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Christine’s scream of release mingled with a similar cry coming from the television speakers.  Her head fell forward, shrouding her face in a dark curtain of hair that billowed outward from the explosive breaths following her climax.

As her ecstasy ebbed, Christine fell back and pulled her rabbit vibe from inside her, her eyes still closed, her heart pounding, and her pussy tingling.  She fumbled with the sliders for a second, trying to turn the toy off, but gave up and dropped it to the floor instead.  She opened her eyes just in time to see Adam pulling his cock free from her on the television screen, trailing thick ropes of cum.

Christine moaned as she watched the video, hearing her own gasps emerging from the speakers.  On the screen, cum coated her pussy, welling up from inside her in great rivers.  Streams also ran down her inner thighs and decorated the bed below.  The sexy aftermath of Adam and four of his college friends taking her one after the other took Christine right back to the countless orgasms she’d experienced while it was happening.

Still unable to move enough to even reach for the remote, she continued to watch with fond memories as she sucked the five men off while they stood around her in a circle a few hours later.  One after another, the young men spurted semen over her, leaving her glazed in sticky cum.

Finally recovered from her orgasm, Christine picked up the remote and shut off the video as the next scene faded in.  She’d certainly enjoyed the two-day-long birthday present from her nephew, despite her misgivings over turning thirty.

Though she didn’t expect anything so overwhelming this year, she was excited to pick up her nephew in a few hours.  She hadn’t seen him – let alone done anything else with him – in almost six months because he was concentrating on his studies.  Becky and Dan were likewise wrapped up in their new careers, and Angie was well on her way toward settling down with her boyfriend of two years.

In the three years since she’d first seduced her nephew Adam, she’d tried every kinky thing she could think of.  Though the real world was intruding to take her nieces and nephews away more frequently, she still cherished the returned spark in her sex life that the younger men and women had rekindled.

With her nieces and nephews busy, Christine had gone through a lot of batteries for her toys.  She had found a man who sparked her interest and arousal, but he traveled frequently for business, spending more time away than he did at home.  He was showing signs of desire to take the relationship to a new level beyond sex, which both intrigued and frightened Christine at the same time.

Turning off her toy but leaving her clothes where they lay, Christine strolled to the already waiting tub for a bath.  As expected, she couldn’t make it through the bath without her arousal spiking again due to her anticipation over Adam’s birthday visit.

Fortunately, she had a waterproof vibe lying next to the tub for just such occasions.


The phone rang, startling Christine out of a half-doze.    Expecting a late night, she’d decided to take a brief nap before Adam’s flight arrived.  Still not quite awake, she managed to find the phone and answer, “Hello?”

The sound of sobbing quickly roused her to full wakefulness.  Christine rubbed her eyes, and then blinked them rapidly to focus on the caller-id.  When she saw her niece’s name Avalynne on the display, the sobs took on greater significance.  “Lynne, what’s wrong?”  Christine asked, using the shortened version of her niece’s name that Avalynne preferred.

“I...”  More sobs stifled whatever she’d started to say.  “Why?  This is so...”  Once again, the young woman couldn’t continue.

Her voice quiet and soothing, Christine did her best to calm her distraught niece.  “Okay, you’ve got to calm down a little.  Let me know what’s wrong, so I can help.”

Avalynne made several more false starts, but steadily gained control over her emotions.  Instead of answering her aunt’s question, she asked one of her own.  “Can I come stay with you for a couple of days?”

Her brow furrowing in confusion, Christine replied, “You know you’re welcome, but what’s wrong, sweetie?”

“Mom and Dad are getting divorced, and I can’t stand to be around them any more.  All they do is scream at each other.  I’m at a gas station, but I only have twenty dollars left, and I’m not going back.”

“Do your parents know where you are?”

“No, and I don’t want them to.”

“Lynne, they’re probably worried sick about you.”

“They’re probably too busy fighting to care.”

“You’re going to have to let me know where you are.”

“You won’t tell them?”

Christine slipped out of the bed, looking for her cell to find her brother’s number.  “Lynne...”

Anger crept into the young woman’s voice.  “Promise, or I’m not telling.  I’ll figure something else out.”

“Okay, I promise.  Now where are you?”

“I mean it.  I’ll hate you forever if you tell them.”

“I’m not going to tell them.  Now tell me where you are so I can wire you some money.”

Christine grabbed a pen and wrote down all the information she needed, telling her niece that she’d call back as soon as she wired the money.  While clicking through the website to do exactly that, she brought up her brother’s number on her cell.

The phone barely rang before her brother answered with obvious anxiety in his voice.  “Hello?”

“Ron, it’s Christine.  I just talked to Lynne.”

“Thank god!  Where is she?”

“She made me promise not to tell.  She’s okay, and she’s going somewhere safe.  I’m about to wire her some money.”

“Just tell me where she is, Christine.”

Christine sighed.  “Ron, I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.  She told me about the divorce.  She’s really upset, and I think she needs some time alone to work it out.  I promise that I’ll keep her safe and keep in touch until she calms down a little, and I’ll make her call you, too.”

“This is the last thing I need right now,” her brother growled.

“Just calm down a little, and I’ll have her call you.  She’s not a little girl anymore, Ron.  She’s eighteen.  Trust me, you’re not going to accomplish anything by dragging her home right now.  You’ll just have two angry women in the house, then.”

“Okay, but if she hasn’t called in ten minutes, I’m calling you back.”

“Just sit by the phone.  She’ll call.  Bye.”


Somehow, Christine managed to convince her niece to call her father in order to let the young woman have the time she needed, and still reach the airport in time to pick up Adam.

A tone from her cell prompted Christine to flip it open, and she smiled when she saw the text message.  Lynne had been driving all night, and Christine had talked her niece into stopping at a hotel.  She’d specified the hotel saying that she could reserve the room easier that way, but had actually chosen it because a friend was a manager there.  His text message revealed that Lynne had safely checked in.

After passing along that message to her brother, Christine finished her drink and stood.  Adam’s flight should be landing, and she was more than ready to see him.  After a quick kiss of greeting, the couple hurried out of the airport to Christine’s car.

“You okay?”  Adam asked after a few minutes on the road.

Christine snapped back into the present, having drifted off into wondering how she was going to deal with Lynne’s arrival.  For the moment, she didn’t want to spoil Adam’s visit, or delay climbing into bed with him.  “Sorry, I was just thinking about something.”  She then let her desire for him swell within her to smolder in her eyes and added, “You could give me something else to think about.”

Adam smiled and reached over to slip his hand beneath her skirt.  “Something like this?”

Christine moaned from his touch and answered, “Perfect.”

By the time she reached her house, Adam’s fingers had driven Christine to a fever pitch.  She pulled into the garage, hit the button to close the door, and immediately drew her nephew into a hungry kiss.  As soon as she pulled away, Christine opened her car door and stepped out.  Instead of proceeding toward the door to the house, she instead dropped her damp panties and bent over the hood of the car.  “Do me right here.  Right now.”

Adam needed no further encouragement.  He had his pants unzipped by the time he reached the front of the car, and down the instant he moved in behind her.  He pushed her skirt up with one hand, and guided his cock inside her with the other.

Christine groaned as her nephew’s cock slid into her, filling her full.  “I missed you.”

Adam stroked his cock into her warm, inviting depths again as he echoed, “I missed you, too.”  His deft fingers then bunched up her blouse and unsnapped her bra in one fluid motion, allowing him to squeeze her breasts as his hips continued pumping.

“Fuck me, Adam.  I need it.  Fuck me,” Christine encouraged as her body rocked forward from his thrusts.

Adam released her breasts, and Christine bent lower to allow him deeper penetration.  Her nipples brushing against the hood of the car, she gasped from the sensation of his cock reaching her deepest recesses.

“You feel so good, Aunt Christine.”

“So do you.”

Conversation ceased as both Christine and her nephew fell deeper into the ecstasy of coupling after so long apart.  Christine swore she could feel every vein – every contour of his hard cock inside her.  If anything, he felt even bigger than she remembered, the hot friction of his thick cock driving her toward an explosion.

Adam squeezed his aunt’s buttocks, watching his pussy-slick cock vanish into her wet heat with increasing speed.  “Come for me, Aunt Christine,” he haltingly grunted, obviously nearing his own peak as well.

“Oh yes,” Christine half gasped, half squealed as an especially strong jolt of pleasure shot through her body.  She shifted her balance to one hand, allowing her to rub her clit with the other.

The power of Adam’s thrusts increased – the sound of his grunts, her moans, and the slap of colliding bodies growing louder by the moment in the echoing confines of the garage.  “So close,” Christine cried out in a tight voice, her fingers flashing over her clit.

Adam couldn’t hold out any longer.  With a sharp groan, he buried his cock inside her, flooding her pussy with cum.

Between the pulsing of his member inside her and her fingers, Christine reached her peak only a few seconds later.  She cried out, her muscles all contracting as her orgasm took hold of her, trapping Adam inside her.  He groaned from the tight squeeze, involuntarily twitching enough to drive Christine even deeper into bliss.

Finally, Christine’s strength failed her.  She slid forward, trapping one hand beneath her and pressing her breasts hard against the hood of the car.  Adam’s cock slipped free and he leaned over her body with a loud gasp.  Christine moaned in protest of the void inside her, but quickly followed with a far more satisfied moan when another wave of orgasm rolled through her.

The still too-warm car soon encouraged Christine to move as the heat of her orgasm drained away, leaving her conscious of the hot car beneath her body.  She levered up on her arms, bumping into Adam.  He stood up straight, allowing his aunt to stand as well.

As soon as she stood up, Christine kicked off her panties and stooped to pick them up.  She used the handy cloth to clean up the stream of mingled juices decorating her car before it dried, not wanting to explain that the next time she had it detailed.  “Inside,” she said without preamble, wadding up her panties in her hand and walking toward the door.

Adam pulled up his pants and followed on slightly wobbling knees, watching the enticing dance of his aunt’s bare bottom beneath her skirt.  He knew she’d tease him hard again in no time.

Christine stepped into the house and retrieved a box of moist wipes from a drawer.  She kept them in every nook and cranny of the house, never knowing where a quick clean-up would prove necessary.  “Here.  I’m going to go tinkle before I start dripping cum all over the floor.  Too bad your sister or your cousin isn’t here to clean it all up, hmm?”

Adam took the wipes and answered, “I love watching them go down on you.”

“Maybe I can find another girl to fill in for them,” Christine said suggestively, dropping her skirt to the floor and walking to the bathroom bare-assed in her high heels.  A glance over her shoulder told her that the sight had the desired effect on her nephew.  “Have a seat on the couch.”

When she returned a couple of minutes later, Christine had abandoned her blouse and bra as well.  Adam watched her approach with a wide smile, the sight of her breasts jiggling with every click of her heels just as hypnotizing as her bottom during her retreat.

“Do you know how sexy you look?”

Christine twitched her eyebrows and sat down, facing him.  “Of course.  I was doing it on purpose.”  She then picked up the remote and turned on the television.

“Whoa – nice,” Adam exclaimed as the video started.  His aunt sat in the midst of four blondes who looked as though they were around his age.  All five women were nude, and wasted no time in taking advantage of that after a quick wave to the camera.

A combination of a chuckle and a moan bubbled up from Christine as Adam watched the tangle of beautiful females on the screen and reached over to caress her inner thigh at the same time.  She knew the video would have the desired effect on him in no time.

After a few minutes, Adam’s hand moved deeper into the V of her legs to stroke her folds.  Christine smiled and leaned over to retrieve something from inside the end table next to the couch, which also parted her legs to give him better access.  She lay the plate down on the table in front of the couch and offered her nephew a mischievous grin.  He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the three chocolate pussies in front of him.

Christine said, “Thought you might like a sweet treat while you watch.”  She pointed to each of the naughty chocolates in turn.  “This one is your sister.  This one is Becky.  And this one is me.  Now who do you want to eat first?”

“I can’t decide.  They all look delicious,” Adam answered slyly.  He then leaned in closer to the plate, noticing subtle differences between the three chocolates.  He turned toward his aunt with a look of surprise and asked, “They really are, aren’t they?”

Christine nodded and let out a little laugh.  “We all made molds so that we could eat each other whenever we wanted.”  She then reached between the couch cushion and the arm to pull out a dildo.  “Dan made us all presents, too.  Now we can have him inside us any time.  I’ll help you make us each one later.”

“Then you can share me with your girlfriends, there,” Adam suggested, nodding toward the screen.

“Uh huh,” Christine agreed.  “Of course, you’re not going to get much out of it.  They’re all lesbians.”

“Damn,” Adam sighed.

With Adam’s fingers still playing between her legs, Christine moved in to nuzzle his neck and plant feather-light kisses on the sensitive skin there.  She then whispered, “Not every girl I’ve met is a lesbian, though.”

“That sounds promising.”

“Mmm hmm,” Christine agreed, reaching for the chocolate replica of her folds and handing it to him.  “Watch.  You might learn something.  They’re all very good.”

Adam accepted the chocolate and the advice.  Between the sexy video, his aunt caressing him, and the sight of her sensually licking his sister’s chocolate pussy, Adam’s manhood slowly rose to attention once more.

Though she’d intended to lead him to the bedroom once he was hard again, Christine couldn’t resist the sight of him and his knowing fingers pushing all her buttons in just the right way.  When she stood and turned her bottom toward him, he knew exactly what she wanted.  He scooted forward on the cushion and pushed his erection up straight with his thumb.

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Both aunt and nephew groaned as his cock sank into her wet heat.

Adam’s arms wrapped around her and his hands grasped her breasts once fully engulfed in her tight canal.  “Yeah, that feels good,” he said to her as she bounced on his cock.

“Uh huh,” she agreed, and then burst into a high-pitched moan as he dropped one of his hands down to rub her clit while the other continued to fondle her breasts.  “You like me riding your cock, don’t you?”

“Hell yeah.  Ride my cock and come for me, Aunt Christine.”

With a long moan, Christine bounced harder over her nephew’s lap.  After a few strokes, she paused to swivel her hips, stirring his cock inside her.  She then sat up and let him slip free, but only long enough to turn around.

Adam’s cock hit her deep and gave her just the right amount of clitoral stimulation as she rode him face-to-face.  “I love your cock,” she said in a tight voice as her pleasure mounted.

“Do it.  Come for me, Aunt Christine.”

As always, Adam saying her name drove Christine to even greater heights.  Her bottom slapped against his legs with even greater intensity, her breasts swinging to brush against his chest.  He showed no signs of coming soon, but Christine knew she would pop at any moment.

“Ohh – I’m going to come so hard,” Christine exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch with every word.  “Oh yes – oh yes – oh yes!  Oh god yes!”  Her climax roiled within her loins, a tight ball of electric energy sending tingling bolts all through her sex.  Her eyes pinched closed as she perched on the edge.

Christine squealed and her eyes popped...

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Written by RejectReality
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