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Active Ink Slinger
So I'm a very tall woman and I know that turns of some guys to date me however I'm wondering does that turn you off sexually?
Cryptic Vigilante
I wouldn't call it a turn-off per se, but tall women (5'8" and over) don't usually catch my attention as much as shorter ones. It's weird, but as much as some tall women can be extremely attractive (ie. supermodels), it rarely crosses my mind to approach/date/fuck them. It's often reciprocated however: I'm 5'9" myself so I doubt that a lot of tall women would consider dating a guy of my height, and thus that can be quite a deterrent to try anything with them. It's a bit like we naturally exclude each other in the whole dating scene. And I do have this whole 'must date someone shorter than me' mindset, just like most women have this 'must date someone taller than me' one.

It did happen that I dated and slept with girls that were taller than me though. Funnily enough, the girl that took my virginity was actually much taller than me; and I also had a lengthy friends-with-benefits relationship with a gorgeous 6'0" Romanian girl in my mid-20s. So yeah, tall women aren't necessarily off-putting, but the mutual attraction/connection usually isn't as strong.
Quote by Sluttyredhead
So I'm a very tall woman and I know that turns of some guys to date me however I'm wondering does that turn you off sexually?

Hmmm. I'm 6' 3". How tall are you? Tall is good. My ex was 5' 1" and it was difficult.
Cheeky Chick
I'm 5'7 and I've had men tell me I'm too tall, as if I can control it. That it is "Weird" to be with a tall girl or one who is too close to their own height.

I know I prefer men who are taller than me, but I don't only go for men who are taller. Actually, most of them are usually shorter. I don't judge you because of your damn height, so why should you?

Because people can be assholes.
.honestly tall women are hot!! Short women are beautiful!

Same goes for men. Best kisser hands down was a guy my height..but I like tall men too

If anyone has a height requirement or deficit. .it means they are insecure about themselves

Really good question

All my friends in my 20's were six feet tall and they had men after them all the time

No matter what your height..rock it..what's sexy is the love of your body!
Active Ink Slinger
While I don't have any hang ups with a woman's height, I find myself very attracted to shorter women. I don't know if that is because my serious relationships have always been with women that were on the taller side and the shorter women are different so there is intrigue or what. Can't explain it, but my last two long term relationships were with women that were 5'7", but when I see a good looking female and she is around 5' it makes me that much more interested. I am 5'10, so I'm neither tall or short.
The Linebacker
Height never mattered to me.
Rainbow Warrior
I'm 5'4", and my first girlfriend was almost 5'9". I have a crush on a girl who's 5'11", so I guess it's not an issue to me.
Active Ink Slinger
I was taller than most of the boys for a long time. Then they caught up.

I am 5'11" barefooted. Lots of guys were my best friends but not too many of them asked me to provide what I needed most.

When I started say I was not quite 5'10, I got a lot more indecent proposals.

I'm 5-8 and all my gf or fwb have been shorter and to some of them I used to call "Fun-sized" lol .... I'd love to have a taller girl as lover and I may call her Top-Snatch hehehe smile
Bonnet Flaunter
I'm 5ft 4, and see lots of my taller female friends (say 5ft 9 and over) getting at least as much attention as us shorter ladies!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by asleep
I love to see a tall woman carry herself with pride ... not slouched over because she is ashamed of her height.

I don't think all tall women slouch because they're ashamed of their height. Taller women tend to have many back problems. Cause ya know... Boobs.
Not only can they (boobs) disrupt my golf swing, they cause a lot of strain on my upper back and it caused me to slouch anytime I was in pain. My doctor said it's because I'm so tall (6ft) our spines take a beating.
I found that between hot yoga and my chiropractor, I finally got my posture back... Without resorting to painkillers.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm just 6" and I don't know about guys being turned off by my height, but I often feel a bit... hagrid-like? Kinda like a bull in a china shop, except the china shop is my social circle. Just, when all my friends are walking together and all crowded round, I feel like my height is getting in the way a bit. But I LOVE being tall. Just those occasions when we are together and I realise that when I hug someone their face ends up in my boobs. And sometimes lower (seriously I have some short friends.)
Active Ink Slinger
I'm 5'9" and have never dated a woman my height or taller. Tallest woman I've dated was 5'7". I generally find myself attracted to women on the shorter side. Not sure how I would feel about dating a lady who is taller than me. For some reason, I don' t think I would like it.
The Bee's Knees
i'm 5'7" and my tallest boyfriend was 6'8" and the shortest was my height. i've yet to date anyone shorter, but i seriously doubt that'd be an issue.

Say. Her. Name.

Height's not an issue with me, either turn on or turn off. I've been attracted to both tall and short ladies over the years. I've been with a relatively short woman most of my life at this point so I might find it a bit of an odd feeling at first to be with someone close to my height (e.g. not having to bend over to kiss her standing up), but it certainly wouldn't be a turn off.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm 6' 3", so height isn't an issue for me as long as the weight is in proportion. I do love smaller girls too as I love to pick up a girl and fuck her standing up (I'm pretty strong).

The redhead is what really turns me on though. Had a very long term GF who was a red head. She was amazing in bed... Red heads ROCK!
Unicorn Wrangler
I'm 5'3" and have always dated men taller than me (which really isn't a huge challenge). There was one guy that thanks to a motorcycle accident was in a wheelchair. He would say the best part was now he could date tall women because thanks to his chair... all women were taller than he was now.

I tell my son that most girls like tall men (he's dated two very short girls). However, if he were to find a woman taller than him (he's 5'11")... as long as they are happy... it would be great.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Beauty comes in all kinds of packages. Height doesn't matter. Love doesn't use a yardstick.

You're wrong there. Love does use a yardstick. Used on an my bottom last night, in fact.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

You're wrong there. Love does use a yardstick. Used on an my bottom last night, in fact.

I thought that was what hair brushes were for.

I'm 6'3". Sometimes I tend to think I've got a thing for much shorter - college GF was 5'3" and I think that had something to do with my shorter desires because the highlights from 25+ years ago are still in my brain in HD quality. But I married someone 5'10" - and find all sorts of heights attractive... but deep down... I will admit... when I hear 5'4"-ish or below... I get a little giddy lol smile
Active Ink Slinger
The Engineer
height is actually a turn on for me.
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Active Ink Slinger
Never had a problem with height. I am 6'5", my ex was 5'6" and my current GF is 5'7".
My "Presidential Page" (for my future campaign) says I am currently NOT behind tall people in movie theaters.

As for dating, not sure it would affect the probability of a relationship with anyone.