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When you least expect it ...

"Just when you least expect it, he shows up out of nowhere."

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She rushed to the local Whole Food Store to grab her dinner after a long day at work. It wasn’t normal for her to work twelve hours but since her assistant quit two days ago, it was obvious that this was going to be the new normal and Michelle hated it!

Her crisp white shirt neatly covered her amble bosom and her size ten, form fitting, cranberry red Tahari suit was a stark contrast to her glum gray mood that was immediately reflected in her normally bright brown eyes. Her sun kissed caramel skin was sallow and her long wavy hair was thrown together in a disheveled bun now. You’d never guess that just this morning her brunette hair was full of sexy ringlets that fell over her shoulders. Quickly she walked into the store, appearing more like a woman who was shorter than her 5’8 frame because she was slumped over and exhausted. She could not survive many more days like this and she knew it. She hadn’t been to the gym or hung out with her girlfriends the entire week. It was times like these when she regretted that she didn’t have someone special in her life who’d have a meal prepared for her at home and a warm hug to tell her that everything would be all right.

When she entered the store she decided she’d go to the wine department was first. Red or white, she thought. She grabbed a bottle of Kendall Jackson Chardonnay and Francis Ford Coppola Cabernet Sauvignon to be her peace and comfort for her time at home.

Next was the bakery. Tiramisu was in order. Today was tough and tomorrow would be tougher! So instead of a piece she bought a small one that served four.

She dragged herself over to the pre-packed food section, walking much more slowly than she had done before, which exaggerated the normal sway of her hips as she meandered through the store like a tired but graceful gazelle. She lost some of the energy she had just ten minutes ago upon entering the store. Her mind revisited all of the unfinished projects that she would now have to complete alone so she decided the first thing she’d do in the morning would be call HR and make sure they put out an announcement for hiring a new assistant position. She picked up some stuffed mushrooms, a few bags of pre-made salad kits, and then she reached into the refrigerated cooler for some Kobe beef and his hand awkwardly grazed hers as she reached for the package that was already in his pale, swollen hand.

Startled and overwhelmed, Michelle drew back her hand instantly and before she could apologize a handsome man with piercing hazel eyes, a warm smile, neat goatee/beard, and curly light brown hair escaping from underneath a hoodie, began apologizing as he handed her the package she was reaching for.

To say she was taken off guard was an understatement. She stepped back as Adrian introduced himself to the most beautiful woman he’d seen in quite some time. Her eyes are what caught his attention first. They were intense, filled with purpose, and all the wonder of the universe. Then she smiled an awkward smile that reminded him of a cherub as she attempted to hand back the Kobe beef to him. She apologized for being preoccupied, not paying attention and something or another about her job, but all he could hear was his heart beating faster and faster as his mind raced with what he should say next.

How do you talk to an angel? Adrian thought.

As he tried to listen to her inaudible speech about the rough day she was having, Adrian had realized that Michelle was his neighbor. He had seen her before several times. He had watched her determined walk as she trudged through the snow to get to work looking like perfection minus her angel wings. He’d seen her come home from Zumba class when her shoulder length hair was a hot ass mess - much like tonight. He remembered because she was dripping with the sweetest smelling sweat he had ever smelled. He’d even spoken to her one night in the elevator as he returned from a sparing match at the gym and they had actually had a very pleasant and flirty conversation, but his heart got the best of him and he didn’t ask for her number. Determined that today would be different he plotted his next move but he hadn’t noticed that Michelle was checking him out.

She remembered Adrian but she couldn’t remember from where. She liked that he was kind and giving, and he definitely didn’t hurt her eyes. His six-foot athletic frame did not escape her. Since he was wearing shorts she could see his legs were muscular. She noticed the sweatshirt he wore had the name of a local boxing gym. She’d been there before for a kickboxing class, but she felt that her moves were awkward, and that gym was for serious fighter and she clearly was not one of them.

Adrian asked if she was going home from work, or on a date to cook at her boyfriend’s house. He had quickly thought of a way to see if she had a boyfriend and he was pleased with himself. She suddenly she remembered where she’d seen him before, she’d seen him in her apartment building on the upper east side of New York City. He’d been in the lobby waiting for a car to pick him up. He had on a nice suit, snazzy purple tie and he smelled intoxicating and he’d dropped one of his presentation tubes. She also remembered that he had a nice tight ass below that beautiful custom fitted suit and she could not stop smiling. She thought to herself, He cleans up nicely, but he’s even sexier in his down time.

“No,” she answered. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I am going home to cook my dinner.”

Adrian smiled and she noticed his dimples as he said, “I was hoping you were going to say that!”

In unison they said, “I think you live in my building.”

In unison again they said, “I do!”

They looked at each other and laughed hard at what had happened and Adrian reached out and took Michelle’s handcart filled with groceries. “Maybe we can cook together some time,” he noticed she looked uncharacteristically tired and he said, “Or how about this, I will cook the Kobe beef tonight and you can put together a salad. I’d love some company,”

She smiled, thought carefully, and decided not to let the chance to get to know him pass her by. “Sure, I could use some company,” she said as she thought, "Just when you least expect it, he shows up out of nowhere."

They checked out at the register, left the store and walked home slowly, laughing and talking the entire way. Adrian held open the door for Michelle and carried in the bags of groceries.

“Good Evening, Harrison,” they said in unison and they burst into laughter. That was the third time they’d said the same thing at the same time and Michelle found herself touching Adrian arms and her head fell on his shoulders in a fit of laughter. It was as if she was hanging out with an old friend.

Adrian loved her laugh and the way that her eyes danced when he told a joke. It was great to see her smiling. Whatever had been on her mind was clearly gone and Adrian was glad! He wanted to make her happy. He was intriguing and he wanted to get to know her – not just intimately. It was something about her that drew him close to her. He’d seen her many times as she was going to church, hanging out with her girls, as she left on vacations, but mostly as she left for work. He’d seen her smile and laugh, He’d seen her exhausted at the end of a workday and after she returned home from her workout classes. He knew she was nice, because she was always cordial, but tonight he discovered that she was beautiful. Truly beautiful, in the simplest of ways. She was beautiful both inside and out. He listened to her apologize for being so distracted since her assistant quit. He wanted to protect her, and love her and he knew that tonight might just be his only chance.

“I’m going to go and shower, I can cook at my place or at your place, whichever you’d prefer,” Adrian said.

Michelle thought for a moment and figured she would shower, get comfortable, and have dinner with her new friend. “How about you come down at 7:30pm and we can prepare dinner together?

“Sounds good!” Adrian said as they reached her apartment door, “Let’s call this a casual ‘getting to know you’ dinner with your neighbor.” They agreed, but they knew this dinner was much more that.

Adrian arrived back at Michelle’s apartment at 7:30pm on the dot. He didn’t want to come empty handed so he called the building concierge and had a floral arrangement delivered that would lift her spirit and set the tone for the evening. His black tee shirt was a deep contrast to his vanilla taffy skin.

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His chiseled abs stretched the fabric of his shirt and his well-cut arms glistened after his shower. His black jeans clung to him in all the right places and he hoped that he was dressed casual enough but not overdressed for this evening. His cologne filled the air with sandalwood and the mixture of his cologne and the scent of her bouquet was magical.

She opened the door and she looked amazing. Her orange sleeveless top really showed off her 38D breasts. She wore a black pair of lounge pants that accented her slim waist and made her long, lean legs look fabulous. Sandals adorned her perfectly pedicured feet and Adrian smiled.

He went in the kitchen and got to work while she poured wine. Occasionally he’d ask for spices, extra bowls or pans and the like – but it was clear he knew his way around the kitchen. She laughed as he talked about his coworkers. She listened intently as he talked about his job as an architect. But she was drawn to him as she spoke about his passion for boxing and how he started when he was twelve as a way of learning to protect himself as he traveled to and from school through some rough neighborhoods. She felt safe with him. Before dinner they had already shared more than she had on her first three dates with her last boyfriend. He was a Syracuse man, sweet, religious, easy to talk to, loved his family (who were the perfect mixture of Latino and White), he worked hard, played harder, committed to his community. He could cook, he was hot, and he could kick a guy’s ass if he fucked with her. Talk about a winning combo. He was the whole package. Thirty years old. No kids. No real debt other than his apartment. He loved to travel and clearly he liked her enough to be making her dinner in her apartment for a first date.

She poured herself some chardonnay and really got comfortable assisting him in the kitchen. Their hands touched on occasion as they reached for things as they prepared their meal. He laughed as she talked about growing up in California and how everything was so different there in New York. He walked around the butchers' block in her kitchen grabbing plates and bowls to set out for serving. The smell of her freshly washed hair dove him crazy. He gently put his head on her shoulder and his hand around her waist as he maneuvered by her. She gently moved her neck to the side and invited him to kiss her nape, so he did.

As she moved, she turned her body towards him and they looked at each other for a moment unsure if they should. Each wanting to, but not wanting to presume, or go too fast since Michelle’s movement had now caused his hands to be in the small of her back arresting gently above her bottom and her body was now pressed directly against his raging hard on.

He felt his cock pressed hard against his jeans and her body being this close to his was extremely uncomfortable. His fingers gently stroked her back and she slowly pressed her body closer to his with her breasts brushing against his chest. She was aroused. He could see the imprint of her nipples growing through her blouse. He moved one of his hands from her back. He slightly grazed her nipple as he moved his hand to her face and she stood on her tippy toes and met him half way for their first kiss.

Their tongues touched lightly as they looked at each other unsure of far this kiss should go. Adrian’s hands removed her hair tie letting her hair fell freely as he ran his fingers through it. Eyes closed now and their bodies pressed together as they explored each other’s mouths. Her hands touched his chest as her mouth opened wider as she took a big gasp of air. Her tongue plunged deeply into his mouth. Exploring it, just as she had been exploring him. His hand was full of her hair and he pulled her face closer to his by moving her body closer to his. She was as close as close could be without them being connected. His other hand was touching her breast, which felt as if it is going to pop out of her bra. The smell of oregano, thyme, sandalwood, jasmine and vanilla filled the air of her kitchen and the sounds of the boiling water for the pasta didn’t mask the sounds of their passion as they moaned and breathed harder.

Their eyes met again as he pulled away from her and he asked without words, Are you sure? Are we really doing this?

She smiled and pulled him back to her and kissed him as she whispered, “Yeeeeessss.” into his mouth. She reached for the waist of his jeans and unbuttoned the top button and she unzipped the zipper. His hard cock was bulging through his boxer briefs. His hands unbuttoned her blouse and unclenched her front hook bra. Her breasts were beautiful. He stroked the nipple of one breast as he sucked the other one into his mouth. Her response to her breast in his mouth caught her of guard. She let out a load guttural moan as he gently grinded his teeth across her nipple. He back arched and he hands were in his hair guiding his head closer to her tit.

He sucked her tit roughly as a sharp pain radiated into her chest and ended in her twat. Then he began grinding his teeth gently across her nipple. He changed the tempo often, sucking her tit, pulling it away from her body, then flicking his tongue across her nipple. The build up of pressure was so great she moaned so hard she had to catch her breath. He laid her on her back on the top of the butchers’ block and he began sucking her tits going from side to side. Each nipple the size of a large raisin, hard, and ready to erupt. He took his time and took her entire areola into his mouth, kissing it, sucking it, and biting it and then he quickly went back to her nipple. His mouth created a trail of love; down her neck to her tits, from her tits to her mouth, and back again.

She arched her back as he brought her to an orgasm. She had never had an orgasm like this before and she wanted more. She stroked his cock as he sucked her tits. She had 9 inches in her hand and she could not wait to feel him inside of her. She raised her torso from the butcher’s block removing his mouth from hers and she removed her panties and lounge pants with his help. He quickly got out of his jeans and turned off the stove-top and oven, all while kissing her deeply.

They kissed their way through the kitchen, petting each other, touching places that were new and unexplored. Her hand with a firm grip on his cock the entire time as they made their way to her bedroom. She flipped on a short lamp and stood before him naked, in her splendor. She was beautiful. Her tits perfect. Nipples hard and aching. Her cunt had a perfectly shaved landing strip, but his cock definitely knew the way to her entry point. Her brunette hair cascaded over her shoulders slightly grazing the tops of her tits. Her legs were muscular and her hips were made for baby making. She was perfect and waiting for him to make her his.

She lay on the bed with her legs slightly apart and she looked at him as his silhouette dominated her room. His strong arms and powerful chest brooded over her as she lay in her bed. His cock hung, ready to head off into this new adventure. Then he scooped down onto her bed, placed his body over hers as he began kissing her in her mouth and his hands wandered all over her body. His weight pressed against her and her legs parted to welcome him in. He took his fingers and placed them inside of her wet cunt and began fingering her as he sucked her tits again, taking her to a place she'd never gone before. She reached for his cock to stroke it and he said, “No. It’s not time yet.”

He kissed her again, caressed her breasts, sucked her nipples softly and then hard again, alternating the pressure as he fingered her. Her body lifted from the bed over and over again as he made her cum for him. She moaned as waves of pleasure overtook her body and then finally she begged him, “Take me please.”

“No, not yet,” he said, as he moved his face down to her flowing cunt and licked her entire pussy from top to bottom like a cat as his two fingers still feverishly fingered her. He applied firm pressure with his tongue against her clit and then he sucked it gently into his mouth and began grazing his teeth across her hot little love button as he continued to finger fuck her deeper now. She moaned in pure delight. Her body lifted from the bed. Her hands pulling his head deeper into her twat as she came and came again.

Finally, he pulled his head out of her crotch and kissed her, slowly inviting her to taste the nectar that he had just lavished. She licked at his lips wantonly, tasting the remnants of her cum. She was so turned on that she reached for his cock and said, “Adrian – FUCK ME!”

He smiled at her sheepishly, kissed her deeply again, and gratefully complied.

Written by writingvixen
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