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High School: Sophomore Cheerleaders

"Two best friends get great presents"

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Legendary Story
** This story is completely fictional. Please Enjoy!

Rebecca could see up her skirt as she held Amy high above her head.

“Nice ass, Amy.” That got a few chuckles from her fellow cheerleaders and a blushing face from her best friend.

Rebecca and the other cheerleader holding Amy up released her feet and caught her as she twirled into their arms. Amy gave a death stare to Rebecca once she got back onto her feet. Rebecca just smiled back and laughed. She always enjoyed teasing Amy since she knew that she was so shy in public. The only things that could get her out of her shell were alcohol and Rebecca. You wouldn’t have much luck trying to hold a conversation with the 16 year old girl without beer or her best friend.

Amy and Rebecca were both entering their sophomore year of high school in Holyoke , Colorado . Amy had already turned 16 in the summer and Rebecca’s birthday was coming up soon. They had been best friends since day care. They shared everything and were rarely apart. They also happened to be polar opposites. Amy was a thin lean girl at 5’4”. She had long blonde hair that went down to the small of her back. She was very attractive and had assets that matched her physique. Possessing a set of small but perky and firm breasts and a tight round ass made her a very cute girl.

Rebecca was much different. She had natural auburn hair that ended at her shoulders. Standing at 5 feet tall she was the shortest girl on the squad. Rebecca had acquired tremendous curves over the last couple of years. Her chest and hips filled out to the perfect size. Her breasts were approaching a DD and her butt filled out jeans nicely. Not having the natural beauty that Amy had was cancelled out by her curvaceous figure that any girl would die for. Rebecca also gained an outgoing confidence with the development of her body and could be the loudest and most adventurous girl at any time.

It was Thursday night which meant the last night before the first big football game of the year. Everyone in the town would be at the game. Rebecca and Amy had made a small mark of history as being the first sophomores to ever be promoted to the varsity cheerleading squad. Amy was a brilliant gymnast and Rebecca was strong and a great dancer, but it was the fact that 2 of the girls had gotten kicked off the team for flashing the soccer players during their practice that put them in their current position.

Amy was nervous for the night, which wasn’t unusual. Rebecca was hoping the day could come quicker so she could bask in the limelight of having the whole town (especially the upperclassmen guys) watching her.

The next night the whole town was buzzing with excitement. They were playing Amherst, their local rivals. It was going to be an easy game for them because Amherst ’s two best players were out injured. When the game began, Rebecca and Amy knew they weren’t the center of attention, but they did enjoy quite a few looks because the Holyoke cheerleaders had a reputation as being a very attractive squad. At halftime, they performed their first routine. Some provocative dance moves from Rebecca got the guys whistling and Amy’s midair flips had everyone in amazement. The routine went by perfectly and all the cheerleaders were ecstatic. The rest of the game went by fairly quickly with Holyoke wining 28-3. Everyone was in a good mood and as they were leaving the game, Amy got some winks from a few guys and Rebecca received some pieces of paper with guys’ numbers scribbled onto them.

The game was a huge success and the two girls received lots of attention the next few weeks. They were stared at by guys and girls alike whether in lust or jealousy. However, the biggest event of their sophomore year happened on Rebecca’s birthday.

“So what do you want to do for your birthday?” asked Amy.

“I’m not sure; I was thinking just having you and a couple of the squad over for a sleepover.”

“That sounds fun!” replied Amy excitedly

“You know what sounds more fun…” Both girls turned around to see Rebecca’s older sister, Grace the cheerleading captain, standing in the doorway.

“Hi Grace!” Amy said.

“Hi Amy,” Grace smiled back “I was thinking we use your birthday as an excuse to throw a big party. My friend Paige’s parents are gone for the week and she has a huge house that’s just ready to host a birthday bash, what do you say?”

“Of course! That sounds awesome Grace!” Rebecca was always one for parties and loved to mingle with others.

“I kind of liked the sleepover idea…” Amy said quietly.

“Don’t worry Amy, I won’t leave your side the entire night!” assured Rebecca.

This relieved Amy, she was never one for big parties, but if Rebecca was with her she would enjoy herself.

“I’ll have a birthday present for you Rebecca; it’ll be a good one. You can share the present with Amy,” said Grace with a sly grin.

Both of the girls were extremely excited. This was going to be their first big high school party. As freshman they never expected to be invited to any because they were new and uncool. Grace told them that over 100 people were coming to Rebecca’s birthday party and that a lot of those happened to be some very cute guys.

The night of the party, Rebecca and Amy were deciding over what to wear. Neither of them knew how they should present themselves in their first big night out. Rebecca chose a tight green top that accentuated her breasts and some leggings. She was really in the mood to show off her natural gifts. Amy decided to wear a dark blue dress that hugged her body and came down into a short skirt. Both girls looked stunning. After carefully brushing on some makeup they headed downstairs and Grace drove them over to the party.

When they got to Paige’s house, they could already tell that the party was in full swing. Cars were parked on the lawn, they could hear the bass thumping on the inside of the house, and a group of guys were hauling kegs of beer into the garage. They walked into the house and instantly, Grace (who is also very loud like her sister) shouted above the music and everyone’s chatter, “The birthday girl and her best friend are here!”

Loud cheers went up everywhere. Girls from the cheerleading squad came up and hugged Rebecca, wishing her a happy 16 th birthday party. Some guys kissed her on the cheek and also gave them their wishes. Lastly, Grace came up with two beers and handed one to each girl. “Time to get this party started,” she said smiling.

Everyone was having a great time. There was dancing, drinking, and make out sessions all around. It had been 3 hours into the party now and both Rebecca and Amy were enjoying themselves. Amy had come out of her shell with a few beers and some urging from her best friend. They both danced with some senior guys that were on the football team. They talked with their friends and made some new acquaintances that were from out of town.

The party started to die down around 1 o clock, and Grace knew it was time for some excitement. She shouted to everyone to gather round the birthday girl. All the party goers hurried to see what was up. “Alright everyone, tonight you have some great and sexy entertainment from the birthday girl herself.” She pointed to a stage that had a pole on it. Everyone started cheering and Grace ushered Rebecca upstage. Rebecca was bewildered but Grace reassured her and told her to just dance. Music started playing and Rebecca’s outgoing nature took over. She put her hands on the pole and started moving her hips to the beat. Shortly she was using the pole and sliding down it with a leg around it twirling down like a professional. She was getting all sorts of hoots and hollers from the guys and girls. Eventually the music stopped and everyone cheered and whistled. Rebecca bowed and blushed.

Amy rushed up to her, “You’re a natural! You should do that more often!”

“Thanks Amy,” Rebecca replied gratefully.

Grace appeared by their side once again and told them to follow her.

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Once inside a cozy bedroom with a king sized bed, she closed the door. “Are you two ready for your presents yet?”

Amy and Rebecca nodded quickly.

Grace smiled and walked out the door, she quickly returned with 4 gorgeous guys. All of them were wearing athletic shorts and weren’t wearing shirts. Rebecca and Amy had seen 2 of them before. They recognized Jared Robinson, because come on, who doesn’t know who he is? The junior track superstar with the stunning blue eyes and the rippling muscles was the fantasy of every girl in Holyoke . A fantasy that only one lucky girl had gotten to experience. The other known one was Brian Jackson. He wasn’t quite the hunk type but he had great, stylish looks that were completed by his thick brown hair and studious glasses. His body wasn’t overly muscular but you could tell he was strong and fit. They didn’t recognize the other 2 boys, but Grace made them knowledgeable quickly.

“Girls you know Jared and Brian. The other two are from Amherst . They’re the two players that were injured for the football game.”

Rebecca and Amy nodded and smiled knowingly. Nick Burton the quarterback and Tate King the running back for the Amherst football team had quite the reputations among the Holyoke girls. Nick was black around 6 feet tall; he had the best body of the group. Massive pecks and well defined abs showed off his superior physique. Tate was the typical California dream boy with long sandy blonde hair and a naturally tan body that made him the guy every girl wanted to date.

Grace spoke again. “These four boys have agreed to make your nights a memorable one by taking the pleasure, to well, pleasure you. And if you’re wondering how I got them to do this, let’s just say they owed me a favor,” she added with a wink to the girls.

Tate spoke first, “Before we do this though we’re going to need some encouragement.”

All the guys looked back and forth at Rebecca and Amy. The friends looked at all the guys and then to Grace and then to each other. Without even thinking about it their lips touched. Amy and Rebecca had their tongues intertwined and were softly moving their lips in a rhythm. They heard the guys encouraging them to go farther and with that, Amy broke the kiss and took off her dress. To the four men’s surprise, she wasn’t wearing a bra or panties and was sitting there already naked and prepared for more. Rebecca was impressed; Amy had taken the initiative against her own nature. Not to be outdone, she also quickly stripped down to nothing. And again the girls were kissing, Rebecca lightly pushed Amy down onto the bed and lightly kissed down her body circling her nipples with her tongue and then going lower to find her well shaven and pink pussy. She slid a tongue up and down the slit eliciting a moan from her best friend’s mouth. She worked a finger in and out of her tight hole while she worked on Amy’s clit. Amy’s breathing was getting quicker and quicker, but all of a sudden her moans and sighs were muffled. Rebecca looked up and she saw something incredibly hot. Brian had stuck his dick into Amy’s mouth that was readily being sucked in deep. She caressed his testicles with one hand and with the other she was jacking off Tate.

This was a shock; the normally passive best friend she had known for years was an apparent animal in the bed room! She looked around her; all the guys had stripped and were down to nothing. She saw Jared and Nick standing quietly with their dicks semi-hard in their hands. She bit her lip and then gave them a mischievous smile. She left her position at her friend’s pussy and slowly walked over to Nick and Jared. She got on her tiptoes and lightly kissed Nick as she took both of their cocks in her hands. She slowly stroked them up and down as she switched from kissing one and then the other. Jared interrupted the kiss by picking her up and bringing her over to the opposite side of the bed that Amy was on. Rebecca stole a quick glance over to her best friend.

Tate had positioned himself in between her legs with his 7 inch cock slightly entering her and then quickly putting his full man hood into her. Amy let out a muffled yelp that sent vibrations up Brian’s cock that was halfway down her throat. Tate picked up speed and was soon fucking the young girl with hard thrusts that made Amy moan with pleasure each time he bottomed out.

Nick took the lead with Rebecca and soon had her laying on top of him and entered her with his thick 8 inch cock. He wasted no time and Rebecca loved it as she bounced on top of him with his rigid black meat sliding in and out with ease because of her overflowing wetness. Jared grabbed her head and forced her down on his dick as she eagerly licked and sucked it into her mouth. He quickly released her head off his cock though and Rebecca was left wanting more, but what Jared had in mind was different. With his dick dripping saliva he carefully rubbed it up against her ass. She shuddered and looked at him with some apprehension. He nodded and said it would be alright. Rebecca trusted him and relaxed. Nick’s cock fucked her in and out making her moan and causing her nerve endings to go into overdrive. Jared finally got his head into her ass; this made Rebecca scream in pleasure. She’d never felt this good. Soon she had two cocks pistoning in and out of her in a perfect rhythm. She loved it as the two gorgeous men’s tools were pleasuring her to no end.

Amy got a momentary breather as her two guys switched positions; Tate’s cock had given her so much to feel good about. He was a maniac when it came to fucking. Now Brian turned her over so that he could enter her from behind. Tate lay down in front of her so she had easy access to his cock. Brian swiftly pushed into her and she exhaled in pleasure. He started slow and then gradually built up speed. She had her mouth encased on Tate’s dick, sucking and slurping him deep into her mouth like a professional, getting a groan to escape him. She thought Tate could fuck, Brian was an expert! He was hitting places she didn’t know could be reached with a cock. Where did he learn this? She was moaning and giving out quiet screams around Tate’s dick. This sent him over the edge as he grabbed her head and kept it on his dick as he spurted round after round of cum into her throat. She loved the taste of him and swallowed every drop except for a bit that dribbled down her chin. He lifted her head of his dick and allowed her to enjoy the fucking she was getting.

Rebecca looked over and saw the cum hanging off her best friends lips as she was being pummeled by Brian’s cock. It was the hottest sight ever. She focused back on herself as Jared and Nick had sped up and fucked her into oblivion. Jared had grabbed her large breasts from behind as he easily slid his dick in and out of her ass. She was moaning as he pulled her nipples and Nick had expertly been finding the perfect spot of her pussy for the last couple of minutes. The pleasure was too much and the pressure was building up inside of her. She looked over at Amy as her friend went rigid and let out a loud primal scream as she came violently. This sent Rebecca over the edge and she came all over the two cocks inside her. Her pussy muscles contracted around Nick’s dick and her ass tightened around Jared’s. The feeling of being filled in both holes was two much as she let out a loud moan and shook with pleasure. Again she looked over and she saw Brian obviously in pleasure as he came inside her best friend and Amy loved every second of the warm cum blasting into her tight pussy. Rebecca heard Nick groan loudly and then he thrust his thick cock as far as it could go into her pussy and then released a huge load of cum into her womb, the warmth and pleasure this gave Rebecca caused her to receive another mini orgasm that shot through her body. Jared was finally tiring out as he gave one last thrust into her ass and then pulled out and came all over her face. She didn’t even try to catch the cum as it landed on her cheek and chin. Two squirts landed on her tits as Jared came down off of his high.

Both girls were spent physically. They looked at each other, smiled and started to giggle with joy.

The End

Written by Karmageddon
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