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Transcendent Sensuality - 3

"Karla's continuing exploration hits a disappointing rough spot, but Julian saves the day."

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Would there be a next time? Karla smiled to herself. Oh, hell, YES! she thought. There would definitely be a next time. He has led her down this road and she wanted to explore its variations, every twist, turn, rise and expanse to its fullest.

She loved Kevin to distraction. They were soul-mates. Sometimes she thought he could read her mind but not in this instance. He didn’t really understand how obsessed she had become.

The images and memories flooded her mind. She could feel the delicious, decadent sensation of the strange cock invading her, and remembered the succulent flavor and delightful texture between her lips and on her tongue. She smiled at the memories.

She had argued enough with Kevin to make him believe she was unsure of her feelings. He’d worked hard to convince her not knowing that she’d already decided that she wanted the exhilaration and excitement of another encounter.

They’d gotten really luck with Julian, some sort of a functionary with the Argentine Consulate. He’d been an enthusiastic but respectful lover. But she hadn’t wanted love. She wanted something much more carnal and visceral. Julian had done well.

She’d tried with Kevin. She really had. He was a wonderful father, a great provider for their children and her, and a considerate lover. When she attempted to fill her need for raw sexual encounters between the two of them, he just hadn’t measured up. Kneeling in front of him she’d begged him to pound her.

“You’re loving me,” she told him. “Don’t make love to me. Fuck me!”

But he couldn’t break out of his mold and his efforts fell short. She’d even wondered if he could do what he’d encouraged her to do; turn loose with another partner and simply fuck. One day, perhaps, she’d test that hypothesis on him. Not just yet, though, she decided. First she had to make sure he would continue to encourage her own sexual exploration.

It had been two months since their long night with Julian. Karla had called the number on his business card. She’d been told he’d returned to Buenos Aires and would return after a few weeks.

“Julian’s back in Argentina,” she told Kevin as they settled in for the night. The kids had been put to bed, the dishes loaded into the dishwasher. She’d pushed the button to start the cycle just before climbing the stairs to the second level and their master bedroom.

“How did you know that?” he asked.

“I called his office. They told me he’d be back in a few weeks.”

“Why did you do that?”

Karla smiled. “I was just remembering. I wanted to thank him for his courtesy and everything.”

“By everything, you mean the sex?”

“That, and the lovely flower arrangement he sent.”

“He sent you flowers?”

“He sent us flowers,” she told him. “The card said it was to Kevin and Karla.”

“Anything else?”

“If I remember,” she said, feigning a failure to recall the words that were etched in her mind, “It said, ‘Warmest regards to a beautiful lady and her most accommodating husband. Julian.’”

“I didn’t see them.”

“I put them in the vase on the table. They were there for nearly a week before I had to remove them.”

“You left them on the table? With that card? The kids could have seen it.”

“No, darling. I put the card in my desk drawer. Top right. Would you like to see it?”

“You saved it?”

“I did. Wonderful memories of our first time quickening.”

“Did you say ‘quickening’? Is that what you called it?”

“I like that term. It’s like intensifying, expanding, developing.”

Kevin shook his head. “So you’re no longer wracked with remorse.”

Karla laughed. “I never was, darling. I just had to come to terms with everything.”

“Have you, then?”

She nodded and stroked his face tenderly. “I love you. And I love that you wanted me to experience being totally immersed in my sexuality. It makes my heart so full of love and throbbing with excitement when I remember it.”

“So, nor more reticence? No more reluctance.”

Karla shook her head and slipped her hand under the covers to grasp his flaccid cock. “Do you remember me holding you like this as we went to sleep?”

Kevin chuckled. “I do remember that.”

“And, do you remember how it looked the first time I took his cock in my mouth?”

“That’s hard to forget.”

“It makes you hard when you remember it. I can feel you growing.”

“The memory and your hand manipulating me like that.”

“And do you remember the feelings when I sucked you off after Julian had left? Remember I was too sore to fuck, so I sucked you until you came in my mouth?”

“I remember, Karla. What’s going on?”

“I want to suck you off like that again,” she told him. “Tonight. And then I want us to go on the prowl again. My parents are taking the kids this weekend.”

“This weekend?” Kevin asked in surprise.

“Um hmm!” she replied affirmatively. “And I’m going to show you tonight how I will suck you while I’m getting fucked. And later, I’ll show you how I’ll fuck you while I’m sucking off whoever we choose to fuck me.”

“You’ve got it all planned out,” Kevin groaned as her mouth closed on the crown of his cock.

“Mmm hmm,” she hummed. She released him long enough to add: “Surely you won’t deny me this little pleasure and the opportunity to play again.”

He felt her hair brush across his abdomen as she enveloped his cock in her active and exciting mouth.

“No, my darling,” Kevin moaned. “If that’s what you want.”

Kevin booked the suite in the same hotel they had last visited. He asked for the same suite, but was told it had been reserved. He expressed his frustration to Karla.

“Our suite has been reserved,” he told her.

“That’s wonderful,” she replied, misunderstanding.

“No. I mean the suite we were in last time wasn’t available.”

“Did you get us another room?”

“Yes,” he replied. “But it won’t be the same suite.”

“Oh,” she chuckled. “That’s fine.”

“Julian is out of town, though,” he reminded her.

A thrill ran through her. It wouldn’t be Julian. She would have to take on a new lover. Her face didn’t reflect her excitement, though.

“I’d forgotten that.” She tried to sound somewhat disappointed.

“If you want to cancel…” he began.

“You tell me what to do,” she interrupted.

He shook his head. “If we go, you’ll have to find a new lover,” he said. “I’m not about to insist you do that.”

“Do you think we could? I mean, do you think we could find another lover for me?”

“I have no doubt, my darling. But we got lucky with Julian.”

“As long as whoever it is doesn’t humiliate you.”

“So I should book the flight?”

“You already have the suite, right? The kids will be gone.” She left the suggestion hanging.

“All right,” he chuckled. “Finding someone who will work with us is half the fun.”

Karla chose cardinal red for her evening out. The dress clung like a second skin, dipped dangerously to reveal her enticing cleavage, was slit nearly to the hip to naughtily display the stocking tops, and had nearly no back above the waist. Her 5-inch, matching red CFM heels elevated her to nearly five-foot, ten inches. Kevin spent the evening with his heart mostly in his throat.

When she strolled into the hotel lounge the bartender recognized her immediately.

“Manhattan, right?” he asked.

Karla graced him with a beaming smile. “You remembered.”

He grinned back. “Elegant and beautiful lady like you is hard to forget. I assume there will be a gentleman along to pick up the tab.”

“That’s right,” she said.

“You know,” he told her as he set about making her drink, “A lot of really good looking women come in here. Few of them have your grace and elegance. That’s why you’re so memorable.”

“Are you flirting with me?” she laughed throatily.

“All part of the service,” he grinned, setting the glass on a napkin in front of her.

“Well, thank you,” she replied. “You know how to make an older mother of two feel very desirable.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” he responded. He nodded toward the empty table where she had first encountered Julian. “I’d like to say that we’d reserved it for you, but it just happens to be empty.”

“You’re sweet,” she told him, taking her drink and walking to the table.

Five minutes later, Kevin came in and sat at the bar. The bartender approached.

“Scotch rocks?” the barkeep asked him.

“Why, yes,” Kevin said.

“That’s your wife, right?”

“She is.”

“I thought I remembered the two of you. She’s kind of unforgettable. A real beauty and a very nice lady.”

“Thank you. She’s all of that. And you’ll be getting a very nice tip.”

“Well, thanks. I appreciate that. But, like I was telling her, we get a lot of beautiful women come in here. There’s something about her, though. I don’t know. She’s just really elegant and exceptional.”

Kevin looked over his shoulder toward Karla. “You’re right,” he agreed, turning back to the bartender. “She is exceptional.”

About ten minutes later, Karla made her way back to the bar, her glass nearly empty.

“Teddy?” she asked, reading his name off the id tag he wore.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Call me Karla,” she said, casting a glance toward Kevin.

“Yes, ma’am. Karla. What can I do for you?”

“A refill please,” she said. “And, there’s a man, sitting alone against the wall. He’s wearing a grey sports coat and a blue and red striped tie.”

“Mr. Cavanaugh. Yes, ma’am. He’s in here every three months or so. Stays about three days and then comes back about three months later.”

“Well, Teddy,” Karla whispered conspiratorially, “Would it be too much trouble to ask you to deliver him a drink and tell him I’d like him to join me at my table?”

“I can do that,” Teddy replied.

“Thank you, sweetie,” she grinned at him, taking her refreshed drink back to her table.

Teddy stood in front of Kevin as he made the drink for Cavanaugh. He looked up at him. “Look, it’s really none of my business but…”

Kevin seemed to bristle. “Then why ask?” he said testily.

“It’s just, well, I noticed you left with Senor Artegas last time. You two aren’t, like, running a scam on these guys, are you?”

The tightness in Kevin’s jaw relaxed and he grinned. “No, Teddy. They’re safe as houses.”

“Like I said, it’s none of my business.”

“You married, Teddy?”

“Me? No. These hours kind of make it hard to have a social life.”

“I’ll tell you what. If Karla agrees, next time we’re in here, we’ll give you the whole lowdown, okay?”

“But it isn’t anything illegal, though.”

“No. Nothing illegal.”

“Okay,” Teddy said, moving out behind the bar to deliver Cavanaugh’s drink. Kevin saw him give the message and nod toward Karla. Cavanaugh upended his drink, picked up the fresh one, stood, and followed Teddy toward Karla’s table. As Teddy peeled off toward the split in the bar, Cavanaugh approached Karla.

“May I join you?” he asked, his voice almost a deep rumble.

“I believe I invited you,” Karla said. “Please.”

“Cecil Cavanaugh,” he introduced himself.

“Karla Williams,” she replied, extending her hand. “What do your friends call you?”

“CJ,” he replied, taking her soft hand into his own. “Cecil Jefferson. Although, I don’t have many friends.”

“Really?” Karla smiled. “Why would that be? You’re attractive, have a marvelous voice, and don’t appear to fit the profile of an axe murderer.”

CJ chuckled. “Thank you, I think. No, I’m just fairly mobile.”

“And are you married?”

“Divorced, I’m afraid. Wife was a nurse. She didn’t like me being away so much. Fell in love with a patient of hers. They’re married now with two children.”

“That’s both happy and sad.”

“I’m glad she’s happy.”

“But you’re a little bit sad.”

“Just the nature of the business, I guess.”

“What is it you do?”

“Mergers and acquisitions. I spend a lot of time on the road.”

“So you don’t live here, either?”

“No. Chicago.”

“I see,” Karla said.

“And I see by the rings that you are married.”

“I am. Two lovely children and a wonderful husband.”

“I make it a policy to avoid married women. Socially, I mean.”

“Sexually, you mean.”

“Well, yes. There’s liable to be a husband lurking somewhere.”

“Well, mine’s not lurking. He’s sitting right there at the bar.”

“That’s your husband?”

“Kevin,” she said.

“Then, uh, why the invitation?”

“I like the way you look. I wanted to get to know you.”

“And your husband is…”

“My biggest fan,” she grinned.

“I see. So he watches you while you troll, and get some random man to…what?”

“Why, to fuck me, of course.”

“Excuse me?”

“Are you put off, CJ?”


Karla’s laugh rang out. “Should I explain?”

“If you like.”

“You see, here’s the thing. I like to fuck. He likes to watch me fuck. So, we have this agreement. I pick the man, in this case, you. And, then, if everything seems on the up and up, we go to our room and he watches me getting fucked.”

“And how much is this going to cost me?”

“Cost you? Oh! “No, darling. I’m not a hooker. We do this for the fun and excitement.”

“Is there something wrong with your husband? Is he able to satisfy you?”

“Oh, yes! He’s a wonderful lover. But, you see, he loves me. So, if I want to get fucked, which I do occasionally, we have to go outside to do it.”

“That sounds a little warped.”

“I’ll admit it is a little non-traditional. But it works for us.”

“And he doesn’t mind?”

“I told you. He’s my biggest fan.”

“Well, Karla, you’re an extremely beautiful woman. I can’t believe I’m going to say this. If you weren’t married, I would be delighted to bed you. But…”

“Don’t do that, CJ,” Karla pleaded. “Don’t say no just because I’m married. It’s a one night stand, of sorts. You get laid. I get laid. Kevin gets the enjoyment of watching. And, you go back to Chicago with a wonderful memory.”

“Have you done this before?”

“Once. Right here in this hotel. It was wonderful. That’s why we came back.”

“I don’t know, Karla. You’re very tempting. It’s just…”

“I know. It’s a little weird, right? But we have two rules. The first is, Kevin doesn’t interfere. The other rule is, we can’t humiliate him. He’s not a cuckold. He’s my lover and my friend.”

“It’s just the idea of him watching, you know…”

“You won’t even notice him. He’s going to sit in his chair and just observe from the corner. He won’t say anything or do anything. And we’ll have a wonderful time together.”

“I don’t know, Karla.”

She put her hand on top of his on the table. “Did you notice when we shook hands, we held it for a little longer than usual?”

He nodded.

“Did it feel good? It felt good to me.”

“It did.”

“Would you do me one more favor before you decide?”

“What’s that?”

“Kiss me. Let me kiss you. Then you can decide.”


“Right here.” She leaned forward and put her face right in front of him. “Kiss with me, CJ. If you don’t feel anything, then you can just walk away.”

Karla knew that her lips were warm, moist and soft. She was ready to touch his lips with her tongue, promising so much more. And she planned to raise his hand off the table and brush his knuckles into her cleavage. She was pretty confident that he’d agree.

Their lips came together softly and tenderly. Karla opened her lips and pushed her tongue forward, letting the tip brush along his. She could feel his breath on her cheek. It was warm and accelerating. She pulled his hand into her cleavage, rubbing it up and down along the gentle curve of her breasts. She heard a tiny growl in the back of his throat. She sucked his bottom lip between her teeth and applied gentle pressure. She felt his tongue testing along the sharp ridges of her teeth. She had him.

She pulled back slowly and looked into his eyes, realizing that they were not blue, as she supposed, but grey.

“Well?” she whispered. “Will you take me?”

“That was not fair,” he said in a low murmur.

“I want you, CJ,” she continued in her whisper. “I want to feel your hands on me. I want to feel your lips all over me. I want to taste your cock, which I know is getting hard. And I want to feel it sliding into me.

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Please, CJ. Please come fuck me.”

He picked up both her hands in his and pulled them to his lips. He kissed the knuckles on one and then the other. “You win,” he whispered.

“I promise, you won’t regret it,” she murmured. “It will be wonderful.”

She sat back and raised her glass to his. “To pleasure,” she toasted.

He clicked his glass against hers. “To pleasure,” he repeated.

They tossed back the remains of their drinks. Karla stood first and CJ leapt to keep up with her. She walked straight to Kevin, kissed him tenderly, and turned toward CJ.

“My husband, Kevin. This is CJ.”

Kevin extended his hand. CJ’s grip was firm and steady.

“I’m going to the ladies,” Karla announced. “You two get to know each other.” She turned and was gone.

“CJ?” Kevin asked.

“Cecil Jefferson. Cavanaugh.”

“Good to meet you, CJ. Did Karla explain everything?”

“I’m, uh, yeah. I suppose.”

“Just in case you’re wondering, we do this for both of us. I give her this opportunity to play because I love her. She gives me the images and visions of her total immersion in sensuality. It won’t work if anybody is uncomfortable or holds back. Just so you know. I am totally on board with it.”

CJ shook his head. “You know, I’m no teenager. But this is the most fascinating and incredible thing that has ever happened to me.”

“It will be,” Kevin said. “Karla is talented and enthusiastic. Just relax and enjoy yourself. You two are going to make some marvelous memories.”

“What about you, Kevin? I mean, I do a lot of negotiations in my job. Everybody has something they want. There’s always a hidden agenda; something going on behind the scenes, something not obvious. What’s yours?”

Kevin smiled. “What would you do to please your wife if she was like Karla?”

“I’m divorced.”

“If Karla was your wife, then, what would you do to please her; to make her happy?”

“But this?”

Kevin shrugged. “She loves it. I love seeing her love it. There’s no deception and no physical or emotional aftereffects. For us, it just works.”

“Two hours to midnight, gentlemen,” Karla announced as she rejoined them.

“What does that mean?” CJ asked.

“At midnight I turn into a whore and I start charging,” she grinned, turning toward the door.

“She’s kidding,” Kevin said. “She doesn’t charge. She just recharges.”


“Yeah. You might want to pass by your room on the way for a razor and toothbrush. She’s going to want you to stay the night.”

Kevin watched with pride as Karla preceded him down the 12th floor corridor. His heart was thundering in his chest as he considered what was about to happen.

When they left the elevator he explained to her that CJ would be going to his room to collect toiletries and would join them in a few moments.

“Don’t be long,” she told CJ, obviously taking charge.

“Room number?” CJ asked.

“Twelve twenty-four,” Kevin said. “We’ll be looking for you.”

He slid the card in the read and pushed the door open for his wife. Once inside she turned to look at him.

“Well?” she asked.

“What?” he replied.

“Did I do good? Are you as excited as I am? Are you okay with this? You know. How are we doing?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes. And, great! You?”

“Kind of nervous. Still love me?”

“You know I do. You are a remarkable woman. I love seeing you take charge.”

“Should I strip before he gets here?”

“Please don’t. Part of the excitement is watching him open his present.”

“He’s nice, isn’t he?” she said, tossing her little red clutch on the desk next to the flat screen.

“He seems to be,” Kevin acknowledged.

“Kevin, I want you to do something for me tonight.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to unzip me once he gets here.”

“All right. I did that last time.”

“When he strips down, though, I want you to do the same.”

“You want me to strip, too?”

“Yes. I want to be able to see how hard you get watching me. Stay near your chair, but you should be naked, too.”

“If that’s what you want.”

There was a light tap on the door.

Karla took a deep breath and blew it out. “I am so nervous.”

Kevin stepped toward her, and offered her a tender kiss. “You’re stunning and exciting,” he encouraged her. “Just take charge. Tell him what you want. Don’t be bitchy about it.”

“Bitchy? I’m never bitchy.”

Kevin grinned at her and went to open the door for her new lover.

“You are stunning,” CJ said as he entered the suite.

“Thank you so much,” Karla grinned at him. “You’re quite the vision yourself.”

“I’ll just put this in the bathroom,” Kevin said, extending his hand for CJ’s toiletries kit. He returned in a moment.

“So,” CJ said.

“Don’t just stand there,” Karla grinned at him. “You’re allowed to come into the bedroom area.

CJ took several steps forward and studied Karla’s appearance. He nodded appreciatively. “Just stunning,” he repeated.

She took a step forward and pressed herself into him. “I’m really looking forward to this,” she said in a soft murmur. “I expect we’ll be very good together.”

“I hope so,” CJ replied. “I’d hate to disappoint you.”

“You won’t. I’m sure you won’t.”

She cast a glance toward the corner where Kevin’s chair had been placed. “Kevin will be over there,” she told CJ. “He’ll stay there until you and I decide differently. I promise. You won’t even notice him.”

“All right,” CJ said. “I’m going to trust you.”

“Darling,” Karla called to Kevin. “Would you help me?”

Kevin moved behind her and grabbed the tiny tab of her zipper just below her waist. He lowered it slowly until it reached the end of its short track.

“Thank you, my love,” she said, her eyes never leaving CJ’s. “You can go sit down now.”

Kevin moved to the chair, nearly hidden behind the drapes and sat.

“It’s just you and me, now,” she whispered to CJ. She leaned up to kiss his lips, probing with her tongue and feeling him respond. She felt the beginning of his swelling and pressed her hips against him.

CJ put his hands on her shoulders and eased the tiny straps away. Karla opened her mouth and sucked for his tongue as she felt his hands explore her naked back. CJ backed away from her and let the dress fall away from her heaving breasts.

“It’s tight,” she whispered into his mouth. “You’ll have to push it down my hips.”

From his vantage point, Kevin could see CJ hook his thumbs into the red material and ease it over her hips and thighs. His wife stood in front of her lover clad only in her tiny red thong, thigh-high stockings and red heels. She stepped away from the small bundle of fabric, turning CJ to stay with her. His hand moved from her back to her breasts. He hefted them and then ran his palms across her hard nipples.

Karla pushed his jacket away from his shoulders. CJ released her breasts long enough to let the garment slide down his arms. He caught it in a hand, cast a glance behind Karla, located another chair and tossed it into the seat. His hand immediately returned to her breasts.

Kevin shucked his own jacket and laid it carefully on the floor next to his seat. His eyes never left the display in front of him.

Karla gathered her hair and her hand and pulled it across her right shoulder. She tilted her head to the right and presented the left side of her neck and shoulder to CJ. He caught on to the offer and bent to press his lips into the firm, soft, smooth skin of her neck. She groaned softly as the contact send shivers through her body. After a few moments she grabbed his head and pulled him away.

“Let’s not fuck around here,” she said. “I want to feel your skin on mine. I need you naked. You can do it faster than I can.”

CJ’s knowing grin indicated his acknowledgement. He back away slightly and began to strip off his clothing. Karla check over his shoulder to confirm Kevin was doing the same. He lagged a few seconds behind CJ in the process, but was removing his clothing.

“You’re not going anywhere, are you?” CJ growled in his deep voice.

Karla gave him a beaming grin and shook her head, her auburn tresses waving. “I’m staying right here watching you unwrap my present,” she said softly.

Shirt, shoes, and socks were added to the pile on or near the chair where CJ’s jacket lay. As he unlatched his trousers, Karla noted that he wore no underwear. She quickly stopped him from disrobing.

“I want to do this part,” she said.

She took hold of the sides of his loosened trousers and eased them over his hips. She gasped as his member came into view. Dropping down to remove the trousers from his ankles and feet, Karla looked up to confirm what she had seen in his man-tool. It was swollen, but not fully erect, drooping a little. It was fully seven inches long in its current state and was at least a couple of inches across. Karla tossed the trousers toward the chair and reached up with her left hand to capture his manhood. Her fingers were barely able to encompass it.

“Oh, my word!” she whispered. “This is…glorious!” She pulled it toward her lips and kissed the top of the growing rod. “It’s warm and smooth, too,” she breathed out. She heard CJ chuckle.

“Glad you like it,” he said.

“You need to lie on the bed,” she instructed. “I want to play with this.”

CJ moved to the center of the bed and watched as the auburn-haired beauty approached on hands and knees. His member twitched in anticipation.

“Oh,” Karla whispered as she gathered him between both hands. “This is really remarkable. I can’t wait to see it fully hard.”

“You keep playing with it like that and it will be very soon,” CJ teased.

It seemed that Kevin’s presence had been forgotten. CJ lay back and tucked his hands under his head easily as Karla licked his member from balls to tip. Her tongue lashed at the flesh as the organ continued to swell and extend. She placed her lips at the tip, licking the tiny bead of precum from the slit. CJ gave a gasp as her lips slid down his rod while her tongue pressed and swirled around the bottom.

“Do you want me to come in your mouth?” CJ groaned after a few moments of Karla’s plunging herself on his cock.

Karla pulled back and released him. “Not yet,” she said in a harsh moan. “I want to fuck you first. I’ll suck your balls dry later.”

CJ chuckled. “So, this isn’t just a quick fuck?”

“Oh, no!” Karla confirmed, moving around rapidly and pulling her tiny thong off. “No. I’m going to fuck you, and then suck you. Then you’re going to fuck me. And somewhere in there, I’m going to suck you while my husband fucks me.”

“And vice-versa?” CJ asked.

“Suck him while you fuck me?” she asked as she maneuvered above him. “Oh, that’s a great idea.”

“Are you sure you can keep up?”

Karla laughed. “I have no doubts. The question is, can you?”

“I’m going to love trying,” he laughed, then groaning as she lowered herself on his erection. “Mercy! You are tight!”

“And hot and wet,” Karla gasped as she felt his cock break through the outer ring of her resistance and create an orgasm that rolled through her.

From his chair the naked Kevin watched as his wife pleasured herself on CJ’s hardness. He had to grin as he observed CJ, his hands tucked behind his head as Karla rocked and pumped on his cock. The scene gave him the impression of his wife using CJ’s tool, isolated from the rest of him, for her own delight. He knew that if he had been in CJ’s position he would have his hands all over her, on her hips, fondling her breasts, and pressing down on her shoulders to encourage her. It was one of those differences. CJ just lay there and allowed Karla to use his member as a flesh dildo.

Kevin was amused at his own reaction. He didn’t feel even a tinge of jealousy. His wife was having a great time. Her grunts of exertion and moans of arousal delighted him. It was akin to watching her engaged in an athletic event. She was beautiful, focused, and he found himself internally cheering her on to her next orgasm. He chuckled inwardly as he thought: They ought to put this in the Olympics. The absurdity of that made him smile. Neither Karla nor CJ noticed his amusement.

Karla achieved her goal; a gasping, groaning, shuddering climax that ended in a rasping, “Oh, fuck!” She rocked forward, laying her forearms along CJ’s chest, her hands clutching his shoulders. She wheezed, and panted for a few moments before lifting herself on her hands and looking into his face.

“Didn’t you like fucking me?” she breathlessly asked him.

“I wasn’t,” he countered. “You were fucking me. When I fuck you, you’ll know it.”

“What are you?” she asked, “Some sort of a misogynist who has to be on top?”

“Or behind,” he said.

“Well, I do it this way first to indicate that I want your cock inside me.”

“That’s fine,” he replied.

“You didn’t come,” she noted ruefully.

“I’m saving myself,” he chuckled. “You’ve got a lot planned and I didn’t want you to have to wait for my recovery.”

“You have that much control?” she asked him in wonder.

“I’m pretty good,” he conceded.

“So you’re ready to keep going?”

He flexed his abdominal muscles so she could feel his cock twitch inside her. “What do you think?”

“Okay,” she replied. “You’re on top.”

When CJ left at about 9:00 a.m. the following morning, Karla gave him a tender kiss on the cheek as she escorted him to the door.

She walked back toward the bed where Kevin lay covered only by a sheet. Karla was wrapped in a white terrycloth robe and had her hair in a towel turban.

“Well,” Kevin said, putting a final period on this experience.

“Yeah,” Karla replied.

“How was it?”

“It had its moments. To be honest, I miss Julian.”

“Do you?” Kevin chuckled.

“Yeah. He’s decent and respectful. CJ has a tendency to be a jerk.”

“He did have a nice thick cock, though,” Kevin noted.

Karla climbed onto the bed. “Yeah. That was nice. But, still…”

“Go ahead. You can tell me. I love you.”

“Well, first off, it was like he wanted to be in control.”

“Not surprising, considering his business background.”

“Yeah, but I’m going to be in control. This is my deal.”

“Okay. Anything you liked?”

She smiled. “I liked sucking you off when he was fucking me.”

“I liked that, too,” he grinned. “I thought it was hot. How about the reverse thing?”

“That would have been better if he didn’t try to fuck my face. I mean, you didn’t do that. You let me suck you off while he fucked me. But, he kept jamming his cock into my mouth. I loved feeling you behind me, but he ruined it. Same control shit, I guess.”

“He did have a handsome tool, though.”

“Yeah. The first time felt really, really good. When he was fucking me on top, it was great until he pinned my arms down. You know, that kind of humiliated me. I’m not some bimbo you just fuck for your own gratification. I didn’t get the sense he appreciated the gift like Julian did. It’s a shame such a lovely dick had to have that egotistic dick attached.”

Kevin nodded. “At least he wasn’t rude. To me, I mean.”

“I’m guessing he forgot you were even here until I called you over.”

“Could be. Lessons learned?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we moved too fast. Maybe we need to spend a little more time getting a feel for the guy before we move on; get to know them a little better.”

“So he didn’t make you want to stop doing this?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Honey, I always said that this is about you. Whatever you want is what I want.”

“I guess I want them all to be like Julian.”

“Ah!” Kevin nodded. “Well, some will be better, some will be worse. Julian sets a high bar.”

“Maybe we could take a break for a little while, you know?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“What I want is for my husband to make love to me,” she said sweetly. “I really feel the need to be loved.”

“Right now?”

“Yes, right now. We don’t have to check out before noon, right?”

“Noon. Yes.”

“So, you want me to start like I do with my lovers?” she asked with a coy look. “Suck you hard and then mount you?”

“That’s pretty sexy,” he grinned at her. “I like watching that.”

“Well,” she breathed, pushing aside the sheet to uncover him, “I think it’s time you experienced it for yourself.”

She leaned over, took his flaccid cock in her hand and began to kiss and lick it tenderly.

It had been three months since Kevin and Karla had their disappointing encounter with CJ. In the meantime, they managed to engage with Julian. Karla injected her new kink of involving Kevin. Julian accepted it with equanimity, claiming his primary concern was Karla’s satisfaction.

During the course of their evening, Julian informed them that his government was transferring him back to Argentina to assist with the installation of certain safety and navigational aids at airports throughout the country. Karla’s disappointment was soothed when Julian invited them to be his guests in Buenos Aires.

“There are many gentlemen who would find you enchanting,” he assured her.

“Are you offering to pimp me out?” Karla said in mock indignation.

“Not at all,” he blustered. “Simply expand your horizons and share this lovely gift.”

“Oh, well,” she replied giving Kevin a wink. “That might be very interesting. Would you want to watch, like Kevin does?”

“Dear goodness, no!” he protested. “That would break my heart to see you loving another man!”

“I don’t love them, Julian,” she said softly. “I just fuck them.”

“Still,” Julian replied. “I have deep respect for Kevin’s tolerance and encouragement for you. I doubt I could be so munificent.”

“You would be jealous?”

“I’m afraid I would.”

“Well, don’t worry, Julian,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and looking into his dark eyes. “If we come to Buenos Aires it will be so I can be with you.” She pecked him lightly on the lips. “Next to Kevin, I love you best. Should I show you how much?”

Julian groaned as Karla dropped to a knee and absorbed his flaccid cock into her mouth, teasing, tasting, and testing his flesh with her tongue until he became hard and eventually shot jets of come into her welcoming mouth.

Written by aldenbradley
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