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Hawk - Chapter 2

"Tommy takes Elizabeth to his apartment and to his bed."

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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 2 of a nineteen part series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It begins where Chapter 1 ended."

Chapter 2


Once inside, Elizabeth and Tommy were seated outside on the patio. Their table was far enough away from everyone that they both felt free to speak openly. Tommy ordered sangria for both of them.

When their drinks were delivered, Elizabeth touched her glass to his. “Here’s to old times and new times.”

“I don’t know that our old times are worth remembering,” he said with a warm smile. “We didn’t really have any old times together.”

“I did,” she told him. “You were so special to me. I mooned over you for at least two years. You were on my pillow, waiting for me every night.”

Being anxious to change the subject, Tommy inquired about her marriage. “So, tell me about Bill. How did you end up marrying a guy who was so much older? Hell, I don’t even know your name now. You aren’t Towney any longer.”

“I never changed my name to Bonner. He was William Bonner but insisted I should keep my name and my identity. Bill was strong on women’s rights, equal pay, and that sort of thing.”

“How do you keep yourself busy now that you’re a widow?”

“I’m pretty busy,” she laughed. “I assumed control of Bill’s company after he died. He had already legally made me a co-owner, so I just took his position after he was gone.”

“What kind of company?”

“It’s a consulting firm,” she answered. “We deal mostly with advising companies and individuals on economic issues. My Master’s degree is in economics, and that’s how I met Bill. He gave several lectures at UT. He spoke on opening new businesses and new horizons. The man was a genius.”

“You said he was injured in the military?”

“He was a Colonel in the Army in Iraq. His jeep hit an IED, and he was just about blown apart. He was in rehab for several years. While he was recovering, Bill did a massive amount of study in economics and the stock market. Bill turned his military pay into a small fortune before he was released from the Army. Setting up shop in Dallas, Bill became something of a legend for his vast knowledge of the markets and quickly became a consultant to multiple people and companies.”

“What attracted you to each other?” Tommy asked.

“After one of his speeches at school, he offered to do a question and answer session for anyone interested. There were only three of us who stuck around, so we had a lot of individual time with him. After we finished, Bill asked if I would join him for dinner. He said he was impressed with the questions I had asked and wanted to get to know me better. Frankly, I think he was impressed with my boobs.”

“That’s totally understandable,” Tommy said with a smile.

“Over the next three months, he gave three more lectures. After each one, we had dinner. At the last dinner, he offered me a job with his company as soon as I graduated. Six months after I started working for him, he offered me the position as his partner with the caveat that I marry him, so after his death, I would legally inherit his estate and business.”

“You went through school so rapidly,” Tommy said while looking up in thought. “How old were you when you finished graduate school?”

“I was just a little over twenty-one. But I was an old twenty-one. Keeping my head in books and being absorbed in books my entire life, I matured mentally. Bill thought I was the only woman who could challenge him intellectually.”

“Did you have a big wedding and a distant honeymoon?”

Elizabeth threw back her head and laughed. “Not hardly,” she said. “We were married in the office by a friend of Bill’s. I kissed him and then pushed him into the conference room for a meeting with clients.”

“Pushed him?” Tommy said with his head cocked.

“Oh, I didn’t explain fully,” she answered. “Bill was disabled. He did a lot of rehab but was never able to walk again. From his waist down, Bill had minimal feeling. His lungs and heart had also been damaged in the explosion, but he had overcome most of that. He spent the last twenty years of his life in a wheelchair.”

“Oh my,” was all Tommy could say. A thousand things seemed to be rumbling around in his brain at the same time.

“I can guess what you’re thinking,” Elizabeth said as she moved some blonde hair away from her face. “You’re wondering if I ever had a sex life with a man dead from the waist down. The truth is I had an active sex life with Bill. He taught me everything about sex. He taught me the joy of orgasm. He introduced me to every imaginable form of sexuality. He just didn’t have a penis to use on me, but he opened my eyes and showed me the world.”

“What an incredible story,” Tommy said with a sigh.

“I suppose you could say technically, I’m still a virgin.” She watched Tommy’s reaction and grinned. “Wouldn’t you think having a penis put inside a vagina would be the only way to lose one’s virginity?”

“That’s an interesting consideration.” Tommy waved to the waiter to signal two more drinks.

“It is,” Elizabeth said with a cocked eyebrow. “And I’ll bet you have plenty of questions.”

“I have a feeling you’ll answer all of my questions in due time,” he replied.

“Then I have a question for you. Would you like to take my virginity?” When Tommy didn’t answer, but sat quietly, not knowing how to respond, Elizabeth continued, “I would have gladly given it to you when I was sixteen, but it didn’t work out. Now I’m offering it to you again.”

The waiter set down their drinks and walked away.

Elizabeth touched her glass to his before taking a sip of the reddish liquid. “Bill was a very sexual man,” she told Tommy. “When we worked, there wasn’t time for anything but work. But, once we were home, everything changed. I can tell you not a day passed when we were together where I didn’t have an orgasm. As I think about it, I could almost say at least two a day, but most days, there were many more. Often Bill would have me masturbate while he watched. It gave him great pleasure, and I would never have done anything which would deny him a little pleasure.”

“How did you manage oral?” Tommy asked.

Elizabeth grinned. “I can assure you there was nothing inhibited about Bill’s tongue. He loved to have me ride his face. I guess the shortfall in my sexual education has been I’ve never given oral. Perhaps that’s something you can teach me.”

Tommy was trying to disguise the fact his erection was pressing mightily against his trousers. He felt like being in a dream with a beautiful woman who was offering him bits of heaven. It was difficult for Tommy to imagine how this incredible woman was being offered to him when he had done nothing to deserve it. He hadn’t even tried to seduce her… yet.

“Are you going to show me your apartment?” she asked.

“I’d be happy to,” he grinned. “Anytime.”

“How about now?”

“Are you serious?” he said in surprise.

“It’s Friday night,” she replied. “Tomorrow is Saturday, and I don’t think either of us is working. So, staying up late shouldn’t cause a problem. That is unless you have a girlfriend staying in your place.”

“No,” Tommy muttered. “I wasn’t expecting any guests, so I’m not certain it’s presentable.”

“I’d like to see it,” Elizabeth said with a charming smile. “Can we go now?”

“It would be better if I knew it was tidy, but I’ll show it to you now if you insist.”

Leaning over to cover his hand with hers, Elizabeth grinned, cocked an eyebrow, and said, “I insist.”


Twenty minutes later, Tommy pulled into the parking lot beside his apartment, with Elizabeth following behind. Taking her by the hand, Tommy led her to his front door, unlocked the door, and opened it. “I can only hope there’s no underwear lying on the floor. But, welcome to my home.”

Elizabeth took a few steps inside before she stopped to let her eyes study Tommy’s home. She observed that it was quite large for a one-bedroom apartment. It had a designated dining area and a large living room. There was a balcony overlooking the pool. A doorway on the back wall led to the spacious bedroom and master bathroom.

“It’s very nice,” Elizabeth said in praiseworthy tones. “I love the furnishings. Did you select them?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “I’ve been here about three years and picked things up one at a time. It suits me, and you’ll find everything comfortable. When I’m home, I like to relax, watch movies and sports. I’m not much into regular television broadcasting.”

Walking to the kitchen, Elizabeth looked inside. “It looks to me like you do some cooking.”

“I cook a few times a week. Being by myself, it’s almost cheaper to eat out, but that gets tiresome. Sometimes I just like to come home make something simple. Last year I bought a slow-cooker. I’ve made some dandy dishes in the morning and had them ready to eat when I get home from work. I generally make enough for at least two meals.”

Noticing a rack holding wine bottles, Elizabeth said, “You have a good supply of wine. Are you a connoisseur?”

“Not really,” Tommy replied. “I enjoy wine and know something about it, but I don’t have a pedigree.”

“Maybe you have one for us to enjoy before you show me your playroom.”

“Playroom?” it took him a few seconds to understand that she was referring to his bedroom. “Oh, sure. Red or white?”

“I think red would be best,” she replied as she leaned against the countertop.

Tommy went to his wine rack and selected a bottle to serve. “Here’s one I like,” he told Elizabeth as he began opening it. After popping the cork, Tommy pulled out two wine glasses from a cabinet beside the rack. Pouring some of the liquid into the glass, he handed it to Elizabeth. “You can be the taster.”

Elizabeth swirled the dark wine around the glass before she put the glass to her nose. “Very nice,” she told Tommy before taking a sip from her glass. “Yes, very nice.”

Tommy poured the wine into both glasses, handed a glass to Elizabeth, and touched his glass to hers. “Here’s to old friendships renewed.”

“Indeed,” Elizabeth replied before drinking from her glass. After studying Tommy for a minute, she asked, “Do you have a girlfriend that has a key to your apartment? I just want to be prepared if someone comes walking in on us.”

“No,” Tommy laughed. “I’ve never felt compelled to give a woman a key to my apartment. I’m very protective of my privacy.”

“So, I’m not going to find a woman in your bed waiting for you?”

“Not a chance,” he laughed. “Let’s go look.”

Tommy walked Elizabeth to the door to his bedroom, pushed it open, and stood back for her to enter.

The only light in the room was coming from behind them, plus the glow from around the clock on the nightstand. Tommy stood close enough behind Elizabeth to smell her perfume.

“Satisfied?” he asked.

“It’s a very masculine room,” she said in a soft voice.

“Good,” Tommy replied as he leaned closer to her. “My bedroom should be masculine.”

“It feels sexy to me,” she whispered.

Setting down his wine glass, Tommy put his hands around her waist, opening his palms until his fingers were almost touching the bottom of her breasts. “You feel sexy to me,” he whispered as he leaned forward, lightly kissing her neck.

“Umm,” she groaned and pushed her bottom back against him. “Oh,” she sighed as she felt his stiff cock pressing against her backside. It was a first for Elizabeth because the only hard things she’d ever felt pressed against body had been plastic. What she felt now was hard, thick, and hot. Setting her wine glass down beside Tommy’s, Elizabeth covered his hands with hers before pulling them upward to fondle her breasts.

“Very nice,” Tommy whispered as his lips found the area just below her earlobe. After a few more kisses, he said, “Do they feel very restricted?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Wouldn’t you like to free them?”

Tommy moved his mouth to the other side of her head, kissing the warm skin on her neck as his hands slipped under the top she was wearing. He felt the silk-like texture of her bra as he firmly squeezed her breasts.

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“Free them,” she sighed.

As if he had done this a thousand times, Tommy swiftly removed her top, unhooked her bra, and tossed it aside. She sighed again as his hands covered her bare breasts, and his fingers caressed her nipples. Once again, she pressed her bottom back against him and groaned as she felt his stiff cock pressing into her.

Tommy took the hint and pulled down the zipper on her skirt, letting it fall in a puddle around her feet. As one hand continued to caress her breast, the other ventured down to touch the silky feel of her panties. Elizabeth jumped as the tips of his fingers found the wet spot in the crotch of her garment.

No longer needing any prompts from this beautiful woman, Tommy leaned over to remove the panties which fell to her ankles. He pulled her back against his stiff member, took a breast in one hand while he ran the tips of his fingers through the folds between her legs.

Her body shook with delight. Without urging, Elizabeth’s legs spread wider apart, allowing his hand to find the wet entrance to her soul.

Tommy was delighted with the feel of her warm, soft skin beneath his fingers. He was also pleased to find that her pussy was shaved smooth. Her groan of desire only stroked his need to explore her body. Tommy could smell her desire. There wasn’t any mystery about what Elizabeth wanted.

Her hands were clawing at his trousers, trying to find his manhood, but Tommy blocked her efforts, pushing her toward his large bed. At the edge of the mattress, Tommy spun Elizabeth around, pulling her into a wild, lusty kiss that seemed to go on forever. Their hands were busy exploring as groans came from both of them.

When he could take no more foreplay, Tommy pushed Elizabeth back on the bed. When she was flat on her back, he spread her legs apart. He seemed to growl as he spoke, “I have to taste you.” Tommy dropped down between her parted thighs and buried his face in her sex.

As his tongue traced over her naughty bits, two fingers slipped into her dripping vagina.

Elizabeth howled as she threw her legs over his shoulders, squeezing the sides of his face with her thighs. Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling his face tighter against her mound. She clung to him tightly as her first orgasm washed over her trembling body.

Tommy got off of the bed and pulled Elizabeth around until her head was on a pillow. He stood back as he began to undress. When he was naked, he stood beside the bed for a moment as he saw her eyes studying his body. Elizabeth reached out toward his stiff cock.

“Not yet,” he told her. “You’ll have time for that later.” Climbing onto the bed, Tommy placed himself between her legs, and once again spread them apart. “You have an amazing body, Elizabeth,” he whispered as he slipped down to put some of his weight on her chest. “Do you want me now?” he asked as he nuzzled her neck while the wet tip of his cock touched her belly.

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Then say it,” he encouraged her.

“Fuck me, Tommy. Please, baby, don’t make me beg,” she said as she pushed her hips upward, trying to spear his cock.

Tommy sat back on his knees, put his hands on her hips, and pulled her upward so that he could see all of her. Leaning forward, he pressed the head of his cock against her wet opening, moving back and forth so that her abundant juices covered his cock.

“Please!” she begged.

In one smooth thrust, Tommy pushed all of his thick cock inside her, noticing that she was delightfully tight. He held still, watching as Elizabeth closed her eyes and sighed. His cock seemed to grow even more as he studied the sheer beauty of her body. She seemed to shimmer in the sliver of light coming into the room.

As he dropped her ass back on the bed, Elizabeth’s legs wrapped around him, pulling him deeper into her womb.

Tommy took her face in his hands and kissed her as he began to move inside her.

“Yes,” she groaned. “Yes, Tommy.”

He picked up speed, thrusting as deeply into her as he could. “Is this what you wanted?”

“Yes, Tommy. Yes.”

Thomas Hawk was an experienced lover. He knew what to do to get the most out of his bed partner, but his skills born of experience seemed forgotten as he thrust into Elizabeth. Her beauty and magnificent body put him into a sexual frenzy that could only be satisfied by pounding her until he reached an orgasm.

Elizabeth cried out, “Oh yes, Tommy! Use Me! Oh, fuck!”

Elizabeth Towney was not a stranger to sex. Her husband had shown her the facts of life before he passed away. There just wasn’t much about sexual relations that she didn’t know, but for the first time in her life, she had a real penis filling her and a tight male body driving her to another orgasm. It was pure bliss.

When he began to roar, Elizabeth knew he was near his climax. “Cum inside me, Tommy. I want your cum in me.”

While his rational mind might have objected to her demand, his sex-crazed mind wasn’t about to argue. While thrusting with speed and might, his cock went off like a cannon deep inside her. He continued the assault until he was unable to move and collapsed on top of her.

They both lay there, panting for a full minute before anyone spoke.

“Sweet Jesus,” she gasped. “That was incredible.”

“I agree,” he said in a raspy voice. “Would you like me to take my weight off of you?”

“No,” Elizabeth insisted as she tightened her legs around him again. “Please don’t move. I don’t want this extraordinary moment to end just yet.”

“I guess you’ve officially lost your virginity now,” Tommy said with a smile.

“I’ve had several firsts,” he said with a chuckle. “My true virginity is gone. I’ve had my first real cock inside me. And I’ve had semen inside me for the first time. I just can’t believe how wonderful it all felt.”

“Did I meet your expectations?” he asked.

“Indeed you did,” Elizabeth chuckled. “To tell you the truth, I was a little afraid that after wanting you for so many years, you might not be as good as I had dreamt you would be. But, you were more than I had expected. You get an A+.”

“You do understand that I’m not finished with you?” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“I was hoping that would be the case.”

“Let me get our wine glasses,” Tommy said. “I could use something wet in my mouth.” Then he looked at the expression on her face, and they both laughed.

Tommy retrieved the glasses from a table by the door. He turned to see Elizabeth run her fingers through the jizz that was drooling out of her pussy. He watched as she put her fingers in her mouth. She looked up, “Another first,” she grinned. “I’ve never tasted cum before. I think I like it.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” he replied as he handed her a glass. He touched his goblet to hers. “Let’s drink to many more exhibitions of pure lust in the days and nights ahead.”

“Many more,” she repeated with a smile and took a drink.


The two of them curled up on the bed together, their hands touching and exploring each other. After a few tender kisses, Elizabeth looked into Tommy’s eyes. “Now that we’ve consummated our mutual lust, I want to ask you for a favor.”

“What can I do for you? I can’t imagine saying ‘no’ to you about anything.”

“I have a pet name. It’s something that my family called me, and I’ve always liked it, but never shared it with anyone. Would you please call me Betts?”

“Betts?” Tommy asked, seeming confused. “Like going to the window and placing a bet?”

“No,” she laughed. “I have a younger sister who couldn’t say Elizabeth. All she could get out was Betts. My parents were very formal and always insisted that I be called Elizabeth. I would just like it if you’d call me Betts.”

“Easily done,” Tommy said as he caressed her face. “And I’ll tell you that I haven’t been called Tommy by anyone since high school. My name is Thomas. Once I got into college, I was called Tom. But, I like the way Tommy comes out of your mouth. Let’s just stick with it.”

Running her fingers through the hair on his chest, Betts didn’t look up so that he could see her eyes. “My late husband insisted that I never use clinical words. If I used words like penis or vagina, he would slap my face. Not hard, you understand, but to get my attention. Bill was a loving man and would have done anything for me. He just wanted to scrub away all of the political correctness and say things for what they were. I’m telling you this because I don’t want to shock you when I say things bluntly.”

“You mean things like, fuck me, Tommy?”

“Exactly,” she grinned. “Do you think I have a dirty mouth?”

“Not at all,” he said with a chuckle. “To tell you the truth, I find it very refreshing to find a woman that says what she means. I also find it titillating.”

She grinned. “Do you like my tits?”

“Is that a joke? How could you even think to ask a question like that? Any man of the face of this earth would die to touch your perfects breasts. I’m still confused as to how you got into economics rather than the centerfold of Playboy magazine.”

“You’re being sweet,” she said with a blush. “You don’t have to say things like that. You’ve already fucked me once, and the likelihood of you doing it again is about one thousand percent.”

“I'm not sweet,” Tommy insisted. “I’m quite serious. Your body is simply perfection. I’ve known very few beautiful women who were worth a damn in bed. They are always too busy admiring their own bodies.”

Betts pushed back to look at Tommy. “And how many beautiful women have you been with?”

“Let’s just say several,” Tommy suggested. “How is it you had no sexual experience until you met Bill?” he suggested, trying to change the topic of discussion.

“I guess because I was very young when I got to college and just felt pressure to finish school in record time. I didn’t have a chance to think about sex much before I enrolled in graduate school. I was just nineteen or close to twenty when I got a new roommate that was a lesbian.”

“You were in graduate school and still had a roommate?”

“My father insisted on it. He didn’t want me to be completely on my own until I was twenty-one.”

“How did you get along with the lesbian?”

“She was really the first one to insist that I was pretty,” Betts explained. “Well, other than you in high school, but Emily used to beg me to wear nothing in our room. Sometimes I would just wear panties and bra around her, but she would ask me to be naked. After a while, I succumbed to her need to touch me. I was beginning to become curious about sex again. I had my first orgasm from her fingers. She showed me how to shave my pubic hair.

Betts noticed that her story was affecting Tommy. As she described what transpired between her and her roommate, his cock was responding. He wasn’t trying to hide it, but neither was he trying to bring attention to it.

As she described a few of the things that Emily would do in the privacy of their room, her hand slipped down his chest until she could wrap her fingers around his stiffening cock. As she talked, she stroked it. When it was completely hard, Betts grinned at him while she moved her head down on his chest, maybe a foot away from his cock.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked.

“Yeah, I do. It’s very handsome.”

“I’m glad you think so, but it doesn’t do any tricks.”

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” she whispered as she moved down close enough to put the head of his cock into her mouth and held it there for a full minute. “Oh my, but you taste so good,” Betts said. “I’m guessing it’s a blend of you and me combined.”

“I would agree,” Tommy said with his eyes closed, hoping she would do it again.

She was back on it in seconds, this time taking it as deeply as she could, bobbing her head back and forth as she made noises of pleasure. One of her hands stroked his cock as she moved up and down while the other one held his balls, kneading them gently. When Tommy started to move and make noises, Betts intensified her efforts, moving faster and stroking harder.

Tommy put his hands in her lustrous hair. “You should stop now, Betts. I’m very close.”

“I want it!” she cried out and continued her assault on his cock.

Stopping his protest, Tommy lay back, put one hand in her hair and the other on her perfect ass as he released another torrent of semen into her virgin mouth.

When his cock had ceased pulsing, Betts moved her face beside his. “Tommy,” she said with a bright smile. “That was fantastic. Why would you want me to stop?”

“I didn’t want you to stop,” he said with a shy grin. “I just didn’t want you to think I was going to force you to do it.”

“It’s another first for me,” she said as she sat up, her breasts swaying in front of his eyes. “I can’t wait to do it again!”



Written by JefferyB
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