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Trancendent Sensuality -20

"Kevin and Karla host a contingent of Argentines and Taylor visits Kevin at work."

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“Well, that’s some exciting news,” Karla said as she punched the “End” button on her phone.  

She and Kevin were sitting on their deck enjoying the warm evening air and sipping Margueritas.  

“The Argentines are coming!” she concluded.

“Are they?” Kevin asked easily.  “How many and when?”

“Six!” Karla replied with a broad smile.  “I thought there might be a couple or two.  But, Fredericka said they’ll be three couples.  Not Julian, though.  That’s a little disappointing.”

“Well, he’s busy,” Kevin reminded her.  “When are they arriving?”

“Thursday of next week.  She’s going to email me the flight details.”

“And how long are they staying?”

“Two weeks,” Karla answered.

“They have hotel reservations?”

“They don’t need them.  Carlos and Fredericka will stay with Tom and Tanya.  Juan and Manda will stay here.  Jeremy and Jasmine will have Ricardo and Rosalind.”

“Do they have room?  I thought their place was small.”

“They have a spare bedroom.  They’ll be fine.”

He nodded in acquiescence.  “As usual, you’ve got everything arranged.”

“I do.  You’re going to love having Manda around.  She’s stunning.  And Fredericka.  I’ve already told you how gorgeous she is.”

“You’re setting me up, aren’t you?” he chuckled.

“Why not?” Karla replied.  “You’ve set me up more than once.”

He shook his head slowly.  “Never that, darling,” he replied.  “I just allowed you to make your choices and have your liaisons.”

Her grin was broad.  “And provide you with arousal and entertainment,” she noted.

“But you always made the choice.  I never set you up.”

“All right,” she conceded.  “I’ll admit to that.  But if I didn’t set you up you’d be content to just watch.”

“Watching you is one of the great joys of my life,” Kevin said.  “I guess that makes me weird.”

“You’re not weird, my darling.  Just a little kinky.  And I love you for it.”

“So, do I need to plan adventures for our guests?” he asked her.  “Other than the sex, I mean.”

“We’ll have to have at least one party for them,” Karla told him.  “The girls and I will plan that.  Maybe we could take a road trip; caravan to someplace not too far away where we can behave badly.”

“You mean run around naked and screw whomever appears?”

She laughed.  “That’s the idea,” she said.  “Now you’re getting into the spirit.”

“I’ll see what I can arrange,” he told her.

As is so often the case, no plan survives more than a minute or two into the actual event.  Kevin and Karla met their Argentine guests at the airport in a hired limousine with a van for their luggage.  Manda informed them that Julian had arranged a penthouse suite for the six Argentine visitors.

“We were hoping you and Juan would stay with us,” Karla told her.

“Carlos and I will stay with you,” Fredericka announced.  “The suite has only two bedrooms.”

“We will rest from the flight and meet all of you at the hotel at eight tonight,” Manda said.

“Not only is she stunning,” Kevin grinned at Karla.  “She’s also well organized.”

“It is what I do,” Manda smiled at Kevin, raising the flute of champagne toward him and Karla.

“Julian depends on her,” Karla agreed.  “Just leave us some time to entertain you,” she suggested.

Fredericka beamed as she softly said, “That is what the night times are for, isn’t it?”

Karla laughed and replied, “It is, indeed.”

The vehicles deposited Manda, Juan, Ricardo and Rosalind at the hotel, then continued to the Williams home.  Fredericka eased Karla’s concerns, confirming she had Manda’s phone number and the dark-haired Argentine had Fredericka’s.

“This is lovely,” the statuesque blonde said, surveying the home after they had arrived and deposited luggage in the guest room.

“Thank you,” Karla said.  “If you need anything, just ask.  Otherwise, make yourselves at home.  Can we get you anything?”

“I think we shall freshen and perhaps a nap before this evening,” Fredericka told her.

“If there is anything…” Kevin began.

“If I could impose one thing,” Fredericka said, stepping up to him and placing a hand on his cheek.  She lifted her lips toward his and gave him a small, moist, tender kiss on the lips.  “My Carlito has been anxious to see your Karla again,” she said.  “And I am very glad to meet you at last.”

“Darling,” Karla said to Kevin when they had reconvened at their home after dinner, “I want you to meet Amanda.  She is Julian’s executive assistant.”

Kevin smiled warmly at the statuesque brunette as she extended her hand.  “Your boss is one of my favorite people,” he said graciously.  “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Until she got off the plane,” Karla went on, “I didn’t realize that she was one of Fredericka’s crew.  I’m delighted she is.  Isn’t she beautiful?”

“She is,” Kevin agreed.

“I’m so glad you think so.  The two of you will be partners for tonight.”  She turned to Manda.  “Is that all right with you?”

Manda smiled warmly at Karla.  “I look forward to the pleasure,” she said, looking back at Kevin.  “Senora Karla has told us all about you.”

“Has she?” Kevin chuckled.

“Now you’re not allowed to fall in love,” Karla told them, “Although I don’t see how you can resist.”

“If what you and Julian have told me is true,” Manda said, never taking her eyes off Kevin, “I’m sure it will be impossible.  We will certainly try.”

Kevin lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it in the European fashion.  “I’m afraid I’m already smitten,” he grinned at Manda and at Karla.

“You can love her,” Karla sighed.  “But she belongs to Julian.”

“As do you,’ he grinned at her.

“I belong to you, my darling,” Karla said.  “Julian can only have me whenever he wants.”

“Do you see what I have to endure?” Kevin asked Manda.

“I will do my best to ease your agony,” she grinned at him.

Manda raised her head from his lap and released his hardness from between her lips.

“Do you not wonder where your wife is?” she asked.

He shook his head in the negative as he sat on the edge of the bed.  “No,” he said softly.  “All I hope is that she is as aroused as you have made me.”

Manda smiled at him and lowered her head to attend to his shaft.

Kevin felt the soft lips engulf him and shuddered as her tongue licked along the underside of his firm meat.

“Please,” he begged gently.

She released him.  “You wish to come in my mouth?”

“I wish to taste you,” he replied.

“Ah,” she replied.  “I think we can do that.”

She stood at the edge of the bed and pushed him gently until he lay on his back.  She knelt across his frame and crawled up his body until her knees were on either side of his head.  She felt him put his hand on her ass and pull her toward him.  As his tongue gently swept across the softness of her nether lips and brushed over her clit, she groaned with the sensation.

His tongue probed and pressed, licking the moisture of her arousal, then pushing into the tart opening of her sex.  It caused her to gasp.

“You wish me to come in your mouth?” she gasped gently and was rewarded with an affirmative hum.

She concentrated on the sensations of his attentions, visualizing his tongue pressing and licking at her delicate flesh, sparking the nerve endings that populated the region.  Her breath rattled in her throat and her hands captured his head, pulling him up and into her.

Her words, “Soon, Mr. Kevin,” seemed to stimulate him to greater efforts and Manda felt the need to gasp for air and hold it as the warm, blue ball of her orgasm loomed and then burst as her orgasm washed over her.

“Aye, baby!” she moaned.  “I need you inside me!”

She rolled off him and spread her legs, inviting his penetration.

“So soon?” Kevin asked as he swept the back of his hand across his mouth.

“Yes, yes!” Manda demanded.  “Please fuck me now!”

He rolled between her legs and positioned his cock at her entrance.  He felt her warm, moist flesh envelope the head of his meat.

“Inside,” she ordered.  “No teasing!”

Kevin grinned and slid his hardness into her welcoming cavern, groaning as the warmth of her surrounded him and seemed to pulse with her desire.

“You are so beautiful,” he growled softly.

“Please,” she begged.  “No talk.  Just fuck.”

Kevin drove into her for several minutes.  He watched her face, enjoying the fire in her dark eyes and the way her tongue licked at her lips.  She groaned and he felt her tighten around his thrusting shaft.

“That was quick,” he remarked, smiling at her.

“I have been waiting for you since Senora Karla visited and told us about you,” she said through ragged breaths.

“Well, I’m flattered,” Kevin smiled.

“On top now, please,” Manda told him.

He pulled out and rolled over on the bed, his hardness glistening with her moisture.  She moved quickly to straddle him and sank down on him, absorbing his cock into her warm depths.

“Is it good?” she asked breathlessly.

“Delightful,” Kevin replied.  “Hot, wet, and very exciting.”

“Senora says you like to watch her,” Manda said.

“That’s true,” he admitted.

“Do you like to watch me fuck you?”

He grinned.  “Very much.”

She leaned down and captured his lips with hers for a moment.  Her tongue lashed along his lips as she pulled away.  “You feel good to me,” she said as she righted herself and pushed herself up and down on his hardness.  “I come again very soon.”

“Good,” Kevin said softly.  “As many times as you want.”

“Senor Julian said you watched him with Senora Karla.”

“That’s true.  She was beautiful.”

“You love her very much?”

“Yes, I do,” he confirmed.

"And lucky for me, she loves you very much, as well.”

“I think I’m the lucky one,” he responded somewhat raggedly.  Her actions on him had him right on the edge.

“You are ready,” Manda asked, her voice strained.

“I am.”

“Then we come together,” she announced, raising her head toward the ceiling and clamping her muscles around him as her climax pulsed through her, leaving her gasping and moaning.

Kevin raised his hips to push himself into her and unleashed his pent-up passion, his rod throbbing as he released spurts of his essence into her with a groan that originated deep in his chest.

Manda rocked forward and back on him until she finally fell forward, clutching his head in her arms, her lips next to his ear.  He could hear her labored breath, hot against his skin, as she struggled to breathe after her exertions.

“Exceptional,” she gasped in a whispered expression.  “You make me weep with joy.”

He wrapped his arms around her and held her lightly.  “You are amazing,” he whispered to her.  “I won’t want to share you with any of the others.”

“You will keep me for yourself?” she asked as her breath returned to a normal pattern.

“I would,” he chuckled, “But I don’t think that is possible.”

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“It would not be so bad for me,” Manda told him.

“Karla won’t allow it,” he said.  “She has other plans.”

She raised her head and placed a warm, tender kiss on his lips.  “Then we must make the most of the time we have together.”

“For tonight I belong to you,” Kevin promised.

“And I to you,” Manda replied.  “We have had the fuck.  Now we make love for the whole night.”

The following morning, Kevin was in his office when the intercom beeped.

“Yes?” he responded, pressing the button.

“A lady says she is your niece,” his secretary said.

“Which line?” he asked her.

“She is here.”

“Send her in, then,” he said, “And thank you.”

He watched as Taylor entered the door, dressed in a nice, light blue, short-sleeved dress.

“You look lovely,” he said as he stood behind the desk.

“This is really nice,” Taylor told him.  “I don’t think I’ve ever been here before.”

“Come in, Sweetheart,” he said.  “Take a seat.  What brings you down?”

She sat in the chair opposite his desk, perched on the edge of the seat.

“How was your night?” she asked.

He grinned sheepishly.  “It was interesting.”

“I’m sure it was,” Taylor said.  “Amanda, wasn’t it?”

He nodded.  “Manda, yes.  What is it?”

She looked him in the eyes.  “You know that I love you.”

He grinned.  “I do.  And I love you, too.”

“Like a niece.”  Her words were a challenge.

“Like a niece,” he agreed, nodding, “But somewhat more than that.  We have been intimate.”

Taylor looked around the office.  Then she nodded.  “We’ve made love,” she said in a low voice.

Kevin smiled.  “I think that’s a fair assessment.  What is it, Taylor?”

“Will you be mad with me?” she asked.

“I doubt that,” Kevin replied.  “I guess it depends.”

Taylor took a deep breath, looked at the floor and then back into his face.  “I’m probably being silly,” she said, quickly, “But I can’t help it.  And, I know you’ve been with Tanya, and Jasmine, and even my Mom.  I don’t care about any of them.  But these women from Argentina.”

She stopped and rubbed her hand up and down the armrest of the chair.

“What about them?” he asked.

“If I wasn’t in love with you, I wouldn’t care,” Taylor said.

“In love?”  Kevin said, straining to keep his voice even.

“I know.  It’s strange, isn’t it?  I mean, I only found out a year ago that you weren’t really my uncle, and then we slept together and, I’m crazy about Ted and really am going to marry him.  And I don’t want to take you away from Aunt Karla or anything, but I really am in love with you.”

“That’s very flattering, Taylor.  What is it you want me to do?”

She breathed heavily.  “I’m jealous of your fucking the Argentine women.  I’m used to the others, you know, in our group.  But they’re so exotic and beautiful.  It’s making me crazy.”

“Taylor,” Kevin began, “You have to know it’s just the same.  There’s no difference to me between them and the others.  Your Aunt Karla made the pairings.  I am merely doing my part to make them feel welcome here.”

“Yeah, right,” Taylor scoffed.  “And you didn’t feel anything different with the stunning Amanda?  She didn’t turn your head or change your mind about anything?”

Kevin chuckled.  “You mean did I fall in love with her?”

She looked at the floor.  “I guess.”

“Honey, I am very married to your Aunt Karla,” he said gently.  “More than my own enjoyment, we’re in this for her benefit.  I certainly have an affection for all those in our group.  If Manda became a regular member, I’m sure I’d feel that same affection.  But, love?  No, Taylor.”

“What about me?  Is that what you feel for me?  Affection?”

Kevin drew a deep breath.  “We’re a special situation, Taylor.  We’re family.  The bonds we have are rather unique.  Of course I have affection for you.  But our relationship goes beyond that.  I love your mother, and I love you in a unique and special way that transcends the relationship with the others.”

Taylor examined her fingernails.

“Have you spoken to your Aunt Karla about this?” Kevin asked.

Her blonde hair swirled as she shook her head.

“You do know she’s the one who makes the arrangements?”

“I know,” Taylor said.  

“What about Ted?” he asked.  “How do you feel about him being with our guests?”

“Ted loves me.  He’ll be fine.  Even if he gets infatuated with one of them, I know he’s coming back to me.  We’ll be getting married eventually.”

Kevin nodded gently.  “What is it you want from me, Taylor?” he asked her softly.

“I want to love you,” she said.  “I want us to be special.  I want to love you, spend time with you, cuddle, snuggle, have sex together, and be with one another.  I want us to have a relationship.”

“Honey,” he replied after a moment, “We already have all of those things.  While it’s true we haven’t spent much time together outside of the bedroom, you have to know that I’m willing to do all those things with you whenever you want.  All you have to do is ask.”

“You’ll watch sappy movies with me and cuddle?”

“I will.”

“Will you take me out for pizza and stuff?”

“Whenever I can,” he replied.  “Sometimes things may get in the way, but if you want, all you have to do is ask.”

“And you won’t fuck those Argentine sluts anymore?”

Kevin laughed deep in his chest.  “You really need to talk to your Aunt Karla about that, Sweetie.  They are all beautiful and exotic, as you said.  I merely do what my wife directs.  That’s all Karla.”

“I understand this thing you have with Karla, how you enjoy watching her with Ted and Tom and the others.  But you can’t be watching her if you’re screwing somebody else.  So, what’s up with that?” she asked.

Kevin rubbed his chin as he considered his answer.  “Frankly, Taylor, I think that may be your Aunt Karla’s idea of rewarding me for allowing her to enjoy other partners.  I’ve told her it is unnecessary, but she seems convinced that she owes me, and letting me sleep with others is her way of saying ‘Thank you,’ for my liberating her from the traditional standards.  It makes her happy, and that’s my primary objective.”

“If she wants to give you to someone, she can give you to me,” Taylor said tersely.

Kevin chuckled.  “She does, Sweetie.  She doesn’t want you to get bored, though.”

“She doesn’t know how much I love you.  I don’t mind screwing Tom, or Jake, or Jeremy.  I don’t mind sharing Ted or you with my Mom or any of the others.  And I don’t mind screwing the shit out of the Argentines.  But I don’t love any of them the way I love you.”

“Then you should tell her, Taylor.  She might be surprised.  I’m sure she will be.  I’m sure she’s given me Manda and Fredericka as gifts because she finds them stunning and irresistible.”

“Are they?” Taylor interrupted.

“If I had to choose, Taylor, I’d pick you every time.”

Taylor looked stunned.  “Do you mean that?”

“It’s taken me some time to come to that determination, my dear.  The truth is, you’re the one I find stunning and irresistible.  You’re all piss and vinegar until you get affectionate and loving.  And I am more than flattered that you have these feelings for me.  You’re a joy to be around and I’m glad you’re in my life.”

“So you do love me?”

“I already told you that,” he replied.  “Now, you need to go and talk to your Aunt Karla.  Tell her how you feel.  And if she tells you she owes me you can say that I’m grateful but that I’d really rather be with you than any of our guests.  Will that work for you?”

“I love you, Uncle Kevin.,” she said, standing up.  “If it wasn’t for all these windows, I’d kiss you, strip you down and screw you within an inch of your life.”

Kevin laughed.  “Good thing there are all these windows, then,” he said with a huge grin.

“I’ll talk to Aunt Karla,” she said, “And then I’ll pick out a romantic, sappy movie for us to watch tonight and the Argentines can screw whomever.  But you and I are going to be together.”

“That sounds like a plan, dear,” he said, standing.  “I’ll be looking forward to it.”

“That is extremely unfair,” Karla told Taylor.  “I have made assurances with them.”

Taylor rotated her foot onto her high heel and crossed her arms under her breasts.  “What kind of assurances?” she asked.

“They came with the understanding that your Uncle Kevin would treat them.  Fredericka, especially.”

“She’s the one I’m most worried about,” Taylor said.

“I don’t see why,” Karla replied.  “In a few days, they will be gone back to Argentina.”

Taylor turned her back to Karla and tossed her blonde hair.  “I know, I know,” she said with a sigh.  “Still, I don’t want him alone with her.”

Karla drew a deep breath.  “Let me give you a little history,” she said gently.  “This began because your Uncle Kevin wanted to watch me with others.  To begin with, he was satisfied to simply watch as a man of my choosing enjoyed himself with me.  Eventually, he began to participate.  All of it was enjoyable for me, to be sure.  But, I began to feel as if I owed him the same experience I was enjoying.”

“I’ve heard all this,” Taylor assured her as she turned to face the older woman.

Karla nodded.  “What you don’t know is that he accepted the arrangement to please me.  He’s never fallen to the idea that my watching him…”

“And sending him to my mother?” Taylor interjected.

“Yes, that, too.  That was exciting for me, too.  I love seeing him pleasure Tanya, Jasmine, your mother, and even you.  He doesn’t need it.  He doesn’t especially desire it.  But, he does it because I ask him to do it.

“Julian,” she continued, “From Argentina was one of our first.  Then your Uncle Kevin sent me down there knowing I would have sex with him.  The knowledge of that tryst was all he needed.  But, what I found was that there was this group down there operating on the same basis as our group here.  So, I invited them to come up to experience our way of doing things.  Fredericka is the group facilitator.  She asked me to make sure Kevin would be available to her in exchange for my participation with all of them.”

“You probably shouldn’t have done that,” Taylor told her.

“He’s my husband, Taylor,” Karla reminded her gently.  “The assurance was given.  Now, I appreciate that you love your Uncle Kevin.  But, he is my husband.  Can’t we come to some arrangement to allow me to fulfill my obligation to her without hurting you?”
“What do you have in mind?” Taylor asked.

“Who do you want?  Tom, Jeremy, Jake?  Any of the Argentines?  Just tell me.”

“Her husband,” Taylor said.

“Carlos?  That’s all?  I can do that.  So, you just want reciprocity?”

“That’s not what I want.  But I’ll settle.”

Karla shook her head.  “You really shouldn’t be jealous of my husband having sex with somebody else.  After all, if it wasn’t for him, Ted, your future husband, wouldn’t even be here.”

“I know,” Taylor sighed.

“You don’t mind it when Ted screws the other women, including your mother,” Karla noted.


“Or when he sleeps with any of the Argentines.”

Taylor nodded and sighed.  “I know.”

“Why Kevin, then?”

There was a long pause.  “Because,” she said softly, “After that first time he slipped inside me, he became mine.”

Karla reached over and stroked her hair softly.  “He isn’t, though.  You know that.”

“I know its silly,” Taylor said, her eyes brimming with tears.  “With all the others, its just sex.  But with Uncle Kevin…I don’t know.  It isn’t even desire.  It just completes me.”

Karla smiled gently.  “I know exactly how you feel, darling.  I feel the same way.  The sex with the others is fun and exciting.  With Kevin, it’s like coming home.”

“You don’t hate me for that, do you?” Taylor asked.

Karla wrapped her arms around Taylor and held her close.  “Not at all, honey,” she said tenderly.  “We’re family.  You’re allowed to love him, too.”

Taylor held onto Karla for a moment.  “Thank you for bringing Ted to me,” she said.

“Honey believe me.  It really is a pleasure for all of us.  Thank you for sharing him with us.”

“You can borrow him,” Taylor laughed through her modest tears.  “You just can’t have him.”

“Exactly,” Karla replied with a chuckle.



Written by aldenbradley
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