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Dogging Part Four - Maria Has An Initiation With Nicky

"Maria wants to join the group and has to prove herself and passes with flying colours"

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Author's Notes

"This is Part Four. Maria wants to come to the BBQ but has to prove herself first. She and Nicky spend an evening in the back of a van. Maria lets everyone fuck her and Nicky cleans up all the cocks, and Maria too. <p> [ADVERT] </p>this is turning more into swinging and away from dogging."

I didn’t see Nicky on Sunday, she spent it at home and with her friend Maria. We spoke in the evening on the phone and Nicky asked if Maria could come with us to Mike’s BBQ next week. I said I didn’t know, but that I would phone him and ask.

I made sure no one was around at home and called Mike’s number, a woman answered, “Hello, can I help you?”

“Hello, this is John, is Mike there?” I felt so nervous.

“John?” I heard the question in her voice and almost hung up, perhaps she had no idea what we had been up to the day before.

“Yes, John, it’s John and Nicky.”

“Ohh, yes, I know now, you all went to Freddy’s yesterday. Nice to speak to you, I’m Maggie, hold on I’ll get him.” I heard a muffled call and a minute later Mike came onto the line.

“Hi John, is anything up?”

“No nothing’s wrong, but Nicky asked if she could bring a friend of hers along on Sunday. Her name is Maria, she is gorgeous, and probably Nicky’s best friend.”

Mike said he wasn’t sure it would be a good idea, and explained that although we had only met a couple of times, they knew Nicky was definitely happy to join in sexually. He also said that as they had watched us a few times, he knew I was really into pussy licking and also not the jealous type at all. He said it would be risky inviting someone along who might get upset or really freak out if anything happened.

Mike went on to explain that if all went well on Sunday and the group agreed, it could turn into an initiation to join the group. I realised that Maria being there could put a stop to anything like that. I agreed that I’d speak to Nicky and explain why she could not come.

“If this Maria is as open-minded as Nicky, perhaps we should arrange a meeting. Maybe the cinema or by the woods in the park, and see if she would be suitable.”

I agreed it would be a good idea, secretly really hoping I’d be there to watch or join in. I also told him the little I knew about her dating some of the band members. I could not remember the band’s name. Describing them and their music Mike thought he knew whom I meant. Mike also said he still didn’t think we should bring her along. I said thanks and hung up.


Monday evening I went round to Nicky’s and we sat in her bedroom chatting, we would have gone out but Nicky dropped a bit of a bombshell just after I arrived.

“I told Maria about Saturday night.”

“What do you mean, about Saturday night?”

“We were just talking, and she started telling me about the band. She was sort of boasting about how many people she had slept with. At the same time, she was moaning that the band members are just using her. But she did say that she is just using them for sex anyway.”

“Yes, but Mike said not to talk to people about it, don’t you remember?”

“I remember, but you had to be here to see what I mean. She told me she likes the sex, but wishes it didn’t always have to be in the back of their mucky van.”

“She wondered how we even do anything in your car. I said she wouldn’t believe what I had done in it. Then she was teasing and goading me and asking for details, which I would not give. Then Maria said nothing I said would be as naughty as she could tell. It turned into a sort of dare, slowly telling truths. Maria has slept with well over twenty men. I didn’t believe her, but she listed them and I think it’s true.”

“Yes, but what would make you tell her about Saturday?”

“I always thought she had gone out with, or been sleeping with, one band member at a time. No, it turns out she has slept with all of them apart from the drummer. When they are in that van, she lets them all fuck her. Even if one takes a different girl in. Maria said she still likes to be fucked by them all, or she lets any of them take turns.”

“That’s when I told her about Saturday and me in bed with the three men. That’s when she asked if she could come with us on Sunday.”

“I asked Mike, I called him, and he didn’t think it would be a good idea. He said that for us to meet the group is different. Some of them know we are genuine and have proven ourselves, well you have proven yourself to be happy to join in. He said your friend might be pretty, but also might clam up, or get shy, or just start talking about the group.”

Nicky looked a little sad. I wondered if she had already invited Maria or let her think it would be OK.

“Mike did suggest we could arrange to meet him and some of his friends with Maria and see if they get along. Maybe another cinema trip or they might meet in the parking place one evening.”

I was starting to like the idea of taking Maria parking, she was gorgeous, and I can’t deny it. I had always found her a little cold and never chatty the few times we had met. I struggled to think of her sleeping with one band member, let alone more than one. Perhaps I was prejudiced by her looks, her slightly posh accent, and her general manner. But the idea of being there to see her stripping down and having sex was turning me on.

“I’m not sure the parking would work, not in your car. Maria told me she isn’t into missionary sex, and that she prefers doggy style. She told me a few other things I don’t think I should tell you.”

“if the weather is good, she could always get down behind the car. Don’t forget Mike has that big Range Rover.”

We heard someone clumping up the stairs and quickly changed the subject. Moments later the bedroom door swung open, and in walked Maria.

“Not interrupting anything? Your Mum said it would be OK to just come up.”

“Not with you clumping up the stairs like that, no,” Nicky answered.

“Hi John, did you ask your friend if I can come along on Sunday?”

Straight to the point I thought, no ‘hello, and how are you’ chat as usual. I told Maria what I had just said to Nicky. That we could not take her until some of the group had got to know her a little. To know she is genuine and will fit in. I said I was sorry and that I did try. But that maybe meeting them one evening might change their mind in time.

“I can do Wednesday or Thursday evening, but not too late, and not in your micro car.” Maria had flopped down onto the bed. She looked like a posh, clean hippy. She wore tight jeans ending in flares, a tie-die tee shirt, and long hair. She chatted with Nicky, and suddenly I felt like a spare part.

“I’ll call and see if I can set something up. Perhaps I’ll head off and leave you two to chat.” I stood up off the floor, and Nicky followed me downstairs.

“I hope she can come, she was really keen. But don’t go getting ideas about her. I don’t want to find out you start anything with her.”

Nicky seemed quite set that I should leave Maria alone. We had a decent snog and I slipped my hand down inside the front of her jeans, into her knickers. Fifteen minutes later I started the car and drove away licking my very wet fingers. It was pretty early so I resolved to call Mike as soon as I could. I stopped at a public call box and dialled his number.

“Hello, can I help you?” It sounded like Maggie, it definitely was not Mike.

“This is John, John, and Nicky, we spoke the other day, is Mike there please?”

“Hello, John, nice to speak to you, hold on, yes he is just here.”

Mike came on the phone and I said I had told Nicky and Maria that Maria could not come without first sort of proving herself. I told him Maria said she could meet Wednesday or Thursday evening, but not too late. I also said she was not keen to meet in my car as I had found out from Nicky that she likes it ‘doggy style.’ Finally, I also told him what Nicky had said about her generally letting anyone have sex with her in the band van.

Mike was quiet for a few seconds, I thought I could hear him talking to someone else. When he came back on the phone he said Wednesday might work. He said he was not keen to bring her to his own house. He could not say if we could go to Freddy’s without speaking to him. He said the parking place would be good. He thought we would have to meet them there in my car to start and that a van there draws too much attention.

Mike ended by agreeing to try for Wednesday and that he would leave a message at home for me. He said he would be discrete so my parents would not worry. He also said it would be less about Maria proving she liked to fuck, and more about her as a person fitting in with the group. At that point, I thought it will likely all fall apart if Maria is her usual offish and cold self.

I hung up and carried on home, hoping for a call tomorrow to arrange things.


I got home from work Tuesday to find Mum had taken a message from someone asking about my car. That they would like to take it for a test Wednesday evening and to call back when I get a chance. Mum gave me the note with a phone number scribbled on it. “Are you selling your car?” She asked. I told her no, but it was someone who was thinking about getting one and wanted to know how they drove.

I waited until she was well out of earshot and called Mike. He told me that a few of the group had agreed to meet at the usual parking place tomorrow evening. That someone would bring a big van or estate car, with lots of room inside. He also said I could bring Nicky as well if she wanted to come. He said they would mostly just be interested in Mary. I corrected him that it is Maria. We agreed to meet by 8 PM. Mike also said as it will still be light we would drive somewhere quieter as there are still families about that time in the summer.

I called Nicky and asked her to call Maria and tell her to be ready by 7:30 PM. I also told her about the big car and driving somewhere quieter. I also said she could go too, I think that cheered Nicky up.


Wednesday evening I drove and collected Nicky. She came out in her usual Jeans and tee shirt. Maria came out with her. She wearing another of her tie-dye tee shirts and a soft flowy skirt down past her knees. Her hair was all loose and blew in the breeze. She had a small bag over her shoulder. I’d started to really fancy Maria. I made a point to not look as she clambered in behind the seats. Trying not to catch a sneaky look up her skirt. I kissed Nicky hello as she got into the front.

“There really is no room in this car, it is quite shocking how cramped it is.” Maria fussed as she got herself as comfortable as possible for the drive. “Next year when I can drive, I’m going to get a campervan. They have lots of space, and you can take off and just go anywhere.”

I didn’t doubt she would get one, I think her Dad is pretty loaded. I could imagine her on an endless road trip calling home for money every now and then. We drove to the parking place in the park and were there a little early and it looked busy. I parked next to the woods, but away from other cars. About ten minutes later two cars arrived together and parked next to us. There was a Jaguar, probably the one I had seen before. Mike’s Range Rover led the way.

I got out and said ‘hi’ to Mike, and waved for Nicky to let Maria out so I could introduce her. They both climbed out by which time a small group had gathered. I saw Freddy and another four guys I did not recognise. I introduced Nicky and Maria and Mike ran through a list of names. Maria was different, none of her normal cold self. Maria was friendly, charming even, and smiled at everyone she spoke to.

Mike asked if Maria wanted to ride with them, and she agreed straight away. I knew how that ride would go. One of the guys I didn’t know asked Nicky if she wanted to ride with him in the other car. She looked at me, and I said it was up to her. She followed him to the Jaguar, as Maria was led into the Range Rover. Mike said where we were all headed, a woodland a few miles out of town. Mike said the big estate car would meet us there.

Before we set off the driver got out of the Jaguar came back over and spoke to Mike. I heard him say that he knows Maria’s parents. He said he did business with her father and that he had seen her a few times in passing. Mike asked if he still wanted to come along, the man said he didn’t think Maria would recognise him, and yes he still wanted in. We set off in a convoy, I wondered what Nicky and Maria were doing as we drove along. I also wondered if there was any point in my being there.

We arrived at the woods and turned down a track that twisted through the trees before opening into a decent-sized clearing. The cars fanned out and parked. The big estate car, really a van with windows, was already there. It was parked slightly away with its rear facing into the woods.

Nicky got out of the Jaguar after we had been parked for a little while. She was dressed, but I saw she had her bra folded in her hand. I could also see the top of her jeans was undone. Nicky did not attempt to hide it or fasten her jeans. The Range Rover was the last to open its doors. Mike got out of the front, and Freddy and one other man got out of the back seat. Freddy held Maria’s hand to help her out. Maria looked exactly the same as she had when she got into the car.

The driver of the van opened the rear door that opened fully upwards. It revealed a big space properly carpeted like a car. It looked quite comfortable. Freddy led Maria to the open rear of the estate and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Maria smiled at the group of men who were gathered and nodded enthusiastically.

The man who had been in the back of the Range Rover with her and Freddy stood next to me and lifted his fingers to my nose. “Your girlfriend is a right-goer.” I inhaled deeply, her scent filled my senses.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I managed to say. I wanted to lick his fingers but just about controlled myself. “My girlfriend is over there, by the Jaguar.” As I said it, I watched someone step behind Nicky and push both hands up inside her top before continuing to walk past. No doubt he briefly grabbed at her tits.

Nicky walked across to join me, “I want you to lick me, in the estate. I want to show Maria she’s not the only one who knows how to have fun.” Nicky pulled my hand and led me past Maria. She turned and sat into the estate and pulled her jeans and knickers down and off. Inside the van, the driver was laying out a large blanket over the floor. Nicky stood and let him push it under her. There were also a couple of small but bright lights inside the van.

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Nicky lay back and opened her legs. I had never seen her so turned on so quickly, I wondered what had gone on in the jaguar to get her like this. I knelt on the grass and began licking Nicky, her pussy was already soaking. She held my head and began moaning and encouraging me from the start. I slowed myself down, not wanting to let her cum too fast. I knew from experience, delaying her orgasm when she was so turned on would lead to an explosion. All her morals and control would be totally abandoned.

Beside me I could just make out Maria standing watching us, still fully dressed. I wondered if Maria was about to chicken out for some reason. It made me even more determined to really show Nicky off. I brought my hand up and began thrusting two fingers in and out of Nicky’s pussy as I sped up my licking of her clit. Nicky began to shudder and pulled my head even tighter. For a second I wondered if it was possible to drown in a pussy. Seconds later Nicky’s orgasm ripped through her. She shook uncontrollably, it felt like she was pissing pussy juice. Then just as suddenly she pushed me away, unable to take any more attention to her clit.

Nicky lay back, her legs and body twitching and shuddering as the aftershocks of the orgasm ran through her. I sat back and looked across at Maria. She had been staring at us the whole time. All the men stood a little further back watching.

“It’s your turn if you want to.” I heard Freddy say as he stepped forward. Maria was standing with her side to him. I watched him lift one hand up to grab a tit through her tee shirt, and his other hand grabbed and held her bum. It seemed to jolt Maria, as if out of a trance. She turned her head to kiss him and then hopped out of his grasp up into the van.

Maria took the little bag off of her shoulder and dropped it beside her. She took hold of the bottom of her tee shirt and lifted it slowly up and over her head. A few men wolf-whistled, she was braless, which I had not noticed before. Her tits were smaller than Nicky’s and were the firmest I had ever seen. She undid a fastening at the side of her skirt, slid down a short zip and just let go. The skirt fell to the floor. Maria had no knickers on, we could all see a small trimmed patch of pubes. She looked truly stunning.

Maria kicked the skirt and tee shirt to one side and knelt down facing her arse towards the watching men. I saw her take a small bottle out of her bag and waggled her bum. “Come on, who’s first?” she said.

I wanted to be first but knew Nicky would get mad if I took any turn. She had warned me off before. I stood up and backed away to watch, my cock painfully hard in my jeans. Freddy stepped up into the rear of the van. He undid his jeans and knelt down behind her. With a few strokes of his cock he brought it to fully hard and rubbed the tip up and down Maria’s bum and pussy. Freddy positioned himself and in one slow push fully entered her pussy. He began a slow rhythm in and out, long strokes.

Freddy took hold of her hips, they looked so small in his hands. Maria’s tits didn’t wobble at all as her body was pulled to meet his thrusts.

“Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard,” Maria found her voice and began to urge him on. Behind her Freddy sped up, harder and faster, his body slamming into her. Maria lowered her head onto her forearms and kept on urging him to go faster. I had not timed it, but within five minutes Freddy was really going for it. Then he slowed and took a few really deep, long slow thrusts. The last of which he held while his body tensed as he filled Maria’s pussy with his cum.

Freddy said something to Nicky as he held himself inside Maria. Nicky sat up with her legs dangling out of the rear of the van. Freddy pulled his cock slowly out of Maria and shuffled across on his knees to offer it to Nicky. I watched her open her mouth and greedily suck and lick it clean of his cum mixed with Maria’s pussy. Another man took Freddy’s place behind Maria. He stepped into the van with his cock already out and hard, longer than Freddy’s but not as thick.

For the next fifteen or twenty minutes the scene in front of me repeated in much the same way. The next guy would shuffle up behind Maria and fuck her hard and fast. Maria never even looked back to see who was using her. As each guy finished he would shuffle across and Nicky would suck his cock clean. After two or three guys, Nicky pulled her top up over her head to show her boobs. She told me afterwards it was to stop getting cum over it.

From where I stood I could see cum running down Maria’s legs. When each guy pulled out her pussy was a white foamy mess. The next guy to step up to fuck her had the smallest cock so far. It was about six inches long but thin like a long thumb. He slipped inside so easily and held onto the sides of her legs tightly, trying to push them together as he began fucking. He slid his hands up, pressing her bum cheeks together, then pulling them apart.

He reached down under Maria with one hand. It looked like he was playing with her clit, but there was no reaction from Maria. He brought his hand up again and traced a finger up and down the crack of her arse. His finger took shorter and shorter journeys until it centred on her little rosebud. He rubbed it to and fro across the tight opening, all the while maintaining his fucking.

I watched in amazement as he slowly pushed the tip of his finger inside up to the first knuckle. I found myself leaning forward and staring, I’d never tried anything like that. I was expecting Maria to shout and stop him but she didn’t do anything, except perhaps angle her bum up towards him. He pulled his finger back a little and then slowly in, up to the second knuckle. Again no reaction. He pulled the finger fully out and ran it along under her pussy, coating it with cum and pussy juice again. He brought it back to her bum and pressed it in as far as it would go.

Maria was resting on her shoulders on the floor. She brought her hands around and pulled her own bum cheeks as far apart as she could. She didn’t say anything. He drew his cock slowly back out of her pussy at the same time as he pulled his finger out. He gripped his cock, adjusted his aim, and slowly slid his cum and pussy soaked cock inside Maria’s bum. He held still for a few seconds and began to fuck much slower than before.

By now darkness had fallen. The inside of the van was well-lit. A circle of men stood watching, and I stood with them. Behind us, the woods were totally dark. Nicky had finished sucking the last man and turned herself to watch Maria. I guessed she was not going to be sucking his cock.

The man fucking Maria began to speed up, he held her hips tight. I think he lasted the shortest time of all so far. No sooner had he built to a decent speed than he just stopped and held himself tight inside her. He kept still for the longest time before very slowly pulling out. We all leaned forward to get a better view. We watched a river of cum run out of her arse, down over her pussy, and run off onto the rug.

He shuffled across to Nicky who was facing him. His slimy, still-hard, cock bobbed in front of him. I knew she would refuse and waited to see what she would do. I was not expecting her to just open her mouth and let him push as deep into it as he could. I was stunned that Nicky would do that, knowing his cock had just come out of Maria’s arse. Nicky was full of surprises when in these group situations, and to be honest she turned me on more and more.

I heard more than one man mutter approval as she began to suck. Maria had stopped holding her bum cheeks open. The man who had said he knew her stepped toward the van. He looked older than most, more like Freddy’s age. He had his cock out in his hand, which also reminded me of Freddy, thicker than most and fairly long too. Maria pushed the little bottle she got from her bag down next to her knees.

The man stepped up behind Maria and paused for a short while staring at her bum and pussy. No doubt wondering what her parents would think if they knew what he was about to do. I watched him slowly guide his fat cock to the entrance to her pussy and stop with just the tip inside. Maria wiggled her bum as if to encourage him, and he pushed slowly, and fully, into her. He soon settled into a fairly fast fuck. All the while his hands roamed around her legs, back, and bum.

I watched him playing his finger across her arse. It seemed he was building up the courage to follow the previous man’s example. He dipped his index finger in and out a few times. As he did so Maria reached a hand back and lifted the little bottle up towards him. He took it from her and pulled his cock back out of her pussy. Frothy cum ran down her legs. He poured a clear liquid from the bottle along his cock and slid his hand up and down a couple of times.

Maria reached back and pulled her bum cheeks apart again and I watched him press his fat cock against her little opening. She spread her cheeks as far as she could, her skin white where her fingers gripped. He pressed firmly against her, and slowly his cock disappeared inside. It looked like a really tight fit. Maria released her grip and he took hold of her hips and began to fuck her arse really slowly. Within maybe twenty strokes or a minute perhaps, his whole body began to shake and he held himself deep inside her.

He slowly withdrew, her arse almost seemed to be holding on to his cock. As soon as he was free he turned to Nicky who grabbed his cock and immediately began to lick and suck him clean. Cum ran down from Maria’s gorgeous bum, and everyone stood and stared. Mike was the only person who had not taken a turn with Maria. I thought he would have been one of the first. A few of the men were idly stroking their cocks, many already hard again.

“Do you think she can join your group?” I sidled over and asked Mike.

“She’s as pretty as you said, and as open to fun too. Looks like she gets on with your Nicky very well. I reckon the guys would all vote yes but that leaves the girls out. Let’s see if they will play together to seal the deal so to speak.” Mike walked over to the back of the van and spoke to Nicky and Maria. I could not hear what he said, but Nicky told me later.

He said everyone was impressed, but that the group included wives and girlfriends who did not want to be left out. He said some of them like to swing both ways and how would they feel about that? Nicky said Maria had said she was fine, straight away, and nudged her to also say yes. Nicky said she had never done anything like that before. Nicky said Mike asked them to prove they would be OK and guarantee to be able to join.

Nicky told me that as Mike backed away that Maria sort of took charge. She got her to lay on her back and to shuffle into the van a little way.

I could not hear what Mike had said, and after a minute or so watched him take a few steps back from the van. Maria spoke to Nicky a couple of times as he left them. Then Nicky shuffled back into the van and lay on her back. Maria turned around, kneeling beside Nicky. It looked like half of a sixty-nine, with her face close to Nicky’s pussy. Maria dipped her head down and began licking and kissing her.

Nicky didn’t react at all to start with, though she spread her legs as Maria pushed them apart. It didn’t take long for Maria to start to get a reaction from Nicky. I could see her legs twitching and knew that meant Nicky was enjoying the attention. It looked like Maria had done this before, considering how fast she had seemingly gotten Nicky to the edge of orgasm.

Maria began to slow down her attention, the fast and eager licking turning slower. She was teasing Nicky rather than driving her on. Maria lifted her face clear a couple of times and said something to Nicky. A minute or so later Nicky lifted her arm up and pulled Maria across towards her. Maria lifted the nearest leg and swung it clear across Nicky, into the classic sixty-nine position.

Maria was still kneeling high above Nicky’s face. She waited until Nicky raised both her hands and pulled her down. It took a minute or two I assume until Nicky made contact or started to touch and Lick Maria’s well-used pussy. When she did Maria lifted her head and encouraged her. Maria went back to licking Nicky faster than before. Driving her on again and rewarding her for the attention.

I wished that the girls had lain the other way around, with Maria’s pussy to the rear for us to watch. I so wanted to see what Nicky was doing and wondered how much more cum had run out for her to clean up. The scene lasted for about five minutes. About two minutes in Nicky came. As she did Maria sat up, grinding her pussy onto Nicky’s face for the rest of the time. I did wonder how Nicky could breathe as Maria had sat upright on her face. I do not think Maria came, but perhaps she did it quieter than Nicky.

“Show’s over lads, come on, let them get dressed and go home. I told you it would not be a late one tonight.” Mike stepped forward and pulled the rear ‘door’ of the van down. Around me, men put away cocks and grumbled to themselves. Mike came over with Freddy. “They are a great couple of girls. You’ll all be welcome to join us, and we can make sure you get some action next time too,” Mike said.

The rear door of the van pushed open and Nicky and Maria climbed out. Both dressed. Mike thanked them both and asked if either of them wanted a lift home. I was surprised when Maria declined, and happy that Nicky declined. We made our way in the darkness back to my car and all squeezed in. About ten minutes into the drive Maria spoke.

“What number did you take? Did you enjoy it?”

I told her I’d not joined in but did say she put on a great show. Nicky dug me in the ribs. I said they had both put on a good show and got another dig in the ribs. The rest of the drive was in an awkward silence. As we dropped Maria off Nicky also got out and said she would go in with her, and see me later. I drove away and wished I could be a fly on the wall to hear their conversation.

Written by john456berry
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