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"Our happy, horny couple agree to to the next step"

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About 6 months ago my husband Tim and I helped out a younger woman named Gail who was having car trouble near our home. As she would be stuck overnight waiting for repairs, we invited her to stay the night at our house rather than have her shell out for a hotel. We talked quite a lot during her brief stay and we have kept in touch since, becoming fast if distant friends. This brings us to the present, Tim and I are on our way to Virginia Beach to spend the weekend with Gail.

During the about 90-minute drive, Tim could not help himself, all he wanted to talk about was how we were going to manage to talk Gail into all three of us sleeping in one bed. I tried repeatedly to slow him down, to let things happen and see where things went but he was having none of it. All he could picture in his mind was the three of us naked with him watching Gail and I devour each other and him joining in when it suited him. I wanted the exact same thing but I knew if I let him go, he would be uncontrollable. I opened up Maps on my phone and found what looked like a solar panel farm just past the Hampton Roads Bridge/Tunnel. I directed him there and we found a secluded spot to park like a couple of horny teenagers. I sucked him off in the car before we got to Gail’s house, swallowing his load. “There,” I said, “that will have to do you for now.” He just looked at me with that “I just got a blow job” look. “Listen up, you,” I said sternly, “I want to fuck her as badly as you do but if you don’t slow down, you’ll fuck this up. Just follow my lead and don’t try to improvise, got it?”

“Got it,” he said, not convinced. I pressed my fingertip to my lips and transferred my kiss to his lips with it.

“Just try not to be obvious, okay?” He nodded and we drove out. Shortly after we got away from our parking spot, we got pulled over. I could see this good ol’ boy waddling up to the side of the car, and told Tim to shut his fucking hole. The cop tapped on the window.

“Ever’thin’ a’right, folks,” he drawled, bending over to peek in the car.

“Everything’s fine officer,” I said, “we’re on our way to visit a friend and we got lost. We got it figured out now.” He looked at Tim and me skeptically and after the usual license and registration bullshit, he seemed prepped to let us be on our way.

“This your wife?” he asked Tim.

Tim just nodded, “Yessir, going on 12 years now.”

He replied, “What with GPS and cell phones, we don’t see too many folks getting ‘lost’, anymore,” his fingers putting the word in air quotes.

“You know men,” I laughed, “can’t tell them what to do and they won’t take directions.”

He just smiled, having figured out exactly what had happened. “Y’all have a good day, drive safe now, yeah!” We both bid him good day and drove off.

About 15 minutes later we found Gail’s house, a small, neat, brick bungalow. As we pulled up we both observed that the grounds were meticulously maintained. We parked in her driveway and mounted the small front porch, ringing the doorbell.

“Hey, you guys! Welcome!” Gail greeted us with warm hugs. “Come on in out of the heat!” It was a warm summer day with little wind, it only took a few minutes of standing outside before you’d start to sweat.

The inside of the home was as immaculate as the outside, it was obvious that Gail and her husband took great pride in their home. The walls were covered with photos and prints of scenes from all over the world. Shelves contained pictures of Gail and her husband in various locales. “What a lovely home you have,” I said to her, staring at a photo of Andre in his uniform. Andre is a tall black man, the outline of his rather impressive package could be seen in his dress whites. “Your husband is a handsome man, I’ll bet you miss him.”

“You have no idea,” she breathed, “he’ll be home in three weeks, I can’t wait to get my hands on him!” I thought that perhaps I’d like to get my hands on him myself.

“Well, with Andre away,” she replied, “I seem to have plenty of time on my hands, housework keeps me busy.” She waved to the small dining room table, “There’s a pitcher of margaritas, or I have beer and wine if you’d prefer.”

“Margaritas are just the thing for a hot day,” Tim said, helping himself to a tall glass and pouring one for each of us. Gail gave us the nickel tour, showing us where we’d be sleeping and the facilities.

"You guys hungry?” she asked.

“I could eat,” said Tim.

“I’m good, I had a small snack on the way,” I winked at Tim and licked my lips. We retired to the living room and got caught up. Gail’s store was doing well, even for the summer when sales were a bit slow. Understandably, her busiest times were Christmas and Valentine’s Day, but birthdays and anniversaries kept things moving in between.

“I’ve expanded our offerings,” she said, “we started selling adult-themed items a couple of months ago. I knew there was a market for such things but they’ve really taken off.”

“An opening?” I thought, then thought better of it. Not yet. “Really,” I said, “Tim, we’ll have to check that out while we’re here.” I looked at Gail, “We’re always looking for something new for the bedroom.” She smiled and raised her eyebrows as she shifted a little in her chair. We continued chatting until dinner time.

“You guys okay with going out for dinner?” she asked, “There’s a place downtown that has great seafood. Maybe after, when it cools off, we can go for a walk on the beach.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Tim, finishing off his drink. He was having trouble sitting still, he could not help but stare at Gail’s chest. I could imagine the things he wanted to do with her, I should, he did them to me during Gail’s last visit. He excused himself to the washroom.

“Is Tim okay?” she asked. “He seems a little uncomfortable.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” I asked, knowing that my next words could make or break the weekend. Gail nodded. “Tim thinks you’re pretty sexy, he’s a boob man and his imagination may be getting the best of him. I’m sorry if he’s offending you.” She waved me away.

"Don’t worry about it,” she laughed, bringing her hands up under her boobs and hefting them until they jiggled, “I’m used to it. Ever since I was a teenager, men have been preoccupied with my boobs”

“Not just men,” I offered, “I’ll bet there’s plenty of women who wished theirs were as big as yours.” I paused for a moment, “I sometimes wish mine were bigger.”

“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,” she said, “they’re heavy and I get back pain sometimes. I’m actually looking at having reduction surgery.” I laughed at her.

“Well, I’ll take what you don’t want!” My own breasts were a nice size, I supposed a “C” cup is plenty. Tim called them perfect but, seeing how he ogled at Gail, I knew he was just saying that to make me feel good. We both laughed, Gail has such an easy laugh.

“Andre will probably be a bit disappointed, he’s a boob man too,” she said, “but I laid down the law, my health is more important than his libido.” I reached over to pass a high-five on that.

We took a cab to the restaurant so we wouldn’t have to worry about driving home. Dinner was very good, Tim had a steak while Gail and I both had Mahi-Mahi. After dinner, we walked the block or so to the boardwalk and then onto the beach proper. Shoeless, we enjoyed the sand under our feet. “We should come down here tomorrow morning for a while before it gets too hot,” I said. Gail and Tim agreed.

“We could bring lunch and then, maybe afterward, I can show you my store,” Gail suggested. Tim and I had never been to an adult store together, he squeezed my hand in anticipation.

“Sounds good,” he said. As we walked, Gail’s hand kept brushing up against mine, I wasn’t sure if it was accidental or not but all doubt was removed when, as I swung my hand lazily backwards, our palms met and her fingers grasped mine. She squeezed my hand and looked at me, I looked back and squeezed hers. Tim was, of course, oblivious. We were about ready to go back to Gail’s house before he realized that Gail and I were holding hands, what probably triggered his awareness was the finger-pointing from others as we walked by. He said nothing, which was unusually intelligent of him given how horny he was, he just squeezed my hand a little tighter.

We walked up away from the beach and, after cleaning our feet and putting our sandals back on, went into a bar for one more drink before going home. Forty-five minutes later we hailed a cab, Tim got in the front and Gail and me got in the back. For the ten-minute or so ride home, Gail’s fingers traced lazily along my thigh, her shoulder pressed into mine. I didn’t reciprocate, I figured the drinks and the long absence of her husband had just made her long for human contact. Turns out I was wrong about that.

Back at her place, we sat back in the living room for a bit. Presently, Gail spoke, “Remember that night I spent at your house?” She asked. Remember? How could I forget! We both just nodded. “Well,” she hesitated, “I could hear you guys.” She let that hang for a moment before continuing, “I mean everything.”

“Oh,” I said, looking at Tim to remind him to shut the fuck up, “so you heard Tim saying the things he wanted to do to you?” Gail nodded.

“And I heard the things you said as well,” she replied. “I got so turned on I had to pleasure myself. I came right along with you guys. It was awesome.” She stopped to take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Can I be super honest with you guys?” We both nodded and she continued, “Andre and I have talked about doing, you know, with other people but,” she hesitated again.

“It’s okay Sweetie,” I said softly, “we will never repeat anything you tell us.”

“It’s not that,” she answered, “I couldn’t much care less what people say about me.” She took a deep breath as if to steel her nerves. “It’s just that we agreed that nothing would happen like that unless we were both agreed. I talked to him last week when he was in port and told him about you guys coming to visit.” Another deep breath, “He said to go for it. The only thing was, if you guys were up for it, after he gets home, we all get together and see what happens.” She was so nervous her hands had started to shake.

“I think Tim and I will have to talk about that,” I said, moving over beside her and taking her hand. “But I think that’s something we could try.” Tim shifted uncomfortably at the thought of his wife getting hammered by a black cock, I looked at him. “You listen to me. If this happens, it’s all in or not at all.” He was obviously not happy about the idea.

“Why don’t we sleep on it?” I suggested, “See where we are with it tomorrow. Okay?” Gail nodded nervously. I reached my arms around her and asked, “Have you ever been with a woman?” She shook her head. “Me neither. I have a friend who’s a lesbian, she’s always going on about how different it feels to kiss a woman.” I reached to her and brushed my lips lightly against hers, moving my lips ever so gently. She responded in kind, after our lips parted, she looked at me and smiled.

“That was nice,” she whispered.

I hugged her close, “Something to think about,” I said. I could see Tim out of the corner of my eye, he had a huge lump in his crotch, I could tell he wouldn’t take much convincing. Gail noticed as well.

“Tim seems keen,” she said, grinning.

“Let us talk about it,” I said. “We’ll have clear heads tomorrow.” I hugged her again, this time she initiated the kiss, this time a little longer and fuller.

“We better stop now,” she said. I nodded agreement and got up off the couch, my fingers trailing along her arm as we parted. I didn’t want to stop, but I knew that I had to get my husband to agree to let Andre fuck me with what I believed to be a rather larger cock than I had ever seen, before I would agree to let him loose on Gail’s tits.

We reluctantly retired to our rooms, the door had barely closed when Tim said, “I don’t know babe, I’m not sure I could watch you fuck another man.”

“So, you’d have no problem shagging Gail but don’t want me to get fucked by a big black cock! Is that it?” I was getting mad. “Don’t you see how that makes you look like a total hypocrite?” I knew that was the one thing Tim hated, to be called a hypocrite. He didn’t have a reply so we just sat there and stared at each other. After a bit, I continued.

“Baby, I know you’re really keen to see me and Gail fuck, I could tell because when I kissed her, your cock almost jumped out of your pants.” I reached out and took hold of him. “Here’s the deal and it’s non-negotiable, either you agree to a return engagement after Andre gets home or we pack our things and go home tonight. If that happens, I’m going to come back here next weekend and spend the entire weekend in her bed!” Tim was taken aback, he started to speak but I held up my hand.

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“We both want to have sex with Gail, you’ve always wanted to see me with another woman and we both know that you are just all fucked up in the head thinking about her tits.” I leaned forward and kissed him. “Well, guess what, I want all those things too. Another thing I’ve always wanted to fuck a large cock, you know that. We bought that one toy to try it out. You always said we would try anything as long as we both agree. Well, as much as you want to touch and kiss and suck on Gail’s tits, I want to touch and kiss and suck and fuck Andre’s cock.”

Tim just deflated, he knew he was beaten. We just sat there quietly as he pondered his decision. In the quiet we could hear sounds from across the hall, before long we realized it was Gail, pleasuring herself. “You see, honey,” I whispered, maneuvering myself so my buttocks were against his boner, “don’t you want to watch me make her moan like that?” Her moans were increasing in volume. “Don’t you want to make her moan like that?”

“If Andre is as big as you think he is, I rather doubt I could make her moan like that!” he said, shaking his head. I hugged him.

“You silly man,” I laughed, “have you learned nothing? You know that one vibrator we have, the one with the bulb on the end?” He nodded, “I don’t even put that one all the way inside me and it gives me the most delicious orgasms!” I kissed him and rubbed his crotch, “And that other long black one, we always fuck after we use that one, and I’m still snug enough for you.” He nodded again, conceding my point. “Size is one thing but it isn’t everything,” I said, “I’ll bet he has no idea what a G-Spot is, but you,” I placed his hand against my warmth, “You know exactly how to find it. I’ll bet you would give Gail a toe-curling, screaming orgasm, just with your tongue and fingers.” I kissed him long and deep. I love my husband but I was craving something different.

“All right,” he said, “you win.” We kissed again, his hands starting to lift my t-shirt. “You always win.” He smiled at me. “I love you, Janet.” We sat and listened to Gail’s building orgasm, her moans were now screams. “You think we can make her scream like that?”

“Count on it,” I said, getting off the bed and taking off my clothes. “I gave you a special treat today, you think you could make me scream like that?”

“Count on it!” he smiled, and he did. His tongue and fingers worked their magic on my clit and G-Spot until I released my cum, that sticky, milky fluid that he loves to lick off my pussy. There was little question that Gail heard me, hell, I’ll bet even that fat-assed cop heard me!

One thing about a toe-curling orgasm is, that I can always sleep for hours afterwards. It was after 9:00 before I stirred the next day. Tim was already up, he and Gail were in the living room, drinking coffee. “Good morning sleepyhead!” chirped Gail, far too chipper after all the drinks we had the night before. I just mumbled a reply and stumbled to the coffee pot.

“So,” Gail said, rather frankly, “Tim tells me you guys had a good talk last night, and then you listened to me fuck myself silly.” I sipped my coffee and nodded.

“Indeed, we did,” I replied, sitting in Tim’s lap, “I suspect after you were finished, you had no choice but to listen to me.” We all laughed, then, as it died off, Gail looked at us squarely.

“So.” She said.

“So,” Tim replied, “I think we should take this thing to the next step.” Gail and I locked eyes, eagerly sizing each other up. “I’m still not sold on the idea of watching Janet with another man but,” he hesitated, “she gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Gail giggled at that and seemed to relax.

“I’m glad,” she said, “When Tim wouldn’t give me the details, I feared the worst.”

“I warned him not to talk about it with you if I wasn’t in the room,” I said. “He knows what side his bread is buttered on.” Tim’s hands moved up under my shirt until I stopped him. “Tell me, Gail, how big is Andre?” She took out her phone and brought up a picture, his cock was between her enormous tits, it was long enough that the head was fully above the top of them, his sperm splashed all over her chest and face. “Holy fuck,” I breathed, “that’ll do.”

“And you wouldn't believe his staying power," Gail breathed said, shifting uncomfortably. "Oh my God, I'm horny!" She motioned for me to sit beside her. "Tim, are you ready to have that fantasy of yours fulfilled?" I sat beside her and leaned in to kiss her, my hand moving to her breast.

"Yeah, Tim, are you?" I asked. He gulped and nodded, his hand rubbing his hard-on under his shorts. "And you agree to our agreement?" He nodded again. I sat across Gail's ample lap and she took me into her embrace. Lips and tongues entwined as we explored each other's mouths, our lips only parting for the briefest of moments to allow moans and sighs of passion to escape.

Gail urged me up off her lap and took my hand, leading me to her bedroom. Glancing over her shoulder, she motioned for Tim to follow. Locked in a passionate embrace, we fell sideways onto the unmade bed, Gail’s scent wafted up from the covers as we began wrestling. My legs parted and our thighs slid upward to press against each other’s labia, our hips began twisting to rub ourselves on the other’s leg.

Gail’s hand slid down along my tummy and slipped underneath my shorts, pausing briefly at the tuft of trimmed hair above my wetness. Her finger brushed my clit and my hips jumped, a sting of electricity jolting through my body as the anticipation of the touch I was yearning for turned into reality. Sliding further down, I felt her fingertip enter me, just probing my opening enough to confirm I was ready.

“Can I taste you?” she asked, I responded by kissing her hard, driving my tongue into her mouth in the same way I wanted her to drive hers into my pussy. She kissed her way down my body, pulling my top aside to give her lips access to my skin, now flushed with excitement. I looked over at my husband who had taken a seat in an armchair in the corner.

“Come here, baby!” I whispered. Tim came over and knelt beside the bed, his lips coming to mine just as Gail’s firm hands urged me to raise my bottom so she could remove my shorts. “Oh my God, Tim, thank you!” I moaned into his mouth as Gail’s lips found my clit, latching on and suckling briefly before moving her tongue to lap up my wetness. Tim’s hand went over the top of Gail’s and together they kneaded my breasts, pinching and pulling on my nipples just hard enough to make me wince but not hard enough to actually hurt. Each pinch elicited a moan of pleasure to encourage them to keep doing that.

Gail repositioned so she was on the floor opposite Tim, her head between my thighs and her hands lifting my bum so she could get unfettered access to my pussy. I pulled on Tim’s shoulders, “Feed me your cock!” I exclaimed, my eyes wide open. I could feel my face getting redder as together, my husband and our new friend attempted to bring me to heights of arousal I had never experienced. I opened wide and he laid the tip of his cock on my lips, my tongue flicked out and tried to capture it but he teased me, rubbing it around the circumference of my mouth. I took one hand off the back of Gail’s head and grabbed him, pulling him forward and into my mouth. He groaned at the sensation of my lips around his shaft.

“Nooooo, don’t stop!” I whimpered as Gail abandoned my pussy and came up to join me in sucking my husband’s cock. I released it from my oral grasp and pointed it toward her, she opened wide and engulfed it, taking it almost completely in her mouth. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot!” I whispered as she came back up slowly, his shaft glistening with our combined saliva. Opening wide again, she went back down agonizingly slowly, this time not stopping until her nose bumped on Tim’s trimmed hair. My hand caressed his balls as she sucked on him, each time she came up she would leave just the very tip in contact with her lips before opening wide and slowly plunging down again.

When I went down on a man, I always maintained full contact between his cock and my lips but as I watched Tim’s face, I could tell that he liked her way of doing it, promising myself I would remember that in the future. I pushed her head away, “My turn,” I said and I did as she did, opening wide until Tim was in my throat before drawing back up slowly. Tim’s groan was all the approval I needed. I felt Gail’s fingers inside me again, searching for and quickly finding my g-spot. Why do men have such trouble finding that wonderful little spot? It’s right there, all they have to do is watch our reaction, they’ll know when they’ve found it!

Coming off my husband’s cock, I looked at Gail, “I think Tim wants to see what your breasts feel like!” She rolled onto her back, almost rolling off the bed before shimmying sideways. I took Tim’s hands and together we caressed those plentiful mounds, they were surprisingly firm to the touch. Tim and I were like-minded as we both leaned forward and took a nipple each in our mouths. Gail inhaled sharply as we licked, nipped, and lightly bit her turgid nubs.

Tim turned to kiss me, “If you don’t taste her, I will!” he said.

“Fuck you!” I replied and I dove between her thighs to get my first taste of pussy – other than licking my fingers clean after playing with myself. I had never examined a vagina up close before so I took the opportunity now, sliding my fingertip along her labia, stopping to tease her clit with a couple of little circles before sliding one, then two fingers inside her, watching her face to see when I found what I was looking for. Gail held her breath, “There it is!” I whispered to myself as I went to work.

I felt the bed shift, Tim had moved to straddle Gail’s chest. I couldn’t see it but I could tell by the twitching of his ass he was sliding his cock between her sumptuous mounds. My own tits, while nice and round, weren’t really big enough for that exercise but I knew that as soon as he saw her chest, he wanted to tit-fuck her. I went back to my work, resolving to make her come before he did. It didn’t take long.

Gail’s thighs clamped against my head as her hips lifted to meet my tongue. Her long low moan told me all I needed to know, I began pistoning three fingers in and out of her snatch as I licked her clit like an ice cream cone on a hot July day. Seconds later I felt her spasm as the first rush of orgasm overtook her. Mumbling incomprehensibly, she bucked and thrashed against me but I held tight to her buttocks, holding myself against her to extract as much pleasure as I could. She pushed Tim off of her so she could reach down and grab two fistfuls of my hair, screaming “YES! YES! YES!”, very reminiscent of that scene in the RomCom where a certain blonde actress fakes an orgasm in a restaurant.

Gail, however, was not faking. There was no faking the rivulet of almost clear fluid that flowed slowly from inside her, stopping at the bottom of her slit to pool into little pearls before sliding down between the cheeks of her plentiful ass. I licked up as much as I could but a few drops made it to the sheet below, staining it wet. I climbed up her body to share her taste with her and hold her as her orgasm subsided.

“Oh my God, Janet, that was incredible!” she gasped. “I wish men could learn to eat pussy that good!” She held me tightly, making it a little difficult to breathe until she relaxed her hold. Tim moved beside us and ran his hands over both our bodies, pressing his boner into my hip, signaling that he was still ready for action.

“So, my dear husband,” I asked as things calmed, “is that what you had in mind for your fantasy?”

He held me close, “Almost,” he said. “Maybe you could go down on me while Gail lowers her tasty pussy onto my face?”

“I think that might wait until later,” I replied, “I need some cock, right now!” I pushed him onto his back and climbed aboard, impaling myself onto him and rocking my hips. There was nothing slow about my movements, I wanted to come as my husband’s seed poured into me. Tim never lasts long when I’m on top, it is our finishing move most times we fuck and today was no exception. A half a minute or so and he stiffened, his hips pushing me up and his hands holding my hips onto him as he came. His hot shot triggered my own orgasm a moment later and we rutted together, shouting each other’s names. Gail just watched as we rose, peaked, and fell over the edge together, collapsing onto the bed beside each other when we were done.

“That was the hottest thing I ever saw!” she exclaimed. “Porn has got nothing on watching the real thing!”

“I wouldn’t know,” I said, “but I think by the time this weekend is over, I’ll probably find out!” We all fell into each other’s arms, a tangled maze as we laughed and then calmed into soft quiet kisses, each of us thanking the other for the best experience of our lives. So far.

Written by CaressofSteel
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