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Inexplicable Stud

"A young man discovers women are so attracted to him that they'll do anything."

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I had called her at her office and gave her and her secretary very specific instructions. This was going to be one of my experiments. I do them every once in a while. I was going to see how far I could push a woman in an attempt to get her to stop being passionately attracted to me.

You see, several years earlier, I one day awoke to find myself irresistible to any and every woman. It started with my step-sister, but it quickly moved on to every girl at my school, then every woman I ever spoke to. It was some kind of immediate reaction, and I still cannot explain it.

My first experiment was with a girl from my school, who I was just plain mean to one night when I invited myself to her house when her parents were away. She took the spankings and clothespins on her nipples and gladly gave me several blow-jobs. She was even happy to break into her friendly neighbor's house at my command. I had done an experiment about once every month or so since then. So far, it seemed like any and all women would do any and everything I told them to do, and all with the purest of happiness.

I did discover that they all seemed to desire that I be happy. They desired it so much, that they got incredibly anxious if I showed displeasure. Every girl still had her own, unique personality, but I cannot explain why they all cared about my happiness to the point that they're willing to do anything I tell them to.

That's where this experiment came in. I was going to be meaner than I had ever been before. As usual, I wasn't sure if I'd be okay with being so very mean to a woman, but I had also grown somewhat desensitized to it. Only somewhat, though. I mean, what if I did do something so bad that the woman no longer wished to please me, and she was actually upset? Could I get in trouble with the law? Either way, I was still curious where my limits lied, and was willing to find out the hard way.

This woman was a friend of my mother's, whom I had met years ago. She was very attractive for her age, which was 28 when I met her initially. A few years later, she looked basically the same. In the picture I found in the paper, anyway. She apparently had her own psychology practice.

When I called, her secretary answered, and she sounded seriously cute, so I decided to have some fun with her, too. That was secondary, though. I soon had the psychologist, Sandy, on the phone. Both of the women were immediately drawn to do anything I said, and their voices notably softened after I had said hello to either of them.

I discovered Sandra was perfect for my idea, which I had formulated long before the phone call. Very soon after calling, I had asked her about her sexual preferences. Fortunately for me, she was a prude. Maybe not by most peoples' standards, but certainly by mine, by that point! She had given some guys head before, but she hated the smell and it made her gag, so she refused to do it any more. She demanded foreplay, with romantic dinners, and classy music, and all that. She even outright refused to have anal sex. She thought it was gross and painful, even though she had never done it! She didn't like getting spanked or anything even remotely rough, saying she wanted it slow and romantic. I told her she'd get everything she wanted.

Sandy had the body and mind to pull off such demands, though. Even though she was in her early thirties, she worked out four times a week, focusing on cardio and aerobics, and she had no children. I remember her breasts being on the small side of medium, and she said she was a B cup, but I figured she was still worth my experiment. She was the most prude woman I had bothered speaking to after I had gained my whatever you want to call it. Superpower? Anyhow, it was the first time I put so much effort into learning what a woman preferred and was given such a limited, demanding list.

Curious how well the two had followed my instructions, I showed up kind of early that Saturday morning. I told them I'd be there at ten, but I got there at about 9:50. Her office was normally not open on Saturdays, but they were both there for me. I walked into the unlocked office to see a mostly standard waiting room. It had mildly comfortable, dark chairs along the walls, a coffee table with psychology magazines, and a plant here or there. The window the secretary sat at was on the far wall, facing the door, and a hallway led off to the right.

That's where usual ended. Behind the glassless window was the actual secretary. I had struck a pot of gold with this one. She sounded cute on the phone, but in person she was gorgeous. She could have been a model, I'm sure of it. Upon first seeing her, I pondered skipping Sandy entirely and just having my fun with this girl.

The secretary, who's name I guess I never got, was a blond with bright, blue eyes. Her skin was slightly tanned, smooth, and flawless, and her face had petite, super-cute features. She was wearing what I told her to, at least from what I could see of her waist up. She had on only a lacy, blue shelf bra, which pushed up a bit on her her shockingly large tits. I hadn't asked her for her cup size, but I'd guess at least a D. On her tiny frame, they seemed too huge to be real, but they sure didn't look fake! On the point of each of her lush, firm breasts was a cutely small nipple at the center of a puffy, soft pink areolae.

“How may I help you, Sir?” She asked, showing off her bright, white teeth.

“Stand up and come out here.” I said evenly.

“Yes, Sir.” She replied timidly. I watched her stand, and noted the rest of her outfit was also as I commanded. Her blue skirt was so short that it only barely covered her womanhood. I liked how it teased me with the promise of a slight breeze revealing more to me. She turned and stepped towards the doorway to the waiting room, which was to my right. The skirt covered the top half, or maybe two-thirds, of her butt. Her ass was so firm and shapely that I considered just having fun with her instead of Sandy again. I also saw the black, semi-rectangular bottom of a butt-plug held firmly in place, wobbling to either side with each step. Just before she reached the doorway I could see her matching, 6' heels shaping her calves so perfectly. I was stunned the girl wasn't in some form of entertainment or show. A girl that beautiful could make it on looks alone, with only mediocre talent.

She finished walking around the corner and up to me, her breasts wobbling just nicely. She stopped suddenly, making her tits jiggle for just a moment, and she immediately snapped her arms behind her, each hand holding the opposite arm's elbow. She was almost shoulder height to me. She snapped her left leg out a few feet and stood staring at me, doing nothing else.

“You know, from our conversation on the phone, I only wanted you here as a little bit of eye candy. However, I never imagined you'd be so very beautiful. When I'm done with your boss, you're going to come with me to my house for the rest of the weekend.” I told her, trying to hide my awe. I can literally have any woman I want, but this girl was just as beautiful as any of them, and I wanted her.

Her eyes gleamed with excitement, and her sweet smile half whispered and half shouted “Yes, Sir!”

“Go sit in the seat next to the door. If anyone comes in for some reason, tell them you're not open, but do not get up, do not lock the door, and do not allow your knees to get closer together than a single foot.”

“Yes, Sir!” she beamed at me again, as she quickly strode to the indicated chair.

I was worried I'd get too distracted by... I still hadn't gotten her name, the secretary, so I didn't bother watching her. Finding a girl so strikingly beautiful was rare, and I didn't want to get distracted from my purpose there. I simply strode down the hallway, to Sandy's office.

I entered without knocking. Like the waiting room, the office was pretty standard. It had a comfortable leather couch for patients, a matching leather chair for Sandy to psychologize from, a coffee table, and closed blinds on the two windows. However, the lights were down low, a few candles were on the coffee table, rose petals were spread around the coffee table, couch, and the floor nearby, and some romantic jazz was playing in the background.

Sitting on the floor at the far end of the coffee table, by the leather chair, was Sandy. Her curly, dirty blond hair was up in a fancy style, she had on a light coat of make-up, and her outfit was very similar to the secretary's. The difference was that her outfit was a fairly dark red, and it had a businesslike coat over the shelf bra and the skirt was longer. She also had on stockings and a garter belt with, if she followed my instructions, a thong on over the belt and stockings.

Her skin wasn't nearly as smooth as the secretary's, but it wasn't nearly bad. It was mostly smooth, with some freckles here or there. She definitely kept in shape. She was certainly healthy, but her face had an extra line here or there, indicating that she wasn't exactly in high school any more. Her breasts were also smaller, though the jacket covered them up a little too much. I could tell her legs were shaved smooth as she sat on them, bent at the knee so she could.

In front of her was a pork-chop with a salad and mashed potatoes, placed nicely on a plate, with a duplicate plate across the table from her. That spot was obviously mine, so I crossed my legs and sat there.

“I'm glad you could join me.” Sandy said in a very courteous manner, though her smile gave away the tactful flirt.

“Me too. This whole thing looks very romantic, don't you think?”

“Yes. How did you get in here to do this?” She asked as she poured two glasses of a red wine.

“I didn't. I know the owner of the building and had them let a decorator friend of mine in earlier this morning.” I said as I took the fancy goblet of wine she handed me. “How did you keep the food looking and smelling so nice on the way here?”

“I live just around the corner. The trick was more not spilling than it was keeping anything from cooling or drying out.” She answered as she held her glass out for a toast.”

“To beautiful company, lovely food, and good conversation.” I said, raising my glass to hers.

Our glasses clinked and we both took a sip. As we began cutting our first bites, she looked at me curiously and said “I've never been on a date in my office before. I've also never eaten sitting at a coffee table. As odd as that is, I think it adds a certain charm, don't you?”

“Of course I do. Also, I have a request, if you don't mind.” I replied.

“What's that?” She asked, holding off on the bite of pork until after I asked my question.

“Don't eat. Just sit there, be quiet, and be beautiful, as I eat and enjoy looking at you.” I said softly. Just as expected, she seemed smitten by what I said. It was a compliment, but, at the same time, it was a very peculiar request. Most women would have, at the very least, considered it strange. Most would have asked if it was a joke, or outright refused while trying to keep the mood pleasant. But not with me. Not any more. She did it. She smiled pleasantly and sat upright, posing for me. I was also pretty sure I saw her blush under her makeup.

I ate about half of my food as she sat there, not eating, just trying to look good for me. I figured enough time had passed, and I was about to begin the actual experiment. I set down my utensils, leaned over the table slightly, and softly said, “Stand.”

I suppose she was still following my “be quiet” command, as she slowly stood without saying a word. After standing, she seemed to continue posing for me, hardly moving, just trying to look pretty. I stood, acting as though I was drinking in her beauty. In actuality, I was trying to time the mean surprise well. I walked to her, taking a moment to act out drinking the moment in with each step.

Finally, I got to her, and there was a sudden, loud, SMACK that surprised even me. I had slapped her as hard as I could. She fell to the side, surprised, momentarily scared, definitely shocked. When she realized what happened, she looked up to me, tears in her eyes, and asked, “What did I do wrong?”

“Get up, whore!” I shouted at her as I roughly grabbed her arm. I pulled her up as she tried to scramble to her feet. Before she had her balance back all the way, I yanked as hard as I could on the front of her top. Success, all three buttons popped off! However, it also sent her reeling to the floor again, only this time at an odd angle a bit behind me. Her jacket was obviously wide open, but she was prone and only began standing back up as I turned to face her.

I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head towards me. She turned on her knees and went with my tug. I leaned down and demanded to know, “Do you want to suck my dick, whore?!”

Unfortunately, she looked relieved. I guess I had only started my experiment, and I didn't expect to be able to push a girl too far in the first place, but I was still somewhat disappointed at her happy reaction to sucking my dick. She was the first woman I spoke to who outright refused in general, yet she was happy to suck my dick after I had essentially attacked her. Intuitively confusing, but sadly not unexpected. Her reply was a somewhat confused, timid, yet definite, “Yes.”

“Don't you just say 'yes' to me! Call me Sir, like a proper whore!” I shouted in her face.

“Yes, Sir!” she replied less timidly, staring into my eyes with a mixture of pain and desire. I let go of her hair and stood up. As I began to undo my pants, she looked between my eyes and crotch, the pain fading from her expression.

“Take that top off,” I commanded as I fished out my dick.

“Yes, Sir!” she replied with more confidence. Thrusting one arm behind her at a time, she quickly pulled the jacket off. Perhaps it was seeing her secretary just before that made me expect more, but her tits seems fairly droopy. I don't want to paint the picture improperly. She was firm of body and attractive, but due to her age, her breasts had, indeed, begun drooping slightly. It didn't necessarily look unpleasant, and in fact I liked them, just my desire for small, slightly aged breasts was ruined by that secretary, who's tits were among the greatest I had ever seen. Sandra's were, to themselves, nice tits, with deep red, average sized nipples and matching areolae.

I didn't take much time thinking about that, though. As soon as her jacket was off, I grabbed her hair again and told her, “You're going to deep-throat my whole dick, whore.”

She replied “Yes, Smmphff!” I didn't wait for her to finish replying before pulling her head in closer and shoving my dick into her mouth. She grabbed the base of my dick with one hand, and put her other on my thigh for balance. When she started licking I lost my cool.

I pulled her head away and her arms flailed cutely to maintain balance. I didn't allow the momentary cuteness distract me, though. I immediately slapped her, then followed up with a backhand on her other cheek. It was my left hand, so wasn't and powerful as I meant, but it would do. Her hands instinctively shot up to protect her face. I then leaned down into her face again, and shouted, “You keep your hands behind your back, whore!”

“Yes, Sir!” she said, the fear and pain returning to her expression as she quickly locked her hands together behind her. I switched hands and slapped her once, hard. Her arms moved, but they remained behind her. I leaned down and got right in her face and said, “Now deep-throat this dick, whore!”

As I stood back up she moved in and took my dick in her mouth. She started going back and forth on it, licking only lightly, but there was clearly at least half of my dick not getting in her mouth. I pulled her away by her hair again, making sure to use my left hand. I followed it up by slapping her and following it up with a backhand. I then yelled in her face “I said deep-throat, stupid whore, do you even know what that means?!”

“Her cheeks were both getting pink and her eyes were watering. She looked pitifully up to me, shook her head softly, and answered, “No, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir!”

I slapped her once more and said “How does such a dirty, filthy whore get so stupid to not even know what deep-throating is?!”

“I... I don't know, Sir!” she answered, a drop of water falling down her cheek.

I paused for a moment. She started tearing up, and it caught me off guard. She was still calling me 'Sir', and still doing what I said, and she still seemed to want to please me. For a moment I wondered if I was actually experimenting, or if I had become sadistic. I wondered if it was perhaps both, but then shook my head and shrugged off the distracting thoughts.

I slapped her once more, and her hands shot up to protect her face. I shouted, “Hands behind your back, filthy whore!”

She immediately placed her hands back how they were, and started saying something, but it only came out as “Iphfaw!” since I slapped her as she opened her mouth.

I shouted “Keep your arms behind your back until I give you permission to do anything else with them, whore!”, and I followed it up with yet another slap and another backhand.

After those two, I gave her a moment to reply, and she said, “Yes, Sir!”

I slapped her, with a followup backhand, one more time, then explained as though to a child, “Deep-throating is when you take the whole damn dick into your mouth, down into your your dirty whore throat. Your bottom lip will touch my nut-sack, and your top lip will be pressing my pubes down onto the skin under them. Your nose will be in my pubes, and you will have a hard time breathing, and maybe won't be able to at all. You have to suppress your gag reflex. Understand, stupid whore?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied. She was obviously frightened and unsure, but as soon as I let go of her hair, she moved right back in and took my dick into her mouth. Instead of going through the blow-job routine she had before, she simply slowly moved her mouth down the length of my shaft. She actually got most of it, with only maybe an inch remaining, before her eyes watered up more and she started gagging. Once the gagging started, she moved away and started coughing.

As son as she was done coughing, I grabbed her hair and slapped her, then backhanded, then slapped again, and backhanded again. I shouted, “You get one more try, whore!”

“Yes, Sir,” She replied meekly, tears rolling down her brightly pink cheeks. She didn't hesitate to shove her head forward and open her mouth over my dick as soon as I let go of her hair, though. She got to about the same point as her last try. I could feel her throat tensing up, but she pushed another fraction of an inch before pulling away and coughing up a storm, though.

I grabbed her head and pushed her back to where I would normally slap her. Instead of slapping, though, I leaned over and grabbed each of her nipples between thumb and forefinger and squeezed. I placed my face right in front of hers and said, “You need to work on that, whore!”

Her whole face tightened and another tear escaped as she looked into my eyes, but she replied, “I will, Sir! Sorry, Sir!”

I twisted her nipples a bit, and added “You are not referring to yourself properly. You are a whore. You will call yourself 'this whore'. Do you understand?”

Her face tightened some more and her mouth opened with a sharp outward breath, then she answered “Yes, Sir! This whore understands, Sir!”

“Good whore. Now, over to the wall, facing it, hands on it,” I said, releasing her nipples and pointing to the wall behind her chair.

“Yes, Sir.” She she whispered. She stood after a moment's hesitation, but immediately ran to the wall in the several steps it took. She pulled her hands out from behind her back only once she was to the wall. She placed them at about head level, shoulder width, then looked back to me obviously curious what was next. The pain had mostly faded from her face, the tears dried up, but there was still fear mixed with passion. It's an odd expression to see, and difficult to describe. It's a lot like fear, but with softer eyes and a more relaxed jaw.

I turned to face her and slowly approached, softly, with a somewhat sincere curiosity, I asked, “Do you want to get fucked in the ass, whore?”

She was obviously worried over how to answer the question. I suspected because she didn't know if I wanted to hear what I wanted to hear, or if I actually wanted to know the true answer. She replied, “Sir, I... this whore does not like getting fucked in the ass, but this whore would love to please you however you desire.”

I pulled her skirt up from either side and left it resting on her waist. Her ass was firm and shapely, if a bit wide. It was strong. The thong divided her ass cheeks nicely. Her skin was smooth, with a bunch of freckles. As I began taking my clothes off, I commanded, “Spread your legs.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, and she moved her feet between two and three feet apart.

“Farther,” I said.

“Yes, Sir,” she moved her feet farther apart.

“Hey, whore, what's the name of that sexy ass secretary of yours?” I asked as I spanked her right cheek as hard as I could.

“Gah!” She reacted to the unexpected pain on her ass by jumping slightly forward, moving her feet closer together. “This whore's assistant is named Heather, Sir.”

I pulled her head back by her hair, not far, but quickly, then shouted in her ear, “Keep your feet apart and stick that ass of yours out as far as you can! You will not move until given permission, stupid whore!”

“Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!” she replied, quickly placing her feet widely apart and sticking her ass out surprisingly far. She did do aerobics, I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised. Her back was arched and she bent over to keep her balance. Her ass was prominent that way, and she didn't seem especially comfortable with her head below her hands. I didn't really care. I wondered how hard that pose would be to keep.

“Heather!” I called, looking at the door I left wide open.

“Coming, Sir!” she shouted just before she ran into the room as well as she could with such ridiculous heels on. I was stunned by how gorgeous she was, again. Her tits jiggled so fantastically with her trot, and they bounced brutally when she cam to a stop with her legs apart and her arms behind her back. Her cute, bright smile flashed as she looked longingly into my eyes, and she asked, “What do you need, Sir?”

Nodding towards my pants, I answered, “Take the keys from my front, right pocket, go out to my car, and bring me the box I keep in my trunk.”

“Yes, Sir!” She replied happily, and she turned slightly away from me as she bent over to grab my pants. I stared at her perfect ass, and got reminded of the butt plug which may also have been responsible for her odd trot into the room.

Just as she found my keys and was about to leave, she turned to me for a moment. I caught her attention in that moment, “By the way, how does that butt plug feel?”

She turned to me suddenly, getting into that same position I told her to when talking to me standing, and she excitedly answered “Sir, it's super uncomfortable, probably the most uncomfortable thing, like, ever, but it feels SO good when I imagine it's your perfect dick, Sir! I want your dick in my ass so bad, Sir! I'm sorry if I spoke too much, Sir, I was just being honest!”

Her blush and attempt at modesty seemed very cute to me. God, what a perfect girl. “Okay, go do what I told you.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied eagerly. I watched and marveled as she left.

I turned to look at Sandy again. The fear in her face was moderate at best, replaced with an aroused intensity. I grabbed her hair and spoke authoritatively into her ear, “You see that, whore? You see how she desires my dick up her ass? Whore take dick up their ass, and they love it.”

“Yes, Sir!” she said, seemingly defensively. “This whore wants your dick up her ass too, Sir! Your dick up my ass would be the highlight of my life, Sir!”

I wondered how much of what she said was a show to please me, and how much was a sincere change of heart due to the inexplicable need to please me. “Then prove it, whore. Ask me nicely to fuck your asshole hard.”

She got what I took as an exaggerated expression on her face, making me lean towards thinking it was an act, but she continued, “Please fuck this whore's ass, Sir! Please fuck this whore's asshole hard and deep, Sir! This whore's ass being fucked hard and raw by your beautiful cock will complete this whore, give meaning to this whore's life, Sir!”

“That was surprisingly good, actually,” I said, sincerely impressed. “Now you just don't move, whore.”

“Yes, Sir!” she replied, relieved, apparently. I didn't explain why to her, but I remembered she had referred to herself as “I” a little bit ago, so I spanked her left cheek as hard as I could.

“Ow!” The arch in her back went away as she moved up, nearly jumping from either the surprise or pain. She immediately moved back into position, though. She seemed slightly more sober. I smacked her right cheek, then left. With each smack she moved forward slightly and said “Ow!” but she pushed her ass right back at me afterwords.

A few more powerful spanks to both cheeks and her owes were replaced by ahs and grunts. Her ass always came right back for more, though. By the time Heather had come back and set my box down on the chair, Sandra's ass had dark pink blotches on either cheek and tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Heather,” I called.

“Yes, Sir!” she chimed as she got into her position at my side. I don't think it's possible to control it. I looked her up and down, and considered abandoning Sandra for her, once more. How was it possible to accidentally find such a beautiful girl?! I was in such luck! I wanted to stick to my plan, though. I could have all the fun I wanted with Heather afterwords.

“Look in the box, and bring the bottle of lube over here,” I commanded.

“Yes, Sir!” she replied merrily as she skipped to it. As she searched the box for the lube, something which didn't take long, I pulled Sandra's thong down, revealing her asshole and the womanhood under it. As expected, she had shaved for me. Heather jumped back into position next to me with one hand out and a transparent tube of liquid in it, saying, “Here it is, Sir!”

“Squeeze a whole ass-load of that lube into your boss' ass crack, and then another ass-load into your hand.”

“Yes, Sir!” she replied as she quickly followed her instructions. She squirted so much that it ran down Sandra's legs and fell dripping to the floor from her hand.

“Okay, now gently rub that gel around Sandra's rosebud while, with your other hand, jerking me off and lubing up my dick,” I told Heather. She looked first to Sandra's asshole as she placed some fingers from her right hand over it, then to my manhood and placed her left hand around it. She quickly looked into my eyes and began licking her lips as she skillfully massaged the gel onto my dick.

Just as I began getting hypnotized by the rhythmic motion of Heather's tits as she jerked me off, Sandra shouted. “God dammit, Heather, he said to massage it around my rosebud, not to finger my ass!”

I looked at her and she was obviously angry at Heather. While she was consciously my bitch, it didn't seem she wanted to take anything she didn't need to from Heather. Heather jumped, her glorious tits swinging in a circle, and she moved her hand away from Sandra. She continued working my dick, though. She looked at me a little fearfully.

“Dammit,” I intoned sharply, “don't you ever yell at Heather about anything she does for me, to you, ever again, stupid whore! You failed to refer to yourself properly, too.”

“This whore is sorry, Sir! This whore certainly had no intentions of offending you, Sir!” Sandra was suddenly defensive and obviously worried about upsetting me.

“Don't apologize to me, whore, apologize to her!” I commanded.

“I...” Sandra began, quickly halting and continuing properly “This whore is sorry, and humbly apologizes, Heather. Can you please forgive this whore?”

“Yes, of co...” Heather started, but I interrupted.

“No, you're upset about this,” I directed. “You think she should be punished like a good whore who forgot her place and needs a reminder.”

“Oh, of course, Sir!” Heather chimed excitedly, though unable to hide her confusion. “Maybe, uh... she should get spanked, Sir?”

“Good start, but I'm thinking something that hasn't been done, yet. Heather, shove your middle finger up her ass, then walk around her so that you're facing her.”

Sandra made a noise like “Gwaht!” as Heathers middle finger was jammed up her ass. Her whole body tensed up, but she quickly rebounded and stuck her ass out again.

“Okay, Heather, now slap her titties. One at a time, alternating, as hard as you can, until I say to stop. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, obviously slightly concerned about hurting Sandra.

Just before she began I said, “Use both hands, your finger doesn't have to stay in her ass.”

“Yes, Sir.” echoed Heather, and I heard a loud slap as her right hand came down across Sandra's left tit.

Sandra whispered loudly “Oh” as her back lost some arch. She arched her back right back up again, though. Heather's second slap wasn't as loud, and Sandra didn't react quite as strongly. Then Heather repeated each slap, and they seemed more even. Sandra remained mostly in place, saying “Oh!” or “Ah!” or some other noise indicating pain with each slap. I looked around Sandra to watch Heather's tits wobble with the slaps she was delivering. I waited until Sandra’s tits were a bright pink before calling Heather off.

Heather was risking gaining my attention instead of Sandra, again, so I told her “Go back to the chair like I told you to earlier, Heather.”

“Yes, Sir!” she whispered cutely at me. She licked her lips as she left.

I positioned myself behind Sandra, my erection against her butt cheeks, and said coolly “And now it's ass-time, whore.”

“Thank you, Sir. This whore wants your dick up her asshole badly!” Sandra said. It wasn't intuitive, though, because I could see her tensing up, her asshole clamped shut like a vice.

“You're going to have to relax if you really want my dick deep in your ass, whore. Show me you can be a good whore, okay?” I said teasingly.

“Yes, Sir,” she said, though it didn't appear that she was any more relaxed.

“Okay,” I said as I placed my glans against her rosebud. I began pressing, and she moved slightly away from me as I got closer to entering her ass. “Whore, if you don't push your ass back against my thrusts, you're in serious trouble, understand?!”

“Yes, Sir, this whore understands!” She said in a low, resigned voice. She started pressing back against me, and my head slowly opened her ass... and then it immediately slid up her butt-crack due to the lube and not enough give.

“That's your fault. You're not relaxed enough. Don't let it happen again,” I said coolly.

“Yes, Sir! This whore apologizes, Sir! It will go in this whore's asshole now, Sir!” She replied. It seemed like she was collecting herself with a few breaths, then she visibly relaxed. I held onto her hip with one hand, aiming with the other. She continued pressing back and breathing rhythmically as my glans slowly opened her bud. Once I had my head in, she let out a deep “Oh... God.”

I stopped pushing. I gave her a moment to consider her situation. Her breathing continued, she was putting a lot of effort into remaining relaxed. It was among the tightest of all assholes I had ever been in, but I'm sure a lot of that was her lack of experience and inability to fully relax. I calmly said, “Do not move, whore. I'm in, but this is certainly not all. Remember how you wanted it hard and fast?”

“Yes, Sir. This whore wants to be ass-fucked by you, hard and fast,” She replied between breaths, obviously anxious about what was next.

“Then ask me nicely to fuck your whore ass. Ask me to fuck your ass hard, ask me to fuck it deep, and ask me to treat you like the whore you so thoroughly are,” I said, lording my position over her.

“Sir,” she began, obviously nervous, scared, yet still with an obvious arousal in her voice, “Could you please fuck this whore's whore ass? Can you please fuck this whore's ass hard and deep, Sir? Could you fuck my ass like the whore I so thoroughly am, Sir?”

I was disappointed she wasn't as into her role as earlier such that she ad-libbed some dialogue, but she said what I told her to either way. “Don't you dare pull away from me, whore. I'm about to get balls deep in your ass,” I told her. I slowly sank my dick into her, millimeter by millimeter. She continued pressing back on it without much resistance or noise. Her breathing began to get sharper, but she took over half of my dick before she almost pulled away suddenly. It was a momentary lapse, though, and she was soon pressing back again. My dick only got another few millimeters before there was significant resistance.

“Oooooohhhh.” she let out, going from a normal tone to a lower one. As my dick started moving past the resistance, she looked up at the ceiling sharply, and let out a higher pitched “Gaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!”, though not too loudly. As my dick continued without much left to sink into her rear, she almost stopped pushing back for a moment, but then started up again, all within a moment. It moved about half an inch in when she did that, and she took up a deep mantra of “ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod...”

As the very last bit of my dick slid into her ass, my promise of balls deep being realized, she slowly intoned a deep “Oh... fuck... me...” I rested there, pressing deeply into her ass, her pressing back and taking the whole thing on the first attempt. Her breaths were shallow and she was visibly shaking. I could see the side of her face as she moved it to look at the ground, and there were tears falling down her cheek. I said to her, almost allowing some pride to shine through, “That's a good job taking my whole dick the first time. I don't think that's ever happened with an anal virgin before. However, you said 'me' instead of what you're supposed to say.”

Slowing her breaths consciously, she replied in a deep whisper, “Thank you, Sir... for the compliment... This whore is happy about tak... ing your whole dick... This whore apologizes... for...

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referring to herself as anything... besides what she so thoroughly... is.”

“Okay, so now you're going to have to really focus on and learn how to properly relax, whore, because it's almost time to really pound this whore ass! I'm not going to go easy on you if you don't adjust to it properly, so that's on your stupid whore brain.”

“Yes, Sir... Thank you, Sir,” She hung her head. Almost immediately thereafter, her head shot up and she said “Oh!” in a higher pitch. I had begun a deep prodding of her asshole. That is, with my dick all the way in her ass, I would stop pushing, then resume pushing. The stopping would relieve some pressure, but then I'd push it all the way back in and hold it for a moment before relaxing again.

She would intone a low “Oh” with the first few thrusts, but then her head would shoot up and she'd say “Oh God!” with each thrust in a higher tone. She eventually reverted to her normal voice whispering “fuck” with each thrust.

After about a minute of that, I decided to pull out some and slam into her ass instead of the light prods. I used all my force, and she still pushed back and took it. When I started that, she said these in order “Oh” “Oh” “Fuck” “Fuck” “God” “Fuck this” “Fuck this whore's ass” “Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!” “Yes, this whore's God!” “I'm a total whore!” “Fuck this whore!” “Fuck this stupid whore!” “Fuck this whore's ass” “This whore's ass!” “Yes” “Yes!”

I didn't believe that she had so quickly gone from an anal virgin to a complete slut who loved getting ass fucked. I suspected she was more simply trying to make me happy, and possibly with the bonus of me coming sooner and thus her painful trial ending. After all, I was getting close to coming in her super tight, warm ass, and I wanted to have some more fun first.

I pulled out and spun her around suddenly, surprising her. I caught her just so I could push her at the back of the chair. I stepped up and used my body to pin her to the chair that way, facing me. I was caught totally off guard when, staring into her red, tear streak cheeked face, she asked her next question in a sultry, passionate voice, “Are you going to fuck this whore's pussy now, Sir?”

My surprise was obvious, as I stopped in the middle of what I was doing, paused for a moment, and asked bluntly, “What?”

She was definitely nervous when I reacted that way. Perhaps she thought I was, indeed, warming her up or testing her before fucking her the way she wanted. Maybe she thought I wanted her pussy. She hesitated a moment, appearing almost horrified “... Um... Sir... are you going to fuck this whore's pussy?”

This was actually almost exactly the opportunity I was hoping for, though not quite the form expected. I simply looked into her eyes and whispered, “What?”

“Sir... do you, Sir... do you want to fuck this whore's pussy?” She said, almost apologetically.

“You're the stupidest god-damn whore ever,” I said coolly, but with a hint of rage boiling under my skin. I grabbed her neck with one hand, and reached into the box on the chair with the other hand. I only felt around for a short time before finding something that would do. I was actually looking for a butt plug, but the black, rubber, nine-inch dildo I found might work even better. Noticing her hands on my hand holding her neck, I commanded, “Hands behind your back, like Heather does, with each hand holding the opposite arm's elbow, whore.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, obviously full of fear. Her arms shot behind her.

“Legs as far apart as you can get them, whore,” I commanded in the same tone I had been using.

“Yes, Sir,” She apologized. Once her legs were spread and most of her weight was on the back of the chair, I used her throat to push her back, She tilted slowly at first, but then she fell into the seat of the chair. I let go as she fell, and used her open legs to pull her up to place most of her weight on her neck and shoulders. I then pushed her thighs down until her feet were near her head. She was obviously super uncomfortable, but she dared not move.

“What are you?” I asked.

“Th... this whore is a whore, Sir.” She said hoarsely. While asking her these questions, I grabbed the bottle of lube from the floor where it was dropped and coated the dildo with it.

“Where do whores get fucked?” I asked, the dildo being lubed just out of sight.

“Whores... whores get fucked... in the ass... Sir.” She said it almost like a question.

“Then why would I fuck your pussy?”

“Sir, this whore is sorry! This whore did not realize you meant that whores get fucked exclusively in the ass, Sir!” She was pleading with me to see her reasoning.

“Even if that were the case, how do you figure you, the stupidest whore, got to suggest which of her holes I fuck?” I demanded.

“This whore apologizes, Sir! This whore really thought you might want to fuck her pussy, Sir!” She pleaded with her eyes. I wondered if she was more scared of punishment or of displeasing me.

“Stay like you are,” I commanded.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered obediently.

I held the dildo in her view, and held it vertically, head down. I lowered it until it's tip was resting on her asshole (which was visibly looser than earlier). “What are you?”

“This whore is a whore, Sir!”

“Where do whores get fucked?”

“Whores get fucked in the ass, Sir!” As she answered that, still pleading with her eyes, I pushed it down into her ass. As I slowly slid the thick dildo down a bit further, she exclaimed, “This whore loves getting fucked in the ass, Sir!”

“Where did you ask if I wanted to fuck, though?” I asked with the same heated calm.

“This whore's pussy, Sir.” she answered apologetically. Immediately after she said the word 'pussy', I pushed the dildo down until it stopped on it's own, with about four inches still out. She reacted with a high pitched squeal that lasted a few seconds. Her legs shot up, but after a moment or two, she slowly pulled her legs back down where they were at her sides.

“For even suggesting the idea, you deserve punishment, don't you, whore?”

“Yes, Sir, this whore needs to be punished more,” she agreed.

“More?” I asked, “what punishment have you received for this wrong action of yours?”

“Sir you... you shoved a huge dildo up this whore's ass, Sir,” She said, bewildered.

“You truly are a stupid whore. Shoving anything up your ass, especially my dick, is a good thing. How could you not realize that?”

“This whore apologizes, Sir,” she said, seemingly less anxious somehow, “This whore does realize, now, how fantastic it is to have a huge dildo in this whore's ass. Nothing as good as this could be a punishment, Sir.”

Her beaming the realization was a complete act, I knew. I began lightly pumping the dildo, to which she reacted with shallow breaths in rhythm with my pumping. Her face tightened and her eyes watered to contradict her act of happiness. I asked again, “What are you?”

“This whore is a whore, Sir.” she tried to beam through her pain-filled eyes.

“Where do whores get fucked?” I asked, continuing with the dildo.

“In the ass, Sir!” she attempted to beam.

“Correct!” I smiled at her. I then spanked her ass as hard as I could, once per cheek.

Her reply was a loud “Ow... GAH!” and her legs almost shot up. Her eyes closed and tears streamed down the sides of her face, into her hair.

“What do you say when you get punished whore?”

Her eyes opened, and her concern wasn't hidden very well. “Um... Sir... Um... this whore...”

“You say 'Thank you'!”

“Oh, yes, of course! Thank you Sir!”

“Now, where did you suggest I fuck you?” I asked with a finger raised.

“This whore's pussy, Sir.” As soon as the sentence was out, I slapped her once on her pussy just as hard as I spanked her. Her legs shot halfway forward, then came back. Her scream was loud and obvious. She soon recovered and said, “Thank you for punishing this whore, Sir.”

“I spanked your ass twice. Is it fair that I only smack your pussy once?”

She hesitated, obviously not thinking it was fair, but also knowing that's not what I wanted to hear. She replied “No, Sir. This whore's pussy should be slapped as much as this whore's ass gets spanked, Sir.”

I slapped her pussy again, and her reaction seemed more severe. It was obviously very painful, but my plan included being as mean to a woman as I could be to see if I could push her too far, so I asked again, “Where do whores get fucked?”

“In the ass, Sir!” she answered without hesitation. I pulled the dildo most of the way out of her ass, then slammed it back in as far as I could. She reacted with a loud grunt and a jolt of her legs, but she immediately returned to her prescribed position. I followed that up by spanking her ass, as usual, as hard as I could. Her “Ah!” was high pitched. I spanked her other cheek, and followed that up with another spank to either cheek. She would “Ah” or “Oh”, but her reaction was more controlled, perhaps due to expecting the pain.

“Where did you suggest I fuck you, stupid whore?” I said as I began rhythmically pumping the dildo again.

“”This whore's pussy, Sir. Also, Sir, thank you for punishing this whore.” She said in-between her breaths that matched the rhythm of the dildo, from a tight, red-eyed face. I slapped her pussy hard, and she reacted more violently than any of the spanks, with a loud “Owoooh, God!” in reply. She returned to position, though.

“Do whores get fucked in their pussy?” I asked, slapping her pussy again.

Her reaction was less violent, but she still slightly jumped and squealed. “No, Sir!, Whores get fucked in their assholes, Sir!”

I slapped her pussy again, to much the same reaction, though a few tears fell to her hair. “What are you?”

“This whore is a whore, Sir!” She squealed. I slapped her pussy once again, to another squeal and kick.”thank you for punishing this whore, Sir. Thank you for the gift of dildoing this whore's ass, Sir!”

“So does your stupid brain get it, yet, whore?” I asked, stopping the pumping and simply pushing down on the dildo.

She squealed out “Yes, Sir! This whore understands, Sir!”

“Where do you suggest I fuck you, whore?”

“This whore does not suggest where you fuck this whore, Sir! However, this whore being a whore, you should probably fuck this whore's ass hard and deep, Sir!” She answered, still squealing.

“On your knees, whore,” I commanded. As she adjusted her self to get on the floor, I grabbed her right hand and placed it on the dildo. “Keep this as deep as you can get it, whore.”

“Yes, Sir.” She answered, continuing to lower her now upright self to the floor with only one free hand. Once on her knees, she put her free hand behind her back and used it to also hold the dildo. Her face betrayed her complete discomfort. She spread her legs and looked up at me with a peculiar pleading look on her face. I slapped her hard, throwing her off balance. She didn't make any noises with her mouth, she simply righted her position and looked at me with that same look, one cheek a brighter pink.

“Are you going to take my whole dick down your throat, whore?” I asked, pointing at her in warning.

“Yes, Sir,” She answered, licking her lips. I thought for a moment. Was she actually turned on by the prospect of deep-throating me, or was this more of her act to please me? How would I know the difference? Did she remember the last place my dick was in was her ass, and did she find that gross? I stopped thinking and grabbed her hair with both hands. I pulled her face to my crotch, and her mouth enveloped my dick. She slowly worked her mouth down the length of my dick. At just over half-way, she started gagging. She pulled back only slightly, coughed with my dick still in her mouth, and tried again. She went more slowly, and got as almost all the way, her bottom lip almost getting to my scrotum, and then she lost it and started coughing hard.

As she pulled away from my crotch, which I let her do since my hands were on her head, she turned away to cough to the side. She stopped, took some deep breaths, and moved back in. I stopped her short. I slapped her hard, followed it with another backhand, slapped her again, another backhand, and then another pair of slaps and backhand. She vocalized grunts, but did not resist or react very much besides correcting her pose after each slap. I had a tingle of respect for her new-found ability to handle the abuse. It seemed to develop quickly and I was worried I'd have to get more inventive in order to continue making her feel displeasure. After the last slap, I stared into her red eyes and whispered “Pulling away is no longer an option. You will kiss my scrote, even if I have to hold you there. Got it, whore?”

“This whore understands, Sir. This whore will deep-throat your dick, Sir,” she said softly, some fear showing through her poker-face. I definitely hoped she actually would deep-throat this time, but I was also hoping she gave me an excuse to choke her with my dick, causing her even more pain, pushing her that much farther. I wondered how quickly she would adapt, how strong her will was, if I might get her to stop worrying so much about my pleasure.

She moved in, took my dick, and slowly moved her lips down the length as she had tried before. At about the same point as last time, with almost my whole dick in her mouth, she started gagging. I could feel her throat constricting. I guess I did get the chance. I tightened my grip on her head and pulled her the rest of the way down my dick.

She continued gagging, and it felt great on my dick, but the look in her eyes as she gagged and looked up to me was... something. I realized how strong her will to please me must be. There she was, gagging, choking on my dick, not pulling away. As she was in a position to asphyxiate, her concerns were to keep her hands behind her, holding the dildo in her ass, keeping my dick down her throat, making sure I was pleasured. I could see panic clearly. She had the sensation of choking, of lacking breath, like drowning. And instead of concern for her life overwhelming her to action, she sat there, on a dildo deep in her ass, trying to make me happy.

Soon, she was strongly shaking, gagging, emergency in her eyes, but she took no action. I certainly didn't want to kill her! I pulled her away, and she let loose a “Blooooooghk!” sound, a small spray of bile coming out of her mouth. Some was already on my dick. She took deep, desperate breaths, still staring at me with panic in her eyes.

I said calmly, “Did you puke on my dick, whore?”

“This whore...” she whispered in-between labored breaths “puked... on your beau... beautiful dick, Sir.... ... This whore... is sorry... Sir.” I simply pulled her face back to my crotch. She took my dick back in her mouth, and seemed to hurry down the length of my dick. She actually got all the way down before gagging again. Once again, I held her there, but only for a moment.

“Relax your throat, whore!” I shouted. I then pulled her head back slightly, and then back down on my dick. I continued rhythmically for a few thrusts, drawing out a 'tacka' sort of noise with each one, but then she threw up some bile again. I pulled her away, allowed her to breath, the slapped her six more times as her breathing got less labored. “You need practice, whore!”

I picked her up from her torso, her trying to follow my forcefulness while still holding the dildo in her ass. It seemed, in the moment I looked, that it wasn't quite as deep as I originally had it. I literally picked her up and tipped her forward. She landed hard on her left arm. I then set down her legs softly, pulling them wide. I grabbed her right hand, lifted it from the dildo, then grabbed and pulled the dildo out quickly. It came out with a nice popping noise I didn't expect, and she shouted, “God!”

I handed her the dildo from behind her, and she took it with her left hand. “Arch your back, keep your legs far apart, arch your back, and practice deep throating that.”

“Yes, Sir,” She replied, seemingly happily, and then I saw her place it against the floor, pointing towards her face. She immediately started trying to shove it down her throat, but she pulled up when she started gagging.

I turned my attention to her rear. I knelt behind her and asked, “Where do whores get fucked?”

“Whores get fucked in the ass, Sir. Is this whore going to be rewarded with your dick deep in this whore's ass, Sir?” She gasped, then went back down on the dildo. I spanked her hard a few times, watched her slight jump with each one, and then moved to the box, now on the ground by the chair. I searched around in it, and found what I was looking for.

I walked to her front and said, “On your knees, hold off on the dildo.”

She got up, on her knees, simply holding the juicy, sloppy dildo in her right hand. I handed her what I had gotten from the box. I explained to her, “Those are the most painful nipple clamps I can find. You see, normally the screws reduce the amount of force. This is the only nipple clamps I've ever found where the spring is not resisted again, but rather, the screws actually screw the clamps on tighter. Put them on your nipples.”

“Yes, Sir,” She replied, licking her lips. Either her act was better, or she was enjoying it. Maybe both. I wondered if I'd have to kick it up another notch that I wasn't mentally prepared for, or if it was simply an act and she was suffering greatly and simply learning how to be good at hiding it. Either way, without hesitation, she opened each clamp and put them on her nipples. First the right, for which she let out a high pitched squeal after letting it clamp shut. Then, the left. Her squeal was less high pitched, but it was more drawn out, as she closed the clamp more slowly.

“Now, whore... slowly... very slowly... turn the screws. Until I say to stop, whore. Give me a show.” I commanded.

“Yes, Sir.” she said, opening her mouth erotically. She placed each hand on it's corresponding clamp, then felt for the screws. Once both hands were on each screw, she slowly turned them. Her erotic look changed into one of pain, her face tightening, her eyes tearing up, and her face pointing at the ceiling. “Gaaahhhhh” she let out, changing from high to low pitch.

“Keep going, whore.”

“Yes, Sir.” She breathed out, followed by a soft “eeeeeeeh.... go... aaaaaaaaad... oooooooohh.” as she turned the screws ever so slowly. She breathed, while licking her lips, “Does this whore's Master like...” tears fell from her eyes “this whore's depravity... gaaaaaAAH... Sir?”

“Tighten them until you can't, whore.”

“Yeeeeeees... Siiiiiirrr.” she whispered out, slowly screwing the clamps father shut. “Oooooooohhhh... yyyeeessss... Ssssiiiirrrrrrrrrrrr.” She drew out, barely audible, followed by a loud “Gaahhh!” In a very high pitch. “That's it.... Siiir... thiissss.... whore can't... screeww... them... any more, Sir.”

I grabbed the chain on the clamps and wound it around each of her thumbs. I closed her hands into fists. Well, the one not holding the dildo. I simply tucked that thumb into her curled fingers. I stood and pointed down. “Down like you were, whore. Practice.”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed out, and she got on all fours. Her head went down to the dildo, and she arched her back, sticking her ass as far up as she could. I again went to the box and pulled out a duplicate pair of clamps. Kneeling behind her, I placed one clamp on her left pussy lip. She squealed onto the dildo and paused her practicing for a moment, then picked it back up. The other end I took a moment to find the spot. Her clit. I lightly pushed her vulva open to find her small clit, and I quickly closed the clamp over it.

The squeal/scream she let out was almost deafening, and I certainly didn't expect it. I looked up, and her head was up, off the dildo. “Did I say to take a break, whore?!”

“No, Sir!” she exclaimed through obvious sobbing, and she went back down on the dildo. As I got back down to play with the screws, I could see her legs shaking. It was patently clear that she was using a large portion of her will, if not all of it, to keep her legs open and her ass up for me. I began screwing the clamp on her vulva, and she squealed onto the dildo, her legs shaking more obviously. I tightened it all the way.

Once I moved to the one on her clit, her sobbing was the loudest noise in the room. She was crying so openly, so loudly, that I almost lost heart and decided to leave it like that. Perhaps, though, I was almost at her breaking point. I needed to see. I slowly tightened it. Her sobs continued, she squealed onto the dildo, and her shaking was getting pretty violent. Once it was down all the way, I noticed her head up again.

“Whore! Dildo! Practice! Now!” I shouted.

She bellowed, still sobbing and shaking violently “Ckyesh... Shuuuur!”

“What are you?” I asked.

“IIIII... I'm a wwhhhore, Sir!” She shouted past her sobs, then went back down onto the dildo.

“Who's a whore?” I demanded.

“Shorrrryyy.... Sir, this whore... is a whore, Sir!” She shouted past her snot bubbles.

“Where do whores get fucked?”

She came up again “Their ass, Sir!... sniffle, sob... Whorrres... get fucked in their assholes, Sir!” And back down she went.

I spanked her ass hard a few times. Each spank jiggled the chain of the clamps a bit, and I'm sure her high pitched sobs were more about that then the pain of the spank, but I could be wrong. Either way, she didn't jump or jerk from the spanks at all, unlike I expected. “Whore, is it fair for me to spank your ass more than I slap your cunt?”

“Oh Goddddd...” she said when her head came up. I had a quick suspicion I was about at her limit. She answered “No, Sir! Sob... This whore's pussy sniffle sob... should be spanked just as frequently and hard sob as her ass!“ Surprisingly, she continued. To top it off, I couldn't tell if she was answering what she thought I wanted, was trying to legitimately piece together my logic, or if she was about to break. “Since a whore's pussy sob... never gets fucked... sob... it should be used for something, right, Sir?! This whore's pussy is primed for punishment, Sir! *sob*... *sob sob* Thank you, Sir *sob* for teaching this whore what her pussy's for!”

I was pretty shocked at her reaction. Was she almost breaking? Was my experiment about to prove there were limits? Sandra lifted her ass up even more, spread her legs farther, and made her pussy an easy target for me. Perhaps I was driving her crazy? Peculiarly, I noticed her pussy was a bright pink and dripping with juices. I didn't hesitate, though. I pulled my hand behind, up high, and brought it around and up, right into her waiting pussy. She screamed onto the dildo, jolted forward, her legs shaking severely. She was obviously putting plenty of effort into not closing her legs and getting back into position, which she was soon in.

Her shaking didn't stop. I brought my hand back around in that circle to slap her pussy as hard as I could. I pushed her forward with that slap. Her ass moved up as she pushed away with her legs, not voluntarily, but she couldn't help her natural reaction. She screamed again, but then got back in her shaking position, with her pussy wide open for hard slapping. Her loud sobs were back at full force.

I slapped her pussy again, as hard as I could again. She moved forward, took a moment getting back in position, and then I followed with another full strength slap. Her scream was longer, her shaking more severe, but she brought her pussy right back to it's resting point, ready for another pounding. I provided another full force slap, and she fell forward this time, as though she were not prepared. When she was back in position and her scream died down, she shouted through her sobs “Sir! sob, sob... This whore's ass sob... was only spanked four times!”

I noticed her head did not go back down, as though she were waiting for my reply to her. “Whore, do you suggest I stop slapping your pussy?”

She shrieked suddenly, then explained, “Never, Sir! This whore thanks you for punishing her dirty pussy, and would love you to punish it even harder, Sir!

She shouted that without sobs interrupting, but as soon as she was done she was crying full force, and she was back down on the dildo, gagging her sobs onto it. I told her, “No matter what, stay in position.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, then moved down to cry and gag on the dildo again. I slapped her pussy as hard as I could three times in rapid succession. She screamed, cried, and gagged onto the dildo, and took care to get back into position. I did it one more time, and she did the same thing. She still cared about my happiness more than anything. She failed to break.

I looked at her pussy, and it looked like it was starting to bruise. I got an idea I wasn't sure if I could pull off. I stood up, took a step back, and placed my right foot back. I brought my foot forward as hard as I could, and kicked her squarely in the pussy. The force of it lifted her about a foot off the ground, and she landed with her legs only half as open as they had been. She reached one hand back to grab her pussy as she screamed and cried out, no longer on the dildo. After a moment, she readjusted herself into her former position, and cried out “th, th, thank you f, fo, for p, punishing... for punishing... this wh, wh, whore's pussy, S, Sir!”

She cried and moaned on the dildo, gagging herself more. I asked, “So are you ready to ask me to fuck your ass?”

“Y, yes, Sir! P, please fuck th, this whore's a, a, asshole! P, please fuck... please fuck this wh, whore's asshole h, hard, Sir!” She cried, then started gagging herself on the dildo again. I squatted behind her, as her ass was pointed more up than back, and I pushed my glans against her once again super tight asshole. She moaned as she relaxed and my dick opened up her asshole. I pushed down until my whole dick was buried in her ass, my balls against her bruised cunt. She moaned as she cried and gagged, and I didn't hesitate to begin fucking her ass. I would pull back, then smoothly press my dick all the way in. She pressed back against my powerful humps.

Soon, I was fucking her ass powerfully, fast, and hard. She was oohing and ahing with each thrust, but she kept her mouth on the dildo the whole time. Her sobbing slowed down and disappeared. It didn't take long to get close to cumming. I almost lost control and emptied my balls in her ass, but I pulled out and pulled her to her knees by her hair. I pushed her down so that she was sitting on the back of her feet, and said, “Arms back, legs spread, dildo in ass, whore!”

She followed my commands quickly. As I stepped in front of her, she put the dildo between her feet and lifted herself a bit, then lowered her ass onto it. Soon, her hands pulled the dildo deeper into her ass, and her mouth was open, knowing what was about to happen. I put my dick in her mouth, and she began moving down on it.

“No!” I shouted. “With your tongue! Collect every drop on your tongue, stupid whore!”

She licked my glans a little before I started shooting my load. She moved her mouth back and forth on my dick, but not so deep that she couldn't collect my cum on her tongue. I growled as a stared into her eyes while I came. I held her head hard, perhaps hurting her, but she followed my instructions and harvested my cum.

After I had finished and the waves of powerful pleasure, stronger than usual, passed, I demanded, “Show me the cum, whore.”

She opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out slightly to show me the pool of cum on it. I put my hand under her mouth and stated, “In my hand.”

She began allowing the cum to drool off of her tongue and collect in my hand. “What are you?”

Once all the cum had fallen from her tongue, she smiled and cheerily replied, “This whore is a nasty whore, Sir!”

I immediately slapped her as hard as I could, winding back even, with the hand full of cum. She barely flinched, though did a bit. She seemed to almost fall over, but I pulled her back upright by her face. I spread the cum all over her face. Noticing her eyes were closed, I said, “Open your eyes, whore! Embrace the stinging! Be the whore you so thoroughly are!”

Her eyes fluttered, but never quite got fully open except for a few seconds. Tears were falling from them freely, though she was not sobbing. “This whore is having difficulty keeping her eyes open, Sir!”

“Just try, whore,” I replied. I followed that up with another hard slap, a backhand, a slap, a backhand, and another slap and backhand. She grunted with each slap, but got back in position ready for the next one, each time. I then took a step back and aimed for her pussy with my foot again. She saw it coming and closed her eyes, but she opened her legs wider. She was pushed back a few inches, and she doubled over with closed legs as she screamed.

“Thank you for punishing this whore's cunt, Sir!” she squealed as her eyes fluttered. And she sat back up. She got back into position with her legs as wide as she could get them. The clamp was still firmly in place, and I noticed a drip of blood by it.

I walked to where my clothes were, behind the chair, and started getting dressed. As I pulled up and buckled my pants, I commanded, “You will stay like this until Heather calls you and gives you permission to get dressed and leave. There are five cameras in this room, all broadcasting to my computer in the other room, recording everything that just happened. I'm going to edit it and put it all over the internet, and also I'll know if you move when Heather brings me back my computer and I watch the recordings.”

“Yes, Sir!” She replied happily, fluttering her eyes in attempt to look at me.

I put my lube in the box, and took the box with me as I left. I snapped at Heather as I walked by her, motioning for her to follow me. As we walked to my car, I watched her gorgeous body jiggle. At my car, I handed her the keys and the box, saying “Well? Put the box back.”

“Yes, Sir!” She replied cheerfully. Her legs and firm, smooth ass looked delicious as she rounded the blue Buick. She opened the trunk and set the box in, shutting the trunk. She came back around my side and stopped in position next to me.

“Now open my door.,” I said as though speaking to a child.

“Yes, Sir!” She replied as happily as ever. I spanked her, though not very hard, as she opened my door for me. I stepped past her and sat in my car. She handed me my keys and then just stood there in her position.

“Now walk around the car and get in the passenger seat, dummy,” I said, still sort of in asshole mode. She did as I said, and I shut my door. I watched her get in and sit. “Make sure the top part of the seat-belt goes between your tits. I find that sexy. Keep your arms to the sides, and spread your legs open.”

“Yes, Sir!” chimed the nigh perfect, submissive girl next to me, as she followed my commands in order, all the while with a beautiful, wide, white toothed smile. I could see her perfectly smooth pussy with her short skirt and spread legs, and she obviously got waxed or something, instead of shaving. Her pussy looked tight, unused, perhaps she was even a virgin. Her pussy was a bright pink, and wetness was dripping from it. Yes, I'd have fun that weekend.

Once I got home, about half an hour later, I had Heather call Sandra and tell her she could go home. I had Heather tell her she couldn't put any clothes on, and couldn't take the clamps off until she got home, and to leave the office unlocked. Oh, and to keep the dildo in until she got home, too.

I then told Heather to take my car and go retrieve the cameras and my computer. I told her to use an enema once more while there, then come back and be ready to be my bitch for the weekend. She beamed “Yes, Sir!”, and was off.

I took a shower and then had a sandwich and coke for lunch before Heather got back. Once she got back, her large, firm, bouncy tits convinced my dick it was ready for a blow-job. I hadn't bothered getting dressed after my shower. After my BJ, I had Heather eat something and enema again while I looked through the videos I captured.

Sandra apparently started balling the moment the door closed, as me and Heather left. She stayed in position and continued trying to flutter her eyes open, though. That lead me to the conclusion a lot of her alright-ness with what I did was an act, brought about by her eagerness to make me happy, not because she enjoyed anything herself. However, she still did everything I said. 27 minutes and change after I left, her phone rang. She stood to get it, holding the dildo in her ass as she did. She limped over to her purse and retrieved her phone, and I heard her end of the conversation. She basically nodded after saying hello, until she said, “Alright, bye.” at the end. She put her phone back in her purse, lifted it to her shoulder with her free hand, and limped out of the office. You could barely hear the door open and shut.

A while later, Heather, in her skimpy, bare-all clothes, happily jiggled her way into the office and disconnected the cameras one by one. That was the end of my videos. I was fairly drained, so after that I edited a bit while Heather waited patiently in her position at my side. I asked her some questions about herself while I regained my sexual energy.

It ends up her sexual tastes are a lot like Sandra's, except she didn't mind blow-jobs and always swallowed. I asked her why she seemed to want my dick up her ass so much earlier, and she happily explained “After you called the first time, I looked you up online, Sir. I wanted to know what you liked. I discovered you almost exclusively fuck women in their ass. I want you to be happy, so I want you to fuck my ass, Sir. In fact, I want you to be happy so much, that if you did to me what you did to my boss, that would be my new, biggest, most desired fantasy, simply because I got to please you in some way. I'd try to duplicate that day as much as my body could handle it, Sir!

I then explained the purpose of it, my experiment, to her, “To see if I could push a woman so far that she would stop trying to please me.”

Heather looked at me dreamily, then told me, “Sir, all these experiments are doomed to failure from the start. No woman could deny pleasing you, Sir. No matter what you tell them to do, no matter what you do to them, they all want, I desperately want, Sir, to simply be an object of your pleasure.”

“You want me to torture and abuse you?” I asked, startled by her revelation I had suspected was true the whole time.

“Sir, if that would make you even the remotest bit happy, I would torture anyone, I would kill anyone, even myself. At the slightest hint of your potentially being pleased with me, I would duplicate the most atrocious horrors to ever happen, Sir! What I desire, Sir, is not only secondary, but utterly irrelevant,” she said to me in the same, far away tone she used for her last spiel.

“You truly believe that?”

“Yes, Sir. I am yours, body, soul, mind. I will do anything you desire.”

“Then I want to see how much abuse you can take until you change your mind, whore!” I said, probably with a creepy, sly grin.

“Please do, Sir!” She exclaimed. Her story, sadly, is a different one, for a different time. I will eventually share it, of course. I must share how I turned a perfect angel into a perfect whore.

Written by Callidus
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