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Author's Notes

"Sorry about the delay. I'm trying to put these chapters out more regularly."

Discovering the demise of the Dragon put me in a dark mood. I dropped Kitana off outside her house and made my way up into the hills to my home. Lira was waiting for me, but I didn’t know how to tell her what I had discovered. I couldn’t keep lying to her face, so I told her bluntly that Tamara wasn’t going to be a problem anymore and sent Lira away.

I needed to be alone while I worked through my thoughts. Night turned to day, then days to weeks. I threw myself into the physical labor of building the addition on my house, working from sunup to sundown until my hands blistered, the blisters popped, and fresh callouses built up.

Kitana climbed the hill to see me a handful of times, but I wasn’t interested in dallying with her, and after a month or so, she stopped coming. Lira dropped by once or twice, but sensed my mood and didn’t linger long.

The worn writing on the stone walls haunted my sleep and filled my waking hours with endless echoes. No matter how I approached the problem, I couldn’t see a way forward. Finding the secret of the flow seemed impossible, now.

Gradually, the seasons began to change. The heat of summer cooled, and the nights started to become chilly. I started putting aside a few hours every day for splitting firewood and concentrated on getting the roof up on my addition.

The leaves of the trees began to turn red. I was up on my new roof, hammering in a row of shingles, when I spotted someone coming up the path toward my home. It was Kitana. Her dark hair had grown longer since I had last seen her, and she was wearing some sort of holiday getup. A long skirt and an embroidered blouse, all cut into layers and brilliantly dyed in warm fall colors.

I went back to nailing in shingles. The sky was starting to get cloudy more often, and it was going to begin raining at night soon. I wanted my addition to be dried in before that happened, and talking to Kitana would only eat up my daylight hours.

“Master Jack!” she called up. I ignored her. She tried a few more times, then I heard the ladder creak, and she joined me on the roof. “You’re ignoring me,” she said sourly.

I finished driving in a last nail and let out a sigh. “Not just you, Kitana. I’m ignoring everyone until my addition is complete.”

Kitana scoffed. “Yeah, right. And what happens when this roof is done? Furniture? A chimney? Another addition?”

I picked up another shingle and set it into place. “Maybe. Why not? It’s not like there’s anything else I can do. Might as well make my life comfortable if I’m going to be stuck here.”

She watched me as I banged in a few nails. “Do you know what today is?”

“No,” I grunted.

“It’s the first day of the harvest festival. And it’s my birthday. I have to pick a path today.”

I put my hammer down and turned to look at her. There were suppressed tears gleaming in her brown eyes, but there was a defiant set to her shoulders. “Shit. I didn’t know.”

Kitana brushed at her eyes. “How would you? You’ve been hiding up here for weeks.”

If she was looking for an apology, I didn’t have one to give her. “Yeah, well.” I sighed. “So, what path are you choosing?”

“Do you care?” she huffed.

“Of course I care. I’ve just had a lot on my mind recently.”

“Prove it, then,” she dared me. “Wash up, put on something that isn’t covered in tree sap, and come down to the festival.”

I eyed her, wondering at what game she was playing at. “On one condition,” I said.

Kitana looked at me in surprise, evidently expecting me to refuse point-blank. “Okay.”

“You don’t want to hear it first?”

“Just tell me what it is.”

“You have to help me finish my roof. You might laugh at me, but the rain is coming. If I take a day off to go to your festival, I need to make up the time.”

Kitana rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever. You do own something clean, don’t you?”

I grinned for the first time in what felt like months. “I’m sure I can scare something up.”

“Good. I’ve got to go. Mother’s going to be pissed as it is. I’ll see you in town?”

“I’ll be there. Promise.”

“You better. If I have to come back up here and drag you off this roof, I will. Don’t test me.”

Kitana gave me a parting glare and climbed down off my roof. I watched her go, then turned back to my stack of shingles. I had enough split to finish the row, and it wouldn’t take me but a few more minutes.

I made it to Bening sometime around noon. The whole town was hung with ribbons that fluttered in the breeze. Music was being played in the town square, and it seemed like everyone that lived within a hundred miles had come to participate in the festival.

I felt conspicuous as I made my way into town. The elves that didn’t live in Bening stared at me before hurriedly looking away. I stopped short of reaching the town square and edged into a doorway to get some shelter from the stares. This wasn’t what I had signed up for. I was willing to put on a show of solidarity for Kitana, but I had grown used to being alone.

“I’ve been warned about you!”

I looked up in surprise. There was an elf I hadn’t seen before standing in the open door behind me. She was stunningly beautiful, with high cheekbones and deep blue eyes. Her dark hair was done up in a complicated series of braids that fell down to her waist. Unlike the rather rustic fashion most of the townsfolk in Bening preferred, she was dressed in a silk dress with elaborate pleats in the arms and bust.

“Ah, sorry?”

“The librarian was very clear. The human is banned from entry!”

I tore my eyes away from her face and realized I had taken shelter in the library’s entryway. “Oh. Oh! Yeah, that’s fine. I wasn’t going to go in. I just…” I lifted a hand and waved it in the general direction of the town square.

Her glare softened fractionally. “You keep to yourself, don’t you? I suppose it is a lot if you’re not used to it. I have to admit, I almost didn’t believe Marianna when she claimed she had banned the human from her library.”

I gave her a wry smile. “Guilty as charged. I haven’t seen you around before. You’re not from Bening, are you?”

She sniffed. “Dragon, no. I’m from Larinae. The largest elf city.”

That piqued my interest, and I leaned forward. “Really? What is a stunning beauty from Larinae doing guarding the entryway of a library in the sticks?”

If my flattery had any effect on her, she didn’t let it show. Still, she gave me a conspiratorial grin and tilted her head. “I lost a bet. Or near enough, anyway. I know Marianne from school, and I was passing through. She needed to return to the city for some bookish reason, and begged me to watch over her shack for a few weeks. Can I ask a question?”


“What did you do to get banned? It must have been serious. Marianne was adamant about not letting you in.”

My mind raced as I tried to think of a way to spin things in my favor. “Well, I got caught researching something she didn’t like.”


“Rock moth cocoons.”

Her mouth fell open, and she blushed furiously. “You didn’t!”

“Afraid so.” I grinned at her and climbed up the steps until I stood next to her. Now that my head wasn’t craning backward to look up at her, she was a lot smaller than my first impression. The top of her head barely came up to the middle of my chest. If she didn’t have a rather impressive set of tits, I would have almost pegged her as a teenager.

The woman looked up at me, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Did… did you find what you were looking for?”

“You mean, did I find any cocoons?” I pressed.

The tip of her tongue touched her lips. I could see her heartbeat jumping in the graceful curve of her neck. It made me want to press my face into her shoulder and taste her skin. “Did you?” she asked breathlessly.

“And if I did?”

“You know where to find them! Oh. My. Dragon! Can you… give me one?”

I arched an eyebrow at her. “Why should I?”

“I’ll let you into the library!”

I sniffed and looked away. “Eh.”

“Wait!” She grabbed my arm and clung to me. “I’ll smoke it with you!”

That was getting closer to being interesting, but I thought I could angle for something more. “Do you have any idea how many elves have offered the same thing?”

“These bumpkins don’t know the first thing about pleasing a man,” she promised me. There was heat in her eyes, and the lust was practically vibrating off of her. Her nipples were practically poking through her top, visible despite the pleats.

“Words,” I dismissed her.

She made a desperate noise in her throat. “I’ll prove it! And… and there’s something more. I know what you’re searching for.”

I froze, then looked back at her. “What is it I’m searching for?” I asked her intently.

She took half a step back. “What all humans are looking for.”

I followed her, taking half a step to close the distance again. I towered over her, my head buzzing with grim desperation. If this little elf wench knew the secrets I was searching for, I would get them. No matter what it took. “You know about the flow?” I demanded.

“Well, no, but—”

I was moving before I consciously made the decision to. I grabbed her around the throat and lifted her clear off the ground. She clung to my wrist and struggled to free herself, but it was futile. Working on my house had hardened my muscles, and the elf didn’t weigh more than a hundred pounds. I could hold her easily at arm’s length.

She kicked feebly as I carried her into the library and hip-checked the door closed behind me. There were windows on either side of the door, hardly a private spot. I took the time to flip the open sign over to closed, then carried her deeper into the library.

Once I had a few shelves between me and any watching eyes, I pressed the elf back against a table and leaned over her, pinning her with my weight. To my surprise, her legs came up and wrapped around my waist.

“Take me!” she gasped as I let up on her throat.

I blinked at her. I was ready to interrogate her about the flow, torture her if I had to, and she thought I was only interested in sex? Then I took a beat and really looked at her. Her hips were undulating against me, pressing her cunt against my groin. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were glazed with lust.

Fuck it. I could ask her about the flow later.

I grabbed the front of her dress with both hands and ripped the silk open with a grunt of effort. Her tits were full and defied gravity, her nipples hard with desire. She gave a muffled shriek as her dress tore, then she arched her back, lifting her breasts up toward me in offering.

Fuck, this little slut was hot. Despite my desperation to learn about the flow, I couldn’t help but respond. I bent my head forward and caught one of her nipples with my teeth. Her fingers sank into my hair, and she cradled my head to her chest as she mewled in pleasure.

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I had one hand around her throat, holding her in place, and I reached down with the other to get under her skirts. There were too many layers of petticoats, ruffles and pleats for me to blindly find the actual opening. I grew frustrated after a moment and roughly rolled her over onto her stomach.

She wasn’t fighting against me, but I kept one hand on her neck so she couldn’t move anyway. Now that she was bent over and I could see what I was doing, it was a simple matter to gather her skirts up and bare her hips.

Underneath all the layers of cloth, she was wearing bloomers of some sort. I couldn’t figure out how they were holding onto her hips; probably a string tie around her waist or something, but the fabric was delicate and thin. I grabbed a handful and ripped a ragged hole.

The elf was clean-shaven, and her cunt was already wet. I grabbed a handful of her braids and pulled her head back so I could see her face. “This is what you want, is it?” I growled.

Her mouth was open as she panted. “Yes! Use me!”

I held her by her hair with her back bowed as I got my pants undone. I was already rock-hard. I hadn’t had sex in over a month, and I found myself eager for release. Still, I was determined to give this elf a run for her money. She wanted to prove to me that a city elf was a better fuck than a country elf? She was going to get her chance.

I lined the head of my cock up with her wet slit and flexed my hips forward. She was tight as a glove, and she let out a gasp as I finally popped inside her.

“Oh! Fuck, you’re so big!”

I grinned, leaned over her, and wrapped a hand around her throat. “That’s just the tip, slut. You’ve got another eight inches to go.”

Her mouth silently formed the word “eight,” and her eyes grew wide. I slowly pushed into her, holding her body immobile and watching her eyes as she took my length. About halfway in, I bottomed out, and she jerked in my grasp. I relented and pulled out an inch before cycling my hips forward again.

She trembled beneath me, and her legs kicked as she tried to relieve the pressure that was rearranging her guts. I let up on her throat, and she sucked in a deep breath of air before letting it out again in a wail.

“Oh, Dragon! Is that all of it?” She reached behind herself, and I let her grope around until she found my cock. Her tiny hands explored my length, and her eyes widened in disbelief. “Fuck me, it’s not even halfway in?!”

“Take a deep breath,” I warned her. Her eyes went round, and she complied. I pushed forward again until I hit her depth, then I flexed my hips and gave her another inch. Her breath whooshed out of her, and she kicked her legs. “You’re going to have to do better than that,” I shook my head, feigning disgust. “Even these country sluts can take my cock all the way.”

That seemed to set her off, and she stopped fighting me. She worked her hips back into mine, whimpering as she skewered herself on my cock repeatedly. I dropped my hand from her throat and found one of her swaying tits through the ripped fabric. Her flesh was hot and firm, and I felt her cunt clamp down on me every time I tweaked her nipple.

Before long, her motions started to turn erratic, and her gasping moans became intermixed with broken, meaningless pleading. I wet my thumb in my mouth, then pushed it between her ass cheeks. She yelped as my thumb pushed through her asshole. I held my hand braced against my stomach, so if she wanted to fuck her cunt back on my cock, she had to take the penetration in her ass as well.

After a few awkward strokes, she grew used to it and soon was slamming her hips back against me in wild abandon. Still, try as she might, she was unable to fit the full length of my cock into her grasping snatch.

She was getting close to an explosive orgasm. I pushed my hips forward until she was pinned against the edge of the table. There were still two inches of dick left to fit inside her.

“If you want a moth cocoon, you’re going to have to make it fit,” I hissed in her ear. I traced my tongue from her earlobe all the way to the pointy tip, then grabbed the tip in my teeth.

The elf shrieked and came. Her insides flexed around my cock, rippling in waves of clenching muscles. Her back went rigid, and her thighs trembled. I had to wrap a hand around her mouth to keep her screams muffled. I fucked her through her orgasm, and every thrust seemed to drive her back to the peak once more.

Finally, the little elf couldn’t take it any longer. Her legs went limp, and she collapsed against the table, panting and mewling as orgasmic aftershocks shivered through her. I pulled my cock out of her sloppy cunt and eyed her exhausted body. I hadn’t come yet, but I was close.

I was still deciding which hole I would violate next when I heard the door at the front of the library thump closed, and light footsteps come running across the wooden floor. I didn’t have time to cover myself, not that I’d be able to explain away the thoroughly fucked-out elf lying on the table in front of me.

Tina flew around the corner and slammed to a stop. “Mister Jack, I heard someone scream, and… oh… Oh Dragon!”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face. “Hello, Tina. It’s been a while. Come over here.”

The little woodworker was wearing a pleated skirt that barely reached halfway down her thighs and a bulky sweater that hung off one shoulder. Her long blonde hair was done up in a simple braided ponytail, but she had woven little flowers into it that matched the blue of her eyes. She looked good enough to eat.

Tina stepped closer, her uncertain steps matching the confusion on her face. Despite her festival attire, she had a few curls of wood shavings clinging to her sweater. I plucked them free, then brushed the back of my knuckles up the side of her neck and cupped her cheek. Her big blue eyes grew wide and her breathing was starting to come quick.

“Mis—Master Jack? What did you do to Vista?”

The city elf stirred and let out a low moan. I nudged one of her limp legs with my foot. Was that her name? I realized I hadn’t asked it before fucking her. That had to be a first for me.

“Nothing she didn’t ask for. But I still need to get off, and Vista needs to learn that city elves aren’t superior.”

“I don’t understand,” Tina whispered.

I took one of Tina’s hands and placed it on my hard cock. She massaged the head of my dick reflexively, her touch cautious and gentle. A flush was climbing up her pale cheeks, and she didn’t protest as I slipped a hand up inside her sweater. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath. Her hard nipples stood out from her small tits, and Tina’s eyes went unfocused as I flicked them gently.

“I feel so hot, Master Jack,” Tina said breathily. She found the hem of her sweater and pulled it off over her head. I bent down to kiss her, and she moaned into my mouth. Her other hand found my cock, and she started working it with more urgency.

“Get some cum from Vista,” I instructed Tina. “Get my cock slippery.”

“Are you going to fuck me, Master Jack?” Tina asked. There was doubt, and a little bit of fear in her voice.

“Not in your pussy,” I promised her.

“Where then—oh! In my ass!”

Tina stuck two fingers into Vista’s sloppy cunt and gathered up some of the elf’s wetness before transferring it over to my cock. Vista whimpered and tried closing her legs, but Tina was insistent, and didn’t stop dipping her fingers into Vista until I was slick.

I bent Tina over and flipped her skirt up onto her back. Tina’s little round bottom looked way too small to take a dick as thick as mine, but she made an anxious sound in her throat and pulled her cheeks apart for me.

Even with Tina’s eager participation, it took a few tries before I got the head of my cock past her sphincter and slowly slid into her. Tina pushed back on me until her little butt was pressed firmly against my hips.

“Oh, Dragon! It hurts, but I love it!”

Vista shifted around and sat up on the table. Her hair was mussed, and her makeup was streaked down her cheeks where tears had leaked from her eyes. Somehow, she looked even more beautiful. It took Vista a few seconds before she processed the fact that not only was Tina taking my dick in her ass, but she was taking it all the way to the root.

“Holy Dragon,” Vista said in awe. She slipped off the table and crawled down between Tina’s legs. I felt Vista’s hot breath on my balls, then her tongue slid up my dick, and her mouth latched onto Tina’s cunt.

Tina let out a high-pitched moan, and I started fucking her deep and hard. Tina was too short for me to get my dick in her without bending my knees, and the angle I was bent at was starting to get uncomfortable. I wrapped an arm around her chest and picked her up. Tina dangled, still trying to grind her hips down on my cock.

I reached down with my free hand and pulled Tina’s leg up until her foot could rest against the edge of the table. Tina got the hint and lifted her other foot up, and it put her hips at the perfect level for me to slam my cock up her ass.

Vista followed the move, and now I could see her tonguing Tina’s snatch hungrily. Tina couldn’t do anything but wrap her arms back around my neck and hang on as she took the hard fucking. Her little gasps and moans merged into a steady stream.

After fucking Vista, having Tina’s ass clenching around my cock was more than I could take. I felt the tingle in my balls that told me I was past the point of no return; then I erupted deep inside Tina’s bowels.

I held her still as pump after pump of my cum spattered her insides. Finally, I pulled out of her and set Tina’s feet on the floor. Vista stayed between her legs, and it only took a few more seconds before Tina let out a happy wail and shuddered through an orgasm.

I gave Tina a long, hungry kiss, then handed her sweater back to her. “Thanks for checking in on us, Tina,” I said. “You can head back to the festival, now. I’m sure I’ll see you again before the day is over.”

Tina reluctantly pulled her sweater on, then pressed a hand against her ass. “Ooh. You always leave me feeling so empty, Master Jack. Don’t wait too long!”

With a last kiss, I sent Tina on her way. Vista stayed on her knees until the woodworker was gone. Her chin glistened with Tina’s juices, and she had an exhausted, fucked-out look in her eyes.

“That was insane,” Vista said quietly once we were alone once more. “How did you fit that monster up her ass?”

“Maybe country elves can teach you a thing or two,” I grunted. “Come here.”

I picked her up onto her feet and bent down to give her a deep kiss. Vista was stiff at first, then melted into my arms. Her mouth tasted of Tina. “Dragon,” she muttered once I let her up for air. “I want you to fuck me again, but I don’t think I would be able to walk afterward.”

I laughed and cupped one of her tits. She shivered and stared down at her nipple as I tweaked it. “I think you need more practice before I give you a cocoon. You might not survive the night otherwise.”

“Oooh… Fuck. You’re right. Why don’t I give you tutoring lessons, then?” She paused and bit her lip as I gave her nipple a little twist. “I can teach you how to properly use a library. It would help lift your ban.”

“You mean, how to properly use the librarian,” I corrected her.

She nodded eagerly. “Yes. And that.”

 “Fine. But before I leave today, I want you to tell me everything you know about the flow and the Dragon. And whatever you might know about the other humans before me. You can start with what you think I’m searching for.”

Written by Alaristar
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