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Au Pair (Part 3)

"I would have stayed behind and repped my brand"

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I was still trying to spot the two of them when Kate nudged me with the elbow. “I take dibs on the Blonde,” she said with a voice laden with desire.

The next moment I heard, “JAKE!!!!” and then I caught the flying toddler.

Over her shoulder, my eyes fell on the Au Pair. The impression the on her face seemed surprised but the smile was bright and friendly.

“Hi Gretchen, welcome to Tampa!” I heard Kate say and I was sure the seductive tone was not lost on Gretchen either.

Switching my niece to my left arm, I extended my right hand and got a firm handshake from Gretchen. Firm handshakes have always impressed me and with such people, I got along very well. She had good eye contact and while still smiling, I saw something in the line of confusion in her eyes. Maybe what she heard back in NYC did not balance with the tall guy she extended her hand to. Nevertheless, I was quite impressed with what I saw.

Gretchen was as tall as Kate was, maybe and inch or so taller, with blonde hair that would reach her shoulders if not neatly tucked back with a pair of sunglasses doubling as an Alice band. Her hands were cool and soft and she seemed well groomed. I say seemed, because I dared not look down at that stage to take in the rest of her.

“Good Day, Jake,” she greeted with a strong but feminine voice, slightly accented.

I was glad she could speak a decent form of English and not something that made ‘what’ sounded like ‘vot’. I was impressed and knew I was starting to like her despite my previous impressions of her. My first glimpse and view of her as a ‘lipstick lesbian’ on FB surely correlated with what she presented herself to be.

I later learned that Gretchen got a serious pep talk from Mandy. Gretchen was supposed to be an in-advance peace party but allowing me to fuck her was not part of the treaty. Apparently, Mandy wanted to set things straight with me but did not really know how. Her departure to Japan came as a convenient turn in her planning and her visit later was inevitable.

Collecting their luggage was a breeze, and soon we were out the terminal and on our way to my SUV. On the way out, I allowed her and Kate to walk out ahead of us, just for me to get a good look at her from an angle. Yes, I know… I perved on the lithe figure of Gretchen but then she probably expected it… or was briefed by Mandy.

Kate and Gretchen surely seemed to hit it off quite well, talking animatedly and making plans for the holiday ahead of us all. Lacy was talking non-stop as well, never failing to notice things and asking me about what she observed around the airport. She was especially keen on the clear water of the Gulf, asking when we would be going for a swim. Kids, I thought…

Had Gretchen been more casual in her chosen attire, she would have looked like a typical holidaymaker arriving in Florida. Her white Bermuda shorts contrasted strongly with her already established tan. Look, I am a feet guy who likes nice feet attached to nice chicks and I was eager to be close when she eventually kicked off her moccasins.

The rest was pleasing to the eye. Nice legs, the type you would expect a model from a top magazine to have, extended from her shorts and when she turned sideways, I judged her tits to be a 34C riding high on her chest. Her shoulders seemed a bit broad, probably from working out or perhaps regular swimming.

I smiled inwardly and was envious of Kate, who would probably get very lucky before the weekend was over. In the back of my mind, I was already concocting plans to get closer to Gretchen than her panties.

On the way to the parking lot, I once again replayed the conversation Kate and I had in bed that morning….


We just woke up and I needed to bury my hard rod somewhere. At least Kate woke up, as opposed to me being awake most of the night pondering past events in our relationship. The memories made me hard and Kate’s warm, wet pussy seemed the likely place to bury my hardness. It felt nice being inside her and I commented on that in between soft kisses between her shoulder blades, something I knew had always been a turn on for her.

With a deep sigh and one slight push of her hips, my cock settled against the already moist entrance to her willing snatch. Rubbing backward unto my cock Kate agreed, “Yes, it is nice, very nice.”

Pushing against her warm entrance again, I popped the question. “So... What is the secret you’ve been teasing me with for the past few months?”

She was quiet for a few moments then, “Promise you won’t be angry with me?”

Kissing her between her shoulder blades again, I promised.

“Okay, here goes…” she started, “from the start I have been hiding a few aspects about my life from you.” Pushing slightly inside her as a sign, she continued.

“When we met, I was gay…. like, completely gay.” She hesitated a few moments before she continued. I sensed her tensing up with hesitance and while planting a soft kiss again, I pushed a bit to motivate her.

“When we met, I felt different about my preferred sexuality. You were the first guy I had ever been with and I felt as if I was betraying myself and what I believed in. However, it happened and I really enjoyed being with you. My sexual experience was anyway limited to a few encounters, which also left me tumultuous in the beginning. I mean, it was not that I was completely set in the lifestyle but still I did not have any second thoughts about being gay.”

I remember the days following me using her shamelessly and fucking her toward numerous orgasms; the empty bed I woke up in after we fell asleep in pure exhaustion and her visit again more than a week later. That was the evening she took me to the cleaners regarding my shameless spraying of her insides. My total disregard for even asking if she was on contraception and the scare she got skipping her period.

After listening to her and apologising, I simply said that it was too late to worry anyway and if she was pregnant, we would find out soon enough. I took her down the passage to the master bedroom and she did little to protest her losing her clothes one garment at a time on the way. It was the first time we made love that night, me being very gentle and considerate bearing in mind she might be carrying a young Jake.

That was the first night of many that we would spend in either my or her bed. As it turned out, she was not pregnant but simply miscalculated her time. But that was not the last scare we had and she went on the pill soon afterward.

Kate went on to tell me about a few girl-on-girl encounters she had during college, how it started, the confusion in the beginning and how it developed into her being exclusive about her sexual preference. From there, she accepted she was a lesbian and she never really considered men. In general that was, until we met…

“You see, when Pete told you I was the typical career chick, he was right. However, it also pissed me off that he would share something that had been a bit private to me. Only Nell ever knew about my sexuality. When becoming sexually active, I thought; what was actually the bog deal with sex. My sexuality was decided and there was where I left it…”

I sensed her hesitation and pushed slightly further inside her. Kate was becoming wet rapidly and more than I ever experienced her to be.

“For me,” she continued, “it was a norm that was established and I did nothing much to keep it active. For me, like I said, sex was no big deal and I accepted it. When something happened, I enjoyed it. When it did not, sex was never an issue. But then, when you stuck your cock inside me, I realised I had never really had a proper orgasm. So yes, when we met, I was sexually not as mature as you would expect a chick in her mid twenties to be.”

Kate’s narrative of her sexual experience soon had me harder than rock hard. For both of us, in fact, it seemed the more she told, as well as briefly letting me in on details, the more it progressively escalated the lust levels between us.

I asked her directly when her last time with a woman had been and was shocked when she told me that it had been a mere two days ago. She gave details and admitted, contrary to my opinion, that it was only me playing the field that she had at the time: a variety of female partners sharing her body. Sometimes a one-on-one with a regular partner which she considered as being in a relationship, sometimes they were as many as four playing endlessly through the night.

She even admitted to having regular threesomes with an A-list couple in the hood. Though it was a regular occurrence, she largely added spice to the trio out of a lesbian perspective and never having this guy fuck her.

I envisaged Kate and a young female friend sprawled on her back, legs splayed wide open, Kate leisurely eating away at her slick pussy. In the deep recesses of my mind, it seemed natural and my subconscious accepted the visions.

The vision changed and I pictured Kate and another woman in a 69, moaning and flexing, close to their respective orgasms with the husband drilling the wife and Kate eating her out at the same time. I pictured this guy retreating from his wife and having Kate lick her juices of his cock before inserting it back into her lover’s pussy.

That was it and flexing my hips, I buried the last two inches of my morning wood inside Kate’s rapidly lubricating snatch. At that stage I was so turned on anyway, my cock was starting burn with impending release. Kate was having difficulty talking at that moment and I knew it was going to be a close finish for the two of us. Visualising her on her back with another woman eating her soft, warm snatch (the same snatch I would probably pound senseless not much later) and making her cum was getting to me… fast!

Kate reached back and grabbed what she could of my right buttock, piercing the skin and pushing her cunt firmly over my shaft.

She groaned once and then breathed, “She almost made me cum as hard as you do,” and then I was shooting a boiling breakfast cocktail up her hot, wet cunt.


The SUV’s alarm beeped twice indicating the doors to be open. While I loaded the luggage in the trunk, the ladies chose a seat each, still talking non-stop. Kate settled up front with me and instead of her hand behind my neck as she normally does; her hand found its way to my leg as soon as I settled behind the steering wheel, stroking me firmly with splayed fingers.

While Gretchen ensured that Lacey’s seatbelt was fitted properly and thus not paying attention, Kate whispered to me under her breath, “Fuck, I am soaked.”

I failed to properly hear or understand what she tried to say and frowned at her to which she briefly looked to the back and then whispered again, “I am so fucking wet.” Looking down at the juncture of her legs, I could see the dampness showing in a big moist stain. As a man, I was astonished that one woman could have that effect on another.

Then, what Kate told me that morning made perfectly sense and I wondered how well I captured her sexuality. Far behind in my mind it boggled me as to how I could never pick up any signs of her dual sexuality. It started dawning on me how sexual Kate actually was but I also found it strange as to where she actually got the time to fit in another lover? Only time would tell, if I was entitled to know…

On the way home, I could hide behind my aviators while frequently sassing out Gretchen in the rear view mirror. Of course, I also followed the, by times very interesting, conversation between Kate and Gretchen, adding my own ten cents’ worth every now and then.

Getting home, we spent most of our time settling in my guests and not much happened except Kate being very cosy whenever the opportunity presented itself. This time, she was different…

At times, I watched her in conversation with Gretchen and there seemed to be an air of electrified tension between them. I thought back to what Kate had said to me on the way from the airport and wondered if she was as soaked again. Was the mere closeness and air of extraversion presented by Gretchen overwhelming to Kate? Would they silently wish they could disappear and find a room? I got busy and lost the thread but somehow, something kept nagging.

I cooked a dinner of steaks marinated in Kate’s secret sauce and a good spread of salads. Everybody seemed famished and we enjoyed dinner, Gretchen communicating her compliments afterward. Clearly, she was not used to food into which a lot of passion went.

With the excitement of the day taking its toll, Lacey crashed early and while Gretchen cared for her, Kate and I had some time to reflect before she also returned home. Not much was said but knowing Kate, I knew something had to be up.

While her kisses were passionate, she still seemed different and I wondered what the reason for that was. Asking her, she offered no explanation other than failing to make her usual eye contact. After she left, I wondered if, from that point on, if we would be truly only friends and if we would carry on our relationship as we had for the past three or so years.

There were many confusing aspects to the whole picture and no matter what, I failed to make a deduction that was truly satisfying to my mind. On the other hand, was it really only my mind that needed satisfying? As Kate left, I decided the best place to ponder, was in the pool.


Though Gretchen had a glass of wine during supper, she paid a lot of attention to the various whiskies and other spirits I had at the bar. While inspecting the label of a certain whiskey, I mentioned that she was welcome when she was eventually done with her duties regarding Lacey.

“When you’re eventually off duty, feel free to try it out,” I smiled politely, adding that she should try a particular imported brand. I mentioned that during the few cruises I had with the Navy, one of our ports of call was Edinburgh in Scotland. Being allowed a few days of R&R, me and a couple of mates (Pete included) did a small tour of pubs and distilleries in that area. I came back, hooked and very knowledgeable on Scotch, a fact that I prided myself in for long after.

“Thanks,” she smiled, making deep, lingering eye contact. The smile she gave me said a lot, excitement perhaps, warming up some maybe. I would not know and was not particularly interested in figuring that one out. The smile, however, was not lost on Kate and she gave me a pondering look that could have meant anything.

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That was perhaps the reason for her indifference before she left

I considered the brief conversation and Kate’s reaction to the smile I got while relaxing in the lukewarm water of the pool. It was still early and I had a shot of Jack to keep me company. There was little light, the moon only being in its third quarter somewhere above me.

Perhaps Kate felt threatened by the even younger woman staying in my house. But why did she leave so early and almost abruptly? I would have stuck around and repped my brand. Perhaps something pissed her off and she decided to rather leave? I shook my head and moistened my lips with the liquor. The taste was strong and treating my lips and tip of my tongue with a burning sensation. I was in no mood for the veins of a woman, not for one who was not attached to me in some way or another anyway.

I sensed movement and observed Gretchen as she came into view. She had shed her clothes for something more comfortable and was sporting a multi coloured string bikini, her feet tucked into slops and a towel over her shoulder. A sarong hung about her slim hips but did little to hide her coltish legs. ‘Pity she is lesbian,’ I thought.

“May I join you in there?” she asked, stepping up to the pool and testing the water with her toes. Her toenails were painted the same shade of orange as her fingernails. That, together with her tan, made her look quite hot.

“Sure. By the way, I am having a Jack. Three rocks please? Be my guest with what you want to drink.”

“Thanks,” she smiled, noting my obvious approval of her.

She busied herself at the mini-bar for a few moments and brought my refill as well as a drink for herself. Setting it down on the rim of the pool close to me, she kicked off her shoes and floated around to the steps descending into the pool. Not a single move of hers was lost to my eager eyes and she seemed to enjoy the attention I afforded her.

Settling in next to me, she turned toward me, facing me head-on instead of resting both her arms on the side and talking over her shoulder. Taking a sip of her Jack, she looked at me intently and I sensed a lot of questions looming in her blue eyes. The upside of it was, she was a little more than a mere foot away from me; so close I could almost feel her breath on my wet skin.

She was absolutely beautiful and I faintly sensed her fragrance through the wetness of her skin. Her lips were full, reddish and glossy, as if she went through a bit of trouble to make herself more enticing. Her skin was flawless and her features in prefect balance with each other. Though Kate was a beautiful woman, it had been some time since I have been that close to such a beauty.

We were in such close proximity that my whole being was conscious of her. I could almost feel the blood rushing through her veins. I fought the temptation to draw her close in order to savour the forbidden taste of her lips, to test the warmth of her mouth with my tongue, to simply devour the beauty in front of me. I was getting a hard on and I could do nothing to hide it.

Looking straight at me, she smiled bemusedly. “What’s wrong?” she asked, “you seem like you are spooked.”

Looking away, I searched for words to answer. She had me there and she knew the effect she had on me, being so close to me. I was not sure if she was intentionally doing it but she was seducing my whole being… without lifting so much as a finger. It was confusing, as to me, she was known to be gay and I doubt would be intent on seducing me.

Taking a sip of her drink, she let rip, “Tell me about you and Kate?”

Again, I was at a loss of words and taking my time, I answered her carefully, choosing my words with a lot of forethought. I told her how we met, how long we have been seeing each other, leaving out details of our sexuality. I did however, emphasise the fact that Kate and I were not in a committed relationship and that I was dating other women on and off. She asked questions and I allowed her, answering openly.

Then she hit me with the bomb! “What is your sex life like?” she asked, openly curious but seemingly not probing and genuinely interested. Again I answered, smiling often and us laughing together at silly comments and phrases. I started enjoying a conversation that actually had very little to do with sex and merely about the interaction between two individuals who were very close. Much later on, with Gretchen still standing in the same spot, I realised my hard-on had subsided and I was relaxed and feeling comfortable. We were having a good time…

Then it was my turn to hit a low punch. “So? What do you think of Kate?”

She took hold of her glass with both hands and looked at the brownish fluid for a few seconds. Then she turned only her eyes from beneath her brows. “Sexy….” she said, her “s” sounding almost like a snake hissing.

“Look, she is hot, let’s not argue the fact. She has a sensuality and sexuality about her that would be alluring to men and women alike… There is something about her which I noticed the moment we met this afternoon.”

Looking at me for a few long moments, trying to gauge my possible reaction at anything she might say next, she continued, “I would not mind trying to get closer to her,” looking straight into my eyes. “With your consent of course?” she went on, looking at her Jack again, “Which should be covered as you are seeing other women anyway?”

I just chuckled at her comment and tossed the last of my Jack in the back of my mouth, crunching the remnants of the ice between my teeth with a smile.

I decided to push the boundaries a bit asking, “And me?” looking her straight into her eyes.

She shrugged, “I am gay, and I am exclusive to Mandy for now,” she stated with a dreamy look in her eyes, confirming my deduction while on the phone with Mandy the day before.

I raised an eyebrow and she added that there was not much to tell except that while she is Lacey’s Au Pair, Mandy sometimes needed her in other ways. Her pause after that heeded the warning not to go there… yet.

After a few minutes in which I allowed her to work out her thoughts, she added that her preference came a long way. Although she did have an experience with two guys while still in college.

“...friends of mine back in Stockholm, just before I left there. It was more about them though. One of them just wanted to feel what a woman was like. We played together and some time later, he took my virginity. He fucked me a bit and then turned away and shot his cum down his lover’s throat. The rest of the night I was a hungry spectator.”

“Look, I was mainly unsatisfied but I was like on the edge the whole time they were fucking each other. I did get myself of numerous times and quite strong as well, but I missed that extra something.”

“When I got home that night my housemate got the full brunt of the hungry unsatisfied me. She never expected it,” she laughed, “waking up with me eating her wet pussy as if there was no tomorrow.”

Gretchen was silent for a few moments and I decided to take the pause in our conversation as an opportunity to recharge our glasses. With a fresh Jack o’ the Rocks in each hand, I slipped back into the pool, Gretchen accepting hers when I settled beside her in the water.

Taking a tentative sip, testing the amber liquid with finesse, she looked up at me again.

“I think two men are HOT,” she said, laying extra emphasis on “hot.” She perused me closely for my reaction, then asked, “What do you think of two guys indulging in each other?”

I held her eyes and tried to maintain a poker face as I recalled, while at Top Gun, one night of unbridled wildness between me and my room mate, Brad. Sticking his almost nine inch cock down my throat and force feeding me what felt like gallons of hot cum right after having shafted me with his rock hard cock for more than an hour, making me first spray the bed sheets and then shortly after, while taking me deep-stick, spray my chest with copious volumes of cum.

My breathing came laboured. I look down and I was hard, unbelievably hard, something not unnoticed by Gretchen who just gasped and looked up at me, now red as an over ripe tomato.

“Ohhh, the thought almost made you cum in your pants,” she said softly, reaching down and engulfing my cock in her hand, stroking it through the nylon of my shorts.

Her move had taken me by surprise, me not expecting her to spontaneously reach out and engulf my hardness in her hand. The surprise was almost as powerful as Kate’s grip had been on my cock that morning in bed. I struggled to keep my composure and I knew if she was going to keep her rubbing of my member, I was going to blast it all in my pants like a rogue sixteen year old.

“If you don’t let go I am going to loose myself,” I said with a laboured breath.

She kept stroking me, gauging my reaction by looking directly at me. “C’mon, let it go then. Nothing to be ashamed of, is there? You are one healthy specimen of the male population. Surely you need to get some relief, don’t you?”

She kept stroking through my pants, my resistance levels crumbling in her small but firm fist holding onto me. Suddenly a sly glint washed over her eyes and she moved her left hand to the strings of my shorts.

Holding still momentarily, she pulled the string of my shorts, then moved both her hands to my sides. Grabbing my shorts at my hips she pulled the elastic band down and away before she slipped her right hand inside to remove my cock.

“Whoooaah! What do we have here?” she said surprised, looking down.

Once again grabbing a firm hold of my cock, she resumed stroking and looked down to observe her handiwork. With her left hand, she pushed my shorts down further, her chin dipping slightly into the water. Needless to say, my shorts recognised the slack, and slipped all the way down, pooling on the bottom around my ankles.

Smiling, she said, “That’s more like it,” and continued her stroking with renewed vigour. With her left hand now free, she moved it to my nuts and started massaging the orbs inside with gentle pressure. I felt like I was going to launch off the Cape. Gay or not, she knew exactly how to bring out the worst (or best) in a man. When she spoke, it was with an almost whisper; a low seductive sound came from her lips.

“Think of Kate, standing on her knees, me below her, eating her juicy cunt while you take her deep and slowly from behind. She is almost there, you can feel her contract around your cock, she is about to cum. C’mon, shoot your cum inside her waiting cunt, make her cum when you cum.”

That pushed me over the edge and with a grunt, I shot several huge loads of warm sperm into the space between us.

Afterward it felt like my knees would buckle, my left arm found a place to rest on the side of the pool and my head sagged forward, coming to rest just above her hairline.

I took a few minutes in that pose to recover then straightened and took a huge gulp of my Jack.

Gretchen looked at me, amusement pasted to her face yet not thick enough to hide the slight flush on her cheeks. I silently wondered how hard the whole event was pressuring her carnal instincts.

“Feeling better?” she asked. “That was quite a load you squirted there! Do you always cum that much?”

Taking a slow breath, I answered her. “Yes, quite the norm… I have quite a healthy ability to spray everything white,” I said, slightly annoyed at the whole escapade.

Gretchen just smiled then moved to the shallower end of the pool. She turned and gave me a sultry look, as if to ask me to come along, or what was keeping me. She looked directly at me, watching me move as I treaded through the water.

Once within arms length of her she looked at me, dazed, and slipped her bottoms down her legs. She simply said, “My turn,” and propped her butt on the side of the pool. Letting her left foot dangle inside the water she planted the other on the side, spread her legs wide and slowly moved her right hand down a pair of smoothly shaved lips.

Gretchen beckoned me closer and as I stopped next to her seated form on the side of the pool, my eyes dipped down. Her pussy lips flexed as if blowing me a kiss and almost immediately, a shiny stream of fluid oozed from her lips unto the paving. She was drenched and the look in her eyes almost said she was proud of her ability to flow with such abundance.

Gretchen kept looking at me, her fingertips slowly circling their target, prolonging her own pleasure, luring me into her spell. I simply watched spellbound at the scene in front of me. Her wetness was flowing freely from her snatch and I was almost convinced it was forming a noticeable little pool on the paving but because of the light, I was not sure.

She dipped her middle finger between her lips and her finger came away with a string still connecting it with the source hesitating between her lips. I have never seen any woman being so wet, flowing so freely and abundantly. I craved dipping my tongue between those flooded lips and as if reading my mind, Gretchen dipped her finger back and removed it with a fresh coat of fluid.

“Taste?” she invited, holding out her drenched finger.

Like a puppet, I bent forward and enclosed her finger in my mouth. Her finger was warm; the fluid causing the warmth, slightly salty, syrupy and seemingly clinging to the insides of my mouth. I sucked gently on her finger, cleaning it of all fluid, making sure I get it all as if I would not get the opportunity again.

Before releasing her finger from my mouth, I looked at her squarely. The look I got in return said one thing…LUST!

The look shook me back to my senses. I thought for a few moments of the repercussions should I slip my already hardening cock inside young Gretchen’s flooded cunt. A few thoughts raced through my mind…

By right and by agreement between Kate and me, I could do so. Mentally repeating the similar sentiment by Gretchen not even an hour ago, I decided it would boil down to the same concept.

Another factor, she was also somebody my sister warned me to “hands off” as she was gay, and if anything would happen, could have been be anybody’s guess. But then, this same Gretchen we were talking about, was sitting in front of me, her legs splayed to the east and the west. Her snatch drenched and lust in her eyes!

And Kate did have dibs…

Cutting short a six-month court case between myself and myself, I decided to let it go and see where it would lead. In the end, Gretchen would have the swing vote.

As they say, the one with the pussy is the one that makes the rules….

I hope you’re still with me on this one… Part 4 is on its way… Gallo

Written by Gallo
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