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We had only one high school in Chula Vista in 1953. I think the population for the city was about fifteen thousand then. I was graduating from Chula Vista High School, and the ceremony would be on a Saturday. My father, Robert, and stepmother, Cindy, would be there. My two stepsisters, Sheila and Maggie, would too. This would be the first time we had all been together since Christmas.



The Friday before, we seniors were taking a day off. We called it Sneak Day, but the officials of the school were aware of it, of course. It was a tradition. Anyway, we all took the bus line up to Balboa Park. It's funny, but you can live in an area most of your life and not see the stuff that tourists come to see. It was like people in New York City might not have ever gone up the Empire State Building.


That was the same thing for some of us. I had never been up to the Park. That's where the California Pacific International Exposition opened in 1935. That was the year I was born. They also had the San Diego Zoo there. So, it was the thing for most of the seniors to go up on Sneak Day and spend time there. It was actually a lot of fun. I enjoyed looking at the buildings. Some of them had been left over from the Panama-California Exposition of 1915. Most of them were newer, I think, built in the same Spanish colonial style.


That was a good time. I got home that evening about six o'clock. Cindy had dinner ready, and Dad was sitting in the living room listening to some radio. He was drinking a bottle of Falstaff. I said hello to him and went through the archway into the kitchen. Cindy was at the counter putting some pots into the sink. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. I came up behind her and took her waist in my hands. I kissed the back of her neck.


She turned quickly and playfully slapped my hands. Then she leaned in and gave me a kiss. It lingered. I started getting hard. I couldn't let Dad see that. I touched her cheek, looking down at her. I was about six inches taller than her. I smiled and then went down the hall to use the bathroom. I was thinking of how shiny her brown, wavy hair was. And how tempting her scarlet lips were. I loved my stepmother.


We were sitting down to dinner as soon as I came back from the bathroom. Dad had his chair at the head of the table. I was across from Cindy. She had a tuna casserole for us tonight, along with homemade bread. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Then Dad spoke to me.


"Did you have fun at the Park? I haven't been there in years."


"Oh, yeah. We have some great stuff here, you know?"


"The graduation ceremony's at eleven in the morning, isn't it? Sheila and Jason will stop here. Maggie will take a bus over to the school and meet us there. So you're the last. You won't be leaving home yet, but you're on your way, right Peter?"


"Yeah, Dad. I was thinking I'd get a job this summer. Part-time probably. But it's nice to have a place here with you and Cindy. Maybe I'll get a room or something, like Maggie, next year. Not sure."


"I'm just glad everyone is still close by. I love your tuna casserole, honey."


Cindy smiled at him. "You're a dear, Robert. There's plenty more."


The next day around ten in the morning I heard a car door slamming outside. I looked out the window and saw Sheila coming up the walk. Her 1947 Studebaker was by the curb. I noticed she seemed a little heavier than usual. I wondered where Jason, her husband was.


She came in the front door. It wasn't locked, of course. We only locked the doors when we went to bed at night. I walked over and saw she was crying.


"What's the matter? Sheila? What's wrong?"


"Where's Mom? Isn't she here?"


"She's getting ready in her bedroom."


She turned abruptly and went out of the living room and down the hall. She was calling out as she walked, "Mom, Mom." I followed her, but she went into Dad and Cindy's bedroom, and then closed the door. I supposed I was not wanted. I waited in the living room. I was wearing my slacks, white shirt, and a black tie. Graduation would be soon.


It was about ten minutes later, and Dad, Cindy, and Sheila came out to get me.


"What's going on?" I was worried.


Cindy answered. "It's fine Peter. We're happy to hear that Sheila's having a baby. Isn't that wonderful news? So that's good. Let's go. We can't be late for your graduation."


I could feel there was more to the story. But I wanted to get my business done right now. So we all piled into our 1949 Ford. Dad was driving, of course. We were just in time for me to put on my gown and mortarboard and get ready to march in. I saw Maggie sitting with the others as I passed them to take my seat. She waved at me and grinned.


After it was all over, and everyone had congratulated me, we all packed into the Ford. The young people sat in the back, and Cindy and Dad were in the front. Maggie and Cindy were chattering to each other. Sheila was very quiet. I was just glad I was done with high school. I was an adult for sure now. As soon as we got home we all got out. Sheila hugged me and kissed me. Then she quickly went to her Studebaker and drove off.


That night Maggie had dinner with us, before taking a bus back to her place over by San Diego State College. She had a room in a house shared by some other girls. She also gave me a big hug and a kiss. Finally, we all went to our rooms and the day ended.


On Sunday I slept in and missed breakfast. Cindy and Dad hadn't bothered to get me up. After lunch I walked over to 3rd Avenue. I was thinking I might find a part time job at a restaurant, or maybe a hardware store. I wasn't really sure. But I spent most of the day walking around and enjoying the freedom. I even went down to the bay and looked at the ships.


The next day found me and Cindy alone. After breakfast Dad was off to work. The girls were living their lives. I had looked forward to this. I was eighteen, a high school graduate, and still very horny for my stepmother. Cindy was running the vacuum cleaner as I was sitting in an easy chair. She came near me, and I watched her closely. Her breasts were dangling as she bent over, moving the upright Hoover over the rug. She hadn't bothered to put on a bra beneath her house dress. It was sleeveless and I saw parts of her breasts through the arm holes.


Her brown hair fell to her shoulders. I was becoming erect and I stroked my cock. She glanced up, saw what I was doing, and stopped. She stood up straight, pushing her hair away from her eyes with her delicate hand. She shook her head, smiled, then began pushing the cleaner at my feet. I raised them from the floor and she vacuumed beneath the chair, finally moving away. Her butt looked so tempting. I could see it moving as I made my prick harder with my hand.


I rose up out of the chair. Walking up behind her I put my hands on her waist, and I thrust my hardness against her ass. She jumped, turned swiftly, and smacked my hands as she had done before. I grinned at her and reached out to take her hand. I pulled her arm to me and put her hand on my hard cock. My other hand went to her head and I leaned in to kiss her red lips. Her deep brown eyes were glistening in the morning sunlight streaming in through the picture window.


She had turned the upright off. It was quiet in the house. I heard the tinkling tune of an ice cream truck in the distance. School was out for the children in the neighborhood, and summer was here. I pressed my lips against Cindy's as both of my hands held her head gently. Her head was upturned to meet my lips. Her hand was now squeezing my cock. Once, twice, and then she moved to my belt buckle. She was struggling to release my dick.


"I promised I wouldn't do this. I promised myself. I know it's wrong. God, I love you baby. I want you so much. I promised, but I have to have you Peter. Baby, I'll just please you one more time. I'll just take care of you one more time. That's it, Peter. Take off your pants, baby, and I'll do you."

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I slipped my jeans down over my hips to my knees and sank down of an ottoman. Cindy was down on her knees. She pulled her dress up on her soft thighs, and reached to take my hard cock in hand. She spit on one palm and began stroking my prick, up and down. She smiled up at me as her mouth descended down to take my cock in. She lips were wrapped around the mushroom top of my prick. She bit it, and I groaned.


"Suck it Cindy. Jeez, that's so good."


I was pushing her head down, trying to fuck her mouth. She was jacking my off, faster and faster. I could see one of her hands had moved to her crotch, under her dress. I could tell she wasn't wearing underwear. A stray thought passed my mind. Did she always do that? Then I was occupied, feeling her sucking my cock.


"Oh, to hell with it! I need some cock, baby. I need it so much. I want you to fuck me, Peter. Fuck me baby!"


She had stopped stroking me. She got up off her knees and lay down across the ottoman, with her back and head on a chair, as I rose up. Her legs were spread widely apart. I could see her pussy all wet, and I knew what I had to do for my Cindy. I knelt down, put my cock head at her pussy lips, and I slowly pushed in. My first fuck. Oh, shit, it was so fucking good! It was heaven for me, as I began thrusting more deeply and quickly. She was moaning as she was using her hands on her tits.


I could feel her pussy gripping my cock as I fucked her. It was my first time, and I wanted it to last forever. But it couldn't, of course. I began slamming my prick into her, shaking her whole body, and I was grunting. I began chanting out loud.


"Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, yeah, fuck, jeez, fuck...ahhhh! Fuck!"


My cum burst out into my stepmother's pussy. I had nothing in my mind. I was just a fucking machine right then, and I heard Cindy wailing as I fill her cunt with spunk, shooting over and over. I kept fucking, and my juices were leaking out around my cock. I humped one last time, then fell down onto her body. Her arms were tight about me, as she kissed my curly, blond hair. I was dripping cum down onto the ottoman and the freshly vacuumed rug.


"Such a sweet boy. My little lover. My sweet baby. Thank you Peter. You're going to be a great lover for some girl, baby. That was so wonderful for your first time. I needed that so much, dear."


I couldn't believe that Cindy was thanking me. She was perfect. I loved her so much. We slowly got up.


"Oh my, I need to clean up in here. We are naughty, aren't we Peter? Help me clean this up, and then I need to take a shower. You should too, probably. Come on, baby. Help me here."


We wiped up all the traces of our love making that we could. Then she used a sponge to clean it even better. All the while she was humming a tune. It was "When The Red, Red Robin." It's in my mind to this day. Everything about that first time is locked away in my memories.


She had me take a shower first. I smelled of love, and Cindy. But it wouldn't do to be like that when Dad came home. I was in my bedroom when I heard the shower go on again. I just had a towel wrapped around my waist. It was rising up in front. I was young, and my cock was young and randy. I decided I hadn't had enough Cindy for the day.


I wasn't worried now whether she heard me or not. We were lovers as far as I was concerned. I dismissed her talk of it being one last time. I didn't believe that for a minute. I didn't want to, and I wouldn't. As I went out of my room and into the hall I dropped the towel on the floor. I was tasting pussy in my mind once again.


I opened the bathroom door and steam escaped into the hallway. I crossed over and slid the shower curtain back. Cindy was using a douce bag, cleaning her pussy. I remembered that somebody had told me that women did that to keep from getting pregnant. She was squeezing the rubber bag with a nozzle in her pussy.


Looking up she squealed, and dropped the apparatus in the tub.


"Peter, what are you doing? You surprised me!"


"It's okay Cindy. I need to give you a present. Just let me show you how much I love you, alright?"


I stepped into the tub, as the shower was pouring down onto her soft, white back. I had never seen her completely naked before. She looked so soft and delicious. You know? Like you wanted to eat her all up. Her tits were not large, but they were so pretty, with pink nipples that were hard now. Her body had curves, and her hips were wide, with a butt that was still firm, and tight. I really liked her legs. I always had.


Picking up the douce bag, I placed it on the toilet seat. While I was still bent over I ran a finger up the slit of her pussy. I could see her shivering as I did it. She was shaking her head, but I ignored it. I was now down on my knees, with my face right in front of her pussy. The curly pubes were wet from the shower, and I expect they were wet from being aroused, too. Cindy was a very sexual lady. I liked that. A lot.


My tongue stretched out as her hands grasped my curls. I touched her clit and her body pressed against my face. I felt like I might smother, but it was so good. I began licking up her slit as I caressed her thighs. Her legs were enough to make me hard, and I was hard. My prick was bobbing up and down as I touched her body.


"Baby...that's so sweet...oh, sweet."


My mouth was sucking on her cunt now. I had stretched my hand out to grasp her ass cheek. I pulled her close and squeezed it. Then I moved my hand so my fingers were tickling her little hole in back. I was jacking off with one hand and trying to get a finger from the other hand into the tight ass hole. I loved my Cindy so much. I'd do anything to please her. I hoped I was doing that.


I could taste her pussy juices flowing now. I glanced up and her head was hanging back, with her long hair streaming under the shower. Her hands were still holding my head, with her fingers in my blond hair. I began fucking her pussy with my tongue. I could hear her loud moans over the sound of the shower. I was making her cum, I was sure. That made me happy. I kept stroking my prick.


Her body was shaking harder now, and it seemed that waves were passing through it. I had to think she was cumming over and over. That was good, I believed. I was still young and rather naive about sex. But it had to be good for a woman to cum more than once. My prick wanted to cum one more time, too. I was jerking faster now, but my mouth was still kissing and loving Cindy's pussy. I felt some pubic hairs on my lips. I used a hand to pick them off, and then I was ready to cum.


I stood up. I looked down into Cindy's face. Her eyes were closed and her hand had moved to her cunt, to pinch her clit. My cock was ready to cum again. I leaned down to kiss her red lips, and then my cock was shooting cum out, and it landed on her stomach, running down with the shower water into her pussy, and down her legs. She knelt down, taking my place in the tub, and began to squeeze my cock, getting all the cum out. Her mouth was sucking it down. Cindy loved cum.


When she knew she had swallowed all the cum I had left she stood up again.


"Since you're in here now you can scrub my back. Make yourself useful big boy."



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Written by Green_Man
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