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Daphne's Lesson Ch. 7 - End

"A bright, but arrogant young woman attends an all-futanari college, with expected results."

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Author's Notes

"That's a wrap for Daphne for now. I want to catch up on some other projects before coming back to these girls. As always, please don't hesitate to send me a PM with questions, comments, concerns, and anything you'd like to see."

“Yessss?” Mallory groaned. Even with the pillow smothered over her aching head, she could hear the gentle rapping against the door. She pivoted her hips and sat up, keeping her ears covered as she yelled. “It’s unlocked! I’m not getting up!” 

Daphne’s eyes caught Mallory’s figure just before it slammed back to the mattress. It took a moment for her vision to adjust in the silent dusk of Mallory’s dorm. She slipped inside and left the door cracked to allow the hallway lights to cut herself a clear walkway to Mallory’s side. “Hey,” Daphne whispered at the lifeless lump under the covers. “How are you feeling?” 

“How do you think I feel?” She groaned back. “Nauseous and embarrassed.” 

“I take it you remembered our run-in last night.” Daphne adjusted herself to sit cross-legged as she balanced a simple white mug in her lap. “Coffee?” She asked. 

A moment of silence deliberation passed before Mallory unveiled her sickly face to the fresh air. She rolled to her side before accepting the mug and pursing her lips over the steaming liquid. “Thank you.” She muttered in a low, sheepish voice. “I made a fool of myself last night.” 

“No, you didn’t.” Daphne’s hands went limp in her lap, and her shoulder slumped. “I’m the one that’s acted foolishly. I’ve gone from prudish to screwing everyone except the one person I should’ve been paying attention to,” She sighed. “I’m sorry, Mallory.” 

“Ugh, quiet.” Mallory recoiled, disgusted. “I don’t want your pity.” 

“Seeing you drunk hurt me,” Daphne mewed. Her eyes watered. “My dad was in-and-out of work during the recession and drank a lot. I hated coming home every day seeing him trying to be a normal parent and reeking of whiskey.” She pinched the burning tears forming at her nose bridge. “I know that’s my baggage, but I care about you.” 

Mallory softened her hagged glare as Daphne fought her urge to weep. “Yeah,” Her gravelly voice muttered. “I’m sorry I scared you.” 

“Yes, it was all a bit of a trigger for me,” Daphne sniffled. “Let’s just start over.” 

“Tomorrow,” Mallory settled back down. “We can hang out after class if you want.”

Daphne’s stomach tensed. The day’s most pressing news loomed over her with anticipatory dread. “That’s another thing, um... Val told me why Carmen didn’t want to stay with me. I realized I made a mistake coming here, so I - ” Her voice grew timid. “Withdrew from class. I’m going home tomorrow.” 

A Pandora's box of emotions twisted in Mallory’s stomach. She sat up, faced contorted and wrought with confusion. She stared at Daphne’s sullen face in disbelief. “What the fuck, Daphne?” 

Daphne shrugged while she looked away from Mallory. “You said it yourself - in public. I’m going to give you your school back. I’d thought you’d be happy. The school is one again all-futanari.” 

“Don’t put that on me.” Mallory spat. “You make your own decisions.” 

“Still not going to take responsibility of how you’ve treated me?” Daphne shook her head. “You’re not going to change.” 

“Thanks for the coffee.” Mallory slithered back down underneath her covers and turned her back.

Dejected, Daphne laid the mug on the floor and retreated toward the light. 


Daphne snapped her final suitcase shut as she stacked the three matching aquamarine pieces in a towering rectangular stack. As she knelt over her collected belongings, her eyes caught the motion of shadows looming over her. “Can I help you with anything?” Daphne asked. She could feel Valerie’s judgmental scowl. 

“Still can’t believe you could take my cock but not the heat,” Valerie kept her arms folded as she towered over Daphne. “Does it feel good running away?” 

“Actually,” Daphne arched her back and looked up. “It feels pretty good to get back to my bubble. Thanks for asking.” 

Amid Valerie’s scoffing, both girls turned to find Holly standing in the doorway holding in a transparent plastic plate topped with a handful of mini-chocolate cupcakes. The usually frumpy girl maintained her well-manicured, blemish-free appearance from her and Daphne’s weekend date. 

“Hey, Daphne.” Holly’s bright ruby lips smiled with confidence. “I brought you a snack for your bus ride to the airport.” She carefully laid the plate on the stack of suitcases in the stripped-down room. “Looks like you’re all ready to go.” 

“Yeah,” Daphne sighed. “ I didn’t bring that much, to begin with. So I’m not leaving with much.” 

“I know, right?” Valerie chortled as her wide, grubby paw extended towards the plate. “You’re not even leaving with my baby in you.” Then Holly’s hand snatched her wrist and twisted like a cobra on its prey. “Hey!” She cried out as her blood vessels threatened to pop under her skin. 

Despite Valerie’s futile struggling, Holly refused to let go. “Those aren’t for you, Valerie.” She growled with the most stern glare either Daphne or Valerie had ever seen. 

“I get it. I get it,” Valerie squealed as she twisted. “Fucking let go!” 

“It’s okay.” Daphne popped to her feet, clinging to Holly’s arm like a damsel. “She can have one, Holly.” 

Although Holly conceded her grip, the leer on her stoic face remained. “Sorry," she breathed coarsely through her nose. “I just worked hard on those.” 

Valerie rubbed the sore skin along her wrist as she stared at Holly in disbelief. There was something about how the girl stood, so square and erect, that made her so imposing. Holly looked like the Colossus next to Daphne and the luggage. “I guess, I’ll leave you two alone.” Valerie snarled under her breath as she turned away. 

“Wow,” Daphne muttered as Valerie escaped. “I’ve never seen her stand down like that.” 

“She’s just like every other bully,” Holly’s voice still fumed, but she took a measured sigh and tried to shake off her frustration. “Anyway, I just wanted to come to tell you that I’m gonna miss you. That n’ I’ll always remember you being my first.” She caught herself before gushing more. The girl’s rosy cheeks revealed her stifled passion. 

“Thank you, Holly.” Daphne’s goofy smile caused her to break their awkward eye-contact. “I need to get these bags checked down at the bus station. I know I said some pretty rude things to you and the girls this semester. You guys were never the problem. I was.” 

“No, you weren’t.” 

Both girls turned to see Mallory standing in the doorway, fully dressed in a wrinkled, baggy grey-sweatsuit. 

“Hey,” Daphne smiled. “You mean that?” 

Mallory nodded with enthusiasm. “Yeah, I do. I’m the one that grew up in a group house. I’m the one that’s angry and bitter. I couldn’t wait to lash out at you. I tried my best to hate you, even though you made my heart skip a beat from the minute I saw you.” 

Daphne’s mouth dropped wide, and a look of shock ravaged her face. She clutched her chest as her eyes welled. “Christ, Mallory.” She said, tears cascading down her cheeks. “What is this, ‘Make The Cis-girl Cry’ Day?” 

“Hopefully tears of joy this time.” Mallory straightened her lips. “I’m sorry about what we did to you last week.” And then to Holly. “You too, Holly. Your first time should have been more special than that.” 

Daphne made an audible swallowed as she ruffled her fingers through her unkempt golden strands. “Mallory, you wanna walk with me to the bus station?” 


“I wish you weren’t leaving,” Mallory whined as she tugged the most massive suitcase. The two girls wabbled the luggage over the uneven cobblestone and brick sidewalks. After twenty minutes of walking in the silence, Mallory at first mustered new courage to talk once the town and bus terminal came into view. 

Daphne sighed. “Yeah, we never did watch that movie.” 

Mallory cocked her sweaty brow and wiped her forehead dry. “I meant that if you weren’t leaving, I wouldn’t be carrying this damn luggage. Don’t you have a butler to do this kinda shit?” 

“God, I’m not rich!” Daphne let out a bothered laugh. “Why does everyone think I’m rich??? My parents struggled to give their kids a good life, and I busted my ass in school to get scholarships, and - ” 

“ - CHILL!” Mallory groaned. “I was just kidding.” 

But Daphne stopped, she huffed to catch her breath while eyeing the proud smile on Mallory’s freckled face. “I just don’t know when to take you seriously.” 

Mallory returned the smile. Her hand left the luggage handle, and the bag flipped upright as she approached Daphne. “Take this seriously,” She cooed, wrapping her arm around Daphne’s waist and squeezing. Mallory pressed her lips against Daphne’s with gentle care, and though she shifted with discomfort at first, Daphne settled into the kiss, and her lips parted. 

Their kiss exploded into kisses that lingered - long - sloppy - clumsy. Each moaned with lust as they found a steady rhythm. Then it was Daphne’s turn to grab two fistfuls of Mallory’s firm buttocks and press into her. She shuttered upon feeling the throbbing hardness poke her crotch. 

“That’s something else we never got to do,” Daphne giggled. “I wanted you to make me come.” 

“Why do you think I can make you come?” Mallory questioned between laying kisses on Daphne’s tender neck. 

“I just know it.” Daphne laid her head on Mallory’s shoulder and squeezed again. “There’s just something about you. I just - ” 

“ - I know.” Mallory’s voice cracked. “I know. Have a good trip back home. Call or text anytime, okay?” 

“Mmhmm,” Daphne tightened her lips to dam her rippling emotions. She pulled from the embrace and returned to the luggage. A turn over her sunburnt shoulder was the last teary-eyed gesture she made to her friend. “See ya,” she said. 

Mallory waved until Daphne disappeared into the shambled terminal, then heaved a sigh mixed with relief and pain. “See ya,” She muttered as if the words burned in her throat. 


“Yes?” Holly’s voice was cordial as she opened her door. Then her brow tensed once Valeries’s sturdy frame came into full view. “What do you want?” She snapped. 

“Sorry to bother you.” 

Valerie’s uncharacteristic apology softened Holly’s face. “Is something wrong?” 

“Is Alpa in there?” Valerie’s face flashed with desperation when she attempted to look around the girl standing in front of her. 

“No, she’s not.” Holly stepped back, allowing Valerie entrance. Her tone suddenly dripped with concerned. “What’s wrong?” 

“I’m sorry to bother you,” Valerie repeated, before falling into a nervous laugh. “Sorry, this is kinda hard. It’s just that when you ‘handled’ me earlier - I didn’t realize you were that strong.” She rubbed her wrist again. “I still feel it.” 

“Oh.” Holly groaned with remorse. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Valerie.” 

“Oh, no,” She shook her head. Valerie stammered on with awkward hand gestures as the words meandered on. “It didn’t hurt me that much - I liked it. And I’ve been wondering about a certain experience, and I think you’re strong enough to help me experience it.”

“What’s that?” Holly pulled in a cautious breath. 

Valerie eased more discomfort from her lungs as her cheeks balloons. She nodded towards Holly’s bed. “Could you pin me down?” 

“Wait - what?” Holly’s voice soared. “Pin you down and do what?” 

“Ooooh,” Valerie shuffled her sneakers over the hardwood. “That’d be up to you at that point. You’d be in charge, after all.” 

“You - ” Holly couldn’t believe her ears. But her classmate’s beet-faced embarrassment was genuine. “You want me to fuck you?” 

Valerie threw up her hands, exasperated. “Never mind, Holly. I’ll leave.” 

“VAL!” Holly’s bark halted the fleeing girl in her track. She snapped and stomped her commands. “On the bed, NOW!” 

Valerie complied, grateful for the direction. She hiked up her loose black athletic shorts and a white tee as she laid down. “I’m a little nervous.” Her thick arms laid above her head. “I’m not sure what I want you to do. Just - grab my wrists and hold me down.” 

Holly labored her thighs over Valerie’s ample stomach and leaned forward. She mashed her palms just below Valerie’s hands. “Like this?” She asked. 

“Mmm…” Valerie squirmed, bracing her abs against Holly’s weight. She pushed against the shackles on her wrist, and they proved difficult to budge. “Yeah, that’s good.” Her face reddened as she continued to struggle. “God, I never realized you were so strong.” 

Holly relished in the flattery and blushed. She slid her body down flat and her thickening bulge mashed into Valerie’s growing erection -  it elicited the strangest feeling. “I’ve never felt someone else's dick before,” Holly uttered with breathless bewilderment. 

“Wanna see it?” Valerie asked. Once Holly nodded, she allowed the girl to remove her shorts. Then her little tee shrunk over her ample belly, and she shivered under the breeze against her exposed porcelain skin. 

“I like your body, Valerie.” Holly sat back and examined the details of her classmate’s nudity. A prickly trail of black hair leads from her soft navel to the thicker patch resting at the base of her shaft. The stout cock was topped with a shiny pink bulb that dribbled Valerie’s excitement. Holly’s pudgy fingers traced down the veins, across Valerie’s throbbing set of balls, to the futa’s dripping folds. “I love this,” Holly grinned, using two digits to part Valerie’s plump labia. 

“Glad you like it.” Valerie settled down. She turned her head and tried to relax. “I’ve never let anyone play with me like this.” 

“You ever make yourself come just playing with your clitty?” Holly asked. Her fingers sank into Valerie with a thick, slurping sound. 

Valerie scoffed. “Holly, please don’t have your fingers in me and use the word ‘clitty’ like you’re in elementary school.” 

Then a cross expression flashed across Holly’s face. She kept her sharp eyes locked on Valerie as she pulled her fingers free - only to pluck one of the futa’s testicles. She allowed Valerie to yelp and recoil before yelling, “I thought you weren’t going to tease me anymore?” 

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“Okay! Okay!” Valerie howled. “Just be careful, will ya?” 

“I’ll try.” Holly found she couldn’t help but soften her expression. “Sorry if that hurt.” 

“It wasn’t too bad,” Valerie assured. “I like it rough anyway. You can put your fingers back if you’d like.” An elated sight escaped her lips once Holly complied and filled her. “I think this is good for now. I’m not on birth control.” 

Holly’s fingers became drenched in Valerie’s bubbling cream as she slid her hand up and down. Despite the joyous sensation of Valerie’s tight muscles flexing around her index, she knew she wanted more. “We could go buy some condoms.” She licked her lips in anticipation. 

“Feh,” Valerie made a face. “Condoms. They take all the fun out of sex. It’s like coffee without the caffeine.” 

“You’re so negative.” Holly pouted. “Fine. No more playing until we get some.” 

“Mallory should have some.” Valerie gave a knowing look to Holly who wore her puzzled look. “I could always run back to my room and - AH!!” She cried when the sudden jolt of pleasure rattled through her body. Holly had pulled from her pussy again, but this time pressed all her fingertips against Valerie’s engorged clit. Under her lover’s writhing, Holly rubbed her fast and hard. More milky lady-cum splattered into Holly’s palm. 

Holly persisted; And the messy, slapping sounds of Valerie’s battered clit was only matched by the aroused futa’s cries. Valerie desperately tried to thrust her hips, but Holly’s weight on her legs proved an unmovable buffer. Valerie’s trembling hands went to her wagging cock and stroked its length. With two fists she pounded herself as Holly quickened her thrusting. Then she added another finger - then a third - until she stretched Valerie’s opening around her meaty fist. 

“Ug--UNK!!” Valerie thrashed about as Holly rocked her with a flicking of her wrist. She squeezed herself tighter and rolled her fists up until her cockhead turned purple and swole in size. Her bubbling precum was the color of goldenrod and foamed down the slit in a steady torrent. As the jacking continued, the cum started to pour over in fat globs. It soaked Valerie’s fingers and made them slippery. 

Valerie’s soon lost all control, groaning and grunting like an animal in heat. As ropes of drool lashed from her agape mouth, so did the cum gushing from her cock began to defy gravity. Her back stiffened as she made one final cry - before a jet of pure white cum blasted Holly’s face. 

Holly recoiled from her the warm splash dribbling down her cheek and chin. And the next rope soaked her shirt, dead center between her breasts. The cum spread. Holly’s dark pink nipples grew visible past her sheer blouse. Splash after lewd splash, soon it soaked nearly all of Holly’s torso. Even her pudgy protruding navel could be seen past the warm glaze. 

“Oh my god.” Valerie lay in a stammering, panting heap as she released her cock. Her cheeks rosier than ever, she squinted her soft, weak eyes at Holly and blew her a kiss. “My compliments to the chef.” 

“That,” Holly fought through her speechless awe. “That was amazing.” She couldn’t help but her attention to her own painfully hard cock. It too had begun oozing its juices all over her thighs. “Valerie, I wanna fuck you.” 

“Yeah. I want you, too.” She said a nod and breathless confirmation. “Let’s go see Mallory about those condoms. Maybe her heartbroken ass even wants to watch. 


Mallory took her time dragging her heels back to the dorm. Her errant hand kept massaging at the discomfort in her chest as she the arduous walk back to campus continued. It’s funny, she thought. The walk seemed easier when carrying Daphne’s bags. Mallory now found herself aching and laboring down the winding paved road to the dorms. Even though she never encountered another soul, she insisted on showing firm resolve - she could cry all the girl wanted once she got back to her room. 

Mallory shivered once she crossed into the dorm house. The air-conditioned halls attacked the sweat gathered on her shoulders as she passed. Several girls had moved in and out recently in preparation for the looming fall semester. There was a myriad of changes, none of which Mallory was excited about. She’d be a junior, an upperclassman and ‘big futa on campus.’ But everything was unsettling. With the student body set to triple, Mallory knew she’d miss the small class sizes, the quiet mornings and nights in the campus gardens, and most importantly...

“I’m going to miss her,” She whispered as she closed her door. Her voice broke as if it were a crime she just confessed. “There, are you happy?” Mallory continued whispering in the empty room. “I’m going to miss you. You awkward blonde bimbo.” She smiled, sniffled, then decided to retire to bed despite it being only 1 pm. 

She snapped awake not an hour later, discombobulated and grumpy. In other words, back to normal. “What the fuck?” She coughed the grog from her throat and raised her heavy head off the pillow. She squinted at the door for another moment. Then she heard to the frantic knock again. “What the fuck?” She scowled. “Goddammit,” Mallory growled as she meandered from the bed. “HOLD ON!”

She begrudgingly opened the door only to see a flash of blonde hair and alabaster skin before she was assailed with forceful, sloppy kisses over her wincing face. It took her a few tries to meet Daphne’s lips. Mallory snorted her breathing, desperate never break the hot embrace. But she eventually had to - there were too many questions.

“What the - ” She huffed, stopping to kiss Daphne again. “What’re you doing?” 

Daphne pulled back and flashed an uneven smile. “Something totally stupid. I swapped my ticket for this afternoon.” She drew a long breath while licking Mallory’s saliva from her lips. “I even checked my bags. They’ll be at the airport waiting for me.” 

“I’m so confused.” Mallory shook her head. “You have to take the bus to the airport to get off Moringa Island. What’d you swap your ticket for?”

“Another bus leaves at seven tonight.” Daphne nodded with zeal. “I can still make my flight if I’m on that bus. Otherwise, my parents are gonna kill me.” 

“So you have four hours?” Mallory blinked. Her heart pitter-pattered at the thought. Four hours. Four precious hours. She stared longingly into Daphne’s eyes - they grew big and wide like a bottomless lake. “Daphne, would you like to - ?” Mallory didn’t need to finish her question. She relished in the tug of her arm as Daphne led her to bed. 

“We don’t need any more words. Only talk unless you’re screaming my name,” Daphne’s voice dropped from preppy to low and sultry. She pushed her hips off the mattress and rocked her skirt up over her hips and down her slim ankles. A coarse breath gushed from her lips as Mallory’s greedy, lustful hands slithered under her shirt and squeezed her firm lumps. “Oh god yes…” She hissed. 

Already exposed from the waist down, Mallory spared no time. She continued to knead Daphne’s amply hard nipples while working her new lover’s shirt higher. As soon as those delicate pink tips were revealed, Mallory sank her hungry teeth on them, sucking, slurping, licking each in tandem. Her fingers spidered down between Daphne’s quivering thighs and quickly found her dripping honey pot. 

“See how ready I am?” Daphne squirmed as two of Mallory’s fingers slipped inside her. “I got so wet running back to you.” 

Mallory’s mouth was too busy to respond. The pungent scent of Daphne’s sweat and sex made her head spin. Despite her pounding pulse, she maintained a steady rhythm as her fingers squished in-and-out. She kissed Daphne again, tongue invading her warmth. Her head slipped down to give a playful bite and tug on the blonde’s pouting pink lips. “God, you’re hot,” Mallory moaned. 

“You were so worth the wait,” Daphne said. Her hands explored Mallory’s wiry frame, ending at her muscled ass, jiggling but firm. She squeezed and kneaded the tone globes while Mallory worked on giving big red souvenir. “Fuck, you are giving me one HELL of a hickey.” Daphne giggled. “What am I going to tell everyone back home?” 

Mallory snaked her tongue in Daphne’s ear before whispering, “Tell them about the futa that marked her territory. I’ll carry your mark on my heart.” She kissed her again. 

“You’re so amazingly sweet!” Daphne squealed. She ground her hips against Mallory’s hardness as her fingers came around to circle the futa’s throbbing member. “This for me?” She asked mockingly like a little girl pleading for a warm sugar cookie. 

“I’m done being sweet,” Mallory whined under Daphne’s grip. “I think it’s time to be incredibly lewd. My cock’s so hard it hurts!” She pushed down and forward in the hopes of her bulging cockhead finding its mark. 

“Then let me give you some healing.” Daphne arched her back and spread her legs. “That’s right, baby,” She moaned again. “That’s my spot.” 

Mallory eased her cock inside Daphne’s tightness. It was like the first time. No interruptions. No complications. Just the coupled moans and squeals two oversexed college girls. Their commingled sounds were soon accompanied by the rhythmic squeaking of rusty bed springs. Mallory thrust hard and fast enough for her balls to slap against Daphne’s drooling cunt.  

“Fuck me,” Daphne whined as she relished in ecstasy. “Finally, fuck me!” She clung to Mallory’s thrusting hips for dear life, writhing in delight. Every pulse. Each twitch and jump. Daphne grew sensitive to every inch of Mallory’s shaft. 

Inversely, Mallory shuttered at every ridge she passed as she filled Daphne’s throbbing pussy. No matter how fast or hard she fucked her, the futanari savored every moment. She pinned Daphne down by her shoulders, back hunched over as if she was in pain. 

“Ugh,” Mallory grunted. She looked up at Daphne’s sweat-dripped appearance. Her cheeks were puffed and red as grapefruits and her messy bed-hair laid on her blushing face like errant strands of hay. Nevertheless, she thrust. “Ugh… Daphne, baby.”

“You’re going to do it, aren’t you?” Daphne grinned and nodded. Her eyes grew big and desperate. “Oh my god, Mallory. I think I’m going to do it, too!” 

“R - really?” Mallory stammered. 

Daphne responded by flexing out her tan limber legs and wrapping them around Mallory’s ass. “Do it,” She hissed and constricted her quivering lover with all her limbs. “Let’s come together!” 

“Oh my fucking god.” Mallory cried. She switched into high gear, fucking Daphne faster, harder, and quicker still. The audible, sopping, slapping grew louder. Daphne’s thick white cream gushed out and drenched Mallory’s cock. The futa could barely feel her own approaching orgasm for all the wetness. But she was about to come, that she couldn’t deny. 

“Daphne,” Mallory cried. 

“Mallory,” Daphne wept. 


Mallory stiffened against Daphne’s convulsing body as she spilled her first torrent of cum. Then another rope of cream, until it all gushed from Daphne’s folds. Mallory was still coming by the time Daphne finally screamed. The veins in the girl’s throat strained, bulged like thick, endless worms. They crashed back to the bed together each panting and caressing one another. Mallory’s spent cock wilted from Daphne and led another sticky river of white to stain the sheets. 

“I knew it!” Daphne gasped, triumphant. “I knew you were the one! I still can’t believe you made me come!” 

But Mallory suddenly composed her breathing. She sat up on her trembled elbows and glared at her exhausted lover. “Please don’t do this.” 

“Do what?” Daphne flashed a confused smile. “I’m sorry honey, I still have to leave.” 

‘No, I mean you’re lying,” Mallory kept her eyes downcast. “Daphne, I dated Valerie for a while, and she’s by far the most selfish lover on the planet. Making me come was a matter of pride for her and not for my pleasure. What I’m trying to say is I’m good enough at faking an orgasm to know if someone else is. Why did you do that?” 

Daphne’s resolve shattered. The tears came on like a flash flood. “I - I was that obvious?!?” She cried. “I’m sorry, Mallory I just wanted you to feel special. I wanted a reason to come back next year. I wanted - ” She pinched between her eyes in vain to stop the stinging water. “Fuck, I’m so stupid.” 

“Don’t call my girlfriend stupid.” Mallory gathered Daphne’s hands together and kissed them. “And I feel very special, thank you.”

Now it was Daphne to clutch her chest. “I think you just made my heart skip.” She exhaled loudly with a shocked grin. “God, I can’t imagine an orgasm being better than this.” 

“I’ve had plenty of orgasms,” Mallory nodded. “But I can confirm. Falling in love is much more special.” 

Daphne scoffed. “Plenty of orgasms.” She rolled her eyes. “Please stop bragging.” 

“Bitch.” Mallory sharpened a glare. 

“Slut.” Daphne flashed a dramatic look of disgust, but couldn’t maintain it with a straight face. 

Then Mallory laughed. “Com’on. We gotta get you back to the bus station. The sooner you leave the sooner you can come back.” 


One month later...

Arms full of cardboard boxes about to rip, Maddi nudged the door open with her shoulder. She sighed. Her new dorm room was empty, and she could use some quiet reflection time. With her cargo neatly stacked near the undressed bed, Maddi stretched herself along the mattress. The other bed’s blankets were on a wrinkled, messy pile near its foot. She hoped her roommate was more put-together than her housekeeping suggested. 

Then she came through the door; a bag draped over her shoulder. The stocky girl with crimson shaggy hair and sandy freckles straightened her thin pink lips. “Hey,” She quipped. “I thought they told me you were coming today.” 

“Hey. Um, yeah. I’m Maddi.” She sat up, heartbeat quickening.

The girl nodded, pausing a moment as if to digest her name fully before deciding to give her own. “Mallory,” she said. Mallory fell on her bed with enough vigor to bounce the blankets and pillows. She began flipping through her textbook without another sound. 

Maddi allowed the silence to drone on until the awkwardness built so tightly in her chest she thought she’d explode. She blew a deep breath as she shattered the ice. “You’re a futa?” 

Mallory stopped her page turning. 

“Yeah,” She said. “You?” 

“Yeah., Maddi sighed. “But I have a girlfriend. She’s living in town so I won’t be here much. Y’know—in case you need privacy or something.” 

“I’m not here to fuck.” Mallory snapped. “I’m here to learn. I’m not just another sex-crazed futa that can’t keep her dick in her pants. Got it?” 

Maddi returned Mallory’s glare. “Nice to meet you, too.” She turned to rummage through the top of the boxes until she retrieved a stack of pictures. 

Mallory considered apologizing, but she resolved to guard herself to getting to know anyone else. She had given her heart to a gorgeous, but complicated young woman named Daphne Macron. An entire month had passed since she put Daphne on that bus to the airport back home and, she counted three days since their last phone call. Yet even mere idea of something thinking she wasn’t dedicated to Daphne irked her beyond reason. 

“I guess this is what love is,” Mallory said under her breath. “I hope you come back to Moringa, Daphne. Your lessons aren’t over.” 



Written by TeaganCascade
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