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James was enjoying life. He had got to grips with his university studies and was now doing quite well. At the same time, his social life had settled down quite nicely. His portrait was now finished, so he didn’t see Mary very often, however his affair with Sandy had become more intense.

Dan had completely accepted his role and did whatever he could to please them. He enjoyed sucking James’s cum out of Sandy’s cunt and licking the remnants off her body. More than ever, he remained obsessed with James’s cock, taking every opportunity to touch it, lick it, suck it. Sandy had become more dominant and harsh with Dan. While he seemed to accept it, it was clear to James that she was distancing herself from Dan and that the relationship was coming to an end.

James wasn’t upset about that. He was beginning to think that Sandy and he might become more permanent. She wasn’t looking for a monogamous relationship, but he was clearly her preferred partner and she would always put him first. That type of relationship suited him.

He was still fucking Jill, usually overnight at her house. Even though she was much older and less exciting than Sandy, he found the experience with Jill rewarding and fulfilling. She made him feel special and wanted, not just a good fuck.

And so it was that one evening, after James had brought her to several orgasms in the marital bed before finally filling her vagina with his semen, she was lying with her head on his shoulder while he idly trailed his fingers across her stomach. Harry had left them on their own and was in the living room.

“You’ve got a damn good figure,” he said. “You’d never think you’d had two children.”

Jill snuggled down closer to him and felt for his cock. It was still quite hard and a trail of semen dribbled out of it. His shaft felt wet and slippery with the residue of their recent fuck.

“I never cease to be amazed at your cock,” she said, “it’s always hard, even when you’ve just cum.”

James let his fingers drift down to her pubic hair, gently pulling at it before feeling for her clit. Jill drew in her breath sharply and shifted her hips upwards as he made contact with the nub. He rubbed it softly, then ran his fingers up and down her slit, feeling his semen oozing out of it as her muscles tensed.

He scooped some of the oozing semen onto his fingertips then moved his hand to her mouth and rubbed her lips, parting them and pushing his fingers inside so that she could suck the semen off them. She licked them clean as she gazed into his face, then smiled.

“You taste good and these make such a lot for me to enjoy,” she said, fondling his balls.

James leaned over and gently kissed her lips.

“I love feeling myself ejaculate inside you,” he said, “my sperm flooding your cunt and swimming into your womb.”

“I love it too, feeling your cock jerk as it spurts inside me, then the warmth of your semen as it swirls around inside. But it’s more than that. When you do, I feel so warm and close to you, so safe.”

James moved his hand and put it flat on her abdomen.

“I’d love to make you pregnant, to watch you grow fat with my child.”

“Oh James, in another world so would I, but at my stage in life it wouldn’t be right,” she replied, giving his cock a squeeze.

James looked at her. His cock jerked and grew harder at the thought of knocking her up. He liked fucking Jill, but he didn’t have feelings for her. Impregnating her was just a basic instinct that was part of his alpha-male character. He leaned down and kissed her.

“Come and fuck me again,” she said, pulling him towards her.

He rolled over on top of her, separating her legs with his, then reached down between them and guided his rampant cock into her waiting cunt. She sighed as he entered and lifted her legs up to wrap them around his body and interlocked her feet at her ankles.

James started thrusting with long, hard, deep strokes, not too fast. Jill’s face was pressed against his shoulder, her hands on his back. His cock felt like a rod of hot steel inside her, warming her entire groin.

“God, you’re good,” she exclaimed, “you’re the best lover I’ve ever had.”

James increased his speed. Her words made him feel like a king but also made him want to dominate her. He started pounding into her. She gripped his back as he did do, digging her fingernails into his flesh as her tits flattened against his body, her pelvis bouncing underneath his assault.

She felt fantastic, overwhelmed, taken, used. She was his. It also made her feel very special. Her body was on fire, her mind was a blaze of passion. She cried out, shouting his name, telling him to fuck her. She bit his shoulder, sinking her teeth into his flesh.

“You’re mine,” he whispered in her ear while pounding her even harder, “and I’m going to fill your cunt with my fertile sperm.”

“Yes, yes,” she shrieked, scratching his back with her nails, “I’m yours. Fill me with your sperm. Oh God, I wish I could have your child.”

She fucked him back again, matching his thrusts as best as she could. They rutted against each other like feral animals, their bodies banging against each other. She shut her eyes tightly as she heard a roar in her ears, and felt herself drift into another world where all she could see was his enormous cock pistoning in and out of her vagina.

She could see his foreskin rolling back and forth over his glans, his slit opening and closing, precum oozing out of it as her vaginal walls massaged it. There was nothing else in the world except his cock and her vagina.

James was rapidly approaching his climax. He could feel his groin burning and his balls clinging to his shaft. He gave an extra large push and then held still deep inside her as his semen pooled in his prostate before being propelled up his urethra to erupt in her vagina like a cannon shot.

Jill felt him stop moving. In her mind she saw his slit open and a stream of thick, white fluid jet out of the end and splatter into her vagina, coating everything inside. She imagined the millions of sperm swimming around and then up her cervix and into her womb, and she cried out, her vagina spasming around his cock.

“Aaaaargh. Oh God. Oh James. Oh my love. Oh God. Oh, James.”

They clung to each other as they orgasmed, James shooting ropes of cum deep inside her, until their passion died down. Jill unlocked her feet and put her legs down on the bed. James lifted himself up on his hands to look down at her. They smiled at each other.

James kissed her again. He felt a sense of victory. It was obvious to him that she wanted him to impregnate her and, even though she was struggling against it, it was only a matter of time before she succumbed. He was going to breed another man’s wife, knock her up and watch her abdomen swell with his child.

Jill wondered what was going through his mind. As she looked at him, she saw that his shoulder was bleeding where she’d bitten it.

“Oh, James, I’ve made your shoulder bleed,” she exclaimed, “I’m so sorry.”

“I think you’ve done the same to my back,” he replied, “but it was worth it.”

“I better see to it,” she said, getting off the bed and going to the bathroom.

He watched her as she walked across the room. She looked dishevelled. Her pubic hair was matted and damp. There was a thread of semen dangling from her cunt. But there was a spring in her step. She was happy and fulfilled.

Jill returned with a cloth and wiped his shoulder and his back, then sprayed some Dettol on them. James winced as it stung.

When she’d finished, he got off the bed. It was a complete mess, wet and covered in stains, the bedclothes rumpled.

“Shall we go and get something to eat?” Jill asked.

“Great idea.”

They opened the bedroom door and went to the kitchen. Harry was there making some coffee.

“Oh, hello there,” he said, “You guys look like you’ve had a good time.”

“Fabulous,” Jill answered, “but we’re hungry now.”

“I’ll get you some coffee and biscuits,” Harry said, and busied himself at the worktop. After a few minutes,good-looking he was ready and they sat down at the kitchen table.

They all talked generalities as they enjoyed their coffee. When they’d finished, Harry asked if James was staying the night.

“No, I think I’ll go,” James said, “I’ll get dressed and you can take me home.”

“Sure,” Harry responded.

James and Jill left the table and returned to the bedroom to get dressed, then rejoined Harry and went to the front door. Jill put her arms around James’s neck, standing on tiptoe.

“Thank you for a lovely time,” she said, then brushed her lips over his. They kissed deeply before saying goodbye, then Harry and James left.

During the drive back, James decided to see whether Harry had any idea of Jill’s growing feelings for him.

“Harry, is Jill becoming attached to me?”

“That’s a strange question, James. You’re a regular sexual partner so of course there’s some level of emotional attachment. Why do you ask?”

“No real reason. I just don’t want there to be any problems.”

“James, we invited you into our marriage to play the part you’re playing. Jill gets huge pleasure out of having sex with you, and I like indulging that. We understand that you’re a young man who will want to play the field and not be weighed down with responsibilities. Also, both Jill and I expect you to be sexually active with others. What problems are you worried about?”

“Nothing in particular. Just a general statement.”

“Well, stop worrying.”

“Your wife is incredibly sexy, you know. Sex with her is unbelievably intense.”

“I know. I’ve watched you.”

After that, James kept quiet until they arrived at his place. Harry stopped the car but left the engine idling. James thanked him for the ride then got out and went into his apartment.

Harry drove back home thinking about the conversation. When he got back, he poured two glasses of wine and called Jill to join him in the living room.

“Harry said you guys had a good time.”

“We did. He was on good form tonight.”

“He’s worried you’re developing feelings for him.”

“I suppose I do have some feelings, but nothing I can’t control.”

“Hmmm. I’m not surprised. He’s extremely good-looking, very well-endowed, completely masculine, and seems to be an excellent lover.”

“I see you fancy him,” Jill said, laughing.

“Yes, I do. I find him intensely exciting.”

Jill stood up and took his hand.

“Let’s go into the bedroom and have some fun.”

They went into the bedroom, and Harry got undressed and sat on the edge of the bed. Jill took off her bathrobe and stood in front of Harry. She was wearing panties, but Harry could see they had dark stains in the crotch.

He reached out and pulled them down a few inches and saw threads of semen hanging down from her slit, joined to a pool of semen in the gusset of her panties.

Her cunt looked an absolute mess, her labia ragged and protruding, her pubic hair tangled and damp, her thighs stained and sticky.

Harry leaned forward and buried his face in her groin, his tongue licking her slit. He liked the taste of semen. It excited him.

He licked and sucked, drawing her labia into his mouth and running his tongue all over them. More semen dribbled out of her cunt as he sucked, making him swallow. Jill held his head.

“Do you like that, my precious cuck?” She said. “Do you like sucking my lover’s sperm out of my pussy?”

“Mmmmm,” came the response.

“It’s going to take you a long time. He cums an awful lot.”

Harry groaned as he sucked, his cock jerking. Jill pushed his head back and climbed onto the bed, and Kay on her back, her knees raised.

“Come and make love to me, Harry.”

Harry climbed between her legs and pushed his cock into her gaping vagina then bent down and supported himself on his hands. Jill looked up at him and smiled, her eyes loving, as he started thrusting. She couldn’t really feel very much physically, but emotionally she was overwhelmed.

“I love you, Harry.”

It didn’t take Harry long. After a few minutes, he grunted as his cock jerked and dribbled his cum into her vagina, his buttocks clenched hard, then he collapsed down onto her.

Jill kissed him deeply. She hadn’t really felt him cum but that didn’t matter. She felt loved and secure, and deep inside her, she was at one with him.

As they lay there together, she remembered how James had cum, his brutal power and total domination of her. It sent a shiver down her spine as she realised how much her body craved the sensations she experienced with him, that red-headed young man with his sculpted body and large genitals.

But there was another, more basic, instinctual feeling inside her, a desire to breed with this dominant alpha-male, to use the fusion of his genes with hers to produce superior offspring. She tried to ignore it, but it was starting to become more important and prevalent in her mind ……


In the weeks following his night with Jill, James’s life continued as normal. He had several more liaisons with her and, while they never discussed what had happened, there was a noticeable change in her attitude. She seemed to be softer and more emotional.

He was thinking about this one evening when he was at home when there was a knock at his door. He opened it to find Beth standing there.

“Beth, good God, what are you doing here? Why didn’t you call? Come on in.”

“Thank you, James,” she replied, stepping inside.

“Can I get you a glass of wine?” He asked after they went through to the living area.

“Yes, please,” she replied, sitting down in a chair.

He poured them both some wine then sat down opposite her.

“I haven’t seen you in months,” he said, “how have you and Peter been keeping?”

“We’re fine, thanks. You look as if you are too.”

“I am indeed. But I’ve missed you. Why haven’t you called?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Is it because of Caroline?”

“Partly, but there are other things.”

“Tell me.”

Beth put down her glass then burst into tears.

“Oh, James, I don’t know how to do this,” she sobbed.

James got up and went over to her. He took her hands and pulled her up out of the chair and hugged her, stroking her hair.

“It’s alright, Beth, don’t cry. You don’t need to explain anything.”

Beth put her head on his shoulder and her arms around him as she cried.

“Is Peter outside?” James asked.

“Yes,” she sniffed.

“Shall I go and get him?”

“No. I don’t want him to see me crying.”

James kissed her head.

“Then you should probably stop crying.”

Beth lifted her head and looked at him, her face tear-stained. He bent down and kissed her on each eye then gently on her mouth before drawing back.

“I’ve missed you,” she said, brushing her fingers over his lips.

“Well, I’m here now.”

“Can you forgive me for my past?”

“I can’t understand how you let that drunken lout who I call my father into your bed, but it was long ago and who am to judge you.”

Beth looked at him, her eyes softening. She longed to tell him that his real father was his ‘uncle’ Alan and that he was the man she’d let into her bed, but she couldn’t. That was for Jenny to reveal. Instead, she pulled his head towards her and kissed him softly, her lips parted.

James felt the intimacy of the kiss and relaxed his lips as he felt the moisture of hers. She sucked his lower lip between hers, her tongue running over the sensual flesh before pushing its way into his mouth.

James felt his cock stirring. He pulled her closer as his tongue met hers and licked underneath as they shared each other’s saliva.

Beth rubbed her hands over his back, feeling his rippling muscles. She moaned softly as their kiss became more passionate, and she felt his hands pull up her skirt and fondle her butt. Her hips moved involuntarily in response.

James squeezed her butt cheeks, his fingers pulling aside her panties and exploring her crack. He ran them down under her to feel her hairy slit and separate her labia.

Beth squirmed as she felt his fingers pull on her inner labia. She could feel her moisture oozing out as her labia unfurled and his middle finger caressed the entrance to her vagina.

She pushed her right hand between them and felt for his cock through his trousers. It was erect and pushing against the fabric. She found his zip and pulled it down, giving her hand access to unbutton his boxers and pull out his cock. It was warm and throbbed with his heartbeat.

She cradled his cock in her hand, feeling its rigidity and thickness, then pulled back his foreskin so she could touch feel his glans. It was wet and slippery with precum.

“Oh God, I want you inside me,” she breathed, breaking their kiss, “take me to bed and fuck me.”

James took his hand out of her panties and put his fingers into her mouth. She sucked them, tasting herself, and looked him with lust-filled eyes. Suddenly they both went wild, ripping off their clothes as they scrabbled at each other’s bodies, grabbing, touching, rubbing, squeezing, kissing, biting.

They moved towards the bed as they writhed against each other, then fell onto it, Beth on her back with James lying on top of her. She reached down and guided his rampant cock towards her cunt, pulling back his foreskin and rubbing his unsheathed glans along her slit then slotting it at her entrance.

James thrust hard. He felt his cock force its way past her entrance then slide deep inside her velvety tunnel until it stopped at the back of her vagina.

“Oh God,” Beth cried, “that feels so good.”

James put his hands on the bed and lifted his upper body as he fucked her with short, fast strokes. He pounded into her, his pubic bone banging into her groin with each thrust, her tits bouncing up and down as her body flailed around under him.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh,” she grunted with each stroke until her sounds merged into one long “aaaaaah” as ripples of pleasure radiated from her cunt and coursed through her body.

Her clitoris was on fire, its nub protruding from the folds of skin and being tickled by his pubic hair. Her labia clung to his shaft, pulled back and forth by his thrusts. She could feel the corona of his glans rubbing under her cervix.

Slowly and inexorably she felt the warm glow in her vagina grow hotter and hotter as an intense itch started to spread throughout her groin. She bucked underneath him like a demented being, mobbing her hips around as she desperately tried to scratch it.

James sensed her impending orgasm. He fucked her with renewed vigour as hunched down over her and sucked her left nipple into his mouth, his teeth scraping it, then flicking his tongue back and forth over the engorged teat.

“Aaaaaargh,” she moaned softly as she lifted her hips and held them off the bed, her body rigid as her cunt spasmed around his thrusting cock, her inner muscles clutching at it rhythmically.

It was too much for James. He felt his cock harden and grow as his balls rose up in his scrotum to cling to the base of his shaft, propelling millions of his sperm into his prostate to mix with the seminal fluids there then rushing up his urethra to jet out into her vagina.

“Ah, fuck,” he shouted as his first ejaculation sprayed into her insides, coating everything with his warm, thick, fertile semen. He paused momentarily then pulled back and thrust again as his second ejaculation squirted out. Then again, and again, and again.

In the throes of her orgasm, Beth felt him cumming. She felt his cock pulse with each ejaculation and then the warm, wet feeling inside her as his semen swirled around inside her vagina, some seeping out around the base of James’s cock where her labia clutched it.

She uttered another long drawn-out “aaaargh” as an overwhelming sense of joy and emotion swept through her body while her hips jerked in time to his ejaculations. She felt safe and wanted, incredibly close to him, as though he were part of her.

James’s ejaculations became weaker and further apart until his cock stopped twitching. It was still quite hard and deeply embedded in Beth’s cunt, the last vestiges of semen oozing out of the tip. His balls felt itchy as semen dribbled out of her cunt and onto his scrotum.

“Wow,” he said, breathlessly, gazing into her eyes, “that was fantastic.”

She smiled at him, her eyes soft and loving, as she reached up to stroke his face. She was also quite breathless, her chest heaving.

“You’re a wonderful lover,” she replied. “I’ve missed you.”

“Well, I’m here when you want me.”

“I want you all the time. I just can’t have you all the time.”

“Well, it was you who wanted a break. Perhaps that’s over now.”

“I think it is,” Beth replied with a big smile. “It wasn’t really such a good idea either.”

James lowered himself so that he was lying directly on her. They stayed like that for some minutes, then he lifted his hips so that his cock slid out of her and rolled off her to lie at her side.

Beth felt a sense of loss as he withdrew, followed by an emptiness deep inside her. Her cunt was still gaping from the width of his cock, and semen was flowing out of it and down her crack onto the bed.

James trailed his fingers over her stomach, thinking how flat it was for a mother of two children who were now adults. He wondered whether she’d ever considered having more children. Maybe he could knock up both her and Jill.

“What are you thinking?” She asked.

“I was wondering how you’d look if you were pregnant. How big your bump would be.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think you’d like to have a child with me.”

Beth felt her heart leap and a hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach. He was right, she would like his child, but the thought of starting out again after 18 years was too much.

“Don’t be silly, James, I’m far too old to do that now. I don’t have the energy.”

“Perhaps, but then perhaps not.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. James got off the bed and, putting on a gown, opened the door to find Peter outside.

“Oh, hello Peter, come on in.”

“Hello James,” Peter replied, stepping inside. He saw Beth naked on the bed, amidst the rumpled and semen-stained bedclothes.

“I thought you were just coming in for a chat,” he said.

James laughed as he took off his gown and got back onto the bed to sit next to Beth who was sitting up with her back against the headboard. He took her hand and placed it on his cock.

“Tell your husband why you really came here.”

Beth looked at him as she idly played with his cock, fondling it and caressing his balls, then turned to face Peter.

“I came here because I’ve missed James. It’s as though a large part of my life has been taken away.”

“You mean you’ve missed my cock,” James interjected, “you’ve been frustrated.”

“No, not just that,” Beth replied, turning back towards him. “Yes, I have missed being fucked by you and I haven’t orgasmed for months. I love feeling you inside me. But it’s more than that. I’ve missed your presence, your power. I’ve missed your understanding and care.”

Peter looked at her. He understood what she was saying and saw the way she was looking at James. He had also missed him in many similar ways.

“You do too, don’t you Peter.” James said, harshly. “You’ve missed me, the man you wish you were, the man whose cock you wished you had, the man you want to fuck your wife.”

“I, I, I …” Peter stuttered.

“Shut up, Peter,” James snapped. “I don’t mind fucking your wife and replacing you. I like it and so does she. For that matter, so do you. I also know that you’re using me to fulfil your own lifestyles just like your friends, Harry and Jill, are doing. I don’t mind that either. In fact, I rather enjoy being the only man in your little set. Did you know that Dan, their son, is also one of my cucks? I bet you didn't, because they don’t. Takes right after his father.”

“Why are you telling us this?” Peter asked. “You know how this lifestyle works and so do we. You know our feelings.”

“Because you need reminding who’s in charge, who’s the man in the relationship. You also need reminding that I want something out of this too.”

“Oh, I don’t think there’s any doubt who the man is. We know it’s you, but what is it that you are looking for?”

“Good, I’m glad you know that I’m the real man in the relationship, the head of the family, as it were. Then you’ll understand what I’m going to say next. Next time I see you, I want Beth to have stopped taking the pill. I want her off birth control. I want my mating partner to bring my children into the world.”

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Peter stared at him with his mount open, his mind whirling. He had not expected this. Beth, on the other hand, smiled inwardly as she felt a thrill course through her body and squeezed James’s cock.

“I, I, I’m not sure….” Peter began, but James cut him off.

“I don’t care what you think, Peter. The position is clear. Next time you or Beth want me for your sex games, she’ll be unprotected. Otherwise, they won’t happen.”

Beth gave James’s cock a last squeeze then got off the bed and retrieved her clothes.

“Come on, Peter. I think it’s time we left to go home and talk about this.”

She got dressed then went back to the bed and kissed James goodbye, then leaned to whisper in his ear.

“Thank you for a lovely time,” she whispered, “I’m already looking forward to our next meeting.”

She walked over to join Peter and together they left.


Peter and Beth had a lively discussion on the way home.

“You can’t seriously be thinking about this,” he said.

“Oh, come on, Peter, you know how young men think at his age. He wants to prove his virility.”

“He’s just like his father was all those years ago.”

“Yes, he is, isn’t he,” Beth said, laughing, “in more ways than one.”

“That’s all very well, but we don’t really want to start that whole business of feeding, nappies, crying and then preschool, school, teenage years.”

“It’s not going to happen,” Beth said. “Women in their late thirties don’t fall pregnant easily. Anyway, I could always take the morning after pill. He wouldn’t know.”

But secretly Beth was rather excited at the prospect of being impregnated by James. She didn’t know why, but the idea appealed to her.

“Well, I’m not happy,” Peter said, “and I think we should talk with Alan about it. He may be able to influence him.”

“I’ll have a word with Jenny first,” Beth said, “I think it’s time she told James the truth about who his father really is.”

The rest of the journey continued in silence. When they got home, they had something to eat then decided to have an early night and started to undress.

“He really filled me tonight,” Beth said when she took off her panties. “Look at these.”

Peter stepped over to look at the panties she was showing him. They were stained all over with white cum. He looked down at her groin and saw that cum was oozing out of her slit and down her thigh. Her cunt looked a mess, with bedraggled labia and sticky semen all around., l

“Fuck,” he exclaimed, “that looks really sexy.”

Beth handed him her panties. He put them to his nose and smelled them, wetting the tip of his nose as he inhaled the pungent odour of James’s cum, then sucking at the fabric. James had been right, he was jealous of him. If he was like James, he’d also want to knock up every woman he could.

Beth watched her husband licking her lover’s cum full of his sperm and wondering how many sperm were in her womb. She ached deep inside as she thought of them wriggling around as they searched for her eggs.

Peter knelt down and licked at her thighs then up into her groin then into her slit. His cock was rock hard inside his pants as he sucked James’s semen out of his wife’s cunt. Beth put her hand on his head and ruffled his hair. He was a good man, thoughtful and caring and a good provider, but unfortunately unable to satisfy her sexually. Still, they’d worked out how to deal with that problem.

“What does it feel like when he cums in you?” he asked, raising his head.

“Unbelievable. You know how it feels when that first blast of hot water shoots out of the shower onto your skin? Well, it’s like that, but inside. A powerful blast then hot liquid swirling around. Then again and again and again. His cock feels amazing. It pulses and throbs, an enormous, hard, vital thing, full of energy and power. It’s simply overwhelming.”

“It sounds fantastic.”

“It is. It’s also very addictive. Not an easy thing to give up.”

“Just like you felt about his father nearly twenty years ago.”

“Oh, Peter, that’s the life we chose. You don’t regret it, do you?”

“No, I don’t, but sometimes it’s difficult to balance the pain with the pleasure. I can still remember the conflict inside me as I watched you when Alan impregnated you and conceived Caroline. I was looking into your eyes while I held his balls, feeling them pulse as he ejaculated his fertile sperm inside you. I saw them change and a cloud come over them, and I knew that this was the moment.”

Beth suddenly felt cold. She had no idea that Peter knew that Caroline wasn’t his.

“But Caroline is your child, Peter.”

“Come on, Beth, of course she’s my child, but she’s not my biological one, is she? I’ve always known, even though you thought I didn’t. It doesn’t matter. It’s my role in our marriage and one I long ago accepted. I love her with all my being, Beth, and always will, but I think we should tell her.”

“You are a very special man,” Beth said, “I’m so lucky to have you. Yes, you’re probably right. We should tell her.”

“You should also persuade Jenny to tell James who his real father is.”

“I will. I’d already thought about that.”

Beth reached down and took Peter’s hand and helped him onto his feet, then put her arms around him and hugged him. After that, they went to bed and cuddled before falling asleep.


A few days later, James got a message to call his mother. He called her in the evening.

“Hello, Mum, how are you?”

“Oh, hello, darling. Thank you for calling me back. I’m fine thank you, and you?”

“Very well, thanks. “

“Can you come round for dinner tomorrow? There’s something I’d like to talk about.”

“Will Dad be there?”

“No, he’s going to some or other meeting.”

“Then I’d be very happy to come round.”

“That’s lovely. See you around 7.30 then?”

“Yes, 7.30 is good. Love you.”

“Love you too. Bye for now.”

Jams wondered what it was she wanted to talk with him about. Perhaps she’d come to her senses about his useless father. He hoped so.

When he arrived at the family home the next day, Jenny greeted him lovingly then sat him down in the living room with a glass of wine. They brought each other up to date in what they’d been doing until Jenny put down her glass and took his hand in hers.

“What I’m about to say is very difficult. It’s something we should have talked about a long time ago, but I was scared to do so.”

“Scared? Why on earth would you be scared? You’re my mum. Is it about Dad? You know I think you’re crazy to have stayed with him. He’s useless and bad for you. You’d be better off without him.”

“Oh James, you’re such a lovely boy. No, not boy, man. I’m so lucky.”

“What is it, Mum?”

“Many years ago I met a man with whom I fell in love. I was married to your dad, but leading a miserable life. He was always drunk, chased other women, and made me feel unwanted and unloved. This man made me feel like a person again and gave me back some self-respect.”

“Oh, Mum. Why didn’t you leave Dad then? Your life would have been so much easier.”

“I couldn’t. In those days and in my social set, divorce was not an option. I would have been an outcast. But I did start an affair with him, a very secretive affair, and a very loving and passionate one.”

“Good for you. Did it last long?”

“It’s still going on.”

James looked at his mother in amazement. He’d no idea that she was seeing anyone else or that she’d ever done so.

“Do you mean now? You’re still seeing this man? Who is it?”

“Yes, now. It’s your uncle Alan.”

“I should have guessed. He’s always around and always attentive. But he’s also always got a different woman with him.”

“Well, I couldn’t expect him to do otherwise, given the circumstances.”

“Well, thank you for telling me. I don’t know why you were so worried about telling me. It’s not such a terrible thing, and he’s a really nice guy.”

“I’m glad you like him, but there’s more.”


“Yes. I should have told you long ago. Alan is your father. He’s also Elizabeth’s father.”

“What?” James cried out. “What do you mean?”

“Alan is your biological father,” Jenny replied very softly as she started to cry.

James looked at his mother, his eyes wide and his mouth open as his mind tried to assimilate what he’d just heard. He didn’t try to comfort her. He was angry that she had not told him about this, and disappointed that she wasn’t the angel he thought she was. But he was pleased that the man he thought of as Dad wasn’t his father and, strangely, pleased that Alan was.

“Was I planned or an accident?”

“Oh, very much planned.”

“Does my dad, if I can still call him that, know?”

“No, and I don’t want to tell him. He will make my life more of a misery if he knows.”

“So, it’s just you, me and Uncle Alan who know?”

“No, there are a few other people, my very close woman friends.”

“Which ones?”

“Jill, Beth, Mandy.”

“Oh my god.” James’s face went white.

“What? What’s the matter?” Jenny cried.

“I’ve been sleeping with two of them and I know they’ve slept with Uncle Alan. This is just weird.”

“I’m so sorry,” Jenny said, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m not sure I can deal with this now. I need to think. I also need to speak to Uncle Alan.”

“He knows I’m having this conversation with you. I told him I would. He said you should call him.”

James thought for several minutes. Slowly he managed to piece everything together. He realised that the women had all talked together and that there were probably more pieces to this story. He also realised that Harry and Peter, too, probably knew about it. Mostly, however, he wanted to hear what his biological father had to say.

“No, you call Uncle Alan. Ask him to come round now and let’s talk about it.”

Jenny didn’t say anything, just got up and went to the ‘phone and called him. He had told her that he thought this would happen, so was ready to come round and arrived after twenty minutes. Jenny let him in and brought him into the living room.

“Hello James,” he said.

James didn’t reply. Instead, he stared at him, a hollow feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had always felt close to Alan and now he understood why, but that was mixed with anger, now, anger at having been kept in the dark.

Alan didn’t say anything more. He just stood there. He knew that James needed time to come to terms with it. After a few minutes, James spoke.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It wasn’t my place. That was for your mother to decide.”

“But you could have persuaded her. Or didn’t you care?”

“Oh James, of course I cared. I still care. You’re my son and I love you. I’ve tried to be with you at every important moment in your life. You know that. But telling you had to be something that your mother wanted to do herself, not that she was doing it because I wanted her to do so.”

It was suddenly all too much for Hames. His shoulders slumped and he sat down and started sobbing. Jenny put her arm around him and held him without saying anything, just holding him tight and stroking his hair. After a while, he calmed down and stood up.

“This is all a big shock. I’m going to want to know much more, but not now. I want to go back home.”

“I’ll take you,” Alan said.

James kissed his mother goodnight, leaving her crying as he went to the door with Alan. They got into his car and drove off, not talking. When they arrived at James’s place, he stopped the car and turned off the engine.

“I’m sorry you found out this way,” Alan said.

James looked at him.

“So am I,” he said, “but now that I know, I want to get to know you better.”

“Any time you want,” Alan replied, “I’ll tell you everything you want to know. There will be no secrets between us.”

“Very well, let’s start with this. Are you still sleeping with Beth and Jill?”

“No. I haven’t slept with either of them for years.”

“But you still see them? Ah, silly question. You’re Caroline’s father. Are you Tim’s father too? What about Holly and Dan?”

“Yes, I still see them. Tim and Dan are not mine. Caroline and Holly were conceived because Beth and Jill wanted children from me, in full agreement with their husbands, who actively supported their conception. That was very different to your conception. You were born out of love.”

“What should I call you? I can’t call you Dad.”

“Call me Alan. I understand.”

“How many other offspring have you created?”

“I don’t know. Probably quite a few.”

“Why? Why didn’t you use birth control? I understand wanting to fuck as many women as possible, but to father so many children?”

“It’s the way I’m built, both physically and psychologically. I think you’re built the same way, incidentally, from what I’ve heard. I like seducing women, breaking down their will to resist, especially if they belong to another man. I like to make their bodies mine. I also have a very strong drive to make them pregnant. I suppose that’s the instinct to propagate.”

“So you seduced my mother.”

“That was my original intention, especially when I saw what a shit she’d married. Then I fell in love with her, but she wouldn’t leave him.”

“I think I’ve inherited your drives. I enjoy the same things. But I also enjoy humiliating the partners then feel bad about it.”

“Don’t feel bad. Most of them get a kick out of it. They want to be humiliated.”

“I suppose so.”

“James, I’ve made mistakes in my life but I’ve learned from them. You need to make your own mistakes because you never learn from someone else’s mistakes, but you can from your own.”

James looked at Alan then hugged him for a long time before pulling back and getting out of the car.

“I’m glad you’re my father even though you’re a rogue,” he said, then closed the car door and went inside before Alan could reply.

Once James was inside, he poured himself a brandy then sat down to think while he drank it. After an hour or so, he had worked out what he was going to do, and decided he would go to bed.

The next morning he called Jill and told her he was coming round to visit them that evening then went off to university. At the end of the day he went home to change, then on to Harry and Jill.

He rang the bell at their door. Harry answered and took him through to the living room where Jill was waiting. She was feeling quite apprehensive. Beth had called her that morning and told her what had happened.

Harry offered James a beer, which he took, then sat down next to Jill.

“You two haven’t been entirely open with me, have you?”

“No, I suppose we haven’t,” Jill said, “but it’s not been an easy situation and some decisions have not been ours to make.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Jill. You fucked with my father all those years ago and then thought it would be fun to fuck with his son, but not bother to tell him. What did you think you were doing? Seeing if I was as good as my father?”

“Oh, James, it wasn’t like that. The fact that you’re Alan’s son does not affect my desire for you or your role in Harry and my marriage. You’ve become part of us and we love having you.”

“Oh yes? Part of you? Have you told your son that you’re fucking a student friend of his? Or your daughter that you’re fucking her half-brother?”

Jill went white at his words and started to cry. James stood up and turned to Harry.

“And you, Harry, why didn’t you tell me? I thought you were more honest than that,” James snapped.

“I don’t know why. I should have said something,” Harry replied, looking at the floor, “I am very sorry, James. What can we do to make this right?”

“I don’t know if you can.”

“Please, James, please. You’re part of our life, now,” Jill said, sobbing.

James went to the couch and sat back down, then put his arm around her and pulled her onto his shoulder as he stroked her hair with his other hand.

“Shhh, Jill. I won’t leave you.”

He lifted her head and looked at her, then kissed her eyes.

“Now stop crying and look at me.”

Jill sniffed and opened her eyes to look into his. They shone brightly and seemed to see right through hers and into her soul. They also had a strange magnetism to them, making it hard for her to look away.

“Thank you, James,” she said, “I couldn’t imagine life without you.”

“Well, I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I think I’ll stay the night. Your husband can stay in the spare room. I want you to myself.”

He stood up and put out his hand to Jill to help her up. She took it and stood up, then followed him to the main bedroom, shutting the door when they were inside.

“Get undressed and get into bed,” James said.

Jill did as she was told. She took off her clothes then got into the bed and sat up against the headboard, looking at him. James sat in the edge of the bed and took off his shoes and socks, then stood up and removed his shirt.

Jill watched his every move, her tummy tightening as she saw his muscular chest with its thick red hair emerge. 'God, this boy is beautiful,’ she thought, ‘he’s like a Greek God.’

Her breathing quickened as he took off his jeans and stood there in his boxers, looking at her, before slowly sliding them down to reveal himself. His thick cock was hanging down in front of his large, hairy testicles. It was bigger and fatter, flaccid, than her husband’s when he was erect. She rubbed her hips together, trying to scratch the little itch that had developed inside her.

James walked over to the bed and got in and lay on his side next to her. She slid down from her sitting position and lay on her side, facing him, then leaned reached down and took his cock in her hand, fondling it. Her heart was thumping.

“You are so similar to Alan and yet also different. Other than your red hair, your body is very like his was, although he was circumcised. You have the same confidence and dominance, but you seem more determined, even ruthless. As far as I know, he didn’t especially like older women, but you seem to.”

James stroked her face and then kissed her before playing with one of her nipples.

“Why did you let him father Holly?”

“It was Harry’s idea. He worshipped your father and, when I said I wanted another child, he suggested that Alan be the biological father. I was delighted because I had fantasised about it, fantasised about having a lifelong memory of him, something that we shared.”

James smiled as his hand left her nipple and rubbed her stomach, his fingers brushing her skin. He knew where this was going. He was going to impregnate her, just as he would Beth. It was only a matter of time.

Jill shuffled closer to him and put her leg over his thigh as she planted kisses all over his face. He could feel her thick bush rubbing his skin as she moved her hips up and down. He put his hand down to her butt, his fingers probing her crack and sliding down to find her moist slit and separating her labia.

Jill rubbed her left hand over his broad back before moving it down to squeeze his butt, feeling his gluteal muscles, large and hard. She felt her cunt moisten and tremble as his fingers probed it. She stared into his eyes, trying to see into his mind.

“God, I want you,” she breathed. “I want you so much that it hurts.”

Jane didn’t say anything, but a triumphant smile played across his lips as he pushed her onto her back and knelt between her raised knees. She reached down and rubbed his cock up and down her slit, parting her labia, before slotting it into her entrance and lifting her hips.

James leaned down over her, supporting himself on his hands, and slowly pushed his cock into her, watching her face contort with pleasure as his cockhead separated her walls, opening up her vagina. Her head rolled from side to side as exquisite pleasure overtook her.

“Aaaaaah,” she gasped, softly. “Oh, that feels so, so good.”

She opened her eyes to look at him and gasped as she felt her chest tighten. He had an indescribable aura of power about him that completely overwhelmed her. It was as though she belonged to him and her sole purpose in life was to please him.

Her eyes roamed over the figure above her with his shock of unruly red hair above his piercing green eyes set in a rugged face. A sheen of stubble framed the alluring smile playing over his large, sensual lips. She reached out both hands to rub his broad chest, thick with red hair surrounding two small but erect nipples, before feeling his powerful biceps.

James smiled as he saw her expression change. He felt her body writhe under him, her vaginal muscles trying to draw him deeper inside her. She had exceptional control of her body and was without doubt the best fuck in his collection of lovers. He started thrusting with long, slow strokes, rotating his hips as he did so that his glans rubbed as many different parts of her vagina as possible, his movements stretching her inner labia in all directions as they clung around his thick shaft.

“Oh God,” she cried. "Oh James. Oh. Oh. Oh.”

Her hands rubbed up and down his forearms. Her head rolled from side to side. She lifted her legs and hooked them around his so that she could fuck him back. She dipped her hips forward so that his shaft rubbed her clit then back again so that she could feel his cockhead rubbing her cervix.

James changed his rhythm. He speeded up, no longer pausing at the limit of each stroke, instead becoming a fucking machine relentlessly plunging in and out of her sopping cunt. She could feel the incredibly thick base of his shaft stretching the entrance to her cunt to the limit as his pubic bone hit against her mound with every stroke.

James felt her body slowly surrendering to his attack. Her movements were becoming more frenzied and she was holding his forearms so tightly that her fingernails dug into his skin. Her vaginal muscles were clutching hard at his cock, her vaginal walls rippling around his glans.

Jill felt completely consumed by him. His cock felt as though it was in her chest, and her body felt full of him. He was all that mattered in the world when she felt a slow burn suffuse her entire body, growing in intensity all the time. Every nerve in her body screamed for relief.

“Oh god, take me,” she cried. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Cum in me. Oh God. Oh James.”

Jill was beside herself. She had surrendered herself entirely to him and her primal instincts had taken over. She wanted his sperm in her womb, impregnating her. She wanted to feel his baby grow inside her. She wanted to give birth to his child, to feel it suckle at her breasts, to watch it grow up. Most of all she wanted it to be a boy, a strong powerful boy in his father’s image. A boy who would become a man and give her lots of grandchildren, all carrying James’s genes.

And so Jill’s orgasm started. Her body began to shake as her legs locked round his calves and her hips rose high off the bed. Her cunt spasmed rhythmically, desperately trying to massage the sperm out of his cock, and James felt ripples all along his shaft. With an extra hard lunge, he drove deep inside her and held still as semen urged up his urethra and sprayed into Jill’s vagina, coating her insides with his thick, fertile semen. After his first ejaculation, he started moving again, each thrust spraying more semen inside her.

Eventually his thrusting slowed down and Jill’s hips sank onto the bed. Semen was oozing out of her slit and down her crack to pool on the sheet. James’s cock was still hard inside her, but had stopped jerking. She opened her eyes and looked at him and, in that moment, knew that she was going to make this happen, whether Harry liked it or not.

James let himself down slowly until he lay on her, cushioned by her large tits. He kissed her gently.

“That was an intense orgasm,” he said.

“They always are with you,” she replied, looking at him with dreamy eyes. Inside her head she was working it out. It was nearly time for her period, so if she stopped the pill now, she would probably be fertile in just under two weeks. She’d have to tell Harry that her cunt was off-limits to him.

James saw the look in her eyes and instinctively knew.

“You’ve decided, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” she replied, and felt his cock jerk inside her.

“Go and fetch your husband.”

Jill didn’t argue. She pulled herself away from his cock and got out of bed and put on a bathrobe. Semen flowed out of her cunt and down her thigh and, as she walked, drops fell on the carpet. She left the room, returning with Harry after a few minutes.

“Harry, your wife has decided that she wants my child,” James said in an authoritative tone. “You will of course be seen as the parent. Do you understand?”

Harry had been expecting this. He knew his wife and the way her mind worked. He also knew James’s drives.

“Yes, I understand,” he replied. He was secretly quite sexually excited by the prospect.

“Good. Jill will stop her birth control immediately. That means her cunt is now off-limits to you. It is my exclusive preserve.”

“I understand, but I’d like to be present at the conception.”

“Of course. You can hold my balls and watch my cock throb as I ejaculate my sperm inside your wife’s fertile vagina.”

“Oh God, that’s so hot,” Harry gasped.

“OK. That’s all for now, you can go back to your room. I’m spending the night here.”

Harry turned round and left. Jill took off her robe and got back into bed. She knew that she wouldn’t be getting much sleep...

Written by aljames21
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