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The next morning, I woke to the sound of the kettle whistling. A fresh fire crackled in the hearth and I could hear the sizzle of something frying. Kitana gave me a brilliant smile when she saw I was awake and waved a spatula at me.

“Morning! I made breakfast.”

I freshened up and took a quick dip in the pond. The spring-fed water was chilly, too cold to do more than a quick scrub. When I got back to the house, Kitana was setting out plates of sausage and eggs. Hot tea steamed in the largest mugs I owned.

She was dressed practically, in rugged pants and shirt, with an oiled-canvas jacket around her shoulders. She still somehow made it look sexy as fuck, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she bustled around.

“Sit! It’s perfect, Kitana. Let’s eat.”

Kitana dragged her plate over to mine and sat down in my lap. “I’ve been thinking,” she announced around a mouthful of food.

I took a bite of her eggs. Kitana was a lot of things, but a fine chef she was not. They were passable, but it was pretty clear to me that she hadn’t spent a lot of time cooking. “Tell me,” I suggested.

“I should come with you to the library this afternoon.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn’t sound jealous. “How do you figure?”

“Well,” she wiggled her hips in my lap. “I know how you get when this thing is buried deep in some slut. One of us has to keep their head on straight. I’ll keep notes while you’re balls deep in Vista, make sure we don’t forget anything.”

I leaned back so I could get a good look at Kitana. She seemed serious, if amused. “And you’re just going to watch? Seems to me you like joining in often as not.” I slipped a hand inside her jacket and let my fingers trail up her ribs to the full swell of her breast.

Kitana caught my hand, but only encouraged my fingers to squeeze tighter on her tit. “Mmm… I admit, I’m curious why Vista is so certain she knows more about sex than I do.” Her breath caught. “Other than being older than me.”

I could feel Kitana’s nipple stiffen under my fingers and I gave it a little twist. “We can ask her to demonstrate,” I grinned.

“Ohh. Okay. You convinced me.” I let go of her tit and she made a disappointed sound. “Aw.”

“Work first. The roof won’t shingle itself. The sooner we get it finished, the sooner we can go and use the librarian.”

With the carrot dangling in front of her, Kitana set to work with a will. Roofing by myself was a slow process. Most of my time and energy was spent climbing up and down the ladder. With Kitana on the ground, we rigged up a pulley system to lift stacks of pre-cut shingles to the rafters.

She kept me supplied and the work flew by. In less than six hours, I had completed what would have normally taken me all week to finish. We took a break for a late lunch, then I went up to finish nailing in the ridge cap.

Dark clouds were rolling in by the time I started climbing down the ladder. Kitana was waiting for me, her head turned up to look at the sky. “Not an hour too soon,” she said.

“Seems like it. Good thing you were here to help. If we go now, we should get to town before it starts to rain.”

“Woah there, stud. You’ve been swinging a hammer for the last five hours. You show up smelling like you do, Vista’s going to kick you to the curb.”

I lifted my arm and smelled my pit. “Shit, okay. Swim first, then town.”

The first drops were falling by the time I climbed out of the water and jogged across the clearing to my house. The addition looked good. Same square footage as the original structure, but the walls were straight, the window was level and square. The new roof had clean lines and the shingles were in straight rows.

Damn, but it looked good.

Speaking of things that looked good, Kitana was waiting for me in the doorway. She grinned at me and held out my pants. “Even cold, you’re still bigger than Eston was hard.”

I looked down at myself. The pond water had been frigid, and the short hike uphill to the house had chilled my wet skin even further. The cold hadn’t done me any favors. I snatched my pants from Kitana and gave her a look.

“Careful, or we’ll see if you can make it fit everywhere.”

She wiped the grin off her face, but it kept trying to sneak back. “If it stayed that small, I’d be willing to let you try. But it’s temporary, and I haven’t used my plug in months.” She reached down and cradled my balls with her warm hands. “Once this gets warmed up again, you would stretch me wide open.” Kitana reached up and kissed me, and I felt myself stir in her hands.

“Mm. Tempting.”

“There, see?” She gave me a quick stroke, then released me and patted me on the chest. “Back to normal, just like that.” She offered me my shirt and gave me an innocent smile.

I dressed, though a large part of me wanted to stay at my newly dried-in house and fuck Kitana silly. As tempting as that prospect was, picking Vista’s mind about my path was more important. I’d have plenty of time later to turn Kitana’s legs to jello and her brain to mush.

I had a new coat that I had purchased for the coming snow. It wasn’t really cold enough to need a winter coat just yet, but I didn’t have anything suitable for a merely cold and wet day. I shrugged into it, grabbed a little pack and I prepared for the evening, then lifted the lapel open in offering.

“You want to walk together?” I asked Kitana.

 She stepped in under my arm and hugged me around the waist. “Let’s go fuck us a librarian.”

The harvest festival was still ongoing despite the rain, though most of the people had found their way into one of the several restaurants and taverns in the town. The ones still outside were huddled under awnings, perhaps too drunk to find their way inside.

The library had a few lanterns burning in the window, but the austere halls of learning were antithetical to the wild celebration of the festival. No revelers had found their way into the library to disturb our rendezvous with Vista.

We climbed the steps and ducked into the warm dryness of the library. The last half mile to town had alternated between gusting sleet and hammering downpour. Kitana was dry and warm under my jacket, but I was half-soaked. I shucked out of the heavy jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the entrance.

Light footsteps came from deeper inside the library, and Vista’s voice, raised in irritation: “I told you already, take your drinking somewhere else…” She trailed off as she came around the corner and saw us standing in the entryway. One of her slim hands lifted to her throat and she paled.

“Evening, Vista,” I said.

“Jack,” Vista swallowed. “You came. You’re here.”

Vista was wearing a black silk sleeveless top that left her shoulders completely bare. It merged almost seamlessly into a pencil skirt that came halfway down her thighs. She was wearing heels that tightened her calves and gave her an extra three inches of height. Seeing her tightened a fist around my heart, and I felt a sudden, dizzying wave of déjà vu.

I cleared my throat and tried to get a grip. Vista’s slinky dress grabbed at the lost memories from Earth, and for a second, I could have sworn I knew her by another name. Kitana’s hand on my arm pulled me back, and she looked up at me with concern.

“Master Jack? Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Just… I thought I remembered something. It’s gone, now.” Kitana nodded uncertainly and I put my attention back on Vista. “I said I would come. Are we alone?”

Vista gave a nervous smile. “I kept the locals away. I… thought you were going to come sooner. It’s almost dark out!”

“I had work that needed to be done first. Kitana, flip that sign over to closed, if you would.”

Kitana complied, and I crossed the floor to Vista. She had taken her hair out of their braids, and it hung to her waist, full of crinkled waves. Her eyes widened as I lifted a hand and pushed my fingers through her hair to the back of her head.

“The windows, Jack,” she whispered hoarsely. Her head tilted back at my gentle pressure, exposing her neck to me. Her hands twisted nervously together in front of her and her mouth was open as she breathed in quick pants.

“Are you afraid someone will see us?”

“I have rooms upstairs,” Vista pleaded.

I considered her offer for a long moment, enjoying the way her blue eyes begged me in silence. Then I glanced back at Kitana and got a nod of approval from her. “Very well.” I took my hand out of her hair and brushed the backs of my fingers down her neck, then over the swell of her breast. Vista was not wearing underwear, and her nipple went hard at my touch. “Lead the way.”

Vista gave a jerky nod and backed away a step before turning and heading for the rear of the library. I followed close behind her, my eyes on her swaying hips. I hadn’t really had a chance to appreciate Vista’s narrow waist and round ass the last time. Her clothing clung to her curves and sent maddening nudges at memories long gone.

From behind, I could see the subtle ribbing in her top and the laces up the back that acted like a corset. If this was the fashion in Larinae, I’d have to take Kitana some time and see what magic the tailors there could work.

As Vista climbed the stairs into the upper rooms, her silk skirt rode up a little bit, exposing more of her flawless thighs. There was no way she was wearing underwear under that skirt. Even a thong would be visible, let alone the bulky bloomers she had worn yesterday.

It was pretty clear the sitting room upstairs belonged to the stuffy librarian. Lace doilies on the coffee table, flower-patterned upholstery on the chairs, porcelain figurines lined up in anal-retentive rows on the shelves. Vista struck me as a minimalist; any design choices she would make would lean toward fine craftsmanship and expensive hardwoods rather than kitschy trinkets.

Vista turned to face me. The climb up the stairs had given her a chance to compose herself, and she had her hands folded calmly at her waist. “Where do you wish to begin, Jack?”

I felt a moment of irritation. I wanted her panting in need, not hiding behind social proprietary. Then again, if she just wanted to talk, she wouldn’t have suggested coming upstairs.

“No unwanted eyes here,” I said softly, and closed the distance to her. It struck me afresh how small she was. Kitana was a few inches over five feet tall, but without her heels, Vista barely came up to her chin. Still, there wasn’t any question about Vista being an adult. Her blue eyes were full of experience, and her tits were all but spilling out of her top.

Vista’s eyes flicked behind me as Kitana reached the top of the stairs. “We’re not alone?”

“Kitana didn’t believe me when I repeated your claim about being better at sex than a country elf.”

Her eyes widened in understanding. “Oh,” she said. “I guess you’re not here to talk about human stories?”

“Plenty of time for that after,” I grinned down at her and reached up for a handful of her hair. Vista gasped as I tugged her hair back, tilting her face up. She pushed at my arm and I tightened my fist. “Hands behind your back,” I ordered her.

After a moment’s hesitation, she obeyed. I tossed my little pack over to Kitana, and she pulled the coil of rope out. Vista looked up at me, her eyes pleading. “No need for rope, Jack. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Hmm.” I looked at Kitana. “What do you think? Can we trust a city elf to behave?”

“I suppose she can get a chance,” Kitana said with a hungry smile.

“Just one, though,” I nodded. “Vista, until I say otherwise, your hands stay behind you.”

Vista swallowed and nodded. A flush was climbing her cheeks and there were growing fractures in her façade of composure. “Yes, Jack.”

“Master Jack,” Kitana corrected her.

“You want to be my master?” Vista asked in a breathless voice.

I brushed my thumb over her full lower lip and cupped the side of her face. “Do you think you’re worth it?”

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Vista nodded with growing eagerness. “Yes, Master Jack. Please, let me accompany you! I’ll do whatever you want me to!”

“Maybe. If you serve me well, I’ll think about it.” I let my hand fall from her face down to the swell of her breast. The integrated corset in her top cinched her waist in and pushed her full tits up. Her tit was warm and firm in my hand. “Kitana, take her top off for me.”

Vista’s arms twitched as she started to bring her arms to her front before she caught herself. “Thank you, Master Jack,” she breathed.

“For what?”

“I like this top. It took my tailor a long time to fashion it just right.”

“Time well spent,” I grunted. “You look amazing in it.”

She blushed, and I bent my head down to kiss her. Vista stretched up to meet me, and her mouth opened for my tongue. She tasted of fruit and wine. Kitana was busy behind her, loosening the lacings until she could start undoing the hooks and eyes holding Vista’s top on.

 The corset finally fell away, and Vista’s full tits fell into my hands. She moaned into my mouth and arched her back. Without having to be asked, Kitana started working on Vista’s skirt, and a few seconds later, the last of Vista’s clothing puddled around her ankles.

I was right about her not wearing any underwear. “Let’s play a game, Vista,” I said.

“Oh, I like your games,” Kitana breathed.

“O… okay,” Vista nodded. “Anything you want. I meant it.”

“Here’s the game. You get three chances to show me you’re better at sex than Kitana. If you win, you can join me. If you lose, you stay here, in the library. I’ll let you pick the challenge first, then Kitana picks, then back to you.”

Vista licked her lips nervously and eyed Kitana. “Who decides the winner of each challenge?”

“I do,” I grunted. “I’ll be fair.”

“I thought you wanted Vista to join us,” Kitana smirked. “With this game, the only place she’s going is downstairs to alphabetize returns.”

Vista stiffened. “We’ll see about that. Can I use my hands, Master?”

“Sure. It wouldn’t be fair if Kitana gets to use hers and you don’t.”

She thanked me and put her hands against my chest. I followed her insistent pressure and backed up to the sofa. I let her push me back and sprawled out. Vista kissed me as she pulled my shirt off over my head, then fumbled my pants down to my knees. I kicked off my boots and let her undress me the rest of the way. I was hard and ready for her.

“First challenge,” Vista said with a confident glare at Kitana. “And the most important.” She climbed onto my lap and lifted a leg to straddle my hips. She reached under herself and lined my cock up with her cunt.

I put my hands behind my head, drinking in the sensual beauty in front of me as she slowly penetrated herself with my cock. After the cold rain, Vista felt like a hot, wet furnace around my shaft. Her tits swayed alluringly as she cycled her hips up and down, working me deeper into her cunt.

She made it about halfway down before I reached bottom and her cervix nudged the head of my cock. Vista bowed her head forward and let out a breathy whimper. She backed off half an inch before pressing down firmly again.

“Ooh, Dragon,” she groaned. “You’re so big!”

I wanted to help her, but I had promised to be fair. I kept my hips still with an effort and let her go at her own pace.

Vista might not be able to fit the whole length of my cock in her, but the muscles in her cunt gripped me in rhythmic pulses as she rolled her hips. The combination of the sensations and her face tight with a mix of pleasure and pain was getting to me. There was something primal in having a woman willingly put herself through discomfort in order to give me pleasure.

If all I was doing was chasing my own release, Vista would have brought me to orgasm quickly enough. Instead, I held myself back and watched as a flush rose on her chest. Her nipples tightened and her mouth opened to let out little panting moans with each backward roll of her hips.

The smooth motion of her muscles grew uneven, and she squeezed her eyes closed. A quick flurry of thrusts and she let out a little shriek. Vista pressed herself as far down onto my cock as she could go, and trembled as an orgasm shook through her.

I brushed the crinkled hair back from her forehead and kissed her. Vista moaned into my mouth as she slowly recovered. Once her breathing slowed, I ran my hands down over the flare of her hips and gently lifted her off my cock.

“How did I do?” she asked in a throaty voice.

“I’d fuck you any day of the week,” I grinned. “But this is a competition, and it’s Kitana’s turn.”

Kitana hadn’t stood idly by while Vista fucked me. She had stripped naked and wasted no time climbing onto my lap. Kitana ground her clit into my groin for a minute before reaching down and slipping my throbbing cock into herself.

With one slow push, Kitana took two-thirds of my length into her tight cunt. I felt her hit bottom, but she kept pushing until nearly my entire cock was inside her. Kitana let out a shuddering moan and started fucking herself with wild abandon.

Having two women mount me so close together put their differences in sharp contrast. Vista wasn’t as tight as Kitana despite her physically shallower passage, but she made up for it with the sensational action of her cunt muscles. Kitana was tight all the way around and could get me deeper into her, but lacked the experience Vista had.

It was nearly impossible to choose a winner on first impressions. As Kitana fucked herself onto my cock, it was the depth she could reach that started to sway my decision. Vista had felt fantastic, but she had never managed to get me past halfway. Kitana could almost take me to the base of my cock, and having her hot, wet cunt wrapped around my entire dick had me struggling not to cum in her.

It was a relief when Kitana’s efforts finally brought her to an orgasm. I wanted nothing more than to drive my hips up into her and made her take the last inch of my cock. Still, promises were promises. I hadn’t fucked up into Vista, so I held myself off from battering Kitana’s cunt.

When Kitana slipped off of me and fell onto the couch, I saw defeat in Vista’s eyes. She didn’t protest when I announced Kitana as the winner.

“Damn straight,” Kitana panted.

“You’ve won one contest,” Vista said with a determined scowl, “but you haven’t won the competition yet.”

“I get to pick the next challenge,” Kitana said with a broad smile. “I really hope you like books, city girl.” Kitana crawled off the couch and swept the doilies from the coffee table with a brush of her arm. Then she lay down on the table face up and shifted so her head fell off the side. “Deepthroat is next,” she declared, then opened her mouth wide.

I would have preferred a few minutes to get some control back, but I gave a mental shrug. I got off the couch and bent my knees until I could get the head of my cock between Kitana’s lips. A higher table would have been nice, but this was Kitana’s choice.

Kitana didn’t need any warm-up. She grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into her throat until my balls were pressed against her nose. Vista sucked in a breath and touched her own throat, no doubt imagining what it was going to feel like to have her neck distended around my thick shaft.

After a few gags, Kitana settled into the rhythm of getting throat fucked. I could feel the tingling in my balls that told me I wasn’t going to last much longer. Vista dropped to her knees on the other side of the table. Kitana’s open legs drew her, and Vista paused with her mouth only a few inches away from Kitana’s cunt.

“Can I?” Vista asked.

I paused my thrusting and pushed all the way into Kitana’s throat. “If you do, she can do the same back,” I warned her.

Vista grinned and dipped her head down. Her mouth closed over Kitana’s clit, and Kitana’s back arched. Her moan buzzed around my cock. I grabbed one of Kitana’s tits in each hand and pinched her hard nipples.

I held my cock in Kitana until her taps on my thighs turned into panicked writhing. I pulled my dick out of her throat and she sucked in a breath before letting out a hoarse moan. “Oh, fuck!”

Vista’s blue eyes twinkled up at me as her cheeks hollowed. Kitana gasped and her thighs closed around Vista’s head.

“Open,” I ordered, then pushed my dick deep into Kitana’s throat again. Whatever Vista was doing to Kitana, it was wrecking Kitana’s ability to hold her breath. I was only in her for a few seconds before Kitana started tapping my thigh again, asking for air.

The broken rhythm was cooling the boiling rise of my cum. I pulled out again and let Kitana catch her breath before feeding her my cock. Kitana didn’t even try deepthroating me this time. She suckled on the head of my dick while squirming about.

Kitana reached down and tangled her fingers in Vista’s hair, then let my cock fall out of her mouth to give a choked scream. Kitana’s back arched and her legs trembled as she came. I straightened up and eased my lower back. Kitana’s eyes went unfocused as the rip current of her orgasm set fire to her nerves. I watched in bemusement as Kitana’s grip on Vista’s hair reversed and she tried to weakly shove Vista back.

Vista sat back on her heels with a satisfied smirk. Her face glistened with Kitana’s cum, and she licked her lips. “My turn, Master Jack.” She climbed onto the couch and lay back against the armrest with her head hanging over the edge.

I got into position and found her mouth was at just the right height for me. I didn’t have to bend my knees or lift myself up to line the head of my cock up with her open mouth. Vista caught my hands and guided them to her jutting breasts, then grabbed my ass and pulled me into her mouth.

I expected Vista to struggle with my cock, but I slid past the entrance to her throat with hardly a hitch. I watched myself disappear between her lips and her throat bulged as I sank deep into her. I squeezed Vista’s tits and used them as handles as I flexed my hips forward.

“No fair,” Kitana moaned. “She cheated!”

“I gave her permission,” I said, half-distracted by the way Vista’s tongue was swirling around my cock. The city elf might have a shallow cunt, but it seemed like her throat was bottomless. I came to rest with my balls on Vista’s face. Vista hadn’t gagged once yet. “You can return the favor if you want.”

Kitana rolled off the table and knelt on the couch between Vista’s open legs. Vista lifted her hips off the cushion, presenting her cunt to Kitana. Kitana hesitated a moment before opening her mouth and burying her face in Vista’s snatch.

Vista made a happy sound, and her hands urged me backward and forward until I started fucking her throat. On every inward stroke, she swallowed, making her neck muscles writhe around the head of my cock.

Kitana was working on Vista, but she wasn’t having nearly the same effect. Vista had driven her mad within seconds, but Kitana wasn’t managing to pull more than a few controlled moans from her opponent.

Vista wasn’t asking for it, but I pulled out to let her take a breath. She sucked in some air, then pulled me right back in. I bottomed out in her throat and found her hard nipples with my fingers. It didn’t take me long to find my rhythm again, and Vista seemed to have the lung capacity of a pearl diver.

I’d been holding back an explosive orgasm for too long already, and the grasping friction of Vista’s throat was driving me rapidly over the edge. I gave her a few hard strokes, then hunched over with a groan. My cock flexed inside Vista’s throat and I started cuming.

I pumped three times into her, as deep as I could reach, then pulled back to her mouth. She swallowed to clear her throat, then her tongue swirled around the head of my cock. I could feel her saliva turn slippery as it mixed with my cum, then she sucked me clean.

“Fucking hell,” I groaned.

Vista gave my cock a last slurp, then sat up. She cleared her throat and leaned forward to give Kitana a long kiss. “Thank you, sweetie. That was very nice.”

Kitana wiped her mouth off with the back of her wrist. “I’m not as good as you.”

“You did fine,” Vista assured her.

“Well, I think Vista won that round,” I panted.

“Score is tied,” Vista grinned. “My choice for the final contest.”

I slumped into an armchair and leaned my head back. “I think I’m going to need a minute, ladies.”

Written by Alaristar
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