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“The Alpha Man in Me” - Chapter 09 - Clare’s Story

"Emotions, decisions and secrets as our three young people try to move forward with their lives in 1987"

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Author's Notes

"Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2022 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author. Like all chapters in Book 1 – “The Alpha Man in Me”… Chapter 9 is written in the first person perspective from David’s point of view. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It is continued from the end of Chapter 8 – Clare’s Confession. It is night time and David and Clare are parked-up in a well-lit car park in the middle of the large local forest."

Clare softly spoke and I felt her body slightly shake and then stiffen as her next words came out.

“There's one more thing I need to tell you, and this you might find the hardest to understand.”

“I am bisexual.” 


“Bisexual,” I gently said, repeating Clare’s very last word whilst feeling her body still shaking.

That word hung there, as Clare’s words sunk in and then my body reacted. I leaned forward and lovingly kissed Clare.

I sensed I didn’t need to say any words as her revelation could have been so much worse. We broke apart, and I smiled. I felt Clare’s body relax in my arms.

Those last few shaky words had not put me off Clare at all. I was not going to reject her. She was sexy, exciting, naughty, a little wicked and now bisexual; a mixture of sensualities. 

But I didn’t care; Clare was exactly what I wanted and I also sensed that thought went both ways.

Clare then stated, her voice now returning to something near normal. “I like being with women as well as men though I only ever been with one girl until very recently.”

“Jaz,” I whispered, before smiling.

I wanted to make sure Clare knew I was still very interested in her and desired her more than ever as I realised the thought of a bisexual girlfriend was both interesting… and so very hot.

“Yes, she has been my girlfriend since I was sixteen. Discovering her was one of the things which helped me settle down. Jaz is easily my longest relationship, but it has never been a serious one. Remember she has a boyfriend, Rob. She has been with him longer than me.”

“So she is bisexual just like you,” I gently asked. I wanted Clare to continue opening her heart to me.

“Yes, we're so similar, one minute we're like guys and then girls, but as far as I know she has only ever been with Rob and me. That was until Friday night.”

“You not shocked?” Clare then asked in a somewhat surprised voice.

“Not at all, I still want you Clare, and being bisexual doesn’t faze me at all.”

I chuckled.

“In fact, I think it actually excites me.”

Clare smiled, and then nudged me before grinning at me again. Maybe, for once, I had just said the right thing.

I knew there was more to come from Clare but I leaned over and kissed her mouth which opened and once again our tongues entwined. It was an act of both reassurance and lust.

As we separated, I truthfully whispered, without thinking, “I think I love you even more now than ever, as I appreciate what you are telling me is not easy.”

I had used the L-word for the first time without even realising it. It had come out so naturally but Clare did not seem to pick up on it. I then added, almost as an afterthought…

“Does anyone else know?”

“Only Rob, though the girls you met on holiday probably suspect. We never talked about it. It's my deepest secret and please do not even mention it to Sarah. I am not ready to come out.”

I promised her I would not and then I softly said, “I wondered what your relationship with Jaz was like after Majorca. You both seemed very close and your beds were pushed together. It did make me think but I am happy for you, that you are bisexual but I do need to ask…”

“Do you prefer girls to boys?”

Clare thought for a moment and said, “I prefer cock.”

It was an answer which made us both laugh, but it also made me happy as I deeply wanted Clare to be my girlfriend.

“The truth is I do prefer men and I cannot ever see myself without a man in my life but when it comes down to sex, I do enjoy being with girls and importantly, I do want to experiment.”

Those words reminded me of Sarah. She had only recently told me that she wanted to start sexually experimenting though when she mentioned it, Sarah was talking about sexually experimenting only with me. 

Clare continued with her words were now strong and clear, now that things were out in the open. I had not once even thought of rejecting her. This was Clare, she was sensual.

“Maybe I want to even experiment quite a lot with other girls, as I have just mentioned, I have only ever been with Jaz until very recently. We are both the same when it comes to sexuality and as you know, we are also best friends.”

“I want to tell you this. You asked what I did Friday night and I tell you but please keep this to yourself. I have not even told it all to Jaz yet.”

I stopped Clare, as I needed to say something, as I realised I needed to change something I had promised earlier. In doing so I realised I was learning to be a better man.

“Clare, I promise to try to keep it all to myself and not even mention it to Sarah but she is going to ask me all about you the next time I see her. Being bisexual, it is something that might slip out, though I would prefer it if you told her yourself.”

I was not sure I could keep the fact that Clare was bisexual from Sarah, especially if the conversation got heated.

Clare thought for a moment, “It is okay David, but only Sarah, and only if you have to.” 

“I promise,” I replied. “Scouts honour,” I added which made Clare both smile and nudge me.

I kissed Clare before she continued her story.

“On Friday Jaz and I went into the centre of the city where I live. We got all dolled up to look as feminine as we could and caught a train in as we were intending to get a cab back. I wore my shortest shorts, high heels with a blouse with a jacket as we both wanted to get chatted up by a real lesbian though we had not discussed taking it further.” 

Clare again looked across at me.

“Am I going to get another hot story?” I asked and we both smiled. I then realised I was going to get another hot story!

“We did not go to our normal city hangouts instead we went to one of the gay bars called “Rainbows.” It leans mainly towards lesbians and is open late on Fridays and Saturdays. I knew what the place was like as I had been there once before, just to check it out, but I did not stay.”

“So this was only the second time I have been in there, and I have to say as Jaz and I walked in, I could feel the dampness between my legs. I felt horny.”

I inwardly smiled as Clare always seemed to be horny!

“I could feel the ambience of the place with its long bar on the right and a small dance floor towards the rear. The place was full of women, there were only a few men, and I liked it.” 

“As you can imagine, we had only been in there a few minutes, we were still waiting to be served when we were approached by a couple of butch ladies who looking for new feminine girls just like us. One of them, Brenda bought me a cider and we got chatting. I found it strange but also nice being chatted up by another woman. It was different from men, even though she was defiantly a bull dyke. It was new to me, the start of a new adventure and as the evening wore on I relaxed and found myself sexually attracted to her.”

“A bull dyke?” I asked Clare. “I have never heard that term before.”

“Neither had I,” Clare somewhat excitedly replied. “But that is what she called herself. She is not that butch, but she is definitely a predator when it comes to younger lesbian girls or bisexual girls like me.”

“This talk is making me horny,” I announced. “I am going to have to get my cock out.” 

Clare laughed, as my hard cock introduced itself.

“Before you carry on with your Friday night story, please will you describe, Brenda.”

I started to stroke my cock. Clare was still looking at me and giggling as I tugged my cock a few more times, to get it to full hardness.

“You are as bad as me,” Clare remarked, as she then decided to join me by sliding her shorts and panties down and kicking them into my car's passenger foot well. 

Clare then put her feet on the dashboard and spread her legs as far as she could. Her hairy pussy and her pink gash could easily be seen by the light of the street lamps. Clare slid her fingers into her pubic hair and slowly began to masturbate.

“Tell me about Brenda,” I repeated as I slowly worked my cock, though I had every intention of plunging it into Clare at some point during her story.

“Brenda is probably in her mid-forties, and has dark shortish hair but not shaved like some were in the bar. She is sort of butch looking and what I mean by that is she has a fairly big frame but still retained a little femininity. She was about my height and nice to talk to though she does often drop a swear word into the conversation. She was wearing loose-fitting jeans and a white blouse with a bra you could see through her top...” 

Clare stopped and looked at me.

“You not wanking over Brenda, are you, David?”

We both laughed.

“How big were her tits?” I asked. “A typical man question I know.”

Clare laughed again.

You are wanking over Brenda!” Clare giggled before answering my question.

“Bigger than mine, maybe a DD-cup but more likely an E- cup but what I liked about them was her nipples were pierced. She had a gold-hooped ring on each nipple, which I loved. They were the first that I had ever seen or touched. But of course, I only found out about the nipple rings later when she showed me them in the car.”

I leaned over and my fingers found Clare’s wet hole. I dipped them in as she worked her clit.

Our actions caused Clare to gently moan, but it sounded almost like a cat’s purr. 

“So what happened next?” I asked, with all thoughts of Brenda now expunged from my mind.

Another, a slightly louder moan came from Clare, our gentle caressing now nothing more than light touches.

I moved back into the driver’s seat and played with my cock as I let Clare tell her story…

“Jaz went off with Brenda’s friend, a butch lesbian and I never saw them for quite a while. Brenda bought me a couple more drinks as she talked to me. I like the way she put her arm around me and then kept squeezing my bum. She asked me if I was a lesbian and I told her that I had not yet decided but I definitely like being with girls.”

“Brenda was the first person I told other than Jaz of my true sexuality. The fact that I had told her made it easier for me tonight to tell you, David. I also told Brenda that Jaz was my girlfriend of eighteen months but it was not a serious relationship, which is true and that I maybe was now looking for a little more than just her. That was also true.”

“We went out of the back for a cigarette and some air. I wanted some time with Brenda away from the noise of the bar. They have a smoking area as the bar preference was for people to smoke outside though many still smoked inside. We lit up and talked as we did so Brenda’s hands kept me, stroking my back, holding my ass. She kept pulling me into her making me hers. It was nice.”

“Brenda told me that she was a fashion photographer and had a studio in the city and a smaller private one back at home. She added that she likes to photograph me at some time, to which I replied with a maybe. I have never been comfortable in front of a camera.”

“We had a couple of small kisses but eventually I said I had to go to the bathroom.”

“As I got up to go, Brenda said, I get some more drinks but let me surprise you, no more cider for now.” 

“With that, she went off the bar and I queued for the bathroom. As I stood there I was approached three times by other older women, but I rejected all their advances. As far as I was concerned, I was with Brenda, but I loved the attention and I felt completely at home.”

“Brenda was waiting for me when I got back and I told her it was a long queue but I think she might have thought I done a runner or gone off with another woman. So I just went close to her and kissed her and used my tongue. We had a quick snog as I wanted her to know I was hers, at least for the evening. After that, she never stopped having her arm around me; it was like we were a couple.”

“The drink Brenda bought me was a rum and coke. I think it was a double and it was strong. I knew she was trying to relax me but I did not need it, I wanted her, and we just clicked. We sat down at a high table and had another cigarette as I sipped my drink.”

Clare stopped and looked at me; I was still gently stroking my cock.

“Go on,” I said, I wanted to hear more.

“As we smoked Brenda put her hand on my thigh and ran it towards my pussy. I looked around and no one was looking so I opened my legs a little and Brenda took the opportunity to rub between them. She told me, I want to fuck you, and they were the exact words I wanted to hear. It gave me confidence.”

Clare’s hot story was all getting too much for me I needed to cum and I knew there was a good spot to shoot my load. She was right next to me. So I rolled over and climbed in between Clare’s open legs. She looked up to see what I was doing as I rubbed my cock tip up and down her sopping, and slightly gaping slit.

“Wait a second,” Clare said, and reached into her coat pocket and brought out her purse. She opened it and produced a condom. “You need to put this on,” handing me the unopened packet.

“Why?” I questioned. “I thought this was your safe period,” referring to her chosen birth control method. Though in my mind, I knew this was not birth control. But my cock was now doing all the talking, and it was telling me, this was Clare.

Clare stared at me, her eyes wide open. “It is, but I only let my boyfriend fuck me without a condom!”

But I am your boyfriend now,” I replied and I meant it. I then cheekily added, though this time, perhaps only half meaning it. “From now on it is Alan who needs to wear the condoms.”

I tried hard not to smile.

I could feel her brain computing then I felt her legs open and I slid right in, right to the hilt. There was no resistance at all as she was absolutely soaking.

“You are evil,” Clare said, as I started to move up and down.

“I know,” I replied with a large grin.

I also knew Clare loved it, and with every up-and-down stroke, Clare was more likely to become mine.

From then on all you could hear was slap, slap, slap, slap of our bodies hitting each other and Clare moaning as I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could. We were reconnecting, it was the first time we had sex in England, and it was exactly what we both wanted.

With the aid of Clare’s half-finished story, we both needed to get off.

Five minutes later after Clare had cum at least once, I was ejaculating into her. Spurt after spurt. I wanted to fill her up with sperm. Reconnect. I stayed as long as I could inside her until I started to shirk. At that point, I rolled off, leaving Clare laying there, her legs up high still on the car dashboard.

I looked at her and requested, “Do not move and keep your legs up, let my sperm have a chance to fertilize you.” 

Clare laughed, “It's a bit early in my cycle for that,” but she did not move.

The one thing different I found with Clare compared to Sarah was I felt confident with her. I could say anything to and she would not be shocked or offended, though I might receive a nudge. With Sarah, she was delicate and I had been more careful and if you like, less arrogant and maybe less me.

I glanced at the time on the car clock it was now ten-forty, still quite early as I was not planning to Clare back home for at least another hour though we had not discussed what time she needed to be home tonight. 

I also noticed that there were a few more cars in the car park now and I was surprised by how busy it was for a Monday night.

I looked at Clare and a warm feeling went through me. I couldn’t help it, I was so entranced by her and I felt like she could be the one. With no resistance, I leaned over and kissed her and another, “I love you,” escaped my lips. It may have been the second time that night I had used the L-word but it was the first time in my life that had deliberately ever used it; it just felt so right.

I knew I had already fallen in love with Clare.

Clare didn’t say anything. She just smiled and then kissed me back, it was as if those words had not been spoken but they had, they were out there in the ether. I had hoped for an instant reply, but it never came and I was disappointed, though the alpha man in me tried its hardest not to show it.

As the moment passed and even though Clare had not moved, I notice some of my sperm was running down between her bum cheeks so I picked up her panties and gently wiped the access away. As I passed her brown plucked hole I could not help wondering…

So I jokingly asked.

“Do you take it up the bum?”

It was a question I could never ask Sarah.

I was expecting to receive another hard nudge from Clare, but she just laughed at my rude question, and then surprisingly answered!

“What do you think?”

“Not with Alan,” I cheekily answered, that much was for certain. “I am pretty certain you have with others,” I then added. There was silence and no nudge, so I hopefully added. “Maybe when it's your fertile time that is the hole I should be using.”

I was genuinely hoping. It had always been one of my kinks, though I had never tried or even hinted about it to Sarah.

“You wish,” is all Clare said before asking, “Do you mind if I have a cigarette?”

“Carry on,” I said, now a little disappointed that Clare hadn’t said, next time you can have my ass.

“But keep your legs up a bit longer. I like to give my little swimmers a fighting chance.”

Clare poked her tongue out at me but did not move and as she lit up and I opened her window a few inches just to let the smoke out. It was a warm night and the car was quite warm so the outside air coming into the car was quite refreshing.

There was something that I wanted to know, well actually two things, but the first was more of interest to me. So I asked that question first. It is the one question most men want to know about their girlfriends.

"You can grill me later about my exes and my previous sex life, but I want to know one thing. It is quite personal, so you may not want an answer but I do feel it important to ask you first.” 

Clare looked at me as she took a drag of her cigarette.

“How many men did you have sex with before me?”

Clare coughed on hearing the question and I got the feeling she had never been asked that before.

 So I then added, “Come on, every guy wants to know that question of their girlfriend.”

Clare was quiet for several seconds as she took another drag on her cigarette which she then held by the slightly open window.

“You tell me yours first?” Clare then asked but I held out.

“No, it has to be you first.”

Though my experience with relationships was limited, my instinct with Clare was that I needed to try and be the alpha male in our relationship.

There was a long pause then Clare said, “You were my sixteenth, but the first eight do not count!”

I laughed at that comment but I understood why she said it that way. Now it was my turn to tell her my number and I told Clare the truth.

I chuckled. “Well you were my eighth which using your maths means you just took my virginity. So that makes you extra special to me.”

Clare nudged me and then quipped, “Do not forget it is me who going to study accountancy.”

I took note that that meant she had decided to return to college but said nothing. I was pleased, as it was the right decision. Clare was too bright to be stuck in a dead-end job. All she needed was a little encouragement and motivation to do well. I planned to give her that.

“Are you going to finish your story?” I asked. “But be warned, if it is as hot as the first part I probably need to fuck you again.”

Clare laughed and then took another drag on her cigarette which she was now halfway through.

“Do I need to carry on sitting like this?”

“Absolutely,” I replied. “As I said, you got to give my little boys a fighting chance to find your egg. They are probably all over your cervix right now looking for it.”

I was not sure if Clare liked the pregnancy risk talk, but my instinct told me that she didn’t mind it and if she was going to get pregnant, then the damage had already been done. I also knew that sometime soon I would be encouraging her to go on the contraceptive pill.

Clare asked, “Where were we?”

Her cigarette was now nearly two-thirds gone. 

“I think Brenda was just about to fuck you,” I replied with a grin.

Clare gently nudged me and then picked up the story.

“Brenda said in my ear, I want to fuck you, and at that moment it was the exact words I wanted to hear. I knew I was soaked down below even after trying to mop in the bathroom. We finished our cigarettes and I gave Brenda another kiss and then downed the rest of my drink.”

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“I looked around and noticed that we were not the only ones making out. Other lesbian couples were kissing and maybe doing a little more but I wanted a place a little more private to take this any further as I knew it would not take much to make me cum.

“Brenda said, you can come back to my place and she then told me her address, which I realised was close to where I live; but I was not ready for that yet. I thought of my boyfriend and how complicated my life would suddenly become. So I told her, not this time, though the truth was my body was crying out for Brenda to fuck me.”

I was a little taken aback, so I interrupted Clare by saying, “I do not know Alan, but from what you said about him I feel he is not the sort of person who going to share you especially if it is to have sex with other women.”

“In saying that, I mean no disrespect to Alan.”

“Actually, I was thinking more of you at that moment and what you might say. This is why I decided that tonight I needed to tell all about myself and my sexuality. With Alan I have kept it hidden, he is not at all open-minded. Everything that I find sexually exciting I have done behind his back; David that is why I cheat on him.”

There was a pause and I glanced out of the window. There was quietness all around us, though, I sensed movement.

Clare then added in a whisper, “It is another reason why I need to leave Alan.”

I cannot ever say that I always understand women but at moment I did understand what Clare was saying, and I could not help but lean across and kiss her again.

“Please go on, I want to hear the rest of what happened Friday night. I find it exciting and just to make it very clear. I want you to explore your sexuality. I want you to be yourself. I want to share you as long as you stay mine, and I absolutely plan to be your safety net.”

I just hoped I had not left anything out, yes I wanted Clare all to myself but I also had accepted that might never happen!

“Thank you,” Clare whispered as she squeezed my hand and then carried on with her story.

“Brenda understood my hesitancy about spending the whole night with her. We exchanged addresses. She was surprised to find out that we lived less than a mile from each other. Brenda lives in one of the posh houses up on the hill that overlooks where I live.

“I agreed that she could drive me and Jaz home, so we went back inside. We found Jaz; she was slow dancing with Brenda’s friend who was much more butch lesbian looking than Brenda.

“Jaz introduced me to her as Tina. She said, “Hi,” to me. I noticed as she spoke that she had a tongue piercing. Tina said she can take Jaz home and I double-checked with Jaz to see if she was happy with that. She was.”

Clare stopped and looked at me and then said. “Before you ask I have not spoken to Jaz since so I do not know what happened with Tina and her.”

I smiled and thought. How did Care know that I was going to ask that very question?

“Brenda and I left the bar hand in hand. It was the first time that I had openly been out in public as a gay girl but at moment it felt right. I was happy to be out and I knew that from now on I needed to start to be more open with my sexuality. So many thoughts ran through my mind.

“As we walked she put her arm around me, it was obvious we were a couple. We stopped by a new blue mini and Brenda told me, this is my car and opened the passenger door to get in. As I did so she playfully grabbed my bum and squeezed it.

“We drove back towards my house and on the way, Brenda kept her hand on my thigh sometimes stroking it and I could not help opening my legs to give her better access. Once again I could feel myself getting wet.

“Brenda asked me, Can I taste you? I undid my shorts and she then slid her hand inside, going through my pubic hair and straight down to my now hungry pussy. I knew I was soaked.

“Brenda asked me again about going to her place but I declined and instead asked… Could we park up somewhere and get to know each other a little better?

“As I said that she smiled and she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked the pussy juice off. I could only watch and a shiver ran through me at what was going to happen next. We drove on past my house and into the countryside where we parked up not so far from here.”

As Clare recounted her story I took in what a sexy girl she was. There was no doubt she was slutty but I loved that, as I have mentioned before, I have always been attracted to hot, slutty girls. It is just in my makeup. I also had a distant hope a little of Clare would rub off on Sarah as I felt Sarah was close to letting some of her sexual chains go. I internally smiled, and I asked myself… Could I have two hot slutty girlfriends? That delicious thought gave me lust-filled shivers and my cock started to stir again.

Clare’s cigarette was almost finished as she carried on with the story, my cock now getting hard, so I started to masturbate again. 

Clare chuckled as she looked at me and then continued…

“We parked up in a very quiet spot where I had been before and I knew it was unlikely we would be disturbed. There was just enough light coming from some lights on a nearby industrial estate for us to see each other clearly. With the engine off Brenda pushed her seat back and reclined it, I did the same. I also slid my shorts and panties off. They were completely sodden from being between my legs.

“I saw Brenda taking off her bra and blouse so I did the same, though all I really wanted was for her to finger fuck me. She climbed between my legs though she still had her jeans on. This gave me extra room and allowed me to spread my legs much wider and as I did this I could feel my pussy opening up to Brenda’s view. I loved her looking at me, and at that very moment. I was completely hers.

“Our tits rubbed against each other, it was then I first noticed they were pierced. As I lay there I could not but help touch Brenda’s piercings and say how much I liked them. She sucked on both my nipples and rolled her tongue around them before saying, you should get yours pierced, I can take you to where I had my done. I replied, maybe I will.

“With that Brenda pulled herself back a little and run fingers down through my pubic hair and said, I need to take some photographs of you before you shave this. I would love to show this and you to my fellow dykes.

“At that moment all I could say was maybe but when she mentioned being shaved, I also thought of you. It made me think again how far I wanted to go with Brenda before I had spoken to you and decided about Alan.”

I interrupted Clare's story with a somewhat cheesy comment…

I like it when you think of me.”

My cock was now hard and I was ready to go again but I wanted to hear what happened next.

“Brenda ran her fingers around my open pussy and while looking at it said, you got one hungry cunt there, Clare. She always called my pussy a cunt, and for some reason when she says that word it just feels right. It is not a word I use but with Brenda, I didn’t mind and it got me wet.

“I played with Brenda’s breasts as they were all I could reach but I wanted to touch her pussy too but that was out of reach. The next thing I knew was Brenda had shoved three fingers straight up me and I could not help but cum in a huge climax. I squirted, just like I did with you back in Majorca. It surprised us both. You know what I can be like, Brenda’s jeans got soaked but she did not care, she just said, Clare, you are a hot one and so full of surprises.”

As I listened to Clare’s story and I knew that much was true, as Clare was hot and full of surprises. Her hot story was also getting too much for me and I needed another release, so I climbed again between Clare’s still-open and inclined legs. As I did this Clare put out what was left of her cigarette and I closed the slightly open electric window. 

However, as I slowly pushed my cock into Clair’s waiting pussy the window opened. I had pressed the button the wrong way. I corrected my action, but I also noticed a man outside the car looking in, at Clare or maybe me!

He had his cock out and was stroking it, his eyes peering through the darkness into the car windows. I knew he was wanking whilst taking in Clare’s shapely body and us having sex.

“Clare, we are being watched,” I hurriedly said as I buried my cock right into her and held myself there. But again I needed relief.

“I thought we might be. This is one of the spots where people go. Remember I've been here once before.”

This new revelation was another surprise to me.

Clare then added, “As long as I am safe, I sometimes do not mind people watching. Tonight I wanted the chance of being watched and that’s why I directed you here... Now fuck me!”

I checked the central locking, it was locked. Then I started to slowly pump Clare’s sperm-filled cunt knowing that I was being watched. This was a new experience for me and I was not sure if I liked it or not but I also remembered what Clare had said, “That she liked it, but not every time.”

I slowly picked up the pace and said to Clare, “You need to finish your story; I wanted to hear it as we fuck.” 

Clare moaned and then continued, though the words now came out in short bursts as my cock moved slowly back and forth in her.

“After I came Brenda withdrew her fingers and started to lick before offering them to me to lick which I did. I always enjoyed the taste of pussy juice. She came up close to me and we started to kiss and then snog our tits rubbing together. It was lovely. I wrapped my legs around her waist, I was completely exposed. The only thing I had on was now touching her car’s ceiling.

“My pussy needed more attention but I also wanted to taste Brenda so I reached down between her legs and rubbed her crotch and as I did this, I felt something hard. I guessed what it was and I thought I had felt it once earlier when we were snogging in the bar.

“Brenda said, my dear, I wearing my piece tonight, I nearly always do. I ran my hand down her leg further and I knew it was a large fake cock. I shivered at the thought of Brenda fucking me with it but I also had so many other thoughts going through my head. I was not ready to take it further, at least not that night.

“I needed this talk first. So I mumbled next time even though my body was aching to be fucked hard by her plastic cock.

“Brenda went back finger fucking me using three and then four fingers. I just came and came and there was no doubt she knew what she was doing. All the time she was slowly stretching me, then keeping me on edge, sometimes stopping and other times thrusting her fingers in and out of me quite fast. I felt like I was surfing on a sexual wave until I finally came one last time with another massive squirt. My girly cum was all over the inside of the front of her car.

“Brenda climbed off me and said once again, you really are full of surprises Clare. I have been a long time since I have been with a girl who has cum so much. Your cunt is built for fucking, you going to be a very popular girl down at Rainbows. I could not stop thinking about that, it got me excited again but my pussy was a little sore and I needed a break.

“We had been making out for around an hour and it was getting more than a little late. We sat back up in the car, Brenda was topless and I was naked apart from my shoes. Brenda offered me a cigarette which I took, it was different to what I normally smoke, slightly stronger.

“We sat there a smoked a little before I asked, can I see your piece revering to the plastic cock that I knew was between Brenda’s legs. She looked back at me then dropped her jeans and I saw it come into sight. It was black, maybe seven inches long, quite thick and in a harness. The actual cock part was on a thick plastic hinge and strapped to her inner thigh.

“Brenda asked me. What do you think of it? All I could answer was it looked nice. I then took a couple more drags on my cigarette looking at it before moving a little closer as I did this I notice that she was watching me. I still had that feeling that she wanted to fuck me.

“To tell you the truth I was fascinated by it and asked her how it works. I had never seen a fake cock before, nor suspected that some lesbians would wear them outside the bedroom.

“She gave me her cigarette and then unclipped it from her thigh before adjusting the harness and clipping it in position. She now had a black, seven-inch cock sitting up, erect, between her legs.”

“Do you like it, Brenda asked me. I just said yes, I could feel myself getting wet again but I knew I was too sore to be fucked by it. I told her it looked impressive and if we met next time at Rainbows I promised she could fuck me with it.”

“So you planning to go back,” I said as I fucked Clare, still with long, deep, gentle strokes. 

“Oh yes,” is all Clare replied as a soft moan replaced her next words.

At that moment I had the feeling she was thinking of Brenda more than me, a thought that took me past the moment of no return. My cock erupted, my cum being added to what was in Clare from earlier. My climax set Clare off as she came again, but this time in a large gushing orgasm and it was the front of my car which ended up being flooded, not Brenda’s. 

I did not know if it was me, the story or the fact she knew we were being watched that had caused such a large climax. However, I did enjoy the fact that I had at least been part of it.

I asked Clare if she was okay as I slowly sat back in the driver’s seat, my cock covered in our combined sexual juice. I also noticed that our voyeur friend had disappeared, his cum either on the side of my car or on the car park floor. I told Clare and she glanced out of the window to check. 

“Can I sit up now?” Clare asked.

“Just one second,” I replied.

Clare had been in her current natural position for quite some time and I guess she was beginning to get a little uncomfortable. I reached down and grabbed her panties which were already covered in my sperm. I knew they would be cold and wet.

I remarked without any conviction, “It is just to stop you from marking my seat when you sit up.”

I put her foot in the nearest foot opening and Clare did the other one before pulling them right up.

“You only want me to wear these to keep your cum in me but it's too early in the month. We're not even close to my ovulation time.” Clare reminded me. She then pulled her shorts over her very damp sperm-covered panties.

“Actually you are only half right,” I replied, trying my best not to laugh.

“Yes, the pregnancy risk talk was fun, but I thought your sperm-covered panties would make a good present for Alan!” 

At that point let’s just say I received the largest nudge yet on the arm.

“You’re evil!” Clare exclaimed before joining me in laughter, though I was also rubbing my now sore arm.

“There is a little more to tell about Friday night with Brenda,” Clare added after we stopped laughing. “It is important.”

“Okay, I am listening.”

“As you know, Brenda gave me her address and phone number. She also called me a 'Lipstick Lesbian' though I had to ask what that meant.”

Clare looked at me and I shrugged and told her, “I do not know what that meant either.”

“Brenda told me that, it is a term given to girls who are attractive, very feminine, and like to wear makeup and dress like girls but are lesbians. I think she is right, that is me. I hope this does not shock you, David, but I am very physically attracted to women, though as I said early, I do like men both physically and emotionally, while with a woman it is mostly just physically. Does that make sense?” Clare then asked me.

I thought for a moment and then started the car engine as it was getting late and I needed to get Clare home.

“I think I understand, you prefer men because of their intellectual abilities!”

Clare laughed though my already sore arm got a little sorer as the nudge count went up by one.

Okay,” I said whilst rubbing my arm. “It means while you like and maybe even prefer having sex with a woman. But you could never fall in love with one. While with men, you like the sex and you could also fall in love with them.”

“It's hard to explain,” Clare replied, her voice soft and thoughtful. “But it is close to what you are saying and let’s be honest, I am only eighteen. In ten years I might feel completely different.”

As I drove back to drop her off at her house I asked the other question that I needed to know, “Was all you said about Brenda true?”

“Yes, every part of it, but I do not feel guilty about it like I did when I cheated with those men. I am not sure why I feel like that, maybe it is because Brenda offered me something that Alan cannot, but I need just to finish the last part of my weekend story.

“It was so late after we finished, Brenda dropped me off at Alan’s rather than my parent's. I let myself in with my key. If I have gone home at two-thirty am and I am sure my mum would have heard and it would have put me in a difficult position.

“Alan did not wake, even though he was not expecting me. I managed to shower as well, it was then I realised I was more than a little sore. I climbed into bed with Alan and it was only then that he stirred. He realised it was me and I told him it was late before he got any ideas about sex. That put him off to the morning.

“When Alan fucked me in the morning I was lucky that he did not seem to notice how loose I was. Unbeknown to him I had to use some Vaseline to rub into the sore parts of my pussy. It helped but it was only when I started to think of Brenda and what we did the night before, that the soreness went and was replaced with a very nice cum. 

Clare paused then said, “Alan thought he was doing a good job but really he had Brenda to thank and if I was honest, so did I. Alan never even asked me when I got in on Friday night. He is like that!

“Luckily I keep some clothes there and I washed what I had worn. I also phoned my parents to let them know where I was and to be fair, they are much better now at giving me my freedom. They recognise that I am getting older and need to make my own decisions and mistakes.”

“So what do you want to do about Brenda?” I asked, before adding. 

“Do you know much about her?”

“Not really, we not really talked yet. I know that normally comes first.”

“It didn’t with us,” I reminded Clare.

Clare smiled at that and said, “I know. I have Brenda’s phone number but I have not called her yet. I wanted to talk to you first as I am not sure what to do. The main thing tonight was for us to have this chat. That you needed to know I am bisexual and whether you can accept that fact.”

“I do accept it,” I quickly injected before asking an important question. "Have you spoken to Jaz yet about Alan?”

“No I haven’t but she will say, leave him. She is not a big fan of his, though accepts he has been good for me in the past. I really wanted your thoughts, David, you are quite insightful.”

That comment was definitely a first for me. Insightful, I could not help but grin.

“Do you have Brenda’s phone number on you?”

Clare retrieved it from her purse.

I then pulled into the kerb just down the end of Clare’s road as I did not want to be sitting too long outside her parents’ house.

I looked at the piece of paper and said, “Let me hold onto it for a few days to give time for your head to clear and then we talk. If you feel the same way, and you want to meet Brenda again to explore your bisexual side then I give you the number. I promise not to lose it or destroy it.”

With that Clare gave me the piece of paper and I slid it into the sun visor above my head.

“It's safe there,” I said, before adding. “My suggestion is if you want to meet Brenda, meet her at the coffee shop or in the shopping centre. Do not go to her flat or any lesbian bar. Keep it in a neutral place so you think with your head and not your pussy, or should I now say your cunt?”

I chuckled.

Clare nudged me but giggled with me before telling me.

“Pussy, leave that other word for Brenda,” then she agreed with what I had just suggested and I drove on pulling into the kerb opposite her house.

As Clare gathered her stuff I asked, “Are you okay getting back this late?”

“Anything before midnight is not questioned.”

We looked at the clock in the car it said it was five minutes to twelve.

“We should be okay,” Clare said.

“Well goodnight girlfriend,” I said which caused Clare to smile and then kiss me. I then playfully added, “Do not forget to make Alan wear condoms next time.”

Clare laughed and said, “You really are evil,” but then added. “You might think you are clever because you have two girlfriends but do not forget I have two boyfriends, a girlfriend and a woman who wants me to become her girlfriend.” Smiling to herself she got out of my car.

She had a fair point, and my ego had been taken down a peg or two, but I still felt on top of the world.

As I watched Clare’s perk bottom walk towards her front door I could not help but notice the dark damp stain that ran halfway up the back of her shorts. I just hoped all in the house were asleep.

Clare waved and then quietly shut the front door behind her and I drove away. I was happy as I had a second official girlfriend but I then asked myself…

Could I keep the first?

Written by wxt55uk
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