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"A two hundred million dollar inheritance and the diabolical plot to murder Mr. Pawpaw, the cat!"

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Competition Entry: Money Talks
"I hate the bitch!" Jackie snarled under her breath.

The bitch was Cherylanne. I meet with her a few times a month. We have a Master/sex slave relationship. Jackie and I meet more frequently; our relationship is a Dom/sub agreement. Jackie has a key to my apartment and spends most weekends with me. I am divorced and have no interest in a committed relationship with only one woman. They both are aware of, and accept, that I fuck them both.

Jackie is twenty eight, blonde, petite and slender. Cherylanne is thirty two, a curvy brunette with the most perfect, massive breasts I have ever had the pleasure of sucking on. I was on my back, squeezing Cherylanne's perfect breasts while she was sucking on my cock. My phone vibrated and chimed.

Cherylanne slowly looked up at me, popped the head of my cock out of her mouth and pouted as she asked, "You're not going to answer that while I'm sucking your cock, are you, Gil?”

I grabbed her hair, pushed down on her head and replied, "No, you'll be sucking on my balls while I take it."

"Hello Jackie," I answered the call as Cherylanne sucked one of my balls in to her mouth.

"I picked up fresh ingredients and made your favorite pizza. Just wanted to know what time you'll be home," Jackie cheerfully replied, but I could hear the underlying angst in her voice.

"That is very sweet of you, Jackie. I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. I’ll be home in an hour," I grinned in to the phone and hung up as I pulled Cherylanne's mouth off my balls and pushed it back on to my cock.

Cherylanne took the queue and relaxed, my cock easily slid down her throat. I pumped my hips as I held her head. When she felt the head of my cock swell, she gently massaged my balls. I pulled my cock out of her throat and shot massive load of cum in to her mouth. Cherylanne caught the spewing cum in her mouth and swallowed it, once my cock had stopped twitching. I released her head and she slowly pulled her mouth off my cock. She licked and slurped at each thick inch, as it slid out of her mouth.

"Mmmmmdelicious. My compliments to the chef," Cherylanne purred.


Jackie was startled by a knock at the door. She looked through the peephole and saw a distinguished looking, well dressed, older man.

"The owner isn't here," she informed him.

"I am here to speak to you, Jacqueline Isabelle Kent," the stranger replied in a thick English accent, "I'm afraid I am the bearer of a bit of bad news."

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Jackie nervously asked and wondered to herself how this stranger knew her full name.

The stranger somberly replied, "Forgive me, Ms. Kent. I am Bartholomew Andrew Windsor. I represent Lady Patricia Victoria Kent's estate. May I come in and explain your late aunt's final wishes and will?"

Jackie felt a bit sad at the news. Even though the last time she had seen her aunt was over fifteen years ago, when her parents took her to England.

She let Bartholomew in. Bartholomew explained that she was the only relative in the will.

Jackie sat dumbfounded as she processed what had been explained to her.

She finally spoke, "I have one week to get married, or the two hundred million dollar estate goes to Mr. Pawpaw, her cat?" Jackie stuttered.

"Yes, Ms. Kent. And the person you marry, must not, under any circumstances, be made aware of the stipulation. We have many people in place to ensure your late aunt's wishes are adhered to," he explained.

“People are following me?” Jackie asked, shocked at the thought of prying eyes secretly watching her.

“Once you sign the agreement, yes. And, I will require you to wear this bracelet at all times. It has an audio transmitting device. It is water proof; there is no need to ever remove it. This is a lot to process, Ms. Kent. But, I have been entrusted with ensuring that Lady Patricia Victoria Kent's final wishes are realized,” Bartholomew calmly replied as he handed Jackie a pen and a gold bracelet with a small, blue stone.


“You’re the perfect slut, Cherylanne,” I growled as I pinched her nipple hard.

“Unnnnfuuuuck! Thank you, Master. You are such a romantic,” she gasped in pleasure from the hot pain in her nipple.

We had just come back from a gangbang session for her. Cherylanne had been locked in a wooden stock, and twenty guys had fucked her ass and cunt, while I fucked her mouth and abused her massive tits.

I chuckled and replied, “Romance doesn’t suit you. You’re only satisfied when I treat you like a fuck pig.”

She grinned and stroked my cock, “I want you to fuck my slutty ass before you leave.”

“No time. I need a shower before I go home. Next time I’ll be sure to beat up that gorgeous ass of yours,” I sternly replied and rolled off her bed.

“Mmmmm, I’ll be counting the minutes,” she purred.


Jackie’s chest suddenly became tight. Bartholomew went to my kitchen and brought her back a glass of water.

“You look pale, Ms. Kent. Have a drink of water,” he calmly said to her.

“Thank you,” Jackie replied and brought the glass of water to her lips with trembling hands.

“Time is of the essence, and there is a lot of money at stake, Ms. Kent. Forgive me if I seem like I am rushing you. That is not my intent.”

Jackie took a deep breath and replied, “I know it’s not your intent. This is all so surreal. All that money and one week to get married. It seems impossible to do.”

Bartholomew smiled, “One will never know what is possible, if one never tries.”

Jackie thought for a moment, picked up the pen and signed the document. She slid the bracelet over her wrist and smiled at Bartholomew.

“Thank you, Ms. Kent. The next time I see you, I do hope it is at your wedding. Call me if you have any questions or require any further clarification.”

Jackie had set the table, poured the wine and was waiting for me to arrive. A plan was forming in her mind. She wanted to be married and had asked me on many occasions, why I didn’t want to marry her.

I entered my apartment, Jackie greeted me with the usual arms around my neck, a smile and a deep passionate kiss.

“How was your day?” I asked her and grabbed her ass.

She pushed me away and replied, “Long and boring. And, you’re not getting any from me tonight.”

I laughed and asked, “To what to I owe this pleasant surprise?”

Jackie took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

“Eat. Tell me if you like the way I cook. I have been practicing, just for you,” she replied with a big smile on her face.

I took a bite of the pizza, it was delicious. She had cooked it till the crust was slightly crunchy, just how I like it.

“Jackie, you have become an amazing cook,” I smiled at her.

“Then why won’t you marry me, Gil?” she asked in her serious voice.

“We have had this discussion many times. I still feel the same way, Jackie. I don’t want to be married,” I replied.

She huffed, “You can have all the sluts you want on the side. Nothing will change.”

I took a sip of wine and looked at her in silence.

She lowered her eyes and said, “Please, Gil, marry me. Let’s fly to Vegas and get married this weekend.”

“Jackie, I do love you, and if I ever want to be married again, I will marry you.”

She raised her voice, “Fine! Go back to your whore! I’m leaving!”

I watched her as she stormed out of my kitchen and gathered her things to leave. She slammed the door on her way out. A piece of paper flew out of her purse and landed on floor. I didn’t like seeing her upset. She is a very gentle and loving person. I truly do love her, but I wasn’t ready to be married again.

I took another sip of wine as I made my way to the paper that had fallen out of her purse. I picked it up and read the business card.

I called Jackie.

“What!?” she barked at me.

“A business card dropped out of your purse. It looks important,” I replied calmly.

“I don’t care about the money!” she screamed and hung up on me.

A wry smile formed on Jackie’s lips. She really didn’t care about the money. If she could leverage this situation in her favor, and marry me, she would do so without hesitation.


Bartholomew dialed his employer’s number.

A deep, gruff voice answered, “Yes,” with just as strong an English accent as his.

“It appears that Ms. Kent has her own agenda. Mr. Pawpaw is on his way to being a very wealthy feline,” Bartholomew informed the voice on the line.

“Good news, Bartholomew. Once Mr. Pawpaw expires, the animal shelter that I own will inherit the fortune,” the gruff voice replied and hung up.

Bartholomew’s jaw clenched, his sense of honor wouldn’t allow him to feel good about this. Although he had not lied or deceived Jackie in any way, he had a strong distaste for the seductive power of money, and how it always seemed able to morally corrupt the most innocent and well-meaning of people.

Bartholomew’s cell phone chimed, he looked at the screen. ‘Unidentified Caller’ was illuminated in white letters.

“Who is this?” he answered.

“My name is Gil Renard. It seems we have a mutual friend that is in need of some guidance, Mr. Windsor,” I replied.

“I’m afraid I am not in a position to discuss our mutual friend. Good eve, Mr. Renard,” he replied and ended the call.


Jackie called me, “I’m sorry for yelling at you and leaving the way I did,” she apologized.

“No apology necessary. Are you in trouble, Jackie?”

“I’m not in any trouble, Gil. My aunt passed away and named me as the sole heir to her two hundred million dollar estate.

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With a condition attached, that I cannot tell you.”

“Perhaps we shouldn’t be talking about it, Jackie.”

“I’m serious, Gil, I don’t care about the money. I am willing to let the cat have it all, if that is what it takes for to you marry me.”

“The cat?” I asked.

“Forget the cat. Marry me, Gil,” Jackie pleaded.

“Come by tomorrow morning and we will discuss all this,” I sternly replied and hung up.


Bartholomew called his employer, “A new development, Sir. Jackie seems intent on marrying a Mr. Renard. She has hinted at the will, but has done so, without breaking any stipulation.”

The gruff voice replied, “Not an option. I want the estate. Offer Mr. Renard five million dollars cash, from my personal account, to leave Ms. Kent at the altar. After you disclose the conditions of the will to him. This will leave him no option but to take the money.”

Bartholomew’s jaw clenched, he regained his composure and replied, “That is dishonest, Sir. Ms. Kent has acted well within the boundaries of the rules that were laid out for her.”

“Fuck the rules! I’ll be damned if I walk away from two hundred million dollars. Do as I say or I’ll find someone who will!” the gruff voice growled and hung up.

Bartholomew was powerless. The man with the gruff voice had knowledge of a past indiscretion. He had no choice but to follow the order, or risk shaming his own family.

Bartholomew called me and asked to meet. I invited him to my apartment.

“Bartholomew Andrew Windsor,” he introduced himself when he arrived.

“Gil Renard,” I replied and shook his hand.

We sat at the kitchen table and he handed me a copy of the will. He was uneasy as he sat in silence and waited for me to finish reading. I closed the folder and stared at Bartholomew in silence.

He cleared his throat and asked me, “Your decision, Mr. Renard?”

I studied Bartholomew, trying to get a sense of him before I asked, “Five million dollars to break a woman’s heart?”

“I assure you this is not personal. I want you to know that I find this situation vulgar, and certainly take no pleasure from it. I am doing a job, that is all,” he answered calmly.

“What are you getting paid for this job,” I asked him coldly.

“I will be refusing payment from my employer for this. I have no choice but to follow his orders, but I vehemently refuse to profit from this vile act. Things and people aren’t always as they seem, Mr. Renard,” he replied calmly.

“And if I decide to pursue legal action against you and your employer?” I threatened.

“That would be an exercise in futility, Mr. Renard. I am a ghost, and my employer holds a very powerful position in England.”

“Would you be disappointed in me if I accepted the money? Five million dollars is one hell of a remedy for any guilt I might feel,” I calmly replied.

He snickered, “I take it you will agree to break Ms. Kent’s heart? I am not disappointed in you, Mr. Renard. I am disgusted with you. Text me your banking information. The remedy for your guilt will be transferred once you perform the task. Now, if you will excuse me, I have had my fill of your company. Good eve, Mr. Renard.”

When he reached my door I called out, “Mr. Windsor. You are correct, things and people aren’t always as they seem.”

He snickered to himself, “Now, you have also disappointed me, Mr. Renard,” and left.


Jackie let herself in to my apartment early Saturday morning.

“I’m here, Gil,” she announced.

“In the bedroom,” I called back to her.

She made her way to me and said, “Good morning.”

I put on a t-shirt, wrapped her in my arms and kissed her.

“Mmmm, thank you, I needed that,” she purred.

“Jacqueline Isabelle Kent, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I whispered in her ear.

“What!?” Jackie asked in disbelief.

I chuckled and replied, “Not the answer I was expecting. Do you need time to think it over?”

“No! I mean yes! Yes I will be your wife, Gil!” she exclaimed and jumped in to my arms. “You’ve made me so happy! Are we going to Vegas today?”

“I thought we could get married here, in my apartment, tomorrow,” I smiled.

“Okay, but what about all the arrangements?” Jackie suddenly panicked.

“I have made all the necessary arrangements. Just show up at noon, tomorrow,” I assured her.


The calm, always in control Mr. Windsor clenched his jaw as he reluctantly listened to our conversation. How he hated money and greed, and the extent that people would go to for one, because of the other. And at that moment he hated himself more, because he couldn’t find the courage to save Ms. Kent from having her heart broken. He turned off the listening device. Jackie would be calling him, and he would have to be present to witness the vile act that he had played an unwilling role in.


Jackie tore off her clothes and pushed me on to my bed, “Fuck me, Gil. Take me, do whatever you want to me,” she gasped.

I pulled her on top of me and growled, “I always do, my beautiful slut.”

I rolled over on top of her and forced her legs apart with one knee. I slid my hand to her dripping cunt and force two fingers inside her. Jackie spread her legs wider and moaned as she lifted her hips off the mattress.

“Fuck my ass while you finger my pussy,” she pleaded through panting breaths.

I got off the bed and took off my pants as Jackie scooted her ass to the edge of the mattress. I slid my two fingers back inside her and finger fucked her hard and fast.

“My ass, please cum in my ass,” she moaned.

I spit on the head of my throbbing cock and aimed it at her tight, pink hole. With one thrust I buried my cock, balls deep, in her ass and held still.

“OhhhhhhhhFuuuuckkkkkYessss!” Jackie screamed as her ass was stretched and filled in an instant.

“Dirty slut,” I growled lustfully at her.

“Uh ya, your dirty slut,” Jackie moaned as she rocked her hips, fucking my fingers and cock with both her holes.

I grabbed her right breast and used it to steady myself. I started to thrust my cock in and out of her ass.

“Fuuuuck! Yessss, use it, use my ass!” she cried out as the burn in her ass got hotter and her cunt got wetter.

“Is my slut going to squirt for me when I fill her ass with cum?” I growled.

Jackie nodded her head and moaned. I thrust harder in to her ass as I forced a third finger in to her cunt. Jackie began to quiver and lifted her head off the mattress when she felt the head of my cock swell inside her.

“Yes baby, fill my ass!” she squealed in anticipation of the hot, sticky liquid that was going to splash around deep inside her.

I grunted as my cock exploded deep inside her.

“Yeeessss!” she gasped and squirted over my hand and cock. Her cunt clamped down on my fingers and quivered as an orgasm washed over her.


The wedding.

“What the fuck were you thinking inviting that whore to our wedding?” Jackie was pissed that I had invited Cherylanne.

“No matter what happens next, remember that we are still engaged. Do you trust me, Jackie?” I calmly asked her.

“Fuck, Gil!”

"Leave this to me, Jackie,” I sternly said to her.

She recognized my tone. It was the same tone and the exact same phrase I had used every time a seemingly unavoidable catastrophe was at hand. And I had always managed to neutralize the pending threat.

“Yes, I trust you,” she smiled.

We went back to the living room where Bartholomew, Cherylanne and Jeff, the ordained Minister, were waiting for us.

“May I see the marriage license?” Bartholomew politely asked.

“Not necessary, Mr. Windsor,” I informed him.

Jeff walked over to Bartholomew and handed him a tablet that he was blogging his sermon on.

“Proof of the bann, the notice of an intended marriage posted by a church. It’s as legal as a marriage license, since neither participant has been married before. As you can see, my online congregation is posting their congratulations to the happy couple,” Jeff said.

Bartholomew looked at me. I smiled and winked at him.

“Cherylanne, we are in a session as of right now,” I informed her.

“Mmmmmm, super kinky. Whatever you wish, Master,” she cooed.

I looked at Jeff and motioned him to continue.

“Jackie and Cherylanne, are you ready to be married?” he announced.

“What is going on here!?” Bartholomew bellowed out.

I looked at Bartholomew and calmly explained, “Exactly what Lady Patricia Victoria Kent stipulated. Cherylanne meets all the requirements, and, our government recognizes same sex marriages. Please continue, Jeff. That is, if everyone is in agreement,” I turned to Jackie as I spoke the last sentence.

Jackie stared at me as she put together what I had schemed to ensure her the inheritance, “I’m ready if she is,” she replied.

“Let’s do this. Maybe, my mother will finally get off my ass about getting married,” Cherylanne snickered.

“I now pronounce you married under the laws of the province of Ontario,” Jeff spoke the words slowly as he typed them on his tablet for the online congregation.

“There’s no way in hell I’m kissing you, bitch,” Jackie coldly hissed.

“Will Gil be joining us on the honeymoon?” Cherylanne purred.

Bartholomew smiled at me, with a look of great relief on his face, said, “Well done, Mr. Renard. It appears I owe you an apology. I will have to confirm all this for my employer, but, I am sure it will be an exercise in futility.”

“No apology necessary, Mr. Windsor. Sometimes, things and people are exactly what they seem. Please split the payment owed to me between Cherylanne and Jeff,” I replied as I shook his hand.


Jackie kissed me as we sat on my couch after everyone had left, “I’m a married woman now, are you sure you still want to fuck me?”

I grinned as I unbuttoned her top, “There is nothing I am surer of, Jackie. Once your marriage is annulled, I’m marrying you.”

Written by Gil_Renard
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