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Our stucco bungalow in Chula Vista was a pleasant place to live. The climate around San Diego was called Mediterranean in my geography textbook. It did remind many of Greece, or the Riviera in France. But to us it was simply home. A paradise, I was to understand later on. I had been lucky to grow up here with my stepsisters and stepmother. My father made us a good life.



It had been a week now since Cindy and I grew closer. My stepmother had allowed me to watch as she made herself have an intense and pleasurable orgasm. It happened right in our living room. I was masturbating as she did it. We were each pleasing ourselves and looking at each other with lust and passion.


Dad was away on a day trip to do some fishing at Lower Otay Lake. Then our session was over. She smiled at me and went slowly away to her room, gathering her chenille robe closer. We had not spoken of it since. I was afraid she had decided I was too nasty for her. She had a moment of weakness, and now she wanted to forget it. I tried to look into her eyes every chance I got. She was avoiding that contact, it seemed.


Cindy went about her daily life as normal. She was there when we arose, cooking breakfast. She was there when Dad and I arrived home. He was working at his plane assembly plant. I was finishing up these final weeks in high school. Being eighteen meant I was an adult. I thought so.


I wanted Cindy again. I loved her, and I wanted to make love to her. I had jerked off every night since our golden moment, always thinking of Cindy, and her ruby red lips, and her small, perky tits. And of course, that hairy pussy, with its curly brown pubes.


Now it was Friday evening. I had decided that I needed to make a move. I needed to be bolder. When Dad got home I let him get settled down in the living room with his bottle of Pabst. I tried to be casual.


"So Dad, those fish you brought home last weekend tasted pretty good."


"Yes, they did. It was a nice day to fish. I saw some old fishing buddies there."


"I forget we can have those whenever you get a good catch. I'm sorry I can't go with you more often."


"Me too, Peter. But times change. Kids grow up. Your sisters used to love to fish, but no more."


My two step sisters were no longer here at home. They were older than me. Sheila was married, and the other was at San Diego State College. Maggie had wanted to live in her own apartment. Since she had worked summers she had enough to add to Dad's contribution. It was enough to afford her own place and school costs.


"So, you said you had a good time. Were you going again tomorrow?"


"Well, hadn't really thought about it. Yeah. I might do that. Spring is a good time for fishing."


"I can already see those panfish frying tomorrow night. I'm gonna see if Cindy has dinner ready yet."


Cindy was working on the evening meal. I walked through the arch and into the kitchen. I came up behind her and put my hands on her waist from behind. As I did I was sniffing the back of her neck. I knew she seldom used perfume, but her Palmolive soap made her smell so clean and pure. She turned and smiled, and then quickly turned back, slapping my hands.


"Please, Peter. Be careful. Your father's right there. You shouldn't be touching me like that anyway. You're being a bad boy, and you know it. Dinner is almost ready. Tell your father to sit down. I'll get the salad and bread if you get the stew."


"Okay, boss. Whatever you say. Where are the pot holders?"


She pointed over to the counter as she picked up the salad bowl and the plate of bread. I couldn't help but watch her walking away. Her rounded hips and buttocks swayed with a naturally compelling motion. I felt my prick stirring, but I couldn't get hard now. I got the pot of stew and followed her, calling out to Dad.


Dad told her during the meal that he was going fishing again. She glanced at me, and I saw a slight blush. Her napkin went to her scarlet lips, and I grinned to myself. My appetite became stronger, for the stew, and for Cindy. I ate well that evening. I was hungry.


I heard Dad getting ready to go out again the next morning. I didn't arise and see him off this time. I was too hard right now, thinking of the day ahead. My hopes were strong, as were my urges. My cock was so fucking stiff. I slowly stroked it. Some pre-cum leaked out. I stopped because I didn't want to cum that way. Not today.


The shower awoke me later. I had gone back to sleep. Cindy was up and I would be too, soon. I put on some jeans, and a tee shirt. It was warm enough now. It never really got too cold around here. Freezing temperatures were big news. I didn't bother to put on my jockey shorts. I wanted to feel free today. My cock hung down the left side of my pant leg. Not too big, but it made me feel awfully good, all of the same.


There had been a drizzle during the night. The streets were still damp as I looked out the front window, but kids were out already playing in the puddles. I touched my prick as I waited for Cindy to come in. She was always up by now to fix breakfast. I wondered why she was late today. I had heard the shower stop about twenty minutes ago.


She came into the front room. She was wearing one of her sundresses. It was sleeveless, and her bare arms were smooth and ivory in color. Her hair was still damp I could see. She was letting it air dry. But I could tell she had left off the bra today. She did that sometimes in hot weather. It wasn't that hot today. Her legs were long and curvy. She hadn't bothered to put on shoes. Her bare feet were small, and dainty.


"Are you ready for breakfast Peter? Why don't you come in and help me this morning."


Turning on her heel she went through the arch and into the kitchen. I followed her, glad to spend time with her. Any time at all. It pleased me to just be near her. Alone, as we were now, was better of course.


We made short work of getting the breakfast made and then eaten. We chatted about school as we ate. And she kept glancing up and looking into my eyes. Then she would blush and look away. It made me want her even more. I was sitting next to her today. I was usually across from her, with Dad at the head. Today I sat in his chair.


As we finished up I gently placed a hand on her leg, hidden by her dress, with its black dots on yellow. I patted her thigh, and then softly pressed my fingers into the tender flesh. She jumped, but she didn't slap my hand this time. I rubbed her leg for a moment, then went back to eating. I wiped up some yolk with a piece of toast, chewed, and swallowed. Then I grinned at Cindy. Her smile was hesitant, but her tongue touched her lips, and she arose to clear the table.


We did the dishes together. I dried as she washed. Then we went into the living room. I sat down in one chair, and she sat on the sofa. Her hands were in her lap. They were gripping each other. I could see them turning white.


"Were you going out today? It's lovely weather, after the rain last night. Smell how clean it is outside. It's fine weather to go downtown. Did you have friends to visit?"


"No, I didn't plan on leaving the house. I have a paper I still need to work on. It's due next week. It's boring, but I need to get it done. I have other things I want to do too, Cindy. I think you know what I mean."


"Peter, I think you're very bad. Yes, you are. You really can't expect me to do things with you. Some things just happen, but that doesn't mean it changes the way it is. It isn't the way we should be with each other. You understand? I'm your stepmother. I should never have done what I did last week. I'm sorry Peter."


I stood up. I approached her as I unzipped my jeans. I was reaching in to take out my cock when she got up and ran into her bedroom. I heard the door slam shut. My shoulders slumped and I thought the world had ended. I loved her so much. I wanted her so badly. In my room I sat on one of the bunkbeds. I was about to get up and go out for a walk.


"Peter." She was in my doorway. "Please dear. Come into my bedroom. I'm weak, I know that. I have needs, Peter. I'm tired of the toys. I'm tired of never being fulfilled. God, Peter. I needed you such much last week. I need you now, baby. Please, come into my room. I want something. I promise that this will be the last time. Just once more. Will you do that, Peter?"


I pushed myself up from my bunk. My cock was growing. I felt it as I walked quickly after Cindy. We went into her bedroom and she pulled her dress up and over her hips and breasts. She was wearing no underwear at all. She looked like a nymph from one of my mythology books. I kicked off my sneakers, and was pulling my belt open. In no time my pants were down, and my hard on was bobbing up, as I pulled my tee shirt over my bare chest. I was grinning like a fool.

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Cindy got on the bed and crept up to the headboard. She put pillows up and leaned back into them. Her knees were up and her legs spread apart. I could see her pussy lips, and they were moist looking. Her hands were on her breasts, squeezing them and tweaking her nipples. I stroked my prick. She smiled and gestured for me to join her on the bed. As I crawled up the bed she told me what she wanted.


"You're going to do something for me, baby. You're going to do something your father never did. My first husband loved to do it, and I've missed it so much. Peter, I need you to make love to me with your mouth. Can you do that? Did you and Belinda ever do it, sweetie? I thought you two might have made love."


"I don't really know how to do this, Cindy. I haven't made love at all really. Belinda and I never did anything except neck and touch each other. One time she made me cum. I'm really kind of stupid, Cindy. I'll do anything for you. I will. What do you want me to do?"


"Aw, sweetie, don't worry. Here, get between my legs. You can play with yourself while you do it, if you want. See, here's my pussy, and up here is the clitoris. That's very sensitive. It can make me come from just touching it. Your tongue and lips are going to make love to my pussy. Will you do that, baby? Oh, god, I'm creaming right now. See, Peter, there's my pussy cream. Lick it baby, lick my pussy."


She took two handfuls of my curly hair, and pulled my face down to her crotch. I could see the moisture on her pussy lips, and smell the odor of a hot slit. It was the best perfume in the world. I used the fingers of both hands to tickle her pussy. I could see her little clit peeking out above the pussy lips. I bent down and gently licked it. She thrust herself up to meet my touch. I heard her moans.


That was so exciting. I hoped I was doing it right. I kissed the clit once more, and then I licked down each lip. I could taste her, my Cindy. My stepmother. My lover. I was licking her more frantically as she humped her pussy up to press it against my face. I spread the lips apart and licked inside.


Now I began stiffening up my tongue, and forcing it into her pussy, She was crying out my name. I think I was doing it right. I know I liked it. I was jerking my cock at the same time. She wrapped her lovely legs about my neck and fucked up into my face, while I continued jacking off, and eating that pussy. I was making love to her and doing it well. I was proud to be making my lover happy. I was, I knew that.


"Jesus fucking christ, baby. Suck me, suck me. I keep cumming Peter, keep cumming. Fuck, baby lick it, suck it, bite it baby. Oh fuck."


My cock was ready to cum. I knew I couldn't wait much longer. I was ramming my fingers into her pussy now. I was fucking her with my hands, It was so creamy, and sticky. I kept fucking her with one hand and beating my meat with the other. Oh shit, I started to spurt cum out. It shot up onto her pussy and belly. It even shot up onto her tits. It was so fucking sexy. I loved my Cindy then.


I collapsed between her legs. My face was sticky with pussy juices. I licked my lips. I looked up into Cindy's face. She had laid her legs down flat now. I could see her softly and gently massaging her pussy, and rubbing my cum into her tits. Her hands went to her mouth, and she licked my cum off of her hands. I got up and layed down beside her. I got my arms around her, and kissed her.


She gave me a kiss. Then she looked at me. Her eyes were tearing up. I saw one tear escape down one cheek.


"You were grand, my boy. Perfect. Now you need to go get cleaned up. That was lovely dear. Thanks. Now it has to stop. Yes, we can't keep playing this game, Peter. Go on sweetie. Go on and take a shower, and we'll move on."


She gave me another kiss and then pushed me away. I rose up and picked up my clothes. I moved reluctantly out of her bedroom. I looked back and she had both hands up on her cheeks. Then her eyes shut, and I turned to get cleaned up.


The rest of the day felt like someone had died. Something had died for me, anyway. I couldn't believe that was the end. I wanted so much more. But I did adore my stepmother. She was so sweet and good to me. To all of us. I wanted her to be happy. So we both just went back to normal, whatever that really is. Cindy did some housekeeping. I heard the vacuum cleaner running. And I worked on school projects. The day passed so slowly.


Dad arrived home about four in the afternoon. He had brought some crappie and bluegill. With my help he cleaned them in the garage, so the kitchen wouldn't get the odor of fish. Then we had a dinner of fried panfish, along with cottage fries and some corn on the cob that had been in the freezer. Cindy was a wonderful cook. But her face was not too happy. I could see it, but Dad didn't seem to notice.


The evening was spent listening to the radio, as usual. But I soon went to my room to read. I heard the radio go off rather early. Dad was probably tired. I could hear him and Cindy murmuring in their room, getting ready for bed. I took off my clothes and laid in one of the lower bunk beds. I slowly rubbed my cock as I closed my eyes and brought an image of Cindy's body into my mind. Her breasts were so soft and womanly. Her pussy so juicy. Her smile was gentle, and enticing at the same time.


I finally fell asleep that way. Naked and lying upon the comforter. I wasn't covered up, but I didn't need to be. It wasn't cold at all. I was sleeping restlessly, drifting into and out of dreams. Finally I came awake completely. I heard someone breathing in my room, a quiet but urgent sighing. I rose up and could see Cindy in the moonlight streaming through my window. She was kneeling beside my bed.


She whispered softly. "Peter. Please dear. I'm sorry. I couldn't stay away. Baby, I want to please you. Like you pleased me. Let me do that for you. I want to. I want to make you happy. Just lay there and let me make love to you. Don't worry. Your dad is dead tired. Just lay back."


It was my dreams come true. Cindy was here, and she wanted to make love to me. This was exactly what I dreamed of. I just didn't know what she was going to do. I didn't care. And then she leaned over and took my now growing cock into her hand. It rapidly became hard. And her wet mouth was wrapped around it. Oh, my...

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Written by Green_Man
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