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Helping Hand

"Someone new learns from someone with some experience; or the other way around..."

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This story is set in the late 1970’s. It was a time before e-mail, before everyone had their own workstations and computers at their desks. A lot of communications in the office were hand-written on “inter-office memo” pads. Typing documents was done by clerks, who were almost exclusively women.

Ray liked his first job. It was technically challenging. As with most engineering positions, most of the people he was working with were guys, so about the only thing he could complain about at work was the lack of females. Sure, women were entering the profession in greater numbers, but at his more traditional firm, the average age of the engineering staff was in the high thirties, so there were mostly older guys around.

Ray had a girlfriend, but she was far out of town for three months in the summer on a “special assignment.” He was really missing her badly. His new workplace had a few interesting diversions, though.

Ray and his colleague Matt had office cubicles across the aisle from each other, and they made it a daily habit to listen around 11:00 AM for the mail cart. The cart had one of those casters that would not roll properly, but would instead flop around noisily as the cart was pushed down the aisle. They would stop work and discreetly turn to look sideways out their cubicle entrances at the sound of the mail cart approaching.

Really, they were interested in the extremely attractive woman pushing the mail cart. She was a petite, shapely blonde, with a near perfect face, and a sexy body to match. The split-second view of her walking behind the cart past their cubicle entrance was worth the wait. Ray and Matt would exchange knowing glances across the aisle as she passed, especially if she was particularly well dressed that day. On rare occasions, she’d stop to hand them some junk mail, or an office memo, giving them a good sampling of her perfume, which she would occasionally put on a little too strong. They didn’t seem to mind much that she came across as a fairly cold person. She rarely said a word to anyone, maybe because she would easily attract many come-ons with her near-perfect looks.

One Friday, Matt mentioned that he was going off to the pub located next to the office at the end of the day. He had heard from a couple other guys that the "mail girl" (whose name they still didn’t know) went there often, as did a few other “regulars” from their work. Ray decided to give the pub a try, because after all, it would be just another lonely weekend without his girlfriend. He was also interested in getting to know his new colleagues, and considered the possibility of seeing and getting to know some of the other clerical staff that might also be there. He had little to look forward to but spending another lonely weekend without his lover, so he figured he should at least try to have a little fun with his co-workers.

After staying a little later than his regular quitting time, he trundled over to the pub. There, he easily found Matt and some of his friends and others he had seen around his floor, and sat with them. A cute waitress momentarily appeared at his side, wearing tight pants and a hint of camel toe, Ray thought. Asking her what was on tap was hardly necessary, but he could check out her cleavage while she rhymed off the whole long list of beers on tap. Finally, he settled on a pint of Double Diamond. The server smiled sweetly, and left to get his beer.

Matt introduced Ray to the table of men from his office, conversing about the women at work. Most of the guys were geeky, and therefore luckless with women. The discussion at one point focused on the "mail girl" at work, whose name apparently was Denise. The consensus opinion on Denise was that her exceptionally good looks could not make up for her total lack of personality. They concluded that you’d need to be a doctor driving a Porsche to get her to talk with you, let alone go on a date.

The group discussion was a bit of a downer, as it became clear that most of the women at work were older, or married, and thus not very accessible. Ray was somewhat relieved that he was “attached” but still, it was going to be another long, lonely weekend...

One by one, the others at the table dispersed, leaving just Matt and Ray finishing off their second round.

In through the pub entrance walked Jen, the department head’s secretary (although she preferred the job title “administrative assistant”). Jen seemed very happy to see Matt and Ray, and came straight over to their table.

“Can I sit with you guys? I’m really whipped after working late for Don, and I really need a drink.”

To Ray, Jen was an unknown, since he had not been on the job for more than a couple of weeks. He had only met her once to say hello and shake her hand, on his first day at work. He had never considered even chatting with her during work, with the big boss sitting in his office next door, so he really had no chance to get to know her. If anyone were unapproachable, it would be her, he thought. But here she was. Maybe this was a chance to learn about some of Ray’s co-workers.

“Sure,” Ray said. “What’s your pleasure?”

“Are you buying?” Jen smiled, as she took a chair close to Ray, close enough he could smell her very subtle scent… a nice soft fragrance, like she would have just getting out of a shower.

The server appeared, and Ray ordered for himself and for Jen. Matt gulped the last of his beer, got to his feet, and explained he would have to go and get packed for a trip out of town for the weekend. He made a point of apologizing directly to Jen, explaining he’d love to stay and talk more, but he really had to go.

Jen smiled pleasantly, and said “Next week, I’ll try to come earlier. I’ll stay and keep Ray company. Have a good one, Matt.”

After Matt left, Ray thought it a bit awkward sitting with this woman he hardly knew, and had hardly ever spoken with, but the beer that he already consumed was helping him to stay relaxed. Also, Jen started talking to him about all the people at work he would be dealing with – her boss Don, Don’s boss, a few of the stranger characters in the office, some of the clerks, and others he might have to deal with someday. Just as he had hoped, she was filling him in about all the people he’d probably meet and do business with. He listened intently, asking questions about the people, and about the business. Ray was enjoying her happy outlook on all things, and her easy refreshingly honest way of expressing herself.

Jen had this secret admiration for Ray since she first saw him. He was a bit rugged, but carried himself with grace and warmth. She got that impression, and a bit of a tingly good feeling, just from their first meeting, shaking his hand, and hearing his voice as he said, “Hello, pleased to meet you.” She wanted to get to know him better, but she knew the workplace was not a great environment to get too friendly. People might talk, and all that crap.
She had heard through the grapevine about the Friday night pub scene down the road, and decided she’d try it out, to see if she could enjoy a more social interaction with co-workers, instead of always being business-like. She needed a bit of fun in her life, especially that evening. Her husband of seven years was working night shift. She’d probably just be getting home after working late for Don, when her husband would be passing her in the doorway on his way to work. She did not think much of the idea of being home alone on Friday night. So she phoned her husband to explain she’d be at the pub “with the girls,” so that he wouldn’t worry too much (He ever seemed to worry anyway).

Jen was happy, enjoying Ray’s inquisitiveness, and his steel-blue eyes. She enjoyed telling him all sorts of amusing stories about people at work. Ray laughed warmly at what she said, and she felt very comfortable and open with him, as if they were already good friends.

Ray was pleasantly surprised by Jen’s friendly attitude. Though he had really just met her for the second time, he felt attracted to her already. As carefully and unobtrusively as he could, he started looking her over while they conversed. She was not well endowed, but then Ray definitely preferred small breasts. She wore a dress that was fairly short, and her legs were bare, smooth, silky and inviting. Her hair was up in a ponytail, enhancing his view of her neck and ear, which he imagined would be interesting to kiss and caress. The edge of a birthmark was just visible near her left collarbone, and he could not be sure, but he thought maybe her nipples were hardening. Ray soon found himself wondering how she would look naked.

After hearing much about the others at work, Ray asked Jen, “What about you, Jen? You’ve told me lots of great stuff about the other people at work, and I really appreciate all that local knowledge, but I’m curious about you, too. How long have you been with the company?”

“Oh, about seven years, since I got married…” Jen felt a little self-conscious about mentioning she was married, but then quickly added, “I think I might have got married a little too soon. Not that I wasn’t old enough… just, maybe I should have spent a bit more time dating first. Y’know I haven’t really had a lot of dating experience. I guess I’m kinda shy.”

Ray smiled and studied her. She smiled sheepishly and looked away in some embarrassment. Maybe she had said too much, she thought.

“I don’t think you are being shy now,” Ray said softly. He took her hand in his, and gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze before letting go. Jen was electrified by his touch, and wanted more, but he had pulled his hand back too soon.

Somewhere, out of nowhere except her trust in Ray at that moment, she spoke. “Well, actually I was really shy, and kinda naïve…not very ‘experienced’ you might say, early in my marriage. I… love my husband... but I can’t help wishing there was more. He works hard and is a good provider, and we get time off to go on some trips and things, but… I don’t know, I think I am missing something.”

Ray thought carefully as he stalled for a bit of time by sipping his beer. Finally, he said “I guess everyone hopes for perfection and happiness, but sometimes it can be elusive. You didn’t have a lot of ‘experience’ before knowing your husband?” Ray thought he was going out on a limb with the emphasis he put on that question, but he was intrigued that she’d not attract a lot of attention from guys, given her warm personality.

“No, I really didn’t… and maybe I still don’t. I don’t know. I don’t seem to have as good a time as I am supposed to, if you believe all those silly magazines at the supermarket checkout counter.”

“Well…” Ray paused, for several seconds, weighing his next words carefully. “If you believe the magazines, a significant number of women do not regularly have orgasms. I am sure they still enjoy being with their partners…”

“Yes, I love him and I am devoted to him, but… I don’t know!” Jen’s frustration was clear to Ray. “I guess not knowing for sure if I’m missing something is like admitting I am.”

Ray thought what he could say. He was feeling bold, so he didn’t hold back. “Jen, I’ve known a lot of women… in just a friendly way, I mean, and a lot have felt no different from you. There are probably hundreds of books on the subject, there is counseling, there are things you can get to help you achieve greater pleasure, there are many possibilities! I am sure your situation can improve. After all, someone as attractive as you should have no trouble getting all the attention they deserve.”

Ray’s compliment made Jen glow. She looked at Ray’s eyes for a second, and said, “You’re so sweet, Ray, you are so good.” She took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. She treasured the contact between them, and held him for several seconds. Finally, sensing some guilt over her extended hand-holding, she suddenly let go. “I guess I should go soon…”

Ray did not want her to leave. “Can we talk more… sometime? I really enjoyed sitting and talking with you just now. Say, can I give you a ride somewhere?”

Jen’s thoughts were confused, because she wanted to stay with Ray, but she was scared by her own excitement at the thought, and was wondering where it was all going. She could buy a little more time with Ray, if she could ask a favour of him.

“Can you give me a lift to the mall? I have to do some shopping at the pharmacy.” She thought that might be safe, and it would give her a little more time with Ray.

“Sure. Let’s go.” Ray said.

He walked her to his car, opened the passenger door for her, and admired her smooth legs as she sat in the low sports car. He shut her car door, and jogged around to get himself in. After firing up the engine, he opened the sunroof to the fine early evening humid warmth, and put a CD in the player. Jen was impressed by his choice of music, which she found very relaxing and romantic. Without thinking, she closed her eyes and sighed as he pulled out of the parking spot.

“It’s been a long day for you?” Ray asked, hearing her sigh.

“I am tired. I think I need to relax in a warm bath.”

“Sounds nice!” he said, causing Jen to look his way, and see his broad grin. She couldn’t help but smile back.

It was only a few blocks to the mall, and at first they said little.

Jen had to ask Ray something that had been on her mind since they sat together in the pub. “You really seem to be a nice guy, Ray. Is there anyone special in your life?”

“I have a girlfriend, but she’s been out of town for three months. I might get to see her next month, if I’m lucky.”

“I think she’s the lucky one to have such a nice guy. I don’t think I’d want a sexy guy like you out picking up women in this hot car.”

“Oh, I think I’m safe,” he chuckled. “I haven’t had any offers yet.”

She smiled, and stared at him as he pulled up to drop her off at the mall. When the car stopped, she surprised Ray by leaning over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before she jumped out of his car. Ray was silenced by her kiss. Just before closing the door, she leaned in and said, “Is there any way you could give me a ride home? I need a helping hand.”

Ray’s excitement was maybe too obvious, as he stumbled out his response “Ss- sure, I can help. I guess… I’ll pick you up here when you are done.”

Jen smiled, and went on her way. Ray stared as she pranced across the parking lot to the store entrance, her fine legs causing her body to sway invitingly.

After a few minutes, she reappeared and got in the car. Ray, distracted by erotic thoughts while she had been shopping, snapped back to reality, and immediately set off towards the mall exit.

As the car started moving, Jen turned and started staring at Ray, imagining what it would be like to be taking Ray’s clothes off, one piece at a time. The thought of him trailing kisses down her body had her nipples erect. Her legs parted a little, as she brought her left knee up very close to the stick shift .

Ray was too focused on avoiding pedestrians and cars on his way out of the mall parking lot to notice Jen's posture. On approaching the mall exit, he realized he had no idea which direction to go on the main road. He was about to ask directions when Jen placed her hand on his thigh, halfway between his knee and the growing hardness that was snaking its way uncomfortably down his pant leg. Jen had already been admiring his growing firmness, and when Ray brought the car to a sudden stop, she continued to stare for several seconds, watching his rod start to pulse.

Ray looked over at Jen, noticed her staring at his crotch, her mouth open in a little “o”, her breath a little ragged, and her rock-hard nipples. Fortunately, no one was behind Ray’s car waiting for him to move on.

“Ummm… which way should I go?” Ray finally said.

“Go... down…” Jen began seductively. Then, pointing a finger down the main street to the left, “…three lights and turn right at the first street after that.” Jen’s words came out slowly, as she stared and watched Ray’s pulse. She could feel the excitement growing between her legs too.

They pulled up to her house, and they quickly entered. The house was silent, except for the small clock on the mantle. Ray was standing just inside the front door as Jen dropped her things on the small table by the entrance. She turned, put a hand on Ray’s shoulder and said “Go sit on the couch” I’ll get us some wine to drink, if you like.”

“That sounds nice…” Ray said, as Jen slowly reached up to plant a kiss on his lips. Her touch lingered, as she kissed him softly. He would have put his arms around her and kissed her hard, but he remembered she had said she was “inexperienced”. He concentrated instead on going slowly and being gentle. As she broke off from the extended soft kiss and turned to the kitchen, her smile told him everything would be OK.

He sat and waited on one side of the couch. Soon she came in with an open wine bottle and two glasses, and sat beside him, half facing him. “Thanks for coming over to help, Ray. I would have been lonely staying here on my own, and I like talking with you…”

Her words trailed off as she saw Ray slowly creep his hand over the couch toward her leg. His movement was exquisitely slow and teasing. On making fingertip contact with her skin, he drew little ovals around her upper thigh just below the hem of her skirt, as he slowly shifted himself closer.

After a few delicious minutes of his touch on her bare leg, she had to put down the glasses and wine bottle on the side table. His other hand then trailed slowly over the back of the couch, finally to come to rest on the back of her neck. From there he drew little circles around the side of her neck and shoulders, and through her hair at the back of her head, causing her to shiver.

Already Jen’s breathing was deep, her excitement ever growing. His touch, so gentle and soothing, was just what she needed, something she had always wanted, instead of the two-minute pounding her husband would deliver before rolling over and falling to sleep.

Ray’s erection was obvious, and uncomfortable. He felt the need to relieve his discomfort. Silently, he maintained one hand caressing little fleeting fingertip loops on Jen’s neck, face, upper chest, and shoulders as he used his other hand to slowly unbutton his shirt. Jen was in bliss, with eyes closed, concentrating on his sensitive touch. She opened her eyes to see him slowly expose his muscular chest, then undo his belt, and lower his zipper. She helped unbutton each of Rays’ shirt cuffs.

As he stood beside her to remove his shirt, she gently eased down his pants. He stepped away, awkwardly trying not to trip on his pants as he removed each foot. He picked up and half folded the pants as he took a few steps towards a chair to hang his pants on across the room.

Suddenly he just tossed the pants aside and whipped down his bikini briefs as he faced away from her, revealing his tight buns. Slowly Ray turned, his hard member naked, smooth, hard, and pointing skyward. Pre-cum glistened on its deep purple tip. Ray's rod throbbed skyward and bounced hypnotically as he walked slowly back over to his side of the couch. He sat down facing Jen.

She raised her hands and placed them on his naked chest. He, in turn, started softly cupping her breasts and running his hands down her sides, as he leaned into her with an awkward twist to kiss and nibble softly at her ear and neck. Shifting sideways slowly off the couch to his knees, he slid slowly down Jen’s side, such that she could feel the heat, hardness, and some pre-cum of his erection trailing down her leg.

Soon, he was kneeling at her feet, his hands on her legs, caressing with full broad slow strokes along the outsides of her legs, right up under her dress to caress her cheeks. As he did this, he could already sense her sexual aroma. He knew she was ready to be tasted and teased.

As he raised his hands up her sides and under her dress, she raised herself up off the couch, allowing him to hook the sides of her panties, and start slowly sliding them down her legs. He did not swiftly pull them off. Instead he was deliberately slow, teasing them down, inch by inch, maintaining fingertip contact with her smooth legs as he slowly drew the undergarment down. After the panties came off over each foot, he started working his fingertips just as slowly back up her legs, up ever so slowly, adding soft kisses alternating along each leg. His hands eventually reached all the way up her sides to her waist, and took in the full naked feel of her butt beneath her dress. His kisses had trailed up until his head laid in her lap, just below the hem. She placed a hand on his head, and gently ran her fingers through his hair.

He held her close, taking in her exciting fragrance, deeply inhaling her pleasant pheromones. He could feel the steamy heat rise as she slowly parted her legs. With each light kiss he gave, she would slowly move her knees another few inches apart, encouraging him to kiss and caress her more.

He rose up erect on his knees in front of her, between her parted legs. They stared lustfully into each other’s eyes as she shifted her weight forward, allowing her dress to rise up, and her wet lips to approach his throbbing member. She was ready for him to enter, to plunge deep and fast to the hilt, but Ray had other plans. She was beside herself with excitement when he crouched down, and started trailing more light kisses up her inner thighs. She couldn’t help but shift herself farther off the edge of the couch, in the hopes he’d reach her destination sooner.

Ray was in no hurry. After agonizing minutes, he stopped his little kisses within an inch of her hot core, where he did nothing but gently direct hot breath onto her. She could barely stand the suspense. Just his soft breaths were exciting her more than she could ever imagine, and he hadn’t even touched his lips to hers yet.

Her sighs, and her moans, her shifting herself closer to try to press herself to his lips any way she could, was telling Ray it was time. It was what he always loved to do best of all. He stuck out his tongue, and with just the very tip, he touched her swollen lips as gently as he could, just giving little tiny pokes, at small intervals along her wet length. Fully engorged, she was wetter than she could ever recall. The touch felt very special and new, but also very right. Her panting and sighs were reassuring to Ray, and encouraged him to continue. He pressed another millimetre of his tongue onto her, each stroke progressively longer along her wetness, fully opening the inner folds, yet he had still not sought out her most sensitive spot. Each new slow lick was starting lower, getting longer, and spreading more of his slightly rough tongue against her.

She was feeling intense excitement she didn’t think possible, feeling like she might faint if he continued. She pleaded with him to press on, with her hands running through his hair, and with intensifying moans. He increased the stroking with his tongue, along her full length, not much faster but pressing progressively harder, finally riding over the upper junction of her lips where his tongue could feel the hardness of her engorged clit. Soon, Jen started to thrash and convulse from an intense orgasm. Ray was pleased to hear Jen scream with pleasure, apparently her first intense orgasm ever.

Barely had she fully grasped what had happened when she felt Ray’s fingertips gently stroking her abundant wetness around her opening, in addition to his tongue very softly and slowly licking around her clit. Gathering her abundant nectar on well-manicured fingertips, he teased her opening. She could feel her excitement building again, though she did not know how it was possible that it could feel so good so soon. When his fingers penetrated, then hooked up inside her, tickling her upper wall, the feeling was strange, but only because she had never felt something that intensely good before. He combined his finger stimulation with gentle sucking on her folds over her clit, taking her to incredible heights. Ray had to wrap his free hand firmly around her upper thigh, lest he lose contact with her all her thrashing, as she thrust her hips and came violently.

After a few minutes of rest, Jen didn’t know what to say. Ray was still at her feet, still hugging her and caressing her very lightly in other areas, giving her a chance to recover a bit. Finally she said, “I knew when we first kissed, you would be gentle… and I really like that, but wow! I’ve never had it like that!”

Ray smiled, and rose up on his knees. His hard cock flipped over top of her wetness, and she cooed as he slowly shifted his hips in and out to draw the tip of his rod over her engorged wet lips. Soon she was wanting more, desperate for his penetration.

She needed to be free of all her clothes. Leaning herself forward, Ray helped her remove her dress and bra. Finally, completely naked and feeling incredibly sexy, Jen leaned back against the couch to take in the view of Ray’s well-proportioned upper body, his hardness jutting straight out, riding deliciously around and over her lips and clit.

She needed him inside, now! Pulling herself back just a little, the purple bulb of Ray’s circumcised rod was positioned at her entrance, but Ray continued to tease, allowing only a quarter inch to penetrate. He teasingly held it there, letting it just throb in place, for several seconds, until she could wait no longer.

Suddenly, she shifted forward, impaling herself on the end of his rod. He was caught by surprise and started to fall backwards with her onto the deep pile carpet. He caught and held her with his strong hands, guiding the two of them together as they descended to the floor. When he hit the floor first, Ray came to a full stop, and Jen fully descended onto him, taking him fully and deeply. He was just the right length for her clit to contact his pubic bone at the same time the tip of his beautiful cock touched a new point of stimulation deep inside her she didn’t know she had.

The deep penetration to the hilt was exquisite, and Ray held Jen close while they hugged tightly, and she kissed him deeply, feeling their maximum contact. She broke the kiss, and slowly she started moving, riding, feeling her pleasure grow as she could feel his perfect cock. She leaned forward and showered him with kisses as she rolled her hips back and forth, but soon she felt the urge to ride him more upright, her hands resting on his chest at first. Then, with back straight, leaning back a little, she could feel him hitting that deep sweet spot she had just discovered.

Her upright positions had the added benefit of allowing Ray to massage and tweak her nipples with one hand, as the thumb of his other hand went between her legs to caress her wet lips. “Am I giving you a helping hand?” Ray already knew the answer to his question.

“Oh god yesss... YESSS YES YES!”

Hitting all the right spots, her orgasms came, in wave after intense wave, until she was too tired to hold herself up any more. Ray had to concentrate hard on letting her pleasure come in multiple crashing waves, without rushing to his own completion. After she had had several peaks, Ray knew he could not last much longer. Watching Jen ride cowgirl, and feeling her contractions around his cock as she came multiple times, he knew his own finish was imminent. He started raising his hips off the ground, thrusting up deep into her, as he came hard. A dozen contractions drained him dry, but Jen kept cumming, kept pleading for him not to stop. So he kept pounding, until he felt a second orgasm well up within, in time with Jen’s last orgasm. “Damn! That was awesome!” Ray thought. Maybe multiple orgasms for men really are possible.

Finally, both totally spent, Jen collapsed on Ray, panting with gratitude. Ray remained hard, fully buried deep in her for several minutes, as he slowly caressed Jen’s back and sides. Their lovemaking had soaked them both completely in sweat and their combined sexual secretions. As they spooned and caressed each other, they fell into blissful sleep, each having enjoyed a precious and rare opportunity that would enhance both their long-term relationships.

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Written by MorePleasin
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