ease of use, the forum, that sort of thing...I'm very glad I started writing on the other site...because of that small town feel where everyone knew each other, you didn't just get comments, you got personal messages, and there was a lot of discussion about the stories, and writing and the like going on between some members, which I was part of...all done through PM's of course since there was no forum...but I believe I have something like 1000 messages to one member alone in the first three months I was on there...

But yeah, for the first three months or so I was only one site...then someone told me about another, rather big site in June, 2009...and then another member gave me a whole list of sites in October...Lush included, so that's how I ended up here...I believe most of the sites I joined around that time are gone...Lusty Library, Mindspired, and the like...most of them weren't all that exciting anyway...she also told me about a poetry site, which I joined, and that actually broadened my writing sphere significantly because it meant I could write poems that weren't just about love or sex...and as some may know, I've actually gotten far more recognition in the non-erotic world than I ever did in the erotic genre...and I think that's one of the main reasons I haven't really been on here much the last couple of years...

Though I have to admit I miss this place...just don't seem to have the time lately...I keep telling myself I'm going to start spending time here again, but it doesn't seem to of these days though it just might...ideally I'll even start writing some erotic pieces again...maybe one of the contests here will inspire me again...don't count me out though...I do believe I will be back one day...though definitely not as prolific as I was in 2009 and 2010...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Unicorn Wrangler
I was already posting on two other sites when a friend (who is no longer a member here by his own choice ) suggested I come here. He felt this was a more friendly site and that we'd get both more fair representation as well as building up our respective fan bases. My first story, Dawson, posted on August 4, 2012, and has led to my posting many, many more. Now I have over 50 stories, 19 of which have earned an RR and one that is a Famous Story. I've entered several comps and been blessed with a few Top 10 - Honorable Mentions.

Congrats on your first of what I'm sure will be many more amazing stories.