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Summer Hire Ch. 13 Part 1

"A graduate student's summer job leads her into a new world."

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Pony Ride

Melissa walked out of the exercise studio with a towel around her neck, her martial arts jacket bundled up under her arm. Mike had told her it was called a judo-gi and had shown her how to tie it into a tight bundle using the long cotton belt.

She was tired, but not as exhausted as she had feared. In fact, she realized she felt energized. Learning from Mike was very different than the session with Amy. “Mistress Amy,” she quickly corrected herself.

Walking back to the house, she considered the question Mike had asked her. Was she really willing to kill another person, in order to save her own life? When the question was put so bluntly, the obvious answer was, “yes.” But such a simple answer somehow didn’t feel comfortable, and she wasn’t sure why.

Mike was such an easygoing person. She had a hard time believing that he had killed people during his years in the military, although she knew that he must have. She was having difficulty reconciling all of her perceptions. Mike wasn’t at all what she had expected. She had thought that a man with his background would have had a darker, brooding nature, with much more of an alpha-male dominance.

Instead, he was polite, open, enthusiastic, and attentive. “That’s it,” she said as she suddenly realized what seemed so weird about their interaction. The whole time she had been with him, his focus was only on her. His attention hadn’t wandered at all. His focus hadn’t felt threatening, and she didn’t have any sense that he had been trying to seduce her or play mind games with her. He had simply listened to her, with total interest. He had talked a lot too, but she realized that when he told her something, he had always waited to see if she understood. It had been spooky.

She felt relieved that she had figured out what had been bothering her about their interaction, but that knowledge still didn’t help her with the question of whether she was willing to learn how to hurt or kill someone. Mike and Erik did have a point, she thought; she was going to be spending at least some of her career in poor, backwater places – where she knew life could be violent and cheap. She rationalized to herself that, just because she knew how to be violent as well, didn’t mean that she would have to be. Learning what Mike had to teach her seemed like it was probably a good idea.

Entering the main house, she laughed to herself. The reality of how she was struggling over her decision had nothing to do with the ‘girl-with-a-gun’ image of Lara Croft. Nodding to herself, she realized that the contrast between movie fantasy and her reality was just like how Mike wasn’t the Hollywood version of a super soldier or how Erik wasn’t some whacked-out sadist. Reality and fantasy were such distant companions, that it seemed to require deliberate stupidity to confuse one for the other.

Looking at the divide between fantasy and reality in that light made Erik’s attitude of treating fantasy as though it were a play toy seem like really good idea. By carefully labeling it ‘play,’ their fantasy life was kept separate from reality. She reminded herself that she had to keep this distinction clear while she was exploring the kink world. “Weird shit indeed,” she told herself.

Erik walked out from his room, looked up at her, calling out, “How’d it go?”

She moved down the steps to join him. “It wasn't at all what I expected. Mike’s a lot more… thoughtful than I would have guessed. And he’s got this weird intensity. I mean, it’s like he’s really low key and all, but it’s also like there was nothing else in the world but me. I didn’t notice it until afterward, but it was kind of spooky.”

Erik grinned as she joined him. He gave her a quick, unexpected kiss on the lips, and then led her over to a pair of overstuffed leather chairs and ottomans that looked out over the patio and meadow.

Sitting down, he said, “As far as I can tell, it’s a Special Forces thing. It must be part of their training. When an SF guy is talking to somebody, that SF guy is really, really listening. I think it’s like that whole ‘mindfullness’ thing that you hear being promoted in seminars on ‘being a more effective person,’ or some such crap. Only it really seems to work for them.

“Through Mike, I’ve met some other SF guys, and they’re all like that, at least with outsiders. With each other, it’s the usual macho, joking-around shit. But even then, when somebody says something important or new, they all stop and listen. No judgmental stuff or one-upping. They just seem to want to take it in and consider what the other person said.”

He shook his head. “It’s kind of wild. I don’t know how they train that behavior into somebody, but I sometimes wish more folks had it.”

Melissa nodded, “It was kind of weird… and amazing. I wouldn’t have thought that having somebody really listening to you was such a big deal, but it definitely felt… different.”

“Yep. So what else wasn’t what you expected?”

“Mike was a lot more… gentle… and serious than I expected.”

She paused, thinking back over her time with Mike. Erik cocked his head, inviting her to continue, so she did. “We talked about how violent some parts of the world can be, and whether learning to be violent in return was a good response. I don’t know. I guess it is. But I’m not completely comfortable with it.”

She shrugged, then continued, “What surprised me, though, is that Mike was completely okay with my doubts. He’s not all macho about it. I don’t know… I guess I’ll learn what he has to teach me, and then figure out what to do about it when I’ve had a chance to think everything through. In the meantime, though, I guess I’m grateful for the chance to learn how to protect myself, even if it is feeding some twisted adolescent fantasy of yours.”

Erik put his hand over his heart, feigning injury. “Forsooth, cruel and vicious woman. You accuse me most heartlessly of foul intent. My twisted adolescent fantasy was the most trivial part of my motivation.”

Melissa laughed, “Yeah, and what was the other part of your motivation?”

“Pure, unadulterated lust.” His gaze suddenly bore into her, and she felt her heart skip.

She struggled to regain control of her powerless response to his commanding gaze. She took a deep breath as stealthily as she could, trying to hide how much he had thrown her off center. Without any conscious intent of speaking, she found herself countering with, “So what was that kiss all about? Are we girlfriend and boyfriend, or slave and master?”

Erik smiled, seemingly unperturbed by her question. Watching him, Melissa squirmed inside, not believing that she had just blurted out something so direct. Then he answered, “All of that, I hope. Boyfriend and girlfriend, master and slave, plus there’s the whole boss and employee thing. I know it’s a bit of an uncomfortable mix. Sort of a hobgoblin, really. But it’s like I told you, I’m committed to making it work, feeling our way through it, together.”

Melissa countered, “If we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, at least if that’s part of it, then why do I have a separate room… like the maid?” Once again, she was internally appalled at her lack of control, especially in tacking on a barb about living in the maid’s room. She gritted her teeth in frustration that she couldn’t seem to start speaking without letting an angry comment slip out sideways.

Erik paused again. He had clearly noticed her anger and frustration. “I’m sorry. Giving you your own room wasn’t meant to push you away, or demean you. I just… I wanted to give you a place of your own, a space that was yours. I know that I can be intense and that I often move too quickly.”

He looked out the windows, across the meadow at the late afternoon sun. Then he turned back to her, “It’s your choice, where to sleep, where your clothes are. I would love for you to share my bed, my room. I just wanted to make sure you knew you didn’t have to. It seemed important to give you a room of your own, so you had a safe place that was yours.”

“Okay. I guess… I understand. Sorry for being all pissy. It’s just that I’m sort of scared. Off balance. Not sure where I fit in.”

He nodded and smiled. “Right here, on my lap, enjoying a quiet moment at the end of the afternoon.”

She felt the tension she had been holding in her shoulders seep away. “That sounds nice.” She got up from her chair and stepped across to his.

“Sure you don’t want to get those sweaty clothes off first?” His tone feigned innocence, but the twinkle in his eyes made his true intent clear.

She sighed, “Yes Master.” She peeled the sports bra off her chest, over her head, and tossed it into the chair behind her. She held his gaze as she reached down and untied the drawstring on her heavy cotton judo-gi pants, letting them slide down her legs. Stepping out of the pants, she straddled his legs that were stretched across the ottoman. “Is this better, Master?”

He smiled, simultaneously contented and hungry, seeming to drink in her beauty. Almost to himself, he quietly replied, “Infinitely better.” Reaching forward, he traced a slow, lazy line down her left thigh.

Her sex clenched and moistened at his touch. She continued to be amazed at how he could command her instant arousal. Letting her eyes half close, she swayed closer to him. He reached up and pulled her down to him, his lips brushing softly against hers. Her mouth parted slightly open. He held her motionless above him as he traced the opening of her mouth with his tongue.

As she leaned forward, the softness of her labia pressed hard against the denim fabric of his jeans. She shuddered, feeling her building need. Erik lifted her higher, pulling her forward so he could nibble along both sides of her neck. As she slid forward, she left a wet streak along his pant leg. The weave of his denim sliding against her clitoris had nearly pushed her over the edge. She gasped with a sudden intake of breath as the sensation threatened to overwhelm her.

He chuckled at her response, then kissed and licked along the soft curve between her shoulder and neck, slowly reaching upwards toward her ear. She found herself panting, fighting the urgency building within her pelvis. He chuckled again and raised his leg sharply up, pressing against the heat of her sex, which sent her unexpectedly spiraling over into a pulsating orgasm. She arched her back, throwing her head up, her hair whipping past his face.

When her shudders finally faded, she collapsed, limp against him as he lowered her torso down onto his chest. She snuggled into the clean cotton scent of his camp shirt and murmured, “How can you do that? How do you make me come so quickly?”

His only reply was a gentle stroking of her hair.

She turned slightly to kiss his chest, then laid her head back against him. Whispering, as though to herself, she speculated, “Must be some evil spell.”

He laughed quietly, the soft motion of his chest rocking her head. Reaching down, he kissed the top of her head and replied, “No, the only spell is the one you weave around us. You are so full of life, so amazingly connected to your own sexual energy. I love to play with your body. You could be a Stradivarius violin. The feelings you evoke are so very potent and wonderful.”

She whispered back, “I loved being played. You are truly a master. My Master.”

He shifted a little underneath her, finding a more comfortable spot against the overstuffed leather cushions. Then he whispered back, “Don’t forget, boyfriend too.”

She lay quietly against his chest, slowly being lifted and lowered with his breathing. A tear trickled down her cheek, gathering for a moment before falling onto his shirt.

She wiped the tear streak from her cheek, hoping he wouldn’t notice, then said, “Yeah, and boss too.”

“Yes, tis true. And as your boss, what are you doing, laying around? It’s nearly time to get ready for this evening.”

“But… isn’t there something I can do for you?” She felt embarrassed that he had so deftly brought her to yet another orgasm while she hadn’t done anything in return but enjoy it.

Still lying against him, she felt his laughter rumbling in his chest. She lifted her head to look at him as he replied, “Dear one, simply playing with you gives me such pleasure. You never need to worry about what I want.” He grinned evilly, “After all, I will simply take what I want, when I want it. You are, in case you’ve forgotten, my sex slave.”

She protested innocently, “But Master, I need to practice my deep throating. You did tell me that I had to practice every day.”

He looked at her, disapprovingly. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say my little slave girl was trying to manipulate me.”

“Oh no, sir. I should never do such a horrid thing. I only seek to make myself a better sex toy for your amusement. Please sir, can’t I practice just a little bit?”

“Oh, you are a dangerous one indeed.” He sighed deeply. “Very well, you may unzip me.”

“Thank you, Master, thank you,” she said as she slid eagerly down his body until she was nuzzling his obviously rigid penis through the straining fabric of his jeans. She slipped open his belt and unbuttoned his waistband. Seeing that his zipper had a fabric pull tab, she used her tongue to lift the tab to her teeth, then she bit down on the tab and slowly drew his zipper open.

With her nose and chin, she nudged his penis out from where it had been trapped by a fold of his pants. He groaned with a deep, satisfied sigh as she took him into her mouth. She remembered to spend some time getting him wet first, before taking him in deeply. When she slid him down to the back of her mouth, she flinched a little bit as her gag reflex kicked in.

He told her, “Just hold it there awhile. Breathe around it and let your body get used to the pressure. Don’t hurry your gag reflex. Just relax into it.”

She concentrated hard on being able to breathe while the head of his penis filled the back of her mouth. After a minute, the panicky sense of not being able to breathe ebbed away. Her fear of imminently gagging also subsided. She began to slowly draw him in and out, each time pressing him more firmly against the opening to her throat.

He slipped his head back against the cushions for a moment, “Oh God, that’s so good. I really love watching myself disappear into your mouth.”

She tried to smile, but her mouth was so full of him that only the corners of her mouth quirked upwards.

She could now press him more forcefully against the opening to her throat, although the size of him seemed to make it impossible to go any further.

He noted her difficulty and said, “Remember to straighten out the line of your mouth and throat. If you slide yourself down a little further, that’ll tilt your head up a bit.”

She wriggled down, feeling a little awkward in how she was half draped across the ottoman. Although the angle had improved, she still couldn’t get him past the constriction of her throat.

“When you’re ready, yawn. That’ll stretch your throat open.”

She paused, took a final deep breath, and then made a yawning motion. His penis suddenly slipped past the back of her mouth and into her throat. She fought down the rising panic caused by feeling such fullness intruding into her throat. She was only dimly aware that Erik had tensed up and was now breathing in shallow, jerky breaths.

As she gained control over her panic, she slid him deeper in, wanting desperately to match Deborah’s ability to press her lips up against his torso. As she got close, the feeling of fullness overwhelmed her, and she had to pull away, drawing him back into her mouth.

She swirled her tongue around his head while breathing deeply, making up for not being able to breathe while he was in her throat.

He groaned contentedly. She was proud of the effect that she was able to have on him. He seemed so much less guarded as he gave into just enjoying her attentions. Determined to keep him in that place, she held her mouth in a yawn again and took him back into her throat. It seemed easier this time. There was definitely less of a panicky feeling, although she was also starting to feel very sore from having her throat stretched.

She didn’t want to go much longer, but she also wanted to have him cum. For the moment, ignoring her increasing soreness, she started to rapidly move him in and out, taking him as deeply into her throat as she could. She could hear his rising gasps and groans as his orgasm built. With a loud groan that was nearly a roar, he orgasmed, shooting pulsating jets of semen deep into her throat.

She pulled him back into her mouth, breathing hard. A final few spurts of his cum filled the back of her mouth. She still could barely stand the taste, but she made herself roll her tongue over it, knowing it was important to him that she at least pretended to like it. She did feel a deep sense of satisfaction in being able to make him cum this way. She now truly appreciated Serena’s joy this morning at being able to make Erik cum when he had been trying to keep on a schedule.

Erik slid his penis out of her mouth. He seemed protective of it, as though it was overstimulated. She knew that her clitoris often got overly sensitive right after an orgasm. Of course, her clitoris could easily be overly stimulated by a clumsy boyfriend rubbing directly on it. She often wondered what the hell they thought it was, perhaps some sort of button they were supposed to keep on pressing like a monkey trying to get a reward?

Erik looked down at her, his eyes still half closed in refractory bliss. He lifted her chin up, to see her face better. She smiled. The motion made her realize that some of his cum must have dribbled down her chin when he pulled out. Feeling self-conscious, she wiped it off with her hand, then wondered where to wipe her hand clean. She didn’t want to use his pants or the leather ottoman.

Remembering Serena’s admonitions, she tilted her head down to lick her fingers clean. Erik groaned his approval as she feigned savoring her task. His clear enthusiasm actually made it easier to ignore the taste and honestly enjoy the process. Perhaps he was right, and she really liked being a sex slave. All the evidence seemed to point in that direction.

She looked back up at him. “Thank you, Master, for letting me practice. Your slave is grateful.” As she spoke, however, she realized that her throat was quite sore. It felt as though she had been shouting far too long at a football game.

He hummed his approval, still enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm too much to speak. She slipped back up to lay her head on his chest once again. He put his arms around her and snuggled deeper into the chair.

Sore throat aside, she decided that she was very contented to be his sex slave for the summer. She didn’t see how it could keep on going once school started, but it certainly was nice for now.

* * *

She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep when the “bang” of the screen door swinging shut startled her awake. She looked up bleary eyed as she heard a British-accented woman’s voice calling out, “Hello dearies.”

Erik stirred underneath her, then called out, “Down here, Mrs. Grady.”

As Melissa’s eyes regained focus, she saw a small, dark-haired woman with a picnic hamper coming down the steps from the upper level. She seemed younger and fitter than the stout, grey-haired matron that Melissa had envisioned. Mrs. Grady smiled at her with a broad, welcoming grin.

With a start, Melissa suddenly remembered that she was sprawled naked across Erik. She slid off, scrambling to snatch her judo-gi pants from the floor and her sports bra from the chair.

“Don’t worry about me, dear,” Mrs. Grady called out from above. Melissa looked up. The housekeeper had set the basket down on the counter and turned away to give them some privacy. Melissa hurriedly stepped into her pants. She struggled to pull up the stiff cotton judo-gi while she was still crouched over and trying to hide her breasts behind the crumpled-up sports bra she had clamped across her with one hand.

Erik grinned, shaking his head at her. He levered himself from the chair and casually zipped his pants closed.

With a deep breath, Melissa forced herself to calm down and get more deliberately dressed. Her heart, however, continued to race. Memories floated up of her mother walking in on her while she had been making out with a boyfriend during a college summer break after her sophomore year. That incident had culminated in a shouting match and nearly being thrown out of the house for the summer.

Ironically, it had been her father’s arrival back from work that had calmed things down. He had taken her mother aside for a long talk in the kitchen. When he came back from the kitchen, he took Melissa out onto the front porch, shaking his head in exasperation. Standing next to her, looking out at the street, he put an hand on her shoulder and said quietly, “Next time, lock your door.” After that, he turned around and went back inside.

Remembering her father’s calm acceptance helped Melissa steady herself. She took a deep breath, then turned away from both Mrs. Grady and Erik to rearrange her breasts, which had been squashed askew when she had quickly pulled on her sports bra.

Turning back around, she saw the housekeeper taking food out of the hamper. Erik held out his hand to Melissa. She put her hand in his and let him lead her up to the kitchen on the middle level.

Mrs. Grady paused in her activity to smile brightly at Melissa. “What a pleasure to meet you! We have such hopes that you’ll mend this rogue of his wicked ways.”

Thinking of her entirely willing complicity in their recent sexual escapades, Melissa froze, certain that she was turning red from embarrassment.

Mrs. Grady waved down her reaction. “Oh pish, posh. I don’t mean his proclivity for corporal punishment or his occasionally odd sexual partners. I’m British after all. Our upper class has provided us with generations worth of amusement along those lines. No, I mean the young master’s galavanting around, willy nilly, as though this were a way station, not a home, not his home.”

Erik cleared his throat, “Now Mrs. Grady…”

“Yes, yes. I know. None of my business.”

He lectured her, “Lest you forget, my work, galavanting around, is what pays for all this.” Erik waved his hand to indicate the house and beyond. “And your salary as well, which must be far too high if you feel free to take such liberties.”

“Ha. Liberties indeed! Well, never you mind.” She turned to Melissa, “Have no fear, his bark is worse than his bite.” Pausing, she glanced back at Erik’s glower for a moment before continuing with Melissa, “Well, maybe not much worse. But such is the lot of those of us who have to put up with him. In any case, please swing by for tea some afternoon. It would be lovely to get to know one another better.”

Melissa glanced at Erik as well for a moment, trying to assess how much of his anger was pretend and if any of it was real. Turning back to the older woman, she smiled. “I would love to have tea with you. And to meet your husband someday. You have such a beautiful garden.”

“Thank you…”

The screen door banged shut again. Serena called out, “Oh Mrs. Grady! What wonders have you cooked for us?” Serena set down two bags she was carrying and walked to the top of the steps.

“Oh fear not,” Mrs. Grady replied, “You’ll be well provisioned for your debauch. The young master, though, is in a proper state. He’s sure to whip the both of you straight away.”

Erik said quite loudly, “Mrs. Grady!” Pausing to gain a more measured voice, he continued firmly, “That will be quite enough… thank you.”

The housekeeper’s eyes twinkled at the two other women as she hurried out of the kitchen. “See what I mean. Well, have fun all.” She went up the steps and out the door. Serena cocked an eyebrow inquiringly at Erik and Melissa.

Erik shook his head in frustration and snorted an annoyed laugh. Seeing both women looking at him, he announced, “She’s right. She’s managed to needle me into a proper state, and now you’re left to pay for it.” He pointed to the kitchen counter. “Lie across here, naked.”

Serena walked down the steps, giving Melissa a little shrug, as she shed her tee shirt and jeans. Melissa noted that Serena had not worn any underwear again. Melissa wondered once again, in a distracted moment, if a lack of underwear was somehow a rule of the kink world or just Erik’s requirement.

With a start, she realized that she had been told to strip and lie across the counter, but hadn’t done either. Erik was watching her with narrowed eyes. She hurriedly pulled her sports bra back off and untied her pants, stepping out of them as she walked over to join Serena at the kitchen island.

Serena had to lever herself up over the rounded edge of the counter to lie across it, with her feet dangling above the floor. Melissa was tall enough that she could stand on the balls of her feet to lean over and lie next to Serena. She copied the other woman’s posture of outstretched arms, clasped together in front of her head. The marble counter top sucked the heat from her naked body, giving her a shiver.

“Smack!” She saw Serena flinch next to her, then moan in pleasure.

“Smack!” Her own bottom lit on fire from something narrow and hard striking across both cheeks. She jerked in painful reaction, unsure if it felt arousing or just painful.

“Smack!” Serena grunted, “Oww!” She arched back in reaction, groaning in pleasure as she slumped back down.

“Smack!” Melissa gasped at the sharpness of the blow as she grasped at the unyielding counter top. The burning spread further across her buttocks, and she winced. It definitely was painful, but something in the act of submission, lying next to Serena, who was also being punished, felt extraordinarily erotic as well.

“Smack!” Serena jolted again, then groaned as she recovered.

“Smack!” Melissa cried out, “Awwh!” She felt tears near while the heat in her rear had also penetrated through to her sex, in a throbbing intensity.

She waited for the next blow to fall upon Serena, but there was a pause, and then Serena stiffened in pleasure as she was rhythmically pushed forward. Melissa realized that Erik had penetrated her. Serena’s groans quickly grew more desperate, till she orgasmed in a loud series of deep growls. Serena slumped down, bonelessly on the counter.

Melissa felt Erik step behind her as he spread open her drenched labia. Without further warning, he rammed inside her, completely filling her. He forcefully pumped himself into her, rocking her back and forth on the hard marble surface.

As quickly as Serena, Melissa felt herself building to an orgasm. In the dimness of her perception, Melissa sensed Serena lifting her head in a long groan as Erik asked the other woman, “Did you clean and grease your ass?”

Before Melissa could focus to puzzle out what that exchange meant, she felt herself hopelessly flailing toward a huge orgasm. Her toes curled against the floor as she was slammed forward again and again. The pounding of her blood roared in her ears as she cried out, “Ahrr, ahrr, ahrr” while she came. The painful redness of her buttocks merged into her helpless thrashing as her orgasm echoed through her, finally dying away.

Erik withdrew, and she collapsed against the now warm marble, her cheeks wet from tears. She didn’t know if she had cried from the spanking, or the sex, or both.

While she lay with her face turned toward Serena, she saw the other woman’s eyes open wide as she was pushed forward, her head lifting again from the counter. “Oh God,” Serena moaned, “I love feeling your dick up my ass.”

Melissa watched lazily as Serena was thrust repeated against the marble top, groaning and panting. Melissa could hear Erik’s groans as his panting merged with Serena’s. Melissa watched as Serena’s face grimaced in pre-orgasmic intensity. Erik roared behind her as he came, slamming Serena forward once, then twice again, before fading away. Melissa could see Serena’s frustration as her second orgasm slipped away, just out of reach.

Behind her, Melissa could hear Erik catching his breath.

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Melissa lay still, recovering from her bewildering punishment and orgasm while Serena lay breathing heavily next to her. Erik announced in a deliberately pompous tone, “Well, I feel better now. You girls get cleaned up and dressed for dinner. You’ve got… forty minutes.”

He walked away. Melissa wasn’t sure she trusted her muscles yet to pull herself off the counter. Serena wasn’t moving either.

From outside the door to his bedroom, he called back up to them, “Forty minutes! Get a move on, else I’ll have to punish you again.”

At that warning, Serena started to push herself back off the counter. Melissa joined her, unsteadily regaining her feet. She reached back to gently touch her buttocks, unsure of what it looked like, but knowing that it still stung. Serena stumbled back and looked at Melissa’s rear. She snorted derisively and asked, “What the hell got into him?” She reached back to gingerly feel her own butt. “He’s not usually that… forceful. At least, he usually lets a girl work up to it.”

Melissa replied, “I don’t know. Mrs. Grady was teasing him about something. I’m not sure what.”

Serena nodded, “Note for future reference: be careful when teasing Erik. He’s fine, up to a point. Then he’s not. Also, never tease him about not being able to keep a girlfriend. He’s a little prickly about the whole “Peter Pan” no commitment thing.”

“Yeah, I guess that was what Mrs. Grady was saying. Something about not being willing to make a house a home, or something like that.”

“Yep, that makes sense. By the way, it’s Abigail. We only call her Mrs. Grady around Erik.”

“Okay. That’s kind of weird.”

Serena shrugged, “Well, losing his mom, then having to live with his bitch-ass grandmother, the guy’s a little weird about women in his home. Personally, I think Abigail intimidates him. She’s not part of any of this stuff, but it doesn’t scare her or anything. Says it’s a proud British tradition, tolerating ‘eccentricity’ in the upper class. Anyhow, I’ve seen her land some zingers on him from time to time.” She paused to gingerly rub her bottom. “I’ve just never been on the receiving end of it.”

“But you, I mean, you had an orgasm, right? Or were you faking it?”

“No, I came alright. Almost got that second one too, dammit! I do like a good spanking, plus getting walloped next to you was kind of cool. I could see that it was hard for you too, but you were also into it, which was a major-league turn-on. And… I’ve had some clients who like dishing it out a little rough. It’s okay, but I don’t like a steady diet of it. Plus, it’s a little rough on the body. Strokes like that are going to leave bruises for a day or two.”


“Yeah, I charge them extra. With the right build-up, it can be a really intense session. Erik – he knows how to build up to that level. So when he doesn’t do a build-up, it’s on purpose, which isn’t usually like him. I mean, still, he was careful. Like, we both had serious orgasms, and he didn’t leave any lasting marks.”

With that, Serena turned and presented her rear end to Melissa. “What does it look like?”

“Wow, you’ve got three red lines right across both cheeks. It’s… it’s almost kind of cute, how each line fades away across the butt crack and then matches with its pair on the other side.”

“Yeah, well he knows how to mark a girl. Took me awhile to learn how to get that exactly right, for my clients who are into that stuff.” Serena walked over to pick up her discarded clothing.

“That’s right, you’re into both sides.”

“Yep, a ‘Switch.’” Serena continued up the stairs to retrieve her bags.

Melissa called after her, “So, what’s that like?”

Serena came back down with a knowing grin, “You’ll see. Anyway, we’d better get ready. I, at least, have had enough of being a bottom for awhile.”

Melissa gathered up her clothes and followed Serena back to her guest room. When she walked in, she saw that there was a pair of thigh-high black leather lace-up boots lying on her bed. Unsurprisingly, the heels were at least five inches tall. Serena looked at them and said, “Oh good, FedEx got here.”

Melissa asked, “Those are for me?”

“Sure,” Serena replied, reaching into a bag, “and this too.” She brought out something in frothy black lace and set it next to the boots. Then she reached back into the bag and brought out a fascinator. It had a spray of black netting attached to the merest suggestion of a black hat with a black satin bow on top and several iridescent purplish-black feathers sweeping out the back.

Melissa took it from her gingerly, “That’s gorgeous! I always had hats for Easter. It never seemed right to wear them at other times, even though I always wanted to.

“You’re in luck. Erik loves women dressed in hats and high heels… and not much else.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Melissa set down the hat and picked up the black lace garment, trying to figure it out. There was a rigid “C” shaped open hoop at one end.

“Here.” Serena took the black lace from her. Prying the hoop open slightly, she slid it around Melissa’s waist from the side, then rotated it ninety degrees, so the opening faced to the front. The lace bustled out to the back, before draping to the floor, like a Victorian skirt. The front, however, left her completely open and naked. Melissa laughed quietly, fairly certain that Queen Victoria would not have been amused.

Serena, on the other hand, nodded approvingly. “With those boots and the fascinator, that’s going to look really hot.” She looked in the other bag. “The rest is all for me.” Then she made shooing motions to Melissa. “Go on, get showered. We’ve got maybe a half an hour.”

Melissa nodded, then struggled to get the skirt off. Serena quickly reached to help her.

Melissa asked, “Do you need to shower too?”

“I showered before I left.” Then she reached around behind her. As she brought her hand back, she wiped it on her thigh, leaving glistening streaks. “I forgot. Now I’ve got cum dribbling out of my ass. I better hop in too.” Suddenly, Serena snapped her fingers, “Damn, I nearly forgot. Do you do anal?”

“Ah, well, I guess so. A few times. You mean anal intercourse?”


“I have, but Erik’s kind of big. I mean, doesn’t it hurt?”

“No. I actually really like taking it up the ass. But I enema myself out first, so everything’s empty and clean. Then I shoot a little grease up inside – if I’m not sure there’s going to be lubricant around. The books all say that petroleum jelly isn’t good for inside of you, but it’s a hell of a lot better than a dry butt-fuck. When I get carried away, sometimes I’m not as careful about making sure the guy’s lubed up first. But anyway, when you get some practice, taking it up the ass is easier.

Serena waved dismissively, “Besides, Erik’s always careful. While he was fucking you, he stuck a finger in my cunt to rub my g-spot and then put his thumb up my ass to open it up. I mean, he’s always careful to ease a finger in and expand my ass slowly. By the time he’s ready to stick his dick in, I’m all ready for him. Hell the way he strokes my g-spot while his thumb is pushing my ass open, I’m more than hot and ready.”

Melissa nodded slowly. “I suppose that’s not TMI.”

“Too much information?”

Melissa nodded again.

Serena laughed, “Well, the point is, the shower has an enema wand, just waiting for you. So we better hurry, if we’re going to get you cleaned out, showered, and dressed.”

“Oh boy, how much more fun can I pack into one day?”

“I don’t know. How much do you think you can pack into that cute little ass of yours?”

“I’m not sure,” Melissa responded innocently, “how much do you think you can shove in there?”

Serena laughed and gave her a gentle shove toward the bathroom. “Hurry!”

Both women were giggling as Melissa turned on the shower to get it warm. Serena turned on the flow to a long shower hose with a black silicone end piece that was about a foot long and a half-inch in diameter. Water flowed gently out of its black rounded tip. Once Serena got the flow rate and temperature right, she told Melissa, “Turn around; bend over.”

Melissa hesitated. Serena pointedly said, “Time’s a tickin.’”

With a grimace, Melissa turned around and braced herself against the shower wall. Serena rubbed a little KY Jelly along the length of the tip of the enema wand. Then she squirted some more on her finger. She rubbed her finger against Melissa’s tight, puckered hole until Melissa was able to relax and Serena’s finger slipped in. Once inside, Serena took a moment to massage Melissa’s sphincter, relaxing it even further. Then she slid her finger out and replaced it with the enema wand. Melissa took a sharp intake of breath as the length of the wand slid past her narrow ring of muscle, seating itself inside her.

The flow of water pushed into Melissa, filling her up. Serena warned her, “When I pull the wand out, hold tight. Don’t let it back out or we’ll be cleaning up the shower. The first wash or two is always loaded with crap. It takes a few rounds before everything runs clean. Then you can play around with shooting stuff all over the place.”


“Hey, don’t knock till you’ve tried it. Some guys really love to fill you up with warm heavy cream and then watch it come shooting out in a stream. You never know what gets somebody off. There’re even people who get into making an anal fruit smoothie, and then drinking it. That goes too far for me, though. I’ve turned down that request a couple of times, thank you very much.”

Melissa listened with growing incredulity, while she clamped down hard on the nozzle, terrified that it would come loose, and she would spray disgusting stuff all over the bathroom. The growing fullness inside her, however, was far more arousing than she had imagined. Trying to stay focused on holding the plug tight, she asked, “Please tell me you’re joking about the fruit smoothie?”

“No. I mean, after a few rounds, everything comes out clean. I’m sure the fruit smoothie thing would have been fine, but it was just too weird. I don’t do scat, and that was way too close. Besides, he wasn’t willing to pay enough.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Glad you noticed.” Serena reached down for the wand. “Now relax a little bit. I’m going to slip this out of you.” Slowly, she drew the black silicone wand back out. Melissa moaned involuntarily as the last bit slid past her sphincter and popped out.

Serena smiled at Melissa’s reaction and asked, “Sort of fun, huh?”

“Different than I expected.”

“Hold it in as long as you can. When you have to, hop out onto the toilet and let go. Then you can get back in and finish cleaning off.”

Both women started soaping each other up in the shower together. Melissa grinned lewdly and asked, “Didn’t we already do this once today?”

Serena laughed. She stepped forward, pressing Melissa up against the side of the shower, kissing her long and slow. As they separated, Melissa protested, “I thought you said you didn’t especially like doing it with women?”

Serena laughed again and rebutted, “I thought you said you didn’t either.”

“Ah well…”

Serena arched her wet eyebrows, then relaxed into a smile, “Sometimes it’s nice.”

Melissa nodded her agreement. Serena leaned back in, but then stopped and said, “Shit, we’re running out of time. Hop out and dump your load, I’ve got to wash up.”

Melissa stepped out, dripping wet. She carefully maneuvered herself onto the toilet. She only had to relax minutely, and everything seemed to shoot out of her. The sudden release of pressure was very weirdly erotic. She closed the lid, without flushing, afraid of scalding Serena. Then she got back in the shower and let Serena soap up her butt.

Once she rinsed off, Serena turned off the water, and they both tumbled out of the shower, giggling. They quickly helped each other dry off. Serena gathered Melissa’s hair up into a ponytail and wound it onto the top of her head, pinning it in place with bobby pins.

Hurrying back into the bedroom, Serena helped Melissa lace up her boots, which came above mid-thigh. In turn, Melissa helped Serena lace up a black corset. Serena had a similar skirt to Melissa’s. As she put it on, Melissa could still see the red lines across Serena’s buttocks, only slightly diminished. Melissa put on her own skirt and let Serena attach the fascinator above where she had bobby-pinned Melissa’s ponytail.

Finally, Serena pulled a pair of lace-up Victorian ankle boots with six-inch heels out of her bag. She looked at them ruefully, complaining, “The things I do for Erik.”

As soon as she got the ankle boots on and laced up, they rushed for the door, as best they could in their heels. At the end of the hall, they slowed down to make their formal entrance into the dining area. Erik was waiting for them, dressed in a black cut-away jacket, black silk breeches, riding boots, white shirt, and black cravat.

He had a gold watch in his hand, dangling from a chain attached to a black silk waistcoat. He looked up at them and announced, “Just on time.”

He waved them over to the table, where he had set out the food that Abigail Grady had brought. It was a collection of tea sandwiches, fruits, and small pastries.

“You two women look lovely. Before you sit down, however, show me your behinds.”

Melissa looked to Serena, who gave her a quick smile of encouragement. Then Serena turned away from Erik, bent over to grasp her ankle with one hand, and pulled her lace skirt away with the other hand. Melissa pivoted smoothly, following Serena and mimicking her pose.

Erik walked behind them, his hand caressing lightly along their paired buttocks. “Very nice. Perfectly striped. Really quite lovely.”

He sighed. “Well then, we’d best eat. There’ll be more… entertainment later.”

As the two women straightened up and walked to the table, Erik lifted a bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice, popped its cork, and poured them all glasses. He held his champagne flute aloft, “To new beginnings.”

Both women joined his toast, echoing, “To new beginnings.”

One sip of the champagne left Melissa lightheaded. She realized she was famished. Between Mistress Amy, the session with Mike, and all the sex, her level of exercise was much higher than normal. To fuel all that, however, she had eaten less than usual. She smiled to herself, thinking she was sure to lose a couple of pounds a week at this pace. It struck her as a fun way to diet.

She was careful, however, not to pile too much food onto her plate. Erik and Serena were only taking small portions. Since they knew what was coming next, it looked as though eating light would be a good idea for her as well.

Erik asked, “So you never really said, how did things go with Mike? What did you learn?”

“Well,” Melissa laughed, “mostly falling down.”

Serena gave her a puzzled look.

“He called it break-falls, which was basically learning how to get thrown to the ground without being hurt. Then he showed me how to roll away from a break-fall and have that roll carry me back up to my feet, hopefully out of reach of whoever had knocked me down. Once I got the hang of it, it was kind of cool, but I’m sore.”

Erik nodded, “Yeah, it gets easier with practice.”

“That’s what Mike said. Sort of like ballet, I guess. Anyway, he also showed me this wrist thing, like when a guy grabs your shirt front, how to take the back of his hand and twist it around, so his wrist is all bent back. It’s pretty amazing, I mean, I could just go ‘zip’ and I had him all twisted up, so he couldn’t move.”

Erik nodded again, “When you have somebody like that, it only takes a few pounds of pressure to break somebody’s wrist.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of scary. Right at the end, Mike showed me how the wrist move can be continued so you can put somebody on the ground. Then you’ve got their shoulder, elbow, and wrist, all at the same time. He said it’d be easy for me to break all three joints, not matter how strong the guy is. And when he showed the move on me, I could believe it. Ouch! We’re going to work on learning that move tomorrow. Plus break-falls. He said we’ll do those every day.”

Erik nodded. “Practicing that stuff over and over again is the only way to make it unconscious. Then you can do it without thinking about it. After I had worked with Mike for a year or so, some drunk guy at a club tried throwing a punch at me. I didn’t even have a chance to think about it. I just blocked his punch, turned his momentum into a hip throw, put him on the ground. When he landed, I had him wrapped up in that arm lock you were talking about. The whole damn thing went by so fast, I didn’t think about what was happening, at least until he started puking all over the floor.” Erik shook his head disgustedly, “He’d been drinking way too much.”

Serena asked, “So then what happened?”

“The monitors threw him out, really fast. I don’t know; they must have put him in a taxi or something. Then the club black-balled him. I haven’t really seen him around. I think he was just a poser. Probably a bully. Those types get nervous as all hell about going to a kink club and use too much liquid courage. It was at Marco’s. They’re not as careful as they should be about the bar.”

Serena snorted. “Tell me about it.”

Melissa gave her a questioning look, so Serena explained, “Kink, and BDSM in particular, can get pretty intense. Everyone really needs to be aware, have a careful sense of where everyone else is at, so it all stays safe. If someone’s drunk, or drugging, or even just had an off day, they can be dangerous. Everyone’s got to have their head in the game.”

Erik continued, “Most clubs have a two drink limit. The bartenders aren’t supposed to serve you anything but soda if they think that you’ve already been drinking, or drugging. There’s also monitors who walk around, keeping an eye on things, making sure that people don’t get out of line. Everyone wants to keep it safe, but Marco has a reputation for playing it a little looser. I don’t go there much.”

Serena agreed, “I only go there if I’m with a guy I really trust. Marco lets too many wannabes and freaks in. Sometimes, you know, Marco can have an edgy, cool sort of vibe, but most of the time, I’d rather be somewhere that really gets, ‘safe, sane, consensual.’”

Erik nodded his agreement.

Melissa said hesitantly, “So, I saw the ‘safe, sane, consensual’ thing on the web…” Serena made a face at her.

Melissa retorted, “Yeah, well this is all kind of new for me. I spent some time last weekend, on the Internet, trying to figure out what the hell I might be getting myself into.”

Serena shrugged an apology.

Melissa continued, “So anyway, is this ‘safe, sane, consensual’ thing real?”

Erik gave a wave to Serena, inviting her to respond. She said, “Hell yes. I won’t touch anybody who doesn’t sign up to being safe, sane, and consensual. And everyone I know feels the same way. That’s what makes the kink world different from the creeps. I mean, it’s like the difference between a client who’s got a youth fetish and wants me to dress up like a teenager, versus some sick bastard who rapes children. My client is a responsible adult with a kinky fantasy. The sick bastard is a criminal who should be thrown in jail for the rest of his fucking life. They’re just stupid fucking psychopaths who don’t give a shit about anyone else.”

Erik said, “Gosh Serena, don’t try to hold back so much. You should tell us how you really feel.”

Serena growled back at him.

Erik grimaced and turned to Melissa. “The thing is, I agree. One hundred percent. Serena’s right – it’s about fundamentally respecting other people. Even earlier, here in the kitchen, I know that whipping you like that might have looked non-consensual to an outside observer. The truth is, though, you both have safe words. And, of course, I also happen to know that both of you actually really like being spanked. On the other hand, though, I was guilty of deliberately upping the intensity faster than I let your endorphins kick in. I purposefully made it feel more like pain than pleasure. Now some of that was to remind you who is the Master around here. But that’s not nearly reason enough. That doesn’t make it ‘okay.’ It was only ‘safe, sane, consensual’ because I know you’re both aroused by submitting. There’s something fundamentally arousing to both of you when you make yourself the instrument of someone else’s pleasure. Plus, I was also pretty sure I was only whipping you inside your limits. More than that, I trusted you to tell me if it wasn’t, just like you trusted me to stop if you used your safe word.”

Serena smiled, “Glad to know it had nothing to do with how much you like whipping a girl.”

Erik laughed. “Oh, I very much enjoy whipping you. Both of you. I love to see you bent over, the perfect rounds of your buttocks quivering as I whip them.”

Melissa cursed herself for the instant clench of anticipation she felt between her legs, reacting to the matter-of-fact way that he spoke about her enjoyment of submission and whipping. Part of her still wanted to deny it, although the wet spot she was certain that she had just created on the seat cushion provided solid evidence about how her feelings truly ran.

Serena complained, “I looked when we got dressed. You left nicer stripes on her than me.”

Erik replied with a cruel smile, “Well then, we’ll have to work on that, won’t we?”

Serena ducked her head, smiling, “Yes Master.”

Erik looked over to the kitchen clock. “Speaking of which, we should be getting down to the patio.” He stood up and took both women on his arms. Then he led them down the steps to the lower level and through the sliding glass doors to the patio.

The sun was low in the sky and the day had cooled somewhat, but the air was still warm against Melissa’s naked skin. Her thigh-high boots were strange to walk in, especially on the stairs. They came so high that her knees didn’t flex easily. The boots reminded her of a pair of skinny jeans she had from teenage years that she didn’t wear anymore. The jeans didn’t have any spandex, just denim. Unfortunately, those jeans had gotten so tight in the last couple of years that it was hard to walk. At least, the leather boots were soft enough that she could walk somewhat naturally. It also helped that she had gotten more used to moving somewhat gracefully in high heels.

Looking around, she still marveled at how easily she accepted walking outside naked, wearing only thigh-high boots, a hat, and the back half of a skirt. She was also completely unsurprised to discover her labia were wet enough to be smoothly sliding past each other as she walked. Heightened arousal seemed to be her standard state with Erik.

“Oh good,” Erik commented, “We’re all set up.”

Melissa followed his gaze and saw a black horse cart out on the grass. It was small and lightweight, like the carts used in harness racing.

Serena cooed, “Oh, such a pretty sulky.” She walked over the patio wall. From a collection of items that were laid out on the wall, she picked up a long, flexible, black shaft with a floppy black leather tail on the far end. “And a whip! What a surprise. But where’s the pony?” She turned to face Erik and pouted, “A girl’s got to have a pony.”

Erik gave out a loud whistle. Around the curve of the hill, a nearly naked man appeared, trotting in a peculiar gait. Melissa realized he was Joseph, from the saddle shop. He wore a black leather harness, along with head gear that had a cross piece in his mouth. There were black leather squares on either side of his face near his eyes, and black folds of leather sticking up on both sides of his head. He wore shoes that were almost high heels, except the base was large and heavy, and there was no heel.

Suddenly, Melissa realized that he was dressed to mimic a horse, which also helped explain his odd trotting gait. She had to stifle her natural reaction to laugh at such an odd appearance. Erik and Serena seemed to be treating his appearance very respectfully. After watching a while longer, she had to admit that, despite the odd costume, he was still both gorgeous and graceful.

Erik quietly told Melissa, “I noticed you seemed somewhat taken with him today. Master Drexler let me borrow him, so you could have your own little pony to train.”

Melissa wasn’t sure what reply to make, so she simply said, “Thank you.”

Serena set down the whip and wandered over toward the sulky. Joseph trotted up to her and stopped. As he stopped, he turned to face Serena, showing Melissa his back. She could see that his arms were bound across his back, and a dark horsetail seemed to rise up from the top of his buttocks and cascade towards the ground.

Serena reached out to stroke him, as though he actually were an animal, saying, “Nice pony. You’re such a pretty boy. Nice pony.”

Joseph shied away a little bit, appearing to be afraid. Then he stomped his hoof-shoe down in her direction and snorted.

Serena looked over to Erik and Melissa. “He’s not quite broken to the saddle yet. I think he needs more training.”

Erik nodded thoughtfully, leading Melissa on his arm over to the wall. He picked up a short riding crop and attached it to a clip that she hadn’t noticed was part of her skirt’s waist hoop. Then he picked up the longer whip, along with what looked like a very long black leather leash. Responding to Serena, he said, “Well, he’s her pony. She’ll have to learn how to train him.” He gave the long whip and leash to Melissa, telling her, “Go on over to Serena. She’ll show you what to do.”

Melissa smiled uncertainly in response. She walked out to meet Serena, crossing the grass as best she could in her heels.

Serena was giving Joseph a disapproving look. She said to Melissa, “Clip the lead onto his bridle, but be careful, he’s a bit untrained yet.”

Melissa looked at the equipment in her hands and then back up at Serena, puzzled.

Serena said, “Here, give me the whip.” Melissa complied. Then Serena said, “Now clip the lead onto the bridle ring alongside his cheek.” Serena pointed at Joseph’s head gear, and Melissa could see where the leather straps were joined together with a metal ring alongside his cheek.

Serena saw Melissa hesitating, so she added, “You have to be confident and assertive. Never let a pony see indecision.”

“Okay…” Melissa took the clip on the end of the lead in her free hand and walked over to Joseph. He backed up. When she stepped closer, he stomped at her.

Melissa turned back to Serena, not sure how to continue. In the distance, she saw Erik sitting on an Adirondack chair on the patio, looking very amused.

Serena dropped the whip to the ground and said, “Here, let me help you. I’ll take the lead. Get your crop out, but don’t let him see it.”

Melissa knew Joseph could hear what Serena was saying, even if Serena was pretending he couldn’t. Melissa decided to give up on seeing what was going on from an external perspective. It was too confusing. Instead, she decided to play along with whatever the scene was supposed to be. She handed the lead to Serena and turned sideways to unclip the crop from her waist, holding it alongside her leg. Then she nodded her readiness to Serena.

The two women separated slightly and approached the pony/boy from either side. Joseph whinnied nervously and backed away. Without warning, Serena’s hand suddenly shot out, grabbing him by his bridle. She quickly snapped on the lead. Joseph’s eyes flew open wide. He jerked backward, snorting loudly.

Serena called out, “Hit him!”

Melissa, startled by the commotion, tried hard to stay in character. She swung the crop stiff-armed, and it bounced ineffectually off of his leg. Joseph turned and stomped at her, making her shrink backward.

“Hit him harder! Or he’ll charge you!”

Joseph’s nostrils flared, and he flung his head up as he stepped toward her. She swung again, this time with both fear and determination. The flat paddle at the end of the crop made a sharp “crack” sound against the side of his abdomen. He flinched away, stepping to the side before coming at her again.

“Hit him on the rear quarter. Keep on hitting him until he backs down!”

Growing determined, Melissa followed Serena’s instructions with increasing willingness, raining blows upon Joseph’s butt and upper thighs until he stopped charging her. They were both breathing heavily as Joseph finally hung his head in submission, turning partially away from her and standing still, trembling softly.

“Good, now pet him and tell him what a nice pony he is.”

Melissa felt awkward approaching Joseph in this weird role playing, especially after whipping him so vigorously. She pushed down her anxiety and followed Serena’s instructions. Petting his shoulder and bicep, she softly repeated, “Good pony. You’re a good little pony.”

Joseph’s breathing quietened. He turned his head to nuzzle her. In her boots, Melissa was a little taller than him. His head rubbed against her cheek.

Serena said softly, “Okay, let’s take a time out from the scene and check in on how you’re both doing. Joseph?”

He replied enthusiastically, “I’m doing great. That was a lot of fun. I love being a naughty pony. Melissa was awesome.”

Written by brentaden
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