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The Good Neighbour, Part Six

"Tobin and Trevor continue their evening of ecstasy"

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Without speaking, Tobin took Trevor’s hand and led him from the living room upstairs to his bedroom. Both of them stumbled as they went, as their pants were still mid-thigh. Laughing, they shucked their pants, leaving them sprawled on the stairs, and entered Tobin’s room entirely naked. 

They both paused at the same time—each drinking in the sight of the other’s body. Both of them were hard again, their cock’s bobbing and swaying before them, slick and wet and visibly throbbing. They stared at each other for a long moment before the stasis broke and they came together in a hungry embrace. They kissed deeply, their tongues sliding around together while they ground their pelvises. Tobin felt Trevor’s cock hard against his belly, felt its swollen head leaving trailed of precum on the taut skin. Trevor reached down and cupped the globes of Tobin’s ass in his hands.

Tobin broke the kiss breathlessly and led him to the bed. He kissed him lightly on the lips and said, “Wait. Just one second.”

From deep in his closet, hidden in a shoebox of old keepsakes, he retrieved his bottle of lube—used until this moment just to slick up his cock for his more elaborate jerk sessions, but which he now wanted to put to better use.

When Trevor looked at him quizzically, he squirted some into his palm and slid his hand over Trevor’s hard shaft, stroking him lightly. Trevor moaned, his eyes rolling back into his head.

“Holy shit, that feels amazing.”

“Just wait,” said Tobin. Tossing the lube aside, he crawled onto the bed and rolled onto his back, lifting his legs. “Fuck me,” he whispered.

Trevor looked shocked. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. Fuck me.”

It was obvious that whatever Trevor had been imagining might happen that night, he hadn’t let his mind run quite this far. But when he looked down at Tobin lying there his cock twitched, and before he knew what he was doing he’d clambered onto the bed and crawled between Tobin’s legs.

Tobin reached down and grasped his cock, gently guiding him to his hole. “Slowly,” he whispered.

Trevor slid forward, the head of his cock nestling against Tobin’s anus, and he pressed carefully. The head slipped past his pucker with a pop. Tobin moaned. “Yes,” he said. “Fuck me.”

Hardly daring to breathe, Trevor slid his slick cock into Tobin, and was rewarded to hear him gasp in pleasure. For his part, Trevor shuddered, stunned at the sensation. Never had he imagined anything could feel so sublime. When he was in as far as he could go, Tobin’s back arched, and his legs wrapped around Trevor’s hips, holding him there.

“Jesus Christ,” he moaned. “Holy shit, your cock feels so good. Fuck me.”

Trevor obliged, pulling back and thrusting in again slowly, carefully finding his way as Tobin crooned out his pleasure. Another sound came to his ears, and Trevor realized he was moaning himself, gasping as each thrust sent something like an electrical charge through his body. He lowered his face to Tobin’s and they kissed desperately, moaning into each other’s mouths as they moved together.

“Fuck,” said Tobin. “Holy fuck. That feels so good.”

“Yeah,” Trevor agreed, barely able to get the word out.”

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

Trevor fucked him harder, knowing he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

“Holy shit,” he said in a strangled voice. “I’m getting close.”

“Oh, fuck yeah,” keened Tobin. “Cum in me. Fuck me with that hard cock.”

Tobin’s words almost put him over the edge, but then he leaned his head up and licked one of Trevor’s nipples, teasing the hard nub under the tip of his tongue.

That was too much. Trevor cried out, his entire body stiffening as the spasm of his orgasm ran through him. Tobin felt his cock twitch and swell inside him, and he joined Trevor’s cries.

Trevor fell into Tobin’s arms, panting.

“Holy shit. That was incredible,” he gasped.

Tobin chortled. “You’re telling me?” he said, and kissed him.

They lay together, Trevor on Tobin, for a long while as they caught their breath. After a few moments, Trevor became aware of Tobin’s cock, still hard, twitching against his belly. With a moan, he pulled his softening cock out of his ass and grasped Tobin’s.

It was so beautiful—milky pale with a blushing flared head and a tracery of blue veins just under the skin. Without thinking, he leaned down and took it in his mouth. The taste of the skin and the vestigial cum from before—salty and musky, with just a tang of fish—nearly made his eyes cross in hunger. He slid his mouth up and down the shaft, pausing every few moments to kiss and lick the head and underside, tonguing the base and the tender skin of his scrotum, all the while Tobin moaned and whimpered.

So many times had Trevor fantasized about this—about sucking a hard cock, trying to imagine how it would feel and taste. He read online gay erotica, watched endless porn in which he’d salivate over the image of a rigid hard cock and envy the guy sucking it. For at least a few weeks, the cock in his fantasy had been Tobin’s, and he’d never imagined he might get to see it, let alone taste it.

It was so much better than he ever imagined.

Tobin’s moans grew more urgent, and his hands found the back of Trevor’s head—not pushing him, but tracing patterns in his short-cropped hair while his hips squirmed in time to the rhythm of Trevor’s sucking. When he finally murmured, “I’m cumming!” Trevor didn’t need the warning—he knew.

For the second time that night he felt Tobin’s cock swell and grow, felt the burst of his hot cum on his tongue and against the back of his throat. Trevor moaned around his cock, swallowing, trying to milk it of every drop.

Finally, he let Tobin’s cock out of his mouth with an audible pop and clambered up to lie beside him.

“That was amazing,” said Tobin.

Trevor grinned. “Not bad for a newbie?”

“Not bad for anybody.” He kissed him.


They showered together, delighting is soaping each other up and sliding their slippery bodies together. Both were hard again, and they paid special attention to cleaning their cocks. Tobin was tempted to get Trevor to fuck him again but held off. They towelled each other dry and climbed back into bed, under the covers this time, holding each other and kissing slowly and deeply, sliding the occasional hand beneath the sheets to caress the other’s hard, leaking cock.

“So when did you know?” Tobin asked when they paused. “That you were gay, I mean.”

Trevor shrugged shyly. “Always known, I guess. On some level. Always more interested in the hot guys on TV or on magazines, you know? But I guess it really came home when I started jerking off… at first, I didn’t need to think of much. Just loved the feeling. But then I started thinking of guys. I tried to think of girls and watched some straight porn, but that didn’t last.”

“Ever think about me?” asked Tobin mischievously.

“Pretty constantly for a few weeks now.” Trevor grinned. “Never imagined it would be so much better than I ever imagined. Ever think about me?”

“Yup. And ditto.”

“So—when did you know you were gay?”

Tobin smiled to himself. He’d been waiting for someone to ask him.

“Saturday, August 16, 2008. At precisely 3:12 pm.”

“That’s… awfully specific,” Trevor laughed. “I’m guessing there’s a story there?”

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Before he’d decided to invite Trevor over with the intention of seducing him, Tobin had pondered whether to tell him about Jimmy Ruiz. Or how much to tell him. If this all played out well, and he and Trevor got serious, there would always be Jimmy as the musclebound and tattooed Greek god in the room, even if Trevor didn’t know it. Tell him about his attraction? His obsession? Or go all the way and tell him everything? He knew the danger: it would not be good for Jimmy if their affair became common knowledge, and it was possible that Trevor would storm out in a jealous rage.

But something Jimmy had always stressed rose in his mind: honesty in love. It was one thing to conceal the truth from people outside the intimacy of your close circle, but dishonesty with lovers could be toxic.

And he trusted Trevor, whatever happened.

So he told him: about that moment watching Jimmy, about his growing obsession with the man, about the ways he connived to be close to him.

“Wow,” said Trevor. “Did… did anything come of it?”

Tobin paused. “I’m trusting you, okay? I need this to stay between us.”

“Absolutely,” said Trevor. “Cone of silence.”

And so he told him about what he had come to think of as his apprenticeship at Jimmy’s hands.

When he finished, there was silence for a long few moments.

“So this… this is ongoing?” asked Trevor slowly.

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“On what you say in the next few minutes.”

Trevor furrowed his brow. “You going to tell him about me?”

“Of course. Honesty in love—that’s a big thing for him. And me. It’s why I’m telling you.”

“And then what?”

Tobin shrugged and sat up. “Dunno. I know this thing with Jimmy won’t be forever—he’s made that clear. And he’s been very keen for me to find someone more age-appropriate.”

Trevor laughed. “Well, I am that, if nothing else.”

Hearing the tremor in his voice, Tobin leaned down and kissed him tenderly. “Baby, you’re so much more than just that.”

Trevor kissed him back, but still looked somewhat troubled. When he didn’t speak for a time but stared into the middle distance, Tobin grew concerned.

“Are you okay?” he asked finally.

“Honestly?” Trevor met his ga , and grinned. “Not sure whether I’m jealous or envious.”

“The difference being…?”

“The difference being, I’m a little jealous that this hunk of beef got to have you first. But I’m envious that you got… what, a gay sex tutor?”

Tobin laughed out loud. “Yeah. I guess that’s the best way to describe it.”

Trevor reached up and grabbed his face. Pulling him close, he murmured, “I suppose I can’t complain, given that I seem to be directly benefiting from what seems to be an excellent education.” And he kissed him deeply.

Tobin kissed him back, ardently, feeling his cock—which had softened during this discussion—spring back to hardness. He also felt Trevor’s cock hardening against his thigh.

“Can I suck you again?” Trevor whispered in his ear.

“Only if you fuck me afterward,” Tobin replied breathlessly.


Trevor’s mouth was hot and wet and delicious on his cock. After a moment, feeling the need mount in his chest, Tobin pulled him back up, gasping, “Turn around. I want yours too.”

They rearranged themselves. Tobin gasped as he felt Trevor again swallow his cock. He grasped Trevor’s in his hand, taking a moment to admire it. After a moment he leaned forward and licked the small bead of precum from the tip, and then kissed and licked his way up and down the shaft. He lingered over every taste, every sensation: he could feel the first stirrings of his own orgasm under the ecstatic attentions of Trevor’s mouth, but he wanted to keep Trevor hard and primed for fucking him. So he idly licked, mouthing the head, glorying in the feel of the cock beneath his tongue and lips, tracing its contours.

Before long, he felt the familiar tingle in his own cock. “I’m cumming!” he gasped, and for the third time that night Trevor moaned as he swallowed Tobin’s salty-bitter seed.

“God, I love the way you taste,” said Trevor, licking the last drops from the tip.

Tobin responded with a growl, turning himself around and straddling Trevor’s hips. He retrieved the lube from where he’d put it under the pillow and stroked Trevor’s cock until it was slippery and slick.

“Holy shit,” said Trevor. “That’s feels so fucking good. I could cum just from that.”

Tobin chuckled and kissed him. “Patience, lover. All in good time. But for now, you owe me a fuck.”

He lowered himself onto Trevor’s cock, sliding him gently inside himself, his eyes rolling back in his head as he savored the sensation. Trevor moaned with him.

“How does that feel?” asked Trevor, and though the question came through a voice thickened by ecstasy, Tobin could hear the genuine curiosity.

“It feels so amazing,” Tobin gasped, twisting as he brought his hips down. “It feels divine.”

“I wondered,” said Trevor, his voice slightly strangled. “I wondered what it would be like to be fucked.”

“The night is young, lover,” said Tobin, leaning forward to kiss him.

“Did Jimmy fuck you?”

Tobin paused, looking for jealousy, but only seeing arousal.

“Yes. He fucked me hard. Over and over.”

“And did you fuck him?”

“Yes. Again and again.”

“And you’ll fuck me?”

Again, Tobin kissed him. “I can’t wait to fuck you, lover. I can’t wait to fuck your sweet ass.”

Trevor whimpered as he thrust his cock into him. “Do you like that? Do you like my cock?”
“So. Fucking. Much. It’s so fucking big and hard.”

“Good,” Trevor growled.

Tobin leaned forward, grasping Trevor’s face and whispering in his ear. “Call me your cock slut.”




“Say it again.”

“You’re my sweet little cockslut, aren’t you?”

“Holy fuck yes. I love your cock.”

“You like having my cock in your ass?”

“More than anything. Fuck me. Please.”

Trevor paused. “Beg for it.”

“Please. Please fuck me.”

“What is it you want?”

“Your cock. Fucking me.”

“You want it?”

“So fucking much. Please.”

Trevor grasped Tobin’s cock, which was hard and leaking, as it bounced.

“You want me to jerk you off, cockslut?”

“Please. Please make me cum.”

Trevor stroked him in time to Tobin’s gyrations. Whatever other filthy talk they might have had in mind dissolved into incoherence. Tobin could feel his orgasm building yet again. Even in his ecstatic, early sessions with Jimmy, he had not cum so many times.

“Are you close?” he gasped to Trevor.

Trevor just managed a nod, his face twisted in pleasure.

“Cum in me, baby. Cum in your cockslut.”

Trevor’s back arched and his body grew rigid as he cried out. That put Tobin over the edge. His cock exploded, spraying cum on Trevor’s chest while Trevor’s swelled and burst deep inside him.

Again, they collapsed together, panting.

“Was that OK?” Trevor asked in trepidation when they caught their breath.

“Are you serious? How could that not be—”

“No, I mean… I mean the dirty talk.”

“It was awesome.”

“Because I don’t want you to think that… you know…”

“I’m your cockslut?” Tobin chuckled. He kissed Trevor. “But lover, I am. And here’s the thing—you’re going to be mine. If you want, of course.”

Trevor nodded eagerly. “Oh my god, yes.”


They lay together for a long while, sweat and cum slick between them.

“So what happens now?” asked Trevor.

“Dunno,” Tobin replied honestly. “Though I do have a few ideas.”

Written by Damon9888
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