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Trip out of town

"A chance meeting in the airport leads to a steamy encounter."

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           I had left the ticket counter with ticket in hand and had just got in line for the security check at the Atlanta Airport, when I noticed you. You were about four people ahead of me and had just flipped your long black hair off of your shoulders. I’m 6’2, so I figured you were 5’10, maybe 5’11 and you were wearing a pale blue sweater. I maneuvered myself around the older woman and man in front of me, to get a better look.

              You were wearing a tan knee length skirt, nude hose and a pair of sexy wedges; the kind that wrapped around your leg several times.

            I tried to get behind you once I made it through the initial security check, but the older couple got behind you in the x-ray line. I tried to catch a peek of your toes and feet as you took off your shoes, but that older couple was proving to be a major obstacle to my voyeuristic eyes.

       You made it through the machine quickly and I jumped ahead of the couple, as they were still placing things inside the x-ray bin. I retrieved my carry on and shoes and sat down opposite you to put my shoes on. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of your legs and feet.

You had painted your toe nails a light pink shade, my favorite, and I couldn’t believe my luck in being able to watch you put your shoes on, wrapping your ankles with the leather straps. You caught me staring at you and when I realized I had been caught, I looked up into your face and eyes and just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. You smiled back at me and gathered your carry ons.

            You got up and started down the hall for Terminal B, my Terminal! I began to follow you and then you popped into the ladies room. I figured my luck had run out, so I went on down to my gate, which happened to be at the end of the terminal. I had about 30 minutes before they began boarding, so I settled into a seat facing the window and began thinking of you.

            I heard a baby beginning to cry behind me and I thought, “no way, please not on my flight”.   After a minute of this I turned around to make sure the child was at another gate (he was), and I saw you coming my way. Our eyes locked again and we exchanged smiles. You seemed nervous as you sat down beside me (the only other seats left were beside an extremely large woman and two teenage boys).

           I introduced myself to you and you told me your name was Kathryn. We engaged in small talk and found out that we were both heading to Chicago for business reasons. I was going to a business seminar for today and tomorrow and you were going to participate in an Organic and Whole Food Convention, setting up later today and going on through the rest of the week.

As you spoke, I couldn’t keep my eyes from wandering from your eyes (ocean blue) down to your lips (full and shiny), neck (perfect) and upper chest (beautifully freckled).

I tried to be cool, as I tried to catch glimpses of your legs and feet, for all I could see was your knees, but you caught me each time.

Finally you asked me straight up, “did I like legs?”

I stammered, “Excuse me?”

You replied, “Well, Digham, I caught you at the security check-in looking at me put my shoes on. And for the past few minutes, you’ve been trying again to look at my feet. I was just wondering if you had a thing for feet. I’m not upset at all, in fact, I’m flattered if you are, that is.”

I smiled at you and said, “Not really; but, I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were. From your hair, to your face, to your legs and feet, I was just trying to see more of your beauty, my gosh, you even have beautiful hands”

You face and upper chest turned red and I could tell you liked my compliment. But, heavens, it was all the truth.

 You responded by moving your feet so that I could get a better view; then you crossed the right over the left, which gave me a wonderful view of not only your lovely foot but also your thigh.

I stammered out a “thank you” and you replied “you’re welcome”.

I looked back and forth from your eyes to your legs & feet, thanking my lucky stars for this encounter with you.

You stifled a giggle with your left hand and pointed to my crotch with your right one. I had pitched a 12 man tent in my pants. It was my turn to blush. You said “you seem really happy right now. You might think about covering yourself up before we have to board.”

I placed a book I had brought along to read, in my lap and told you “I don’t know when I’ve ever been “happier”. And, I don’t know what I would do if we were alone, but I do know, it would be hot.”

You grabbed my hand and held it as you continued to look me in the eyes. I saw a lot of things pass over your eyes; appreciation, lust, nervousness, a little hesitancy, and longing.  

I wanted to kiss you then. Never before had I fallen for someone so quickly and so completely. I got the impression, you hadn’t either.

We boarded the plane and you hadn’t let go of my hand until you reached your seat.

I was a few rows behind, and was sliding in beside a bored looking business man, when I heard your voice ask the business man if he minded changing seats, so that you could sit with your boyfriend. He shrugged his shoulders and left to occupy your old seat as you settled into your new one.

I kissed you and told you that although I was ecstatic that we were sitting together, I wasn’t sure it was a good thing because I wasn’t sure that I could keep my hands off of you for the next hour and a half, sitting this close to you.

You replied,

 “I’m hoping that you can’t”.

We smiled at each other and kissed again. After take off, we settled into each other, physically and conversationally. You tucked your right foot under your left leg, right underneath my right hand and said, “Go ahead”.

My fingers lightly caressed your arch and the top of your foot.

My senses were running wild; eyes.. your beauty, smell.. your perfume, hearing.. your voice, taste.. your lips, touch.. the silkiness of the nylons on your foot.

With my senses at full throttle, my erection was that of an 18 year old, not of a man in his mid forties, and I ached for a release. You noticed it as well, as your ocean blue eyes were fixated on my erect cock, hidden behind my pants.

You rose up and located a blanket and pillow from the overhead bin. You covered our laps and placed my hand on your knee as you settled in against me, pretending to get in position to sleep the last half of the trip.

But underneath the blanket, my hand was moving your skirt up higher on your thigh, as I continued to caress your hosed leg. Your hand was unzipping my pants reaching in to grab hold of my hardness.

My fingers soon discovered that it was not pantyhose you were wearing but thigh high stockings and my dick jumped at this discovery. Your eyes were closed, but your mouth registered a smile as you continued to pump me and my fingers soon found your wet panties.

My breathing had become erratic and I was close to orgasm and I had just enough presence of mind, to pull your hand off me. Your eyes opened up and looked in mine as I told you, “any more of that and I going to blow my load. Then how would I leave the plane?”

You just kissed my hand, closed your eyes and settled back into my shoulder.  

The plane landed a little while later and after zipping up my pants, we left hand in hand heading down to baggage claim, making a stop at the restroom on our way.

 After retrieving our baggage we got a taxi ride into Chicago. We exchanged cell phone numbers and made plans to get together later that afternoon.

I was scheduled to be finished by 4:00pm and you by 3:30pm. We kissed and my hands roamed your legs as we entered downtown. Your hotel was the first stop and just before you left the cab, you kissed me and put something in my hand. You turned around as you entered the hotel and smiled and blew me another kiss.

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I looked in my hands and found I was holding a pair of tan panties… your panties, still wet with your excitement and I brought them to my face and inhaled deeply. My erection was full and instantaneous.

I quickly looked up in the rearview mirror and was relieved to see that he hadn’t witnessed me smelling your panties.

I checked in and made a hasty retreat to my room. After dropping my bags on the floor, I took my shoes off and stripped out of my clothes.

I pulled the comforter off the bed and lay down on my back, spread eagle. I brought your panties again to my face and noticed your stains in the crotch. I slowly brought them to my mouth and nose. I could still feel the wetness, for they had obviously been soaked.

I slowly brought my tongue to the crotch and tasted you for the first time. The aroma was intoxicating as I breathed in again and again. My free hand had found my cock and had begun to stroke it.

It didn’t take before I came. I sprayed cum all across my chest and had it not been for your panties in my face, my face would have been covered as well. I knew I needed to get going and get to class, but I didn’t want to lose that moment.

I heard my cell phone and at first decided against answering it, but then something inside me told me it was you.

I answered and you said, “Did you like my gift?”

I responded by saying “did I like your gift? Only to the point, that I had just masturbated while inhaling your panties and probably had the biggest cumgasm of my life.”

You were quiet and I thought I might have gone over the line, but then you softly asked “Really?”

“Yes” I said.

“Digham, no one has ever done that before because of me. That is so sexy and it turns me on knowing you been stroking yourself because of me.”

I told you “I don’t know how I’m going to make it until this afternoon? Since you get finished before me, why don’t you meet me at my hotel? I’ll leave you a key at the front desk and you come on up and wait for me here.”   You agreed and hung up.

I cleaned up and stopped by the front desk to leave you the key and went on to class.

The seminar was a total waste of time, as I couldn’t tell you one thing the instructor talked about.   My mind was elsewhere and the clock wouldn’t go fast enough. The only thing I remember was that he was letting us go early.

I scampered out of there and headed upstairs. You weren’t there yet and I really needed to pee, so I kicked off my shoes, took off my socks, then my pants and underwear and headed to the bathroom. It was a little difficult to pee as I was already semi-hard. I finished peeing and began to wash my genitals with a warm wash cloth, when I heard you at the door.

You entered and I saw that you were still wearing the same outfit as earlier and the thought entered my mind, no panties. I immediately went from semi hard to full raging hard.

 We embraced and kissed hungrily.   My hands roamed your back and quickly found your ass underneath the skirt. I was right, you were still pantiless.  

I picked you up, off the ground and impaled you on my hardness. Your stocking covered legs wrapped themselves around my hips and the silkiness of the nylon only increased my desire to have you.

 I grabbed both cheeks with my hands and began to lift up and then let you fall back on me. Your chest was in my face and I wished I had taken the time to take your sweater off before I began to ravage you.

You must have sensed this as well, as you brought the sweater up over your head and somehow you were able to un-hook your bra as I continued with the thrusting.

I attacked your breast and I could feel your hot wetness flow around my cock and down my leg. I sucked on your nipples as I pushed you against the wall. Still lifting you with each thrust and dropping you unto myself, I felt again the rush of fluid cascade down my legs.

The feeling of this was undeniably erotic and more intense than anything I had ever experienced. I came deeply in you, flooding you with my second orgasm of the day.

My arms were getting weak, but my dick didn’t go soft. As I left myself inside you, I felt you squeezing me and if possible, I became harder.

I walked us over to the bed and sat you down on the edge. I intended to lie down beside you, but you had other plans.

You reached out and grabbed my cock and slowly brought your mouth down around me.   You began to lick up and down my shaft and suck on my head and I thought I was going to pass out. You then began licking my balls and I realized you were licking up our combined juices as well. Your mouth was driving me insane.

You stopped and looked up at me with those eyes full of lust and I knelt down in front of you and began to kiss you deeply and hungrily.  

I could taste you and myself in your mouth and for the second time today, my senses were overloaded: eyes – your nakedness, smell – your sex, hearing – your labored breathing, taste – your essence and touch – your silky skin. I almost came right then.

I moved you on your back, and raised your legs, as I entered you for the second time. You arched your back as you moved in rhythm with me. We rose and fell together.

   Part of me wanted to slow down and begin making love to you by beginning with your toes and feet. I would begin there with my hands and mouth and slowly work my way up your legs until I found myself at your pussy.

But, that was not to be, maybe later, but not now. You maneuvered us around until I was on my back and you began to take charge of the rhythm, slowing us down.

And although, we had slowed, it was still more intense. I marveled again at your beauty and I wanted to let you ride until you were good and ready to stop. You came and came again and yet you rode on still.

 My hands roamed all over you; your thighs, your breasts, your stomach, your ass. I didn’t want this day to end. While my hands were on your ass, your left hand was pinching your left nipple and you came again. You were a picture of total lust and for the third time that afternoon, I came.

This time I acted my age and became limp. My lap, groin and ass were drenched in our fluids and there was the smell of wanton sex in the air.

You fell off to my left side, smiling contently and fell off to sleep. After awhile I noticed it was after 6:00pm. I realized then, that not one word had been said since you walked into the room, over two hours before.

I had never in my life met anyone like you. The world seemed to have stopped and all I wanted to do was spend the rest of life here with you in my arms.

You stirred and looked up at me and smiled and your first words were, “Thank you! I’m hungry”

I laughed and kissed your forehead and said “Me too.”

I rose off the bed, and began to remove your shoes. After removing your left one, I began on the other, while you playfully placed your left foot against my cock and balls. This had your desired effect, as I began to grow again.

After removing the right shoe, I began to remove the stocking on your right leg. After doing so, I moved on to the left leg, while you brought your right foot to my mouth. I kissed your foot and sucked a bit on your big toe. Oh my, I was in heaven.

I gently moved your foot and held out my hand to yours and gently pulled you up to me and led us to the shower. We bathed each other and dried each other off and you asked would I dress you. You knew I’d say yes. I did. You had brought an overnight bag, with a change of clothes.

I began with a pair of beige colored lacy underwear, pulling them up your legs and snuggly around your perfect ass. I then pulled a pair of knee high nylon socks up your legs. Then your matching beige bra. I stepped back as you brushed your hair.

 You were stunning to me and I told you so. You just blushed and told me to continue. I put you in your blue jeans and buttoned your blouse after putting it on you. You had also brought a pair of ankle high leather boots.

While you put on your makeup, I dressed in my jeans and pullover shirt, sprayed myself with cologne and we then headed out for dinner.  

Written by digher4
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