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The Promise- Part 2

"An attorney is involved in a game of sex, lies and murder."

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Rebecca woke to relentless shrieking, otherwise known as her alarm clock. Reluctantly, she forced her eyes open and tried to think about the Spinelli case. Her meeting from yesterday was…strange, to say the least. Sleep hadn’t came easily as she debated over the truth about Andreas’s involvement. She had finally acquired to her exhausted body, promising herself that she would wake up with an answer in the morning. A way to assuage her overly ambitious guilt. Unfortunately, she woke up without one. She’d learned enough in law school to know that determining who was innocent and guilty wasn’t part of her job description. Her job was to present all available evidence in as ethical and legally sound manner as possible.

If the DA’s office was using this prosecution to hound a citizen, even one with a reputation like Gio Spinelli, that was wrong. That was something she should do something about. There was no security footage from the club. Conveniently and suspiciously, the system had a recording glitch that night. Her first instinct screamed Andreas was guilty, but with the type of footage that could be found from that club was also an issue. Who knew what really happened when any trust-fund scions partied together?

Without a digital record, the case rested on two eyewitnesses. The bartender who had served both parties and said he’d seen the punch in question, and another girl at the club that night who was willing to testify that Andreas had started the whole brawl. Too bad it wasn’t just left at a brawl, Rebecca thought grimly. Somewhere between brushing her teeth and walking the blocks to her subway station, Rebecca decided to focus on their backgrounds. Even if Andreas was guilty, she’d be saving her boss from any surprises on the stand. She didn’t mind the idea of getting ahead off information from a less-than-savory source like Gio, but she wasn’t entirely keen on working for him. At least this was due diligence any good lawyer would be obligated to perform.

She got to her desk and started digging through the stack of files for the information on the witnesses. Eventually, she found the bartender’s folder. It was slow, investigative work. Somewhere between the dry description of the police report and the assorted bits of personal data from public records, there was a life here. Rebecca needed to know if anything in that life suggested the witness was unreliable. Sighing, she flipped over yet another document. Her entire day would be consumed with this case. At least no one could blame her for not being through.

She spent the morning gathering information on the bartender - past employers, landlords, anyone he’d entered into a contract with. He’d never been married and didn’t own property, but even the dead can be tracked if they paid taxes. Following his tax record, she called his past contacts, trying to pushy any information out of them that would work in their favor. She was starting to think Gio was wrong about his kid and it was an open and shut case when she stumbled upon a hole in the bartender’s character. It was a few years go, but his previous boss had less than a stellar recommendation.

“Chris Ashton? Yeah, he worked for me. What’d he do?” Holding her breath, Rebecca tried to keep her tone casual.

“Nothing bad, sir. Just checking up on him. He’s a potential witness in a trial.”

“Well if he’s the same kid I fired, I wouldn't trust him. That shit wasn’t worth his paycheck.. Little junkie stole from me,so I fired him. Didn’t report it, you know, didn’t want to really screw him. Kinda hoped he’d get it together. Wrote it off as a lesson about vetting my employees better. If he’s clean, you know, that’s a different story. I got a brother who got off Oxy and he’s doing good now, but whoa...he was on it, you couldn’t leave him alone in your house, he’d rob ya blind.”

“Thank you. I’ll look into that and make sure which Chris we’re dealing with. Thank you for your honesty.” Inwardly both grinning and wincing, Rebecca hung up and began combing back through the documents. Sure enough, there it was. A known dealer picked up a few weeks back at the same club. The cops were still trying to figure out if he’d had some kind of arrangement with the club or the employees, but had nothing concrete. Almost didn’t make it into the file on the club at all, except the officer assigned to the case wanted to keep it open and watch who filled the dealer’s void. Rebecca called down to the precinct and asked to speak to the officer.

“Alvarez here. Go.”

“Officer Alvarez, this is Rebecca Johnson over at the DA’s office. I needed to ask you a question about a dealer you picked up last week at Raze, that nightclub in the East Village? I need to know if he dealt to a bartender there.”

“Yeah, I know who you’re talking about. That kid would likely say anything about anybody. Weasely little shit. He had a decent amount of pills on him, and we found a scrip pad in his apartment, so now he’s part of some doctor-busting case uptown. I can ask him about your guy, but I can tell you right now he’s not gonna talk without a deal. Personally, I wouldn’t trust a damn thing from him.”

“Good to know. Thanks.” Rebecca hung up. She didn’t know if the bartender was using or not, but she was sure the defense could get the dealer to swear he’d sold to him. That would be enough to knock the shine off of him in the jury’s eyes. She put the folder aside. She’d have to bring that to the DA, but there was still the other witness to consider. That folder wasn’t in the stack. Brody must still have it. She looked at his office door, half-open, and realized just how late it was. The whole day had slipped past her while she was absorbed in the case. Hardly anyone remained in the office, and most of them were gathering the last of their things and heading to the elevators. Brody was still here. That means it would just be the two of them and the custodians. Damn, damn, damn. She hated that fat pig but she needed this case. After all, she preferred to be among the land of the living. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself and strode towards Brody’s office.

She knocked on Brody’s open door as a courtesy that the asshole really didn’t deserve. He was sitting at his desk, reading something on his computer and clearly pretending to ignore her. She waited. Minutes passed. She started to enter and he held up a finger at her, still reading. He was clearly making a show of this. He had a door and an office while she had a desk in the bullpen of the main office area. It wasn’t something she hadn’t noticed, but the glaring difference wasn’t so obvious as it was now. After nearly ten minutes, he finally invited her in. Had he not ahead of her on the food chain of this case and technically above her in office power, she would have stormed in and slapped him. Instead, she hovered until she was asked to sit like some type of domesticated animal.

“How can I help you, Ms. Johnson?” Brody was his usual condescending self. “Need help deciphering some of the files?”

Gritting her teeth, she mentally counted to ten. “Just doing the legwork vetting our witnesses. I need the file on the other witness, Ashley Creighton. I don’t see it in the stack you gave me yesterday.”

Brody got up and went to a cabinet. “Yeah, here it is...sorry about that.” He turned with the folder. “Shut the door for a second, would you?” Rebecca closed it with a click, then turned back towards him.

“Brody, come on. Just give me the damn file and let me go home. It’s been a long day. You don’t have to be patronizing.”

“No, I don’t have to be. I also don’t have to give you this folder. You have plenty of other things you could be prepping instead of acting like a defense attorney and picking apart my witnesses. I could just hold onto this.”

“Why are you like this?”

“Because it’s fun, Becks. Maybe I’d give you the folder if that were fun, too.” He looked her up and down with a predatory stare. “You want the file? One condition.”

Rebecca shuddered to think what Brody might say next. “What?” she asked, bracing herself.

“You let me eat that pussy of yours for as long as I want.”

“What? Gross, no! Fuck off, Brody.” She started to turn toward the door.

Brody spoke again. “I can win this case against that little shit, bitch my words. Or I could lose it embarrassingly because some attorney working on the case fucked it up so badly we get creamed in court. Just so we’re clear, in my version that incompetent lawyer is you, Rebecca. So which is it - me under your skirt, or you under the bus?”

Rebecca stood with her hand on the doorknob and wondered if she shouldn’t just let him ‘throw’ the case. Brody was a disgusting pig both in personality and appearance. The thought of him even touching her, let alone eating her was disgusting. The problem was that Brody was working this case as a political move and didn’t care about justice or fair play. Maybe Gio was right and Andreas was being railroaded. On the other hand, if Brody lost the case, then whispered in the DA’s ear over drinks that it was Rebecca’s failure... Well, the best case scenario would mean her rise in the office would be stopped. And the worst case, she’d be unemployed with a reputation for bad work. No to mention possibly dead.

The case had to be lost, but on her terms. She left the door closed and thumbed the lock. Brody was smiling when she turned back toward him. Slamming the blinds down as a final act of defiance, she spat out, “Fine.” Shaking from the anger and energy it took trying not to kill the dipshit, she painfully unlatched the belt on her gray skit. Unzipping the side, without the belt to secure it on her thin waist, it slowly slid down her lush, hippy curves. Mortified beyond belief, she kept her face down as she stood with her cream blouse covering her panties. Exposed completely on the bottom, save her panties and tan colored stockings, Brody whistled softly in appreciation. If there ever came an opportunity to ruin him personally or professionally, she’d take it. She roughly pulled her panties to the side and lifted her shirt up, exposing her hairless pink pussy. “Here, let’s just get it over with.”

Brody rubbed himself through his pants and demanded that she look at him. She slowly raised her eyes, determined for him to see how much she hated him in her glare. Distracted by the movement his hand caused, her eyes flickered downwards to the middle of his pants. If he was hard, he was small- at least that part gave her solace. The jackass! Rebecca tried to not smile or laugh as she thought about it. She didn’t want to set him off any further. She cleared her throat when he didn’t move.

“Oh no...” he said, still staring at her pussy. “All of it off. Except the stockings. Leave the stockings.” She began to unbutton her blouse. Once it was off, she folded it and stepped out of the ring of her skirt on the floor. She put both on one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, then removed her bra and added it to the pile.

“Good girl. Clean off my desk. Carefully, don’t go breaking stuff.” He continued to rub himself in small circles through his slacks. Rebecca tried to hide her disgust but couldn’t stop the involuntary curl of her lip. She took each item off the desk and set it carefully on the floor. Once it was clear, Brody told her to lay on her back on the desk. Reluctantly, she followed his orders and the cold hardness of the desk caused her to involuntarily arch her back.

Grinning, Brody advanced towards her. The sudden loss of power was frightening and she secretly prayed for her vagina to stink. She briefly pondered how she could prove a sexual harassment claim, but then Gio’s menacing face popped into her head.

Well, I guess it’s better than being dead, she acquiesced. Lost in her own pity party, she jumped as she felt something ice-cold against her thigh. Brody took the letter opener from the desk-pile on the floor and cut her panties, pulling them free from the stockings and putting them in a drawer. He dragged her down the desk slightly until her legs hung off the side. She tried to focus on the cold of the lacquered wood, thinking inappropriately that she should have a desk this large, not Brody.

She was unconsciously wincing, bracing herself for the slime caused by this disgusting man’s mouth. Instead, she felt a shock of pleasure as his thick, fat tongue licked her clit from the top to the bottom in one solid stroke. A small cry escaped her mouth and Brody stopped immediately. 

Panting heavily, she saw him grab a tie and come towards her face. “Wha-what are you do-“

He roughly pulled her head back, forced her mouth open and stuffed the bottom part of the tie in her mouth then tied a knot at the back of her head securing her in a gag. Satisfied, he immediately returned to lapping at her pussy. She hated herself instantly for how good his tongue felt. The gag only enhanced the pleasure. Brody began sucking on her clit, lightly touching his teeth to it occasionally, coaxing her up further and further toward orgasm. His tongue slid in and out of her lips, making them swollen with pleasure. His tongue was thick, long and rough; his strokes were forceful and demanding. He ate her pussy like a starving man getting a fresh piece of bed. The office filled with the sounds of wet slurping noises.

Disgusted with herself, him and her gag, Rebecca prayed for the ending. Her juices were beginning to flow freely and Brody was determined that her pussy stay dry. He slurped, sucked, licked and swallowed every single trickle of pleasure. Beyond reason or choice, her body and she twisted on the desk, her legs clenching around his head. Brody bent her knees up and moved away from her clit, focusing his tongue on the slow licks between the lips of her pussy. Her body went crazy and she felt heat racing in tendrils across her body. Brody, the most disgusting man she knew, was going to give her the best orgasm she’d had all year.

He replaced his tongue with a fat finger, fucking her with the sheer tenacity of a dominant man. As she arched off the desk in a fresh wave of ecstasy, he put a thick law textbook under the small of her back to hold her in that position. Her pussy opened to him as she laid in a bow, her feet on his shoulders as he sank back to his knees and continued to finger and lick her. Her nipples hurt so much she nearly cried from the pleasure. Her large, 32D Natural breast bounced heavily and her body began to involuntarily shudder. Another wave of pleasure rocked her and she spasmed so hard, her pinned bun came out, long blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders.

Pinching her nipples and gasping for air, Brody added another finger inside her. He pushed in and out of her creamy wetness, while his tongue licked around her labia, up the crease where her leg met her crotch, and under his fingers where her juices were making a puddle on the desk. She thought she even heard him lick her off the desk itself, greedily devouring all that she gave from her dripping pussy before adding yet another finger and returning his lips to hers. With four fingers and his tongue, he broke her. Rebecca screamed but it came out as a muffled groan, as the gag prevented anyone from really hearing her ecstasy.

Brody pushed her past any previous orgasm she’d had, his fingers making a mess of her cunt as she ground herself into his face. He hadn’t touched her clit since he began his work, and only now, as she crested her highest wave of pleasure, did he return to that sacred bundle of nerves. His tongue hit it like an electric shock and he roughly pulled his hand from her pussy. Rebecca gasped and dropped her breasts. Her nipples were bright red from pinching. She ran her hands through the sides of Brody’s remaining hair as he sucked hard on her clit. He took both her wrists with one hand and freed himself from her delirious caresses, using his other hand to rub roughly on her clit. She came again, a cry of pleasure caught in the tie as she squeezed her eyes shut. Brody stopped his hand and began to gently lick all the juices from her, cleaning her with his tongue until she was wet only from him. He took the book from under her back and she collapsed back onto the desk. Brody smiled and laughed at the control he had over her. Rebecca’s legs still moved against each other, grinding out the afterglow.

“Get up.” Rebecca took a moment to register his words.

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“Now.” She sat up, shakily. Brody put a hand behind her head to help...

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Written by NaughtyWriter69
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