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Author's Notes

"The 6th story in Nicola and Dave's journey and it's time for the tables to turn."

When Olivia walked in and dropped onto the sofa next to me, we started the film. The distributors’ logos had not finished rolling when she reached into the bowl of popcorn for a second handful. I already had my arm around Nicola and then Olivia pulled my other arm around her and rested her head on my shoulder.

“What am I a bleeding leaning post?”

“Hush old man!” Nicola said and fed me some popcorn.

Olivia chuckled at that until I dug a finger in her ribs.


“You’re supposed to be on my side. It’s in the job description of Daddy’s little girl.”

Nicola looked around me and said, “Don’t worry, Liv, between us, we can wrap him around all our little fingers.”

“Do you remember our first trip to France together?” I asked Nicola.

“Oh, yes, Sweetie, very clearly,” she paused and just for a second, her face changed. “Do you?”

“Guys, before I’m sick in the popcorn, can we watch the film?” Olivia said.

Both my girls snuggled in a little tighter and my reward for holding them tight was being fed by both throughout the film. I’m not convinced I got my fair share.

When the film was over Olivia kissed us both goodnight and went up to bed. Nicola pushed me down and we lay together enjoying each other for a couple more hours. After a bit of channel surfing, we ended up watching the 1971 film, Le Mans.

“Fun times,” I said.

“Indeed. Now be good and hold me.”


When we got to the bedroom, we both headed to the bathroom, after washing again and cleaning our teeth, Nicola grabbed a bag and locked herself in the bathroom once more. I smiled when the door opened and her head popped around the crack.

“Don’t get your hopes up! And get ready, the day’s a-wasting.”

It was simple for me, shorts, a t-shirt and sandals. When I was done, I put our beach towels in a bag with some sun cream. Next was grabbing a few bottles of water that we had put into the fridge from the car. It was then I heard Nicola coming downstairs, she had her gladiator sandals on and I followed her legs up to about mid-thigh. Here the bottom of the plain, simple poncho she was wearing, started. This was all topped off with a wide-brimmed hat, reminiscent of the fifties.

“Just two things, Sweetie.”


“Close your mouth, you’re starting to drool.”

“Yeah, but you can’t see what I can,” I replied and earned myself a kiss on the cheek.

“Have you got a hat too?”

“Ah… be right back.”

I retrieved my car keys from the safe and got a bag out of the boot. It was where I had stashed my Le Mans memorabilia, which had a sun hat in. It reminded me of something you might see worn in the bush in Africa or Australia.

We followed a similar route to the previous night and when the owner of the restaurant saw us, he waved.

“Bonjour,” he called.

When we got to the spot we chose on the beach, I dug a small hole and buried the bag with my wallet and the door key. I lay our towels over this and after taking off my sandals and top, I started to apply some cream to my legs and front.

“Flies, Dave.”

I sniggered as I realised I was staring, open-mouthed, at Nicola. In my defence, she had peeled off her poncho and was wearing a white bikini with black strings and trim. The top was a halter neck and when she turned around, I saw that the bottoms were only a little larger than a thong at the back. I was relieved that I had worn loose shorts.

Nicola set about slathering herself with the best cream she could find. My issues were not helped by watching her rub the cream into every nook and cranny she could reach. Lifting one boob and then the other and getting in deep underneath followed by going into her cleavage and under the edges of her bikini.

“I can…” I started.

“Hmm, I bet you would,” she chuckled. “What you can do for me, is my back. Please, kissy kissy!”

I was generous with the amount I put on. Starting with her shoulders, I worked down her back. When I got to the straps across her back, she asked me to undo them.

“Cheeky,” she giggled when my fingers brushed over the sides of her boobs.

Having thoroughly covered her back and sides, I also went under the edge of her bikini at the bottom. I did not do her bum and moved to her feet.

Nicola’s first comment was, “Don’t you think my bum is red enough from earlier?”

“Oh, I’ll get there, don’t you fret.”

“Good slave,” she laughed as she said it. When I put my hands on the back of her ankles, she said, “And you know what to do while you’re there.

“Oh, yes, Miss, my Goddess…”

As I chuckled, I picked up each foot and planted a kiss on the soul of both and then had to spit out some sand that had got in my mouth. This started us both laughing. Nicola allowed me to work my way up her legs with little in the way of further interruptions, though she sighed quietly when I got to the top of her thighs. After kneading her buttocks and making sure that I would be the only one making them red, I bent over and kissed each cheek.

“There, done.”

“Your turn,” she said and promptly straddled me and covered my back and legs.

Nicola did not kiss either my feet or my bum, but I was never going to argue with her sitting on me. By the time she had finished, I do not think I had enough blood in my brain to put up any valid arguments, especially against my learned girlfriend.

We spent the next couple of hours watching what was going on around us. Like a pair of old neighbours leaning on the garden fence, we gossiped and had quiet jokes just for us. We saw people of all shapes and sizes in all styles of swimming costume.

When compared with what I had experienced previously, this made the British beaches feel positively Victorian. It had been nearly twenty years since the famous opening of the naturist section on Brighton beach and still, attitudes had not changed much. In that respect, Nicola had been far less sheltered than me as she had been on holidays to the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and North America.

We also read a little and spent some time swimming and playing in the water. In the early afternoon, we gathered our belongings and crossed to the restaurant from the previous night and had lunch. After eating, we took a walk into the town and looked at some of the shops and bought some supplies for dinner that night.

After dinner, we took a walk to the road bridge over to the Ile De Ré, which we planned to visit before returning home. Before going to bed, we showered and carefully washed each other down. Sometimes it needed more than two hands and we would have to resort to using our mouths as well. We slid, naked, under the sheets together and made love gently. When we had finished and come down, Nicola rolled onto her side and patted her hip.

“Hold me, Sweetie.”

I moved over to cuddle up behind her and… “Eww!”

Nicola's shoulders shuddered as she tried to be as quiet as possible while she laughed.

“One of my friends explained something about men and wet patches. I told them you weren’t like other men and would be a proper gent. I wasn’t wrong, was I?”

It wasn’t just wet, it was cooling rapidly, but wanting to give her ammunition to take back to her friends, I put up with it and snuggled up behind her.

“Good b…, I’m glad I was right.”

“Hmm. So, what else has your friend been explaining to you?”

“All in good time, Sweetie, all in good time.”

Nicola turned her head back and I gave her a last kiss before we drifted off.

“Morning, Sweetie.”

Something felt so good, but also something was very wrong. It felt like Nicola was stroking my cock, which felt so good. When I tried to move, I opened my eyes and discovered what was wrong. I tugged a bit and confirmed that my hands were firmly tied around the bedstead with what looked like a stocking. I lifted my head and looked at Nicola.

She was sitting, naked on the edge of the bed. One foot was on the floor and a knee up on the bed. Her fingers were playing lazily over my cock and balls and she had already got a rise out of me.

“Ah, there he is!”

“Good morning, I hope.”

I laughed and Nicola flicked the end of my dick.


“Okay, first, let’s establish some rules. Remember when you spoke about punishments and misdemeanours yesterday?”

“Yeeesss…” I replied and wondered where Nicola was going with this.

“And something happened.” I nodded. “In happening, that something caused this to happen.” Nicola dramatically waved her hands over me and laughed.

“Damn! I think I woke two monsters up in you. A sex fiend and a nerd. How does that work?”

I was about to laugh but noticed Nicola curling her fingers dangerously over my dick, getting ready to flick. When I did not laugh, Nicola did.

“You learn quickly,” she said with a smile. “Now rules. We’ll use time-out again if you want to stop.” She was stroking my cock again.

“If I suggest something, you will agree, enthusiastically. Any misdemeanours will be treated appropriately. Okay?”

Nicola had laced a couple of words with very obvious sarcasm. I could also see that she was struggling to keep a straight face. I could empathise with that, as the previous morning, I had the hardest time not laughing my arse off.

“Time out?” I asked.

Nicola immediately looked concerned, sad and upset all at the same time. She softly put a hand on my belly before she spoke.

“I’m sorry… I thought, well, that it’s only fair, you know with yesterday and… Look, if we’re going to carry on playing, we’ll have to talk more.”

As soon as she finished, Nicola stood up and reached for the tie.

“Hey! I thought you were in charge?”


“Well, stay in charge. All I called the time-out for was to ask for a little clarification on where this all came from.”

Nicola laughed, “I’m worse at this than you.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, but yes, yes, you are.”

Nicola dragged a nail over my dick again and smiled when it twitched.

“Remember, I'm in charge. Any more sarcasm and I will punish you. Understood?"

“Yes, Miss.”

“Good. Now, where did this come from? I was chatting with one of my friends, Steph?" I nodded to confirm I remembered her. "She was telling me about her now, ex-boyfriend trying to get all... Domly, she called it and well, we had a bottle of wine on the go. I may have mentioned some of the things you have said from time to time.

“So, Steph said her ex tried things like telling her to kneel and crap like that. From what she said, it was on a different level to what you've done. Well, one morning she woke him up with a blow-job but stopped when he was awake.

“Like you, he found out he was tied up by his hands. Unlike you, he kicked off. He called her all sorts of names and threatened her and all sorts, even after she said she was sorry. His problems started when he said what he would do when he got free. Steph just got dressed and called his sister to explain. After that, he threatened her, but some of our friends stepped in. He tried begging and eventually even apologised, but Steph had made her mind up.

“Anyway, she suggested I do the same to you if you tried it on me. I hoped and thought you would play along. I knew you wouldn’t be a complete cunt like her ex. After yesterday, I must say I was a bit pissed when I thought you weren’t going to play. I have always thought our games and experiments were something we do together.”

All through this Nicola had been stroking my cock lazily. No matter how much it twitched and jumped both involuntarily and with a clench of my bum, she did not increase the intensity.

“So, after yesterday, here we are. Okay?”

She gave me a pat when she finished. I nodded in agreement.

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“No, I want you to be a good boy...friend…"

She started to laugh and rested her head on my chest.

“Sorry, Sweetie, it’s hard to take this seriously. I wanted to laugh yesterday when you were spanking me. Oh, it turned me on and the fucking on the table was so hot. The trouble is we do everything together. You have always guided me as an equal, right from the beginning.”

“Try and think of it as acting, like when you did drama at school. Hell, if you become a barrister, you’re going to have to perform in court, think of it as practise for that.”

This got her giggling and then she stopped, sat up and her face was perfectly straight. She stood up and started pacing back and forth. I just lay there and admired her, not just how beautiful she was but also her poise, how she moved with such ease despite being naked.

“I’m a very lucky man,” I said.

“Thank you,” she replied with a nod of her head. “But the defendant will remain silent!” This time without a hint of mirth.

Nicola went over to her bag and retrieved something. When she stood upright again and turned toward me, I could see she had a pair of knickers in her hand. She came back to the bed and lay them over my nose and mouth.

“As you can see, the defendant needs gagging. He is guilty of pride. Pride at not only what a wonderful girlfriend he has, but he has no shame in his nakedness and,” she showed me her hairbrush that she had picked up when getting her knickers and patted my cock, “seems to think that standing proud is acceptable.

“I certainly am open to negotiation…” I said, though was muffled a little by her knickers.

Nicola picked up the knickers and put them into my hands. “For your collection,” she said.

Then she got onto the bed and sat with a knee on either side of me, facing my feet and then shuffled backwards. She jumped a little when her bum touched my chin and lifted her hips a little. She was being very careful, touching her pussy on my face then lifting up; using me to tease herself.

She was pushing my cock forward so that it was pointing up and using her brush to softly rub up and down. When I lifted my head and licked her pussy I was rewarded with a sigh of approval.

“Good boyfriend, keep that up and we might commute some of your sentence.”

I was happy to continue, my only concern was if my neck would hold out. It was interesting only having my mouth to try and manipulate Nicola. I ran my tongue over the sides of her lips and then down between them, pushing hard. When I was at one end or the other, I would swirl my tongue, which drew more noises from her. I tried pushing my tongue deeper and proved Newton correct, Nicola pushed down on me.

At one point she lowered herself onto me and started to grind onto my mouth. I pushed my head up, trying to push my nose between her cheeks. If I had been Pinocchio, I would have lied my arse off at that point. The thought did make me chuckle, which brought the wrath of Nicola down on me.

She pushed down hard on my face making it hard to breathe. Then there was a single stroke with the brush, slowly but with increased pressure. The shock made me suck in, hard. This tipped Nicola over, I could tell she was sitting up more, pushing down even harder. Her hands were on my chest and her knees were gripping hard into my sides. As her fingers dug into my chest, I felt her shuddering at every point she was touching me. When this passed, she lifted her hips just a little.

“Oh, yes, that was nice. You may clean me now.”

Nicola was wet, very wet. I had felt her juices running over my face when she came and could see droplets hanging from her pussy. I did not hesitate and set to work. This was different than before, lapping at her and around her, not focusing on any area or trying to tease anything out of her. When I got near her clit, I did notice that she jumped a little.

“If you carry on like that, I might just keep you,” she said. “Now for my main course.”

She climbed off me and kneeled at my side. Nothing was said, she just looked into my eyes and dragged a couple of fingers up and down my chest for a while. It could have been a second or an hour. Time looking into Nicola’s eyes like this meant nothing. We often spent time, in silence, touching and stroking but not watching what we were doing. We would hold each other’s gaze and just let our hands roam where they went. Our only purpose in these moments was being connected.

I think she was nervous too as she seemed to be studying me and how she swallowed before she spoke.

“I’m calling a quick time-out. Is everything okay?”

“Perfectly,” I replied and smiled at her.

“Good boyfriend.”

“You know, within this, I wouldn't mind if you said, good boy."

Nicola smiled and said, “I’m just nervous about how far to push things.”

“I know, trust me, I do understand. I’ve got my time-out and I’m not afraid to use it.”

“Good boy,” she said and leant over and kissed me.

As we kissed, I felt her put a leg over me and started to slide down my front. When she bumped into my cock, she lifted a little and her hand was between us, fumbling and feeling. Then there was the warm all-enveloping feeling around my helmet as her pussy welcomed me back. Nicola broke off kissing me and gave me a little smile.

“Warn me if you’re about to come?”

“Yes, Miss,” I replied.

Slowly ever so slowly, she pushed back. As she did, a little moan escaped her, almost like a kettle coming to the boil. When I was as deep as I could get, Nicola pushed back. Our eyes were locked again as, hand over hand, down my chest, she pushed up until she was sitting upright. She clenched a couple of times on me and I responded in kind. Then she started to squirm, side to side, back to front, around in circles. In the mix, she would lift and drop. As this went on, her movements became harder, most noticeable when she dropped down me. She was doing her best to impale herself.

With all the teasing leading up to this, it was not long before I felt myself building. I thought I knew what she wanted to do and although I desperately wanted to cum, I did not want to spoil the game for her. I tried the trick of thinking of my grandmother again, but it was not working this time. Nicola’s beauty brushed aside all other images.

“Nic, Miss, I’m getting close.”

She did as I expected and stopped.

“Good boy," she said and leant forward and kissed me.

We just stayed like that for a few minutes, each giving the odd clench until Nicola decided we could go again. She built again, grinding and moving, up and down, harder and faster. It was her that failed this time around and she came hard. Pushing down with her hips, she leant forward and gripped my shoulders and dug her nails in as her whole body tensed and then shook and shuddered.

She caught her breath and kissed me gently, before moving to the side of my face and whispering in my ear.

“Now, lover, fuck me harder and fill me up.”

“Yes, Miss!”

Nicola sat up with a determined look on her face. There was no grinding this time, she went straight to hard pumping, up and down. It took a few strokes, but we got synchronised and as she slammed down, I slammed up. We were both grunting, sweat was running down Nicola and her chest glistened in the morning light shining through the window. After the teasing and what I learnt later was called edging, it did not take much of this until I felt I was ready to blow.

“I’m going to cum,” I panted.

“Yes, fill me!”

I tried hard to hold back but to no avail. With a last thrust up, I came harder than I remember doing before. This triggered another orgasm in Nicola, who lay forward on my chest, holding onto me.

“Thank you, Sweetie. That was fun.”

“Something to report back to Steph?”

“And make her more envious of me? Besides, you’re not finished yet, I have a couple more jobs for you.”

After a few more minutes of silence, Nicola looked at me and said, "I'd like you to clean me, please."

“Sure, let me go, I’ll get the shower warm, Miss.”

Nicola giggled at what I said, I thought it was about still playing the game. It was, only she was playing a different one to me.

“I’d love that too. First, though, I’d like you to clean me with your tongue.”

“Time-out!” I called.

“What’s up? You’ve kissed me and let me swap your cum back and forth. You’ve gone down on me and we’ve shared my juices. It’s not all one way, when you do it, I want you to hold some for when I kiss you after.”

She made a very valid argument. I should not have expected anything less, given the career she was learning for.

“It seems I have no defence against my learned girlfriend.”

Nicola smiled and moved off me, shuffling forward, higher up my body. I could feel the cooling liquid trailing up me. When she was over my face, she paused.


I gave a little nod as a drop of our mixed juices landed on my nose. It was not as bad as I had expected, I certainly did not have the urge to vomit or throw her off me. Nicola sounded like she was enjoying it and as she got more enthusiastic, so did I. Lapping at her folds, trying to drive my tongue deep into her. She had her hand on the back of my head, pulling up as she pushed down with her hips.

“Oh, Sweetie, I love you so much!” she cried as another smaller orgasm rippled through her.

True to her word, Nicola got off of me and untied my hands. She curled up next to me and kissed me, pushing and probing with her tongue. I passed over what I had kept and she swallowed it eagerly.

“It wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asked.

“No. I don’t think I want to do it all the time and it’s certainly better than chopped liver.”

“It could be far worse. Imagine if it was someone else’s.” Nicola laughed.

“Do I need to call a time-out?” I heard my voice tense up and she must have too.

“What's up? I was only thinking about how it could be worse. Steph…"

“Again? Does she give you all your ideas?” The edge had fallen off the entire morning now.

“No, it’s not like that, Dave.” Nicola squeezed up to me as close as she could. “I’ve had far, far more inspiration from your depraved mind. Sweetie, thank you for this morning. Please let me explain.”

I nodded and Nicola took a deep breath. “Steph said, again with her ex, she had tried to swap his cum after a blow job. He called her disgusting. Another time she tried to get him to clean her and was accused of being a ‘fucking disgusting pig’.”

“She put up with all that shit?”

“Yes,” Nicola said, sadly. “Well, you are so good to me. You have swapped without question and led me, not pushed me with all our fun. There doesn’t seem to be a limit to what you will try.”

“You say that, but you've just found one of them. Suggest it again and not only will I call a time-out, but I will also go full role reversal and put you over my knee."

“And that’s supposed to be a deterrent?”

“I'm serious Nic, anything we do together, us, is fine. Some fantasies and role-playing are fine too. But that? No. Just imagining or pretending is a hard no."

“I’m sorry, Sweetie, you are just so good, so open-minded. I didn’t want to push you too far.”

I gave her a squeeze back. “It’s okay, just so long as we keep talking and respecting each other’s boundaries, I’m sure we’ll be able to get through anything. Now, didn’t you have another job for me, Miss?”

Nicola smiled as her eyes filled up. I took her hand and we climbed into the shower together. I spent the next twenty or thirty minutes, cleaning and washing her body all over. Just as a good mistress deserved. I chuckled to myself when that thought occurred to me.

After the shower, we got dressed and had breakfast before packing our bags. We took a detour to Ils De Ré and drove up to the point where Phare des Baleines limestone tower was. We had a light lunch and then it was the drive back to Caen to catch the ferry back to Blighty that evening. Our short holiday was over.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading.

Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published.

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.



Written by kiteares
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