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A Dash of Panache

"Panache before Punishment"

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She had a thing about panache so the Audi A5 convertible had to have the top down even though the tropical sun threatened to boil the blood in her head and turn her eyeballs into aching migraine globes, unmitigated by the midnight-black sunglasses perched on her nose. A Mercedes SL or a Porsche 911 would have been ideal, of course, but if a humble Audi A5 was all that was available you had to compensate for it with a dash of panache; which meant that it had to be startlingly white, the top must be down, and the driver must have blonde hair streaming in the wind and wearing only a white off-the-shoulder lace crop top and tiny denim shorts that clung to her toned bum like painted skin.

She powered the Audi through the last hairpin turn into a long straight length of empty road stretching to the horizon, pressed the accelerator, and the silky supercharged V-6 effortlessly accelerated with a throaty growl. Time to see what her car could do.

It wasn’t her car, exactly. It belonged to Dr. Fletcher and technically she was supposed to be keeping an eye on his house while he vacationed in Cabo San Lucas, but, after all, the car had been in the garage which was part of the house, and surely he wouldn’t mind if she borrowed it to run a few errands.

The speedometer skyrocketed through 100 mph and was touching 110 when she glimpsed the police car hiding in a pull-out as she flashed by fast as a jack rabbit fleeing a prairie fire.

“Oh, crap! Oh, crap! Oh, crap!” she shrieked and immediately mashed the brakes but it was too late. Flashing blue lights exploded onto the road behind her and she was well and truly caught. “Oh, crap crap crap!” she swore. The last thing she needed was another ticket. Her husband had nearly had a stroke when he found out about her last one and this time she was sure to pay. “Crap!” she said again for emphasis, then sighed and turned into a dirt road conveniently screened by foliage that would mask her indignity from passing motorists and turned off the engine.

“Get a hold of yourself,” she scolded, checking her hair in the rear view mirror. “I can talk my way out of this.” The cop eased up behind her and sat in his car, obviously running her license plate.

It seemed like the policeman was going to take forever. Thank God she wasn’t driving her own car. If he had pulled up her license plate.. well, it would not go well. Finally she saw him emerge from the cruiser and begin to saunter warily up to her door. She put on her most innocent face and doey eyes.

“I guess I let my speed get away from me, officer,” she said with her best smile calibrated to be just a little bit rueful. “It’s so hard to judge how fast this car is going. I noticed it just as I passed you. I don’t blame you for issuing me a warning,” she suggested and did her best to appear contrite.

“License and registration, ma’am,” the officer growled.

“Why, certainly, officer. I do hope that we can work this out. My husband would be positively livid if I got a ticket. Surely you can see the position this puts me in.” she cooed seductively.

“Stay in your car, ma’am. I’ll be right back.”

Oh, God, please, please, please let me get off this time. I promise I’ll stop speeding, and I’ll go to church every Sunday and, and.. But she didn’t get a chance to finish her prayer. The cop was back.

“Ma’am, is this your vehicle?”

“Um, actually it’s not, officer. It belongs to a friend of mine, Dr. David Fletcher.” She emphasized the Doctor to show that she had important friends.

“And did Dr. Fletcher give you permission to drive his car?”

“Well, not exactly. But I know he wouldn’t mind. He asked me to watch his things while he’s on vacation, and..”

He abruptly cut her off. “Ma’am, please step out of the car.”

Slowly she opened her car door and unfolded her shapely legs, teetering on the six inch stiletto heels of her Steve Madden Yeskia platform pumps and thrust out her chest in what she hoped was an alluring pose. She smiled to herself when she perceived the sharp intake of breath as the cop surveyed her trim, tanned torso, pert rear, and perfect roundness of her braless breasts. She’d befuddled more than one man with her charms and bent him to her will as easily as shaping modeling clay and she must –must- get this cop to overlook her indiscretion.

“Officer, I’m sure I was going just a teensy bit over the speed limit,” she cooed, “but no one was on the road. No harm was done. And I would be ever so grateful if we could just let bygones be bygones. Ever so grateful.”

“Ma’am, I need you to turn around and put your hands on the hood and spread your legs.”

Why, certainly, officer.” She turned, and put as much panache into it as she could. “This certainly puts me in a vulnerable position. In fact, I’m completely at your mercy.”

He quickly and thoroughly frisked her, none too gently.

“Ooo! You have such big strong hands. They just send chills up my spine.” She was enjoying herself. He’d be eating out of her hand in no time. “I’m sorry that I’ve caused you so much trouble. Surely I can make it up to you somehow.”

“Hands behind your back, ma’am.”

She complied without thinking. “I’m sure you can see that there’s no need to involve my lawyer or your supervisor in this when we can just work it out between ourselves.”

There was a sharp metallic snick as handcuffs snapped shut on her wrists and her heart suddenly froze.

“What.. You jackass! Why did you handcuff me? I said I was sorry!” she spat, trying to turn but he had her crowded up against the side of the car. “Okay – fine,” she hissed. “If it makes your dick hard I’ll take the ticket.“

The cop snorted in derision and bent close until his lips were right by her ear. “Ticket? Oh, this is way beyond a ticket. You’re going to jail, little Missy. Fifty miles per hour over the speed limit. Fifty! That’s enough to haul you in by itself. And not only were you speeding, you were going over 100. There are special penalties for that. With your record, you’ll be locked up in the county jail for thirty days, at least. And to top it all off: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. That’s grand theft auto, Missy, and the penalty for that- is- state- prison!” His finger poked her back emphasizing every word.

She was speechless. Prison? What would her friends think? What about her kids? And when she thought of what her husband would say she cringed. She couldn’t go to prison. Not her!

The cop continued his tirade. “You think you can come to our county and flout our laws like rules don’t apply to you! And on top of that you insult me and try to seduce me and threaten me! People like you make me want to puke! You think you can do anything you want and never have to face the consequences. Is that it? Is that what you think? You think that all you have to do is wiggle that butt and jiggle those tits and I’ll let you go. Not this time, Missy. Not ever! You picked the wrong cop to screw with.”

He grasped her pinioned arm and whirled her around until she faced him. His face was a mask of rage as he leaned in so close that their noses almost touched.

“None of this would have happened if your Daddy had been a man and said ‘no’ instead of gratifying your every whim and letting you get away with doing anything you wanted! Well, things don’t work that way in the real world. In the real world, when you break the rules you have to pay the price. I’ll bet you were never even spanked, were you? Were you?” He was right in her face.

Frightened, she shook her head no. Her lip quivered and tears coursed down her cheeks, truly contrite.

He rocked back on his heels, triumph in his eyes. “I knew it. Maybe if that delicate little heinie of yours had been whipped every now and again you wouldn’t be in this fix now. I’ve half a mind to teach you myself!”

“O... Okay. Anything but jail. Please, officer!”

“Are you saying you want me to whip your butt? You think that will get you out of this? How many smacks do you think it would take before you learned that it’s wrong to take someone else’s property without permission?”

“I... I don’t know.” She was sobbing now. “Five?” she offered up in a little-girl voice.

He guffawed. “Five? Five swats instead of a year in prison! I don’t think so. ” He considered as sobs wracked her body amid terrified whimpers.

“Look at you, all cowering and sniveling and weak. How long do you think you’d last in prison? How long!?” He shook her.

She was sobbing now. “I don’t know! I can’t go to j-a-i-l,” she wailed, tears overflowing her panic-stricken eyes.

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I’m sorry. I really am. Please don’t make me go to jail!” and she dissolved into sobs.

“No time at all, that’s how long. Those ‘ladies’ would tear you apart. And some of those guards should be in prison themselves.” She cried harder as he contemplated her speculatively. “By God, maybe I’ll teach you a lesson myself. Maybe I will give you the spanking you deserve. You should be thanking me that it’s not some prison guard administering your punishment, because they don’t spank! Let me hear you say ‘Thank you!’”

“Th-thank you,” she whispered. She’d become small, her shoulders shrunken and her head bowed, her cheeks warmed by a confounding mix of shame and excitement.

He thrust her sprawling over the hood of the car, her rear pointing skyward. Without hesitation and almost in the same movement he jerked her shorts and panties until they were halfway down her thighs. He raised his hand to shoulder-height and brought it down with a swift swing on her exposed butt.


Oh, God, it hurt! She gasped in shock at the blow and almost collapsed to her knees. He reached between her legs and lifted her by her crotch.

“Oh, you’re thankful all right. I can feel how thankful you are. You little tramp, this is making you wet, isn’t it? Does it excite you when a real man makes you behave?”


He spanked her again, harder this time. She yelped, her bottom stinging, her clit singing.

“Tell me how thankful you are. Tell me how happy you are to get a spanking instead of going to prison. Every time you get a lick, say ‘thank you.’ Do you understand me?”

She opened her mouth to respond, but no sound emerged. She was stunned, thrilled, paralyzed with a strange desire that caused her juices to flow.

“Do. You. Understand?” he repeated through clenched teeth.

She nodded, and once more his palm cracked against her reddening fanny, causing her to suck air with a sharp gasp.

“Thank you!” she yelped, and tried to wriggle away from his cruel blows, but it was not to be. He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fist and spanked her again with his free hand, this time on the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.

“Thank you. Please- no more!”

“We haven’t even begun yet, missy. When I’m finished with you, you’ll never even think of breaking the speed limit again.”

SMACK! “Say it!”

“Thank you,” she chirped immediately.


“Thank you.”

He continued spanking her, she obediently thanking him. At first she tried to twist away from the blows but he had her in an iron grip and soon she just endured her humiliation, oblivious to everything but the stinging heat in her rump and the tingle of her sex. In shame she could feel drops of moisture slowly trickling their way down her quaking thighs.

She heard him open his zipper and moan as he removed himself from his pants. And still he spanked her. Slowly. Deliberately. With measured power he alternated between thudding smacks and self-pleasuring rubs, his grunts intensifying in parallel to her yelps and thanks. She stole a glance behind her. His hand moved on his obscenely swollen prick, the eye of his opening winking open and shut as he rubbed himself, staring at her exposed increasingly aroused fanny. She whimpered and closed her eyes.

The smacks continued, on and on until she lost track of the number.

Finally she heard the crunch of gravel under his shoes as he shuffled around behind her, still bent over the hood of the low-slung Audi. He kicked her feet apart and widened her stance, positioned himself securely, then pushed inside her with ease. Her face burned in humiliation at how wet she had become and how easily her body accepted him, how much she wanted him. He thrust as he spanked her, roughly, powerfully, growling incomprehensible obscenities at the back of her head, building in ferocity.

Everything was becoming a blur for her, a heady mix of sensations: pain, pleasure, humiliation, exhilaration. She was overwhelmed, overstimulated and entirely lost, all inhibition gone, unaware that she was now screaming ‘fuck me’ over and over again instead of ‘thank you.’

Brutally he lunged deep and deeper, each thrust accented by a resounding smack on her naked bottom. She couldn’t help it – ecstasy welled up inside her, pleasure feeding off the pain. “No! no!” she panicked. She couldn’t allow him to see, to know, what he was doing to her.

But her body betrayed her. Her defenses crumpled under his merciless attack and quite against her will blood thundered in her ears and her body quaked and quivered in tumultuous climax.

He stopped and pulled out indignantly, still hugely erect.

“Why, you little whore! Here this whole time I was going easy because I felt sorry for you. But you – You were enjoying it! By God, I will make you sorry. I will!”

She felt the cop’s fingers roughly entering her depths to scoop up the copious dew collected there, then smearing it on her defenseless exposed anus. He spit in his hand and smeared his prick as well. Suddenly she realized what was about to happen.

“No! “ she squealed. “Not there! You’ll kill me. No one has ever done it there, not even my husband! Please.. Don’t…”

Her begging ended in a wail as she felt something soft and blunt nudge her most secret place. Mightily she struggled to fend off the intruder, but her hands were bound behind her and she was pinned helplessly to the hood of the car. The cop cackled triumphantly and remorselessly wormed the head of his rigid rod through the puckered ring of her clenched sphincter and deep into her rectum, not letting up until his balls bounced against her still-twitching lips.

“No!” she whispered, but already he had begun the assault in earnest. Withdrawing his shaft until it seemed the head must pop out, with a loud grunt he thrust hard and deep and as before smacked her butt as his weapon reached its apex.

“Say, ‘Thank you!’”

“Th-thank you,” she sobbed, all pride gone.

Another thrust. “Say it again!”

“Thank you.” The words almost choked her.

He lunged into her with an animal fury, rocking her body back and forth across the car’s hood, mashing her clit rhythmically into the smooth, gleaming metal. And again her body responded, pulsing in rhythm with her "thank yous."

“Oh, no!” she panicked. “Not again! Not this way!”

She tried to focus on her stinging buttocks, on her sore, ravaged bottom hole. on how he was humiliating her, but could not prevent the rising tide within her. It ebbed and flowed, like waves on a beach. Higher.. and higher.. the tension unbearable and yet still she struggled to hold it back. Her tormentor was also close. His thrusts came quicker, more insistent. Incoherent groans were wrenched from his throat and just as he teetered on the edge of release she again exploded, shrieking and bucking and trembling.

The cop felt the first waves of orgasm grip him and his pace suddenly increased, no longer able to stop what was about to happen. As the first and second waves crashed over him, his entire body beginning to clench, he ripped himself out of her and pointed his spurting cock down between her thighs, coating her innocent white panties with streams of sticky, viscous semen, filling them with his goo. As a final act he reached down and slid her now profaned undies up until the warm slimy wetness nestled snugly in the sensitive folds of her cleft.

She lay silently sobbing across the hood of the Audi, her throbbing red butt twitching as her body continued to spasm with orgasmic aftershocks. A trickle of white oozed from her abused anus and joined the nasty mess in her underwear. The cop tucked himself in and straightened his uniform, then finally produced the keys to the handcuffs and released her arms. She stood rubbing her wrists, too humiliated to look him in the eye. He scowled.

“I’m letting you off way too easy. You should be on your way to jail, but I always was a soft touch for a crying female. Now-get out of my sight, get this car back to its owner, and so help me if I ever catch you going as much as a mile over the speed limit again you’ll think what you got this time was patty cakes! Do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, looking at the ground. He turned and eased into his patrol car while she straightened her disheveled clothing.

“Hey!” she suddenly called as he started the engine. “Hey!

He rolled the window down warily.

“We need some milk and bread. Can you pick some up on your way home tonight? Oh-and we need snacks for the kids to take to school tomorrow. Get some of those little boxes of raisins and some Goldfish.”

He heaved a big sigh. “Oh, all right. What’s for supper, anyway?”

“I have a pot roast with new potatoes and carrots in the crock pot – your favorite.”

He mimed rubbing his tummy. “I’ll be home by six!”

With a little of the old panache she grinned flamboyantly and said, “Thank you!”

And with a jaunty wave her husband backed down the dirt road, eased back onto the highway, gave a short toot on his horn, and was gone. 

Written by Shylywild
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