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"Oh, that's just fucking great!" I thought to myself as I realized I was in the middle seat of the last row of a completely full three-and-a-half-hour flight. At least I was close to the bathroom. I typically board early so I can make sure there’s room in the overhead bins so there was really not much to do as the rest of the passengers boarded. I watched passively as the rest of the plane filled up but one passenger, in particular, caught my eye.

Trim, pretty and only a few years younger than my fifty-six years by my guess, she smiled politely at the people she passed as she made her way to the rear of the aircraft. Row by row she came closer and then looked directly at me and pointed to the empty window seat beside me. I got up and let her in, “Would you like me to put that in the overhead for you?” I asked.

She smiled and said, “Yes please, thank you so much!” I put her valise in the overhead and sat back down beside her, perhaps this flight wasn’t going to suck so much after all. “I’m April,” she said, a hint of New England accent in her voice.

“Stuart,” I replied holding out my hand to shake hers.

“Oooh, are you Irish?” she asked excitedly.

“No, I’m a Scotsman,” I replied, “but I live in Canada now.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” she said sweetly as she squeezed my hand. I tried to match her pressure and it was like something electric went off in my core at her touch.

We made small talk as the flight crew went through the usual safety briefing that nobody pays any attention to, where we were from, what we did for a living, etc. The plane finally got into position on the runway and as the engines spooled for takeoff, April reached over and grasped my hand.

“Sorry,” she said, “I’m a bit nervous during takeoff and landing. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” I replied, “I’m happy to help. She continued to hold my hand as the plane accelerated, rotated, and lifted into the sky. A few bumps, some whirring noises as the landing gear and flaps were retracted and the ride smoothed out. After about 10 minutes, the ride smoothed out and April relaxed noticeably.

“Thanks,” she said as she let go of my hand. “I should be used to flying but there’s something about takeoffs and landings that I just can’t get comfortable with.”

“No problem,” I laughed, “you just took me by surprise when you grabbed my hand. I didn’t mind, it’s been a long time since I held a pretty lady’s hand. It would have been impolite to refuse.”

“Oh, you’re not married then?” she asked.

“No, divorced,’” I replied.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly.

“I’m not,” I chuckled, “It’s been ten years since I caught her with her boss. She admitted to the affair straight away, said she loved him, and wanted to be with him, so we got divorced.  They got married and inside two years he got his secretary pregnant. She came crawling back, begging me to take her back and that whole affair had been a stupid mistake. I told her the mistake was marrying her in the first place and that she could fuck off, pardon my language.”

“Oh, it’s okay,” she giggled, “I’ve dropped an F-Bomb or two, especially when I’m golfing!”

“Hey, I’m a golfer as well,” I laughed. We spent a lot of the rest of the flight talking about golf, where we had played, where we’d like to, and so on. Before we knew it the airplane’s engine noise decreased and the pilot came on the intercom saying we were starting our descent and would be on the ground in about twenty minutes.

I held out my hand and she slid hers into it, looking directly at me and smiling brightly. Did I mention that she has a beautiful smile, the kind that when she smiles, she does so with her whole face? Her lightly lipsticked lips revealed straight even, impossibly white teeth, little crinkles appeared at the corners of her eyes and her cheeks plumped out full and round. As a teenager, I’m sure she was described as cute but as a mature woman, she could only be described as beautiful.

I glanced over every so often during the descent and every time I did, I found her looking straight at me with that smile. It was a bit windy on the approach and each time the aircraft bumped or bounced she gripped my hand more tightly. Before too much longer the aircraft settled and we were on the ground.

“Thank goodness,” she whispered, but instead of letting go of my hand like she did after takeoff, she kept holding it tightly, right up until the aircraft stopped at the gate. Being in the back of the aircraft it was about ten minutes before we were able to get out of our seats. I retrieved our bags from the overhead and, not wanting her to think I wasn’t a gentleman, I let her proceed up the aisle ahead of me. I’ll admit, part of the reason was that I wanted to get a look to see if she looked as good going away as she did coming towards me. She did, and then some. Her trim waist was more noticeable from the rear and her tailored slacks revealed two round and presumably firm butt cheeks.

We made our way to the baggage carousel and presently our luggage appeared. I collected my bag and looked around, hoping to catch her to say goodbye. She was about thirty feet away and she waved me over, as I approached, she held her arms out for a hug. Again she surprised me, I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed, not too tightly but enough that I could feel her breasts were rather firm and her tummy taught. She let go and said, “I so enjoyed meeting you Stuart, you made a dull and boring flight very bearable.”

“As did you,” I replied, “the flight just flew by!”

“I see what you did there!” she winked and I was done for. “Can I ask you to dinner later in the week? I’d like to thank you for helping me through it.” She reached into her purse and handed me her business card. “Call me tomorrow, you can pick the place, it’s my treat!”

“OK, I’ve never been asked to dinner by a woman before, I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes of course! Call me!” she sang as she turned a walked, or should I say bounced away, her blonde hair flowing behind her as she made for the taxi stand.

I had a very difficult time concentrating the rest of that day and evening. I went online and found a nice pub-style restaurant, not too expensive but with a reputation for good food and good service. The next day at lunchtime I texted her, “We good for dinner tonight?”

A quick reply, “Absolutely! Looking forward to it!”

“Pick u up at 6? Ur hotel?”

“How about I meet you at yours, send me the address.” I sent it to her, she replied with a thumbs-up and just like that, I had my first proper date since my divorce.

I arrived at the hotel restaurant a little before 6 to find April sitting at the bar. “I’m not late, am I?”

She laughed and said, “No, I just got here myself." She stood up and reached for a hug, this time accompanied by a kiss on the cheek. I squeezed her firmly, feeling her breasts against my body.

“Let’s get a table,” I said.

We moved to a booth and sat opposite each other, the waitress brought our drinks over and left menus after describing the specials. After we ordered we made small talk about work and why we were both here. Turns out we were both in the area for two weeks, with her flying back on an early flight on the following Saturday, mine being later in the day.

“I might have to change my flight to the later one, you know, in case I need someone to hold my hand on the plane,” she said slyly.

“I would love if that happened,” I answered.

“HAH! I win!!” she squealed, “I got you to say that word first!” I admit I was confused. She giggled, “It’s a game I play with a couple of my girlfriends, we see if we can get a date to say the word ‘love’ before we do.”

“So, this is a date?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

“Do you want it to be?” she replied.

I shrugged mine back, “I dunno, maybe,” I answered. Just then our meals arrived and we tucked in. WE spent the rest of the ‘date’ just chatting about small stuff and eventually the conversation turned back to golf.

“We should try to get a game in on the weekend if we can,” she suggested.

“Yeah, that’d be great!” I said, flashing her a thumbs up.

“Some of the guys at the local office are golfers, I’ll see if one of them can set something up.”

“Sure,” I answered, “anytime over the weekend is fine with me. My game will likely suck with rented clubs but, hey, bad golf is better than no golf at all.”

“Kinda like sex that way if you think about it,” she answered, “golf is a lot like sex, y’know.”

That piqued my curiosity, “Really? How so?”

“Well, you can play it alone or in groups, the only person you’re really trying to satisfy is yourself and, and this is the most important part, you don’t have to be any good at it to have fun!”

I almost spat out my food laughing. “Oh my God, that is funny! And so true!” Did I just hear what I thought I’d heard? Was she propositioning me? I looked at her and just raised one eyebrow and smiled at me over her drink.

“You set it up and I’ll be there!” I said excitedly.

“Deal,” she said, “it’s a date.”

“Been a long time since I was on a date,” I said, “I hope I don’t mess it up.”

“You’re doing great so far,” she winked at me. After a short while we finished dinner, I asked if she wanted to do something else that evening but she begged off saying she was still pretty wasted from the trip and had an early meeting. Disappointed, I understood. I walked her to the lobby where she called a cab, it arrived after only a few minutes. I walked her out and opened the back door for her to get in, she reached up for another hug, this one lasted far longer than any of the previous ones and I could swear I could feel her press her hips forward into me. She offered up her lips for a kiss which I quickly accepted. Nothing too sensual, just a flick of the tongue against my lips and she climbed in., wiggling her fingers goodbye and blowing me a kiss as her cab pulled away. Looks like me and my fantasies would have to take care of things alone this night.

We texted back and forth over the next couple of days, on Thursday afternoon, she sent me the name of the course we’d be playing and our tee time, 10:45 AM. She said one of the guys at the office where she was visiting was a member there and we’d be playing as guests of him and his wife.

Our texts got progressively more suggestive as the week went on. I tried to invite her out to dinner a couple more times that week but she always begged off making some excuse or other. “Patience” was the theme in her replies. Saturday morning came and I headed out to the course early so I’d have plenty of time to check-in and warm-up.

April arrived shortly after I did, it was obvious she had gone shopping for golf attire and the skort and top she was wearing were no doubt intended to show off every curve. We men were both playing from the white tees and the ladies from the front reds so the guys shared a cart as did the girls. We sat back aways from the tee box as our guest’s wife hit first, then April. Her arched back and high follow-through revealed two things, she had a pretty sound golf swing, and that she was very fit. Our host leaned over as she swung and mumbled, “Damn!” I nodded in agreement.

The day was a pretty good one, more good shots than bad except from my host who was having trouble concentrating. At one point we were looking for his ball and his wife said to me very quietly, “My hubby is a little horned up for your girlfriend, I just might get lucky tonight!”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” I replied, “just someone I met on a business trip.”

A slow “uuhh-huh” from her told me she didn’t believe that for a second.

“You are slow on the uptake, boy,” she said softly, “that girl has got ‘fuck me’ written all over her body. I’m not the only one getting lucky tonight!”

“Not slow, I just don’t want to assume anything,” I answered. Another ‘uhh-huh’ was all I got in reply. The last hole was a tight par 5 with a slight turn to the right. I set up carefully and swung hard only to double-cross the ball into the thick trees on the left.

“Oh, that sucks!” April giggled. “Tough par from in there!” She walked up to the front tee and said something to her cart mate. She too swung hard and pulled the ball left, even deeper in the woods than I was.

“Oh, that sucks!” I cried, laughing hard. “Tough par from in there!” She just flipped me the bird and we all headed for the trees to search for our balls. We found her ball easily; she had gotten a bit lucky drawing a good lie and had a relatively easy pitch back out to the short grass.

“Found yours!” I heard, “But you’re not gonna like it!” She was right, my ball was hard up against a root behind a tree.

I looked at my lie, “Pick it up,” I said, “I’ll just drop it out of the trees.” April picked up my ball and brought it over to me.

Placing it into my hand she leaned close and whispered, “It’s been a long time since I played with a man’s balls.” She pulled me down and kissed me hard, her tongue pushing past my lips and flicking at my own. Our kiss broke, “I’ve been waiting all week to do that!”

“All week? Really” I thought it was just me!” I gasped. “This might get complicated.”

“I hope so,” she winked at me as she spun away and walked toward her cart. We managed to finish out the hole and after returning our gear we invited our hosts to join us for lunch. They begged off saying they had to get home to let the dogs out. April looked at me and winked, “Your place or mine?”

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“Yours!” I answered. She crooked her finger at me to follow. We climbed into my rented car and as we drove to her hotel, she teased me by unbuttoning her top as far as it would go and rubbing her hand on the inside of my thigh, brushing over my now hard cock. On arrival we climbed out of the car, she rushed over and took my hand, dragging me to her room. The door had barely clicked closed when she grabbed the front of my shirt pulling me towards her. This time there was no softness, no promise, no suggestion in her kiss, it was wanton lust craving to be sated.

“Let’s fuck!” she growled, dragging us over to the bed. We rolled around, kissing and groping, pulling each other’s clothes off until we were both naked. She rolled me on my back and positioned herself over me.

“You want to get some protection?” I croaked, unable to believe this goddess want to do what we were about to do with each other.

“You want to stop now?” she asked, breathing hard. I shook my head and she reached down, taking my cock in her hand and guiding it to her opening.  One swift downward move with her hips and I was fully inside her, her pussy was so hot surrounding me. “Mmm that’s nice” she purred, closing her eyes and holding herself onto me, not moving.

I reached up and pulled her down to me, we started kissing as she started to move her hips, drawing me almost completely out of her before plunging back down until our pubic bones bounced together.  She smiled and began moving faster and after a minute or so we had found a rhythm. I opened my mouth to speak.

“Don’t talk, just fuck!” she growled and her pace increased. I began thrusting up into in time with her downward movements, each of us staring at the other’s face as our tempo increased as our lust built. It was not very long at all, maybe another minute and I began to feel my orgasm build.

April must have sensed it because she whispered, “Don’t hold back Stuart, let it go, fill me up!” A few more thrusts and I pushed up into her, lifting up with my hips as I exploded. Her hand snaked between us and she rubbed herself hard for a few seconds before she let out a soft, “Ooohhh…” that trailed off as her pussy spasmed around me. A warm gush enveloped my cock as her orgasm released. She collapsed on top of me and we began kissing softly as our breathing slowed. After a few minutes she pushed herself up and gyrated her hips just a little, she looked down at me and smiled, “I needed that! It’s been a while.”

“That was incredible,” I replied, ”sorry it didn’t last longer, it’s been more than a while for me.”

“Really?” she asked, “How long?”

“Not since my ex and I split up.” I said, “I'll do better next time.”

“This time was just fine,” she purred as she lowered her face down to mine. Some more soft kisses and she lifted herself off of me, collapsing on the bed beside me.

We snuggled for a while until she shivered slightly. “How about a warm shower?” I asked.

“Only if you’ll join me,” she answered raising that one eyebrow again. My God, she was cute.

We managed not to make the shower last too long, just long enough to ensure that we were completely and thoroughly clean. It was as she climbed off the bed that I noticed that, while she was neatly trimmed, she was not completely clean-shaven as I had first thought. She teased my pubic hair as we showered, I found myself wishing I had done a little manscaping myself but I’d been out of action so long, I hadn’t thought to. “You okay if we give you a little trim down there later?” she asked. I offered no objection.

We dried off after showering and she came to me, still damp and nude, and began hugging and kissing me again. By this time, it was getting close to dinner so I suggested we have something to eat before we retired for the evening. She asked me to order something in from the room service menu. “Don’t bother ordering dessert,” she whispered suggestively, “I see what I want right in front of me!”

“As do I,” I growled. I got dressed and called to place our order. April disappeared back into the washroom, taking a shopping bag with her. She was in there for quite some time so I flipped on the TV to pass the time until our order came.

Soon enough there was a knock at the door, our food had arrived along with the two bottles of wine I had ordered to go with it. I tipped the waiter and knocked on the washroom door, “Dinner’s here,” I called, “you don’t want it to get cold.”

I turned to prep our plates when I heard the washroom door open. I turned to see April standing, leaning on the doorframe, her face perfectly made up, her body clothed in dark blue stockings, a garter, thong panties, and a bra that looked a size too small, covered by what looked like an expensive silk kimono, open at the front to reveal her beauty.

“I’m hoping you’ll like your dessert,” she cooed, “as much as I’ll enjoy having you devour it.”

I moved over to her and pulled the kimono closed, tying it at the waist. “We have to eat our main course before we have dessert, you know that,” I explained as to a child. But this was no child, this was a beautiful, mature woman full of confidence and desire, a fantasy for any man. She played along, pouting as if scolded.

“Ooo-kaaay,” she hung her head. I could just see her lower lip as she had stuck it out. Then she laughed and sat down at the small table in the corner. “I guess we should eat, we’re going to need some energy.” She licked her lips and winked.

I opened the first bottle of wine and poured two glasses. I raised my glass to hers and asked, “To what shall we toast?”

“To reality being as incredible as the fantasy!” she replied. We touched glasses as stared at each other.

Dinner was devoured in mere moments; we could not wait to get our hands on each other. I cleaned away what was left of it and stacked on the serving tray, placing it outside the room door, locking and flicking over the security bar. I turned around and April and plopped herself up onto the bed, her legs crossed seductively, the bottom of her kimono strategically opened to reveal the tops of her stockings and the clips of the garter belt. I stood there in awe, hoping the look on my face revealed exactly how hot I thought she was.

“You clean up nice,” I croaked, “and by nice, I mean, WOW! You obviously planned this or do you always travel with such sexy attire? I gotta say, I’m a little flattered.”

“Thank you, sir!” she giggled as she struck a pose. “I did a little shopping yesterday, wanted to make a good impression!” She wiggled her fingers for me to come closer. I moved onto the bed beside her.

“You did that when you held my hand on the plane,” I whispered. “You look good enough to eat!”

“I’ll bet you say that to all the girls!” she teased, pulling me down for a kiss. “Perhaps later we should take a few pictures for you to remember me by! Now, let’s take our time,” and we started making out. I undid the clasp at the front of her bra. Unleashed, her breasts almost sprang forward, demanding my attention. Nuzzling and suckling her nipples, I slipped my hand onto her belly and then down inside the top of her thong. As I probed lower, I expected to feel the soft hair that I had noticed there earlier but I got all the way to her pussy lips and felt nothing but smoothness.

“So that’s what took you so long in the bathroom!” I exclaimed. I was wondering what you were up to in there.

“Well, I figured since I mentioned cleaning you up down there, I might as well set the standard,” she whispered as she slid her hand inside my waistband, feeling my growing cock. I started kissing my way down her body, looking for the spots that made her writhe and squirm with my fingers, lips, and tongue.

As I got to her almost flat tummy, I hooked the thong with my thumbs and gently started tugging them downward. She lifted her hips to slide it over her bottom and as she raised her mound upward, I moved down to meet it. Shifting down further, I pushed gently on the inside of her thighs to expose my dessert. April twisted and moaned softly, pushing herself towards me impatiently imploring me to explore her with my lips and tongue. I don’t know what she put on herself but she smelled divine, a mixture of natural female aroma and musky scent that she had applied while getting ready, it was intoxicating.

I opened my mouth slightly, I flicked at her clitoris with my tongue. Her hips twitched a little at my touch so I flicked some more, each flick drawing a sharp intake of breath through clenched teeth. Using my fingers, I opened her up and began exploring with my tongue, licking and suckling on her lips, her clit, probing my tongue inside her. Her hands went to the back of my head, her fingers pulling slightly at my hair as she pushed my face into her. By the writhing, moaning and occasional, “oh fuck, yes” that escaped her lips, I knew I was doing something right. Remember, it had been a while.

It was probably only a few minutes but it seemed like forever when she pushed her pelvis forward and held my head hard against her, gyrating herself slowly against my mouth. Taking my cue, I licked her clit as fast as I could and pushed two fingers inside her, rewarded in just a moment with several audible gushes as she squirted into my face, each squirt timed with a loud squeal. I tried my best to lick up what I could but the excess soaked the bed covers underneath us.

“Stop! Stop!” she cried, holding my head still between her legs. “I can’t take any more!” I planted soft kisses on her labia and her clit before slowly kissing my way back up her body, stopping to briefly flick each beautiful little nipple with my tongue. When my face came back up to meet hers, she took my head in her hands and kissed me all over, licking what was left her juices off my face. “I don’t know where you learned to do that but WOW! That was amazing!” She held me tight and we snuggled for a bit.

Presently we disengaged our bodies from one another and pulled apart, her fluids sort of sticking us together where our bodies had touched. “Well!” she said, “Guess we can’t sleep in this bed tonight!” we started laughing. Once we calmed down, I rolled off the bed and went to the washroom to clean up. A moment later, April came in behind me and ran her hand across my ass. “Now then,” she said, “let’s see what we have to work with here.”

She waved a small electric trimmer in front her. She knelt on a folded towel and took hold of the end of my dick, moving it from side to side, inspecting it. Then she popped the head inside her mouth for just a few seconds, her mouth made a soft ‘pop!’ as she took her lips from it and turned on the clippers. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful,” she whispered as she got to work removing my ‘down there’ hair.

“Please tell me you’ve done this before!” I said, watching curiously in the mirror over the sink.

“Not to a man!” she giggled as the hair started falling away. “Shhh, I have to concentrate.” It wasn’t long until nothing was left except a very short stubble. She rubbed her hands around the base of my cock and my testicles and said, “Nope, that won’t do. Go put this on the bed and sit down.” She handed me a face towel. I did as I was told and she followed me in a moment carrying a wet facecloth, a can of shave cream, and a razor. She dampened what was left of my pubic hair with the almost hot cloth and applied the cream. Working slowly, she removed the rest of my hair and wiped everything clean. “That’s better,” she purred, “now relax and enjoy.”

Her breath was hot on my skin as she opened her mouth and enveloped my tool. Working slowly at first, it was not very long before her nose bumped up against my pubic bone and the head of my cock was in her throat. I hadn’t had a blowjob in a very long time but I knew immediately that this girl had some serious skills. Up and down, in and out she worked my cock with her lips and tongue as I watched her. It wasn’t long before I could feel the build of my second orgasm of the afternoon.

“You want me to stop you?” I asked, knowing that not all women like to swallow and not wanting to make any assumptions. She shook her head, taking the question as a cue that she wouldn’t be sucking my cock much longer. I closed my eyes, leaned back, and let myself come, harder than I could ever remember coming before.

I looked down at this incredible creature, her lips never left my cock for a second as I spasmed into her mouth, wanting it never to stop. After my cock stopped twitching, she took her mouth off of me, looked up, swallowed, and smiled that sweet smile. Using her finger, she collected the drop on her chin and licked it clean.

She slid up beside me and I pulled her in for a long kiss. “Not many guys like to kiss right after that,” she said.

“Well, I could tell that you had swallowed it all so I knew I was safe. Besides, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” She laughed. We lay there for a while until our breathing slowed and she shivered a little. “Another shower?” I asked.

“Good idea,” she answered, “I’ll go first.” She didn’t take long and when she came out of the washroom, she had taken off the sexy lingerie and was dressed in a more respectable bra and panties. “That was intense,” she said, “I haven’t squirted like that in a long time, I almost forgot how draining it can be!”

“Well, I’ve never had anyone go all the way down on me like that, intense might not be a strong enough word for it,” I answered. I’m not normally given to talking so frankly about sex, there was just something different about this woman that made me feel at ease.

“Never?” she asked, “Not even once?”

I shook my head. “My ex didn’t even like oral, either giving or receiving. Our sex life was pretty vanilla. It must have been just me, apparently, she didn’t have any such inhibitions when she was screwing her boss.”

“I don’t think it’s you, sweetie,” she smiled lasciviously, “You are delicious!” I went in to take a quick shower and when I came out, she was fully dressed in a nice dress. “I’m hungry after all that exercise. How about we go out to dinner and retire to your hotel for the evening. We can’t sleep here; the bed covers are soaked!”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed, getting dressed and thinking about what the evening would bring.

Written by CaressofSteel
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