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Titania stood in front of the dresser looking herself over in the mirror.  She had hung up her traveling cloak next to her finer, more exotic one on the wall, and she had untied and slipped off her sandals, carefully tucking them under the bed for the evening.  Now standing barefoot and completely naked, adorned in only her fine jewelry, Titania fluffed up her hair as she posed with her arms up and hands behind her head.  Her bracelets lightly jingled as they bumped against one another while they slid down her upraised forearms.  She made a sultry face as she watched her reflection do the same, before dropping her arms and hair down with a little giggle.

Next, she cupped her mammoth melons and slightly squeezed them together as her nipple jewelry bounced and swayed in response to the sudden movements.  She offered up her fruits to the reflection in the mirror a moment, then turned to one side as she checked out their profile.  With a satisfied nod to herself, Titania released her bosom to let it drop back to its natural position, lightly jiggling as it bounced back.  Her nipple jewelry again shimmered and shook in sparkling motion as they responded to the quick drop.

Backing further away from the dresser, Titania stopped once she could clearly see her hips and loins in the mirror’s reflection.  She took a moment to admire her golden garden chain clamped on either side of her outer labia, and its dangling star sapphire stone waving in front of her garden veil, before turning around completely and bending over a bit.  Looking back over her shoulder at the mirror, the elf inspected her perfect peach bottom.  Reaching back, she firmly gripped her buttocks cheeks, pulling and spreading them apart.  This revealed her immaculate, tight, pink anal sphincter while her lovely second lips glistened along their seam from her clear, sticky, erotic honey.  Her tiny golden chain and star sapphire stone swinging to and fro beneath the sensual, erotic view of her garden mound teased and titillated her fay eyes.  A sly smile of delight crossed her face as she took in her Elven figure and form from this salacious backside view.

“Just as it should be,” Titania thought to herself, as she released her buttocks to bounce and jiggle, snapping back in place while she turned towards the bed.

Just then the door opened and Augustus entered carrying a large metal bowl of water.  The ravishing sight of his wife’s long, golden tresses shimmering and cascading down her bare back all the way to the base of her bottom cheeks greeted his vision as he stepped inside their rented room.  The sensual sight immediately brought a large grin to his face.

“My darling Tits, you’re as beautiful as the day I first laid eyes on you!” he complimented his Elven wife.

Blushing slightly at his adulation, even after their five years of marriage, Tits spun around to face her husband.  Leaning forward, to let her mountainous melons and their attached jewelry swing and sway in full view, she teasingly blew him a kiss.

“My Caesar is such a charmer!” she returned with a seductive wink.

“How can I be anything else with this fay vision before me?” her Caesar flirted as he place the large bowl on the floor next to his wife’s pleasure chest.

Tits, lightly laughing in her melodious way, walked over to wrap her arms around her husband as she embraced him from behind—caressing his crotch.

“You’re entirely overdressed for the occasion, darling,” Tits teased as she laid her head against her Caesar’s armored back.

“Perhaps, you’d like to help undress me?” he teased back.

“My Caesar’s wish must be satisfied,” Tits stated seductively as she circled around to kneel in front of him while she began to unbuckle the leather straps holding his tassets[1] about his loins.

While his wife worked on the armor about his hips, Caesar worked on unbuckling and removing his pauldrons[2].  As the armor was removed, Tits and Caesar placed them gently on the floor next to the bowl.  Next Caesar started to remove his breastplate while Tits unlatched the leather straps holding his cuisse[3] about his thighs, biting the corner of her bottom lip as she did so.

“Heading for dessert, I see,” Caesar taunted his wife.

“Well of course!  When it comes to playtime, this is unquestionably my favorite part of your body!” Tits seductively joked back, giving her husband’s groin a sensual pat as she placed the thigh plates next to the rest of the armor on the floor.  Next, she began to unlatch his greaves, while her Caesar, having placed his breastplate on the floor, now slipped off his mail shirt with much clinking and clanking.

As her husband dropped his removed mail, Tits finished removing his greaves to add them to the pile of armor now lying against the wall.  She then stood up to run her fondling fingers up his chiseled abs, and across his muscled chest as he removed his linen doublet[4].  She looked deep into his eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Mmmmm!  You are a gorgeous piece of work, my dear,” she complimented him as her face hovered seductively close to his.

“I’m an old fossil, that still continues to move,” her Caesar countered as he wrapped his arms around his fay wife’s lithe waist.  “How you ever fell in love with me I’ll never know, but I bless and give thanks every day that you did!”

With that, Caesar crushed and lifted her voluptuous body against his muscled torso as he kissed her long and deep!  Their tongues met inside the hollow of their combined mouths and entwined around each other like amorous lovers in the heat of a passionate embrace.  Tits, now dangling off the ground in her lover’s arms as he groped her bountiful backside with one hand, cooed and hummed contentedly even as her taste buds reveled in her man’s intoxicating kiss!  They held the pose, drinking in each other’s passion until finally want of air forced them to part.

“You wonder why I fell for you after giving me such tender love like this?” Tits teased her husband as he placed her back on the floor.  “Your very touch sends shivers of anticipation up my spine!”  She breathlessly mused as she let her hands glide back down to his waist.  “Now, we need to finish getting you undressed,” she added sensually as her fingers loosened the straps keeping his mail leggings up.

Caesar quickly removed his sabatons[5] sliding them next to the rest of his armor, just before his darling Tits pulled down his mail legging and linen breeches both!  His aroused manhood bouncing up and down from the sudden exposure of its trappings being yanked off, his fay wife bit the corner of her lip as she eyed her vaunted prize!  Encircling the base of his shaft was a golden ring with Elvish runes etched along its circumference.

“Mmmmm!  It makes me happy to see even after all these years you still faithfully wear the ring I gave you on our wedding night,” Tits cooed.

“Of course!” her Caesar returned emphatically.  “Besides, had I removed it, you would only demand I put it on before our evening playtime anyway,” he added with a wink.

Tits laughed mirthfully.  “It’s true!” she acknowledged.  “I wouldn’t let you play with me without putting it on first!”

Using her index finger, she lovingly ran it from the tip of his shaft to the base.  There she let her finger glide around the circumference of the ring, its runes slightly glowing a moment before fading.  “I do so love this sacred sword of yours!” she softly whispered as her finger traced the underside of his manhood back to its head.

Caesar smiled slightly as he felt the momentary light vibration from the ring when it glowed at his wife’s touch.  “You certainly know how to compliment a man,” he stated with pleased satisfaction.

Wrapping her hand around her Caesar’s shaft, Tits stepped in close as she again ran her other hand up his abs till it rested on his chest.

“You have so many complimentary aspects, it’s easy for a girl to find something to comment on,” Tits purred as she looked longingly into her husband’s eyes.  “Come, I want to play!” she whispered seductively.

With that, she grabbed her Caesar’s man sack and gave it a little squeeze as she playfully pushed him back onto the bed!  His feet slipped out of his breeches and mail leggings as he fell backward smiling, to bounce on the mattress, the last of his armor remaining in a discarded heap on the floor.  Tits rolled her hands around as she raised her arms overhead.  For a moment the walls, floor, and roof of the room pulsed a pale blue, then returned to normal color.

“There,” she smiled sensually with a satisfied purr.  “The room has been sealed of all sound, and we can be as loud as we like without fear of disturbing any neighboring guests.”

She eyed her husband seductively, with the same satisfaction of a cat that had cornered a mouse.  Displaying feminine feline grace and poise, Tits slunk to the foot of the bed and climbed on, crawling atop her Caesar—each movement slow and deliberate as her face inched ever closer to his.  Her husband, grinning broadly, merely lay there ogling his wife’s ravishing form as it crept along his body.

When finally their lips hovered intimately close to each other Tits licked the tip of her Caesar’s nose, before purring, “Do you like what you see, darling?”

“You know I do, Tits!” he huskily breathed back.

Giggling, Tits cupped her mountainous melons, squishing them together slightly as she lifted them up.  Their pert peaks flashed before her husband’s view as their attached jewelry bobbed and bounced to the sudden movement, sparkling in the flickering lamplight.

“Here you go!” she cooed while smothering her Caesar’s face in them.

With a contented laugh, he reached up grabbing and groping both of her bountiful breasts.  He began to alternate kissing each luscious nipple with a salivating smile!  To his tantalized taste buds, his wife’s pert peaks had a delicious flavor quite similar to watermelon!

“Mmmm!  Your fanciful fruits…are as tasty…and luscious…as the day…I married you!” Caesar merrily remarked between kisses.

Tits closed her eyes, relishing the worship her darling was lavishing on her pert, sensitive peaks.  A little moan occasionally escaped her mouth as she felt tingling waves radiate across her buxom bosom from each kiss of her husband’s lips.

Oooooo!  You do know how to treat a girl’s girls!” Tits cooed happily.  “Why don—Ahhhhh!

Tits’ comment was interrupted as her Caesar swallowed her left nipple, her dangling jewelry hanging out of his mouth, and began to suck deeply on its aroused pink tip!  She raised her fay head, moaning in pleasure, as her back arched slightly.  Fully reveling in the waves of icy needles that pricked her every pore as they raced across her mammoth melon, the Elven lover panted and whimpered in delighted passion!  She felt her husband’s tongue swirl about her nipple between each strong suck, sending new tingling waves to spiral ever outward!  Involuntarily she reached out her hands to grab his head as she ran her fine, ring-adorned fingers through his graying hair.  With ardent desire, she fervently pressed his lips tighter against her bounteous bosom.

Mmmmm!  Yes!  Oh tease me more, darling!” Tits cooed aloud as she kept her eyes closed and her face raised to the ceiling.  “Suck stronger, dear.  Let me feel your passion!

With a naughty grin, Caesar gently nipped the currently swallowed tip and began to pull it as he sucked harder in lusty zeal!

Oooooo!” Tits squealed slightly as she felt the erotic pull of her clamped nipple being stretched to its limit by her husband’s wanton mouth.  “Yes!  Do that, darling!” Tits breathlessly whimpered passionately.

Still sucking and pulling on his wife’s trapped peak, her Caesar gently pinched the twin tip and began to slightly twist it with his thumb and forefinger.  Tits felt all new prickling pins shoot across her second breast at her husband’s teasing fingers.

Ahhhhh!  You naughty tease, dear!  You know my tips are always so sensitive once I start to get arou—Ahhhhhhn!” Tits comment was again cut short as her Caesar twisted her nipple a touch tighter causing her to moan in titillated erotic pleasure.  Her hands gripped and twisted his hair involuntarily as her moan punctuated her passion.

Releasing his ravishing wife’s magnificent melons, Caesar wrapped his arms around her lithe frame and rolled over, pinning her fay form beneath his muscled body.  For her part, Tits made no effort to resist, merely looking up at her husband through seductive, sapphire eyes as his face hovered above her. He smiled at her as he brought his lips to hers for another deep kiss.  Like fine wine, greedily she drank it in!  Their tongues entwined and frolicked as they fully explored the combined space of their mouths.  When at last they finally parted panting, Tits whimpered in ecstasy as her Caesar began lavishly necking the underside of her jawline.

Mmmmm! My Caesar is a passionate man!” Tits cooed in sensual delight.

“You…bring out…the beast…in me!” he returned between ardent kisses.

“Let it all out, darling!” she returned in heated anticipation.  “I don’t want you withholding anything!” she purred as her ringed fingers sensually glided along his broad back, the precious stones sparkling in the dim light.

Caesar let his torrid stream of kisses wander to the hinge of her jaw and then up to her earlobe where he began to gently tease the largest earring with the tip of his tongue.  This elicited another small whimper from his Elven wife.

“You smell wonderful!” Caesar whispered in her ear between playful flicks of her earring.

“You naughty boy!” Tits cooed.  “You know my ears are particularly sensitive right now!”

“Are they?” he taunted back as he ran his licking tongue along her pointed ear’s bottom ridge—a string of little whimpers escaping her mouth.

Yes!” she managed to hiss between her trembling lips.

A sly grin crossed his mouth a moment before he nipped and began sucking the tip of her ear.

Ooooooo!” Tits moaned as she felt the tingling waves rush down her wet auditory member to scatter across her scalp!  She pressed her hands firmly into the heavy muscles of her lover’s back as she relished the teasing nibble of her ear—panting in pleasure at the titillating sensation.  Slipping a fine, shapely leg out from under her husband, Tits wrapped it around his calf as she let her dainty foot slide up and down in gentle caress.

Caesar paused in his torment of her ear a moment to enjoy the caressing touch of her gliding foot.  “You always know how to make me feel relaxed and wanted,” he whispered in her ear.

“That’s because I do want you!” she cooed back as she ran her hands down his spine to each grab and squeeze a muscled cheek of his glutes.  “I forever want you by my side and between my legs!”  Tits slipped her other leg out to wrap both around his thighs for added emphasis.

Her Caesar rubbed his loins against hers, letting his aroused sacred sword caress and stimulate her lady garden’s bud.

“Oh!” Tit’s chirped in surprise, before purring with satisfaction.  “Mmmmmmm! Will my Caesar ravish me here and now?” she coyly taunted, spreading her legs wide in open invitation to his hard shaft.

In reply, her husband again nipped her ear with a playful little growl.  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he teased her.

“I would!” she purred.

“Which is precisely why I’m not going to give it to you yet!” he returned as he gave her ear a long lick.  A pouting whimper was the only audible reply before Caesar began to march his lips, stringing kisses down her neck as they made their way to her clavicle.

“You churlish imp!” Tit’s cried between passionate pants as she felt her husband’s lips sear her silken skin with each kiss, leaving her tingling nerves to buzz and hum long after they had passed.  She again wrapped her legs seductively about her Caesar’s muscular frame while her hands caressed and pressed him against her naked, jeweled body as though she was trying to meld the two together.

Reaching her collarbone, her lover’s lips strung along it for a moment before descending as they began to make their way toward the nearest mountainous melon.  While his hiking lips left a path of burning witch fire across her silken skin, they lightly hopped over each dazzling necklace as they encountered it.  For her part, Tits merely shifted beneath her Caesar’s large form as she closed her eyes and reveled in his traveling lips.

His wandering mouth didn’t head straight for the tip of her buxom breast, but rather took the longer way.  Slowly it spiraled up as it circled round and round the prodigious peak.  Each kiss sent cool prickling waves back down her bosom.  They passed through the path of witch fire his lips made without extinguishing their searing brand!  Tits whimpered and moaned as she relished each and every sensation her husband’s kisses lavished upon her fay figure.

As his spiraling lips at last crested her taunt tip, his tongue reached out to give it a luscious lick!  Hearing his wife’s happy coo, Caesar’s mouth then pounced and swallowed the nipple whole as he gave in a strong suckling pull!

Ahhhhhhn!” Tits moaned erotically!

A couple more sucks and her Caesar then pulled till the seal of his lips broke with a resounding smack!  Her nipple jewelry quivering and shimmering, her tip snapped back causing her luscious melon to shimmy and shake in sensual display.

“Leaving so soon?” Tits pouted as her husband’s torrent of kisses rapidly descended from her peak.

A brief smile crossed Caesar’s lips, but he made no reply to his wife’s protest as his lips inched ever nearer her navel with each stamping kiss.  Groping her bounteous breasts in each hand, he gave them a slight squeeze as he shifted his position lower down his lover’s fay figure.  For her part, Tits watched her husband’s hiking mouth as it traversed the undulating dunes of her toned abs, ever moving southward.

Mmmmmm!  I see your naughty intentions,” she purred in anticipation.

“Do you?” her Caesar queried as his kisses reached the darling divot that was her sparkling, ring-filled navel.  “Did you expect this?” he taunted as his tongue lifted her belly ring to root and drill her hollow underneath.

Tits erupted into gleeful giggling at her husband’s tickling tongue!  She squirmed and squealed as she vainly sought to stop his teasing torture—all to no avail.  Squishing and squeezing her mammoth bijoux melons, Caesar firmly kept her shoulders pressed against the mattress while his body weight held her hips pinned beneath them.  All the while, the tip of his teasing tongue continued to circle about her tummy pit as it generously filled it with his saliva.

At length, when Tits gasped for air, her Caesar stopped his troubling tickling.  Lifting his head and relaxing his groping grip, he ogled her fine figure—its heaving bosom rapidly trying to replenish its air reserves.

“Such a fuss over a little licking,” he teased his panting wife.

“You…you…tortuous traitor!” Tits gasped between deep breaths.  “You know all my sensitive spots too well!” she chided her lover—though the twinkling in her eyes betrayed her mirthful pleasure.

Letting his hands glide along her sensuous curves, Caesar let his fingertips slide down to his Elven wife’s inner thighs.  Here, they lightly caressed her silken skin as they brushed the outer edge of her vulva.  The sensation sent shivers racing up her spine!

“Traitor, am I?” her Caesar mocked.  “See if you can still call me that when I’m through feasting on you!” he challenged passionately as his lips drew close to her velvet garden veil.

Tits felt the tip of his wet tongue as it licked along the delicate, glistening seam of her lady garden lips—her honey’s sticky strands stretching and covering it thoroughly.  Her nerves tingled to his hot breath as his mouth muscle playfully flicked her golden labia chain a moment as it passed over it, before tauntingly lashing the tiptop folds of her garden gate.  Tits closed her eyes and rolled back her head as she moaned softly in sensual erotic pleasure.  She felt her husband’s fingers gently part her garden veil as his licking tongue swirled round her blooming garden bud—instantly sending electric shocks deep into her aroused nerves and throughout her loins!

Oooooooo!” she moaned again.  “That feels sooo good!” she sighed in satisfaction.

Her Caesar merely let a momentary smile pass across his lips before continuing to feed on his fay wife’s garden fruit and honey.  To his taste, her garden bud had a flavor akin to the finest cherries, while her sticky, clear, honey dazzled his tongue with a peerless flavor so fine he could never get enough!  Though he could think of no analogue to match its flavor, to his mind, the closest comparison was that of the guava juice—so light, sweet, and delicious.  He could spend hours sipping and licking it from her garden canal—just as he had on their wedding night.  As he reveled in her lady garden’s flavors, Caesar began to trace letters across his lover’s now fully blossomed bloom.

Though her eyes remained closed as she reveled in his naughty, flicking tongue, Tits’ mind concentrated on the paths his mouth muscle drew.  She felt her husband’s tongue trace the letter ‘I’, then ‘L’, next ‘O’, followed by ‘V’.  A contented smile appeared on her lips as she decoded the message.

“I love you too, my Caesar!” she ardently cooed between whimpers.

In reply to her open confession of love, her man sealed his lips all around her garden bloom and began to suck on it quite strongly—drawing its tasty flavor forth with each suckle.

Ahhhhhhhn!” Tits moaned loudly as pins and needles shot across her garden mound and deep into her loins, even tingling inside her rectum a bit!

While her passions soared, Tits felt a pressure deep within begin to build.  Reveling in the sensual, erotic sensations her husband’s mouth was heaping upon her, Tits ran both jeweled hands through his hair as she ardently pressed his head firmly against her garden mound—encouraging him to continue his salacious service.  So emboldened, her Caesar used an index finger to hook the sparkling, sapphire chain clamped to her outer labia and began to gently, teasingly tug on it in time with each suck of her flowering floret.

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Ooooooooh!” Tits moaned louder.  She felt heavier waves of searing needles shoot straight into her loins with each tug—stirring the building storm within!

The fay female felt her body growing hotter as her lover’s tongue teased and tortured her imprisoned bloom between each seductive suck.  Icy pricks shot across her searing skin, like thousands of miniature needles, while her garden mound was titillated with each tormenting tug.  Tits’ chin lifted higher, her head now balancing on its crown while her earrings shimmered in the lamplight, as her whimpers and moans grew heavier.  Her back began to arch involuntarily, and her fingers fervently tangled in her husband’s hair, pressing and squeezing, while her toes began to dig and curl into her man’s upper back muscles.

 “Ooooo!  Ahhhh! Nngh!

Tits’ erotic moans grew shorter and faster as she felt her husband’s sucking lips pull her engorged, feminine floret.  Finally, letting the seal of his lips break with another smack, her Caesar let her full bloom slip back as he gave her delicate chain another teasing tug.  Then without warning, he firmly pressed his mouth against her garden canal as he thrust his tongue in deep!

Ahhhhahhahh!” his fay wife cried in erotic response.

Without letting up, Caesar’s tongue scoured the warm, wet, ridged walls of her garden passage.  His taste buds relished the succulent endless flavor of her canal’s copious honey.  While his tongue played within her fertile garden, he continued to tug on her labia chain with one hand as the other began to lightly brush her flush floret with its thumb.  This triple stimulation sent chills up Tits’ spine, while endless stabbing pins, like marching ants, bounced and ricocheted across her garden mound.  Each tug sent sharp jolts deep into her core where it stirred the growing pressure into a veritable maelstrom!

Involuntarily Tits released and gripped her husband’s graying locks in quick, tight fists as she continued to press his face into her now very wet, highly stimulated garden—all the while reveling in every titillating tingle he wrought upon her!  The balls of her feet firmly planted on each shoulder blade, the aroused elf let them pull and press his muscles as her toes curled and gripped the tough skin—creating little dimples as they kneaded them roundly.

Feeling his fay wife’s frantic fingers and toes, her Caesar knew she was getting close to climax.  While his hands worked her outer mound and blossomed bloom, his tongue began to thrust deep into her quivering canal, only to retract in a curling motion that ran the tip along her ridged lining.

Her skin a molten surface of nerves and sensations, Tits’ moans now grew more labored and longer.  Still tilted all the way back, her head rocked side-to-side while her eyes stayed tightly shut.  Her mountainous, heaving bosom bounced and jiggled as her taut, aroused tips swung their sparkling ornaments about in dazzling erotic display!  Her spine arched like a bow, her rolling abs swelled and ebbed to her heavy labored breathing. Her hips writhed beneath the weight of her husband’s feasting head.  Then suddenly Tits when completely stiff!  Her fingers and toes gripped her lover’s hair and muscled back fiercely as the broiling hurricane inside her broke past her willpower and burst forth to violently shake and shudder her very core!

OOOOOH!” she moaned long and loud, while her hips, loins, thighs, abs, and breasts all quivered and shuddered in heavy waves of orgasmic pleasure.

Her Caesar’s mouth rapidly filled as fresh honey gushed and leaked from her garden passage, covering his tongue in the torrential, sticky flood.  Releasing his hold on her intimate ornament chain and engorged bloom, Caesar wrapped his arms under Tits’ spasming backside to clamp his hands down on her hips.  Locking them in place, he feasted on his favored dessert as it copiously flowed fresh from its source.

While her husband lapped up his sweet, sticky treat, Tits’ quivering slowly subsided, and her arched back relaxed as it returned to lie across the bed sheets.  By the time she opened her eyes to stare seductively at her Caesar, he had already licked her garden floor clean of all the excess honey that had leaked from her secret passage.

Mmmmmm! That was good, darling.  Very good!” Tits cooed as she lovingly looked upon her lover through half-closed eyelids.

“Am I still a traitor?” her Caesar teased back.

Tits giggled a moment before answering.  “No, dear.  No traitor could feast on my garden so well, nor revel in its flowing honey as you just did.”  Then with a smirk she added, “I trust you enjoyed your sweet treat?”

Caesar laughed.  “You know I did!  Ever since you bound us together on our wedding night, there is no feast I would rather taste!”  He ran his fingers lightly along her inner thighs, around her vulva, and up its mound to lightly tease her still flush floret.  “Truly your intimate garden is my favorite dessert!”

Involuntarily blushing slightly, Tits smiled in pleased satisfaction at her husband’s words.  “Of course it is, darling.  Such is the power of the bond.  Though I’ll not deny that I do so love to hear you say so!”

Wordlessly Caesar slipped back off the foot of the bed, stood up, and walked over to the dresser.  Tits rose up onto her elbows to watch her man with curiosity.

“What is my Caesar planning now?” she asked in a sultry voice.

Her husband merely smiled as he opened one of the jewelry boxes on top of the dresser and pulled out a simple, broad, golden ring, which he placed on the third finger of his left hand.

“Only that now would be a good time to wear my wedding ring,” he stated as he climbed back onto the bed.  He nestled down next to his Elven wife, who rolled to face him as she draped an arm across his muscular chest.

“You always wear the ring that matters,” Tits giggled as she raised one of her fingers.  The runes on her Caesar’s cock ring began to glow as it contracted and vibrated, eliciting a slight groan from her lover’s lips.  “This is your true wedding band in my eyes!” Tits ardently whispered as she rested her head on her man’s shoulder.  Relaxing her upraised finger, the glow from the glyphs faded as the cock ring relaxed and stood still once more.  “The ring on your finger was merely a formal convention for the wedding ceremony,” she continued.  “I know in combat wearing such could be dangerous.  Therefore, I made sure to present you with a ring that you could faithfully wear without fear of snagging it in battle.”

She smiled as she let her resting hand glide down along her husband’s ripped body to wrap and encircle his hard, aroused shaft.  Rolling to let a mammoth melon squash against her Caesar’s chiseled chest, Tits leaned over for a kiss.  Her lover needed no second invitation and eagerly met her lips with his, even as her fondling hand seductively slid up and down his hard, aroused sacred sword.

Caesar reached over to gently caress his fay wife’s soft, silken skin, letting his hand drift down to her bounteous buttocks as they shared their long, intimate kiss.  Reveling in her luxurious posterior, Tits’ husband kneaded her round cheek enjoying the squishy, bouncy sensation.  Abruptly their lips parted as Tits giggled and placed her ringed fingers atop her husband’s as he teased her beautiful backside.

“Dear!  Do you want to play with my bottom that much?” she laughed as she intertwined her fingers between his fondling digits.

“Actually, I would,” her Caesar returned huskily.  “Would my darling Tits roll over and let me have full access to her wondrous, round derriere?”

With another small lyrical laugh, Tits rolled to face away from her husband.  “My Caesar’s wish must be satisfied,” she teased as she cast a smoldering look over her shoulder at her lover.

Caesar scooted in close to his Elven wife, lying on his side in the same fashion as she was doing.  Then he slipped his supporting arm under his lover’s fay figure, to grope and fondle her buxom bosom.  At the same time, his top hand again grabbed and groped her perfect, peach bottom—teasingly pulling and spreading it as his kneading fingers reveled in its curvaceous splendor.

Mmmmmmm!” Tits purred between giggles.  “Will tonight be the evening my Caesar finally boldly explores my back passage?” she half taunted, half invited her husband.

“No.  I don’t think so,” he replied as he pressed his lips to her luxuriously decorated neck. He began to string a slow stream of kisses along its elegant length.  His kneading, groping hand cupped her round rump cheek, and slowly glided along its curve to slip underneath between her legs.  “I do think I shall go spelunking in your carnal canal now,” he whispered as he raised her top thigh, spreading wide her shapely Elven legs.

Finally!” Tits cooed.  “Pierce me with your sacred sword, and thoroughly penetrate my innermost depths!”  She licked her lips in anticipation of his first impaling thrust, as her bottom hand gripped the bedsheets tight.

Her Caesar began to rub his hard, manly shaft against the seam of her wet, velvet garden veil.  His wife’s honey, still slowly seeping, eagerly began to cover and coat the rubbing sacred sword.  The tip of his meaty member, slipping under Tits’ labia chain, caressed her flush garden bloom.

Oooooo!” Tits sighed in satisfaction as the sensual touch sent tingling waves through her aroused floret and deep into her loins.  “You are such a naughty tease!

“That’s because you’re so delectable,” Caesar whispered in her ear as he nibbled its bottom ridge.  “I can’t help but want to tease and feast on you all the time!”

Ahh~” Tits whimpered softly at her husband’s little nip.  “That sounds wonderful, dear!  Perhaps when we get back home,” Tits erotically mused.

Then without warning, her Caesar pulled back his scared sword, parted her intimate Elven lips, and thrust his shaft straight into her hot, wet, garden passage all the way to his manly pearls!

Ahhhhhhhh!” Tits moaned loudly as she felt her favorite member enter and fill her deepest parts.

Nngh! You are so gloriously tight!” her husband exclaimed in heated arousal.  “No matter how many times I have you, this fay canal of yours remains as inviting and snug as our first night together!”

Tits reached back to wrap her top arm around her lover’s neck as she closed her eyes concentrating on the titillating feeling of having her intimate passage stretched and shaped around his entombed meat sword.  Swooning in aroused delight at tingling waves radiating around and deep into her garden canal, she flexed her pelvic muscles to further squeeze her welcomed penetrating partner.

Mmmmmmm! I’m sooo happy you enjoy invading my garden, dear,” she purred.  “I absolutely can’t get enough of this feeling!”  Opening her eyes she gave her loving husband a seductive side glance as she relaxed her muscles.  “Go on.  Shape and pound me properly!  Make my feminine body submit to your glorious sacred sword!  I want to feel it throbbing and stabbing inside me!”

“As you wish, my love!” her Caesar whispered letting his lips wander back down to his fay wife’s elegant neck.  Retracting his manly member most of the way, Tits’ lover began to thrust in and out of her using long, slow strokes.

Ooooooh!” Tits exclaimed in sensual arousal as she felt her garden passage collapse and expand in rhythm to her husband’s stabbing sacred sword.  “Ahh~ Uhh~ Mmm!” she moaned and cooed with each successive drive.

While Caesar continued to gently kiss and worship his wife’s fine neck, he slowly increased the tempo of his ardent thrusting.  He felt the tingling waves shimmer down his shaft as it slid back and forth along the wet, ridged walls of his Elven lover’s hot, secret passage.  He heard her erotic moans punctuate each stab as he buried his mighty sword in her, all the way to his manly pearls.  He watched as her top bounteous breast hypnotically jiggled and bounced, while his groping fingers relished in the sensations of feeling the mammoth twin fold around them as they squeezed and fondled it.

Oooooooo!” Tits moaned as her husband kneaded her mountainous melon.  “Yes!  Ahh~ That’s it!  Ohhh~ Give it to me!  Mmm~ I love it!” she fervently exclaimed between erotic whimpers.

“My darling Tits, your carnal canal is so greedy!” her Caesar teased his lover between kisses.

“It can’t…Oooo~…be helped!  Ahhhn!” she replied in pleasured moans.  “I want it! Mmmmm!  I want it bad! Oooh!

A faint smile played across Caesar’s lips as his thrusting sword increased its tempo further again!  He nipped his wife’s pointed ear as her moans increased with the slapping tempo of his loins against her silken, bouncing bottom.  Her sticky honey spurted and squelched out as his scared sword repeatedly thrust deep within her garden passage.  Tits gripped the bedsheets tighter as she again felt a storm begin to brew deep within.  Her hot, lubricated canal occasionally spasming as it was passionately pounded and shaped by her husband’s meaty member, the fay wife closed her eyes to revel in the waves of hot fervor that washed over her whole body.

Suddenly the nerves in Tits’ deep erogenous zone lit on fire as her husband’s ambrosia, the precursor to his coming nectar, leaked out of his shaft to mix with her profuse honey.  Smiling wide, the fay lover enjoyed the extremely heightened sensations as the mingling lubricants produced a powerful aphrodisiac[6] for the couple.

Ahhhhhh!” she cooed in enraptured delight.  “Now comes the ultimate pleasure!” she sighed in ecstasy.

Her Caesar felt his mighty shaft grow super sensitive as its nerve endings all tingled and hummed from the mixed aphrodisiac spreading and coating across its turgid length even as he pierced his Elven wife over and over.  His man sack tightened, raising his family jewels as they prepared for the forthcoming sticky finish.  They began to feel weighty and he felt a growing pressure building within his loins.

Spurred on by these sensations, Caesar began to change up the rhythm of his fervent thrusting.  Instead of monotonously hammering away at his lover’s hot, wet passage, he would perform several rapid thrusts in quick succession, only to slow down for a few.  Really savoring the feeling of sliding along her ridged walls as he nearly withdrew his full shaft, only to fiercely thrust it in again up to his man sack!

“Oh!” Tits chirped in surprise at the first deep thrust after having it slowly withdrawn.  “Mmmmmm!  You’re teasing me, darling,” she cooed as she felt her favorite manly meat slowly draw back.  “Don’t you dare stop now!”

“I have no intention of stopping,” her Caesar mused between kisses of her fay neck.  To emphasize his point, he began another round of fast, hard thrusts.

Ahhh!  Ooooo!  Nya!” Tits whimpered and moaned to each rapid stab of her intimate canal.

“Now to finish you off completely!” her manly lover whispered.

With that, he again began to ardently thrust as fast and deep as his sacred sword would reach!  Tits’ moans acted as audible accents to the now heavy slapping of her bottom against his loins, while her honey continued to freely leak out with each stab of his sword!

Caesar felt the pressure in his loins rapidly growing as he zealously pierced and penetrated his lover as fast and fervently as he could!  He grit his teeth, trying to fight back the growing force that welled up within.  He wanted to stay firm and hard for his fay wife till she crested her own maximum pleasure.  However, his mighty loins were rapidly reaching their limit as his sacred sword began to quiver and throb!

Tits whimpered as she reveled in the endless waves of passion and pleasure that radiated from her pounded passage and suffused throughout her loins.  Her inner storm was whipped and stirred to massive proportions as it began to threaten to burst through her willpower!  Her skin felt like living magma as icy waves of pricking pins marched across her skin like an endless army of ants.  Amidst these endless sensations, she immediately felt the throbbing of her lover’s manly member!

“No!  Ahn!  Not yet!  Ooooo!  I still want more!  Ahh!” She gasped between moans.

Trying to provide his wife with her feminine desires, her Caesar again switched tempo, now using long, full thrusts of his shaft as he vainly tried to hold back the relentless pressure in his manly pearls.

“I-I can’t…hold…out…m-much more!” he returned with a strained voice as he valiantly fought against his mounting release.

He accidentally retracted his shaft completely just as the relentless pressure burst through his spent willpower.  Forcefully his sacred sword throbbed and squirted a shot of his nectar, spraying across Tits’ toned abs to spatter on the side of her top bountiful breast!

“Oops!” Tits giggled, as she released and lifted her index finger from the bedsheets.

Instantly the runes on the ring around her Caesar’s shaft glowed brightly, contracting and vibrating as it cut off the stream of his man milk.

“Nngh!” her husband groaned as the deep pressure instantly returned due to the stopped flow.  With fervent desire, he again parted his fay wife’s velvet veil and thrust full into her waiting, wanton passage!  Now aided in holding back the relentless geyser of pressure, Caesar thrust away at max speed—pounding and pummeling his wife’s garden canal.

Ahhh~ Ahhh~ Ahhhn~  Ohhhhhh!” Tits moaned in rapid succession as she again was pleasured soundly in fast, frenetic passion.

As the spray of man milk dripped and spread across her abs and breast, the aroused elf’s moans grew ever louder and longer.  Her Caesar groped and squeezed her lower breast, while he gripped her upheld thigh.  Together they formed anchors as he thrust and drove with all the fast, fierce, ardent passion he could muster!

Electricity seemed to shoot deep into Tits’ womb with every stab of her husband’s shaft!  Each new jolt tumultuously stirred and strengthened the maelstrom brewing and broiling inside her.  Her whole body bounced and jiggled to each pummel of her carnal canal, while her sparkling erotic jewelry shimmered and swayed with each throbbing thrust!  Closing her eyes, the erotic elf maiden let herself go in the endless sea of pleasure, moaning wildly at each penetrating stab!

Ahh~ Ahhhhh~ Ahn~ Ahhhhhh!  Ahhhhhhhahhhahhhahhh!

A final thrust burst past the last of her willpower, piercing the barrier holding her maelstrom back!  Screaming loudly, Tits felt it gush forth like a Tsunami, washing over her entire body as it finally quelled the searing heat of her aroused skin.  Cheeks flush, Tits’ open mouth smiled in sensual satisfaction as her whole body quivered and shook from the involuntary waves of orgasmic pleasure that wracked her frame!  Her uplifted finger dropped as she relished the sublime sensation.

As her finger relaxed, the constricting, vibrating ring around the base of her Caesar’s sacred sword stopped and expanded while the glow from the runes faded.  Instantly his mighty member spewed forth his hot, viscid nectar as it profusely painted her inner walls and filled her womb!  With each pump of his meaty sword, another spray of his man milk squirted into the intimate canal, till at last, it overflowed.  Closing his eyes, Caesar pressed his lips softly against his wife’s fine, fay neck while he felt streams of his nectar drip down his entombed shaft to flow out across his wife’s outer garden and collect on her lower thigh.

As his sacred sword dripped and dribbled to its conclusion, Caesar kept it deep inside Tits as the two savored and relished the moment of their combined climax.  Once again they had consummated their marriage, the couple reveling in the joy and bliss of becoming one.

Finally, his shaft now quite soft, Caesar released his wife’s mountainous melon as he slipped his arm out from under her.  “I love you!” he ardently whispered in her ear before slipping back as he sat up.

“Mmmmmm!”  Tits hummed as she rolled onto her back.  “And I adore you, darling!” she replied.

Using her fingers, she wiped off the warm, man milk that had pooled and collected on her leg and covered her lady garden mound.  Her dirty fingers then deposited the viscid seed onto her extended tongue as she eagerly savored and swallowed her man’s generous cream.  “Ahhh!  That’s good!” she cooed as it went down.

“You always say that dear,” her Caesar remarked as he slipped off the bed and stood up.

“Uh, uh, uh!” his Elven lover softly chided.  “You know the rule.  Get that soiled sword back here so I can properly clean and polish it!”  she lovingly scolded her husband.

Smiling, her Caesar turned around to climb back onto the bed, crawling over till he teasingly placed his soiled shaft across Tits’ buxom bosom.

“Here’s my weapon ready for cleaning,” he saluted her with a grin.

Giggling softly as she picked it up, Tits returned, “That’s better.  Also, of course I say the same thing every time.  You know it’s my favorite dessert!”  With that she promptly swallowed his flaccid member whole and, like a caring mother cat, began to fastidiously lick and suck all the manly milk off it as she cleaned and polished it with her mouth and tongue.

“Mmmmm!” she purred as her taste buds reveled in their favorite flavor.

Soon her Caesar’s sword slipped out of her lips with a satisfying smack.  Glistening from every pore in a coat of her saliva, it was sparkling clean in the dim lamplight.

“Ahhh!” she sighed contentedly.  “Now I must wait till your glorious sword can rise again for my full dessert,” she wistfully pouted as she began to clean her breasts and abs in much the same fashion as she had her intimate garden.

“Tis true that you must wait for it to return in ardor,” her Caesar replied as he walked over to his wife’s pleasure chest.  “However, you need not lay idly about while waiting for its revival.”  He motioned to the large ornate chest.  “Would you be so kind as to unlock it for me?”

[1] Hanging segmented armor pieces worn on the hips.

[2] The technical term for armored shoulder plates.

[3] The technical term for a knight’s thigh plates.

[4] The padded jacket worn under armor to soften blows.

[5] The armored footwear worn as a companion with a knight’s greaves.

[6] See Appendix A for more information.

Written by TheElvenChronicler
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