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"Mom's MILF friend needs to keep her OF on the DL"

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When I turned onto my street on the way home from work, I saw a familiar car parked in front of the house.  My cheeks started burning, and I turned before reaching the house.

I had always been nervous and embarrassed around my mom’s friend Marissa, because she was hot as hell, with huge tits.  I wasn’t exactly drowning in pussy, so having her around all the time was pure torture.  That was bad enough, but two weeks earlier I had stumbled across naked pictures of her while scrolling through some porn.  Those tits were everything I’d ever fantasized about, and despite what I thought my preferences were, her trimmed pussy got me throbbing.

A search of the name Marcy May led me to a website with more of her pictures – though none of them showed her face.  It was basically a big tease for her Only Fans page, and all the images were censored.  So I headed back to the porn site where she was naked and playing with herself.

I went off like a rocket jerking it to those pictures.

The next time she was at the house when I was home, my face got so red and hot that I’m surprised I didn’t burst into flames.  I knew right then and there that I had to avoid her at all costs.

I headed back uptown, grabbed some tacos, and then carefully made another approach to the house a street down.  When I didn’t see her car, I breathed a sigh of relief and circled around so I would be coming in from the normal direction.

“There you are,” Mom said as soon as I walked in the door.  “You’re a half an hour late.”

“I stopped to get some tacos.  Don’t worry so much, Mom,” I said as I headed toward my room.

“Now, hold on.  I’m your mother, and I don’t care if you’re over eighteen.  I’m allowed to worry as much as I want, no matter how old you get.  That’s not it, though.  I need you to do me a favor.”

“Oh, Okay.”

“Marissa is having a problem with her computer, so I need you to help her get it sorted out.”

That immediately piqued my interest and stopped me in my tracks.  If she was taking naked pictures, there might be more on her computer that I could copy.  “Did she bring it over?”

Mom shook her head.  “It’s a desktop, so I need you to go over there.”

Shit.  Not good, I thought in a panic.  “I was going–”

Mom cut me off.  “Going to head over there right now because my mother asked me to, and it’s the nice thing to do?”

My brain locked up, and I couldn’t think of a single excuse to get me out of it.

Mom smiled and said, “Thank you.  I’ll call her and let her know you’re on your way.”  The words had barely left Mom’s lips before she started dialing.  She impatiently waved me toward the door while telling Marissa, “He’ll be right over.”

I was trapped.  I turned and walked toward the door – thoroughly convinced that I’d never walk back through it because I was about to die of embarrassment.  In my mind’s eye, my car transformed into a hearse, and I thought I should be climbing in the back instead of the driver’s seat.

It was only a few blocks to Marissa’s place, but I was sweating and my heart was thundering in my chest by the time I got there.  At the entrance to the gated community where she lived, I punched in the code she’d given my mom – knowing full well that it would announce I was there.  Sure enough, the door to her apartment opened before I had time to shut the car off.

My mom’s brunette friend was wearing a tight black dress with a plunging neckline – and a smile.  I swallowed, took a deep breath, and climbed out of the car.

“Come on in,” she said as I approached.

“Mom said you had a computer problem?”  To my relief, my voice didn’t crack.

“Mmm hmm,” she responded as she closed the door.  She then walked over to the couch – her heels clicking – and gestured.  “Won’t you sit down?”

That confused me enough to overcome my nerves momentarily.  I walked over to the couch with a furrowed brow and sat down.  The brief reprieve was over when she sat down right next to me.  The smell of her perfume and all the cleavage on display mere inches away had me fighting an erection and my eyes trying to home in on her tits.

“So, where did you find my pictures?” she asked.

I didn’t drop dead on the spot, which was an unwelcome surprise at the time.  Instead, my eyes went wide and I sucked in a gasp as my face started burning.

Marissa reached out, cupped my cheek, and said.  “It’s okay.  You’re not in trouble.  I’m not going to say anything to your Mom.  Breathe.”

The moment her hand touched me, the world seemed to vanish around me.  All I could see was her smiling and looking at me.  All I could hear was her deep, sultry voice.  Her eyes had me in a trap.

“In and out.  There you go.”  She chuckled.  “I knew something had happened the other day when I was over.  You were always shy around me, but you looked like you were about to come out of your skin the last time I saw you.”

I still couldn’t think.  The feeling of her caressing my cheek was sending chills up and down my spine.

She said, “I suspected, but when I searched the logs on my website, there wasn’t much doubt left.  One hit from an IP in town, on a Samsung phone, at the right time of night...”

She twitched her eyebrows as her hand slid down from my cheek and she sat back.  “It’s my side hustle.  I only make a little over three hundred a month, but it’s fun.  I’ve always liked showing off.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes when she pulled down on the front of her dress and lifted those big, gorgeous tits out one after the other.  She squeezed them together, and jiggled them.

“See?  I don’t mind that you’ve seen them.  Get a good look.”

As if I needed that instruction.  I couldn’t take my eyes off them.  She was right that I’d seen them before, but an image on a screen and real, live tits close enough to touch were two different things.

I didn’t even notice her moving because I was drinking in every inch of those tits, committing them to memory like they were the last thing I would ever see.  I snapped out of that real quick when she curled her fingers around my wrists and lifted my hands.

There was no holding back the groan when she put my hands on those soft, warm tits.

“Mmm...  There you go,” Marissa moaned.  “A little more relaxed now?”

I nodded as I squeezed and ran my fingers over her breasts.  I couldn’t believe it was happening.

“Did you tell anyone else about my pictures?”

“No,” I answered while shaking my head.  My thumbs slid over her big nipples, and they felt hard.

“I’d like to keep it that way.  Especially from your mother.  Can you do that for me?”

“Sure.”  There was no way in hell I was going to tell my mom that I’d seen her friend naked.

“Can you show me where you found my pictures?”

“Okay,” I answered while continuing to worship her breasts.

She let out a laugh.  “They’re not going anywhere.  Show me.”

With the greatest of reluctance, I let go of those incredible tits and reached into my back pocket for my phone.  It only took a few seconds to bring up the browser and click the bookmark to her pictures.

“Make sure your phone locks every time you leave it unattended,” she warned.  “All it would take is for you to leave your phone unlocked where your mom could see it...  It would be better if you didn’t save the links.”  She then read the header on the page, “Perfect big boob Milf Marcy May fingers her hairy pussy.  I like that, even if it is copyright infringement.”

Marissa then turned and picked up her phone from an end table.  “Read that address out for me?”

I rattled off the address while she typed it into her own phone.  As soon as I’d said the last little bit, I locked my eyes back on her tits.  It felt strange – and hot – to watch her doing something so mundane as typing on her phone with her boobs out.

She continued to tap away and explained, “One of my fans is a lawyer, and he sends out cease and desist mails for me whenever I find my pictures on some site.  It doesn’t always work, because a lot of them are in other countries, but...”

Her shrug caused her breasts to lift in the most fascinating way.

“There.  One more down.  Most of my fans are good about it, but one must have leaked some of the pictures behind the paywall.  It was inevitable I guess.  I never see anything new, so they must have signed up, downloaded everything, and then cancelled.  I spend so much time trying to track them down.”

“Have you ever done a reverse image search?” I asked.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“Like this,” I said, and then tapped on one of her pictures on my phone.  A few seconds later, I brought up search results with a list of about twenty other Milf sites where her pictures were.

She gasped.  “Oh my god.  I spend ages scrolling through those sites, and you found them all in a couple of seconds.  Can you do that with any picture?  Can you show me how?”

“Yeah.  All you have to do is...”  I trailed off when she stood up and offered a hand.

“Come show me on my computer.”

I took her hand and stood.  She kept hold of it as she led me into the apartment.  Even though her tits were still out, my eyes were drawn to her ass swaying back and forth.  She smiled when she caught me looking.

The room she led me to was a bedroom, but it wasn’t.  The computer was over in one corner, and the rest of the room was filled with cords, ring lights, cameras on chargers, and tripods – all surrounding the bed.

Marissa finally let go of my hand when she sat down at the computer.  She looked over her shoulder, grabbed my wrist, and settled my hand on her left breast.  My eyes lit up when she logged into her Only Fans, revealing more naked pictures that I’d never seen before.  My eyes darted back and forth, taking it all in while I squeezed and fondled the real thing in my hand.

She navigated to a picture set and said, “Walk me through it.”

“Right click on a picture,” I said.

“It’s this one, isn’t it?” she asked while hovering the cursor over the menu selection.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So I click, wait for it to load, and then click here and...”

The picture showed a list of around twenty Milf sites – most of which I recognized, and were repeats from the earlier search on my phone.

Marissa opened her email and started copying the links.  “I give my lawyer fan a custom picture whenever he sends out a C&D for me.  I’m probably going to owe him a few after this.  You’re making the other one jealous, you know?”  She glanced down at her tits.

I got the hint.  I gave my uncomfortably hard dick a squeeze and then filled my other hand with her right boob.

She finished copying the links and then typed a message saying there would probably be a bunch more.

“You’ll probably find a bunch of different sets on the same site.  Maybe he should wait so he can send all of them at once.”

“Good idea,” she said and amended her email.  Once she hit send, she said, “I want to try something, and see if I have it right.”

I bit my bottom lip as I considered something, and then decided to go for broke.  I pinched her nipples, and she rewarded me with a moan.

“That’s what I thought,” she said after the search finished.  “These are about two months old and it doesn’t find them anywhere.  I guess I need to watch out any time someone signs up and then unsubscribes really quickly.”

“Uh huh,” I muttered.  I was only half listening because I was enjoying her tits in my hands and the picture of her with a butt plug in and a vibrator buried in her pussy.

An alert popped up on her computer, and her phone sounded off as well.  Marissa ignored them at first, navigating to a different picture set of her outdoors somewhere.  Once she started the search, she checked her phone.

“Hmmm...” she hummed as she put her phone down.  “You really like my tits, don’t you?”

“Love them.”

“Let’s see how much.”

I reluctantly let go of her tits when she turned in the chair.  It was well worth it when she reached between my legs and squeezed, though.  Her eyebrows shot up and she gasped.

I could hardly believe my ears when she looked up at me and said, “My lawyer fan wants some pictures of me with cum on my face and tits.  Care to help me with that?”

I stood over her with my mouth agape for what felt like an eternity. She waited with her eyebrows raised, and eventually, I got over the shock enough to nod.

“Go sit down on the bed,” she prompted while giving my prick another squeeze.

She stood with her hand still between my legs and gave me a nudge in the proper direction.  I backed up toward the bed, navigated around the footboard, and sat down on the corner at her urging.  Marissa turned around, plucked the charging cord out of a camera, and then placed it up by the pillows.

My mom’s friend stepped in front of me wearing a sultry, crooked smile.  Then she bent over – her big tits hanging – and tugged at the end of my belt.

“That’s the first time you’ve touched real tits, isn’t it?”

I nodded.

Marissa shuddered as she unhooked my belt.  “God, this is so wrong, but that’s what makes it so fucking delicious.  I know my panties are soaked right now.”

She made quick work of the button, yanked down my zipper, and then wrestled my jeans down.  She let out an incredibly sexy growl when my hard-on popped free.  I gasped and fell back on the bed when she wrapped a hand around it.

“God, that is a gorgeous cock,” she said with a level of excitement that I thought had to be for my benefit.

The thought lasted about a nanosecond against the incredible sensation of her soft hand sliding up and down my dick.

It must have registered on my face, though.  She said, “Don’t believe me?  You’re only about average length, but that’s not what matters.  This is one thick dick.  It’s just made to stretch a girl’s pussy out and make her scream.  And this big head...”  She rubbed a fingertip over it, making me throb.  “Like I said.  Gorgeous.”

I found the strength to lift up on my elbows and watch her slowly jerking me with one hand while she tugged at my jeans with the other.  She managed to free my balls, but then let go of my dick and stood up straight.

“You know what, we’re going to take these all the way off,” she said, and then knelt down next to the bed.

Marissa yanked at my shoelaces to untie them, and immediately pulled off my shoes.  My socks followed, and then she stood back up.

“Scoot back and lift your butt.”

I did, and she quickly dispensed with my jeans, which fell in a forgotten heap on the floor next to the bed.

“Take your shirt off,” she said while kicking off her heels.  She then reached behind her back.

I sat up and quickly yanked my shirt as I watched her unzip her dress.  I didn’t want to miss anything, so I pulled it over my head – just in time.  My mom’s friend started wriggling out of that little black dress.  Once it passed her hips, I saw her panties, which were a lacy white.  I could see a dark shadow behind the crotch, which was the first hint of her hairy pussy.

Her dress slithered down her legs and she stepped out of it.  My heart started racing when she pushed down on her panties.  They had slipped low enough to reveal the trimmed triangle of dark hair between her legs when she let out a chuckle.

Marissa stepped up right next to the bed while holding the front of her panties stretched away from her.  She beckoned me with a wave and said, “See, I told you.”

I looked and could see the darker spot in her panties as well as a strand of clear pussy juice stretching from the wet spot to her pussy lips.  The tips of the hair around her pussy glistened as well.

She pushed her panties the rest of the way down, stepped out of them, and then leaned toward the head of the bed.  She grabbed a pillow, dropped it on the floor, and then said, “Stand up.”

My mom’s friend laughed when I scrambled to stand in front of her as she knelt onto the pillow.  She reached up, cupped my balls, and circled a finger around the head of my dick.

“It’s your first time, so don’t be embarrassed if you need to come.  It’s as good a time as any to practice holding your cum, but don’t hurt yourself.  When you can’t hold back anymore, let me know.  You should always let a girl know before you explode in her mouth.”

I nodded and muttered, “Okay.”

“Ready for Mommy’s friend to suck that hard young cock?”


She moaned when I throbbed and leaked pre-cum.  She smoothed it into the head of my dick and then brought her fingers to her lips.  I shuddered when she tasted me and let out an even louder moan.

Marissa smiled, locked eyes with me, and leaned in.  I groaned loud and long from the touch of her tongue.  She slid it slowly up my length, looking into my eyes the whole time, and then kissed the tip.

“Feel good?” she asked before nuzzling my dick with her lips.

“So good.”

She curled her fingers around me and said, “God.  You are as hard as a fucking rock.  You like me naked and on my knees?”

“Yeah.  It’s hot.”

“Fuck, I love the thought of being the first one to suck your cock.  Put your hand on the back of my head.”

I did, and my fingers fisted into her brown locks when she started slathering her tongue all over me.  She was moaning as she licked me, and the hungry, excited sound only added to the experience.  I grunted, gasped, and trembled with zero control.  The feeling of her slippery tongue gliding over me was so far beyond my jerk-off fantasies that I felt light-headed.

Marissa dipped down and tongued my balls next.  She rolled them around with her tongue and gave one a suck.  I stiffened because it didn’t really feel all that good with her sucking it, and I guess she picked up on that, because she went back to licking.  Finally, she licked me from root to tip, caught my eye, and teased me with just the tip of her tongue for a second.

Her lips parted and my other hand slapped to the back of her head when she took me in.  Her mouth was so fucking hot.  I could feel her tongue wiggling against me too.  I watched in amazed fascination as my dick slowly vanished between her lips, and then reappeared covered in saliva, only to vanish again.

The first few sucks were slow, and she looked up into my eyes at the top of each one.  I had a fraction of a second’s warning when her fingers wrapped around the root of my dick tightened.

A loud inarticulate sound burst from my lips when she started bobbing her head.  Her hair bounced and I finally heard the glock glock sound that was such a meme for real.  My fingers tightened into her hair, and it only seemed to spur her on.  She squealed around my prick and kept sucking.

It didn’t take much of that to push me toward the edge.  I tried to hold it back like she asked me to, but it was a losing battle.  Just as I was about to warn her I was going to come, she pulled back and gasped.

I was panting for breath and my dick was jumping rapidly.  Marissa wiped her chin, and then licked her lips.  “You were getting close, weren’t you?  I could feel that cock throbbing.”

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“Uh huh,” I grunted through clenched teeth.  The feeling had barely waned.

“Relax.  Hold it,” she said.

My head bobbed in a nod, but it was easier said than done.

Marissa let go of my dick and looked up at me.  She hefted those big tits and started playing with them.  I leaned back against the bed and thankfully felt the urge to come start to subside.  My mom’s friend squeezed her tits, pushed them together, and pinched the nipples.

“Don’t worry.  I’m not going to tease you much longer.  The next time I suck that cock, I’m going to make it explode in my mouth, and then jerk it off all over me,” she said, and then leaned in.

Marissa rubbed her tits against my dick and asked, “Too soon?”

“No, it’s calmed down,” I answered.

“Good,” she said, and then proceeded to sandwich my dick between her boobs.  She squeezed them together and rocked, holding me in the warm, soft nest between her tits.  “I still can’t get over how hard you are.  I’m surprised you didn’t bust your zipper.”

“You’re just so hot.”

“Thank you,” she said, and then winked.  “I’m going to try something, but I need you to stay really still while I do it.  Can you do that for me?”

“I...  I can try.”

“Do your best,” she said, and let go of her tits.

Marissa leaned in to lick and slobber on my dick, getting it really wet.  It felt wonderful, but the itch had gone down enough that I didn’t feel like I was going to come any second.

My mom’s hot friend took a deep breath, looked up at me, and said, “Hold still.”

I clenched up and then grunted when her lips slid down over me again.  I did my best to hold still, but it was hard as hell with her lips wrapped around me.  When I expected her to suck her way back to the head, the hand holding my dick let go instead.  Marissa grabbed my butt in both hands, and then swallowed me.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Her nose was pressed against me, and my whole dick was in her mouth.  She croaked and a blast of air came out of her nose, but she stayed there for a few seconds more before her lips opened wide and she gagged.

Marissa jerked away, leaving strands of spit stretching between my dick and her lips.  My hard-on was covered in foamy saliva too.  She breathed hard and sniffled.  I could see that her eyes were watering, but she also looked proud.

After another sniffle, she said, “Good luck finding a girl who can deepthroat that thick dick.  Like it?”

“That was amazing.”

“I’m too out of practice.  I used to be able to do that without gagging.  But as long as you liked it.”

“Loved it.”

She smiled.  “And you’re going to love this too.  Ready for me to suck that dick off and make it shoot cum all over me?”

I nodded – grinning like an idiot.  “Yeah.”

“Remember, tell me when you’re almost there, and try to hold it as long as you can.”


Marissa flipped her hair over her shoulder, took my dick in hand, and slid her lips down over it.

She wasn’t messing around.  She sucked hard and fast while pumping her hand at the base of my dick as well.  I saw her cutting her eyes up at me as she sucked, but once the hot tickle started spreading in my dick, she concentrated and sucked me even faster.

It was too much.  I tried to hold back, but it was like nothing else existed at that moment other than her mouth.  I barely remembered to warn her before it happened.

“Gonna come,” I grunted.

Marissa moaned around me when I came with an explosive grunt.  She let the head of my dick pop out of her lips and started jerking it.  I cried out again as I sprayed cum into her face and hair.  More dribbled onto her tits.  Again and again, I erupted, covering her face in cum and leaving streaks in her hair.  When I finally stopped shooting, she rubbed the head of my dick against her cheek while tonguing it, milking out every last drop onto her face.

I was whimpering pitifully by the time she gave my dick one last kiss and let it go.  My legs failed me, and I sat down hard on the bed.

“Don’t fall asleep yet.  Hand me the camera,” Marissa said.

I felt as weak as a kitten, but I forced myself to scoot over and grab the camera in a trembling hand.  I dragged it across the covers toward me, and Marissa took it as soon as it was within reach.

That’s when I gave up the ghost.  I fell back, let my eyes close, and twitched from the lingering throes of my orgasm.  I dimly heard the sound of a shutter firing over the sound of my still-pounding heartbeat in my ears.

I don’t know how long it was before I felt her patting my legs.  I opened my eyes a crack and heard her say, “Get up in the bed.  That can’t be comfortable.”

I made the mistake of fully opening my eyes.  She was still completely glazed with cum.  My cum.  My dick screamed in protest, and I closed my eyes while wriggling and lurching until I managed to pull my legs onto the bed.

“Well, he said he wanted to see me covered in cum.  He’s getting his wish.  That was some load, young man.  Good job.”

I heard a slurp and a moan.  As tempting as it was, I kept my eyes closed.  I knew my dick couldn’t deal with the sight of her tasting my cum just yet.  After a minute or two, an odd sound caused me to peek.  I saw her rubbing a wipe over her glistening tits, and though it still caused a twinge, it wasn’t the sharp almost-pain that had shot through me right after I came.

She must have wiped most of the cum off her before using the wipes, but I could see that there were still strands of hair plastered together.  I watched for a few seconds, drawn in by the strange ordinariness of her wiping off her tits and face.  Then I let my heavy eyelids drift closed again.

I started when I felt her climbing into the bed.  She stacked two pillows behind her, and then reclined on them.  Marissa spread her legs and started fingering her pussy.

That got my attention.  I rolled onto my side so I could see her better.

“Mmmm... I couldn’t wait any longer.  My poor pussy is dripping and aching.  What do you think?  I know most girls shave.”

“I like it.”

“You like watching me play with my hairy pussy?”

“Uh huh.”

“Did you ever see any of my videos?”

I answered, “No, I only found pictures.”

Marissa moaned.  “Then watch me masturbate.  I love it.  That’s why I’m on Only Fans.  I don’t need the money.  I just like to think of guys jerking off watching me.”

She pushed her fingers into her pussy, and then pulled them out all covered in pussy juice.  She moved them to the top of her pussy and started rubbing them in circles.  Marissa let out a long moan and squeezed her tit.

She asked, “Did you stroke that cock to my pictures when you found them?”

I nodded as I sat up.  I was enthralled by the sight of her playing with herself.  It was so much more intense when it was really happening in front of me, as opposed to on a screen.

“Come hard?”


Marissa threw her head back and moaned – her fingers still working her pussy.  “God, I love that.  My best friend’s son jerking his cock to me.  You did it even before you saw my pictures, didn’t you?”

I nodded again.

“A lot?”

Another nod.

“This is so wrong and deliciously dirty.  I’ve masturbated imagining you fucking me too.”

“Really?” I blurted out in surprise.

“Mmm hmm.  I knew you were looking at me.  I’ve noticed that you were hard before.  Did you realize that I was bending over in front of you and brushing my tits against you on purpose?”

“You did?”

“Oh yes.  Do you remember that night when I stayed over after a party and you walked into the bathroom on me?”


“You almost got an eyeful.  I heard you coming, unlocked the door, and had my pants down.  I chickened out at the last second.  I wanted you to see my pussy.  Come closer.”

I scooted toward her, and her fingers went into a frenzy.  She whimpered several times, and then her fingers slowed.  She used them to spread her pussy wide open, letting me see the pink inside.

“Do you see how wet I am?  Sucking your cock made me so hot.  Do you want to touch me?”

I was moving before my brain caught up.  I ran my fingers through her pussy hair and took it all in.  Marissa took my hand with her slippery fingers, curled all but two of my fingers back, and then pulled them toward her pussy.

I gasped when she pushed them inside her.  It was so warm and slippery.

“That’s where your cock goes,” she said, and then released my hand.  “Do you know where my clit is?  Right here.”  She lifted the little flap of skin at the top of her pussy and showed me.  “Paying attention to that is how you make a girl come.”

Then she demonstrated by rubbing her clit again.  “Fuck me with your fingers while I rub my clit.”

Caught up in the excitement, I didn’t hesitate.  I’ll never forget the wet sound my fingers made when they slipped into her tight pussy.  That was also when the scent reached me.  It’s hard to describe, but fishy certainly wasn’t it.  It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it was also encouraging me to breathe deep.  I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Ohhh...  Good boy.  Faster.  Fuck me good.”

Marissa’s fingers stopped circling and started moving back and forth, even faster than before.  Her back arched, thrusting those big titties up.  It got me excited, and I fucked her even faster with my fingers.  That made her whimper, which made me smile.

“God yes.  Fuck my pussy.  You love it, don’t you?”

“Fuck yeah,” I said in a rush.  That incredible wet sound was even better coming in bursts as I fingered her.  I could feel her pussy juice dripping down the back of my knuckles.

“Do you want to taste it?  Do you want to lick my pussy?  God.  Please.  I want it.”

One last slurp sounded as I pulled my fingers out of her.

“Oh please.  Lick my clitty.  Eat my pussy,” she pleaded.

It was awkward as hell trying to figure out how to get my head between her legs.  I scooted around, trying to figure out what position I needed to be in.

“Just lie on your stomach and get in there,” she said – her fingers still hard at work on her clit.

Those fingers instantly stopped as soon as I was within reach.  She pulled me into her pussy, and the smell got even stronger – more addicting.  I stuck my tongue out, and she squealed.  That first taste was like her scent.  I don’t know what it tasted like, but from that first lick, I knew I wanted more.

“Fuck yes.  Faster.  Harder.  Lick my fucking pussy,” Marissa demanded with her hands on the back of my head.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I just lapped it as fast and hard as I could.  She pulled me closer, and I got the hint that she wanted me licking her clit more than her pussy.  Taking shorter strokes helped me go faster, which made her cry out, and encouraged me to try even harder.

It was amazing to hear her whimper, moan, and yelp from something I was doing.  Her hands caressed the back of my head and entwined in my hair.  I licked her clit like my life depended on it.  Surprisingly enough, I felt blood trying to get back into my dick.  It was still a little sensitive and a little numb at the same time, but it was enough to make me fidget while I licked her pussy.

“God yes.  Good boy.  Lick that pussy.  That feels so good.  You look so good between my legs.”

Let me tell you, it was incredible to hear her say that.  She was also starting to writhe, lift her hips, and pull me even harder into her pussy.  I was starting to think there was some chance that I could make her come, so I pushed through the ache in my neck and from where she was pulling at my hair to try and make it happen.

Marissa got louder with every passing second, and I was getting harder.  I had to lift my hips and shift because a fold in the comforter was causing it to bend.

She gasped and asked, “Are you getting hard already?  You are.”  The pressure on the back of my head suddenly vanished, and instead she started pushing on my forehead.  “Come here,” she said in a husky, almost growling voice.

I had really wanted to make her come, but I sat up over my knees.  She sat up as well, grabbed my hand, and pulled me toward the head of the bed.  I knee-walked that way, and she grabbed my half-hard dick as soon as it was in reach.  She kept guiding me until I was kneeling right next to her head.

My mom’s friend started fingering her pussy again, stroked my dick with her other hand, and scooted over to lick my balls.

“Make that cock hard for me,” she said between licks.  “I want to take your virginity.  I want that big, thick cock inside me.  I want you to fuck me and come in me.”

Needless to say, that worked.

As soon as I was stiff again, she sat up and said, “Lie down.”

I sat down in the spot she’d just vacated, and followed that order.  I was still stretching my legs out and settling on the pillow when she swung a leg over me.  A second later, she was standing my dick straight up and rubbing it between her pussy lips.  It was wet and slippery from the first dip.

“Are you ready to lose that virginity?” she asked.


Marissa sat down on me, and just like that, I wasn’t a virgin anymore.  “Oh fuck!” I exclaimed as her tight, hot, wet pussy wrapped around me.  Her mouth had been so much better than my hand, but her pussy was light years ahead of that.

Her hands slapped hard on my stomach and her head snapped back once I was all the way inside her.  She trembled violently for a second, and then her head whipped forward again.  Her eyes rolled up in her head at first, but they focused as I watched, and she gasped.

I groaned when she started rocking her hips, stirring my dick inside her.

“Holy fuck.  That cock feels just as good as I thought it would.  So full.  Stretching my pussy.  Does that pussy feel good?”

“So fucking good,” I answered.

“God, please don’t come too soon,” she said in a strained, high-pitched voice.  She moved one hand to where it was braced against my hip, and the other went to her clit.

She looked incredible with those big tits swinging and quivering.  She rubbed her fingers in slow circles over her clit, and rocked her hips ever so slightly.

“So fucking nasty.  I’m fucking my best friend’s son,” Marissa said as her fingers moved a little faster.  “Riding his fat cock and taking his virginity.  So fucking hot.  Now you be a good boy and keep that cum in your balls until I come all over that hard young cock.  You want me to come, don’t you?”


“Say it.”

“I want you to come.”

Marissa let out a feral yowl and rode me harder.  I clenched my teeth and stiffened from the yank on the root of my dick.  It was hardly comfortable, but I could deal with it, considering the way her face started going red.

Her fingers turned into a blur between her legs, and she grunted from the effort of riding me.  I was all good – enjoying the show – until she let out a growl and switched from grinding on me to bouncing.

Her ass slapped against my legs.  Her hair and big tits danced.  The bed springs creaked.  I breathed hard and all my muscles stiffened when I felt the wicked itch in the head of my dick.  Her tight pussy felt like pure heaven and was absolutely milking me.

“Fuck yes.  So fucking good,” she cried out – her voice breaking in time with her hips slamming down on me.

I grunted and groaned, fighting the hot itch steadily spreading through my dick.  I closed my eyes, but that did nothing for the sound.

“Going to come all over that fat cock,” Marissa cried in a loud, tight voice.

My mom’s friend whimpered and yelled as she drove my butt down into the mattress.  I was getting close, but her wild ride was causing just enough uncomfortable bending to keep me from the edge – for a while.

She must have seen it in my face.  “Fuck!  Don’t come yet.  I’m almost there.  So close.”

It was too late.  “Can’t...  Ungh!  I...” I stammered in clipped grunts.  Then a sound like nothing I’d ever made before exploded from my lips as my cum erupted into her pussy.

“Yes!  Come in my pussy-eee!” Marissa squealed.  Then I felt her lurch hard on my dick.

Her big tits slammed into my chest, and her nails dug into my sides just as I pumped another blast of cum inside her.  Marissa screamed and convulsed on top of me – her pussy gripping me like a vise.  My yells were probably even higher-pitched than hers.  I’m pretty sure I’d run out of cum long before my dick stopped trying to pump more out.

I let out a stuttering whimper of relief when she went limp on top of me.  For a couple of minutes, all either of us could do was gasp for breath and twitch.  My skin was hot and starting to sweat where she was lying on top of me.  I could feel her boobs sliding around whenever she would lurch from the lingering effects of her orgasm.

Marissa let out a weak laugh and then breathed, “Whew!”  She wiggled her hips, which caused me to cry out from my sensitive dick sliding around inside her.  She moaned and said, “Good boy.”

All I could do was groan.

That changed instantly when she lifted off my dick.  My back arched up from the bed as I yelped.

I was still recovering from the shock when she flopped onto her back.  I felt her moving around as I panted for breath, and then she tousled my hair.

She was holding her camera when I turned to look at her.  “No going into a coma yet.  I need you take a picture.  I’m sure my lawyer fan will love a creampie.”

Marissa sat the camera on my chest.  When I didn’t move immediately, she clucked her tongue at me and said, “Chop, chop.”

I laid a shaky hand on the camera, and then made three uncoordinated attempts to move while she chuckled.  Finally, I managed to sit up.  Marissa used her hands and feet to guide me toward the foot of the bed and then spread her legs.

“Take several shots, and I’ll pick the best one,” she said while gesturing for me to raise the camera.

Holding the camera still wasn’t easy, but I looked at the screen and pointed it at her pussy.  I jumped a little when a loud, wet, flatulent sound accompanied cum squirting and oozing out of her.

I grinned like an idiot as I watched my cum flow out of her hairy pussy.

“Pictures,” she reminded me.

I snapped the shutter several times, and then she sat up to take the camera.  As soon as she had it in hand, I let myself collapse, and she erupted into laughter.


Surprisingly enough, I was less uncomfortable around my mom’s friend after fucking her than before.  She’d been over both days since I dumped a load in her, and I was able to keep it together pretty well.

Mom was out at the store, so I was at work on my laptop.  Marissa had given me free access to her Only Fans, and whenever I had the chance, I did searches to find any of her pictures that were out in the wild.  The links were starting to come up as 404s, which meant her lawyer fan’s letters were working.  I copied the two new links that were still working and sent them to Marissa.

I was hard as a rock from staring at her pictures for a half hour, so I clicked my way to the video I’d already picked out of her riding a suction cup dildo.  Before I could get my lotion and tissues, my phone rang.  It was her.

“So...” she said as soon as I answered.  “He loved the creampie, but now he wants one of my pussy hair all full of cum.  Have any saved up, or is it all in socks?”

She’d called just in time.  I had a whole day’s worth ready to go.  The benefits package on my new side hustle was fucking amazing.

Written by RejectReality
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