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Expected Turn Of Events With Son And Daughter

"The final installment to my "Unexpected Turn of Events" series."

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The week rushed by and, as much as I wanted to, I hadn’t plotted a damn thing. I realized that I’m not a plotter. Who was I kidding? I couldn’t pretend to be sinister to even save my life. So I figured that I should go about this the way I best knew how. My way!

Kate arrived on Thursday. All three of us had a grand dinner and ended the night early on a silent and peaceful note. The next day, we all headed out to a nearby skating rink and spent the better half of the day there and when we got back, we decided to watch a movie while having home-delivered dinner on the couch.

All throughout this time, my mind had only one persistent string of thought. How am I gonna get across to Kate? How can I convince her? Confess to her?

We had bought some groceries on the way back from the rink.

When Kate and I were re-stocking the fridge and pantry, Kate said to me, “Mom, it wouldn’t hurt to use another pair of hands.”

I responded, “Let Kyle be. He’s probably exhausted from lifting you up a million times when you tried to practice that backbreaker of a routine.”

“You always take his side!”

“That’s not true and you know it. Besides, he’s the runt of the family. It wouldn’t be wrong even if I did.”

“Whatever! But I’ve been meaning to ask you. What’s the deal with him?”

“What do you mean?”, I asked curiously.

“Well, he’s been acting all weird ever since I got here. He’s hardly looked me in the eye and even during the routine. I felt like he didn’t wanna touch me at all.”

Damn it! I screamed inside my head. Not again! My heart started to race and I began to panic. If Kyle continued down that path of being awkward, just like he was with me, then Kate would end up confronting him and everything might come crashing down to wreck our happy family.

I faked a genuine response, “Really? I didn’t notice anything. Anyway, don’t give it too much thought. Need I remind you of how moody you were, when you were a teenager?”

We both giggled at the end of that rhetorical question but I knew that Kate wasn’t convinced. After we finished re-stocking, we all hit the couch and went ahead with the couch-dinner-movie plan. The kids wore minimal clothing like they usually do when they’re at home.

Kate was sitting in the middle while Kyle and I sat on either side. Halfway through the movie, Kate began to lean on me and put her head on my shoulder. I wanted her to be more comfortable so I slouched back a little, put my feet up on the centre table, brought my arm around and let her rest her head atop the upper half of my warm supple breasts.

I felt nothing sexual for her at that point. It was purely instinctive parental affection. Then, after a while, she lifted her legs up and put them sideways on Kyle’s lap while keeping her knees bent and pointed towards the TV.

Few minutes thereafter, I felt an urge to check on Kyle. Pretending to rub my temple with my fingers, I turned my head just enough to glance at Kyle from the chest down. And to my awe, I saw that Kyle had a boner and it was making his skimpy boxer briefs bulge!

I began to lose my breath. I moved back my fingers just a bit more to get a glimpse at Kyle’s face. Kyle was looking up Kate’s skirt! She was wearing an incredibly short skirt which would give the perfect opportunity to any person in Kyle’s position to see up her skirt without having to do anymore than just being there. Kate is a careful girl but I didn’t know what she was or was not wearing underneath that skirt that night.

I looked back at the TV for a couple of minutes, hoping to figure out a way to defuse this situation but I couldn’t think of any. I looked back towards Kyle again to make sure things were still under control but… They weren’t. Kyle’s boner was raging so hard that it started to peek outside along the leg of his underwear, hugging his thighs.

I felt pain in my chest. My vision became blurry from the amount of stress that I had to manage. Kate kept moving her leg from time to time and at times, the back of her calves were only a hair’s width away from the tip of Kyle’s penis. I closed my eyes and continued to rub my forehead, just hoping… even praying that nothing unplanned should happen.

Then suddenly, Kyle got up quickly and rushed to his room, giving a surprise to Kate and myself. He made sure he didn’t slam the door shut. Kate looked at me confused and said, “You see what I mean? He’s never been like this before.” While I was relieved that Kyle had the brains to excuse himself, he didn’t particularly make the situation any easier for me.

I replied, “Tell you what… I’ve already seen this movie so I’ll go have a quick word with him. I’ll be back before you know it.”

Kate nodded agreeingly and stretched out to make use of the entire couch as I stood up.

I walked upto Kyle’s bedroom door and knocked on it.

“Come in!” said Kyle.

I went in and shut the door behind me. Kyle was sitting on his bed, under his blanket and scrolling away on his cellphone. I asked him if everything was alright and he replied, “Yeah… sorry I left the room like that. I was just real sleepy and didn’t wanna doze off on the couch.”

I asked, “You sure there’s no other problem?”

Kyle just nodded indifferently while still being immersed in this cellphone. I took his word for it and began to turn around to leave the room when I was possessed by a smack of courage. Not the kind that brave people express during times of difficulty; but the kind that you embrace when you jump off a cliff. An insane dash of recklessness that makes you not give a fuck.

“If you’re gonna do it... at least don’t be stupid about it”, I blurted abruptly, having half-turned towards the door but turned right back to face Kyle.

Kyle stopped fidgeting with his phone and rotated only his eyes to look at me while all the rest of his body stayed still as a statue. I looked at him with a stern face and unblinking eyes. He swallowed loudly and asked me curiously, “What? What are you talking about?”

I replied, “Don’t play coy with me. You think I don’t know what’s happening here?”

“What? What’s happening here?”

“Really? Playing hard-to-get now?”

Kyle just kept staring at me as his breathing got faster. There was silence in the room for a brief few seconds.

Then I spoke, “I know what you want.” and after a quick pause I continued, “I know how you’ve been treating your sister the past couple of days and I know exactly why you jumped out of your seat to rush to your room.”

Kyle let his phone slip out of his hand. Then, he slowly pushed aside the blanket and got up and stood beside the bed. His underwear was still bulging. Good Lord! I thought to myself and rolled my eyes trying to avoid looking at his nether region directly. Kyle recognized my discomfort and quickly cupped his palms in front of his boner.

Then, as he slowly stepped forward, he tried to reach out to hold my hand while saying softly, “Mom, it’s not what you think. I can explai-”

“Save it!”, I said a bit loudly cutting him off mid-sentence and making him step back to stand beside the bed.

“I thought you’d be done with all of these impulses, after taking everything that we gave you that night... and then some more”, I said in a feeble tone.

Kyle whispered, “I thought so too, mom. But…”

“But what?”

Kyle remained silent. I continued, “Kate’s already asking me why it is that you’re acting weird since she got here.”

After a brief period of silence, Kyle said, “Mom, you don’t know how hard it is to be an adult teenager.”

I asked with frustration, “Really?... Really? How hard can it be?”

After taking a couple of breaths, Kyle jumped in front of me, grabbed my right hand and plunged my palm on top of his underwear. His cock nestled between his balls felt larger than it already was since I was touching it over the cloth. Kyle kept my palm pressed firmly against his crotch and wouldn’t let go.

And he replied with heavy teary eyes, “Can you feel that, mom? That’s how hard it can be.”

Fuck! My fingers slowly contracted to latch onto everything that it could grab. His cock and a fair portion of his loaded balls. It felt so firm, I wanted to drop to my knees and bury my face in it.

He asked again, “Can you, mom?”

At his point, I felt like we entered a realm where sanity, logic and shame didn’t exist. I responded in a way I never would have expected to, in my whole life. All while continuing to massage his cock in every possible direction and effort.

I said, “Yes, yes I can. Oh, honey, this must be really difficult for you.”

“I feel like this at least twice a day and that’s on a dull day, mom.”

“Oh, dear.”

“My hands get tired and my phone often runs out of data or battery from all the porn I have to watch to relieve myself.”

“Aww. No boy should ever have to suffer such a burden.”

“Please help me, mom. Please.”

“I’ll help you, honey. I will. In every way I can. Just tell me what to do,” I said, all while still massaging his penis by largely grabbing the mass of genitals that my palm and fingers could fit and deliberately jerking him around the head of his penis, with the underwear preventing direct contact.

Kyle replied, “Mom, you’ve already done everything you can.”

“Then, would you like your sister to try? Is that what you want?”

“Mom, I’ve already tried older with you. Now, I just need to try younger. It doesn’t have to be Kate.”

“Really, Kyle? It doesn’t have to be her? You don’t want Kate?”

Then, I just forcefully pulled down his underwear only down to his knees and quickly grabbed his cock directly and milked it fast. So fast that my hands blurred out of sight. I wanted him to cum quickly because I don’t want to be in his room too long and raise Kate’s suspicion.

All of a sudden, I started ‘dirty talking’ to my son.

“Tell me, Kyle. Tell me that you’d rather have Kate do this to you than me.”

“Mom, what are you doing? It’s not… I’m not… oh, mom.”

I couldn’t believe what I was doing! I was jerking off my son with my daughter sitting in the next room. And I was dirty talking!

I continued, “Tell me that you’ve never dreamt of rubbing this against her skirted ass. Never imagined lifting up her cheerleader shirt. Tell me.”

“Mom, stop. You’re gonna make me cum if you keep talking like this.”

“What if I told you that my quickie with Zoey gave me new perspective? What if I told you that I too want what you want? What if I told you that I’ll help you get what you’re craving for?”

Kyle whispered loudly, “Oh god, mom, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna make a mess!”

“Don’t worry, honey. I got you. Just... don’t be loud.”

I quickly cupped my left palm below the tip of his penis and Kyle blew his load onto it. I milked him slowly until the very last drop fell into my palm. Then, I quickly went into the bathroom inside his room to wash my hands while Kyle took the moment to rest on his bed and pull up his underwear.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I felt that reality had returned.

I said to Kyle with a flat tone, “I want this all to end as soon as possible. We can’t keep doing this. If Kate is the last one who can put a stop to all of this, then I… I’ll… help.”

Kyle’s eyes widened.

I said, “One time, Kyle. Last time.” And then I added, “...and Kate can’t know anything about this conversation or about what happened last week. When it happens, it needs to look and feel spontaneous. Do you understand?”

Kyle gave me a slight nod of agreement and I left the room keeping my chin held high. But as soon as I closed the door behind me, I cowered letting out all the air in my lungs that I had held back to maintain a governing posture.

Not bad, Jenny, but Kyle is just a practice run. Kate is the real challenge here. I mentally patted myself on the back and walked towards the couch. As I reached, I told Kate that there was nothing to worry about and that Kyle was just sleepy is all and I continued to walk to my room.

Kate asked me, “Aren’t you gonna watch the rest of the movie with me?”

“I’m just a little exhausted, honey. I want to rest my head for a bit. Tell you what… why don’t you come and find me after the movie? If you manage to stay awake through this.” I smiled.

“Ok, I’m just gonna pretend you did not say that about a Vin Diesel movie.”

I giggled and went on ahead to my room. I hit the bed but I couldn’t sleep. I kept running it in my mind on how I’m going to break it to Kate. Time lapsed quickly and I heard a soft knock on my door and then Kate entered.

She threw herself on my bed and asked, “So, what’s up mom? Why did you want me here?”

I took a few seconds to reign in my jitters as I sat up straight and began to speak, “Well… I wanted to talk to you about Kyle.”

Kate said, “You said everything was fine.”

“It is. It’s just that Kyle has been having some… issues. I helped him work through it once before but it looks like he just might need some more time and… support from all of us.”

“Oh my god, is he sick?”

“No! God, no. He’s just been having problems… teenage problems.”

Kate looked confused. She asked, “Is he having trouble at that part-time gig? Anyone bullying him?”

“No, not at all. It’s more... personal. It’s also probably why you might think that he’s been acting weird with you.”

“Mom, just say it, will you?”

“Well… Kyle has been having problems coping with his… ‘boy’ tendencies.”

“Uh… Is he gay?”, Kate asked with a stupid face.

“What? No! Why would you thi- ah, nevermind!” After regaining my confidence, I said without giving a pause, “Kyle is being a young, sexually healthy boy who just can’t seem to stop having an erection all the time! There, I said it.”

There was silence in the room for a significant period. Then, Kate responded.

“Wow… um… ok… I most certainly did not expect to hear anything of this sort.”

I maintained a very nervous look on my face. Kate was still puzzled as to what was going on. She asked, “So, what’s the problem here? Aren’t all boys his age like that?”

“Do all boys bring their friends home and dish out a group masturbation effort?”, I replied quickly.

Kate exclaimed with a smile and said, “WHAT?” and she laughed for nearly a minute. “Oh mom, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard! Haha, that’s so ridiculous! Did he really do that? Was Chase there too? Haha, man I’m gonna own them for the rest of their lives with this.” and she continued to laugh a little longer until tears clouded her eyes.

All the while, I held my palms together and pretty much prayed that nothing should go downhill from here. But when do prayers ever get answered?

As Kate calmed down and giggled only seconds apart, her expression showed that she stumbled upon something. She asked, “Wait… wait a minute… is that why Kyle suddenly stormed to his room? Because he had an erection?”

I nodded in positive. Then she continued, “And you said that you helped him work through it once before… what could ‘you’ have possibly done to help him out with this?”

I gave Kate a long stare and then I began to recite the events of the three days that occurred the week before. As I began the story, Kate sat up straight and then she barely moved until I finished the entire story. I didn’t leave out a single detail. I confessed every excruciating, sultry, embarrassing, sinful, tingling detail.

After I finished, there was complete silence in the room for several minutes, while Kate stared into my tainted soul and I tried to avoid every second of it.

Then Kate responded loudly, “What the fuck, mom?!”

She continued after a brief pause, “This is sick. I can’t believe you’re the kind of person who would… ah! You let him fuck you? And cum inside you? And and, Chase? and Zoey too? Oh my god, I think I’m gonna throw up.”

Kate quickly covered her mouth with her hand which was shivering from the trauma of hearing what she did. I thought that the excessive details would entice her but I guess I was wrong. I realized that I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was with my plan to simply confess to her.

Kate got up to leave but I couldn’t move a single muscle in my body to stop her. Before Kate opened the door, she stood still for a moment and asked me softly, “Why?”

I didn’t know what she meant. I responded humbly, “Why what?”

“Why the fuck did you have to tell me all of this now? Why couldn’t you have just kept this a secret forever? Why?” she asked with a mildly enraged look.

While I looked down and struggled for rational answers that could do damage control, I couldn’t think of any at that moment....

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Written by DonnaTurner
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