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Author's Notes

"Reading the previous instalments of this story will provide helpful context for this Part 7."

Even though the afternoon’s dwindling light struggled to penetrate the large bay windows of the office, Victoria was glowing.

The student’s post-orgasm radiance refused to be dimmed by the setting sun, or by those questions she suspected were hiding off in the shadows of her brain. This was a time for feeling, not thinking. And Victoria was feeling saturated with bliss.

The soft, tentative even, touch of her high school teacher’s warm hand on hers brought a smile. She couldn’t help but allow her fingers to open like a flower and become fully entwined.  She did resist, however, the sudden urge to stand up and hug this man who had just made her feel so amazing – along with a myriad of other scary emotions - but so damn amazing.

Mr. O’s gentle voice was now as comforting as his grip, even as it requested more of her: “Just one last thing before you go, dear.”

The sixteen-year-old remained silent, but her soul screamed, anything… anything you want… dear.

He continued, “To conclude your discipline, I’d like you to wear something for me… at least until you get safely home.”

Despite some confusion, Victoria nodded; she was willing to try almost anything to make this irresistible enigma of a man feel as good as she felt at this very moment.

The tall teacher - who had already tucked ‘himself’ back into his pants to appear more presentable for this last ‘request’ – then knelt to the schoolgirl’s left side while she remained slumped over the large desk in numb relaxation, even with her school uniform still in a rather dishevelled state. Her short blue-green pleated kilt remained flipped up onto her naked back, and her white blouse was now folded up under her exposed torso like a pillow.

The schoolgirl felt no urge to move from this wooden perch. It was a desk now void of all the punishing hardness that it had exuded just moments ago during the spanking and the confessing… and the devastating orgasm they forced out of her. It was now the oak that bound the student and teacher together.

Victoria looked expectantly into Mr. O’s face as it moved closer.

Close enough to kiss, she couldn’t help thinking.

She met his pretty green eyes that looked into hers with the same intensity as before, but the raging lust that had filled them during her punishment was now replaced with something else; affection… love even?

God… just kiss me, her mind pleaded; begged even.

Mr. O’s voice came with its usual baritone weight, but now it rolled gently toward her: “I’m going to do something that may alarm you a little, but it shouldn’t. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.”

Victoria nodded again, and then knew that - despite everything or because of it - she trusted this man.

He continued as softly as before: “I’m going to pull down just the very top part of your pantyhose, Victoria. Just a few inches, and only to expose your bottom... and just for a short moment. Nothing more. Understand?”

She didn’t, but nodded anyways, almost absentmindedly. Her focus was drawn to the vampire charm of those emerald eyes, that strong but soothing voice, the comfort of his strong hand that engulfed hers, and the palpable heat between them. This was the first time she had ever touched him directly… willingly.

She felt Mr. O’s strength just below the surface of his skin; yet it wasn’t as scary now, with its dangerous power tamed in this moment. Even her mind’s warning that her teacher was about to pull down her pantyhose couldn’t break the enchanting grip.

Such was the beauty of her trance that Victoria barely noticed at first when Mr. O, still kneeling, reached behind her with his right hand, and slowly lowered the top of the white pantyhose several inches until they were resting just above the bottom curves of her cheeks.

The teacher mostly kept his eyes fixed on his student’s face to reassure her, but he couldn’t resist stealing a quick glance. From his side angle, Mr. O saw how the schoolgirl’s tiny but deliciously round lily-white white bottom was spotted with pink patches where the spankings had landed. There was a momentary pang of guilt as he observed the marks. His marks.

Victoria felt the cool office air on her now completely naked cheeks and felt her face redden once again. But this time, the embarrassment of being forcibly exposed was surpassed by the… excitement of it. Flutters returned as, for the first time ever, her teenage bottom was stripped naked by a man.

Yes, this is really happening, a voice inside assured her.  Victoria, however, felt strangely safe; embarrassed, of course, vulnerable like never before, but… safe.

The student realized that this forty-something teacher could have taken everything and anything he wanted from her, but he took only what she needed to release. And release she did. The afterglow of her capture was still flickering throughout her young body.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked with sympathy nodding to the splashes of pink on the innocent flesh.

Victoria took a moment to find her voice before answering in a little-girl whisper, “No, not really. Well, just enough to remind me of what you did to me… Mr. O.”

She squeezed his hand as she said his name, perhaps to show she wasn’t angry; far from it.

“Speaking of which,” her teacher began with a hesitant smile as he released her hand and took out a small black jewellery box from an adjacent drawer and placed it on the desk.

“I have something for you that will, I hope, not just conclude your punishment and our agreement but give you a lasting…impression of it. Of me. Of us… and this… intimate experience we have shared.”

He opened the box.

Inside was a small shiny silver-colored metal plug.  It had a tapered body of about two inches or so, from which trailed a thin inch-long stem that connected it to the base.  The student saw some writing on this flat coin-shaped base but couldn’t make it out from her vantage point.

"Do you know what this is, Victoria?"

The sixteen-year-old guessed she did; the internet is a great source of wisdom.

Her slumbering eyes cracked open wider now and her heart started beating again. 

More soothing words came from the gorgeous vampire: “You’ll be relieved to know that this is the last part of today’s punishment, during which you have been so utterly brave and honest… and... wonderfully open and vulnerable with me. As such, I would very much like you to wear this home.”

He nodded to the plug and continued, “Wear it as more than your last punishment. But also as a reminder of my deep desire for you, which I think you felt today… and previously; and as a symbol of my sincere wish to be with you in many ways. To be part of you. To be inside you, Victoria.”

The student’s blue doe eyes expressed her surprise and confusion, but she didn’t feel the panicky urge to flee like before.

The teacher squeezed her hand gently in reassurance as he explained further: “Victoria... I know you are so damn beautiful. And smart. And beautiful. Did I mention beautiful?”

The student almost rolled her eyes at this bad joke; his newfound awkwardness was making her smile again.  

The usually smooth-speaking instructor shook his head in self-depreciation at his nervous start and then continued in a voice that was heavy with emotion: “And everybody - every boy who sees you desires you for this beauty, for this lovely shell you wear on the outside. Yes, I see that, but so much more. I see what is inside of you - the parts hiding within your wonderfully complex darkness. And I love it. All of it.”

After a pause, to let his words sink in, he continued: “Any boy may bring you flowers, but I want to help bring you… to you - the real you. The untamed undiscovered lands inside. And I want - selfishly, I admit - to be there with you as you reveal yourself fully. At least as much as I can being your teacher and such. And this... strange gift I give to you now… I want you to wear it to not just complete our agreement… but to remember the feelings and revelations we have shared together - willingly at times or not - and, even perhaps, to begin some other exploration… as you look deeper inside you. With me... inside you.”

Victoria had thought she was done being shocked by this man; but hearing him express and expose his earnest feelings like this - even somewhat strange ones - was truly unexpected. Mr. O was clearly showing how attached emotionally he was to her, and by doing so, was letting himself become vulnerable as she had been. 

It still all sounded weird, something only adults would fully understand, but his stumbling sincerity tugged at her heart.

God, is there no part of her that this man can’t make tingle? she wondered.

As if to drive home his point, Mr. O then slowly pulled the student’s left hand toward his mouth and softly kissed the back of it. He then moved it gently across his square chin so he could start kissing the fingertips one by one.

Victoria watched dismayed as a kaleidoscope of butterflies fluttered back in force. Her ash-brown eyebrows arched, and her powder-blue eyes widened at the intimacy of his kisses.  

The teacher then closed her hand into somewhat of a loose fist that folded over his own. So positioned, he kissed her knuckles, even allowing himself a gentle nibble on them.

The schoolgirl watched the unmasked pleasure on Mr. O’s face as he tasted her flesh. Even as her skin was handled like a delicacy, Victoria could feel his powerful hunger restrained.    

The kisses then paused as the student’s slender fingers were gently spread outward like long flower stems. The vampire looked into his captive’s now fully alert and willing eyes, and asked, “May I?

“Yes,” she said quickly in a breathless but sure voice despite not being sure what exactly he was asking permission to do.

The teen then bit her lip with a surge of emotion as her teacher’s handsome mouth closed over the end of one stem and started to draw it inward. She watched her finger slowly - surreally - disappear into the warm wet depths of this man.

She was inside him, her brain whispered. The student was starting to grasp his meaning now.  

God, it had only been five minutes, the internal voice continued, and her young body hadn’t even recovered from the world-altering orgasm that was forced out of her, yet Mr. O was already making her feel an aching desire again.

One by one, the teacher savoured the taste of his pretty student’s long piano-playing fingers, until his lips finally discovered her thumb. He then nodded to the box and smiled as he said, “It’s not much bigger than your thumb,” which he kissed once before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it gently like a delicious candy.  

More butterflies.

After tasting its delights, Mr. O reluctantly removed Victoria’s thumb, which was now wet with his desire, so he could continue his preparations: “It won’t hurt you, but it may feel strange at first - even naughty.” He smiled hesitantly.

“But it needs to be wet,” he added.  With that, he took the small silver metal plug from the box and placed the narrow tip gently next to the schoolgirl’s full pink lips.

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When he took the student’s thumb back into his mouth, Victoria opened hers and let the teacher delicately push the tip - and then its gradually widening body - past her accommodating lips until they closed over the very narrow stem of the plug. Finally, only the base remained outside of her full mouth.

Mr. O smiled as the image of a baby soother came to mind, while Victoria could only notice the contrast between the initial coolness of the medical-grade stainless steel and the warmth of her own mouth.

After a few seconds, the teacher announced, “That should be fine,” and gently recovered the moistened plug.

“Now, Victoria,” he began in a doctor-like tone, “I’m going to put this inside your bum. Try and relax. Just arch your bottom up for me, please.”

She could only nod at his instructions, not trusting her own voice to sound anything but a lost little girl at this moment.

Her teacher maintained his position of kneeling to Victoria’s left. This would make inserting the plug a bit more challenging, but he didn’t trust himself to take a square-on view of Victoria’s bottom while it was naked. He wasn’t sure he could pass that test of temptation.

The faux doctor slowly moved the tip of the saliva-coated plug into the narrow crevice of Victoria’s round cheeks. He felt his student flinch nervously at the contact and noticed how her wonderfully curved calves flexed momentarily beneath the white hosiery that bound them so innocently. Yet, like a good girl, she maintained the position of her arched-up bottom.

Be calm. Deep breath. You are safe with him, she reminded herself. 

Holding just the base, Mr. O continued to slide the plug within the crease between Victoria’s cheeks using only his sense of feel to locate the target.

And then he felt the tip gently snag on the puckered opening.

Victoria let out a tiny “oooh” of surprise and discomfort as she felt the contact.

For the first time ever, something was pressing against her anus; something wanting to get inside her.

“It’s OK, Victoria," he reassured. "Be still. It will feel strange but that is to be expected at first. Try and relax your muscles as I push it in.”

He then thought of something that might relax her: “Here, this will help,” he said as he used his left hand to reposition his student’s own hand so that her thumb pressed against her lips.

He explained, “If you suck on your thumb, it may help relax you.”

Victoria, despite the oddity of it, followed the suggestion. As she did so, she realized that she was tasting her teacher’s warm saliva.

Vampire juice! her mind warned, showing off its dark humor, perhaps to ease her tension.

Mr. O refused to be distracted by how angelic his student looked when sucking her thumb, or by questioning why she was smiling suddenly. He focused on the task.

When she felt the pressure of the plug on her anus, Victoria stifled a nervous whimper with her thumb, which she did, unexpectedly, find comforting in her mouth.

“Relax” he soothed again. “I won’t proceed till you are ready. I promise.”

To allow her a moment to calm her muscles, Mr. O thought a relevant disclosure might help: “I should confess, Victoria, that since you first entered Assumption, I noticed how all the boys would stare at your bottom as you walked by or stood next to them in the cafeteria line, and especially when you played volleyball in those tight varsity shorts. I could easily see the naughty desire they so wantonly expressed. I imagine this was rather like the interaction with the two boys in the hallway today, but perhaps this time, you just noticed more.”

If the intention of his confession was to reduce her muscle tension by making her recall all the full day’s sexual energy hurled her way. It was working. Vicky felt a tingle between her legs as she thought back to the senior boys in the hallway; how they looked at her breasts jiggling as she walked closer; how her nipples got so hard that they poked through her shirt for them to look at; how they clearly enjoyed seeing her being dressed like a little schoolgirl with her sister’s white pantyhose; and how her teacher couldn’t resist fucking her pantyhose with his huge…

Ok, that’s enough, her mind scolded as the tingle between her legs grew to dampness.

The schoolgirl continued sucking her thumb.  

Mr. O’s baritone brought her back: “Well, Victoria. Will you let me finish this punishment? Will you let me inside your tiny bottom? Will you let me take ownership of your gorgeously delicate ass while you wear this plug for me?”

Victoria closed her eyes, as she felt her pussy getting wet from his wickedly naughty requests and bold desire for her bottom… for her mind… for her.  Once again, her body was reacting in a way that conflicted with her brain.

She listened to her body.

“Yes,” came her answer in a thumb-muffled tone.  

As she felt more pressure against her anus, Victoria did her best to relax the muscles there.

Then she felt the narrow tip of the plug start to enter… slowly. It was invading her in a secret place she never thought of as sexual before but this man was making it so.

The schoolgirl let out a shy moan that was caused more by the idea of what was happening to her than by the physical stimulation she was feeling: Her teacher was starting to impale her bottom with his punishment… with his desire… with his ownership. This much older man was about to force himself inside her in the most naughtily dominating way. Deeper and deeper inside her sixteen-year-old bottom, her young mind, and her innocent soul; and this made her brain recoil, but her pussy ache for his touch - for him.

A small voice reminded her of how wrong it was for there to be a sex plug inside her. Yet a louder voice knew that this vampire of a man – under a retreating sun but still illuminated by her orgasmic afterglow - felt so right. 

The schoolgirl then relaxed fully and let her teacher push all the way inside her virgin bottom. She couldn’t help, however, but let out a little-girl whimper of protest as she surrendered. He was insider her.

Victoria’s tiny, puckered hole stretched open to accommodate the widening body of the wet plug and then closed tight around the thin stem that trailed. Once completely inside, only the flat coin-shaped base was visible as it just barely managed to poke out from the narrow crevice of the student’s tight cheeks.

Mr. O knew he dare not linger on how amazing this sixteen-year-old pig-tailed princess looked bent over his desk in her schoolgirl uniform with a tiny teen ass impaled by his butt plug. Instead, he mustered the considerable resolve necessary to pull up her pantyhose.

He did, however, allow himself a second to enjoy how the white princess-hosiery felt in his hands; and enjoy how Victoria’s ass looked even more young and innocent in them once they were pulled back up. Lastly, he noticed how the white hose was sheer enough to still reveal the base of the plug through them, and thus provide such a delicious contrast between the innocence of this little girl and the naughtiness of the plug inside her.  

Mr. O then stood and gently liberated the shirt from underneath his still hunched-over student who had now stopped whimpering from what she had just submitted to. The teacher stood back a step and opened the shirt for Victoria to stand and back into.

Despite still being somewhat shaky, the student followed his lead by standing up and letting her arms slip into the blouse with some help.

Victoria then turned to face the teacher and was surprised by how quickly he closed the shirt over her bra-covered breasts.

God, these damn nipples are hard again, the voice noticed, but with less shame than usual.

The schoolgirl then watched as her teacher buttoned her up; just like her daddy used to do until she turned about eleven, Victoria thought with a slight smile.

Then silence descended.

Victoria stood there awkwardly, fully dressed, within a foot of her towering teacher who had caused such extreme emotions. And now, highly conscious of the… plug inside her bottom - and what it represented, she felt far too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

"No, not really,“ she replied.

And then with a boldness of a girl still tingly from her orgasm, she looked up into those green eyes, and confessed, “Well, it hurts just enough to remind me that it - that you are inside by bottom, Mr. O.”

She continued in the version of her little girl voice that she knew he liked: “But my tiny bottom isn’t mine now, it’s yours- To do with what you like… sir.”

Mr. O raised his eyebrows at this unsolicited confession.

Victoria also surprised herself. She couldn’t believe the words and their dirty implications that flowed from her young mouth.

Why are you provoking him? her brain demanded.

And then, as fast as it had arrived, her naughty bravado fled before his emerald gaze. The schoolgirl lowered her eyes to her black Mary Janes once again. She tensed a little with the expectation of his further interrogation about what she had just said - just invited - and, of course, about what he had just put inside her.  

Was that what she wanted? Is that why she just blurted out those things like a horny girl?

But after a long awkward silence, the teacher once again surprised her.  

“Victoria,” he said quietly as he softly pulled her chin up so he could look into her eyes, “I’m sorry for the pain I caused you during your punishment… and the embarrassment. Perhaps I’ve asked too much of you. But I won’t lie; I enjoyed it - everything - immensely. I’m sorry. That is... this is something I’ll have to deal with. But despite my behaviour, you’ve conducted yourself like the amazing young lady you are. You are truly amazing, Victoria."

These tender words came from his eyes as much as from his mouth.

The student felt her own eyes moisten at the sincerity of his apology - at how sensitive he was being, especially considering that she had just basically given him the green light to… be a bad man. 

“And now,” he continued after clearing his throat of the emotion that was building, “since you have kept up your part of our agreement, here is my part.”

The teacher then reached behind his student and grabbed the tablet from his desktop. It was the one which contained evidence of Victoria and her boyfriend’s crime under the stairwell last week.

He handed it to Victoria and continued, “Take this home and, if you wish, delete the file we talked about. This is the only copy. I have some other personal things in the tablet that might make your eyebrows raise, but I trust you with them. After all, you have trusted me. And, when you are satisfied, you can bring back the tablet.  Oh… I also wrote you a short note that you can read and either act on or ignore as you wish. Either way, our agreement is already fulfilled. You owe me nothing further other than to be your amazing self.  Understood... dear?”

Victoria gave the only reply she could. Nothing else was possible at this moment, in this office under the fading light, under the glowing canopy of this man.  

She placed the tablet on his desk next to the jewellery box, leaned into her teacher’s broad chest, cupped both hands behind his handsome head, stood up on her tippy-toes, and kissed him hard on the lips. 

Written by molotov
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